The topic of extrasensory perception is one of the most popular in modern society. According to numerous television shows, people with the gift of psychics are able to: find people, see the past and future, and predict natural disasters. It is not surprising that the abilities of these people are actively used by domestic intelligence services.

Military psychics: be careful about earthquakes

People with extraordinary abilities have always been of interest to the intelligence services of all countries of the world. Our country is not an exception to the general rule in this list. At the same time, state secrets cannot be trusted to random people, so operators with psychic abilities, as a rule, were recruited from among gifted officers, and were also trained according to special programs. In the Ministry of Defense, until the mid-2000s, this problem was dealt with by special military unit No. 10003, created under the General Staff under the leadership of Lieutenant General of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexei Yuryevich Savin. The military unit's work had not only scientific, but also practical application. Most of them are still classified as “top secret,” but some non-military forecasts by military operators endowed with extrasensory abilities can be talked about. One day in the winter of 1991, specialists from unit No. 10003 received information about an earthquake approaching Kamchatka. But since seismologists did not confirm the danger, the honor of the entire unit was at stake, and the issue was supervised at the very top. If the earthquake had not occurred, quite a few “epaulets” would have flown. It is not surprising that many officers of the unit remained at their jobs on the eve of X-hour, awaiting information from the scene. Fortunately, the population from the dangerous area was nevertheless evacuated, despite the assurances of scientists that the money for moving a large number of people and equipment was wasted. In vain. On the day and hour predicted by military psychics, the earthquake occurred. The honor of the unit turned out to be untarnished, but most importantly, people were saved.

Psychotronics against the President

In the history of domestic special services, there are known, among other things, successfully prevented attempts of psychotronic influence on the first person of the state by a potential enemy. FSO Major General in reserve Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov spoke about how this happened. “In 1991, I was appointed first deputy head of the Main Security Directorate (GUO). It was a separate structure created on the basis of the liquidated 9th Directorate of the KGB, which today has been transformed into the FSO (Federal Security Service). When organizing work to ensure the security of the president, I, of course, paid attention to the possibility of psychological influence. One incident prompted me to do this... Now I can already talk about it. This happened at a time when B.N. Yeltsin was the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. His office was located in the modern White House. Fans of spy stories probably remember the loud scandal: listening equipment of unknown origin was discovered above Yeltsin’s office. And after some time, we began to notice oddities in Boris Nikolaevich’s behavior. After 40-50 minutes of working in his office, Yeltsin began to feel ill: his head began to hurt, nausea appeared, he became distracted while receiving visitors... But as soon as he left the ill-fated office, the bad feeling immediately disappeared. We suspected something was wrong. And, after an hour of searching, behind the bookshelves they discovered a niche in which there was a radiating antenna: a square of tarpaulin, about twenty meters by twenty meters, with a radiator inside, was stretched on a cable. Unfortunately, we were never able to establish who installed this remotely activated device in the niche behind the books. But after its dismantling, Yeltsin’s health problems disappeared. This incident forced us to come to grips with the problem of psychological, mental and psychotronic influence on a person.”

Psychics defended the Kuril Islands

There were cases when the leadership of the special services, having promptly received information about the psychotronic or psychological impact on B.N. Yeltsin, was forced to carry out entire special operations to prevent them. In the early 1990s, the Main Directorate of Defense received information that the Japanese leadership, during Boris Yeltsin’s visit to this country, wanted to use complex psychological techniques to persuade him to give Japan the disputed Kuril Islands. Considering the sensational nature of this information, it was checked through intelligence channels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a number of other sources - everything coincided. Indeed, the Japanese intended to take the Kuril Islands from Russia. There was no way this could be allowed to happen. Since the visit had already been approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was necessary to find a valid reason that would allow it to be cancelled. After analyzing the situation, the leaders of the Main Directorate of Defense came to the conclusion that the only clue could be the issue of ensuring proper security for the president... The Japanese intelligence services, coordinating the program of the visit, indicated three points during which they refused to be responsible for Yeltsin’s personal security. The fact is that the president personally included several points in the program of his stay in Japan: visiting sumo wrestling competitions, visiting an abandoned cemetery where Russian sailors were buried, and, finally, communicating with ordinary Japanese right on the streets of the capital... But the place of this communication he wanted to choose himself during the visit. The Japanese could not vouch for his complete safety during these events... The competition took place in a private hall, where many people gathered, and any provocation could be expected. There could be a sniper in the old cemetery. Well, the spontaneous appearance to the people generally plunged the Japanese intelligence services into despondency... Knowing Yeltsin’s iron character, it was almost impossible to dissuade him from these points of the program. This was only to the advantage of the GOU leadership. A.V. Korzhakov sent B.K. Ratnikov and another employee to Japan. During a meeting with the leadership of the Japanese intelligence services responsible for protecting top officials, employees of the domestic intelligence services politely asked whether they really did not guarantee the security of the Russian president during these informal events. When an affirmative answer was received, they indignantly stated that they were absolutely not satisfied with such an organization of the visit, and they would recommend to their management to cancel the trip. Upon returning to the embassy, ​​the corresponding encryption was indeed given to the Main Directorate of Defense and the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The visit was cancelled, but the Kuril Islands remain Russian today.

West and East

History of the military use of extrasensory perception


Deputy Chairman of the KGB

General Nikolai Sham

(back cover)

Edwin Charles May, Doctor of Physics, last director of the US Government's extrasensory intelligence program "Stargate". Currently director of the Basic Research Laboratories in Palo Alto, California.
Alexey Yuryevich Savin, Lieutenant General, Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences, former head of the top-secret expert-analytical Directorate of the General Staff for the unusual capabilities of a person, known as the mysterious military unit 10003.
Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov, Major General, former deputy head of the Federal Security Service, creator and head of a special parapsychological department in the system of protection of senior government officials, including President Yeltsin.
Joseph McMonigle, US military intelligence officer, officially Farsighted Agent 001, is the top performing psychic in the Stargate program. He carried out unique operations of psychic espionage on the Soviet Union. Currently, he is a writer and TV presenter: he has written 6 books and has a television audience of more than 30 million people.
Viktor Afanasyevich Rubel, Doctor of Psychology and Sociology, editor of this book and coordinator of this international project. Currently director of the LFR Media Laboratory in Palo Alto, California.

Psi-wars: West and East.

History of the military use of extrasensory perception.

Edited by V.A. Rubel

Foreword by Deputy Chairman of the KGB General Nikolai Sham

Translation: Nina and Olga Kononenko (English<=>Russian)

© Rubel V.A. (text, translation, illustrations)


Psi-wars, psychic wars - these expressions sound like something out of a science fiction novel. Meanwhile, here is a documentary book written by military officers and scientists, generals and doctors of science, including people who headed the largest military psychic programs in the USA and Russia. Psychic espionage, telepathy, the work of military intelligence, the CIA and the KGB in the field of extrasensory perception - this and much more is described in this book.

Preface General Nikolai Sham
Introduction Psi-wars: reality or fantasy?
Part I History of Psy-Wars
1. Extrasensory perception and wars from time immemorial
2. Military extrasensory perception of the second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries)
3. Cold psy-war on both sides of the Iron Curtain
Part II Military extrasensory perception: West
4. Visionary Agent 001 Joseph McMonigle
5. Behind the scenes of the Stargate program Edwin May
6. Pros and cons of the American military psychic program Edwin May
Part III Military extrasensory perception: East
7. KGB and extrasensory perception
8. Parapsychological shield of the Russian president General Boris Ratnikov
9. Military magic and the General Staff: top-secret military unit 10003 General Alexey Savin
Part IV The future of extrasensory perception
10. New horizons of extrasensory perception
Glossary of terms


On the Russian and American sides, we want to thank many heroes whose names cannot be named. We are full of gratitude and thanks to the many people who have worked hard to make both the Russian and American psychic programs possible - scientists, military personnel, government officials at all levels, psychics and countless others.

Among those who can be named, we express special gratitude to the Deputy Chairman of the KGB (ret.) Major General Nikolai Sham, who wrote the foreword to this book and spoke a lot about his work in the field of extrasensory perception and new technologies; Major General Georgy Rogozin, Professor Vyacheslav Zvonikov and psychic Tofik Dadashev, who gave special interviews for this book; we are grateful to army generals Mikhail Moiseev, Vladimir Lobov, Anatoly Kvashnin and other chiefs of the General Staff, who supported Russian psychic programs in every possible way. We are very grateful to Viktor Melentyev, colonel of the General Staff and psychic, in whose Moscow office our meetings invariably took place and whose consulting firm invariably helped us.

We thank Dr. Gerald Puthoff, Russell Targ and psychic Ingo Swann, who were at the origins of the American psychic program; director of the intelligence unit at Fort Meade, Dale Graff, who invested a lot of effort in its development; as well as senator and astronaut John Glenn and a number of other senators, congressmen and White House staff who supported her in every possible way. We express our gratitude to CIA psychic Angela Ford, who gave a special interview for our book.

With special gratitude, we honor the memory of the last Prime Minister of the USSR, Valentin Pavlov, who provided great assistance to the Russian psychic program, and Larisa Vilenskaya, a talented psychic and researcher, who did a lot to build a “psychic bridge” between Russia and America - to connect Russian and American colleagues in this area.

We also thank our friends and colleagues who helped us both in working with ESP and in working on this book: Sergei Ptichkin, Oleg Vavilov, Nina and Olga Kononenko, Anya Kukhareva, Margarita Mishkina, Elena Klimova, Elena Oleynik, Vladimir Goff , Galina Vasilieva, Carol Vesetsky, Nevin Lanza, Henry Dakin, Michael Murphy and the leadership of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California.


We have all heard time and again that intelligence agencies and militaries around the world have a special interest in parapsychology. However, there is little real information about this. Yes, and it cannot be otherwise. After all, parapsychology, which opens up extrasensory methods of obtaining information and influencing people, is considered by the military and intelligence agencies as an opportunity to create new unique types of weapons and as a means of waging wars of a new type - extrasensory wars. Therefore, work in this direction has been and is being carried out over the past decades in many countries. And, above all, in the USSR/Russia and the USA, which until recently represented the poles of geopolitics.

In Russia, the most extensive work in the field of military extrasensory perception and parapsychology was carried out by the Expert Analytical Directorate of the General Staff, known as the mysterious military unit 10003, under the leadership of Lieutenant General, Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences Alexei Savin. Much has been done in the special services that emerged from the 9th Directorate of the KGB - the Federal Security Service and the Presidential Security Service - under the leadership of Major Generals Boris Ratnikov and Georgy Rogozin, who held the posts of first deputy heads of these services. At the Ministry of Internal Affairs, parapsychological research and operational extrasensory work was headed by Colonel of the Internal Service, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav Zvonikov.

The most ambitious program in the United States was the Stargate program, conducted by the CIA and military intelligence from 1972 to 1995. Its main task was the use of extrasensory perception for military purposes, primarily the use of far vision to obtain information about military installations of the USSR. The director of this program for the last ten years of its existence was Doctor of Physics Edwin May. And the most successful psychic of this project was the professional intelligence officer of the highest category, Joe McMonigle, officially listed as Agent 001.

Regarding the material presented, I would like to make several general comments. In both the Soviet Union and the United States, civilian research in the field of parapsychology did not differ significantly in either direction or level. Scientists set the same goals, relied on the same principles, used similar equipment, and the results were similar. As far as military research is concerned, there is some difference. In the USA, significant emphasis was placed on working with psychic operators and far-sighting, i.e. on remote extrasensory acquisition of information about important objects of a potential enemy, as clearly defined in the Stargate program.

In the Soviet Union and Russia, although similar work was done, there were two significant differences. Firstly, the physical presence of psychics during military operations, for example, in Chechnya. This surprised the Americans, because for extrasensory perception itself this is not necessary. However, there were still good reasons, and General Savin will tell about them. Secondly, noticeable attention was paid to hardware for working with the psyche and unusual methods of influencing material objects - what later became fashionable to call “psychotronic generators” or “psychotronic weapons.” This was partly facilitated by the pressure of Marxist-Leninist ideology, for which the hardware means of influence were more “material” than the “mystical fluids” of psychics. Hardware development was carried out in many sensitive research institutes, and was also proposed by civilian scientists. However, it should be emphasized that 90% of these proposals, research and development did not produce significant results and were most often the result of errors, scientific incompetence or simply deception. As for the remaining 10%, these were and are completely unique developments, often ahead of their time and laying the foundations for the technology of the future. The conversation about them will begin in this book and continue in the next.

Since the beginning of the 90s, in connection with perestroika, a change in ideology and a change in the political system in the USSR and then in Russia, a large-scale military program began to study and develop unusual abilities in people. It was conducted by a special Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Here, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Alexei Savin, a large complex of research work was carried out in various areas of energy-informational influences, traditionally attributed to parapsychology and extrasensory perception. The training of groups of psychic military personnel was organized for operational work in various branches of the armed forces, primarily in the navy and aviation. Military psychics were used for operational purposes during armed conflicts in Chechnya and other “hot spots”. But the most important thing is that unique methods for developing extraordinary abilities in a person, qualitatively increasing his intellectual and spiritual level, which even today have no analogues, were developed and thoroughly tested in practice.

The Federal Security Service and the Security Service of the President of Russia solved the problems of ensuring the security of senior government officials, as well as collecting and analyzing information of political importance. In these special services, Major Generals Boris Ratnikov and Georgy Rogozin used many extrasensory methods. In the 90s, other security forces began to systematically use psychics in their work. So, in the next book, Colonel Professor Vyacheslav Zvonikov will talk about parapsychological research, the training of psychics and their operational work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All this required its own system, and in the early 90s, as Deputy Chairman of the KGB, I made a lot of efforts to establish coordination of parapsychological research between law enforcement agencies.

But the operational work of psychics is far from the most important thing. Parapsychology and extrasensory perception are much broader than this. In the USSR, as in the USA, this work began for trivial reasons: to get ahead of the enemy, to prevent him from taking information from our objects and influencing them. Then obtain information about the enemy and, if possible, influence him using parapsychological methods. But the range of phenomenal human abilities is unusually wide: this includes clairvoyance, telepathy, moving objects with the power of thought, diagnosing and treating diseases, and information and energy influence on various environments. This spectrum goes beyond any framework that could in principle be imposed by utilitarian military objectives, which indicates a completely different significance of extrasensory phenomena in the network of complex evolutionary processes. In addition, in the process of searching for mechanisms for the emergence of extraordinary abilities, in the process of their development and operational use, we saw that the people engaged in these studies and practices became different, their values ​​changed, and their cultural and intellectual level increased.

This, from my point of view, is the most important result of our work in the field of parapsychology and extrasensory perception, although it does not fit into the framework of the initial tasks set by the intelligence services and military departments. I am convinced that these results of our work will make an important contribution to strengthening mutual understanding between people and will somehow help in solving the complex problems facing the human community today.

Nikolay Sham,

major general

Deputy Chairman of the KGB in 1991-92


Psi-wars: reality or fantasy?

Psi-wars - what is it? Wars have always been an integral part of human history and became more and more sophisticated as more and more new types of weapons emerged. Quite recently, nuclear, laser, bioradiological weapons and even conventional radio communications might have seemed like mysticism and science fiction. The first reaction to the suggestion that extrasensory phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, prediction and psychokinesis can be used for military purposes may be exactly the same. Indeed, even the very existence of these phenomena raises strong doubts among many. But this is not a fantasy, and we are not even talking about the distant future, but about the present time - extrasensory perception is already part of the arsenal of modern warfare both in the United States and Russia, and in other countries of the world.

Following the fall of communism and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the declassification of the US psychic spy program Stargate, and the declassification of similar programs in Russia, there was significant public interest in the use of extrasensory perception for military purposes. This interest has given rise to many publications and television programs on this topic. However, they had and still have several significant drawbacks. The first and most important drawback is that they were prepared by people who did not have full information and certainly did not hold leadership positions in the military psychic programs of Russia and the United States. Secondly, there is practically no material in Russian publications about American programs, and in American publications there is practically no material about Russian ones, so the relationships between them are not visible.

Our book corrects both of these shortcomings.

For the first time, the co-authors of the book are the leaders of military psychic programs of two political camps that were opposing in the past - Edwin May, Doctor of Physics, director of the American Stargate program from 1985 to 1995, and Lieutenant General Alexey Yuryevich Savin, Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences, head of the Expert -Analytical Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, codenamed “Military Unit 10003”. These two authors can give an absolutely accurate and comprehensive documentary account of the use of extrasensory perception for military purposes in the United States of America and Russia from the Cold War to the present day.

Another co-author from the Russian side is Special Services Major General Boris Konstantinovich Ratnikov. He served as first deputy head of the Federal Security Service and head of its special parapsychological department. Under his leadership, this Service used parapsychological methods to obtain information in the field of international politics and to protect key Russian political figures from enemy psychic scanning and potential psychic attacks.

Another co-author on the American side is Joseph McMonigle, a career intelligence officer in the US Army who worked extensively in Eastern Europe, Vietnam and other regions of the world. Since the end of 1975, he became a member of the Stargate program and showed the best results among all agents in the field of psychic espionage on the Soviet Union. No one else in the United States could be a more suitable author to tell us about all the psychological intricacies of psychic intelligence.

Co-author-editor - Viktor Afanasyevich Rubel, Doctor of Psychology and Sociology - was not associated with military psychic programs. However, without his coordinating, analytical and literary work, requiring an understanding of both sides and a combination of managerial and historian skills, this international project would hardly have taken place and this book would not have been published.

We have joined forces with our former adversaries in order not only to talk about the course of psi-wars and our confrontation in the past, but also to testify to our unity in understanding common humanistic principles, which was previously hidden from many (including from some of us) by the confrontation of political systems and the dominance of incompetent ideologies.

This book, along with the history of psi-wars, presents the personal stories of the main players on the American and Russian sides. In our narrative, we tried to avoid technical details and give an idea of ​​​​what happened behind the scenes of the events and how they reflected the personalities of the people involved.

Psi warfare differs from other types of warfare in the use of psychics as a weapon. Term psychic, implying the meaning “without the use of ordinary senses,” was introduced by the famous American parapsychologist J.B. Rhine in the thirties of the 20th century. The standard abbreviation for it is ESP, traditionally deciphered as extra-sensory perception. However, today this group often includes telekinesis and other phenomena that involve influencing objects by purely mental means. This requires expanding the meaning of the term, so we propose to further decipher ESP as extra-sensory interaction.

The general field of ESP research has many different names, the most common of which is parapsychology. The abbreviation is often used Psi-, which we used in the title of this book. As part of the American government's Stargate program, a new name was introduced - abnormal cognition (AC), which means obtaining information in such cognitive ways, the mechanism of which we currently do not understand and therefore call anomalous. In general, all these terms mean the same thing.

There is plenty of historical evidence of the existence of ESP and its manifestations in the field. Let's add to this the personal experience of people, cases from their own lives. Although these facts cannot be considered as strict evidence of the existence of ESP, they still play an important role - they challenge traditional science, “do not allow researchers to sleep peacefully, and demand that they do not turn away from these manifestations, but carefully study them in their laboratories using the most modern and accurate scientific methodology. Thus, by describing in this book historical examples of military use of extrasensory perception and someone's personal experience, we mean that although they cannot be taken as the ultimate truth, but, nevertheless, these stories are important because they create basis for understanding and practical use of ESP.

We certainly acknowledge that ESP research is controversial. Thus, many people, when they hear about extrasensory perception, react with a certain amount of mocking and sometimes interested skepticism. But this happens more due to traditions and lack of information. After all, the general public judges ESP by the amusing parapsychological stories in tabloid newspapers and television shows that are intended only for entertainment. On the other hand, there is a huge layer of serious scientific literature that meets all the requirements of modern science and has undergone expert evaluation by leading experts, which strongly confirms the existence of extrasensory phenomena. These reports are published in special scientific journals and stored in the archives of many libraries, but the general public is not interested in this. What’s even worse is that many scientists who consider themselves “serious and competent” are not interested in this. At the same time, they consider themselves entitled to express their negative “opinion” about parapsychology and extrasensory perception, not based on anything other than empty dogmas and pseudoscientific beliefs that were once absorbed. If such scientists had bothered to look at carefully tested facts and rigorous experimental data and analyzed them, there is no doubt that they would have had a very different reaction.

In this situation, we cannot help but touch upon the problem of proving the reality of ESP. And although it is not our immediate goal to convince you, dear readers, of the reliability of extrasensory phenomena, we do offer some evidence of their existence. Here are some examples of such evidence.

Statistics professor Jessica Youtts (University of California, Davis), along with others, was secretly recruited by the US Central Intelligence Agency to conduct a critical statistical review of the evidence for psychic phenomena. Part of her analysis included the following statement:

“Using standards relating to any other field of science, one can come to the following conclusion: the presence of extrasensory phenomena has been reliably established. The statistical results of the studies carried out go far beyond what can be called chance. Arguments that these results could have been due to methodological flaws in the experiments have been reasonably refuted. The research, conducted at the government-sponsored Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and the International Applied Sciences Corporation (SAIC), was duplicated in many laboratories around the world, and similar results were obtained everywhere. Such uniformity of the results obtained cannot be explained by any claims to the quality of the experiments or fraud.”

The second form of evidence is more indirect. It is based on the fact that a positive view of ESP inevitably follows from the fact of the long and fruitful work of military psychic programs in the United States and Russia, from the level of scientific forces involved in them, and from the extensive and long-term support, including serious funding, that they were actually given high government level in both countries. If these programs were not effective, they would have been closed at the very beginning.

For example, the last Prime Minister of the USSR, Valentin Pavlov, provided full support for the Russian psychic program and was very interested in its results. On the American side, one of the co-authors of this book, Joseph McMonigle, received the most prestigious and highest peacetime award for outstanding achievements in intelligence. Moreover, for success in extrasensory intelligence! Here is a fragment of a quote from the ceremony of awarding him the Order of the Legion of Honor:

“... [McMoneagle] used his talents and knowledge on more than 200 combat missions, identifying more than 150 significant pieces of information. These significant pieces of information, containing critical intelligence, were reported to the highest echelons of our military and government, including such national level entities as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency with Drugs and the Secret Service. McMonigle received critical, vital intelligence information unavailable to any other source."

Not only does this prove the existence of extrasensory perception itself, but we also see the involvement of representatives of the highest level of the American government in this area, including representatives of the White House.

Now a little about the history of the book itself. In 1993, Edwin May and his late colleague, Larisa Vilenskaya, came to Moscow, the first of their many visits to the Russian capital. Although much of the first visit was devoted to exploring areas of ESP research in Russia that were not sponsored by government sources, they could not help but notice signs of a large psychic program developing under government wings.

On their second visit, they attacked the “gold mine” - they met with General Alexei Savin and some of his colleagues. After several formal meetings, May and Savin came to the conclusion that if they joined forces to resolve problems in their areas of common interest, for example, in the fight against terrorism, then Russia and the United States could derive significant mutual benefits from this.

During subsequent almost annual visits, May and Savin became true friends. Finally, in 2000, May, Vilenskaya and McMonigle again met with Savin and many other employees of military unit 10003. During the visit, Savin allowed many photographs to be taken and said that he was ready to cooperate with the American side. May and Vilenskaya wrote a report to the US intelligence command about these extensive contacts and the promising prospects for such cooperation. Later in the book we will talk about what came out (or rather, what did not come out) from this message, since neither May’s efforts on the American side, nor Savin’s efforts on the Russian side were successful. Their reports went unnoticed by high-ranking authorities.

In the end, after May learned of Savin’s resignation, he wrote him a letter with a proposal to unite to talk about their programs and personal stories, as well as to cite documentary facts that had been declassified by this time, which had never before been made public. Savin agreed, and here is the result - the first book of several planned.

We decided to start with an excursion into the history of extrasensory perception and psi-wars, so that the picture would be more complete for the reader unfamiliar with this issue. Along with the real facts of the use of ESP in conflicts, we also touch upon mythological plots, since they reflect the characteristic features of archetypes that one way or another manifest themselves in the real actions of people and human communities. This understanding is necessary for a correct assessment of historical facts regarding extrasensory perception and psi-warfare.

Having concluded the general historical review with a description of the Cold War period, we will then move on to present our material first-hand, dividing it into Western and Eastern sections and accompanied by corresponding photographs from both sides. The book ends with a section about the period of the 90s and the future of extrasensory perception as it is seen today. Attached are some recently declassified CIA documents related to the Stargate program.

In the next books we plan to deepen this story, make it more detailed, and provide new documentary facts. Perhaps by this time we will be able to achieve the declassification of even more amazing material, which has accumulated a lot during our work. In any case, we hope that this and subsequent books will bring readers such facts and approaches that will contribute to a new understanding of extrasensory perception and its place in our lives.

History of psi-wars

Chapter 1
Extrasensory perception and wars from time immemorial

Psi-wars did not start today or yesterday. This phenomenon is as old as time, but as we go back through the centuries, it is important for us to note that stories of real and mythical psi-wars are actually different manifestations of the Mage War archetype. This archetype, representing the specific structures of our unconscious, in some cases determined the real attempts of people to use extrasensory abilities in conflicts, on the other hand, contributed to the broadest mythological creativity on this topic. And it is not so easy to separate these two sides of history, since any narrative, both about real events and about fictional ones, tends to become folklorized, becoming overgrown with legends over time. From a historical perspective, both sides are important for understanding the nature of this phenomenon.

It is unlikely that on the axis of history one can find that specific point in time when our distant ancestor, waking up one day, cried out: “Eureka! I am a psychic! Nature and evolution don't work that way. And extrasensory perception is not an area that was constantly in the focus of attention of chroniclers, and few attested facts have survived. But still, history clearly shows that extrasensory phenomena have always manifested themselves in people, and there has always been a use for them. Since ancient times, people have encountered prophetic dreams, premonitions, predictions, cases of spontaneous telepathy and clairvoyance, amazing instant cures for diseases and other similar phenomena. Being not very frequent, these phenomena have always aroused interest and mistrust at the same time, and, of course, people tried to use them for practical purposes: to improve their health, find a missing person or thing, find out the upcoming weather or future events.

At the dawn of civilization, all these problems were solved by shamans. Shamanism is the oldest and most universal religion of humanity, which is also at the same time a healing system and a way to solve life’s problems. The uniformity of shamanic methods across different cultures suggests that people in different places and at different times were dealing with the same aspects of our reality. The most significant aspects of shamanic practice, according to most researchers, are special states of consciousness and following mythological archetypal processes. In special states of consciousness, the shaman acquires new powers and capabilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy and others, which he uses to solve the problems facing him. Thanks to his ability to see the invisible, the shaman becomes a mediator between two worlds - the physical world of people and the world of spirits. Such wonderful researchers as Joseph Campbell, Michael Harner and others have written a lot about this. We are curious to see how shamans used their psychic abilities in conflicts.

The direct task of the shaman has always been to fight in the other worlds for the interests of his fellow tribesmen. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a shaman is psychic warfare, the battle with the invisible. This is how Russian anthropologist S.I. Weinstein talks about the battle with the evil spirit of a very old and physically weak Tuvan shaman:

“It was felt that the suit and tambourine were heavy for the old man, and one involuntarily doubted whether Shonchur would be able to move in such attire... Suddenly the shaman... jumped up sharply. Almost in a dance, he made several movements, very surprising me with their lightness and freedom... Covering himself with a tambourine like a shield, he easily ran and jumped around the yurt, chasing the evil spirit, without opening his eyes, however, and, oddly enough, none of the without hurting those present... He jumped and finally overtook the enemy. The fight began. The enemies fell and rolled on the floor of the yurt. The shaman pressed the evil spirit tightly with a tambourine.”

It is interesting that the tambourine was not only a musical instrument, but also a weapon, and often a receptacle for the shaman’s magical life force. Among a number of peoples, such as the Altai tribes, there was a widespread belief that if you destroy the tambourine, the shaman himself will die.

Most often, shamans used their extrasensory abilities, acquired in other states of consciousness, to help people. But during tribal clashes, the shamans were required to ensure victory: to call on their spirits for help, to learn from them about the enemy’s intentions and to send damage to him. Here is one such shamanic psychic ritual-battle, described from a shamanic song by researcher I.M. Suslov in 1927 in Siberia:

“The shaman jumped to his feet. Now, with an alarming song, he summons his best helping spirits. Subject to the shaman, the bumumuk spirits turn into cows, horses, deer and, under the protection of helping spirits, form into a detachment somewhere in the dark. And now a squad of avengers rushes towards the enemies. At the head of the spirits is the soul of the shaman himself... riding on the rhizome of a young larch..."

In addition, shamans are people too, and it often happened, as in our days, that the shaman’s ordinary human passions took precedence over his highest aspirations, and this resulted in the use of psychic qualities for selfish purposes, such as obtaining power, wealth or revenge . If in such a situation a shaman encountered opposition from another shaman, then a real psychic war began between them.

Based on descriptions in modern anthropological literature, such a personal battle between two shamans can be imagined something like this: the shamans fighting for primacy appear before each other in full ritual garb, hung with their protective amulets. Looking into each other's eyes and moving in a circle, they begin their shamanic dances and songs, with each accompanying himself on his own tambourine. Having finished singing, they lie down on the ground with their heads facing each other, close their eyes and plunge into other worlds. It is noted that from time to time their bodies shudder, wheezing and moaning come out of their mouths, which shows that the battle continues somewhere in distant spaces. This sometimes goes on for many hours, often all night. There have been cases where when people approached them in the morning, it turned out that both shamans were lying in their places, but both of them were dead.

Researchers of Siberian shamanism note that if during such wars the shaman himself died, then his students and children often died with him, especially those under the age of 3, since they formed a single whole with him. In addition, students and children could die even before the shaman, internally unable to withstand the battle, since their main sources of life force were destroyed in the world of spirits. Or the shaman could sacrifice his charges to the enemy in exchange for his life. Such cases were known in the Amur region among the Nanai and Uglich people even in the 20th century.

The word itself shaman comes from the Yakut language, and the legends of the Yakuts and other peoples of Siberia tell of numerous psychic battles of shamans. Similar descriptions can be found in the shamanic traditions of almost all corners of the earth. This suggests that for thousands of years, wars between shamans and wars with the participation of shamans were almost more frequent than wars without them.

Since we are talking about Siberian shamanism, let us note one interesting feature of it, which is related to extrasensory perception and is not very widely known. We are talking about a mysterious disease measuring, which until the beginning of the 20th century covered fairly large groups of the population of Siberia and the Far North. Sometimes it arose completely spontaneously, but more often it manifested itself during the performance of shamanic rituals. When measuring, people repeated each other’s movements and followed any commands. Doctors attributed this condition to induced mass psychoses of the hysterical type and even called it the term “mental infection.” Similar phenomena were observed in Western Europe and Asia during outbreaks of religious fanaticism. But there is also a difference.

According to the observations of some researchers, when measuring, people sometimes repeated general movements without seeing each other! This suggests that in this state they connected to extrasensory information channels, or more precisely, to the same channel. The correctness of this assumption is indirectly confirmed by the well-known fact that natures of the hysterical type often have strong extrasensory abilities.

Although we do not have specific anthropological data, there can be little doubt that at times shamans and tribal leaders tried to use measuring for their own purposes, including military ones. Automatic submission and a special channel for issuing mental orders is the cherished dream of conquerors of all times. Why not lines from a science fiction novel!

Thus, using the example of shamanism, we see that psychic wars have almost as long a history as ordinary wars. For thousands of years, the Mage War archetype has manifested itself in reality primarily through shamanic battles.

Over time, all kinds of magicians, priests, oracles and sorcerers became the successors of the shamans. Rulers and military leaders looked for such magicians and soothsayers, tried to enlist their support and very often used them for war. Not all of these “magicians” possessed real psychic abilities, but almost all of them, in order to maintain their authority and pockets, tried to inflate the fame of their otherworldly powers and victories in psychic battles. This is how the other side of the archetype of the War of the Magicians manifested itself - myth-making, legends and fairy tales, common among all peoples. An interesting example of the widespread popularity of the Mage War archetype in Ancient Egypt and Central Asia can be found in the Bible text:

“And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a serpent. And Pharaoh called for wise men and sorcerers; and these magicians of Egypt did the same with their spells. Each of them threw down his staff, and they became snakes; but Aaron’s rod devoured their rods” (Exodus 7:10-12).

Witchcraft and fortune telling have remained constant companions of people for centuries. Among magic and divination, the first known cultures began to emerge in Mesopotamia, India, Egypt and China. Among the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, ancient Aryans, Chinese and Egyptians, priests especially hunted for secret knowledge. In Mesopotamia, between the 10th and 6th centuries BC, ancient beliefs developed into the religion of Zoroastrianism, which took shape in the teachings of the prophet Zoroaster, who reduced many different good and evil spirits to two main principles: the kingdom of light under the rule of Ahuramazda and the kingdom of darkness under the leadership of Ahriman. However, despite the new orderly theological scheme, which became the state religion, magical practices here were still of such great importance that the modern word itself magician comes from the ancient Persian word magu-sh, meaning priest in Zoroastrianism.

History even knows a case when in 522 BC a magician became the king of the huge Persian state, which at that time covered most of the civilized world. The inscription carved on the Behistun rock near the city of Kermanshah reads: “And Gaumata the Magus took Persia and other countries from Cambyses, captured it, appropriated it for himself, and became king. There was no person - neither Persian, nor Mede, nor anyone from our family - who could take the kingdom from Gaumata the Magus. However, in a fierce struggle for power, the psychic powers failed, and the magician Gaumata was killed just six months after his accession to the throne.

Interestingly, one of the most famous military predictions made by the Delphic Oracle is associated with Cambyses’ father, King Cyrus the Great, the creator of the Persian Empire. Temple oracles in the ancient world were a system of issuing answers from deities to questions from visitors. To obtain them, priests often used human mediums, whose task was to obtain information through extrasensory channels. Sometimes these were simply extrasensory gifted people, although more often, apparently, practices of entering special states of consciousness were used. Thus, in the famous temple of Apollo in the city of Delphi, women were mediums - Pythia. According to some reports, young girls who were easily amenable to hypnosis were selected for the role of Pythia, during which the answer was given. According to another hypothesis, the Pythians and other heralds of the oracles inhaled natural sulfur fumes or smoke with a psychoactive effect, obtained by the priests from burning substances such as hashish. This allowed the Pythia to enter a state of clairvoyance, and then they gave answers to visitors. Beginning in the 8th century BC and for the next 1,200 years, the Pythians gave advice and made predictions to both ordinary citizens and rulers on various issues, including the outcome of future wars. It is difficult to imagine that over such a long period of time the psychic business project called the Delphic Oracle would never have experienced a “creative crisis.” Alas, this happened, which many had to regret.

Croesus, the king of the richest state of Lydia, wanting to stop the growth of the Persian power, began to prepare a military campaign against Cyrus the Great. Before setting off on his campaign, he turned to the Delphic Oracle with the traditional question: whether he should wage this war. The oracle also answered with the traditional ambiguity of predictions: if Croesus attacks Persia, he will destroy the great kingdom. Just in case, he was also advised to enter into an alliance with the strongest of the Greek states. Croesus, although he already had alliances with the Egyptian pharaoh and the Babylonian king, following the recommendation of the oracle, united with Sparta. After this, confident of the blessing of the gods, he began a campaign against the Persians in 547 BC. At first, luck was with him, which once again convinced him of the correctness of the prediction. But in central Anatolia his progress was slowed down. Meanwhile, winter has arrived. As was customary at that time, armies were disbanded during the winter. Reassured by the prophecy and his successes, Croesus did so, and Cyrus took advantage of this, attacked him and captured him. It turned out that the great kingdom that Croesus had to destroy turned out to be his own kingdom.

As a result of the scale of the consequences, this prophecy became one of the most famous prophecies of the Delphic Oracle. From his example we see that attempts to use extrasensory perception to gather information for the purpose of waging successful wars are as old as wars themselves. Although in this case the fraud of the priests who gave a crafty ambiguous answer to both cases seems most likely, the following example more accurately illustrates the general problem of predictions - the question of interpretation. The Roman Emperor Nero was given the following warning to the Pythia: “Beware of the year 73.” Nero decided that the prophecy related to his age, and was not very concerned about it, since he was at that time a little over 30 years old. But a year later, as a result of a coup d'etat, he lost power, was abandoned even by his own bodyguards and committed suicide. As it turned out, the prediction related to the age of the ruler of Spain, Galba, who overthrew Nero and became emperor in the 73rd year of his life.

Here the prediction is very similar to the true one, but it did not help and could hardly help Nero due to its wording. This is one of the clearest examples of the fact that throughout history, the issue of interpreting data obtained extrasensorily has been one of the cornerstones of parapsychology and a bone of contention between supporters and opponents of the “otherworldly.” There is no simple or clear answer to this, so we will discuss it in detail in this and subsequent books.

Prophecies were not the only “specialization” of the ancient Greeks. There were rumors about the famous philosopher and mystic Pythagoras (6th century BC) that he could not only see the past and future of his interlocutor, but also easily read his thoughts. According to legend, Pythagoras learned this from the Egyptian priests. The secret Pythagorean doctrine of the magic of numbers was one of the most interesting attempts to connect rational thinking and logic, which the Greeks so strived for, with the mysterious irrational world of prophecies, magical rituals and supernatural forces. The Eleusinian Mysteries also played a significant role in this, which, through special states of consciousness, opened up the world of spirituality and extrasensory perception to participants, and through which almost all outstanding Greek philosophers passed. As a result, the Greeks became the most important transmission link between the magical world of the East and modern Western culture.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world” - we traditionally attribute this famous thesis to the ancient Greeks, although, perhaps, it is most widely expressed in the spiritual traditions of India. But one of its meanings is the revelation of extrasensory abilities in ourselves, through which we can receive new information about the universe. In India, these traditions have long been formed into the practice of yoga, detailed instructions in which we find already in the ancient Indian epics “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”, dating back three to five thousand years. They are presented in an even more systematized form in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Various psychic abilities are called here siddhas- special psychic powers. Patanjali and other teachers note that siddhis appear at certain stages of spiritual development, and warn not to get carried away by them, as this distracts the student from the right path. However, these warnings often did not have the desired effect. The Mahabharata and Ramayana are full of descriptions of stories in which hermits, sages, and sometimes gods engaged in severe penance to accumulate psychic powers. They then unleashed these powers on each other's heads in the form of curses and engaged in psychic battles.

Although some scholars believe that the wars described in the Bhagavad Gita and other parts of the epic had their basis in the early period of Indian history, others believe that these wars are metaphors for battles in the inner, spiritual world. The latter point of view is also supported by references to the weapons of the gods, such as brahmasiras, Brahma's weapon. It is both lightning and devastating psychic force. She is a manifestation Shakti, universal cosmic energy that destroys and creates worlds.

One of the forms of Shakti is also prana, the vital energy associated with breathing. Controlling prana with special exercises pranayama has always been one of the most important tasks of yoga. Ancient manuals indicate that pranayama is extremely effective for the development of psychic abilities, but they must be done with great care and under the guidance of an experienced teacher, so as not to harm your health. Modern scientific research has not yet confirmed the extrasensory effectiveness of pranayamas, but the authors of this book met with people who intensively practiced yoga and personally confirmed this fact. The discovery of psychic abilities can help Holotropic Breathwork™ and other breathing techniques, meditation practice, near-death and other peak experiences, but there is no clear connection here.

Similar ideas about vital energy developed in Ancient China, here it was called qi. By working with the flow of qi through the meridians of the body, Chinese doctors and Taoist masters often came to the manifestation of extrasensory phenomena. Chinese manuscripts describe many such cases.

For Buddhist masters, possession of psychic powers is taken for granted according to legendary tradition. When in the 8th century, King Trisong Detsen invited guru Padmasambhava to establish Buddhism in Tibet, he, according to legend, had to endure many psychic and spiritual battles with the deities of the local Bon-po religion. He managed to defeat them and make them guardians of the Buddha's teachings.

An interesting personal testimony to the use of psychic powers is the memoirs of the Tibetan yogi Milarepa (Jetsun, 1052-1135). When his father died, his aunt and uncle took all his property, including the house and field. They abused him, his mother and sister in every possible way, kept them hungry and forced them to do the most difficult menial work. At the request of his mother, Milarepa went to study black magic to take revenge on his relatives. Having found a lama who had magical powers, he was trained by him and began to take revenge, as he himself says:

“I struck my enemies on the wedding day of my uncle’s eldest son. His sons, his bride and those who were especially hostile to us gathered. There were thirty-five people in total... I applied the instructions for seven days... And indeed, that very night the tutelary deities appeared, bringing with them the bleeding heads and hearts of thirty-five people and, putting them in a pile, said: “This is what you wanted, calling to us continuously during the last days?"...

[As a result, on the wedding day] ... several stallions and mares tied below the house became enraged and began to rush and push each other. Several stallions broke free from their leashes and rushed at the mares. The stallions neighed, the mares kicked, and in the end one of them hit the supporting pillar with such force that the pillar broke and the whole house collapsed with a terrible roar. Thirty-five people died, including the bride and all the uncle's sons. Clouds of smoke and dust covered the sky. The debris was mixed with the corpses of dead men, women, children and animals.”

Milarepa's mother publicly announced that this was her son's magical revenge. Some of the villagers, horrified by what they had done, turned against her. And then, at the request of his mother, Milarepa sent hail to their fields:

“Meanwhile, I installed on a hill overlooking the valley the device required to activate my witchcraft power, and began to cast spells, but not the slightest cloud appeared, not even the size of a sparrow. I began to pronounce the names of the gods and, retelling the story of our misadventures and describing the cruelty of our neighbors, I hit the ground with my folded clothes and began to cry in despair. Out of nowhere, a huge, heavy, dark cloud immediately appeared, and when it descended over the valley, a huge hailstorm began, not leaving a single ear of corn on the fields. The hail fell three times and dug deep ravines into the hillsides. A loud cry of hopelessness and grief burst from the lips of the villagers.”

Subsequently, Milarepa bitterly regretted his actions, repented of them, and soon became one of the most famous Buddhist ascetics.

As a commentary on these memoirs, we note once again that, speaking about evidence of the use of magic and extrasensory perception, we must not forget the tendency towards folklorization, which is very difficult to avoid even for the eyewitnesses themselves. We must also remember about Jung's principle of synchronicity, according to which two events can have a common meaning, but not have the usual cause-and-effect relationship.

Martial arts traditions are associated with the name of Bodhidharma (440-528), another master and saint who brought the teachings of Buddhism to China. kung Fu And tai chi, preserved and developed for one and a half thousand years in the Shaolin Monastery and other eastern martial arts schools. These areas involve systematic work with energy and the development of extrasensory abilities such as foresight and clairvoyance. Among them there are even traditions of energy “non-contact” combat, adopted by modern intelligence services. Modern Korean martial artist Song Park, creator of the system Kiaido says:

“There are three main types of non-contact energy combat systems. The first is a violation of the “intention-impulse-action” chain. To do this, the fighter must catch the moment of the beginning of this chain from the enemy at the “intention-impulse” stage and break it off with an unexpected movement or sound. The second is “flow of energy” - when a fighter feels where the enemy’s shock flow of energy is directed, and simply leaves, “flows around” him or goes with him. Outwardly, it looks like a simple avoidance of a blow, although it is not at all so simple. The third is the actual energy block, when the enemy’s blow hits an invisible wall. All three methods require psychic abilities, but to varying degrees. The third option is especially difficult and dangerous for the defender himself. For some time I demonstrated energetic blocking of a blow in training, but it ended in a serious illness for me. Excessive concentration of energy is not in vain. Now I only work with the first two."

In medieval Japan, training leading to the development of psychic abilities was typical for the training of warriors ninja(“nin” - secret, “ja” - personality) – scouts, saboteurs and spies. The ninjutsu system was, of course, associated with the esoteric practice of the martial art of wushu and other schools. Thus, to develop night vision, a child was placed for several days and even weeks in a cave, where daylight barely penetrated, and was forced to go further and further into the darkness. When the light intensity was reduced to a minimum, the child acquired the ability to see in pitch darkness. This was partly due to training the sensitivity of the retina, but one cannot exclude the development of the extrasensory ability of clairvoyance - “vision without eyes”, a type of skin vision. As a result of regular repetition of such training, these abilities were strengthened. And the possession of these abilities not always, but very often contributed to the internal development of the individual.

In general, the history of different cultures shows that there is a deep internal connection between human spirituality and the manifestation of psychic abilities, thereby confirming similar claims from a number of religious and spiritual traditions. Over the centuries, this connection has remained quite strong, and there is an impression that it is inevitable. It seems that we need systematic research to find out whether it is really necessary for the best expression of extrasensory perception.

Speaking about the history of unusual phenomena, one cannot fail to mention astrology and alchemy. Although these objects do not seem to be directly related to extrasensory perception, traditionally they have always been placed side by side and their relationships are closely intertwined. We need to mark these boundaries.

Astrology arose in ancient times and became the progenitor of all science. It flourished in almost all highly developed cultures, which clearly indicates its practical usefulness. Astrology establishes relationships between the positions of planets and stars in the sky with events on Earth. Serious scientific statistical studies show that such a relationship exists, which was discovered empirically in ancient times. The only question is its correct interpretation. A fundamental breakthrough in this matter was made by Carl Gustav Jung, who, based on extensive clinical material, came to the conclusion that the cycles of planetary movement correspond to the cycles of functioning of the archetypes of our collective unconscious. This, in principle, removed the contradictions between astrology and modern science, but did not save astrology from a huge number of charlatans who always wanted to profit at its expense.

The sticking point was the fact that astrology can only predict the nature and quality of archetypal energies that will operate at certain points in the future. In principle, it cannot predict specific events. And this is what has always been demanded and demanded from astrology. As a result, astrology became a wide field for deception, intrigue and conspiracies, sometimes capturing entire states, and was often one of the instruments of war.

However, from the history of astrology we also know a significant number of specific predictions that have come true. How could this be? The fact is that astrology has always been a kind of “objective shield” for people with the extrasensory ability to foresee the future. For a person who received information about the future through a psychic channel, it was often inconvenient and unauthorized to refer to the shaky ground of “revelations.” It is much more respectable to declare that “the stars said so” and in case of an unfulfilled prediction one can always refer to the inaccuracy of calculations. Thus, if we put aside quackery, politics and hoaxes, then behind all accurate astrological predictions there is a classic extrasensory ability - foresight. And as an additional, auxiliary tool for foresight, astrology can be very useful. Summarizing what has been said, we see that where we are talking about accurate predictions in astrology, we can almost always encounter hidden extrasensory perception. Perhaps astrology acts as a psychological mechanism that allows a person to “turn on” extrasensory perception and thereby allow extrasensory phenomena to occur.

A somewhat different situation has developed in alchemy, where two levels of goals and ideology have clearly emerged. The lowest level pursued purely mercantile goals: obtaining a certain substance, the philosopher's stone, to transform substances into gold or ensure immortality. Variations on the utilitarian approach included attempts to create living beings in vitro as slaves and servants. The highest, especially secret level of alchemy related to spiritual development and the evolution of consciousness. What was meant here by the philosopher's stone and the transmutation of rough material into gold was the transformation of individual consciousness and the achievement of divinity. Higher alchemy claimed that God is in everything, and all material elements correspond to spiritual ones elementals. The famous physician and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541) introduced a whole classification of spiritual entities of the invisible world: “They live in four elements: Nymphs - in the element of water, Sylphs - air, Pygmies - earth and Salamanders - fire.” Apparently, Paracelsus himself had extrasensory abilities and tried to systematize his personal experience. Another statement of his is convincing of this: “With the help of magical willpower, a person on this side of the sea can hear what a person on the other side says.” Apparently, in the process of experimentation, alchemists quite often obtained substances with psychoactive effects, some of which enhanced extrasensory perception, so extrasensory phenomena more or less regularly accompanied alchemy.

Let's return to psi-wars. History knows an example of a war conducted with the real and successful use of extrasensory abilities. We are talking about Joan of Arc and the Hundred Years' War. Since childhood, Zhanna heard voices speaking about her destiny to save her homeland. When she announced her mission, she was sent to the court of the French Dauphin, who, after numerous interrogations, told those present that Jeanne had initiated him into a certain secret that no one but God knew and could not know, which is why he completely trusts her. It is believed that Jeanne telepathically learned and accurately repeated out loud the Dauphin’s personal prayer. As a result, she was given an army, and Jeanne went to lift the siege of Orleans, which was the last barrier separating the British from capturing all of France. She accomplished this task, and in an absolutely incredible way. As some historians point out, the British made inexplicable mistakes and simply abandoned their weapons; their whole course of action was so strange that it can only be explained by supernatural causes. Jeanne's prophetic gift is attested to by many people and is beyond doubt. She easily said: “Wait, three more days, then we will take the city” or “Be patient, in an hour you will become winners,” and her words came true exactly. Ultimately, the Catholic Church recognized her as a saint, and France retained sovereignty.

But real psychic abilities did not always bring real results, at least those that were expected from them. Russian chronicles of the 17th century preserved the story of the learned monk Sylvester Medvedev, who for three years hid in his cell the sorcerer Dmitry Silin, who had the gift of clairvoyance. Magi, or sorcerers, were the heirs of pre-Christian, actually shamanistic traditions in Rus', but the Orthodox monk Sylvester wanted to use his extrasensory abilities to himself be the Patriarch in Rus', and also to help his patron, Prince Vasily Golitsyn, become king in Moscow. The attempt at a state and clerical coup ended with the execution of Medvedev and Golitsyn, which was no secret in advance either to the sorcerer Silin or to them. But this did not stop the conspirators. We know about this story from judicial “search cases”:

“And Sylvester Medvedev told him to look into the sun: what will Prince Golitsyn be like and will he be a king in Moscow?.. and he, Sylvester, a patriarch? “And he, Silin, according to Sylvester’s words, went to the Ivanovo Bell Tower of the Great and looked into the sun twice. And in the sun he saw: great sovereigns wore crowns, as usual, on their heads, but Prince Vasily Golitsyn’s crown dangled around his chest and behind him and from the side, and he, the prince, stood dark and walked like a wheel; and Princess Sofya Alekseevna was sad and vague; and Sylvester is dark... He, Sylvester Medvedev, supposedly sent Silin to Prince Golitsyn. And the prince asked: will he be a great man in Moscow? And Silin told him: no matter what he started, it won’t come to pass, nothing more will happen.”

Representatives of military science published the results of research in the form of dialogues with the World Mind. The authors note that these data were obtained after establishing energy-informational meta-contacts with spiritual Teachers of the near-Earth space. The first meta-contact in our country confirmed that the Control of the Universe is handled by the Supreme Mind, and established its reality in the life of planet Earth.
“It turned out that the principles and laws of government are to ensure goodness and love, eliminate and destroy evil. The Higher Mind expects from modern humanity the supply of positive energy that the Universe needs. At the same time, the Soul is the center of the energy system of life, improving from incarnation to incarnation...

The brain transmits information, receives it, stores it, and eliminates it.

The information-energy structure of a person can interact with any types of energy and matter. According to the Supreme Mind, scientific achievements should not belong to those who neglect the spiritual laws of the Universe, the Universe. It can be assumed that the basis of the incredible technical achievements of ancient civilizations was contact with the Higher Mind based on adherence to the principles of morality and spirituality. The study of the abilities of some of our contemporaries made it possible to understand that the technology of building pyramids, the movement of multi-ton stone blocks, images of a helicopter, a submarine and an airplane on the wall of a temple in ancient Egypt belonged to a right-hemisphere civilization. The activity of this hemisphere still dominates in those who have extrasensory abilities.

Archaeologists continue to find tools only at the sites of primitive man, which confirms the fact of the creation of grandiose material objects of the distant past in many areas of the globe with the help of creative mental energy and the power of thought. It can be assumed that the right hemisphere, which forms a single whole with the stem structures of the brain, could enter into resonant vibrations with hitherto unknown fields and energies, which made it possible to move the multi-ton sculptures of Easter Island, install the megaliths of Stonehenge and create the majestic pyramids of Egypt.

N.P. Bekhtereva notes the presence of a living biological system, a cerebral information field, which, in addition to information, distributes energy flows to various parts of the brain.

The rulers of the legendary Atlantis, which Plato spoke about, made the most of everything they received from the Supreme Intelligence to create new technologies using psychic energy, remotely observed events in various regions of the earth, moved in space, and possessed telepathy. However, they decided to make their fellow citizens soulless slaves, achieve uncontrolled domination over the world, and turn the tasks of self-preservation and self-affirmation into expansion and aggression. The creation of a cult of black magicians and worship of the kingdom of the dead led to increased energy consumption, which hampered the development of the planet.

Special filters were created that prevented the control of the Supreme Intelligence over the rulers of Atlantis. It is noted that the isolation of the Earth from cosmic energies first led to energy chaos, natural disasters, and then, after a terrible earthquake, plunged Atlantis into the depths of the ocean. All this slowed down the development of our civilization and increased the negative influence of the astral world on the spiritual evolution of humanity. Right-hemisphere activity lasted until population growth and trade relations led to the creation of language and writing. As a result, a new type of thinking emerged, where calculation, logic, and standard solutions predominated, which led to the dominance of the left hemisphere. The redistribution of energy flows, the elimination of resonant oscillations and interactions, which make it possible to obtain creative energy of a higher order and create material objects with the power of thought, have been lost.

Language and self-awareness through the interaction of intuition (right brain) and experience (left brain) led to the emergence of consciousness and turned us into a left-brain civilization. However, our brain continues to store all the abilities and capabilities that existed at all stages of evolution, including Atlantis.

Dialogue with representatives of the World Mind shows that by mastering special states of consciousness, the original Russian technique of metacontacts, modern man can gain access to the information field of the earth, where information about the events of the present, past and future of all times and peoples is stored. This field is a living system that receives information and creates new information.

One of the important processes occurring in the Universe is the ascent of the Soul to the Higher cosmic spheres after receiving earthly experience. This path requires reducing the influence of negative energy of the astral world, attracting the energy of the righteous, cosmic energy. The earthly feat of Jesus Christ showed that spiritual evolution can become the property of every person when fulfilling the ethics and morality of a Christian in everyday life, interpersonal relationships, and turning to God in prayer.

It should be noted that the Higher Mind has nothing to do with the manifestation of free will, which is accompanied by unrighteous acts and brings suffering, pain, and unhappiness. Here one of the basic laws of the Universe is realized, the law of karma or cause and effect. This law is a kind of corrective punishment, a universal duty that cannot be avoided. It reflects the patterns existing in nature, when suffering exalts the state of bliss, death indicates the possibility of immortality of the Soul, and night with the arrival of the sun gives way to dawn. The absence of this law in the system of the Universe would lead to the destruction of everything that was created on earth by the cosmic drama of creation. It is known that nowadays one can “use” the services of magicians to express free will. They commit unrighteous acts and change people's destinies on orders. However, the negative effect of magical actions soon begins to affect the performer himself, who spends his energy on this process and becomes an energy vampire for his loved ones.

Religious experience makes it possible to understand that karmic debt is alleviated only by one’s own righteous deeds, following the commandments of God, the laws of Divine justice, where there is no harm to people.

Thousands of years ago, the ancient civilizations of the East restored energy costs associated with karmic debt through daily meditation and mantras. Appeal to special states of consciousness limited or eliminated the manifestations of free will.

The Supreme Reason warns that this world can only be preserved if there is Divinity reflected in the souls of people. From the depths of the Universe, during prayerful communication with God, the energy of life comes, cosmic energy, which brings the energy of the Holy Spirit, is the spiritual component of the immortal Soul.

During prayer, a special energy state of the biofield is created, which eliminates negative energy from the human energy system. In the absence of this energy, there is no resonant coincidence for any mental aggression. In this case, the absence of negativity is a form of mental self-defense, when the energy of aggression passes through the human energy system without consequences. After this, the negative energy of evil thoughts, according to the “boomerang law,” returns to the original source. The study of biofield energy has shown that negative events in everyday life turn into “accumulated stress,” which increases the level of energy consumption. Energy vampirism plays the same role; it is present in all spheres of activity, in interstate relations.

In the absence of replenishment of energy costs in extreme conditions, adaptive energy is used, which is given at birth and has a quantitative limit. At this time, neurogenic and psychogenic diseases, depression, and a desire to die appear. The consumption of adaptive energy after irreplaceable energy consumption of the biofield, first of all, is reflected in the state of the human psyche, accompanied by a loss of self-control and the appearance of a signal of self-destruction. In this case, special attention should be paid by society and the state to those who, due to their production activities, have an increased level of biofield energy consumption. This can become a “human factor” in the occurrence of man-made and environmental disasters.

Military researchers have received information that self-hypnosis allows one to protect the biofield from external influences and is one of the means of mental self-defense.

Modern psychotherapists consider self-hypnosis one of the most powerful methods for revealing and activating the resources of the unconscious, restoring the energy of the biofield, and resisting energy vampirism.

The brain, as a cybernetic system, works according to the Le Chatelier principle, when any equilibrium system tends to return to its original state when trying to disturb it. In the absence of replenishment of energy costs, a mode of operation of the body's functional systems arises, where the external signal can become extreme and trigger the expenditure of adaptive energy. Because of this, the use of special states of consciousness in the form of self-hypnosis and audio trance is becoming the main direction in the drug-free prevention of nervous and mental diseases, depression, suicide in various age and social groups of the population of modern Russia.

Many years of research conducted in our country to solve defense and security problems have shown that the main models of trance, technologies for inducing it, have an optimal effect on the body.

Numerous foreign researchers, representatives of fundamental science in the field of medicine and psychology, came to the same conclusion.”

The USSR intelligence services were interested in the supernatural capabilities of humans long before the Great Patriotic War, but the research that was carried out in this area was not systematic. And only at the end of the 1980s was it possible to somehow structure the data obtained on this topic.

When perestroika began in the USSR, the Pentagon, with the support of the CIA in the Stargate program, was actively developing psi-attack technologies that would make it possible to exert energy-informational influence on the enemy. They were called "Brain Wars".

At the research center, American scientists began studying the so-called far vision, which is very similar to the Russian concept of clairvoyance. In particular, the possibility of using these abilities to carry out extrasensory communication with their submarines was studied. In addition, attempts were made, using the same abilities, to determine the coordinates of Soviet nuclear missile carriers located in the ocean.

The need to protect the country from such Western psi attacks forced the Soviet intelligence services to also address the issue of human extrasensory capabilities. The government and the Ministry of Defense needed a super elite - people with phenomenal abilities.

After the collapse of the USSR, one of the goals of the Stargate program was to incite hostility between the Russian Federation and China. The result of the conflict provoked by American military psychics would be a bloodless Russia and a weakened China, which could ultimately end in a global nuclear missile war. Kremlin officers - parapsychologists - managed to prevent this.

But this began in 1989, when, on the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, Army General Mikhail Moiseev, a new unit was formed - military unit 10003. This military unit was formed with the aim of providing assistance in solving many specific problems.

The head of state programs for confrontation with a potential enemy in the field of the psychosphere became an honored military specialist, a prominent anthropophenomenologist, Lieutenant General A. Yu. Savin.

The very idea of ​​​​creating such a unit was “thrown” to Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov by numerous psychics who claim that they can reveal the location of enemy objects: submarines, ships, military units without any equipment.

The entire staff of the unit consisted of 10 people, who were distinguished by their extraordinary and large-scale thinking and had extraordinary abilities in military affairs. At the same time, the comic name of the unit appeared - “One Thousand and Three Nights,” which meant that they were doing something frivolous and fabulous.

Employees and military personnel of military unit 10003, using their phenomenal abilities, worked in four directions:

They prevented emergencies, searched for missing people, criminals, warehouses with weapons and ammunition, aircraft and ships, and treated wounded and sick soldiers.

Analyzed the psy-war programs of NATO and the United States.

We worked on creating our own methods of energy-informational influence.

They developed the intuitive and intellectual abilities of “special operators” - top-level analysts, whose capabilities were much more effective than those of mediums and telepaths.

In the military unit, they were engaged in developing extraordinary creative potential and extrasensory abilities among officers. Psychics were not specifically recruited into Savin’s group.

In total, more than five million rubles were allocated for the formation of the unit. Savin’s patron, Finance Minister Valentin Pavlov, personally dealt with this issue. To finance military unit 10003, a secret program was specially developed, according to which every year the state allocated four million dollars for research work. According to an established and secret scheme, transfers were carried out until 2003.

In the early 90s, psychics managed to predict a nuclear explosion in the area of ​​Glasgow, Scotland. The information was passed on to the British. Surprisingly, this data helped prevent a nuclear explosion at one of the NATO sites.

Also, employees of military unit 10003 predicted the earthquake that happened in Kamchatka. In addition, according to Savin, they developed their own version of a solution to the conflict in the Caucasus. Unfortunately, B. Yeltsin did not take advantage of the recommendations of his employees, which led to the military crisis in Chechnya.

Arriving in the Caucasus, Colonel Savin, together with his subordinates from military unit 10003, identified the location of the command centers of Chechen militants and helped conduct interrogations. The group assessed the situation and made predictions about future events.

As a result of the effective two-year work of military unit 10003 on the conflict in the Caucasus, its status has increased. Since 1997, Colonel Savin’s military unit, which was considered a branch of the General Staff, received the status of a special department.

The new staff consisted of eight colonels and two generals, who controlled the activities of 120 departments participating in the project. Alexey Savin himself received the rank of lieutenant general.

General Savin's military unit worked for 15 years. Since 2000, the process of declassifying some provisions of the methodology began with their gradual adaptation to civilian life. Now they have begun to be used not only in law enforcement agencies, but also in educational institutions and private business structures. In 2003, by special order, military unit 10003 was liquidated, and its commander resigned.

Thus, the work of the secret project, created at the most critical moment for the country, was completed. Psychic officers saved the state from inevitable ruin and collapse, and their numerous discoveries in the field of the phenomenal became the basis for psychological training.

However, at the beginning of the 2000s, the activities of the unit were criticized by the chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, Eduard Kruglyakov.