The Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus in her hands. The Savior hugs the Mother’s neck, and gently presses his cheek to the Mother of God’s face. The icon is made on jasper. The story of the appearance of the icon is one of the most miraculous in the history of Christianity. In 1470, she was found by shepherds in the forest on the branches of a pear tree near the town of Zhirovitsy, in Belarus. Apparently, symbolizing the place where the icon was found, flowers are written around the halo of the Mother of God and the Savior. In honor of the place where it was found, the icon was named the Zhirovitsk Mother of God. The icon was taken to the owner of those places, the Lithuanian nobleman Alexander Soltan. He, without giving due importance to the find, locked it in a casket. However, literally the next day the shrine disappeared from the casket and was found in its old place in the forest. Then this sign was perceived as the desire of the Mother of God herself to be in the temple built on this very spot, and they heeded it by building a wooden church for the icon.

In 1520, the church burned to the ground, and the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God revealed a new miracle. No one dared to hope that the icon was preserved in the monstrous flames of the fire, but it was soon discovered standing on a stone on the mountain under which there was a former church. A candle was burning in front of the icon. A temple and the Zhirovitsky monastery were later erected on this site. The path of the Russian Orthodox shrine was long and thorny; it saw many cities, but returned back. And today it can be seen in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Zhirovitsky Monastery. A holiday in honor of her was set on May 20.

How the holy icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Zhirovitsk will help

Believers turn to the Russian Orthodox icon of the Mother of God of Zhirovitsk with all sorts of requests and pleas, but most often praying for deliverance from bodily ailments and for strengthening in the Orthodox faith. At the place where it was found, there are several healing springs. History shows that you can get help getting rid of a fire. They also ask her to eradicate doubts and direct her to the right path with a firm hand. The Mother of God will definitely listen and fulfill worthy requests.

Where to buy an Orthodox icon of the Zhirovitsk Blessed Virgin Mary

Like many other icons, the icon of the Zhirovitsk Blessed Virgin Mary can be bought in an Orthodox shop. Many Orthodox online stores can also offer such an icon for sale. Knowing that it will occupy one of the main places in the home iconostasis, you can order it from an icon painting workshop or make a richly decorated frame for it to order. You can also embroider fabric with beads yourself.

The Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God is revered by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, as well as the Greek Catholic Church of Belarus. The shrine itself is of Belarusian origin. The Zhirovichi Monastery is still located where it was found.

History of appearance

At the end of the 15th century, a miraculous event occurred in a place called Zhirovitsy. Peasants who found themselves in the forest lands of Prince Alexander Soltan discovered a small image with the face of the Virgin Mary. The find was handed over to the prince, who in turn hid it in a personal chest. The next morning the miraculous image was again found among the forest trees.

What happened was perceived by Alexander as a sign from above, so in the place where the icon was discovered, he built a temple. A few years later there was a terrible fire and the building burned down, but the image of the Mother of God was not damaged at all, in addition, a burning candle remained standing next to it

Impressed by this miracle, Christians immediately set about building a new church, and the day of veneration of the Zhirovitsy face of the Mother of God was set for May 20th.


The Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God is a relief image of the Mother of God with the Child of God, applied to a small jasper stone of a round, oval shape. There is a slight narrowing at the top. The shades of the jasper base range from green to dark red. The child in the icon hugs the Mother’s neck, simultaneously pressing his cheek to her.

What does it help with?

The bibliography of the image of the Zhirovitsk Mother of God is quite large. From the 18th century to the present day, it has been replenished with hundreds of works. Many of them are evidence of miraculous healings. For example, the agony of a woman who was dying during childbirth was relieved, and she was able to come to her senses only thanks to the particles of stone on which the miraculous Zhirovitsky monk was installed.

By praying to the image itself, one of the peasant women was able to recover from consumption. According to a number of testimonies, the face of the Virgin Mary often helps relieve headaches and put your memories in order.

For one baby, healing came when he was almost dead. His mother, standing in front of the icon, begged for the child’s life, and he came to life when everyone else was ready to read the departure prayer.

Hieromonk Nicholas was diagnosed with an aneurysm. His condition gradually but depressingly persistently worsened, but after the rector addressed the icon of the “Zhirovitsky” Mother of God, things began to improve.

Also interesting is the case of the recovery of a girl who suffered from a congenital defect of the oral cavity. By praying before the face of the Mother of God, she ensured that the defect disappeared and her speech returned to normal.

And this is not a complete list of wonderful incidents.

What to pray for

Usually they turn to Zhirovitskaya when they need to resist the persecutors of the Orthodox faith. In addition, it can be asked for protection from fires, sudden natural disasters and other natural incidents. The prayers offered to her help to overcome bodily ailments and any infirmity that affects the body (especially congenital pathologies and chronic diseases).

Finally, the face of Our Lady of Zhirovitsk helps to make difficult choices, overcome fear, doubt and indecision. With her support, many were able to get rid of bad habits.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is revered in the Orthodox world as a symbol of healing and guidance on the true path. Many believers note her great help in gaining health even with severe illnesses.

History of the icon

The appearance of the icon is dated 1470. In Belarus, in a place called Zhirovichi, peasants discovered an image of the Virgin Mary in a deep forest, which they took to their owner. He decided to hide the find at home, but the next day the unexpected happened: the icon ended up in the forest again. Prince Alexander Soltan saw this as a Divine sign and ordered a temple to be built at the location of the icon. A few years later, a misfortune occurred and the temple burned down, but the face of the Mother of God remained untouched, which again amazed people. The icon was found standing on a stone next to a burning candle. Since then, the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God has been venerated annually on May 20 according to the new style.

Where is the icon

During the First World War, the icon was transported to Moscow, where it remained until the early twenties, and then returned to the monastery. Now the holy image is in the cathedral in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Zhirovitsky Monastery of the Minsk Diocese.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus in her arms. He is written clinging to his mother’s cheek, tenderly hugging the Virgin Mary’s neck. The authentic icon is made on jasper stone.

What do people pray for to the Zhirovitsky Icon of the Mother of God?

Orthodox Christians turn to the face of the Mother of God for help:

  • for diseases, ailments, congenital and acquired;
  • for protection against fire and other natural disasters;
  • from memory loss;
  • about finding true faith and guidance on the righteous path;
  • to get rid of bad habits;
  • when faced with a difficult choice.

According to eyewitnesses, the Zhirovitsk Icon healed a boy who was on the verge of death, but his mother, wanting to return her child, frantically prayed to the face of the Saint, and the boy miraculously survived. The prayers also helped a peasant woman who was sick with consumption. Through prayers to the icon, many healings were granted, which are described only as miracles. The icon also helped the woman in labor, over whom prayers were read in the hope of a successful outcome, and another miracle of healing of two fading lives has reached our times, transmitted orally and in writing. The Mother of God also helped the clergyman, who was facing imminent death due to a serious illness.

Prayers to the icon

Everyone can turn to Our Lady with a sincere request. Prayers coming from the heart will definitely be heard.

“Oh, most merciful Virgin Mary! Let us touch Your grace, do not leave us, God's servants, without blessing. We turn to You in our sorrows and dream of a speedy healing of our ailments. You, whose light shows the true path on our sinful land, work miracles and heal our souls and bodies. We kneel before you, Mother, deliver us from fears and confusion, do not let the devil’s machinations take over our minds, and let us live righteously, trusting in the Lord. Do not deprive us of the good word spoken for us before God. I appeal to intercession from the machinations of men, the envious infidels and the sorrows of the world. With your sign of autumn, may you deliver us from natural disasters, from great water and from fires, from strong winds and from drought, so that we do not suffer from losses, hunger and cold. Your power is inexhaustible, just as Your mercy is inexhaustible. Amen".

Any sincere prayer and pure thoughts can work miracles. Every believer can ask for help from the Zhirovitsky Icon of the Mother of God. On May 20, the day of celebration, prayers have special power and are able to heal everyone who suffers from ailments, illnesses and addictions. We wish you peace and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

19.05.2017 05:07

Matrona of Moscow is one of the saints beloved and revered by Orthodox believers. Since birth she...

Icon of the Mother of God of Zhirovitskaya appeared in 1470 in the town of Zhirovitsy Grodno region. In the forest that belonged to the Orthodox Lithuanian nobleman Alexander Solton, the shepherds saw an unusually bright light penetrating through the branches of a pear tree that stood above a stream under the mountain. The shepherds came closer and saw on a tree a small icon of the Mother of God in a radiant glow. The shepherds reverently took the icon and took it to Alexander Solton. Alexander Salton did not attach much importance to the shepherds’ message, but he still took the icon and locked it in a casket. The next day, guests came to Salton, and the owner wanted to show them the find. To his surprise, he did not find the icon in the casket, although he had seen it shortly before. After some time, the shepherds again found the icon in the same place and again took it to Alexander Solton. This time he treated the icon with great reverence and vowed to build a church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos at the site of the apparition. A village soon appeared near the wooden temple and a parish was formed. Around 1520, the temple completely burned down, despite the efforts of the residents to put out the fire and save the icon. Everyone thought she was dead. But one day, peasant children, returning from school, saw a wonderful vision: a Virgin of extraordinary beauty in a radiant radiance was sitting on a stone near a burnt temple, and in Her hands was an icon, which everyone considered to be burnt. The children did not dare to approach Her, but they hastened to tell their relatives and friends about the vision. Everyone accepted the story of the vision as a Divine revelation and, together with the priest, went to the mountain. On a stone near a lit candle stood the Zhirovitsky Icon of the Mother of God, not damaged at all by the fire. For a while, the icon was placed in the priest's house, and the stone was fenced off. When the stone temple was built, a miraculous icon was placed there. Subsequently, a monastery arose near the temple. His brotherhood led the fight for Orthodoxy against union and Latinism. In 1609, the monastery was captured by the Uniates and remained in their hands until 1839. During all this time, the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God was revered by both Uniates and Catholics. In 1839, the monastery was returned to the Orthodox and became the first place for the restoration of Orthodox worship in the Western Russian region. During the First World War, the Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God was transported to Moscow, and in the early 20s it was returned to the monastery. Nowadays it is located in the cathedral in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The icon is deeply revered for its gracious help.

Kontakion of the Mother of God in front of Her icon called “Zhirovitskaya”
voice 4
Who confesses Your greatness, / Most Holy Virgin, / Who gave birth to the Creator of all, Christ God? / For you are one, Mother and Virgin, / Most Blessed and Most Glorified, / our hope, the source of goodness, / refuge for the faithful and salvation for the world.

We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and venerate Thy venerable icon, which Thou hast glorified since ancient times in the monastery of Zhirovitsk.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Zhirovitskaya”
voice 5
Before Your holy icon, Lady, / those who pray are granted healing, / accept the knowledge of true faith / and the Hagarian invasions are reflected / Likewise, for us who fall to You, / ask for remission of sins, / enlighten our hearts with thoughts of piety / and offer a prayer to Your Son / about the salvation of our souls.

A special troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Zhirovitskaya”
voice 2
Do not despise help from You, O Lady, / and open an abyss of mercy to everyone / who flocks to Your wholesome icon. / Assuage our worldly sorrows, O All-Generous One, / and from this deplorable vale / leave Your faithful to eternal joy: / For you are all gainers of hope and affirmation, / the source of mercy, the protection and salvation of our souls.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called “Zhirovitskaya”
O Most Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! With my lips I will touch Your shrine or with which words I will confess Your generosity, which is revealed to people: for no one, flowing to You, leaves empty and is not heard. From my youth I sought Thy help and intercession and was never again deprived of Thy mercy. See, O Lady, the sorrows of my heart and the ulcers of my soul. And now, kneeling before Your most pure image, I offer my prayers to You: do not deprive me of Your all-powerful intercession on the day of my sorrow and on the day of my sorrow intercede for me. Do not turn away my tears, O Lady, and fill my heart with joy. Be my refuge and intercession, O Merciful One, and enlighten my mind with the dawning of Your light. And I not only pray to Thee for myself, but also for the people who flow to Thy intercession. Preserve the Church of Your Son in goodness and protect it from the malicious slander of the enemies who rise up against her. Send Thy help to our archpastors in the apostolate and keep them healthy, long-living, rightly ruling the word of the truth of the Lord. As a shepherd, ask God, Your Son, for zeal and vigilance for the souls of the verbal flock entrusted to them, and for the spirit of reason and piety, purity and Divine truth to be sent down to them. Ask in the same way, Lady, from the Lord for wisdom and strength from those in power and the ruler of the city, from the judges truth and impartiality, and from everyone who flows to You, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. I also pray to Thee, O Most Merciful One, to cover our country with the shelter of Thy goodness and deliver it from natural disasters, invasions of foreigners and civil unrest, so that all who live in it will live a quiet and serene life in love and peace and enjoy eternal blessings through Thy prayers Having inherited, they will be able to praise God together with You in Heaven forever. Amen.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon called “Zhirovitskaya”

O Most Merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God! With my lips I will touch Your shrine or with which words I will confess Your generosity, which is revealed to people: for no one, flowing to You, leaves empty and is not heard. From my youth I sought Thy help and intercession and was never again deprived of Thy mercy. See, O Lady, the sorrows of my heart and the ulcers of my soul. And now, kneeling before Your most pure image, I offer my prayers to You: do not deprive me of Your all-powerful intercession on the day of my sorrow and on the day of my sorrow intercede for me. Do not turn away my tears, O Lady, and fill my heart with joy. Be my refuge and intercession, O Merciful One, and enlighten my mind with the dawning of Your light. And I not only pray to Thee for myself, but also for the people who flow to Thy intercession. Preserve the Church of Your Son in goodness and protect it from the malicious slander of the enemies who rise up against her. Send Thy help to our archpastors in the apostolate and keep them healthy, long-living, rightly ruling the word of the truth of the Lord. As a shepherd, ask God, Your Son, for zeal and vigilance for the souls of the verbal flock entrusted to them, and for the spirit of reason and piety, purity and Divine truth to be sent down to them. Ask in the same way, Lady, from the Lord for wisdom and strength from those in power and the ruler of the city, from the judges truth and impartiality, and from everyone who flows to You, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. I also pray to Thee, O Most Merciful One, to cover our country with the shelter of Thy goodness and deliver it from natural disasters, invasions of foreigners and civil unrest, so that all who live in it will live a quiet and serene life in love and peace and enjoy eternal blessings through Thy prayers Having inherited, they will be able to praise God together with You in Heaven forever. Amen.

Troparion of the Mother of God before Her Zhirovitskaya icon.

voice 5

Before Your holy icon, Lady,/ those who pray are granted healing,/ receive the knowledge of true faith/ and the Hagarian invasions are reflected/ Likewise, for us who fall to You,/ ask for remission of sins,/ enlighten our hearts with thoughts of piety/ and offer a prayer to Your Son/ about the salvation of our souls.

Special troparion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Zhirovitskaya

voice 2

Do not despise the one who requires help from You, Lady, / and open an abyss of mercy to everyone / who flows to Your wholesome icon. / Assuage our everyday sorrows, O All-Generous One, / and from this deplorable vale / leave Your faithful to eternal joy: / For You are all riches hope and affirmation, / mercy is the source, protection and salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Zhirovitskaya

voice 4

Who confesses Your greatness,/ Most Holy Virgin,/ Who gave birth to Christ God, the Creator of all?/ For You are One, Mother and Virgin/ Most Blessed and Most Glorified,/ Our hope, the source of goodness,/ Refuge and salvation for the faithful.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and venerate Thy venerable icon, which Thou hast glorified since ancient times in the monastery of Zhirovitsk.

Icon of the Mother of God of Zhirovitskaya.

The appearance of the icon of the Mother of God of ZHIROVITSKAYA occurred in 1470 in the town of Zhirovitsy, Grodno district (now Belarus). In the forest belonging to the Orthodox Lithuanian nobleman Alexander Soltan, the shepherds saw an unusually bright light penetrating in the form of a flame through the branches of a pear tree. The shepherds came closer and saw on a tree a small icon of the Mother of God in a radiant glow. The shepherds took her to their master. However, the nobleman did not attach much importance to the shepherds’ story, but he took the image and locked it in a casket.
The next day, guests gathered at Alexander Solton’s place, and the owner decided to show them the find, but there was no icon in the casket. After some time, the shepherds again found the image of the Mother of God in the same place and again brought it to their master. This time, Alexander treated the icon with greater reverence than before, and vowed to build a temple at the site of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God. Soon a small wooden church was built, and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was transferred to it.
At the beginning of the 16th century, a fire suddenly broke out in the church. Despite the efforts of residents to put out the fire, the temple could not be saved. Everyone decided that the icon of the Mother of God also died in the fire. But one day, young children saw on the mountain, at the foot of which there was a burnt temple, a Virgin sitting on a stone in a radiant radiance. The children hastened to inform their families about what they had seen. Taking what the children said as a Divine revelation, everyone went to the mountain and, approaching the stone, saw a burning candle on it and the Zhirovitsky icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which had not been damaged at all by the fire. Soon the residents built a new stone temple and placed a miraculous image in it.
Subsequently, a monastery arose near the temple. Nowadays the miraculous Zhirovitsk Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Cathedral in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Zhirovitsky Monastery in Belarus.