The rare name Rufina has Latin roots. This is the feminine form of the masculine Rufinus, derived from the Roman generic nickname Rufus. The meaning of the name is interpreted as “golden yellow”, “red”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Color: purple
  • Plant: violet, fig
  • Animal: sheep
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

The characteristics of the name Rufina create the image of a real woman leader, endowed with pronounced business qualities. Not particularly attractive, she is always the center of attention, but her disposition is often conflicting. As a child, he is a restless, capricious child who causes a lot of trouble for both parents and teachers. Having matured, Rufina becomes calmer and more reasonable.

Such a girl is impressionable, lenient towards the misdeeds of loved ones, and forgives everything except betrayal. Friendly and easy to talk to, Rufa is a wonderful friend, but still prefers male company. To be noticed in society, she often dresses extravagantly and pays great attention to her appearance.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Rufin hides a congenital altruist and a great dreamer. Therefore, parents should be attentive to their daughter's personal needs and channel her creativity in the right direction. The high emotionality and fantasies of this girl can find their manifestation in music, dancing, drawing, and design. She loves to read, especially about love, and often enjoys sports. Loves to visit friends.

Profession and business

For the successful development of her professional activity, Rufina must have the right to choose. Calculating, with well-developed intuition and abilities, this woman is able to choose the right training profile, which will allow her to fully realize herself in the future. She can succeed as a diplomat, translator, and financier. At the same time, her inner core is so strong that she is capable, if she wishes, of becoming both a wonderful actress and a dedicated soldier.

In her work, Rufina is an indispensable employee. She is very strict with herself, but at the same time responsible and efficient. Her work does not go unnoticed, and as a result, she moves up the career ladder, although not quickly. The owner of the name, born in winter, has a particularly successful career.

An analytical mind and sober calculation in any situation allow her to become successful in business.


“A healthy mind in a healthy body” - this could not be more accurately said about the health of this girl. But she has a hard time getting up in the morning.

Sex and love

The meaning of the name Rufina also affects the style of her behavior. She loves and knows how to shine, there are always a lot of men around her. If one of them is chosen, he will definitely end up at her feet - this is Ruf’s position in life. This woman’s wit and oratory talent are admired, and her bright appearance does not leave anyone indifferent. But, unfortunately, this shine, which is so much from her in society, is missing in her intimate life.

Family and marriage

Rufina is in no hurry to get married; first she needs to thoroughly study the financial situation of her partner. She chooses as a husband only a man with good income, often older in age. And the love she dreamed of so much in her youth is now in the background. You can’t call her a good housewife; for her, work is always higher than her personal life. But at the same time, she really loves to meet guests.

Her innate conflict is often accompanied by jealous scenes with her husband. Only children help smooth the corners. It is important for her that they have a permanent father, and not a Sunday dad, so she tries to restrain her emotions as much as possible. If Rufina manages to learn to control herself, then in family life the representative of this beautiful name is very happy.

Agate. The ruling planet is Mercury, the patronizing zodiac sign is Virgo. The color of this name is blue, purple, yellow, white, all shades of red.

Rufina. The meaning of the name in childhood

Parents who give a girl such a name should know that in life she will be a leader - a tireless, very stubborn, impetuous person. Since childhood, she has been very capricious, overly picky, restless, and gives her parents a lot of trouble. Due to his difficult character and uncontrollable behavior, Rufina is extremely difficult to educate. She is a person who never sits still, is very brave, and has no complexes. She feels good in any company, is very sociable and approachable. Favorite activity is music. He often attends a music school or dance group. He also loves to draw.

Rufina. The meaning of the name in adolescence

As a rule, Rufina looks like her mother in appearance, but in character she is all like her father. She may have frequent arguments with her mother, and sometimes even But, as a rule, she is a very easy-going person who will not hold a grudge for a long time. She is also characterized by frequent mood swings.

Rufina. The meaning of the name in life. Character

For this girl, material wealth, wealth, security and stability are not important. She can easily adapt to any life situations. Values ​​frankness and honesty in people. For her, the inner world of a person comes first. Despite her emotional nature, she soon forgives even those people who caused her considerable pain. In life, Rufina always tries to be independent, not to depend on anyone. She gives preference to friendship with men, and is honest and open in communicating with them. She can always listen, support and give good advice. For those born in winter, this name defines their sociability and openness. These delicate “winter” Rufins are afraid of offending everyone and everything.

Rufina. The meaning of the name in the field of love and marriage

In relationships with the opposite sex she is careful, likes to take a closer look, and only after that makes a decision. She marries someone who has a good job and his own home. It is not characterized by excessive greed; it is most likely a fear of lack of wealth. She spends money easily. Rufina will be a mediocre housewife, taking care of herself first and only then of her husband. In addition, she is very jealous, and in her relationship with her mother-in-law she is quite conflicted. Despite this, Rufina loves her home, loves to receive guests, doing it “in a big way.”

The meaning of the name Rufina in choosing a profession

People with this name most often realize themselves as a psychologist, accountant, teacher, salesman, hairdresser, teacher. A woman leader excels in the field of commerce.

What does the name Rufina mean: roots

There are several variations in the interpretation of the name Rufina. According to one version, the roots of this name lie in ancient Rome, and it means “golden”, “red-haired”. Another version says that the name is Hebrew and is translated as “friend,” which completely suits her.

Names: origin and forms

Rufina- (from Latin) golden yellow, red.

Spoken: Rufima.
Derivatives: Rufinka, Rufa, Fina, Fima.

Directory of Russian names

Redhead(from Greek).

“Mercury”: pulsating, one in the morning, another in the evening. Starting abruptly, tireless and... always unsatisfied to the end. Lives at a pace, with a constant craving for what is not there. Desires can cross the line. With men he behaves like this: if I want, no one can resist. At the same time, I am strict with myself and never consider that anyone but me is to blame for mistakes.

The mystery of the name

Rufina- red, red-haired, golden (Latin).
The feminine form of the name Rufinus (colloquial Rufim), comes from the Latin name Rufinus. Same root with the names Rose, Rusana, Rosita.
The name is rare, but sometimes girls are called this in cities.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: fig, violet.
Patron name: sheep.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Rufinka, Rufa, Fina.
Main features: emotionality, impulsiveness.



To Rufina - do not drive out the cattle in the morning; if you kick him out, you'll get into trouble.


Rufinka is a very restless, whiny girl. It is very difficult to adjust to kindergarten, she eats poorly, is capricious, and is somewhat withdrawn at school. Dreamy, emotional.

As an adult, she seems calmer and more tolerant of bullies who used to offend her to the point of tears.

Rufina easily adapts to any living conditions, but dreams of a calm, prosperous, comfortable life. To do this, she wants to be noticed, dresses brightly, extravagantly, and strives to communicate with men. Rufina is fast, agile, pulsating, sometimes cheerful and feeling great, sometimes immersed in sadness and everything hurts. She also reacts impulsively to everything. But communication with her is very pleasant. She knows how to listen with interest, treats every person with respect, and does not hide her joy when she is praised.

Rufina is good at languages, she can become an excellent translator and work in the diplomatic field. She can become a flight attendant, be in trade, in the service sector. Rufina is a talented actress and singer.

Rufina is strict with herself and never transfers her mistakes to others. Ambitious enough, but not so much as to interfere with the aspirations of other people, she is very tactful and delicate.

Rufina is not particularly beautiful, but she has charm, a desire to attract attention, and can be eccentric under the influence of the moment.

Rufina dreams of being loved, but more often she marries a wealthy man. At the same time, she does not value her wealth in any way, with her husband, if he is far from ideal, she conflicts, and does not particularly take care of the housework. She values ​​her work much more than family comfort. “Winter” Rufina is calmer, loves her home and strives to decorate it.

Rufina is prudent both in business and in family life. She’s jealous, she’s not happy about it herself. She strives to save the family, is objective, understands that she is not always right, and tries to rebuild herself.


Rufina Dmitrievna Nifontova (1931-1994) is a talented Russian actress.

Her heroines attract the viewer with lyricism, sincerity of feelings, spirituality, and at the same time courage and firmness in life's trials.

R.D. Nifontova was born into a working-class family. Since childhood, she loved the theater and took part in amateur performances, and after graduating from school she decided to devote herself to acting, but she tried to enter the Theater School. B.V. Shchukin ended in failure.

On the advice of friends, she submitted documents to the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography and was accepted into the acting workshop of O.I. Pyzhova and B.V. Bibikova. After graduating from the institute (1955), she began working at the Film Actor Studio Theatre, and in 1958 she joined the Maly Theater troupe.

Nifontova’s first film role was Nastya in “Volnitsa” by G.L. Roshal, for which she received the prize for best actress at the IX International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary (1956). This was followed by: Katya in the film trilogy “Walking Through Torment” (1957-1959), Alexandra Kollontai in “The First Visitor” (1966), Varvara Mikhailovna in “Dachniki” (1967) and other roles. “She knew how to seek out, look out for everything in life that could someday be useful to her as an actress,” actress O.I. wrote about Nifontova. Pyzhova. In 1966, Nifontova was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1978 - of the USSR.

For many years, Rufina Nifontova was the leading actress of the Maly Theater.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

U- these people are introverts by nature. They are very secretive and prefer indoor gatherings. As a rule, they do excellent work at school and college. It's hard to make new acquaintances. Avoid the opposite sex. To achieve a goal, they can use all resources and complete the task.

F- perfectly adapt to environmental conditions. Always have a lot of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

The name Rufina is of Roman origin and translated from Latin it means “red-haired.” Another form of the name Rufus, Fina. Male interpretation of the name Rufin. Rufina is one of the popular names among Catholics in Europe; the Orthodox population also uses it.

Angel Rufina Day is celebrated on September 15 - in honor of the Great Martyr Rufina, who died under torture for her faith in Christ.

  • The patronizing planet of the name is Mercury;
  • The zodiac sign corresponding to the name is Virgo;
  • The color that attracts luck and happiness is purple, dark lilac;
  • Plant that promotes health – violet;
  • Totem animal – sheep;
  • The amulet stone is sapphire.

Rufina's childhood and youth - the girl's talents and preferences

Rufina is a capricious and whiny little girl. It is not easy for parents with such a child, because she has a hard time getting used to new people and surroundings, she is very impressionable and emotional. Her mood and temperament can change quickly. A girl can be calm and a little reserved, but after a while she is ready to make noise and have fun.

Rufa is uncommunicative, has difficulty getting used to kindergarten, and does not have an excellent appetite. But at an older age, this fragile and gentle creature is capable of causing tenderness with its responsiveness, kindness and attentiveness to others.

During her school years, Rufina's character changes. This is a more balanced person, deeply passionate about creativity, art, and music. She enjoys reading a new book, learning foreign languages, visiting museums and theaters.

If in childhood Rufina was not distinguished by her bright and charming appearance, then in a more mature age this girl is quite transformed. She begins to follow fashion, take care of herself, and look for her own image and style.

In high school, Fina is an open, sociable and energetic girl. She attracts guys with her refined manners, sense of humor, and bright appearance. The schoolgirl is smiling, knows how to listen, and is happy for someone’s success.

What distinguishes Rufina: she is not inclined to be envious, vain, or vindictive. This girl can empathize with someone else's pain and help in difficult times. She is an altruist and experiences joy when she feels useful and important.

What this girl should avoid is being overly enthusiastic about playing the victim. Rufa is ready to neglect her interests and devote all her free time to raising her younger brothers and sisters or supporting those who are in difficult life situations.

During this period, it is very important for Rufa’s parents to direct her creative energy in the right direction in a timely manner. Otherwise, she may not develop her talents, forgetting about the desire for a successful career and plans for the future.

Sometimes Rufina draws inspiration from her own fantasies. The young lady is very dreamy and emotional, and sometimes she lacks the strength and will to return to harsh reality. This girl can become happy if she develops her drawing, construction or clothing design skills, enrolls in a theater club, or becomes interested in playing the piano.

Love, professional fulfillment, health – the fate of adult Rufina

In her student years, Rufina is a slender, graceful coquette, with exquisite taste and social manners. She is friendly, interesting in conversation, open, emotional. The girl is sentimental in her feelings, looking for love, passion and recklessness.

Very often, Rufina's first marriage is not very successful. She is ready to quickly part with the one with whom she recently officially registered. Perhaps the girl is inclined to exaggerate and think out the situation.

After a failed relationship, Fina begins to value her freedom and independence. During this period, she is able to enjoy short-term love affairs and new sexual experiences. She is confident in her own attractiveness, and is not afraid of losing her female relevance and losing her fans.

This emotional woman will enter into a second marriage more consciously, pursuing a banal calculation. The lady is used to not denying herself anything and prefers to see a wealthy man next to her.

Favorable compatibility awaits Rufina with men named: Abraham, Samuel, Nathan, Isaac. Serious relationships should be avoided with Ermil, Mikhail, Solomon, Alik.

At the same time, Rufina is quite demanding of herself. She is not used to being a consumer; it is important for her to realize herself. The scope of activity of this talented person may be related to the hotel and tourism business. She can become a professional translator and achieve success in the field of trade and entrepreneurship.

Rufin is led to laziness by monotonous activities that require precise calculations, scrupulousness, attentiveness and patience. But she will achieve appreciation in the fields of art, diplomacy, design, and culture.

Whatever Rufina does, her hobby may well be patronage of children's hospitals and orphanages. She also sees her own purpose in this. She will not let go of the thought that she must help the weak, the poor and the disadvantaged.

Rufina's family life will be completely harmonious and happy. She is ready to give in to everything and help her husband, showing respect, care, affection and tenderness. The woman was sufficiently aware of her behavior in the past, having gained some life experience from her own mistakes.

In a new relationship, Rufa wants peace and joy. But this woman does not like housework, and will never become a good housewife. She has good taste, her house is always cozy and bright. But she would prefer to leave cleaning and cooking to a housekeeper or one of her close relatives.

It will always be important for Rufina to have the authority and respect of others. She loves when people give her compliments and celebrate her achievements. This will be her main motivation for activity. Her life should always be on the move; Rufa loves to join the community of people with similar interests and principles.

It will not be surprising if Rufina is interested in the political and economic situation in the country and in the world. It is important for her to be an interesting and visible figure in society. Although this woman cannot be called a socialite, she will prefer home gatherings with friends to glamorous parties.

The older Rufina gets, the more difficult it will be for her to maintain a balance between social activities, charity, work, family, without infringing on her own interests. Perhaps, by sacrificing her personal time, funds, emotions, she embodies her main task - to be useful to humanity.

Despite her active and dynamic lifestyle, Rufina is inclined to think about spiritual development, self-improvement, and other ways to comprehend the truth. Even in adulthood, she can doubt the correctness of her actions and desires, sacrificing her interests for the sake of others.

Rufina's health will require close attention throughout her life. The lady is prone to hereditary diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. In her youth, the girl Rufa often slouches, this leads to problems with the spine and lumbar pain in old age.

Rufina's character may differ depending on the period of birth. Rufa, born in spring or summer, may be more artistic, focused on career growth, fame and fame. Winter Rufina is more reserved and calm. Family happiness and well-being are more important to her.

Famous women named Rufina

  • Rufina Nifontova - film actress of the Soviet era, Honored Artist of the USSR;
  • Rufina Gasheva - pilot-navigator of the aviation division, hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Rufina Ovsievskaya is a people's teacher of the USSR, a talented teacher of Russian language and literature.
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