It all depends on the vibrations that a person emits. If you change these vibrations, you can attract anything into your life. And sounds are used precisely to transform one’s internal state.

While reading them, a person’s consciousness moves to the frequency they emit. This could be the energy of prosperity, love or anything else.

But today we will look at the most effective protection mantras that can give the practitioner security and peace.

Shiva Protection Mantra

In a shortened version it sounds like “Om Namah Shivaya”. This is one of the most effective and famous prayers that can create permanent protection. If you need to protect yourself from a specific event, then it is advisable to start work 2 weeks before the incident. Pronunciation is made 108 times daily.

The longer version looks like this:

A universal syllable that is considered basic in yoga. It permeates the reader with the purest vibration of the cosmos, protecting him from all negative phenomena. It can also be used as a home protection mantra.

To do this, it is enough while reading to visualize how the house is surrounded by a golden aura. This shield must be powered directly by cosmic energy. Performing this practice daily will allow you to attract pure vibration into your home, which will bypass negative circumstances.

After just 1-2 weeks of reading, the practitioner may notice that the atmosphere at home has become much more comfortable. You can read it even without visualization; it is only required to enhance the effect.

Cleansing sound

Aum Sri Para Maha Durgayaya Namah Jayam - protecting and purifying

It will not only protect a person, but also cleanse his energy structure. Thanks to this, it is possible to heal organs and rejuvenate the body. During reading, hands must be kept on those parts of the body that a person wants to heal or cleanse.

It is read 3 times a day. The standard number of repetitions is 108. In difficult situations, the number of circles can be increased from 3 to 5–7.

Universal safety sounds

The Vedas also mention a universal prayer of protection that can be used in any circumstances. It sounds like this:

If you need to protect not from the situation, but from negative thoughts, then you can use the following:

It helps to cleanse the mind and eliminate troubles.

When you need to protect yourself from other people (for example, from evil intentions), then a short Ganesh prayer is perfect.


From conflicts


It is advisable to read it out loud, however, if this is not possible, then pronouncing it in your thoughts will also have a positive effect. It has the property of extinguishing unnecessary fights and conflicts. It also cleanses a person’s energy fields, making him calmer and more balanced. Conflicts begin to pass him by.

How to choose the right protective mantras?

In the modern world, you can easily find protective mantras for all occasions. But how to choose them correctly? Here you need to rely on several criteria:

  • Internal sensations. If internal sensations are favorable, then this text is suitable. When a person experiences negative emotions or wants to quickly finish the practice, it is better not to use it.
  • Usage. Some prayers can be used as protective and cleansing, while others are used solely to remove the impact of negative influences.
  • Efficiency. You can try out several texts you like, and then check whether the person feels changes for the better on the internal plane. For example, most people begin to feel inner harmony after reading the syllable “OM”.

The first step is to adhere to the reading rules that are used for all mantras, regardless of their purpose. For convenience, it is advisable to purchase a rosary to accurately track the number of repetitions. If they are absent, then you can read, for example, half an hour every day. However, then their effectiveness may be lower.

If the reading rules do not prohibit this, then it is beneficial to actively use visualization in the process. That is, to represent a shield or, for example, strengthening the aura. If you need to protect yourself from other people, you can visualize transparency on yourself to become more invisible.

Using mantras to protect and activate the chakras

You can also, by reading mantras, awaken certain human energy centers that are responsible for various areas of life. For example, regularly pronouncing the syllable “Lam” allows you to activate the Muladhara chakra.

She is responsible for all earthly blessings. By awakening and activating the chakra, a person receives protection from poverty, disease, and the influence of other people. However, the syllable must be read regularly to keep the chakra active. Otherwise, it can quickly become dirty and lose energy.
Having studied the influence of all other chakras, you can draw your own conclusions about the pronunciation of which syllable can create the protection we need.

We have looked at the basic protective mantras that are the most effective. Well, which ones should be chosen depends on the practitioner himself. Having chosen the appropriate text, the main thing is to let in the positive vibration that it carries. Then the person will undoubtedly be successful, and he will no longer be threatened by those situations from which he tried to protect himself.

How effective are protective mantras? Such magical chants can actually create invisible protection for a person and protect him from all misfortunes. It is believed that mantras can protect an individual from illness, physical and psychological trauma, damage and the evil eye.

Today we know a lot of different prayers with which you can regain your health, attractive appearance, money, and so on. There are Vedic mantras and even Slavic mantras (agmas).

In order to provide yourself with reliable protection from various negative influences, you need to read special mantras every day. Remember, this is not a simple spell, and casting it once will not be enough.

Experienced practitioners insist that the text should be repeated exactly 108 times. In order not to get lost, you can use a special rosary with 108 balls. However, if you have just started practicing meditation and have not yet learned how to read prayers, you can repeat the text fewer times.

But the more, the better. In this case, you should completely abstract from the outside world. Nothing should bother you: neither people, nor animals, not even your own thoughts.

When devoting time to meditation, you should learn to clear your mind of any thoughts. It is advisable to repeat protection mantras in the morning or evening, every day. For example, you can use one of the most effective prayers:


Experienced practitioners insist that it must be repeated daily for at least 3 weeks. There is another, no less popular and effective prayer called "5 syllable mantra to Shiva". If your choice fell on this text, remember all its words. Repeating the prayer without errors or stuttering will ensure the achievement of the desired goal.

When reading the text, you must necessarily imagine the image of Shiva himself. If you do not do this, the effect will be achieved, but it will not be so impressive and you will have to wait a long time for it. There are two versions of this prayer. Big:


And short:


Do you know who he is Nrsimha Kavacha? In Vedic culture it is a famous mythical creature. It is known that he is half lion, half human. Most people are convinced that he is the reincarnation of God Vishnu.

There is a mantra with which you can turn specifically to him. Its action is truly unique, since it allows not only to put very strong invisible protection on a person, but also to get rid of illness, eliminate negative magical influences, and remove the black streak of life.

There is a legend according to which an individual who can recite the mantra 32,000 times (x108) without interruption will be gifted with Nrsimha for the rest of his life.

Important: the text is read onto the liquid, thus it is enchanted, and after completing the ritual it must be drunk. Sacred Text:


In fact, there are prayers not only to specific deities, but also universal ones that can be used at any time. The peculiarity of such spells is that they are allowed to be cast as many times as you consider necessary (not only in the morning or evening, but also in various situations when you understand that support and protection are necessary). Text:


Another prayer will help you avoid unpleasant situations. It is recommended to use it if you are about to meet an unpleasant person, you feel danger approaching, or you simply have a lot of negative energy accumulated on you, which you need to get rid of immediately.


Do you know who she is goddess Kali? This is an extremely powerful deity, capable of destroying any evil. Prayer to Kali is considered one of the most effective, powerful and fast-acting. You can repeat it whenever you feel that a threat is looming over you.


Bija mantras- prayers consisting of one syllable. They are often repeated many times during meditation. As a result, they form a full-fledged song. The more times a syllable is repeated, the more effective the mantra will be. There is also a syllable for protection:

If you want to turn to your Guardian Angel for help in difficult times, but don’t know how to do it, use this prayer. It helps to call upon your strongest defender and save yourself from various troubles.


There are special mantras that help in some specific cases. They are used not for defense in general, but to neutralize a specific problem. For example, from terrible dreams:


From gossip and enemies:


Buddha- an important character in general in Vedic culture. It is to him that you can turn to if you need to escape from some kind of bad weather, resentment, and so on.

Did you know that the Medicine Buddha mantra is considered one of the most powerful? For many centuries, similar spells have been recited over infusions, medicines, and water given to sick people. After all, it was Buddha who revealed the secrets of medicine to mortals. Mantras are also used to cleanse karma and in funeral rituals.


In order to build the strongest protective barrier for your apartment or any place, you can repeat the following prayer:

Om satchitanandaparabrahama, shoibhagavatisameta, purushotamaparamatma, sribhagavatinamaha, nari om tatsat

It is also often used if it is necessary to cleanse a room of evil and negative energy. In this case, the spell should be repeated at least 25 times.

Birthday- a special holiday in the life of every person. There are many signs associated with this holiday. If we look into Vedic culture, we will find a special prayer that is used on this particular day. Practitioners are convinced that it allows a person to remain healthy throughout the year and not fall under negative influence.

People are sure that it is the combination of these sounds that helps to get the right vibration, which strengthens the body and spirit, allows you to establish contact with the outside world, helps improve immunity, and prevents you from getting tired and sick quickly:


Often, in order to provide protection, it is necessary to get rid of existing negative energy. Most mantras are capable of simultaneously purifying a person and providing him with protection. But you can also use special spells to cleanse each chakra.

They help open them, eliminate all ailments that are associated with this particular chakra. There are also spells that can cleanse an individual's energy field, the witchcraft circle in which each practitioner works.

Text 1:


Text 2:


Text 3:


Protective prayers, of course, cannot be considered a cure for adversity, but they will help strengthen your health, fortitude and get into the right frame of mind. Do not neglect Vedic wisdom, because it helps to improve human life for the better.

ratings, average:

There are situations when, as they say, you can only rely on God. People tell scary stories, but one thing helped them - prayer. When there is nothing else left, a person utters familiar words, hoping for speedy salvation. Some of these texts that will help you in an emergency are protective mantras.

These ancient words are endowed with special power, giving you the last chance to save yourself in a difficult, dangerous or scary situation.

This can happen to each of us, it’s better to learn them by heart. Short mantras of protection are easy to learn, and you can repeat them as many times as necessary, without restrictions. Amazing words in an ancient language have powerful energy of goodness. Each protection mantra will give you hope in your darkest hour. Try them, they won't let you down.

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Mantras of ancient India

Many thousands of years ago people learned a great secret. The gods turned to them, giving them the most valuable thing they had - mantras. There are many legends about how they came to people, who first began to pronounce these magic words, and how such a tradition began. The essence is the same - scientists, historians and researchers cannot say exactly how and when mantras appeared. Priests and monks are sure that this is a gift from the gods, nothing less. They simply appeared in the sacred texts Vedas and Upanishads. Before this, there was not a single mention of mantras.

They are written down not only in sacred books, but also on the walls of Temples. There are only a few thousand mantras, many of them have not been preserved to this day or are zealously protected by monks. This is a great secret that cannot be revealed to everyone. The texts have great power, so giving them to the uninitiated is a big mistake.

A person must understand well that he is dealing not just with a set of words, but with the mechanism of interaction between Man and Space. The syllables of mantras are the syllables of the names of the gods of the Hindu pantheon. These names call for love, compassion, help, protection and healing. All goodness is concentrated in them and goes to the person who pronounces them correctly.

The unique power of words

The unique power of words is vibration. Sounds in the ancient language Sanskrit are pronounced with different timbres, frequencies, and create different vibrations. If you want to seriously engage in practices with mantras, then you need to take this into account. Correct pronunciation takes years to achieve and is practiced over and over again. You need to pronounce each word correctly, and then try to maintain the rhythm and tempo of singing.

Today you can find a lot of recordings from concerts of performers of religious chants and videos. There are many of them, so choosing your own combination of mantras to repeat will be easy. If you listen, these are very beautiful melodies, words that lift the soul to heaven.

You will feel special vibrations even if you just listen to the recording.

Scientists conducted an experiment - the sound of a mantra cleared the room of radioactive radiation, removed harmful chemical compounds and even reconfigured the magnetic field.

This is exactly how the protection mantra works - it removes everything hostile from your path, normalizes the situation in life.

Amazing things happen under the influence of a mantra - diseases are healed, for example. The whole point is that our lives have strayed from the course planned by the Universe. We have developed technology and technology; we have learned to go into space and cover enormous distances in a matter of minutes. But at the same time, the connection with nature and the forces of the earth is lost.

Mantra generates vibrations of space

People have become far from the original plan. Connection with the earth is very important. Previously, we constantly touched her, fed strength from Mother Earth. Today, the roads are paved with asphalt, we live on 5-10, and some even on 50 floors. The connection with the earth is very small, it breaks off as soon as a person rises higher.

Connection with the original plan meant that a person would be in constant interaction with the Universe, the Creator. Today, communication channels have become thinner, and some have been completely interrupted.

The vibrations of the mantra allow you to re-establish them, reconfigure them. When your computer starts to work poorly, slowly, and catches viruses and malware, you reboot it and turn on the antivirus. A few hours and your computer is working normally again. This is roughly how one can imagine the work of a mantra.

They completely restart your program, remove from the body everything harmful that threatens health and life. After this, the person feels much better, and his problems go away.

In case of danger, when you are scared, protective mantras will definitely help you. They will not only remove dangers and difficulties, but will also calm you down. It’s much easier to think and solve important issues with a clear head, right? Trust the vibration of these amazing chants, everything will be fine.

The most powerful mantras for protection

These texts are said if you are in a difficult life situation. It is unpleasant, puts pressure on you, and causes a lot of discomfort. This life has been going on for some time. A very powerful text that was found in the Varanasi temple complex (a sacred place for all Hindus) will help you break out of the vicious circle. The text is repeated from 7 to 108 times. If you are afraid of getting lost, then buy a rosary, they contain 108 beads. There is no need to do more repetitions in one day, this can only deplete your mental strength.


This short protection mantra is said when you need to make an important decision. If it concerns life, health, preservation of property. You need to repeat it slowly in a chant and silently. Try to pronounce each syllable clearly. “Om” is pronounced for a long time, reaching the vibration of the sound. Pronounce the remaining words slowly and clearly.


The third mantra should be on your tongue constantly. Did something dangerous or unexpected happen? Say it 7-28 times. It’s simple, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties learning it. Say it (out loud or to yourself), everything should soon return to normal. If you are very worried, worried and scared, repeat it many times. This will reduce anxiety and give you peace of mind and a clear head.


It's simple. The words are remembered by themselves, and the effect is invaluable. Help comes to those. who knows how to ask correctly.

Texts for dangerous situations

If you are in real danger, there is a threat to the life or health of you or your loved ones, then nothing should bother you - this is one of the last chances for salvation. The mantra has enormous power, which you will feel as soon as you start saying these words out loud or in a whisper. It is called the Mantra of Great Knowledge. This is one of the favorites of all Hindus.


No matter what happens, help will come. When you need it quickly, without delay, then say these three simple words 7-28 times:


When there is less and less hope, and you are in danger, these words will become salvation, a beacon among the black unknown. Learn them, be sure to remember them if necessary. They will send you salvation even where, it would seem, nothing can help.


This mantra is best suited for women and children. This is an appeal to the goddess of prosperity and fertility Lakshmi. She will protect and bestow maternal warmth. Contact her Lakshmi does not reject the requests of those who have opened their souls. In a moment of danger, she will save you and help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.


These texts will help you, don't forget them.

Help comes, you just have to ask

Mantras can be pronounced by anyone. They are neutral in their energy, they carry neither good nor evil - this is the voice of the power of Justice. It doesn’t matter what religion you profess, how old you are or what color your skin is - help from the Universe will come to you. We are all creations of the Creator. He loves us all equally.

If you decide to practice mantras and meditation, you should not think that you are doing something sinful or objectionable. A mantra is not a conspiracy, it is not a magical ritual. There is no magic in these words in the sense in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This is natural communication between man and the Cosmos in a language understandable to both.

The special property of these sacred texts is that they do not ask for help, love or luck for a specific person. On the contrary, by pronouncing it, you wish peace and prosperity to all living things, and all living things in return send you their blessing, increased several thousand times. This is how your interaction with the whole world happens.

Mantras are sacred words of prayer filled with positive vibrations. Translated from Sanskrit, mantra means liberation of the mind. Since the biggest problem is the mind, freed from fears, suffering and attachments, as a result, any human problems are solved automatically. The human mind is very restless and constantly busy solving some problems, our negative thoughts prevent us from finding happiness. But they are able to free the mind from daily stress and thereby help a person in spiritual growth and knowledge of the world.

There are different powerful mantras, all of them are aimed at eliminating difficulties in various areas of human life. But there is a separate group of effective mantras - protective. According to their level of impact, they are divided into three types: mantras that provide physical protection, mental protection and energy protection.

Texts of very strong protective mantras:


To read these most powerful protective mantras, a rosary with 108 beads is used. Thus, any mantra you choose (depending on the existing problem) must be read by going through at least one full circle of the rosary. If you have enough time, you can read more, the main thing is that such rituals must be performed daily.

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Protective mantra of Shiva.

This is one of the most important mantras that connects a person to the energy of the almighty God Shiva, who is the Supreme God. The five-syllable protective mantra of Shiva is considered one of the most powerful. Its text is simple to perform and can be easily learned by heart. It sounds like this: OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA.

The sounds of this protective mantra express two forms of the absolute - subtle OM and gross NAMAH SHIVAYA. This truly great mantra is chanted during divine services; it must be repeated by all people, regardless of gender, faith and race. The Maha Mantra can be repeated in three ways: out loud, in a whisper and mentally. While reading it, concentration is very important, which is easier to achieve when it is read aloud. Also watch your breathing; you cannot interrupt the mantra mid-sentence. Learn and remember the pronunciation of each sound of this protective mantra. Because the slightest distortion can cause the exact opposite effect. When you learn to read the mantra out loud well enough, you can gradually switch to a whisper, and then to mental reading. At the same time as reading, learn to visualize the luminous Shiva in the area of ​​your heart.

Magic mantra Nrsimha Kavacha

Nrisimha is a half-lion, half-man, one of the incarnations of God Vishnu. Nrisimha Kavacha is a protective mantra that protects against difficulties and obstacles on the path of life. It also relieves diseases. To do this, the Nrsimha mantra must be read over water and then drunk while meditating on this Deity. The mantra protects against negative energies coming from all directions. By reciting the Nrisimha Kavacha mantra, a person emerges victorious from any situation. The ancient Indian Vedas say that whoever reads it 32,000 times will receive liberation and all the most favorable benefits.

Text of the protective mantra Nrisimha Kavacha:





Listen to the video of a powerful protective mantra

Tagged with: awareness enlightenment self-development consciousness

Now we will study protective mantras for various situations that may somehow threaten us.





OM, The Gita says that omkara, the sound “OM” is the sound vibration of God.

Harir is translated as the supreme Lord.

Vidadyan can be translated as - yes it will.

Mother'- that is, “to me.”

Sarva raksha- all kinds of protection.

Nyasta- can be translated as “at rest” or “located”.

Angri padmah – padmah– feet, angri padmah- feet like lotuses. Lotus-shaped feet.

Patagendra Prishte– on the back of the king of birds, Garuda, or simply on the back of the king of birds. Each demigod has his own animal on which he travels. Shiva on the back of a Bull. Garuda has an immaterial body, since God himself sits on it.

Dara- sink. An object that makes sounds. You can blow the conch shell. Anyone who has been to India knows that before opening the altar they blow a conch shell. The word Ari (Darari consists of two words - shell and disk) means disk.

Charma- shield.

Asi– sword. Charm asi- shield and sword.

Gada- mace or club, ishu - translated as arrows.

Chapa this is an onion. Pashan is translated as lasso, fetters.

Dadanakh translated as “holding”, “x” is pronounced muffled, almost inaudible.

Ashtagunah. Ashta– eight, gunah – perfections. Ashtagunah– eight perfections.

Ashta bahuh. Bahuh- hands Ashta bahuh- one who has eight arms. This is Vishnu-tattva. This is the Lord who belongs to the Vishnu Tattvas.

May he protect me always and everywhere

The Supreme Lord, who sits on the bird Garuda,

Touching him with Your feet.

May He protect me with weapons,

Which He holds in His eight hands:

Shell, Disc, Shield, Sword, Mace, Arrows, Bow and Lariat.

May the Lord, who is omnipotent, protect me,

For he is filled with eight mystical perfections (powers).

(Anima, Magima, Lahima, Prabti, Ishita, Vashita...)

This Vedic tradition describes that the Lord has various incarnations on this earth. He comes to this Universe in his various expansions, in incarnations. In this case, we are talking about who came to this Universe in order to maintain the structure in this Universe. There is the original Lord, who is always in the spiritual world. And this Lord can appear here also. There can be countless incarnations of God. Therefore, he can come to this Universe under different guises. Such hypostases as Allah, Buddha. He can take any form, including the great giant fish that saved the ark of Manu.

There was such a Manu - the progenitor of humanity. And when the Ecumenical Flood began, our planet was not just flooded. And it flooded all the worlds to the top of the Universe. All worlds are from the Garbhadaka ocean. Garbha is an egg, there is water in the egg. On the lower planets there is water. This water rises at the end of the destruction of this Universe to the higher planets. And this is what happened in past times. Therefore, the Lord took the form of a giant fish that swims in this ocean. This Lord was dragging on his huge horn an ark in which all living beings were placed. In fact, he doesn't need to drag anyone anywhere. This is such a game. He wanted to play this way. God is omnipotent, but he has the same qualities that we have. Sometimes he even wants to practice martial arts. Destroy demons. Someone with the help of demons, and he can also come and destroy someone with his own hands. And when God destroys someone, the one whom He destroys receives the highest benefits. Therefore, it is said from the predictions now, and I don’t know who in Christianity, that, in the end, God the Punisher himself will come and destroy. And only a select few, only a few people, will go with him. This is also spoken about in the Bhavishya Purana, in the Purana according to predictions. That the Lord will appear as Kalki avatar and will destroy the demonic population on earth. That is, the parallels are very large.

Therefore, Lord Almighty can take any form, and the Vedas describe various forms of God in order to play certain roles in this Universe. He likes it, he comes to this earth with a specific mission. And here we can see that this form of it, one of the forms is so amazing - eight arms. And in each hand He holds different types of weapons. This form is so powerful and if the Lord holds different types of weapons, then it means the one that can destroy someone or the one that can protect us. Therefore, this prayer, this mantra, which is one of the components of Narayana-kavacha (Shield of God). In the past, this kavacha, Dvashta (there was such a person), by repeating it, received such power that no one could defeat him. Nothing could destroy him. And subsequently Indra or the demigod of heaven and the one who is responsible for the lightning, also in past times recited Narayana-kavacha in order to defeat the great demon, who was of enormous size. This is a whole story when the Brahmins performed entire sacrifices in order for this great demon to appear and kill the king of paradise. God himself created weapons and wields them perfectly. If we pray to a boxer, then we will have energy (shakti), we will also feel the ability to box. Also here. If we recite the mantra to God, who possesses all these weapons, then we immediately gain tremendous experience and tremendous power of protection with these same weapons. This can be said to be one of these tantras, which is called Vaishnava tantra.

Women need to read such tantra now, because they are defenseless, no one understands them. This means that you will receive the protection of the God Sword rather than becoming an expert in swordsmanship. This is what tantra is all about: when you repeat a certain prayer to a certain incarnation of God, who possesses a certain weapon, you receive tremendous power to protect with this weapon. Tantra means that you make contact with these types of weapons by chanting this mantra. When a connection is established, friendship arises. As soon as some guy approaches you, he will not be able to do anything with you or will fall. This is a mantra specifically for physical protection from attack. You and I will study more mantras for protection from subtle entities. If you read it in Russian, it will have approximately the same power. But Sanskrit is the language of the soul. In general, mantras are combinations of certain sounds that have power. Therefore, usually in Vedic times, all mantras were chanted in Sanskrit.

To protect your children, while repeating this mantra, you need to think about your children. Caring for children and caring for the elderly is the main responsibility of humanity. Unfortunately, in our progressive, civilized world, no one cares about them. In Vedic times, children and the elderly were given the very first aid.

This is one of the Narayana-kavachi mantras, which has 36 mantras.

There are situations when, as they say, you can only rely on God. People tell scary stories, but one thing helped them - prayer. When there is nothing else left, a person utters familiar words, hoping for speedy salvation. Some of these texts that will help you in an emergency are protective mantras.

These ancient words are endowed with special power, giving you the last chance to save yourself in a difficult, dangerous or scary situation.

This can happen to each of us, it’s better to learn them by heart. Short mantras of protection are easy to learn, and you can repeat them as many times as necessary, without restrictions. Amazing words in an ancient language have powerful energy of goodness. Each protection mantra will give you hope in your darkest hour. Try them, they won't let you down.

Mantras of ancient India

Many thousands of years ago people learned a great secret. The gods turned to them, giving them the most valuable thing they had - mantras. There are many legends about how they came to people, who first began to pronounce these magic words, and how such a tradition began. The essence is the same - scientists, historians and researchers cannot say exactly how and when mantras appeared. Priests and monks are sure that this is a gift from the gods, nothing less. They simply appeared in the sacred texts Vedas and Upanishads. Before this, there was not a single mention of mantras.

They are written down not only in sacred books, but also on the walls of Temples. There are only a few thousand mantras, many of them have not been preserved to this day or are zealously protected by monks. This is a great secret that cannot be revealed to everyone. The texts have great power, so giving them to the uninitiated is a big mistake.

A person must understand well that he is dealing not just with a set of words, but with the mechanism of interaction between Man and Space. The syllables of mantras are the syllables of the names of the gods of the Hindu pantheon. These names call for love, compassion, help, protection and healing. All goodness is concentrated in them and goes to the person who pronounces them correctly.

The unique power of words

The unique power of words is vibration. Sounds in the ancient language Sanskrit are pronounced with different timbres, frequencies, and create different vibrations. If you want to seriously engage in practices with mantras, then you need to take this into account. Correct pronunciation takes years to achieve and is practiced over and over again. You need to pronounce each word correctly, and then try to maintain the rhythm and tempo of singing.

Today you can find a lot of recordings from concerts of performers of religious chants and videos. There are many of them, so choosing your own combination of mantras to repeat will be easy. If you listen, these are very beautiful melodies, words that lift the soul to heaven.

You will feel special vibrations even if you just listen to the recording.

Scientists conducted an experiment - the sound of a mantra cleared the room of radioactive radiation, removed harmful chemical compounds and even reconfigured the magnetic field.

This is exactly how the protection mantra works - it removes everything hostile from your path, normalizes the situation in life.

Amazing things happen under the influence of a mantra - diseases are healed, for example. The whole point is that our lives have strayed from the course planned by the Universe. We have developed technology and technology; we have learned to go into space and cover enormous distances in a matter of minutes. But at the same time, the connection with nature and the forces of the earth is lost.

Mantra generates vibrations of space

People have become far from the original plan. Connection with the earth is very important. Previously, we constantly touched her, fed strength from Mother Earth. Today, the roads are paved with asphalt, we live on 5-10, and some even on 50 floors. The connection with the earth is very small, it breaks off as soon as a person rises higher.

Connection with the original plan meant that a person would be in constant interaction with the Universe, the Creator. Today, communication channels have become thinner, and some have been completely interrupted.

The vibrations of the mantra allow you to re-establish them, reconfigure them. When your computer starts to work poorly, slowly, and catches viruses and malware, you reboot it and turn on the antivirus. A few hours and your computer is working normally again. This is roughly how one can imagine the work of a mantra.

They completely restart your program, remove from the body everything harmful that threatens health and life. After this, the person feels much better, and his problems go away.

In case of danger, when you are scared, protective mantras will definitely help you. They will not only remove dangers and difficulties, but will also calm you down. It’s much easier to think and solve important issues with a clear head, right? Trust the vibration of these amazing chants, everything will be fine.

The most powerful mantras for protection

These texts are said if you are in a difficult life situation. It is unpleasant, puts pressure on you, and causes a lot of discomfort. This life has been going on for some time. A very powerful text that was found in the Varanasi temple complex (a sacred place for all Hindus) will help you break out of the vicious circle. The text is repeated from 7 to 108 times. If you are afraid of getting lost, then buy a rosary, they contain 108 beads. There is no need to do more repetitions in one day, this can only deplete your mental strength.


This short protection mantra is said when you need to make an important decision. If it concerns life, health, preservation of property. You need to repeat it slowly in a chant and silently. Try to pronounce each syllable clearly. “Om” is pronounced for a long time, reaching the vibration of the sound. Pronounce the remaining words slowly and clearly.


The third mantra should be on your tongue constantly. Did something dangerous or unexpected happen? Say it 7-28 times. It’s simple, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties learning it. Say it (out loud or to yourself), everything should soon return to normal. If you are very worried, worried and scared, repeat it many times. This will reduce anxiety and give you peace of mind and a clear head.


It's simple. The words are remembered by themselves, and the effect is invaluable. Help comes to those. who knows how to ask correctly.

Texts for dangerous situations

If you are in real danger, there is a threat to the life or health of you or your loved ones, then nothing should bother you - this is one of the last chances for salvation. The mantra has enormous power, which you will feel as soon as you start saying these words out loud or in a whisper. It is called the Mantra of Great Knowledge. This is one of the favorites of all Hindus.


No matter what happens, help will come. When you need it quickly, without delay, then say these three simple words 7-28 times:


When there is less and less hope, and you are in danger, these words will become salvation, a beacon among the black unknown. Learn them, be sure to remember them if necessary. They will send you salvation even where, it would seem, nothing can help.


This mantra is best suited for women and children. This is an appeal to the goddess of prosperity and fertility Lakshmi. She will protect and bestow maternal warmth. Contact her Lakshmi does not reject the requests of those who have opened their souls. In a moment of danger, she will save you and help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.


These texts will help you, don't forget them.

Help comes, you just have to ask

Mantras can be pronounced by anyone. They are neutral in their energy, they carry neither good nor evil - this is the voice of the power of Justice. It doesn’t matter what religion you profess, how old you are or what color your skin is - help from the Universe will come to you. We are all creations of the Creator. He loves us all equally.

If you decide to practice mantras and meditation, you should not think that you are doing something sinful or objectionable. A mantra is not a conspiracy, it is not a magical ritual. There is no magic in these words in the sense in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This is natural communication between man and the Cosmos in a language understandable to both.

The special property of these sacred texts is that they do not ask for help, love or luck for a specific person. On the contrary, by pronouncing it, you wish peace and prosperity to all living things, and all living things in return send you their blessing, increased several thousand times. This is how your interaction with the whole world happens.

Types of Sanskrit language. Prakrita. Vaimasa, Sanskrit. Aryan civilization. Anarthas. Anger. How do mantras work? Translation of the protective mantra. Mantra of physical protection. Kali Yuga. Nuclear weapon. Mantras for the body and chakras.

Lecture for beginners from the section “Religion and Spirituality” with difficulty of perception: 3

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00:00:01 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to greet you all early in the morning. Those who came for the first time, please raise your hands. It will be a little difficult for you, since we have already described various types of mantras and studied one mantra. But one way or another, you will catch up very quickly. Today we will study protective mantras for our entire body, for all our chakras. At the last lesson, those who were there didn’t notice when they left the hall, the mantra was repeated for a long time. Raise your hand if you noticed. Enough. This is the effect of repeating mantras. It sits in our minds and begins to spin, for some it can spin like this for two days, for others for three. Has anyone brought a rosary? What we have distributed to you, on pieces of paper, are various mantras, the first 13 mantras that we will put on our body in order to protect, the last mantra belongs more to Narayana Kavache. Kavacha literally means protection, or shield, we will also study this mantra, it is one of the oldest mantras.

Types of Sanskrit language. Prakrita

00:01:23 So, the Vedas were written in Sanskrit, as you already know. Some of you don't know. Sanskrit is the most ancient language on earth, it is also called “Devanagari” - this is the language of the Gods. "Virgo" means Gods. And in the Scriptures there are reminders that previously, on our planet, there was one Aryan culture. I’ll tell you a little about who the Aryans really are, and this culture was throughout our entire land. Moreover, it is said that it was ruled by one king in the past. The first Sanskrit is Prakrita. Prakrita literally means such a polluted, dirty language. Mostly it was spoken by ordinary people, workers, toilers, one might say, aborigines. Latin also came from this Sanskrit, and, as we will see, many Western languages ​​arose from Latin. There are a lot of similar words in Latin and Prakrit, the origin is obvious. And even some languages ​​directly descended from Prakrita, this rough language of Sanskrit. This is the southern part of Russia, Ingushetia, Ossetia, these languages ​​originate from Prakrit. And once, in ancient times, one great king of India, Yudhishthira, in order to confirm his dominance over the entire earth, sent his ambassadors to all cities so that they would pay tribute to him, that is, they would say that yes, you remained the same ruler, as before. And one of the great warriors, under the name Bimasen, visited the southern part of our Russia, here in the Caucasus, and he conquered all these warriors of the Caucasus, those who resisted and said no, we ourselves will be in charge here, and he conquered them all and subsequently these warriors gave their wives to him, gave their wives in marriage to the great warrior Bimasena.

00:03:59 These are all the warring peoples of the Caucasus, these are all the descendants of this Bimasen, the great warrior. And when I was in Ingushetia, in the museum there is confirmation that there was this great warrior Bhimasena. It says that in times past, a very powerful warrior came, with huge muscles, and no one could defeat him. Moreover, the arrows bounced off him, his body was so strong. And it talks about him. Mahabharata. "Maha" means great, "Bharata" means India. Mahabharata is a story about the history of India. And it says that this Bimasena, even when he was little, one day he fell from the mountain, and he rolled, and when he rolled down the mountain, the stones on which he rolled, they split, his body was so iron.

00:05:01 And even now, in our time, there are provinces in China where people practice iron armor. The Chinese, they practice wushu, where with the help of certain techniques the spears are not stuck and the body becomes stone. In past times this was also known, moreover, those who read the Mahabharata will understand that I am not deceiving you, such bodies can be made of iron. It is also said in the Mahabharata that this warrior was equal in strength to 10,000 elephants. He was so strong. No one could defeat him in the past. One of the strong warriors 5000 years ago. His height was approximately 5.5 meters, he was so big. Anyone who studies isoterics knows that in the past people were much larger than they are now. At the end of our Yuga, that is, at the end of our era, there will be fewer and fewer people. It will reach 75 cm. People will soon become small, in a few thousand years. I will talk about this during predictions, somewhere in the last lectures. You and I will still have 5 lectures at the end of May.

Vaimasa, Sanskrit

00:06:22 The next type of Sanskrit language is called Vaimasa. Vaimasa is a language spoken by spirits, ghosts, various creatures that do not have a gross body, subtle entities. They speak this language. And Vaimasa and Prakrita are practically no different from each other. But there is a difference, just like Russian and Ukrainian. A Russian person will not always be able to understand Ukrainian. The next language, a type of Sanskrit language, is called Sanskrit. "Sanskrit" literally means purified or pure language. This is the most beautiful and attractive language spoken by Divine beings such as angels, demigods, those who rule our universe and live in the higher worlds. And in the past, in Vedic times, the brahmanas, or such sages, she knew three types of Sanskrit very well, so they could communicate with the demigods, they could understand the language of animals, they could understand the language of spirits. In past times, people and Brahmins, they had many visions of all kinds, they could see spirits, they could communicate with them if they wanted. It’s not that a person doesn’t want to, and spirits walk everywhere. It is not right. This means illness or a weak moon in our horoscope. A person involuntarily begins to see various spirits.

Aryan civilization

00:08:10 And the word “Aryans”, Aryan civilization, that is what, one might say, the civilization of the past was called, Aryan civilization. And the Aryans, who are the Aryans? Hitler said: "The Aryan civilization, the true, purest civilization, the civilization of the Germans, all the others must serve us." In fact, Hitler had an entire SS department dedicated to the study of India. This is a swastika - a cross. In fact, this is what is called “swastika” in Sanskrit, that is, that which is favorable. He used it as his banner. They studied India, the word "Aryans" is a purely Sanskrit name, they had a lot of developments, they tried to create mana-flying ships of India from the past. Unfortunately, she does not fully know the Vedic tradition, and the word "Aryan" is translated as one who knows the meaning of life. And the arias of the past, no matter who they were, never punished anyone for nothing. They never considered themselves very exalted. Simply, it was called the Aryan civilization, as it is now called here, in the west - Western civilization, Indian civilization, also before, there was an Aryan civilization throughout our entire land. People who did not just live, and were engaged in simple material activities, those who knew what the meaning of their life was and every person of the past, he strived to not just live and enjoy, despite the fact that these pleasures would soon end, they also understood that they still needed to develop spiritually. But in the process of a century of degradation, the material world is characterized by the fact that everything here is degrading gradually, our material body is degrading, everything is degrading, then the remnants of the Aryan civilization have been preserved only in India. Although echoes of this civilization can be found even in our countries.


00:10:20 At the last lecture, I told you the similarities of these fairy tales, a lot of interesting things. If you delve into our tradition, Russian, maybe even in your tradition, you can find many similarities between the Vedic civilization and our modern civilization. There was an airplane carpet on which they flew, and mantras, and we are having a seminar on mantras, they are capable of destroying anarthas. Anarthi literally means knots. These are the nodes that are in our heart. What are these knots in our heart? These are the knots that we tied once in the past, in our past incarnation, even in this incarnation, knots that do not allow us to live in peace. Those knots because of which we fell into this slavery, the slavery of our wrong desires. These are the knots of our wrong attachments. We sometimes notice such an interesting thing. We know that now we will feel bad because we are doing something, but we still continue to do it. This knot sits in us and does not allow us to exist normally. This applies to eating cake, for example. It doesn’t matter, at night, not at night, maybe in the morning, but all the same, we know that now it will be bad, but we continue to eat. [question from the audience inaudible]. Maybe they say it’s good the other way around. Depends on how much you eat. If you eat little, it’s not very good, if you eat a lot, it’s natural that it’s not good. I'm talking about the case that when we eat and know that we will overeat, we will feel bad, but we still cannot stop. This is such a mild example.

00:12:20 But there are still our defiled desires that force us to act badly towards other people, kill, say bad things. We know that now we will say this and the person will be offended, but we say it anyway. And we collect a lot of these healthy anarthas, in many of our past lives, we accumulate them, and they are all located approximately in the region of the heart. These are the anarthas that prevent you from experiencing happiness. And every anartha, one way or another, comes out, at some point it comes out and says, it’s time, it’s time to suffer. These anarthas can be compared to sin, that is, the desire to sin. In our life, there are such desires to sin, although we know and understand that nothing good will happen, but the desire remains. Sometimes, anarthas, seeds of sinful desires, sitting inside, they emerge in our consciousness, some sinful desire appears, we commit some sin, and then we go to church and say: “Please, I am a sinner, I did something bad.” ". And we destroy, we go through the ritual of atonement for our sin, we destroy this sin. In fact, we destroy the external manifestations of sin, but the seeds remain there, despite the fact that we regretted what we did, next time we want to do it again. This means that we removed the external manifestation, but this seed remained there, in our heart. This desire to sin remains. We can go to church as much as we want, but as long as these seeds sit inside us, in our hearts, we will not be able to get rid of the desire to sin.

00:14:10 These are anarthas, these knots of our sinful desires, knots that we have accumulated for many many lives, and in principle, the mantra, they are capable of destroying these seeds of our sinful desires. Mantras penetrate very deeply into our heart, only sound can penetrate our mind and our heart. All other methods, such as ablution, such as physical education, some say, I feel so bad, I went to a disco, jumped there as hard as I could, and it felt so good. This way you can remove the external manifestation or forget yourself. Throw away this desire, but the seed remains. Those who repeated the mantra, “Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya,” they could feel that some kind of joy was coming. We can experience joy only when our sinful desires, or our anarthas, they somehow leave us, and mainly yoga, with the help of meditation, with the help of pranayama, they destroy most of their anarthas, nodes, and yoga, or in system of yoga, the last anartha that remains for the yogi is when he believes that I have become God.

00:15:41 This is the last anartha, all other anarthas have already disappeared, all qualities have already disappeared. He thinks I am so exalted, so powerful, most likely I am the embodiment of God, I have good qualities, I am the kindest. This is pride, and this is the last anartha, which believes, I am powerful, I am a yogi, I can do this, I can create candy from ashes, ashes from candy, I am great, I am Ishvara - the ruler of all living beings, this is what yogis think, this the last trap for all yogis. And we know that there are many yogis who claim that they have become Bhagavan, or the Supreme God. But basically we can say that these yogis, people who believe that they have become God, still exist in many places in India, here in Russia, there was a whole congress of Gods recently in Moscow, about 150 people, some of them claimed that they were the incarnation of Jesus Christ, some of Magomed, some claimed that almost Allah, and so on, they conferred there, I don’t know what they were there, they found out who their greatest God became, I never went, but it was Interestingly, such a unique event was reported on the news. And everyone has their own mission on this earth.

00:17:10 And in the past, there was such an interesting story. This was approximately 130 years ago. In [Aris] there appeared one such yogi, or such a person, who considered himself God. He was a very powerful God, he knew a lot of things. And he claimed that he was God and all people should worship him. And not only that, there were people so gullible that they actually believed that he was God. And they sent their daughters so that he could cleanse or illuminate them. And the government of Arisa, they didn’t know what to do, and they asked one person who knew yoga very well, who studied the Vedic scriptures, his name was [Bhavtinot] to find out whether this is a man of God, or a fraudster. [Bhavtinoth Thakur] was a wonderful person, he was knowledgeable, from childhood he had an ideal memory, his extensive knowledge amazed him, he was a professional lawyer, and moreover, he was a spiritual person. I changed into simple clothes, took the police with me, who also changed into simple clothes, and they went to this yogi. And when they came to this yogi, this yogi said: “I know why you came [Bhavtinot].” He knew why they had come to him, although it was not clear that they were police. “I know why you came [Bhavtinoth]. Listen, I will make you the king of all India, so don’t cause me any trouble, otherwise I will create a curse, and your whole family, everyone will die. So surrender to me, that way you will progress.” That's what [Bhavtinotu] said.

00:19:10 And [Bhavtinot] looked at him and said: “You are a fraudster, you are not God, nothing is said about you in the Vedic scriptures, and by many signs I see that you are a fraudster.” And the police took this yogi to prison. And as soon as he was taken to prison, [Bhavtinot's] whole family fell ill. A terrible fever rose within them, and [Bhavtinot] himself was barely alive. But he knew that this man was a fraud, and I must make sure that people are not deceived, that they do not commit such a great sin when they consider an ordinary person to be God. Thus they deviate from the true path. Despite the fact that [Bhavtinot] was very sick, his whole family was sick, everyone said: “Don’t pester him, let him go, otherwise there will be huge problems” - everyone in prison was afraid of this yogi. And when the day of judgment arrived, [Bhavtinot] said: “Call the barber and cut off his hair.” He had long hair. And as we know, yogis accumulate howling mystical power in their beards and hair. And as soon as the hair is cut off, the yogi loses most of his powers or his siddha abilities. And no one wanted to cut off this yogi’s hair. Then [Bhavtinot] himself took the scissors, went and cut off his hair. And after that, his whole family recovered, he himself felt good, this great God lost his power simply by losing his hair. In the end, while in prison, this yogi, who was accused of engaging in corruption, of violating spiritual laws, took out some poison somewhere in prison and committed suicide. This is where the divine story ends.

00:21:11 And strangely enough, when a person performs austerities and accumulates strength, at some point he becomes so proud, he thinks: “I am much stronger than everyone else.” He really is stronger – that’s a fact. He can do this and that, he can do anything. A true yogi, he can do anything. And pride appears, in this pride. And one of the last qualities of yogis is anger, the manifestation of anger remains. Yogi he can conquer lust, but anger is harder to defeat than lust. Anger remains even among the greatest yogis. When they are not respected, they are not received well. They have practically conquered lust.


00:22:07 There was such a yogi, very great, Vishvamitra Muni. This is Muni, they sat in meditation for 10,000 years, he was all scary, his hair and nails were very long. And one day, sitting in meditation, on a tree branch above him, a bird sat. This is a bird, it just didn’t sit there, you know what it did. And when something fell on him, when he realized that it had fallen, he became so angry, looking at the bird, he immediately incinerated it with his only glance. And we know that our gaze has fire, the power of fire. We can see an angry person, he has such an angry, fiery look, and it happens that we can see fire in his eyes. This is when you look at a person and it is difficult to look him in the eye. This means a very fiery look, a very strong look. It’s not easy to look at such a person, you can immediately get scared. We will immediately take our eyes to another place. This is a fiery look. It is very difficult to look into the eyes of a yogi. I immediately want to turn in the other direction, a very fiery look. In the eyes you can see the power of austerities, the power of repentance. Eyes are the road to our soul. You can see from the eyes how advanced a person is. The eyes are sad, depressed, there are no emotions, angry, envious. The eyes have all the qualities. By the quality of the eyes you can determine whether a person is kind or not.

00:23:51 When I gave seminars on mantras, I told such an interesting story when once, as a child, two high school students pestered me and wanted to offend me, and I just made such an angry look, and when they saw this look, they said: “Well ok, ok, you go." It was such an interesting story. It’s a fact that you can use your eyes to scare a person, he will think: “Oh, he’s angry, he’s going to beat me.” You can get scared. And you can just imitate with your eyes, scare, and just make such a good-natured appearance, I’m so sincere, so good, I love you so much, and then just like that, on the sly, and that’s it. Sometimes this manifests itself in Scorpios. He is so cute, he crawls towards his leg, then crawls up, looks, and then just like that from behind, fluff, and that’s it. You will be sick for two months. Only rare scorpions can kill you. For a month or two you are very terribly ill, then you recover, side effects from this disease, from the venom of the scorpion, appear, but one way or another, rarely does anyone die from a scorpion sting, only from large black scorpions you can die.

00:25:16 And the mystical perfections of yogis are obtained if, first, you conquer your mind and feelings, that is, you conquer your feelings and take them under the control of your mind. When he can do this, he can gain mystical powers. Also, when a yogi has complete control over his mind, then he can direct his mind to any task that he can do. And this will be a huge force. And this thought will have enormous creativity. You can also gain mystical abilities through breath control. When we control our breathing, it is easier for us to control our mind. The mind immediately calms down. And you can also achieve mystical perfection through the repetition of various mantras. And one can also acquire mystical perfections with the help of smaranam, that is, with the help of remembrance of God. When a person meditates on God, he does not receive just one ability, but can receive all the abilities that exist. And the elders: in the Christian tradition, they showed abilities. The saints of Christianity, from their biographies you can find out that they showed amazing abilities. One was just sitting, and because he was reciting the Jesus Prayer, he got up. Another bear helped build his house alone. Do you know who we are talking about? Yes, Sarovsky. If you study Christianity, the history of Christianity, the saints, you will understand that it is true that a person does not do yoga, does not do any breathing exercises, he simply devotes himself to God and receives incredible abilities.

How do mantras work?

00:27:13 And mantras, they penetrate our hearts and destroy these anarthas that we have accumulated over many years in the past. This is the best process of atonement for our sins, and cleansing our consciousness, our dirty consciousness that we have accumulated in past lives. And if we somehow commit some sin, we can go to church and ask for atonement. And the Vedas say that atonement in Sanskrit is called [prayashtita], and the Vedas say that this [prayashtita] is not just that a person realized his mistake, atonement occurs only when we no longer do it. Let’s say you did something bad and asked for forgiveness, we were given this forgiveness, and in the end, when we again commit some sin, then the same sin with which we have already been forgiven, it again falls into its original place, because we broke our promise that we would not do this again. That is, [prayashtita] means that atonement is then atonement when a person never does it again. Sometimes a person receives forgiveness and redemption. This is called [prayashtita] - having committed a sin, a person does not commit it again, and receives atonement. If he commits the same sin again, even that sin that has already been forgiven will arise again and will torment us, we will suffer from it again. Therefore, in India, everyone knows what atonement is, that atonement is when we do nothing else, we receive complete atonement, a very powerful process.

00:29:10 The mantra that we studied in the past is precisely the mantra that purifies anarthas, and Druva, that five-year-old boy, he purified himself so much that he even lost the desire to be God, to become a ruler, remember I told this story where he wanted to get enormous wealth, even more than his father, the Tsar. He wanted to, but when he began to repeat this mantra, he became so purified that he completely got rid of this desire to dominate matter, people. This is a very powerful mantra.

Translation of the protective mantra

00:29:50 But now we will study protective mantras, from various situations that may somehow threaten us, and the mantra that we will study now, you have it on a piece of paper, the last such quatrain. Take out some leaflets and I will try to give you a literal translation. The first is the bija goes, or the syllable "Om". Those who don't know, bija is the seed of the mantra, it is what reveals the mantra, and the Gita says that Omkara, or the syllable "Om" is the sound vibration of God, so can be translated as God, or Lord, "O Lord." The next word is “harir” - translated as “Supreme” - “Supreme Lord”. The next word “vidadyan” can be translated into Russian as “Yes it will.” The next one is “mother” - that is, “To me”. “Sarvaraksham” means “all protection”, “sarva” means “all”, “raksha” means “protection”. The next word consists of two: “Niyastan” - can be translated as “resting” or “located” and “Angripadmah” - “padmah” means “feet”, “Angripadmah” literally means “feet like lotuses”, that is, such beautiful. And "Angripadmah" can be translated as "lotus-like feet."

00:31:52 The next word - “Patagendra Prishti” - can be translated as “on the back of the king of birds”, such a large bird on which Hari sometimes flies, sometimes the Lord flies. If you know a little Hindu tradition, then every God, every half-God has his own animal on which he travels. Let's say when Lord Shiva appears, he appears on the back of a bull. This does not mean that he drives so slowly, he can fly very fast. And even in Japan, astronauts noticed a huge bird near the moon, they filmed this fact, and they were shocked, where did such a big bird come from or was it a ship that appeared on the planet Moon, huge in size, several kilometers away. Garuda, the king of birds, has a non-material body, since God himself sits on it. In this universe there are birds that travel from planet to planet, but it’s too early for you to know about this, because you simply won’t believe it.

00:33:12 The next word - "Dara" - literally means "shell". A shell is an object that makes sounds; you can blow a shell. Anyone who has been to India knows that before opening the altar, they blow these shells and the word “Dara” is translated as “shell.” The word "Ari", "Daraari" consists of two words - shell and disk, "Ari" literally means "disk". The next word "Charma" is translated as "shield". "Asi" or "Charmasi" is translated as "shield and sword". "" Gadeshu also consists of two words, "Gada" is a "mace" or "club", "Ishu" is translated as "arrows", and since these two words are connected, it is read as "Gadeshu" in Sanskrit. The next word “Chapa” is “bow”, “Pashan” is translated as lasso or fetters, fetters - how you can confuse someone. "Dadanokh" - translated as holding. “X” is pronounced very muffled, almost inaudible. The next word is “Ashtagunoh” - “Ashta” means eight, “gunoh” - perfections, “Ashtagunoh” - having eight mystical perfections.

00:36:04 And the next last word is “Ashtabahukh”, you simply write “Shta” there, it’s repeated in Sanskrit, but I’m just giving you the original word by its roots. “Ashtabahukh” - “Ashta” - also eight, “Bakhuh” - “Hands”, “eight hands”. The one who has eight arms is Vishnu Tattva, that is, he is the Lord who belongs to the Vishnu Tattvas, that is, he is Vishnu, the one who is the maintainer of this universe. And this can be translated literary, thus: “May the Supreme Lord, who sits on the bird Garuda, touching him with his feet, protect me, always and everywhere. May he protect me with the weapon that he holds in his eight hands: the conch, the disc , shield, sword, mace, arrows, bow and lasso." The fact that we listed each word verbatim: shell, disc, shield, sword, mace, arrows, bow and lasso. This is a natural name, I will explain a little later.

00:38:22 Next: “May the Lord protect me, who is omnipotent, for he is filled with eight mystical perfections” that only exist: nima, laghima, prapti, mahima, ishitva, vashita, prakamya, kama-vasayita." We will talk about this talk about how one can even acquire these mystical perfections, what mystical perfections exist in the next studies. The end: “May the Lord protect me, who is omnipotent, for he is filled with eight wonderful powers,” or mystical powers. That’s it, this is the end of the mantra. But one way or another you just need to study this translation verbatim, if you look at it, it is described here, the Vedic tradition describes that the Lord has various incarnations on Earth. He also comes to this universe in his various expansions, reincarnations, and in this case we are talking about the fact that The Lord who came to this Universe in order to maintain the structure of this Universe.

00:39:57 There is initially a Lord who is always in the spiritual world, and this Lord can also appear here, that is, the incarnation of God, there can be countless reincarnations of God, and therefore he can come to this Universe under different guises . Such hypostases as Allah, Buddha, can take any form, including the giant fish that saved the ark, Manu. There was such a Manu, the progenitor of humanity, and when the universal flood began, the planet was not just flooded, but when all the worlds were flooded to the very top of our universe. From below, from the ocean of Garbhodaka, “Garba” means an egg, there is water in the egg, and our universe is an egg, on the lower planets there is water. This water rises at the end of the partial destruction of the universe, rises to the highest planets, and this is what happened in past times and therefore the Lord took the form of a giant fish that swims in this ocean. And this Lord was dragging on his huge horn the ark where all living beings were placed. In fact, he didn’t have to drag anyone, it’s just a game, to play in this way, this is difficult for us to understand now, God is omnipotent, he also has the best qualities, the ones that we have, sometimes he wants to practice military art, to destroy someone, demons.

00:41:50 With the help of time, he can destroy demons, but he can also come and destroy them with his own hands. And when God himself comes and destroys someone, then the one he destroys receives the highest benefits, so it is said in one of the predictions, I don’t remember who, in Christianity, that in the end God himself, the punisher, will come and will destroy everyone along with their own. And only a select few, only a few people, will go with him. And this, by the way, is also spoken of in the Bhavishya Purana, the Purana according to the predictions that the Lord will appear as a Kalki avatar and will destroy the demonic population of the Earth. That is, the parallels are very large. But I got ahead of myself a little, I will describe this a little further.

00:42:50 And therefore the Lord is omnipotent, he can take any form, and the Vedas describe the various forms of God that he takes in order to play certain roles in this universe. He likes it, he comes with a certain mission to this earth, and here we can see that this form of him, one of the forms, is so amazing, 8 arms, imagine, eight-armed, and in each hand he holds a certain weapon. Very surprising. This form, it is so powerful, and if the Lord holds a certain type of weapon, it means that the one who can destroy someone and the one who can protect us. And therefore this prayer, this mantra, which is one of, consisting of “Narayana-kavachi”, is the shield of God, kavachi means shield. In the past of this kavacha Tvashtar, with the help of this kavacha, repeating these mantras, he received such power that nothing could destroy him. And subsequently Indra, or the one who is responsible for lightning, or the demigod of Rain, he also in past times read “Narayana-kavacha” to defeat a demon who was of enormous size.

00:44:33 When the Brahmins performed a sacrifice, in order for this great demon to be born, in order to kill the king of Paradise. And these eight weapons, we know that there are people who can perfectly use various types of weapons, and of them the most powerful is God. God himself created various weapons so that we could fulfill our desires, battles, courage in battle, created all types of weapons, and he is the one who masters all of this perfectly. Therefore, he has no equal. Therefore, if we pray for a boxer, then we will have mines, the energy of boxing, and we will also feel the ability to box. To achieve perfection, we need to practice boxing with some boxing specialist, then we will achieve the same level. Likewise here, if we recite the mantra to God, who possesses these weapons, then we gain enormous experience and enormous power of protection with these same weapons. This can be said to be one of the tantras, which is called Vaishnava tantra. Vaishnava tantra deals with various types of weapons.

00:46:07 Women just need to read such a mantra, since they are now defenseless, no one understands them. This does not mean that if you recite this mantra you will be an expert in swordsmanship. Just get the protection of the sword of God. If you repeat carefully, then all these weapons will protect you. This is what tantra is all about. You repeat a certain prayer, a certain incarnation of God, you receive enormous strength and protection with these types of weapons. Tantra means that you make contact with these weapons. In the process of repeating a mantra, you establish a connection with these weapons. And when the connection is established, friendship arises. As soon as some guy approaches you, he will not be able to do anything to you, or he will fall. I gave the same lecture in Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk, of course, I didn’t tell them such frank things, I gave them simple mantras, I don’t know how you will react to this mantra, but they told me that people here are very knowledgeable, they know a lot , so I decided to tell you these different types of mantras.

Mantra of physical protection

00:47:32 This is a mantra for physical protection. Precisely from an attack. You and I will also study mantras of protection from subtle entities [Question from the audience] And if you just read it in Russian, does it have power, or is it necessary in Sanskrit? In principle, if you read in Russian, it will have the same power, but in Sanskrit, it is the language of the soul. Sanskrit is the original language, the language of the soul. This is very powerful; in general, mantras are a certain interweaving of various sounds that have power. Therefore, all mantras were chanted in Sanskrit during Vedic times. Yes, they need to be repeated correctly, you and I will repeat them correctly. In order to chant them correctly, you will simply repeat after me, and in this way you will be able to understand how to chant correctly. This mantra can be repeated silently, or you can repeat it out loud.

00:48:43 There was such a story, in Donetsk, or not in Donetsk, I don’t remember exactly, one woman says: “I was walking late in the evening, and suddenly two healthy thugs approached me, who grabbed my bag and started pulling. She was walking after the seminar. And she started chanting this mantra in Sanskrit. They were shocked and ran away. "When you repeat this mantra, if you want to protect your children, you need to think about your children so that the Lord, who has eight arms and wields weapons , protected your child. Yes, it’s possible in the morning, it’s possible for a specific case. For this, you must know the literal translation, so that when you repeat, Om Harir Vidadyan, you understand, may he provide - Vidadyan, Mama Sarvaraksham, to me - Sakvaraksham - all protection, May he provide me all protection, that is, you pray to God, you just think about your child and repeat this mantra in honor of your child so that God will help your child.

00:50:18 Caring for children, caring for the elderly is the main responsibility of humanity. Unfortunately, no one cares about either children or old people in our civilized world. Atheism is taught in schools, pensions are not paid to old people. In Vedic times, children and the elderly were given the very first aid. Their main concern was. And everyone else was taken care of after. What questions do you have?

00:50:54 [Question from the audience inaudible] This mantra is not called anything, it is one of the Narayana-kavachi mantras. Narayana kavacha has about 36 mantras, this is one of the mantras. This is a protective mantra, and it’s called protective. [Question from the audience is inaudible]. God has many attributes. In this case, in order to - Sarvaraksham - get all the protection, that's why. You can repeat it once, but if you repeat it correctly, very carefully, the effect is colossal. Or, in order to learn how to repeat correctly, you can repeat for some time, half an hour, twenty minutes, no matter how long. The main thing is quality, quantity is not necessary. You can say “Oh God” once and get into the spiritual world. You can repeat this mantra once and immediately receive all the protection, instantly, in that very second. The Lord he resides in everyone's heart, and therefore he can manifest himself immediately. He knows the thoughts of every person and he executes. We want to do something bad, and he, in the form of conscience, says: “We shouldn’t do this.” But if we continue to want, he says: “Well, please, if you want, please, but then you will be to blame.”

00:52:50 Some people think that he is to blame for their suffering, but if you look into your heart, you can see that in fact we ourselves wanted this, and then we ourselves will suffer from it. And now we will repeat this mantra, learn this mantra, since some already want to leave, we need to rush to the hearth, we will now try to do everything quickly and run to do household chores, as people say.

00:53:25 So, this is what we will do: I will repeat one or two words, and you will all repeat after me together. Then I will repeat the next word, you will repeat the same further. And so on until the end. Very simple. Om Harir- Om Harir, Vididian Vidyadyan, mother Sarvaraksham- mother Sarvaraksham, Niyastangri- Niyastangri, Padmakh- Padmakh, Patagentra-Patagentra, Priseti-Prishti, Darari-Darari, Charmasi-Charmashi, Gadesha Gadesha, Chapa-Chapa, Pashaan- pashan, DADANO-dadano, SHTA-shta, GUNO-guno, SHTABAKH-shtabahukh. OM HARIR - om harir, VIDADIAN - vidadyan, MAMA SARVARAKSHAM - mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH - niyastangri padmah, PATAGENDRA-patagendra, PRISHTI-prishti, DARARI-darari, CHARMASI-charmasi, GADESHU CHAPA- gadesu chapa, PASHAN DADANO- pashan dadano, SHTA GUNO-shta guno, SHTABAKH-SHTABAKHUH.

00:55:02 OM HARIR - om harir, VIDADIAN - vidadyan, MOTHER SARVARAKSHAM - mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI - niyastangri, PADMAH - padmah, PATAGENDRA PRISHTI - patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI - darari charmasi, GADESHU CHAPA - gadesu chapa, PA SHAN DADANO- pashan dadano, SHTA GUNO-shta guno, SHTABAKH-shtabachuh. OM HARIR VIDADYAN - om harir vidadyan, MOTHER SARVARAKSHAM - mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH - niyastangri padmah, PATAGENDRA PRISTI - patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI-darari charmasi, GADESHU CHAPA - gadesu chapa, PASHAN DADANO STA - pashan yes given shta, GUNO SHTABAKHUH- guno headquartershuh.

00:56:14 OM HARIR VIDADYAN - om harir vidadyan, MOTHER SARVARAKSHAM - mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH - niyastangri padmah, PATAGENDRA PRISHTI - patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI - darari charmasi, GADESHU CHAPA - gadeshu chapa, PASHAN DA DAN - pashan dadano, SHTA GUNO SHTABAKH- shta guno shtabachuh. OM HARIR VIDADYAN MOM SARVARAKSHAM - om harir vidadyan mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH PATAGENDRA PRISTI - niyastangri padmah patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI GADESHU CHAPA -darari charmasi gadeshu chapa, PASHAN DADANO STA GUNO STABAHUH - pa shan dadano shta guno shtastahuh. OM HARIR VIDADYAN MOM SARVARAKSHAM- om harir vidadyan mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH PATAGENDRA PRISTI - niyastangri padmah patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI GADESHU CHAPA -darari charmasi gadeshu chapa, PASHAN DADANO STA GUNO STABAHUH - pa shan dadano shta guno shtastahuh. OM HARIR VIDADYAN MOM SARVARAKSHAM - om harir vidadyan mother sarvaraksham, NIYASTANGRI PADMAH PATAGENDRA PRISTI - niyastangri padmah patagendra prishti, DARARI CHARMASI GADESHU CHAPA -darari charmasi gadeshu chapa, PASHAN DADANO STA GUNO STABAHUH - pa shan dadano shta guno shtastahuh.


01:02:25 This mantra is repeated with this melody. This will not work as this mantra refers to God. If the mantra relates more to some personality in the universe, let’s say to some demigod, that is, a demigod who has a certain power in this universe, then this mantra can be dangerous. But God he is not dangerous, he is not the one who punishes for any offenses, he is very merciful and has all the good qualities. Many may think that he has such a huge eye, and he watches over each of ours and we are afraid of him, that he will punish us. In fact, he does not punish us, in this universe there are laws, material laws, if we do something bad, then naturally we receive punishment. And the laws of this nature are described in the Vedas. If you do something bad, it’s your own fault, that is, we punish ourselves. And just as you know, the TV has instructions, so in life we ​​have instructions. If we do not use the TV according to the instructions, but use it to hammer nails, then nothing good will come from it.

01:03:58 It’s the same here, if we incorrectly use the instructions in our life, then we will suffer from it. And in this the Lord is not the cause, we are the cause. We don't want to know the laws. Therefore, it’s not scary if you pronounce something incorrectly, but in principle, as we repeated with you, this is how you should pronounce it. What questions will there be about this mantra?

Kali Yuga

01:04:27 [Question from the audience is inaudible]. What you read in the Bhagavatam is already the beginning of the Kali Yuga - the age of degradation. One of the first curses was on the son of a brahman. The brahmana's son cursed Parikshit, and the age of degradation began, the age of Kali, in which we live. There were curses, and before, a curse was like a blessing. That is, let’s say a sage, seeing that someone is degrading, says, “You will be cursed and will be born in your next life as a tree.” This man was born as a tree, and this curse was a blessing, why, because the brahman cursed, that is, a very high level person, a holy person. This curse was both a curse and a blessing, because it came from a good person. Whatever comes from a good person is always good. Therefore, this man was born as a tree. At some point, a saint sat under this tree, began to read mantras, and this person received spiritual benefit. And these curses used to usually turn out to be blessings, but when you read more, you will understand when you study further. So in Vedic times there were also curses, but special curses. There were also great battles, but in past times there was a strong division between demons and good people, that is, the demonic population and the good ones. And now we basically have both a demon and a good person inside us. But before, the differences were specific: if a demon, then one hundred percent, if a good person, then one hundred percent. Now everything is intertwined, we have 50 good qualities and 50 bad ones, we all know about it.

01:06:25 Now you can’t say about someone that he is some kind of demon, he also has good qualities. Depending on who, if the demon cursed, then it might not come true. If he cursed his own, it probably came true. The curse has the nature of passion and ignorance, and therefore if a person is in goodness, then the curse no longer affects him. If we have a little passion, then a curse can affect us. Therefore, knowing this law, if you are in goodness, then no curses will affect you. If they curse you as much as you like, it’s useless, it’s just zero. Purity is stronger than dirt, so dirt cannot contaminate purity so quickly, and I mean in the mind. Of course, you can pollute a clean place, but here I’m talking more about consciousness.

01:07:47 [Question from the audience is inaudible]. The more hands, the more power. Yes, it is shown that he is omnipotent. Ashtabahuhh - eight arms, eight-armed. Good question, the answer can be simple - a sacred number. Maybe 12 hands, no problem, for God it is not important. He may have two hands, we are all the likeness of God. That is, the initial form of God in the spiritual world is a two-armed form. This is also said in Christianity. [Question from the audience inaudible] This applies more to such tantric mantras that are in passion. Everything needs to be there exactly. Here all this is on a transcendental level, on a spiritual level, so the number of times is not so important here. It can be 1 time, it can be 2 times, it can be 3, it can be 150, it can be 1050.

01:09:00 [Question from the audience is inaudible]. What signs? About numbers? I don't know anything about numbers. In India, 108 beads are mainly used, and one of them is the main one, that is, 109 in total. And the main one personifies God himself, and 108 beads of his immediate environment. It's like personification. That's why in India they use 108 beads. [Question from the audience is inaudible]. If there is a cold look, such a person is not interested in anything, if you are talking to him and he has a cold look, this means he is tired of talking to you, he has no spark of interest. In India, in past times, those who studied the Puranas, they sometimes came across this type of mantra, when with the help of mantras they caused the splitting of atoms. The splitting of atoms is an atomic bomb, when atoms split, a nuclear explosion occurs. And in past times, they used sounds to split atoms. And that is why in past times they also used a nuclear bomb. There was no bomb as such, they split it using sound and it resulted in a nuclear explosion, right away. The bomb was not needed. They did this mechanical splitting of atoms using sound. And scientists, in principle, admit and say that it is theoretically possible to split an atom with the help of sound, because sound is higher than swearing.

Nuclear weapon

01:10:52 And the Vedas say that nuclear weapons existed, these weapons were called brahmastra. Astra means weapon. And the last time nuclear weapons were used was about 4800 years ago, it was a big war, a huge war in which a third of the planet's population died. This is a huge war between the demonic population and the divine. Naturally, who won? The divine principle has won. One way or another, a third of the population was destroyed, and after this great war there were only two individuals left who knew how to use these nuclear weapons. The Bhagavatam, or more precisely even the Mahabharata, describes the battle of the last two offspring who knew how to use nuclear weapons with the help of mantras, with the help of sound. With a certain combination of sounds, a nuclear explosion occurred. Their names were Ashwatthama and Arjuna, the latter two, and Ashwatthama knew how to activate nuclear weapons, but he did not know how to stop them. Arjuna knew how to activate and how to stop. Arjuna was much more powerful. And in the Bhagavatam it is described that Ashwatthama, wanting to destroy Arjun, touched the water for purification and began to pronounce certain mantras that activated the nuclear weapon - brahmastra. At the same moment, a blinding radiance spread in all directions. Arjuna realized that his life was in danger, and in order to neutralize the weapon released by Ashwatthama, he also released his nuclear weapon.

01:12:56 When these two brahmastras met together, a huge fireball obscured the entire sky. The inhabitants of the world felt the heat generated by the radiation of these two bomas, or nuclear brahmastras. Seeing that the people were facing imminent death, Arjuna uttered a mantra and called back both of these brahmastras. That is, in order to neutralize one brahmastra, it was necessary to release a second brahmastra, and only then could they be stopped. And brahmastras, the nuclear weapons of the past, were much more effective than the weapons of our time. Modern atomic bombs do not have a target as such; if they hit somewhere, everything is destroyed, everything that exists, and it is practically uncontrollable, it hits the city, and practically everything that exists is destroyed, good and bad. But in the past, brahmastras were controlled, and with the help of brahmastra it was possible to destroy one specific person, even if many people stood next to him, only one would die, everyone else would survive. This is the action of brahmastra. Brahmastra can destroy an entire planet, it can destroy the earth, depending on where it is directed. Previously, they knew how to direct it, to what place, what person, it was possible to destroy specific people, it was possible to destroy even a child in the womb of the mother, the mother would remain alive. This is a subtler weapon and more powerful.

01:14:41 The eighth book of the Mahabharata talks about how brahmastras and nuclear weapons act on the world around us. It says that the water everywhere became hot, after the Brahmastra, animals instantly died from burns, trees fell in rows, thousands of warriors were destroyed, turning into ashes. This action is described in the Mahabharata, a scripture that is 5000 years old. Does the description look like a nuclear explosion? And brahmastra is not caused by simple sounds, not by a certain combination, this sound must be purified. That is, the one who pronounces it must pronounce it purely, consciousness must be at a very high level. Shabda, the sound must be pure. then these nuclear weapons can operate. And in principle, now there are no people who split atoms.

01:15:46 The last nuclear explosions took place 4800 years ago, and not far from modern Paraspur, this is India, in Kashmir, in the Himalayas, there was once an ancient city, many thousands of years ago. But now, there is one continuous desert of scattered, broken, broken stones, as if the entire city had been wiped off the face of the earth with one blow. In this place you can observe completely smooth stones on one side and a certain fossilization on the other side. As if he were exposed to strong thermal radiation. And modern scientific research says that they are similar to the effects of a nuclear explosion in this place. English researcher David Davinpore spent 12 years excavating another city, Mahejo-Daro (present-day Pakistan). In 1996, he came to the conclusion that this city was destroyed 2000 years before the coming of Jesus Christ as a result of a nuclear explosion. The power of the explosion, according to the scientist, was much greater than the power of the bombs fired on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the site of the explosion, everything was crystallized and melted. "At a distance of 60 meters before the explosion, bricks and stones are melted on one side, indicating temperatures approaching 2,000 degrees Celsius." There is still a high level of radiation in this place. In Srinagar (Kashmir), there is such a large mountain nearby, on one side it is completely melted, on the other it is normal. That is, it was as if something had happened on this side, as if the splitting of atoms was taking place. There was a unique civilization with enormous power. Time destroys any civilization.

01:17:52 There are now various exalted civilizations, before there was a powerful empire of the USSR, now there is nothing left of it, now there is a great American empire, from which, over time, nothing will remain. And despite the fact that there were great civilizations in the past, little remains of them. Just one mention. In India you can still find historical excavations that are simply amazing. This pillar, which stands in India, is made of metal. Scientists still cannot make such an alloy. But they still claim that the aborigines lived before. Then it turns out that the aborigines were much smarter than them. Therefore, it is not known who is Aboriginal. In Indian museums you can find huge swords everywhere. It is said that the sword of a kshatriya, that is, a warrior, had a huge hilt and he held it with one hand. In various scriptures, for example, in the Dhanur Veda - scriptures on the art of war, various types of weapons are described. Study the Vedic scriptures and you will find a lot of interesting things. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

01:19:21 And you will understand that in the place where we live, there was a unique Aryan civilization. From this Aryan civilization came the Egyptian civilization. This is also mentioned in the Vedas. And all other great civilizations, such as the Mayan civilization, also came from the Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization also worshiped the Sun, as the Sun is the personification of God or light from the spiritual world. In the Mayan civilization, the main god was the Sun God. The Mayan civilization worshiped the Sun.

Mantras for the body and chakras

01:20:21 So, next we will study mantras for all our chakras, for our entire body. We get up early in the morning, we have to go to work. We drink tea or coffee, eat, are in a pleasant mood, go out into the street, get on a trolleybus. And as soon as we sit down, the mood spoils. They seemed to be in a good mood, but it was as if someone had ruined it. If you look at how many people are traveling and they are not happy with their work, something hurt them on the bus or tram, then the general consciousness of the people who travel on the trolleybus falls on us. And we don’t want to go anywhere, but we have to. And something seems to defile us, as if something is polluting us. This is the external atmosphere. Just like when we come to the hospital and we immediately feel uneasy, because the mood of suffering is in the air in the hospital. And when we get to the hospital, we immediately feel sad, heavy, bad. We immediately begin to become mentally ill. These mantras will protect us from such pollution. And these are the mantras that we will study; they have been used by priests in India since ancient times. Every morning, after taking a bath, they apply mantras to the body using water or clay. So this is a very ancient brahminical culture. The best of people in Vedic times used these mantras to protect our body. These mantras protect against many things. From adverse effects, from all sorts of subtle entities that are trying to enter the body.

01:22:37 How is this done? Take a glass of water. Then we dip our middle finger in the water and place mantras on certain chakras. The first mantra “Om keshavaya namaha” is placed on the ajna chakra here. We touch the water, pronounce the mantra and place this drop of water here. Thus, we seem to seal this mantra into this place. A left-handed person also does it with the right. You can pronounce and stage at the same time. With such consciousness that we place this mantra on our forehead. Ajna chakra is the place between the eyebrows.

01:23:29 The next mantra is “Om narayan namaha.” Then we will study the translation on them, while we just go through them. It is placed 2 cm below the navel, also with water. That is, you have taken your bath, have not yet fully dressed, and you can immediately put this water on these chakras immediately after your shower. We also touch the water with our middle finger, pronounce the mantra and place it 2 cm below the navel. It’s better to say it out loud and better so that no one knows. In principle, our culture and Indian culture are very different and therefore for people, if you tell this, it will simply be a shock. Many of you are probably shocked to hear this. After taking a shower.
You can use it without a shower; they also cleanse you, like ablution. But usually it is put
after the shower. Physical dirt is removed first. Then these mantras are put.

01:25:13 The next mantra is “Om madhavaya namah”. It is placed on the solar plexus, where pressing or hitting would hurt.
The next one is “Om Govindaya Namaha”. This mantra is located in the throat, in the Vishuddha or Shuddha (purity) chakra. It’s in the throat, so we just take it and touch this place. The next one is “Om Vishnave Namaha.” We place this mantra under the ribs on the right side. If you miss by 1 cm, it’s not a big deal. Even at 2. Yes, on the side.

01:27:05 The next mantra, the sixth “Om madhusudanaya namaha” is placed at the right elbow, placed with the left hand. This is an exception. The right hand is believed to be clean. Because in India, when they go to the toilet, they wash themselves with their left hand. They don't use toilet paper there, so the left hand is considered dirty. The right hand is used mainly. But after ablution, you can use your left hand.
The next “Om trivikramaya namah” is placed on the shoulder. That is, on the outside of the shoulder. The next mantra, “Om Vamanaya Namaha,” is on the left side under the rib. Just like on the right, only now on the left. The ninth mantra is “Om Sridharaya Namaha” at the elbow of the left hand. Just touch and say the mantra. The eleventh mantra “Om Hrishikeshaya Namaha” is placed at the left shoulder. The next mantra “Om padmanabhaya namah” is placed on the back from above. That is, take your hand and touch the upper back, slightly below the cervical vertebrae, where the thoracic vertebrae begin. How you reach is normal. “Om Damodaraya Namaha” is the lower back in the center.

01:29:32 The next, last mantra “Om Vasudevaya Namaha” is placed on the brahmarandha, that is, the top of the head, where the fontanel was. Children are very much in contact with universal energy. This place is very soft for them.
The source of these mantras is the Padma Purana; all this is described in the Patalakanda. Chapter 79 The Padma Purana is intended for the Brahmins, the upper class of people. Now we will try to translate. But you are unlikely to find chapter 79 here, even in the English version.

01:31:13 “Om keshavaya namah” is placed on the forehead. Keshava has several translations from Sanskrit. The first translation of Keshava is the Lord who destroys pride or false ego. It is placed in the third eye area. This is the area of ​​the false ego. You can look at a person and if he has rough, hard energy coming from this place, then this means that the person has a strong false ego. Not necessarily folds, look at your mood. And the nose represents pride. When the nose is big and strong, then a proud person. A large and long nose does not necessarily mean great pride. You need to look at the quality, the nose should be tense. This means a huge false ego. Therefore, we put this mantra there, protect our pride both from ourselves and from others. We protect ourselves from the penetration of false ego from the outside. Pride, do you know what problems it causes? Let's say you meet a man on the street, and he has a big false ego, and so do you, and no one can give in. One says I, the other says I. What arises? Conflict. Whoever wins has a stronger false ego and actually lost.

01:33:38 Married girls put a red dot in this place in India. Red represents fire. This is protection from other men. And this mantra will protect our psyche from the influence of another psyche. And a person can defeat another thanks only to psychic energy. Fear means that this place is affected by another person. If you get along with a person and you have fear of him, then this means that he has defeated him in this place. This is a place of anger, when people get angry, a pillar of fire comes out from here. Their false ego becomes very strong and fire comes from that place. Often the sages of the past could burn with the help of this place. Vishvamirta incinerated the bird with one glance. This place has the property of being hot. When a person is very angry, it happens that he sees everything around him red. Red drops do not appear in the eyes, but somewhere inside. A person releases adrenaline, it seems to him that he can lift a huge column and demolish it. Everyone can be angry, anger is the last quality that is difficult to tame, even for great saints.

01:35:40 A good mantra for destroying your anger, the one who destroys pride. Pride is our false ego. False ego means me and mine. We are proud of what we have and what we are. Second meaning of the word "keshava". Kesha means hair, and Keshava means one who has beautiful hair. This is the Lord who has beautiful hair, it is not material. The Lord is not material, not like us.

01:36:42 The next word is “narayana”. "Nara" and "ayana". "Ayana" is a place, a refuge for all living beings. "Nara" is all people. Narayana is the place of refuge for all living beings. This is the name of God. In the one in which all living beings reside. He is the shelter of all living beings. This mantra is placed below the navel. We can say that this is svadhisthana. This is the place where we accumulate our energy, the refuge of our energy. In Japan this is called tanden. Tanden is not exactly a svadhisthana chakra. It's located a little higher. This place is the center of our body. "Namaha" means to express one's respect. “Om Narayane Namaha” - I express my respect to Narayana, that is, the place of refuge of all living beings, the one who is the refuge of all living beings, he provides us with protection, is a refuge.

01:38:49 The next mantra is “Om madhavaya namah.” Madhavaya is the husband of the goddess of prosperity and good luck Lakshmi. This is Vishnu-tattva. The fourth mantra is “Om Govindaya Namaha”. Madhavaya is placed on the solar plexus. This is where our prosperity comes from. This place of manipura is fire. It is unique in that if a person is very generous, then this place is very highly developed, his manipura chakra is very much activated. When a person is greedy, this place begins to close. When a person is generous, he gets everything he wants. Manipura chakra gives wealth. "Mani." We put this mantra here and we can get wealth. If a person is greedy, he has problems with digestion, then he cannot accommodate anything more.

01:40:39 The fourth mantra is “Om Govindaya Namaha.” Go means feeling, Govindaya means one who attracts feelings and brings them satisfaction. It is the Lord who satisfies all our senses. Therefore, if you want to satisfy your feelings, you need to turn to him. Placed in the hole. This place is the most sensual. Through this place we communicate and express our feelings.

01:41:26 The next mantra is “Om Vishnave Namaha.” Vish means to enter. The word "Vishnu" can be translated as the one who enters into everyone. One who pervades everything or is omnipresent. Placed on the right side in the liver area. The liver is the organ of calm and also the organ of anger. Hepatitis occurs due to such anger. This means that this is a person who has entered the lives of other living beings a lot with his anger. Therefore, we place the mantra in this place.

01:42:43 The next mantra is “Om madhusudanaya namaha.” Madhu is honey or nectar, sweetness. "Madu sudana" means "one who destroys our ego." Our false ego is what makes it our true ego. Madhu is honey or nectar, our false ego is sweet, it is like honey, we love it so much. Sudanaya is the one who kills him. Placed in the right place. This place is unique in that if it is squeezed too hard, the person dies within 7 days. This is such a secret technique in Chinese therapy. This is a place that if you pinch with certain fingers, the energy will stop flowing into our lower organs and the person will die. We put this mantra in this place.

01:44:23 The next mantra is “Om trivikramaya namah.” This is literally someone who has taken three powerful steps. Eka - one, two - two, three - three, chatur - four, panch - five. Sanskrit is similar to Russian. Trivikrama is literally the one who has taken three mighty steps. There was such an interesting story in Indian legends that the Lord appeared and took away the earth from a great demon. He took three big steps with which he covered all the lands and therefore took everything for himself. This is the name of God, who took three great steps and took everything for himself.

01:45:32 The eighth mantra is “Om vamanaya namaha.” Vamana is a dwarf. This is the personification of the power of God. He was small, a vamana (dwarf). He came to the demon and said: “Give me just three steps of earth.” Demon: "I can give you a planet." And he: “No need, give me just three steps.” Demon: "Okay, take three steps." He grew in size and became Trivikrama and took everything for himself. And he said: “Everything is mine now.” This is one of the incarnations of God that came to this universe.

01:46:32 "Om sridharaya namah." Shri is the one who owns. Dhara - wealth. One who supports the goddess of prosperity. The goddess of enlightenment receives everything from him. We can say this: dhara is the one who supports, and sri is the goddess of luck. I also call Lakshmi simply “Sri”. The one who is filled with six qualities. Wealth, beauty, fame, etc. Sridharaya is the Lord himself who supports the goddess of fortune.

01:47:45 Next, tenth - “Om Hrishikeshaya Namaha.” Hrishika means feelings. Hrishikeshaya is the Supersoul who controls our senses. From it comes the activity of our senses. The Lord is in the heart, from which the strength of our feelings comes. If he didn't want to, we wouldn't be able to act. The activity of our senses comes from it. This is a body that does not belong to us. If our body belonged to us, then we could go to the toilet when we want and eat when we want. But, in principle, our body does not belong to us, and yoga is intended to somehow curb this body. But, one way or another, the entire function of our body depends on God. The eleventh mantra is “Om padmanabhaya namaha.” Padmanabha is the one whose navel is like a lotus. And when we pronounce it in the vocative case, it is pronounced as “padmanabhaya, the last a becomes a long sound.” "Om padmanabhaya namah."

01:50:12 The twelfth mantra is “Om Damodaraya Namaha.” From everything negative, from everything bad, from all kinds of spirits. These mantras are associated with God, so they are the strongest protection. Damodaraya is one whose belly is entwined with a rope. Also the name of God. There was such an interesting story associated with this name. Damodara is such a small God. One woman progressed spiritually and reached such a state that she perceived God as her little son. That is, she had a parental relationship with God. To prevent Him from running, she decided to tie him with a rope. And no matter how much she tied it, she was always missing a small piece. She brought more and more rope, but could not tie Him. She was surprised - how can this be? And we can have different relationships with God. There can be friendly relationships, there can be relationships between servant and Master (as in Christianity), parental relationships. And this sits in our hearts. That is, this is our svarupa, our desire for God. And the Lord takes the form with which you are attached to it. If you are attached to God as to a handsome young man - for God's sake. You can love Him in this way, He also has this form in the spiritual world: a beautiful youth, 25 years old, handsome, young.

01:52:33 The last one is “Om vasudevaya namaha.” Protects from bad, negative influences, from the penetration of spirits, from everything unfavorable. Inspires. Vasudevaya is the best of people. The Lord is the best. Vasudeva is also translated this way, in one scripture of Kalpadruma - the one from whom everything comes. These are interesting mantras. Now I will say them one by one, take a glass of water, dip your finger, pronounce the mantra and place it in a certain place: “Om keshavaya namaha”, “Om narayana namaha”, “Om madhavaya namaha”, “Om govindaya namaha”, “Om vishnave” namaha", "Om madhusudanaya namah", "Om trivikramaya namah", "Om vamanaya namah", "Om sridharaya namah", "Om hrishikeshaya namah", "Om padmanabhaya namah", "Om damodaraya namah", "Om vasudevaya namah" .

01:54:25 The mantras that I said are not very scary if you somehow pronounce them incorrectly. The principle is not very important. You can sing, although I can’t tell you the motive. “Namaha” means I express my respect to the Lord. Just pour water into a glass, touch it with your finger and place it on your body. The most important thing is that when you pronounce a mantra, you seem to imprint it into these places. There will be a very strong defense. Oils are also good, even more effective. But you need to know what kind of oil. If you use coconut oil in winter, you will get sick. Because it cools, and you will cool your whole body. Coconut can be installed in the summer. Sesame and mustard are possible in winter. Olive is almost always possible. Gi is also almost always possible. It’s possible for children, it’s possible for a patient, but he doesn’t know the translation and won’t understand. If you explain all this to him, he will think that it is not he who is sick, but you.

01:57:20 Yes, this is a certain protection, protection by the holy cross. We move on to questions. How can you protect apartments using mantras? But you won’t constantly repeat the mantra in order to protect your apartment. Therefore, there are rituals with the help of which a diagram of an apartment is drawn and a mantra in Sanskrit is drawn around it. Then a certain mantra is read to protect the apartment from subtle entities and from adverse energetic influences. It's like a mandala is being drawn. What about mascots? You can simply take your ring, recite protective mantras for success, protection from spirits - and it will also work. It is better to use metals such as gold, silver, or some precious stones. These are all things that will contain the power of these mantras for up to 6 months. Yes, it starts with the first and ends with the thirteenth. It's not worth breaking. After the water procedure, you need to set the mantras again, start with water, you can try about oil later.

Some mantras must be repeated 108 times, others thousands of times, but there are also those that require repetition a hundred thousand times to “revive” them, while taking any food or even water is prohibited.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Mantras for protection from enemies

How does the mantra work against enemies, why does its positive effect appear? When communicating with ill-wishers, a person spends too much energy, his strength is depleted - hence fatigue, neuroses, and depression. As a consequence - failures, problems in various areas (from health to career), scandals in the family. It turns out that the primary task is to protect your own nervous system, learn to disconnect from negativity, achieve harmony and peace.

Bring yourself into balance

It is easier to deal with obvious enemies - it is enough to exclude all communication with them. Unfortunately, much more often we have to deal with ill-wishers who hide behind fictitious sympathy, hypocritical sympathy, and deceitful words about friendship. Such people are real vampires, they suck out life energy completely shamelessly, with impunity, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Finding a hidden enemy is not difficult. After communicating with such a person, apathy, weakness, indifference regularly sets in - or, on the contrary, irritability increases sharply, tears come for no reason. Sleep and appetite are disturbed, and it is impossible to collect thoughts “in a heap.” The problem is felt even on a physical level: increased heartbeat, trembling in the legs and arms, nausea and headache may appear.

The only way to protect yourself is to surround yourself with an impenetrable cocoon that will prevent the outflow of energy. In this case, the simplest “basic” mantra will help "Om!", which perfectly cleanses the surrounding space of negativity and harmonizes the internal state. A universal remedy is considered to be a prayer addressed to the goddess of compassion:

  • “Om-Mani-Padme-Hum!”

It primarily affects the one who pronounces it - it strengthens against any evil, calms, gives strength and confidence.

Golden shower - or transparent waterfall

Setting up a defense is a rather complicated process that never works out the first time. It will take effort and patience. To begin with, you should choose a visual image that will be associated with an impenetrable shell that protects you from ill-wishers. It could be an egg-cocoon made of solar threads, a stone wall, streams of falling water or golden shower - a matter of taste. When it starts to work out, you should include reading the mantra for protection from enemies

  • “Gate-Gate-Poro, Gate-Poro-Som, Gate-Bodhi-Svaha!”

Sometimes you have to take preventive measures, anticipating the appearance of an ill-wisher on the horizon. A mantra will help clear your path from other people’s evil thoughts and negative emotions.