DPRK vs USA. Kim detonated a hydrogen bomb. The earthquake was felt by residents of Vladivostok. The inevitable is one step closer

Welcome to the new world, ladies and gentlemen.

Dispel your illusions and finally take off your rose-colored glasses. Below you will find a link to my last year analysis of the real nuclear potential of the DPRK.

There is no official statement about the DPRK's next nuclear tests yet... (while I was writing the article it had already appeared). Japan demands an urgent convening of the UN Security Council. The explosion was so powerful that the earthquake was felt by the residents of Vladivostok; all seismic stations recorded a sudden surge in amplitude, characteristic of underground nuclear tests, followed by a fading seismogram.

The tremors recorded in North Korea were 10 times more powerful than the earthquake during the previous nuclear test. This was announced by a representative of the main meteorological agency of Japan, RIA Novosti reports with reference to NHK.

The Japanese authorities sent a strong protest to the DPRK in connection with the new nuclear test, TASS reports. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono told the media about this.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono called on Russia and China to agree to sanctions against Pyongyang, in particular, with a possible proposal to ban oil exports to the DPRK. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to Japanese media.

For those who do not fully understand the situation:

A ban on oil supplies to the DPRK (international embargo) is tantamount to a declaration of war.

This is how the United States encouraged the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor in 1941.

The inevitable is getting closer.

While I was writing the article, the DPRK central TV made an official statement about the successful testing of a thermonuclear bomb.

There is practically no chance of maintaining peace in the Far Eastern region.

Japan has announced that it will shoot down North Korean missiles with lasers.

– I wonder, what about mini-submarines with 1 megaton filling and with suicide bombers on board? – These are nuclear torpedoes controlled by intelligence that is not of artificial origin. Or suicide bombers on Mig-21 aircraft, capable of reaching the shores of Japan at extremely low altitudes beyond the visibility of their radars?

Any Japanese cities with US military and naval bases and all US Navy bases in the Pacific Ocean, including San Diego, are now under threat of destruction.

Last year, I warned everyone that the DPRK has an order of magnitude larger number of warheads, including thermonuclear ones, than what was announced by the official authorities (12-20 pieces), intelligence and the media. Today they are calling a different number – from 60.

The fools who call themselves “experts” unanimously repeated yesterday that the Koreans have only “recently come out of the trees” and all they have are “the so-called dirty explosive devices, which are by no means warheads.”

A mistake, to say the least.

North Korea already several years ago possessed the technologies necessary to produce completely modern nuclear detonators for thermonuclear warheads.

The total number of nuclear and thermonuclear charges in the DPRK today may be about 200 and this, apparently, is the third largest in the world.

"From Korea with love."

Hello "experts".

The US carried out its last nuclear test 26 years ago. The last nuclear warhead in the United States was manufactured in 1992.

The last of the Minuteman-3 ICBMs on combat duty in the United States left the factory floor in 1977, 40 years ago.

And the last Trident 2 was manufactured in 1992.

25 years for missiles on combat duty on nuclear submarines is a bit much.

In addition, the United States has never carried out a salvo launch of its ICBMs; their Ohio-class nuclear submarines, apparently, are not intended for a salvo. Their bodies may crack after the second launch.

The B-52, which is armed with long-range cruise missiles, has long since exhausted its service life, back in the early 2000s, and the United States is unlikely to take a dozen of these machines into the air.

B-1B, which are based in Guam, are not capable of carrying long-range missiles and to complete the task they need to enter the coverage area of ​​North Korean air defense, which is armed with S-200 long-range interception systems, and who said that they are not equipped with nuclear warheads?

The US Navy is still the most powerful in the world, but the North Korean submarine fleet is the largest. They include low-noise mini-submarines that can be used as guided torpedoes with nuclear filling with suicide bombers on board.

Or use them for their intended purpose - just as they were used earlier, when a modern South Korean corvette was sunk a few years ago.

North Korea conducted its last nuclear test a few hours ago.

In a quarter of a century, a lot can be made up for. Respect the work of North Korean intelligence officers, the work of the entire nation to create their weapons, and remember that the DPRK prints counterfeit dollars that are indistinguishable from real ones.

But first, a quote from a previous article:

I dare to note that a “small victorious war” is not at all necessary for Trump today. He will also be satisfied with defeat in the upcoming military incident. "Temporary defeat in battle." But this “defeat” can be presented as a victory of “common sense over emotions.”

After a missile attack by the DPRK (or its imitation with real casualties, as well as a torpedo attack on a US Navy submarine or destroyer by a DPRK submarine (was there a “boat”??), the United States can afford not to respond immediately, but to go into a temporary retreat and together with him loudly voice a call to the world community for “joint efforts to overthrow the regime of the dictator-ghoul Kim, and at the same time the martial law in the states.”

Let me explain. A military incident will happen no matter what. In the previous article, I announced the date of provocation of the incident - August 23, but this date was tied to the “unprecedented transcontinental exercises” announced earlier in the United States under the leadership of FEMA (US Department of Emergency Situations). But they were postponed. Instead, joint military exercises between the United States and the South Caucasus began. The DPRK has unequivocally stated that the call for the evacuation of US citizens from the South Caucasus and Japan is tantamount to a declaration of war. And these exercises precisely assumed this mass evacuation.

Instead, military exercises between the United States and South Korea began, which provoked Kim Jong-un to launch an IRS on August 29 through Japanese territory. Which is exactly what they were trying to achieve. The UN Security Council unanimously condemned the DPRK, China and Russia supported the resolution, Trump said that negotiations with the DPRK were impossible, and “the United States will no longer pay the DPRK a payoff.”

By the way, about the birds.

Trump involuntarily blabbed that the DPRK has some money with the knowledge of the United States, and most likely prints counterfeit US dollars and sells them around the world, and the US Treasury turns a blind eye to this - according to the “previous agreement of the parties, but in fact - licenses to operate a printing press.

After all, there was not even a hint of any “humanitarian aid” in his words! Soon these bills, which can only be distinguished from genuine ones by a group of experts from the “Secret Service” of the US Treasury, will be declared counterfeit, and since there are many, many of them, billions already, then all cash banknotes of 100 and 50 US dollars will be withdrawn from circulation . What is not a reason to burn the excess cash of unsecured money and at the same time fry the tail of all the drug lords and private arms dealers?
cont.ws/@margo777 , 1.09.2017

And everyone loves money, including retirees from the Los Alamos laboratory.

The DPRK's missiles are quite modern, and in addition to medium-range missiles, the DPRK has ICBMs on combat duty that are capable of reaching any point on the territory of the United States or any other state hostile to North Korea.

What will Macron say now, who assured the French that the DPRK does not pose any threat to them and hastened to join a possible military operation against the DPRK?

Meanwhile, “unknown snipers” from behind-the-scenes puppet masters, now capable of shooting “tomahawks” (from among the 36 that disappeared during the shelling of Syria on 04/07/17), and shooting in both directions, both at the DPRK and at the USA , lurking somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and waiting in the wings.

The end is near.

Hurricane Irma, which threatens to become a Category 5 hurricane by September 10 and destroy New York and the entire state of New Jersey, now appears to be in line.

On Monday we are waiting for the start of gold prices for its further flight into space, in the coming weeks or even days there will be a collapse of the stock market on Wall Street, and Asian stock market indices will fall tomorrow.

North Korea conducted another nuclear weapons test on September 3. Now, they claim, a hydrogen bomb has been detonated. Seismic tremors have been recorded in the Far East. Based on them, experts estimated the charge power to be from 50 to 100 kilotons. The power of the bombs detonated by the Americans in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 was about 20 kilotons. Then two explosions killed more than 200 thousand people. The Korean bomb is many times more powerful. A few days earlier, North Korea tested its ballistic missile. This rocket flew 2,700 kilometers and fell in the Pacific Ocean. Flew over the Japanese island of Hokkaido.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said that they will now fire missiles towards the American military base on the island of Guam. And this island is a little further from Korea - 3,300 kilometers. Moreover, some experts claim that this rocket can fly twice the distance. According to the map, such a missile could reach the United States. At least Alaska is already in the kill zone.

So, there is a rocket and there is a bomb. This does not mean that the Koreans are ready to launch a nuclear missile strike right now. A nuclear explosive device is not yet a warhead. Experts say that pairing a bomb and a missile requires several years of work. However, it is absolutely clear that for Korean engineers this is a solvable task. The Americans are threatening North Korea with a military strike. Indeed, it seems like a simple solution - to destroy launchers, missile and nuclear weapons factories with aviation. And the habits of Americans in this regard are simple. Anything - immediately bomb. Why aren't they bombing now? And they threaten somehow hesitantly. Because from the border separating North and South Korea to the center of Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is a little over 30 kilometers.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles will not be needed here. Here you can shoot howitzers. And Seoul is a city of ten million. By the way, many Americans live there. The US and South Korea have extensive business relations. So in response to an American attack, the North Koreans may attack South Korea, Seoul first. North Korea's army is one million strong. There are another four million in reserve.

Some hotheads say: this is a poor country with a very weak economy. Well, firstly, the economy there is no longer as weak as it was 20 years ago. According to indirect signs, there is economic growth. Well, secondly, they were able to make a rocket. They made an atomic bomb and even a hydrogen one. They should not be underestimated. Therefore, there are risks of a major war on the Korean Peninsula. This topic was discussed on September 3 by the leaders of Russia and China. They met in the Chinese city of Xiamen ahead of the BRICS summit.

“There was a discussion of the situation on the Korean Peninsula in light of the DPRK’s hydrogen bomb test. Both Putin and Xi Jinping expressed deep concern about this situation, they noted the importance of preventing chaos on the Korean Peninsula, the importance of all parties showing restraint and focusing on finding a solution only through political and diplomatic means,” said Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov .

No matter what Kim Jong-un is, no matter how he behaves, no matter what we think about him, negotiations and the search for a compromise are still better than war, especially since the interested parties have enough tools to put pressure on North Korea.

“Today, September 3, at 12 o’clock, North Korean scientists successfully tested a hydrogen warhead at the northern test site, designed to equip intercontinental ballistic missiles,” said a North Korean television announcer.

According to South Korean experts, the power of the bomb exploded in North Korea could reach 100 kilotons, which is about six Hiroshimas. The explosion was accompanied by an earthquake 10 times stronger than what happened last year when Pyongyang conducted its previous nuclear test. The echoes of this earthquake, which is now clearly man-made, were felt far beyond the borders of the DPRK. Even before Pyongyang’s official statement, seismologists in Vladivostok already guessed what had happened. “The coordinates coincide with the nuclear test site,” notes the seismologist.

“In terms of distance, it is approximately 250-300 kilometers from Vladivostok. At the epicenter of the earthquake itself, in all likelihood, the magnitude was about seven. On the border of Primorye it is somewhere around five points. In Vladivostok, no more than two or three points,” said seismologist on duty Amed Saiduloev.

Pyongyang confirmed the test report with a photo report on the development of a compact hydrogen warhead. It is alleged that the DPRK has enough of its own resources produced in the country to create such warheads. Kim Jong-un was personally present during the installation of the warhead on the missile. Pyongyang sees nuclear weapons as the only guarantee of the country's existence. For more than half a century, North Korea has legally remained in a state of temporarily suspended war, without any guarantee of its non-resumption. That is why any attempts to force the DPRK to abandon its nuclear program have so far only accelerated it.

“The fragile armistice agreement of 1953, which still governs relations between the United States and the DPRK, is an anachronism, it does not fulfill its functions, it does not contribute and cannot somehow ensure security and stability on the Korean Peninsula; it needs to be replaced a long time ago,” emphasizes Alexander Vorontsov, head of the department of Korea and Mongolia at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

China and Russia have been insisting for years that there is no prospect of continuing pressure on Pyongyang and the need to begin direct negotiations. Moreover, Washington is being offered a real opportunity to solve the problem: not even a suspension, but just a reduction in the scale of joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea in exchange for Pyongyang freezing its nuclear missile tests.

“We also spoke with John Kerry. They told us the same thing that the Trump administration is now repeating: this is an unequal proposal, because launches and nuclear tests in North Korea are prohibited by the Security Council, and military exercises are an absolutely legitimate thing. But to this we answer: yes, if we rely on such legalistic logic, of course, no one accuses you of violating international law. But if it comes to war, then the first step must be taken by the one who is smarter and stronger. And there can be no doubt who in this pair has such qualities. Although, who knows...,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

So, the Americans are pressing harshly and senselessly, the Koreans are responding with their teeth between their teeth, and it is proposed to us and China to cut this vicious circle. Otherwise - war!

“North Korea's provocative behavior could lead to the US intercepting their missiles - shooting them down both in the air and on the ground before launch, what we call a hot launch. There are both military methods of solution and diplomatic methods - economic pressure, tightening sanctions. There is, after all, the decisive role of China and the influence of Russia in the region, they can put pressure on North Korea,” says retired US Army General Paul Valley.

At the same time, today it is absolutely clear that neither Beijing, nor even more so Moscow, will be able to bring Pyongyang to reason without removing the main threat, and it comes from the United States, which is refusing our proposals to sit down with the Koreans at the negotiating table. At the same time, Trump deliberately continues to escalate the situation. In the context of the beginning economic war with China, it is beneficial for Americans to keep Beijing in constant tension in the position of the culprit, knowing that the key to solving the problem lies with them - in Washington. However, this cannot continue indefinitely. After all, Korean missiles fly further and further each time. Thus, on the one hand, increasing the risk of a fatal accident, on the other, pushing Trump to carry out his threats, which is completely impossible.

“China has a mutual defense treaty with North Korea. Thus, Trump does not have any way of influencing North Korea militarily, he can neither attack nor use military force, so all this is like an empty shock of the air,” says Pyotr Akopov, deputy editor-in-chief of the Vzglyad.ru portal.

Today's explosion is evidence that for the first time in the last quarter century the United States is faced with a situation where there is no alternative to negotiations. Sooner or later, they will have to agree to the scheme proposed by Moscow and Beijing - the cessation of military exercises and guarantees of non-aggression in exchange for freezing Pyongyang's nuclear missile program. The Americans, of course, will not remove their troops from South Korea, and North Korea will remain with its several nuclear warheads, just in case.

We will see how this will be arranged in the near future. However, the latest unexpected statement by the President of Kazakhstan about the need to legalize the nuclear status of states that actually possess nuclear weapons, and the subsequent invitation to Nazarbayev to Washington, may not be accidental.

On Thursday, April 6, two-day talks between Donald Trump and Xi Jinping will take place at the country residence of the American president in Florida. The main issue at this meeting will obviously be the DPRK's nuclear program, the closure of which the United States is very insistent. Right on the eve of these negotiations, Trump presented China with an ultimatum: either Beijing influences Pyongyang through its channels and convinces the DPRK to stop playing with atomic weapons, or the United States will deal with North Korea on its own.

It was somehow such a strange coincidence that the test was carried out a day after Trump’s ultimatum statement and the day before the historic summit between China and the United States.

That same day, a senior White House official made an official statement to CNN reporters, telling them something like “the clock has now run out and all options are on the table.” ").

We now know something about the plans that are already on the table. A day earlier, the media reported that North Korean hackers hacked into the service server of the Seoul Ministry of National Defense and stole a secret plan for conducting combat operations against the DPRK, developed together with specialists from the United States. Among the materials that fell into the hands of the burglars was a certain operational plan 5027. Obviously this was the plan in mind.

And superstation95 journalists spoke very emotionally about the countdown clock:

After watching the CNN report about “the clock is on” and “all the plans are already on the table,” I broke out in a cold sweat of horror. This countdown phrase has been used repeatedly by members of the Trump administration in recent days, and everyone knows what it means. When I wrote last month that the conflict with North Korea could be "Trump's first war," I was still hopeful that cooler heads would prevail and that military conflict could be avoided. Unfortunately, a peaceful solution does not appear to be on the administration's agenda, meaning the United States could soon begin bombing North Korea. And, of course, if this happens, the North Koreans will retaliate with all possible forces, including nuclear weapons.

Although the nuclear and other forces of the United States and North Korea are not even comparable in principle, the damage to America could nevertheless be very serious. Especially if the Koreans strike first. James Woolsey, the former head of the US Central Intelligence Agency, publicly warned about this the day before. According to him, the DPRK could detonate a nuclear weapon in one of the US ports, delivering it there by some tanker flying the flag of Denmark. There, Pyongyang could arrange a high-altitude nuclear explosion over the United States, severely disrupting the operation of electronic equipment. In this case, if events go according to the worst scenario, up to 90% of Americans could die from the consequences of chaos.

Mr. Wolsey, like all employees of his department, swore an oath to the American state to tell people the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But not the whole truth. But the whole truth is that at least two peaceful North Korean satellites are already flying over the United States and no one knows what each of them has on board

As you can see, the orbit vertically intersects the caldera of the Yellowstone supervolcano. If the satellite falls exactly there, if the satellite has something else besides batteries and tube transmitters, the consequences could be unimaginable.

Thus, if you look at events even through the crooked prism of official geopolitical paradigms, the situation seems quite serious. But not everything in the world works the way it is reported on official TV. In particular, conspiracy theorists have such a term as the Deep State, that is, a secret organization of representatives of the super-elites who actually control everything. Some experts in the US in particular believe that the Deep State is now directly pushing Trump towards war. It doesn’t matter with whom, even with Mexican migrants and terrorists. The main thing is that under the veil of this war in America, you can create a false flag: organize a major terrorist attack, assigning blame to the official enemy of the United States. The consequence of this will be first chaos, and then dictatorship and martial law, for which FEMA has even built concentration camps.

In light of this approach, North Korea as an enemy is an excellent fit for the United States. After September 11, 2001, no one will believe that some bearded terrorists were able to blow up something in the United States. And they will believe in North Korea and how. Therefore, if America starts a war with the DPRK, then anything can happen in America.

Unfortunately, few people understand this. Especially in the USA. The brave American guys are ready to hit Pyongyang with something even tomorrow. They can hit you even right now.

On August 13, the DPRK and South Korea agreed to hold a new summit - the next meeting of the leaders of the two countries will be held in Pyongyang in September. The next milestone in the Korean issue is November, when midterm elections to the US Congress will take place. Expert Alexander Vorontsov spoke about the prospects for a settlement, as well as why the style of secrecy and lack of transparency played into the hands of Trump and Kim Jong-un.

Since the beginning of 2018, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has magically turned sharply from the alarmist expectations of an almost inevitable war between the United States and the DPRK, which dominated the second half - end of 2017, towards a rapid improvement in relations between the main adversaries: Pyongyang and Washington / Pyongyang and Seoul.

The culmination of this peace process, which has been developing for just over six months, was two summit meetings between the leaders of North and South Korea (April 27 and May 26) at the 38th parallel in Panmunjom after an eleven-year break and, of course, unthinkable even in the winter of this year, the first ever summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12.

Naturally, the countries of North-East Asia, the predominant part of the world community, perceived these long-awaited and - at the same time - unexpected grandiose events with a deep sigh of relief and are closely following all the details of the events taking place. But the international community has very few “details” and reliable information.

The reason is simple. Both sides chose a regime of increased secrecy in organizing and holding meetings of their authorized representatives, strict control over preventing the leakage of information about the steps being prepared and already taken on the bilateral track. Suffice it to say that the main executors of the process of normalization of bilateral relations were chosen by the leaders of the United States and North Korea, as well as the Republic of Korea as a mediator, not the foreign policy departments, as usual in such situations, but the intelligence services. For the DPRK, which traditionally prefers a closed regime, this is not so surprising, but for the United States, which is proud of its democratic traditions, it is strange. The main reason seems to be the difficult domestic political situation of Donald Trump, who finds himself at home under a powerful fire of criticism and suspicion regarding all his actions in the international arena, especially in relation to the DPRK.

Perhaps the secrecy tactics chosen by Trump in dealing with Pyongyang were the only correct ones - at least for now, they are justifying themselves and helping to achieve visible results in such an extremely complex and sensitive issue.

At the same time, every positive decision also has its drawbacks. The style of secrecy, so painfully perceived by the American public, and the lack of transparency gives Trump’s opponents in the American establishment additional trump cards to increase pressure on the president and impose “their” negotiating agenda on him.

Let's look at specific key factors, achievements, and complexities of the evolving dialogue between Washington and Pyongyang. Naturally, the main achievement was the summit and the Singapore Declaration signed by the two leaders. This short document, consisting of only four points, immediately came under fire in the United States and a number of other countries. However, at that stage this was the maximum possible: in the most general terms it determined the cardinal directions for the future development of bilateral relations.

Trump's many critics immediately blamed him for the US defeat. For example, the fact that the first paragraph in the declaration stated the desire of the two sides to normalize relations, and only the second paragraph outlined the task of denuclearization of the DPRK, gave Trump’s opponents a reason to accuse him of perceiving the North Korean logic of political thought and historical assessments (supposedly Trump thus agreed with Pyongyang’s main assertion, the essence of which is that the creation of North Korea’s nuclear weapons was a forced defensive measure in response to the “hostile policy” of the United States).

Representatives of right-wing conservative circles in the United States, South Korea and Japan experienced an even greater shock when they heard a number of theses voiced by the American president during a press conference in Singapore. Trump, in particular, called the annual large-scale US-South Korean maneuvers financially ruinous and provocative in nature towards Pyongyang.

From this moment on, a dilemma can be seen in American policy towards the DPRK. At the rhetorical level, the head of the White House continues to curtsey to Kim Jong-un, calling him a “great man.” At the practical level, US policy is developing in the spirit and according to the program of irreconcilable right-wing conservative forces. The thesis is invariably repeated that American sanctions and the maximum pressure campaign against North Korea must remain in full until its final implementation of complete irreversible verifiable denuclearization, and only after that Washington will be ready to consider Pyongyang’s proposals to provide it with security guarantees. It is clear to all adequate specialists that this process, even under favorable conditions, will take several years.

The logic of supporters of this approach in the United States is simple: only total international sanctions under the leadership of the United States forced Kim Jong-un to denuclearize, he is scared and ready to accept all the conditions of surrender, and therefore he must be “put the squeeze on.” This approach has more than once led to the breakdown of successfully started negotiations (“framework agreement” of 1994, six-party negotiations of 2003–2008) for one obvious reason. Neither then nor now did Pyongyang intend to capitulate; it was looking for ways to improve relations with the United States based on mutual steps towards each other and mutual respect for national sovereignty and interests.

Today, Pyongyang, demonstrating gestures of goodwill and seriousness of intentions, is unilaterally taking not rhetorical, but important practical steps to reduce its nuclear missile potential: since April, it has unilaterally implemented a moratorium on nuclear missile tests and destroyed its main underground nuclear test site. Punggyenri, dismantling the most modern Sohae missile launch complex; in August, in fulfillment of the fourth point of the Singapore Declaration, Pyongyang transferred to the United States a batch of the remains of American military personnel who died during the Korean War of 1950-1953.

What do we hear from the American side? Claims that all these are insignificant measures, words of dissatisfaction with the fact that foreign observers were not invited to the liquidation of nuclear missile facilities, demands that North Korea should do much more in the field of nuclear disarmament. Therefore, there can be no talk of any easing of sanctions.

The DPRK leadership periodically expresses its dissatisfaction with this rhetoric and sends signals warning that its patience and willingness to continue unilateral disarmament without receiving anything in return is not endless. The last time this happened was during the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting in Singapore in early August, where Mike Pompeo once again reaffirmed the tough US position. In response, North Korean Foreign Minister Lee Yong-ho directly stated that Washington's practical policy is increasingly moving away from the spirit and agreements reached by Trump and Kim Jong-un in Singapore, which jeopardizes the process of further denuclearization and the prospect of US-North Korean dialogue.

Thus, the US-North Korean rapprochement and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which received an inspiring chance at the time of the Singapore summit, were once again under threat. To prevent them from sliding into impasse or even collapse, new energetic impulses are required from Donald Trump.

It seems that Trump is in the process of evolving his own primary ideas: this is a path from the confidence characteristic of many Americans that everything can be done quickly, to an understanding of the multi-layered nature, complexity and objective duration of the process of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

If President Trump manages to withstand the powerful pressure exerted on him by influential right-wing forces in the United States, and even more so to successfully get through the midterm elections to the US Congress in November 2018, the chances for a constructive development of US-North Korean relations will remain.

On testing an intercontinental ballistic missile with a thermonuclear warhead

On Sunday night, the Chinese Seismological Center recorded two earthquakes of magnitude 6.3 and 4.6, which experts interpreted as an underground explosion. The conclusions of experts from the Middle Kingdom were subsequently confirmed by South Korean and Japanese experts.

At the same time, the Korean Central News Agency reported that the DPRK has created a hydrogen bomb that can be installed in the head of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

It was indicated that the power of the bomb could vary from ten to hundreds of kilotons, and all its components were produced in the country. In this situation, the key question is: is North Korea really capable of placing a hydrogen bomb on an ICBM capable of reaching the United States?

North Korea's missiles could reach the US

The West is powerless in the face of North Korea, China can help

As a result, North Korea has intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons at its disposal, but is unlikely to be able to launch a missile with such a serious filling. Nevertheless, such a prospect is a matter of time, and it may take North Korean scientists five to ten years to refine the technology.

At the same time, it remains unclear how Western countries will be able to influence the DPRK. China will probably have to take on the main role in resolving the situation.