
You have a goal, so start your journey towards it. Think about the stages into which your path can be divided. If the goal now seems distant and unrealistic to you, then moving towards it from stage to stage, the achievement of each of which is quite realistic, will make the path easier. Get the first concrete result, complete the first stage - and you will have an incentive and faith in your abilities.

Drive away fear and uncertainty. The most irreparable thing that can happen to a person is death, everything else is not a tragedy. If you cannot conquer an obstacle that comes your way, go around it, even if you have to retreat a little. Don’t tell yourself: “I can’t”, “I can’t stand it”, set yourself up for victory. Take the difficulties that arise as an opportunity to strengthen your character and overcome them. Use every chance that life gives you so as not to regret later what you haven’t done.

Don't be lazy. By allowing yourself to relax, to take a break from work, you don't stay in one place - you roll back as life moves forward. Develop your ability to work and have a good passion for work. Every small victory, completed task, solved task is not only a move forward, it is acquired experience and knowledge, something that makes you a professional, a valuable specialist.

Do not look back at others, do not be guided by their actions. They have others goals, go your own way, but take into account the positive and negative experiences that those who walk next to you have. But don’t be afraid to make your own decisions and look for unbeaten paths. Don't put barriers for yourself, sweep them away on your way.

Enjoy what you do. Moving towards goals, this is not gloomy obstinacy, but the energy of forward movement. Enjoy everything you do, feel the joy of your victories, each of them is not a waste of your strength, but an influx of new ones. They, these increasing forces? and will help you reach the end and set yourself new, even more difficult tasks.

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Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it begins to seem as if it is much easier to swim at the will of the waves. But this deceptive light current can wash you to the wrong bank, or even drag you to the bottom, from where it is no longer possible to get out.


Analyze the situation. If you fail at something on the first try, this is not a reason to give up, but only a reason to make additional efforts. Remember how children begin to walk. At first they are just learning to stand up, then they take their first hesitant steps, fall, and only weeks later they begin to walk. After all, none of the children gave up the desire to move independently; sooner or later, all of them master this difficult work. So in life, in order to get something, you need to put in a lot of effort, for some it turns out easier, but for others you will have to sweat.

Think about the fact that someone is worse off than you, for example, disabled people, victims of terrorist attacks, or those who have lost loved ones. This, of course, is not the best philosophy, because looking up to the strong is more constructive. But in case of a series of failures, this can work, because many would give everything to be in your place.

Choose your role models among celebrities, athletes or political figures. Many of them, before achieving success, went through the most difficult trials and did not give up. Remember: if someone did it before you, then there is an opportunity to repeat the success, and you can do it too.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Only objective self-criticism will allow you to free yourself from the “little /” complex that everyone offends. Watch the performances of Paralympic athletes - this is a true indicator that people overcome all barriers to achieve their goals.

Think about the fact that you are much stronger than you think. By giving up, you choose the simplest option for the development of events. Much more courage and bravery is needed to continue the fight. If you have experienced one failure, you will have enough for several more, but sooner or later the series of troubles will end, and your actions will bring the desired result.

Remember about your loved ones, they should be your inspiration and support. How can they believe in you if you don't believe in yourself?

There is hardly a person who has never found himself in a hopeless situation. It seems that luck has turned away from you - there are only problems all around, and attempts to solve them lead nowhere. It is very important not to give up in such a situation.


Make a list of the things that bother you, in order of importance and urgency. On another sheet of paper, write down possible ways to solve them. If the problem is very complex, break it down into stages and determine the approximate time frame for the necessary actions.

Write in detail what you may need, who you can turn to for help, and what obstacles may arise. It's unlikely that you'll be able to plan for everything, but you'll feel calmer and more confident if you have a clear, well-thought-out plan of action. In addition, drawing up such a plan will help overcome panic and feelings of hopelessness. Each completed item is a step on the path to victory; be sure to mark it in the list of planned actions.

Try to understand what caused the problem. Perhaps your habits and character traits played a fatal role. Don't try to turn a blind eye to this, otherwise the problem will return if you don't take action. At the same time, you should not exaggerate the significance of your actions and engage in self-criticism, otherwise you risk falling into depression. If you have come to the conclusion that you bear a certain share of the blame for the troubles that befell you, make a separate sheet of paper with a list of actions that you should avoid and habits that you need to break.

Consult with people who have been in such a situation and successfully changed it, study the successful experiences of others. You can find like-minded people and consultants among your friends and on various online forums.

If problems oppress you and you cannot free yourself from painful thoughts, try to imagine that many years have passed and look at the situation from afar. Remember what upset you 10 years ago - most likely, passions about this have long subsided, and the experiences have almost been forgotten. Believe that you will perceive the current situation just as calmly after some time.

Give yourself permission to rest from time to time. The best effect comes from playing sports, especially outdoors. Cycling or skiing, swimming, or the gym will give you a feeling of muscular joy and allow you to take your mind off your problems.

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Tip 4: 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up


As long as you breathe, you can make choices. It doesn't matter what your mood is now or what happened in the last second. Now everything depends on you. It is you who decide whether to go to bed or go for a run. Eat some cake or broccoli. Whatever the circumstances, always ask yourself what exactly needs to be done at this moment.

Few things get right the first time. The only correct decision will require many attempts from you. There may not be five or even ten, but if the goal is really important to you, then keep moving.

You are stronger than you can imagine. Surprisingly, a person is capable of doing much more than he is used to thinking. It has been proven that any athlete, deprived of information about the result and distractions, can do 2.5-3 times more than in a regular workout.

You haven't proven yourself. Every person has the potential to become great. If you can't achieve this goal, then you haven't tried hard enough. With maximum effort, you can certainly achieve what you want. You just need to take the next step. But having retreated only once, it will be very difficult to return.

You are closer than you think. Most marathon participants compete at distances of 30-33 kilometers. That is, when three quarters of the path has already been completed. Almost the same thing happens in other areas of life. Most often, people stop moving towards a goal when there are only a few steps left to reach it, even if not the simplest ones.

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Tip 5: 11 reasons not to give up and keep going towards your goal

In moments of depression and melancholy, it seems that the whole world is against you and there is no point in fighting - anyway, nothing good will come of it. However, there are at least eleven reasons why you should never give up and fall into irrevocable despondency.


As long as you are alive, everything can be fixed. You can only give up completely in one case, if you die. As long as you are alive and well, you have the right to choose and an infinite number of attempts to achieve your plans.

Believe in your own strength. Sometimes one small failure is enough to make you give up. There is no need to consider yourself a weak and unlucky person. Sometimes people fail 10, 20, even 100 times to succeed.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Be realistic - the likelihood of achieving what you want the first time is negligible. You will need to spend a lot of time and effort, and you will probably make a lot of mistakes along the way.

Look up to successful people only. If someone else has already managed to do what you dream of, then why do you constantly think that you are the one who will not succeed? How is someone else better than you?

Believe wholeheartedly in your dreams. There is no need to betray yourself. There are many people on your path who can start to prove to you that you want to achieve the impossible. Never let anyone ruin your plans.

Always know that there are millions of people worse off than you. You become depressed and nothing can make you happy. Imagine for a moment how many people in the world dream of being in your place right now. Think about people who are unable to even move normally and are confined to a wheelchair for many years with no hope of recovery and return to a full life.

Remember your family and close friends. Do not reject the help of people close to you, treat them with respect and listen to their point of view - they will not give bad advice.

Try to improve our world. Do not think that nothing depends on the efforts of one person. Work on yourself and do not refuse help if you are asked for it.

1. You are alive.

Death is the only insurmountable obstacle on your path to success. As long as you are alive, you always have a choice. Even if it doesn't seem like it. There is always a choice! And the right choice is to never stop and move forward.

2. You are strong.

In a critical situation, a person is able to move mountains. Failures strengthen you, thank them for that. They will make you stronger, which means closer to your goal.

3. You have time.

It takes time to master something very well. Be realistic, it is very rare when something can be done the first time. Give yourself a second chance, you won't regret it.

4. There is someone better in the world than you.

And this is not an alien or a creature with superpowers, but an ordinary person. He is not alone; there are many stories of people “rising from the ashes” and reaching great heights. So can you!

5. There is someone in the world who is worse off than you.

You are healthy? Think about those who would give anything not to be in a wheelchair. Are you in a wheelchair? Think about those who are unable to get out of their hospital bed. Are you bedridden? Think about those whose days are numbered. Once again, as long as you are alive, you always have the choice to move forward.

6. You have someone to dedicate your victory to.

Imagine that you have finally achieved success and told your wife/husband, mother/father, children, etc. about it. This news will bring them extreme happiness and pride, because they have inspired you along the way. In a moment of failure, think about your loved ones. They believe in you, believe in you too.

7. You have someone to inspire.

There are also many people in the world who are in the same position as you right now. They have dreams, but do not have enough self-confidence to achieve them. Achieve success and share your secrets with others.

We bring to your attention statements and quotes about and their achievements from famous people. Of course, the list of these statements can be endless, as can the number of goals that a person sets for himself throughout his life, without even always thinking about it. You will probably easily agree with the meaning of many aphorisms, but other quotes about goals can be quite controversial. In any case, thanks to these statements, you can think about your actions and values. To do this, you should not read all the quotes “in one fell swoop.” After reading one aphorism, think about what the author wanted to say, how it relates to your worldview, and how the philosophical meaning of the quote can be used to achieve your goals.

We will be glad if you supplement the list of quotes about goals with those that you personally like or express your attitude towards the existing quotes. To do this, write them down in the comments.

  • If a person throws a spear at a target all day, he will eventually hit.2349 (M.T. Cicero)
  • The goal of every good action is to love what is worthy of love, to hate what is worthy of hatred, to enjoy what is worthy of pleasure and to use what is beneficial. What is bad is to use what you should enjoy, enjoy what you should use, hate what you love and love what you hate. (Lorenzo Pisano)
  • The past and present are our means, only the future is our goal. (B. Pascal)
  • Just as peace is the end of war, so idleness is the end of employment. (S.Johnson)
  • When we strive for something, this something appears to us in an exclusively positive light; but now the goal has been achieved, and now only the negative aspects of our enterprise are striking. (J. Swift)
  • A good goal can impart value only to those means that are sufficient and actually lead to the goal. (D. Hume)
  • The purpose of music is to touch hearts. (J.S. Bach)
  • Each person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another. (Aristotle)
  • Man and, in general, every rational being exists as an end in itself. (I. Kant)
  • The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goal, walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly. (G.E. Lessing)
  • Achieving the highest virtues is the goal of man. You should not set any limits for yourself in achieving them. (G.S. Skovoroda)
  • If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant. (D. Diderot_
  • Sometimes a blow misses its target, but intention cannot miss. (J-J. Rousseau)
  • Reason shows us the goal, and passions lead us away from it. (J-J. Rousseau)
  • True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth. (W. Grove)
  • The purpose of life is self-expression. The highest duty is duty to oneself. (O. Wilde)
  • If a person is healthy and has a goal, he does not think about whether he is happy or not. Sometimes he doesn't even think about whether others are happy or not. (J.B. Shaw)
  • The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal. (F. Lassalle)
  • An end that requires wrong means is not a right end. (K. Marx)
  • Have a goal for your whole life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day and for the hour and for the minute, sacrificing the lower goals to the higher ones. (L.N. Tolstoy)
  • Satisfy all the desires of a person, but take away his purpose in life, and see what an unhappy and insignificant creature he appears. (K.D. Ushinsky)
  • Purpose in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness. (K.D. Ushinsky)
  • We are fascinated by everything in which our ideal, goal and object of our desires and our love are manifested. (N.G Chernyshevsky)
  • You have to aim above the target to hit the target. (R.W. Emerson)
  • Our life is a journey, our idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is gone. (V. Hugo)
  • To set all his forces in motion, a person needs to place in front of himself some noble goal that can inspire him. (J-E. Renan)
  • It is equally difficult for a poet, a senator and a shoemaker to admit that he is not the ultimate goal of the universe and the meaning of all things. (A. France)
  • What you have achieved cannot mean more to others than to yourself. (L. Wittgenstein)
  • When the path from the means to the end is not too long, the means become no less tempting than the end itself. (B. Russell)
  • The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end. (O. Huxley)
  • The goal itself can often be a means to achieving a further goal. (F. Brentano)
  • Once we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts. (J. Santayana)
  • The goal can only be achieved when the means itself are already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal. (A. Bergson)
  • When you reach a goal, you realize that the path was the goal. (P. Valerie)

taktiker, especially for

There is no main thing - everything is important for victory! (Zmear)

Obstacles on the way to the goal, testing our desire to achieve what we want! ()

Let's hit alcoholism with drunkenness! (Vova)

What is the goal, such are the morals. (Valery Krasovsky)

We are on the right track, but in a traffic jam. ()

Sometimes the goal does not justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

The goal does not always justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

Sometimes the goal does not justify the money spent on ammunition. ()

The point is not what you achieved, but what you gave up. (Gennady Malkin)

Difficulties give rise to the abilities necessary to overcome them. (Wendell Phillips)

People must be valued according to the goals they set for themselves. (Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay)

The most reliable compass on the path of life is the goal. (Boris Krutier)

While some are digging to the roots, others manage to reach the fruits. (T.Ber)

Life is a series of efforts. We see the goal, but we don't always see the road. (Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky)

He who hobbles along a straight road will outstrip a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)

There are only two steps to go: one forward, one back. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

A person has three ways to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection, the second, the easiest, is imitation, the third, the most bitter, is experience. (Confucius (Kun Tzu))

Every thing in the world is sweeter for us to pursue than to have. (William Shakespeare)

A pseudonym dreams of a big name. Otherwise he would not have become a pseudonym. (Victor Konyakhin)

It may be that the whole goal on earth, to which humanity strives, lies solely in the continuity of the process of achievement, in other words, life itself. (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

If you tripped and fell, this does not mean that you are going the wrong way. (Words by Vantala)

Once we finally lost sight of the goal, we redoubled our efforts. (Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens))

Nothing ruins a target like a hit. (Attributed to N. Fomenko)

Purposefulness is based on the art of neglecting the non-essential and secondary. (Mikhail Draispitz)

When you want to climb up, rely on your own legs. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Don't judge a person by what views he holds, but judge by what he achieves with them. (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

We are all the same. Of the thousands of ways leading to the goal, we always instinctively choose the worst. (Alberto Moravia (Pinkerle))

There are times in our lives when it seems like the world has turned its back on us: work isn’t going well, opportunities slip through our fingers, one trouble is replaced by another, and the desire to give up everything, move away and never return is brewing.

I've put together a list of 20 reasons that I hope will give you the motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward despite all the challenges. After all, it often happens that people stop fighting and give up, being just one step away from their cherished goal.

1. Remember: as long as you are alive, anything is possible.

There is only one good reason to stop fighting for your goals and dreams - death. As long as you are alive, healthy and free, you have every opportunity to continue. And do this until you achieve them.

2. Stay realistic

The chance of mastering something the first time is negligible. It takes time (sometimes a lot of time) to learn something, acquire the right skills and understand how to apply them correctly.

Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.

3. Be persistent like Michael Jordan.

Michael is perhaps the best athlete in the history of basketball. He himself says that his path to the pinnacle of fame lay through constant failures. And his whole secret was that he never gave up and never gave up. He did not give up even when he realized that he had missed more than 300 shots, and many times he failed the last decisive shot that he was entrusted with making. Every time Michael fell, he found the strength to rise again.

4. Learn the will to live from Lance Armstrong

Doctors diagnosed cyclist Lance Armstrong, and the disease was gradually killing him. However, Lance found the strength and faith to defeat her. Moreover, after his recovery, he became the only athlete to finish first in the overall Tour de France six times in a row.

5. Remember the story of the person whose action inspired the idea of ​​the marathon

In ancient times, when the Persians landed on the shores of Greece, an envoy was sent to Sparta to ask for help in fighting the Persians. All hope was placed on this envoy, because there were simply no other ways of communication and help.

Legend has it that this man covered a distance of 240 kilometers on his own feet in just two days. And a little later he ran another 40 kilometers to announce the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. True, after that he died on the spot.

When the challenges you face seem too difficult and you feel like giving up, remember this story and think about what it took for that first marathon runner to cover such a distance in such a short time. Don't try to repeat what he did, but use this story for inspiration.

6. Pull yourself out of rock bottom like Chris Gardner

Have you seen the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”? It is based on true events in the life of Chris Gardner. This is a man who was able to pull himself out from the very bottom of a miserable life, when there was no work, no housing, no food. And yet, Chris found the strength not to give up where many other people would have given up, and to achieve his goal. He became .

If thoughts of quitting creep into your head, I recommend watching the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” starring Will Smith.

7. Be resilient like Kanye West

Surely you have heard about this famous rap artist. Read his biography, I'm sure it will inspire you. This is the story of surviving with very little to survive and becoming one of the most famous and respected people in the world.

8. Stay true to your principles like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous human rights activists in South Africa. His life story is impressive in that he spent 27 years in prison for his political views, which he chose not to renounce even in exchange for freedom.

9. Know that you are strong

You are stronger than you think. One small obstacle cannot and should not stop you from achieving your goals, just like the next 10, 20 or even 100 obstacles.

10. Prove to yourself that you can

It is unlikely that you want to be remembered as a person who is weak and unable to realize himself. Go, prove to yourself and the whole world that you can, that you are worthy and will definitely achieve your goals, no matter what. The only way for you to lose is to give up yourself.

11. Have you done this before?

If someone has already done what you have in mind before you, then you can do it too. Even if there is only one person in the world who could do it, this is already strong evidence that you can do it too.

12. Believe in your dream

Don't sell yourself short! There will be many more people in life who will want to keep you where you are now. They will convince you that you have conceived the impossible and you need to face the truth. My advice to you: don't let anyone ruin yours.

13. Family and friends need you

Let the people you love and close to you become a source of inspiration and motivation to force yourself to move on. Try and don’t give up for them if you don’t find a reason to do it for yourself.

14. Don't give up because I ask you to.

15. There are people in worse situations

There are many people right now who are in a much more difficult situation than you. So, when you wake up thinking about canceling your morning run, think about how many people in the world can’t even walk and how much they are willing to give to be able to run every morning.

So take advantage of the amazing opportunity that you have to live life to the fullest.

16. "Get Rich or Die"

This phrase belongs to Curtis Jackson (50 Cent). 50 Cent is rich and self-made. And the fact that he was shot nine times did not stop him. Face your fears and don't take the easy route, which usually means giving up.

17. Let your enemies hate you

There will always be those who will. There will always be a lot of naysayers and people who will try to drag you down with them. Ignore them and don't take what they say to heart. Let the skeptics doubt, but continue to believe in yourself.

18. You deserve happiness

Never let anyone convince you otherwise. You deserve to be happy and successful. Stick to this position and never doubt it until you achieve your cherished goal.

19. Inspire others

Be an example for others as a person who never gives up under any circumstances. Who knows what someone else could achieve just by looking at you one day and also deciding to never give up.

20. You never know how close you are to success.

Many people gave up, not even suspecting that they were just one step away from success. No one knows for sure when success will come. Perhaps this will happen tomorrow, or maybe in a year or two. But if you stop, stop trying and give up, you will not achieve it in 10 years, or even by the end of your life.

The next time you want to give up everything, think, because it may very well be that success is waiting for you just around the next corner.

All that is required of you is not to give up!

A worthy lifelong pursuit is to always try to become better than you are. – Christina Augusta.

When you're ahead of others, it's not strange if you hear an angry hiss behind you. Fanny Flag.

Getting to the end and completing a task completely are not the same thing. One step before achieving your goal, you may encounter an insurmountable obstacle. Louis Auguste Blanqui.

A shooter who shoots an arrow and misses the target knows that it is his own fault. - Confucius.

Don't change your goal - this is the formula for success. - Benjamin Franklin.

The goal determines the vector of movement for everyone and for everyone. - Aristotle.

The existence of such a large number of unnecessary people is due to the fact that they are scattered among a lot of things and things to do. – Nathaniel Emmons.

The absence of a goal does not motivate you to do anything, but if the goal is insignificant, then you will not do anything really important or significant. - D. Diderot.

There are two important requirements for good. First, in any business there must be an ultimate goal to strive for. Secondly, we need to find the means to achieve this goal. - Aristotle.

Continue reading the quotes on the following pages:

Fate is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not something to be expected, it is something to be achieved. – William Jennings Bryan.

The goal of an intelligent person is not hidden behind the horizon. - Abul-Faraj.

The brightness and richness of the colors of life - whether an old person or a baby - depend on its purpose. David Starr of Jordan.

Everyone has a definite goal before his eyes, a goal that, at least for himself; seems great and which in reality is such if it is recognized as great by the deepest conviction, the most penetrating voice of the heart... - K. Marx

Goals should be clear, simple and written down on paper. If they are not written down on paper and you review them every day, they are not goals. These are wishes. – Robert Kiyosaki, businessman, investor, writer, teacher quote from his book Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde.

The goal each person strives for is his best characteristic. - Marcus Aurelius.

There is only one goal in life: while remaining yourself, strive to become better. - Baruch Spinoza.

We must not only be good, we must be good for something. - Henry David Thoreau.

Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible. – Frank Gaines.

In human affairs... the main consideration must be given to motives. – W. Goethe

A successful person usually sets his next goal somewhat, but not too much, higher than his last achievements. Thus, he constantly raises the level of his aspirations. – Kurt Lewin.

Great minds have goals, others have desires. - Washington Irving.

The goal can only be achieved by some means, as old Hegel showed with masterful profundity and Aristotle partly knew before him, when the means itself is already thoroughly imbued with the own nature of the goal. – F. Lassalle

A poor person is not one who does not have a penny, but one who does not have a dream. - Harry Kemp.

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and natural scientist

Man not only changes the form of what is given by nature; in what is given by nature, he at the same time realizes his conscious goal, which, like a law, determines the method and nature of his actions and to which he must subordinate his will. – K. Marx

The goal in life is life itself. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and natural scientist

We... set goals for ourselves in life. At the same time, we think about the means by which we can achieve them. The goal here is universal, guiding, and we have means and instruments, the activities of which we determine in accordance with these goals. – Hegel

You cannot take responsibility for everything you do or don't do. - Simone de Beauvoir.

The significance of a person does not lie in what he achieves, but rather in what he strives to achieve. – Kahlil Gibran.

Follow your bliss. Find him and don't be afraid to follow him. – Joseph Campbell.

Growing and knowing the direction of growth is the source of all strength and confidence in life. – James Bailey.

Only people are so stupid that they search for the meaning of existence, while animals simply enjoy life. – Samuel Butler.

You can change your beliefs to expand your capabilities, dreams and desires. Build a strong belief in yourself and what you desire. – Marcia Weder.

A man of true character is one who, on the one hand, sets himself essentially meaningful goals and, on the other hand, firmly adheres to these goals, since his individuality would lose all its existence if he were forced to abandon them. – Hegel

A person can only do so many things: like pumpkins in water, one pumpkin floats when you try to hold on to the others. - Chinese proverb.

The price of a person is not higher than the price of his ambitions. - Marcus Aurelius.

When we rightly estimate our strength and excellence, we see clearly what we must do to achieve our good goal. On the other hand, knowing our shortcomings and weaknesses, we see what we must avoid. – B. Spinoza

There is no need to do anything without a goal. - Marcus Aurelius.

Pleasure is the object, duty and goal of all rational beings. - Voltaire.

The past and present are our means, only the future is our goal. – Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662, French religious philosopher, writer, mathematician and physicist

If you set off towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal. – F.M. Dostoevsky

You must desire only one thing, and desire it constantly. Then be sure to get this. But I desire everything, therefore I receive nothing. - Andre Gide.

He who wants to do everything will never do anything. - Andre Maurois.

Let's live while we live. - Johann Goethe.

If you have a great goal in front of you, but your capabilities are limited, act anyway; for only through action can your capabilities increase. – Sri Aurobindo, 1872-1950, Indian thinker and poet, creator of the syncretic teaching of Integral Yoga, spiritual teacher of humanity

Great achievements often grow out of endless stupidity, backed by a strong desire. - Vovnarg.

The bull is not famous in the two herds. - Rhodesian proverb.

High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved. – W. Goethe

If there is no dream, then there is no point in waking up in the morning. - Billy Wilder.

Human happiness: doing what is natural to a person. - Marcus Aurelius.

As soon as you want to know what you should avoid, what you should strive for, look at the goal of your whole life: all your actions should be consistent with it. Only the one who manages everything individually is the one who has the highest goal in life. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, 4-65 BC. e., Roman philosopher, writer and speaker

To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed. – François de La Rochefoucauld, 1613-1680, French writer, thinker

The thought of walking will not get you to your goal. And the king of beasts, in a lazy sleep, will be left without antelope meat. - From Panchatantra.

Life is small if it is not touched by the indomitable desire to expand its boundaries. – Jose Ortega y Gasset.

A definite goal in life, as well as a steady pursuit of it through all obstacles, is a necessary condition for success. – William M. Punchion

Rarely does anyone wonder, while walking along the thorny path to getting what they want, whether they really need it. - Don Marquis.

A soul that does not have a set goal loses itself. - Michel de Montaigne.

Under differences in means lie differences in ends. – Max Weber, 1864-1920, one of the greatest sociologists, social philosopher and historian, founder of understanding sociology and the theory of social action Germany

The tragedy of life is not that the goal is not achieved. The tragedy of life is the lack of goals to achieve. – Benjamin Mace.

In this life, we only get those things that we hunt for, that we strive for, and that we are willing to sacrifice for. – George Matthew Adams.

Sometimes the blow misses the target, but the intention cannot miss. – Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778, French philosopher, writer, teacher, composer

Goals are what give life meaning. – S. N. Parkkhust.

The slowest man, who does not lose sight of his goal, is still quicker than the one who wanders without a goal. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729-1781, German thinker, writer, playwright, critic

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their way like the stars - calmly, not in a hurry, but constantly striving towards their intended goal. – Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and natural scientist

Don’t turn off the path, you’ve chosen a goal, so go towards it. - Ferdowsi.

Your target should be out of reach, but not out of sight. – Anita de Frantz.

Whoever wants to achieve greatness must, as Goethe says, be able to limit himself. Whoever, on the contrary, wants everything, actually wants nothing and will achieve nothing - Hegel

The end cannot justify the means for the simple and obvious reason that the means determine the nature of the end. – Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963, English writer

Taking the means for the end, people become disappointed in themselves and others, due to which nothing comes of all their activities, or the opposite of what they strive for comes out. – W. Goethe

Many people have a misconception about what constitutes true happiness. This is not achieved through self-satisfaction, but through loyalty to a worthy goal. – Helen Keller.