This symbol is associated with creativity, internal focus, and the revitalization of a person’s strengths that can help change the world around him.

Rune Soulu (Soulo, Soul, Sol, Sowilo) is a strong and bright sign. The name of this symbol translates as sun. Power, strength, strength, leadership, victory and triumph - the runic sign indicates such qualities.

If Soulu appears in the reading, it means that overcoming all sorts of difficulties and rebuffs in the near future will not be difficult. Obstacles and obstacles will stand in a person’s way, but it will be easy to cope with them.

Runa advises not to stop dreaming. Secret desires come true and are fulfilled. Soul's sign gives you even more chances to make your dream come true.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, not to clog your head with negative thoughts, move forward and your plans will definitely work out. The runic symbol recommends setting a goal and going towards it, and not thinking about whether it will work out.


The Soulu rune in fortune telling indicates that success will soon overtake a person. In almost any scenario, the symbol of the Sun has a positive interpretation. Whether it’s fortune telling for love, work or something else, you should expect that things will go well.

Soulu is a rune that does not have an inverted position. This is one of the most positive symbols; The meaning of the rune is not just positive, it is triumphant. Soulu is a symbol of enormous strength, one hundred percent victory, complete success.

Such a rune in the layout indicates that any difficulties or resistance will be overcome quite easily, and it will not take that much time. That is, the meaning in this case is this: a person will most likely encounter doubts and obstacles, but it will be entirely within his power to get rid of them.

If Soulu finds herself in a scenario in which many negative runes fell and which is generally undesirable for the questioner, this means that the person is simply not persistent enough in looking for ways to solve the existing problem.

Among other things, Soulu can be interpreted as an indicator of very good physical health and also great vital energy. The latter is especially true if the rune appears in a reading in combination with Kenaz. Good health is evidenced by Gebo falling out immediately. When the Inguz rune appears with Soulu, this indicates that there are some health problems, however, the person asking will cope with them more than satisfactorily.

Love and relationships

In this regard, Soulu indicates an egocentric person who is not inclined to sacrifice anything for others, and even in relationships prefers not to love, but to be loved. And if he finds himself in a difficult situation, he does not try to find a way out of it on his own, but prefers to cry into his loved ones or shift his worries to others. And it should be noted that in this way he actually manages to get rid of his own problems quite successfully in many cases. At the same time, the Odin rune in the layout suggests: the person is convinced that he has every right to such a behavior. Together with Turisaz, Soulu advises you to think about the need to get rid of this quality in yourself, because no matter how much the rope twists, the end will certainly come; and when paired with Hagalaz, the rune warns that fighting selfishness in this case is very difficult, since it is an innate character trait of a person.


For career plans, Soulu denotes significant power, thanks to which a person can qualitatively change his life.

In combination with Odal (or Feu), it symbolizes the great material success of the business that the questioner is engaged in or intends to engage in. However, at the same time, she also says that a person is absorbed in his professional activity, that he is a real workaholic (and extremes, as we know, are bad). And, in fact, Soula in this combination should be taken as advice to pay more attention to leisure.

When paired with Teyvaz, the Soulu rune predicts victory over competitors, and with Perth, it predicts successful overcoming of the crisis.

You should not divide desires into possible and impossible. After all, it is known that if you really want something, you will definitely get it in the end. Therefore, allow yourself to dream, because in your case, even the impossible may well come true.

Rune name: Soulou, Sol

Name in Latin: Sowulo

Rune type: Scandinavian

Main meaning: Victory and integrity

Soulu (Sol): General meaning

The rune does not have an inverted position, and its overall meaning is very positive. Soulu indicates quick, guaranteed and fairly easy success, complete victory. In a person, she notes creativity, perseverance, energy, self-confidence and self-confidence.

Its appearance does not promise the absence of difficulties, but it shows that the fortuneteller has enough energy and strength to overcome all obstacles, and to do it quickly and with the best result for himself.

The rune can also hint at the fortuneteller’s excellent health, and he has a large supply of vitality. But it may also indicate some unpleasant qualities of his character - delusions of grandeur, the desire to command, the desire to be a leader, and a recognized one, egoism.

It also happens that Soulu falls along with very unfavorable runes. But even this bad situation can be significantly mitigated. In this case, it should be understood as indicating that the questioner cannot cope with his problems simply because he uses inappropriate methods to do so. If you change the way you act, everything will work out.

Soulu (Sol): Meaning in love and relationships

In this area, the meaning of the rune is somewhat less optimistic. In such fortune telling, it acts as a characteristic of an egoist who prefers to always be the center of attention. And not so much to love. How much to use love. Some layouts also emphasize that the person himself is confident. That he has every right to such behavior.

The nuances depend on the overall composition of the layout. In some situations, Soulu may indicate that a person’s narcissism even benefits him - he successfully manages to entrust the solution to his problems to others. Other combinations indicate that it will not be easy for a person to overcome selfishness in love and relationships - this is an innate property of his nature, a character trait.

In many cases, through Soulu, fate warns the egoist that he should change his position, stop hoping to always get out at someone else’s expense, since in the foreseeable future this property threatens him with troubles.

It is better to immediately perceive the rune as such a recommendation, try to start looking for a way out of difficult situations on your own and stop shifting this task to your loved ones, since someday you will have to do it anyway.

Soulu (Sol): Meaning in situation and question

When fortune telling a situation, Soulu talks about its resolution to the benefit of the fortuneteller. Only some layouts can warn that in a career a person takes on too much, which threatens him with overwork (all excesses are harmful, including work). In other cases, the rune portends success.

If a question was asked about some business venture, the appearance of Soulu indicates that it will be very profitable. If the question concerned relationships with competitors or opponents, the rune can be understood as a harbinger of victory over them. If we were talking about some kind of problematic, crisis situation, Soulu says that the dark streak will soon end and the crisis will be successfully overcome.

If the questioner was concerned about the state of his health in general, then Soulu advises not to worry - the fortuneteller is as healthy as a bull. If the question was more specific and related to the prospects of getting rid of a specific disease, you can rejoice - the rune says that the disease is curable, and this does not even require any special effort.

Soulu (Sol): Use of runes in magic

As a magical symbol, Soulu helps to activate the qualities necessary to achieve a goal. Such a talisman can give strength and vigor, give confidence in yourself and your abilities, and help you see the right solution in a confusing situation. The rune can activate vital forces, make a person a true master of his destiny.

Soulu is also a spell for victory, overcoming resistance, getting rid of enemies. More philosophically, it can bring wholeness to a specific situation or character of a person.

Soula is also used in healing spells as a very effective remedy. But many magicians believe that this “medicine” is contraindicated in various inflammatory processes (one might suspect that excess vitality can cause a strong increase in temperature). You should not use the power of the rune for colds either - it is better to save this powerful remedy for more serious cases.

It is not always worth thinking too much about the question of whether the implementation of an idea is possible. There are moments in life when everything becomes possible. If you correctly guess the onset of such a stage in life, you can achieve almost anything.

But you should also understand that luck does not last forever, and the period of omnipotence can end quite quickly. It is better to bring your plans to life as quickly as possible.

The soulu rune is a favorable futhark symbol. Indicates creative energy, future victory, success in all endeavors. So that you know how to handle such a symbol, let's consider its basic meanings.

Soulu is the rune of victory, leadership, achievement. Represents the energy of the sun. Unlike many other futhark symbols, it promises a person success under any conditions. Indicates an excess of creative energy in a person, which allows him to realize any ideas, a set of leadership qualities. In combination with other symbols it usually means:

  1. Good health and successful overcoming of various difficulties. The rune acquires this significance in the vicinity of kenaz. In readings for a person, it indicates a high energy level.
  2. A sharp improvement in well-being, rapid relief from illness, prolonged loss of strength. This interpretation of soul acquires in the vicinity of the Inguz.
  3. In the layouts, soulu indicates victory, a person’s gaining weight in society, the manifestation of leadership qualities, and an optimistic outlook on the world. The negative aspects of the solar symbol are the lust for power, pride, and an enormously inflated ego.

Soulu does not have an inverted position and always retains a favorable meaning. If it is surrounded by heavy symbols, a person should think about it - perhaps he does not understand how to achieve the desired success. In this situation, it is important to discard all prejudices and begin to act - in this case, success is guaranteed.

In love and relationships

In relationships, the soulu rune is a favorable symbol, indicating the sincere feelings of partners, a surge of bright, pure love. It is not good if this rune falls on one of the partners, in which case it indicates his egocentrism, a frivolous attitude towards his soul mate. Depending on the neighboring runes, the appearance of this sign may mean:

  • A person's sincere confidence in his own superiority. This is how the combination of soulu and the Odin rune is interpreted.
  • A natural character trait of a person that is almost impossible to fight. This feature is indicated by the appearance of the hagalaz rune in the layout. The partner will have to accept this as a fact.
  • A person’s inability to give warmth and attention to another, lack of experience in communicating with the opposite sex. He will have to learn this. This feature is indicated by the proximity of soulu to turisaz.

Also, the rune presented may indicate a short-term surge of romantic feelings. This symbol sometimes denotes one-time meetings, one-night stands. This value should be considered if people rarely see each other and do not develop relationships.

In work and career

For work and career, the symbol presented is one of the best. Promises success in various endeavors. In combination with other symbols it can mean:

  1. Receiving a large material reward (if there is a fehu next to the soul).
  2. The end of the crisis period, an improvement in the situation in the company, a long-awaited career advancement (if the Perth rune is present in the layout).
  3. Victory over competitors (in combination with Teyvaz).
  4. Excessive passion of a person for work (with the Otala rune). This combination shows that a person has achieved significant success in his career, works hard, but needs rest.

In combination with unfavorable runes, soulu retains its positive meaning. Indicates that difficulties will soon be overcome.

The meaning and use of runes in magic

The magical meaning of the soulu rune is integrity, victory, growth of energy. The presented sign is widely used in the practice of witches and magicians for various needs. In particular, it is used for the following purposes:

  • Self-realization, understanding your own life path.
  • Restoring vital energy. Can be used in various mystical practices to get rid of diseases (excluding inflammatory processes, for which Isa is used).
  • Gaining support along the way, gaining self-confidence and allies.
  • Success in various matters.
  • Resolving a complex, protracted situation.

The soulu rune is used in magic in various ways. It is applied to the body, embroidered on clothes, and sometimes applied to accessories (creative people can draw it in a notebook or on musical instruments). Talismans are made with this rune, which are subsequently used to quickly achieve life goals. They are made of wood, metal or stone.

What can you use to make a talisman with the Soulu rune?

It is better to make such a magical attribute from wood; ash or rowan are most suitable for such purposes. It is necessary to carve the symbol on a wooden plate on a sunny day - this way the amulet can absorb the energy of the sun.

After production, such a thing must be dedicated to the elements. It is recommended to wear it in cases where you need a sharp surge of energy, a message of inspiration. The talisman will help you solve difficult life situations and understand your inner world. To charge it after the next use, just put the talisman under the sun's rays.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with the Soulu rune?

You can get a tattoo with this symbol. It will fill its owner with energy, give assertiveness and creative realization. However, before getting such a tattoo, a person needs to think about how long he can last at an increased pace of life, at high energies, and whether such a symbol is suitable for him. The presented rune is capable of mobilizing the resources of the individual to achieve the set goal and thus leaving him without energy for life, and this is fraught with diseases. For this reason, applying such a rune to the body is recommended only for strong-willed people who always experience an excess of energy. For the rest, it is better to use amulets with this sign.

Combination with other runes

Soulu has several additional interpretations depending on the runes that are found with her. The most significant combinations in magical practice include the following:

  1. With kenaz and tivaz - good health, the ability to avoid various diseases.
  2. With Dagaz, as well as the Gebo rune, there is an opportunity to realize your plans, complete a complex project, and achieve success.
  3. With hagalaz or isa, the situation is already out of your control. The appearance of such a combination indicates that the person does not know how to proceed. It is necessary to look around, look for new ways of development.
  4. With raido or vunyo - a person is too focused on work. It is recommended to pay attention to other areas of life, not to overwork, so as not to harm your own health.

If the runes adjacent to the soul indicate a crisis in work, relationships, or deteriorating health, the soul advises not to worry about this - the problems will be short-term. Soon your vitality will return to you.

Rune of the day Soulu

The appearance of soulu as the rune of the day indicates the possibility of dramatically changing the current situation. A powerful energy surge awaits you. On such days, a person has a chance to cope with difficult tasks, start a new project, and get rid of what previously weighed on him.

All peoples revered the Sun as the giver of life, but the ancient peoples of the North treated it especially reverently. It is interesting that they represented the Sun in a female form. This idea is very ancient and goes back to the magical traditions of the era of matriarchy. The sun was revered as a goddess in both ancient Egyptian and Shinto cultures. Life depends on the sun, unlike the moon, and in the ancient world, long before the advent of Futhark, the feminine principle was strongly associated with life, but the role of men in procreation remained unclear for a long time.
In northern mythology, the Sun Goddess is Sunna, she ruled the solar chariot.
On the territory of modern Netherlands there was a cult of three goddesses: Anbet - the goddess of the earth, Barbet - the goddess of the Sun and Wilbet - the goddess of the Moon. The cult of Barbet persisted, albeit fragmentarily, until the Christian era, after which she became Saint Barbara.
During archaeological excavations in Scandinavia, chariots with images of the solar disk installed on them were found. This combination suggests a connection between Raido and Sowilo. The Raido rune symbolizes the principle of management, and Soulu is the spiritual force that holds the reins of power.
Sovilo is a symbol of the highest will, self-awareness, the highest power of the individual, which governs individual development. This is our “inner self” as opposed to the image that we show to the world (corresponds to the Iss rune). In the first half of the year, the days grow, the sun gains strength, and from the second half of the year, the days shorten and the strength of the sun decreases. In Norse myth, this annual cycle is associated with Balder, the solar god, who died at the hands of his dark twin, Hed, who in turn dies at the hands of Balder on the day of the solstice. Of the gods, Balder is the closest connected to Soulu.
If we combine 2 Soulu runes, we get a solar wheel, a swastika - the oldest symbol of the sun, which is found among many nations. The solar wheel can be depicted rotating clockwise, in which case during magical operations this option contributes to the collection of energy, its retraction, and counterclockwise - the emission of energy.
This is the rune of Great Heroes, it is not for nothing that its name is included in the names of Sigmund and his son Sigurd.
Sowilo also resembles the energy of kundalini, which rises along the spine in serpentine coils. When she awakens, the person becomes more mobile and flexible. This energy gives strong relaxation. But pain in the lower back indicates its blockage. By combining Sovilo with gymnastics, you can restore the flow of energy. Kundalini also relates to sexuality; confirmation that Sowilo is also associated with sexuality is found in the runic song of Odin:
"I'm the sixteenth
I'll move my spirit
worthy maiden,
since the maiden is sweet,
I will take possession of the soul
I will conquer her thoughts."