Voronezh is one of the greenest cities in Russia. We have selected the largest city parks and talk about their pros and cons.

Despite the fact that spring just can’t come into its own, we all understand that we won’t have long to wait for truly spring weather, which means romantic walks, picnics and similar pastimes are just around the corner.

Scarlet Sails Park

Founded in the late seventies on the shores of the newly created “Voronezh Sea”, the park was intended to become the main recreational place for citizens, but with perestroika, the enthusiasm of the city authorities quickly faded, and after almost twenty years only residents of nearby streets remembered its existence.
For the 425th anniversary of Voronezh, the park was finally reconstructed and immediately became one of the most favorite places for Voronezh residents to walk.

What's remarkable today:
The first and, perhaps, so far the only Voronezh park of a truly European level. Shortly trimmed green grass, original swings, rubber covering on the playground, an impressive view of the panorama of the right bank - all this turns “Scarlet Sails” into a worthy analogue of the quiet and tidy public gardens of a European town.

The park is constantly patrolled by law enforcement agencies, this, if not completely eliminates, then at least significantly reduces the possibility of becoming a victim of hooligan elements. On a fine spring day, you can treat yourself to a picnic on the neat lawn. food delivery through the ZakaZaka service

The park's opening hours from 11 to 23 will certainly interfere with lovers of romantic night or morning walks.

Park named after Durova (“ZhiM”)

Initially, on the site of the park there was a Mitrofanovskoye cemetery, which was liquidated in 1940 as a relic of the bourgeois heritage. On the site of a cemetery depressing with its pessimism, a Circus was erected, and on the nearby territory - the park itself. Initially, it meant an ideal place for parents and their children, couples in love and schoolchildren of all ages to walk. However, very soon it turned into a place of harsh showdowns between local aborigines, and in the nineties it finally turned into a favorite place for bearers of social vices.

What's remarkable today:
Thanks to the efforts of the city administration, the park has been landscaped and beautified, now it practically does not resemble the sad landscape of “ZhiMa” in the nineties. Cute flower beds and flower beds are about to begin to delight the eyes and souls of city residents.
As well as a restored fountain, and in the near future - a summer cafe.

Convenient location in a quiet corner of the city, relatively few people walking.

The southwestern region has always been somewhat marginal among a certain part of the local population, so it would be somewhat imprudent to linger in the park until dark.

Dynamo Park

One of the oldest city parks was opened back in 1929 and for almost 70 years remained a favorite vacation spot for several generations of Voronezh residents. The park had many attractions, including almost the only one in Voronezh, the Ferris Wheel. The Green Theater was especially popular. In the spring they collected snowdrops here, in the summer they took refuge from the heat, in the fall they strolled thoughtfully along the yellow alleys, and in the winter they organized fun rides down Pioneer Hill.

What's remarkable today:
There is no trace left of the attractions, but the Pioneer Hill, snowdrops and trees are still there. As well as alleys, perfect for thoughtful and romantic walks. Already this year, major improvements to the park are expected, so you probably have the last opportunity to welcome spring in post-apocalyptic scenery.

Despite the general disarray compared to other parks, Dynamo has its positive features - for example, this park is ideal for a picnic, cycling and photo shoots. There is also a stable here, where everyone can ride a horse.

It is even less suitable for night walks than all Voronezh parks combined. It is also popular among exhibitionists, which can definitely shock an unprepared casual viewer (although after the death of the notorious “Little Dwarf”, who terrified Dynamo visitors for the past decade, the situation in the park has more or less stabilized).

Aircraft Builders Park

The park was founded back in 1934, and for 60 years it faithfully served the residents of the Left Bank region, without being particularly popular among other Voronezh residents. But in 1994, the City Zoo was founded on its territory, and the park became much more visited. In general, this is one of those places that did not die out in the nineties, but on the contrary, became more and more beautiful over time.

What's remarkable today:
In 2009, the zoo officially became a zoo, and its popularity among visitors has grown exponentially. As for the park itself, the atmosphere of such a children's park from the eighties gives it a special charm - a sculpture of young Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, funny wooden fairy-tale characters, a children's train and many other elements of the Soviet period.

When you get tired of walking around the park, you can always stop by the zoo and admire camels, porcupines, foxes, etc.

Actually, if you are not particularly enthusiastic about the prospect of looking at unfortunate animals suffering in captivity, but just want to take a walk with your beloved, then this is not the place for you.

Olympic Park

It is, in fact, quite small. Initially, the ski base in 1999 was transformed into the forest park of the Olympic Sports Complex, which immediately became a favorite place for active recreation. There are a lot of people at the Olympic all year round - there are skiers, rollerbladers, football players, and just strollers. Olympic often hosts rock concerts and other events.
What can I say, of course, this is the most visited park in the city, and it is difficult to find a Voronezh resident who has not visited it at least once.

What's remarkable today:
The park is developing every year. For example, now what is happening at the Olympic can be observed through a webcam installed on its territory. A ski trail has also appeared on the map. Olympic is especially good in the spring. Where else, if not here, can you watch the awakening of nature from months of hibernation?

An ideal place for rollerblading and cycling, and just for walking along the paths winding between the trees. Also great for picnics, although of course you need to remember the fire ban.

These include only the dense population of the park with lovers of a healthy lifestyle, who can fray your nerves if you are just hoping to relax in silence.

Tanais Park

Tanais Park appeared on the map of Voronezh in 1973 (initially it was called more cumbersomely - Children's Park of the Sovetsky District). It received its current name in 1994. The area of ​​the park is almost 24 hectares, in which pine trees and attractions coexist peacefully.

What's remarkable today:
By and large, the Tanais park is aimed at the younger generation, but, to be honest, who among us still doesn’t want to ride the attractions we’ve known since childhood? The park management gives preference to domestically produced carousels: “Locomotive”, “Traffic Light”, “Orbita”, giant swings “Emelya”, “Whirlwind” and others. Plus tennis, karting and a shooting range. In a word, a great place to relive your childhood.
Yes, and there are also tame squirrels here.

Riding on Soviet attractions promises to be one of the main trends of the coming spring. Why not?

Carousels can still tire you out. Well, it will be extremely difficult to arrange a picnic here.

Park "Eaglet"

Along with Tanais, it is the oldest amusement park in Voronezh. For a long time, the building of the Youth Theater at the Voronezh Institute was located here. In 2009, during reconstruction, the building was ceremonially demolished.
“Eaglet” is also known to Voronezh residents for its monuments, including the funny “Boy with Chewing Gum”.
A special attraction is the majestic gate with white columns and cast-iron fencing.

What's remarkable today:
About the same as “Tanais”. Attractions, carousels and the like. True, unlike the South-West Park, they are popular not only among young schoolchildren, but also among young people. A new attraction in the park since 2009 has been the monument to Osip Mandelstam, which, by the way, is recognized as the best new monument in Voronezh.

The location of the park in the very center of Voronezh is certainly the main advantage of this park. Plenty of attractions provide the thrills you've probably missed over the long, long winter.

Apart from going on rides, there is practically nothing to do in Orlyonok.

Choose a park to your liking and welcome spring there!

According to Voronezh residents, there is no more mystical and mysterious place in their city than the Durov Park in the Leninsky district, also popularly called the Park of the Living and the Dead. This green area appeared here in 1940. The park was located right at the Mitrofanyevskoye cemetery, where the last burial took place only 5 years before the transformation of this graveyard into a resting place for the townspeople. (website)

Even if we do not take into account the spiritual prohibitions, which Soviet officials did not care about during the time of the inculcation of atheism, this was a significant violation of the law - at least 20 years are not allowed for the mineralization of corpses, after which something else can be located on the site of the former cemetery: a park or a square. In addition, construction is prohibited in such places, but in the Durov Park a circus, a shopping center were subsequently erected, an underground passage was dug, and many other objects were created that clearly contradict both the laws and, especially, spiritual traditions. Therefore, it is not surprising that this park has become a favorite place not only for Voronezh residents, but also for ghosts.

It is reported that in the last century ghosts were observed here very often, especially at night. Voronezh residents, of course, fell in love with the new park, but some townspeople encountered real mysticism here, and therefore were mortally frightened when they noticed vague phantoms of the deceased on the paths, smoothly gliding above the ground. However, these people from the other world did not harm the living in any way.

The mysticism of tombstones

But there were much more problems with the tombstones of the former cemetery. They paved the nearby stairs and streets. Moreover, stones from the eternal resting place appeared in the courtyards of residential buildings. However, less than a year had passed before people began to simply throw away the worn-out centuries-old slabs and replace them with modern building materials. The fact is that in those courtyards where such stones lay, various misfortunes occurred. Either a house will burn down with people inside, then a whole family will get sick, or someone will fall out of the blue and hurt their head. There were rumors that there was not a single household where the presence of a slab from the Mitrofanyevskoye cemetery would not result in one tragedy or another.

It is noteworthy that some slabs that served as steps of stairs were found here 7 years ago. Perhaps the most famous slab was located on the stairs of Velvet Bugor Street. Over the years, the silhouette of a girl has been spotted on this stone. The ghostly guest materialized on the steps and sat crying at night. She was nicknamed Praskovya - this is the name that could be read on the gravestone, which the Soviet atheists barbarously used as building material for the street. One day, one of the locals guessed and went to church, where he ordered a funeral service for Praskovya. Soon after this, the ghost stopped appearing on the stairs, but the misfortunes continued until the stove was finally removed...

Source: gorcom36.ru ©

No in Voronezh a more sinister place, with which so many phenomena of ghosts and revenge of the dead for disturbed peace would be associated, like the Park of the Living and the Dead (aka park named after Durova, Leninsky district park).

But before introducing readers to the nightmares and horrors that ordinary Voronezh residents witnessed, it is worth telling a little about the history of the park.

Fun on the bones

The park in the circus area was created in 1940 on the site of the Mitrofanevsky cemetery, the last burial there was made in 1935. After the closure of the cemetery, the Soviet government decided to use the tombstones for the needs of the city.

Mostly they ended up in the private sector - they paved the streets and stairs leading down to the river with slabs. And the large, landscaped park became a favorite vacation spot for Voronezh residents until the end of the 80s.

The peace of the deceased from the Mitrofanievsky cemetery was disturbed more than once even after the creation of the park: in 1973 during the construction of a circus, in 1986 - during the construction of an underground passage, at the beginning of the 2000s - during the construction shopping center "Europe".

Everyone knows that in the 20th century, citizens observed ghosts in the park very often, especially in the first years after its creation. The gloomy shadows of the dead silently wandered along the paths, not trying, however, to cause any harm to the living and not coming into contact with the townspeople.

Revenge of the Dead

But more troubles happened with tombstones. The slabs appeared not only on the streets of the private sector, but also in the courtyards of residential buildings - what can you do, then it was the time of atheists. However, after a year or two, people suddenly began throwing strong, centuries-old slabs into the street.

It turned out that in those courtyards where the tombstones lay, misfortunes began to happen one after another - then the only breadwinner in the family slipped on a slab, fell, hit his head on a stone and died in the hospital, then the whole family was burned, then one after another the children began to hurt.

They say that there was not a single house with a slab from the Mitrofanevskoye cemetery that was not touched by trouble.

“There was a family living next door to us,” said grandmother Maria, a resident of the private sector, who has now died. “The guy brought them three slabs on a cart to pave the yard. The mother cursed and ordered the slabs to be taken out, but the father, a party member, stood up and ordered them to leave them.

Less than a month later, the eldest son in the family, the one who brought the slabs, fell ill with pneumonia, and soon died. Then my father broke his leg, it did not heal properly, they broke it three times, and he remained disabled.

Well, when their youngest daughter was diagnosed with tuberculosis, the mother no longer listened to anyone, called the men, gave them half a liter, and they pulled the slabs out of the yard and took them away from the house - they threw them into the stream. And she went to church and ordered a magpie for the repose of the dead, according to the names that were carved on the slabs. Exactly 40 days later, my daughter began to recover, they sent her to a sanatorium in Crimea, where she recovered.

Praskovya from Velvet Hill

By the way, gravestones that served as steps of stairs could be seen in considerable numbers 7-10 years ago. The most famous of these stairs is the staircase on the street. Velvet Hill.

For many years, local residents saw a ghostly girl there at night, who was nicknamed Praskovya after the name that was carved on the stone on which she always sat. The ghost did not touch anyone, people only heard him cry at night.

Someone once guessed - he copied the name carved on the slab, and went to church, ordering a funeral service. Soon Praskovya disappeared.

This is how the circus turned out

Voronezh residents say that during the construction of the Europe shopping center, workers often fell into holes, were injured, cut themselves, and some then completely refused to work on the site. The builders' families also began to have problems.

And all the trainers in the country said about the Voronezh circus: animals don’t like to work here because they feel the energy of the cemetery.

A park built on bones in Voronezh has become a habitat for evil spirits emerging from desecrated graves!

There are seven large parks in Voronezh, but superstitious locals prefer to avoid only one of them. Although outwardly it is no different from other city cultural monuments - rather, on the contrary, it should attract the attention of onlookers with a circus that has existed for decades. A circus built on bones and for years forcing local ghosts to haunt the living out of revenge...

The bloody history of the “park in the cemetery”

The clergy and believers of Voronezh believe that the park should not have existed in this place at all. The cemetery named after St. Mitrophan of Voronezh existed on this piece of land for many decades: mainly, city residents who died from the cholera epidemic were buried there. In the southern part of the complex of graves there was a “Literary Necropolis”, which has been preserved to this day. It contains the graves of the poets Nikitin and Koltsov, as well as the writer Militsyna.

In 1940, one of the local party leaders living near the cemetery decided to change the situation outside the window and contribute to the construction of a recreation and cultural park named after Durov on the graves of thousands of Voronezh residents. At the same time, the city leadership was not even going to take into account the fact that the last burial at the Mitrofanovskoye cemetery took place only 5 years ago. The tombstones were barbarously removed from the graves and used to line the streets and stairs leading to the river. Since atheism was flourishing in the USSR at that time, many city residents took the slabs to private homes and used them in construction and gardening. The large, spacious park has become one of the most popular recreational spots among city residents.

In 1975, a circus was built in the park, which was supposed to attract even more local residents. Its building was erected on the site of the former All-Vyatsky Church, which stood in the same cemetery. The Voronezh State Circus named after A.L. Durov with a capacity of 2100 seats is still operating. During the construction of the circus, workers regularly died, were injured in every possible way and claimed that the place was cursed, but no one listened to them.

Revenge of the Disturbed Dead

The first to experience the influence of the recklessly touched deceased were the owners of private houses, who did not disdain gravestones for their household. Already in 1941-42, they feverishly began to get rid of the embezzled property, simply throwing stones with the names of the deceased onto the street. On the streets surrounding the “Park of the Living and the Dead,” as it was then called, there was not a single house with a slab from the Mitofanovskoye cemetery, which would have been spared death. Their new owners seemed to be cursed: they became seriously ill or simply died under strange circumstances.

Later one of the local residents said:

“There was a family living next door to us. The guy brought them three slabs on a cart to pave the yard. The mother cursed and ordered the slabs to be taken out, but the father, a party member, stood up and ordered them to leave them. Less than a month later, the eldest son in the family, the one who brought the slabs, fell ill with pneumonia, and soon died. Then my father broke his leg, it did not heal properly, they broke it three times, and he remained disabled. Well, when their youngest daughter was diagnosed with tuberculosis, the mother no longer listened to anyone, called the men, gave them half a liter, and they pulled the slabs out of the yard and took them away from the house - they threw them into the stream. And she went to church and ordered a magpie for the repose of the dead, according to the names that were carved on the slabs. Exactly 40 days later, my daughter began to recover, they sent her to a sanatorium in Crimea, where she recovered.”

Since the steps of the park stairs were paved with gravestones, the ghosts did not ignore them either. For example, the staircase on Velvet Bugor Street, dismantled by residents of Voronezh just a few years ago, was known for many years by a ghost named Praskovya.
The crying girl was called by the name carved on the tombstone on which she constantly sat. One of those who saw her wrote down her name on the stone and ordered a service for Praskovya in the temple, after which she immediately disappeared.

All troupes touring the country know about the mystical difficulties of working in the Durov circus, so most of them categorically refuse to come to the damned park. It is known that animals feel the presence of creatures from the subtle world much stronger than people. Trainers say that for this reason it is impossible to perform in Durov's circus, since none of the animals obeys commands.

Perhaps residents of Voronezh should think about moving or closing the park after such events...

The popular name is ZhIM or Park of the Living and the Dead.
1828 - 1935
Newly built Mitrofanovskoe cemetery
It was founded by residents of the Blizhnaya Chizhovka settlement in 1828 on the outskirts of the settlement and outside Voronezh. The new cemetery did not gain wide popularity, since there was no church on it, and the funeral service had to be held on the other side of the settlement. Therefore, the cemetery, almost immediately after its foundation, was abandoned and continued to be buried there in 1831 and 1832, during the cholera epidemic, when there was a shortage of places in other cemeteries. The epidemic has passed - burials have stopped. In 1836, the All Saints Church was finally built here, and the cemetery became a citywide cemetery.
In 1842, the poet A. Koltsov was buried at the New Construction Cemetery, and in 1861, I. Nikitin. Their graves became an attraction for passing travelers, so signs were installed on the paths: “To the graves of Koltsov and Nikitin.” By the age of 20 XX century this cemetery occupied more than 8 hectares and was the largest in Voronezh. In 1930, the writer E. Militsyna was buried here. On the tombstone are the words of A. Gorky: “an intelligent and persistent fighter for the revival of our country.”
In 1934, the Voronezh City Council closed the Newly Built Cemetery. The last burials took place in 1935. Soon the bulk of the tombstones were removed from the graveyard, leaving only A. Koltsov and his relatives, I. Nikitin and E. Militsyna in eternal peace. In the 1960s During the construction of the Circus, the All Saints Church was also demolished. And the so-called Literary Necropolis can still be visited today - it is next to the circus, near the tram stop.
At the former cemetery, it was decided to create a recreational park for the townspeople. The apt popular definition of “Park of the Living and the Dead” appeared immediately after the start of construction. A historical document tells how wonderful it became to live and relax:
Newspaper "Commune" July 19, 1940
Until relatively recently, a huge green area was abandoned. Now this area is difficult to recognize - it has changed so much. The massif is framed by a high fence. There is a beautiful arch at the entrance. In the center of the main alley is a monumental sculpture of Comrade Stalin. There are flower beds and lawns around.
In a record time - two months - the park of the Voronezh plant - 16 was created. You built a summer cinema, stage, reading room, dance floor, cafe. In the depths of the park there are two shooting ranges: one for shooting from small-caliber weapons, the other from blowguns. A large area is allocated for a sports town. An obstacle course is being built here for passing the standards for the GTO badge, a tennis court, two volleyball courts, a basketball and croquet court, and a shower are being equipped. Attractions are installed nearby: “flying people”, “swing boats”, “giant steps”, etc.
The grand opening of the park will take place on the evening of July 27, on the eve of USSR Navy Day.
And further, until the 80s:
Aircraft Engine Plant - 16 was evacuated to Kazan in 1941, and remained there. And after the war the park was rebuilt and named the Leninsky District Park. Entertainment - for any age and for every taste: children's playground, pony rides, summer theater, where amateur groups perform on weekends; cafe with Zhiguli beer and various waters; dance floor with live music; benches under the trees where you can sit and remember your youth. When the Circus opened in 1972, it added the opportunity to take part in the fun organized by a visiting troupe: ride a camel, chat with a clown or take a photo with an elephant. And behind the lattice fence of the dance floor, promising students met young military men and waltzed away to the sounds of a brass band? Back in the 80s, in Leninsky Park you could sit in a cafe in relative comfort and watch how children sort things out in the sandbox.
And in the 90s:
In 1996, the dance floor was demolished and the Church of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Solonsky was built in its place. The townspeople asked the city administration a question: are the authorities going to return the cemetery to its place?.. And move the circus, for example, to the square named after the leader?..