Greetings. Many may argue - what kind of tofu omelette is this if there is not a single egg in it? Yes, of course, this recipe is similar to the original omelet only in appearance and taste.

Products for a vegan omelette

Surprisingly, the taste and texture are incredibly similar to the analogue. Thanks to tofu, chickpea flour and Indian black salt, we get something similar to the original product. Try this recipe, we are more than sure that you will like it. Let's make a vegan tofu omelette - it will be delicious.

We will need:

  • Tofu 400 gr;
  • Chickpea flour 3 tbsp. l;
  • Turmeric pinch;
  • Vegetable oil 2 tsp;
  • Black Indian salt a pinch;
  • Soy or almond milk (ordinary milk is fine) 100 ml;
  • Asafoetida or onion - according to your taste;
  • Salt, black pepper, paprika - to taste;
  • Choose vegetables for filling according to your taste: spinach, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers.

How to make a vegetarian omelet without eggs


  1. Use napkins to dry excess moisture from the tofu.
  2. Cut the tofu into pieces and place in a blender.
  3. Add chickpea flour and most of the milk there.
  4. Grind into a paste. We should get a mass as thick as thick sour cream.
  5. If necessary, add the rest of the milk a little at a time.
  6. Next add all the spices and salt.
  7. Bring until smooth.
  8. Pour half the pasta into a preheated and greased frying pan, smooth it out and cook the omelette over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  9. Place the vegetables you prepared on one edge, cover them with one half of the omelette and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  10. Prepare the second omelet using the same principle.
  11. Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

There are two types of tofu, soft - silk and hard - linen. Depending on what type of tofu you have (in our case we use soft tofu), you will need to slightly adjust the amount of milk and flour.

If you don't have chickpea flour, you can use pea flour. But keep in mind that it has a distinct pea flavor. You can also use regular flour, in which case the structure will be denser and heavier.

Consider the amount of moisture in the tofu and remove as much of it as possible. If it is not possible to use Indian black salt, you can do without it.

Don't forget, failures in the kitchen are inevitable, experiment and you will succeed. Happy experimenting!

I don’t eat omelettes: I don’t like the taste of fried eggs, and they have zero health benefits in this form, so this dish wasn’t on my menu... Until some time ago, until I tried the vegan version for the first time in a local cafe.
Today we have a very healthy protein breakfast on our table - an egg-free omelet! Sounds weird?

Maybe, but when the first bite of this unusual dish fell into my mouth, I realized that my diet was now diversified with another new delicious dish!

It is prepared from chickpeas, more precisely, which are 2 times higher than regular flour in terms of protein and 6 times higher than white flour.

Contains folic acid, iron, vitamin B-6, magnesium and potassium.

An omelet made from this flour has a pleasant aroma, delicate texture and is perfectly filling.
I like to combine and serve this omelet with boiled beets or avocado. Great idea for New Year's breakfast on January 1st. Start the year tasty and healthy!

Are we ready? Let's try!

We will need: (3 small servings)

3/4 (1 cup - 250 ml.) cups chickpea flour

3/4 cup water

1/4 teaspoon baking soda (I use baking powder)

1 teaspoon rice or wine vinegar

1/4 teaspoon curry

1/4 teaspoon dried garlic

Handful of spinach

1 tomato

1 small mushroom

Oil for frying

Any red pepper to taste

Salt to taste

Combine flour, soda, spices.

Fill with water, add vinegar. Thinly slice all vegetables. They can be absolutely anything. You can add celery, red pepper, or just stick to parsley and dill.

We add vegetable oil to the frying pan and pour out a small ladle of the composition.

Fry on one side. Turned over to another.

These chickpea flatbreads have their own unique taste and go well with a variety of toppings. I love to cook this Lenten omelette in the winter, when there are no fresh vegetables and there is no tomato juice in the refrigerator.

Composition (for 3 pcs):

glass – 200 ml

For the Lenten omelet:

  • 1 tbsp. chickpea flour
  • 0.5 cups oatmeal flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ground flax + 0.5 cups of water
  • 0.5 cups tomato juice
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • spices:
    – 1 tsp. black salt (or regular salt)
    – 2 tbsp. l. dried herbs (celery, basil, oregano, marjoram...)
    – 0.5 tsp each black pepper, turmeric, ground cumin, ginger,

Filling options:

  • (linen)
  • canned corn
  • ground sesame + mayonnaise + basil
  • lentil mince with cabbage and carrots

Preparing a lean omelet from chickpea flour:

  1. For the omelette, mix flax with half a glass of water and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Combine oatmeal and, add salt and spices, dried herbs. Mix tomato juice with 1/2 cup water and pour into the dry mixture.

    Mixing the ingredients

  3. Add soaked flax and mix well. The dough should be thick and viscous, like... Let sit for 10-15 minutes to determine if more liquid needs to be added. If necessary, add more water and stir again.

    Omelette dough

  4. Bake in a greased, heated frying pan, covered, over medium heat, about 5-7 minutes on one side and 3-4 on the other, until done. The dough is difficult to pour, so you need to distribute it in the pan with a fork or spoon. Do not overbake the cakes; just wait until the surface of the omelette becomes dry.

    Baking in a frying pan

  5. In principle, you could stop at this step and eat an omelet made from chickpea flour with flaxseed or any other flour and vegetables. But we will make it even tastier, because this omelette comes with a whole host of fillings!

    Each flatbread should be greased with mayonnaise and filled with filling. This time I had:

    a) canned corn

    Chickpea omelette with corn

    Cover one half of the lean chickpea omelette with the other and serve with a juicy vegetable salad!

    Bon appetit!

    Yulia M. author of the recipe

I really love chickpeas. For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll tell you in a nutshell. Chickpeas are small yellow peas from the legume family. It is also called “chickpeas”. In my opinion, chickpeas have a special taste, not like peas, beans or mung beans. Of the legumes, chickpeas are probably my favorite))

What can you make from chickpeas? Yes, anything! For example, hummus. Some time ago I posted the recipe for mine. Or chickpea soup... Or vegan chickpea pilaf... Chickpeas can be used to make batter or make healthy pizza dough. I even tried to sprout chickpeas and eat them raw)

What we need for the casserole (for 1 serving):

Water - 8 tbsp.

Salt - 1/4 tsp. It is better to use pink Himalayan. I wrote about the benefits and harms of various types of salt in the article

Turmeric - 1/4 tsp.

Black pepper, preferably freshly ground

Fresh herbs

Onions (onions, greens, leeks...) - a little

You can add a pinch of asafoetida if you have it.

That's all for the basic recipe.

But it will be even tastier if you add a little bit of any fresh vegetables. I had:

- zucchini

- eggplant

- bell pepper

Let's prepare it like this:

1. Mix chickpea flour, water and spices (salt, turmeric, pepper, if available, asafoetida). The result is a homogeneous mass, not thick. The consistency is similar to pancake batter...

2. Cut vegetables into small cubes. Chop the onion finely and finely.

3. In a non-stick frying pan, lightly fry the vegetables and onions, without oil! To prevent it from burning, add a little water to the pan. You only need to simmer for 3 minutes! Don't overdo it with the amount of vegetables, they should cover the bottom of the pan in a very thin layer, otherwise you will need two more chickpeas and the casserole will turn out very thick...

Option #1.

Pour the chickpea mixture into a frying pan with vegetables and onions in an even layer and cook the casserole over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. There is no need to turn the casserole over - there is a risk that it will fall apart...

All! Place the finished casserole on a plate and eat with fresh vegetables!

And another side view)))

Option #2.

Place lightly fried vegetables and onions from the frying pan onto a plate and forget about them for a while...

Pour the chickpea mixture into a frying pan in a thin layer and cook like scrambled eggs. There is no need to turn over, that is, fry only on one side. The second side will brown and “seize” even without turning it over. Again, I do not add oil. If you are afraid that the chickpea mixture will burn to the bottom of the pan, you can add a drop of unrefined vegetable oil. but just don’t pour it into the frying pan, but distribute a micro dose of oil using a silicone brush (if you don’t have one, you can distribute it with an ordinary paper napkin).

Carefully place the finished chickpea “omelet” in a large flat plate. Place fried vegetables and onions on one half of the “omelet”. Cover the top with the other half, that is, fold the resulting chickpea pancake in half. Serve with fresh vegetable salad!

Personally, I like the second method better, because this chickpea “omelet” folded in half looks simply stunningly beautiful and appetizing! Well, both options taste equally good!

Bon appetit! I hope my recipe today has inspired you to take on vegan culinary endeavors)

22:05 -- 27.09.2016

A very healthy protein breakfast - an egg-free omelet! Sounds weird? Let's prepare this wonderful omelet without breaking more than one egg. You will be surprised, but in terms of smell and taste, this is the scrambled eggs familiar to many, only the taste is more delicate.

Modern scientists have found that it is not without reason that people have always valued this type of legume. Chickpea grain contains up to 30% protein, which is close in quality to egg protein, up to 8% oil, 50-60% carbohydrates, 2-5% minerals, many vitamins: A, B1, B2, V3, C, B6, PP.

Will need

Chickpea flour – 1.5 cups
Ground flax (flax flour) – 4 tbsp. l.
One tomato (or other vegetables of your choice)
Ground cumin – 1 tsp.
0.5 tsp. turmeric
salt, pepper to taste

Place all dry ingredients in a container and mix well.
Add a little more than a third of a glass of drinking water and mix well.

Chop vegetables, herbs and olives finely and add to the mixture. Mix again.

Place a greased frying pan over medium heat. After the frying pan heats up, pour a portion of the future omelet into it.
Cover and cook with the lid closed until the omelette begins to harden on top. Then turn the omelette over to the other side so that the omelette is browned on both sides. It is important to check that the omelette is completely cooked.

We do the same with the remaining portions.

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