In all types of financial statements, there are a number of indicators that ultimately must correspond to each other. What does it mean to conform? This means that they must be equal to each other or there has been interconnection of the financial statements indicators. Such ratios of indicators are not regulated by any legislative documents; they were developed exclusively in accounting practice. In this article we will tell you what the interconnection of financial reporting indicators is and look at the table of indicators.

Interrelation of financial reporting indicators

Monitoring reporting indicators through interconnection is a huge plus for an organization’s accountant, as it allows you to verify the correctness of all reports, as well as quickly eliminate possible errors. Each company determines exactly how to check the indicators independently.

However, it must be taken into account that even if companies use their own or modified reporting forms, the interconnection must be observed in any case, and the principles for constructing reporting must be the same. Indicators of the balance sheet and income statement are disclosed in detail in the statement of changes in capital, statement of cash flows, annex to the balance sheet and explanatory note.

Let's look at the financial statements that are used for interconnection: (click to expand)

  • balance sheet (form N1);
  • profit and loss statement (form N2);
  • statement of changes in capital (form N3);
  • cash flow statement (form N4);
  • applications to the balance sheet (form N5);
  • explanatory notes.

And such an indicator as profit (loss) is associated with corporate income tax. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect both tax liabilities and tax assets and income taxes in the income statement. The explanations explain all the components that give the amount of the current income tax.

Table of interrelations of indicators

Monitoring the indicators of all forms of accounting reports is not only the final stage of reporting. Control is also necessary to obtain additional information necessary for analysis. Let's consider the main ratios of financial reporting indicators for 2017.

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement:

Accounting balance Cash flow report
line 1250 as of December 31, 2017= line 4500 for reporting year 2017
line 1250 as of December 31, 2016= line 4450 for reporting year 2017
line 1250 as of 12/31/2017 – column as of 12/31/2016= line 4400 for reporting year 2017
  • where, line 1250 – cash.
  • line 4400 – cash flow balance.
  • line 4450 – cash balance at the beginning.
  • line 4500 – balance of funds at the end.

Balance sheet and statement of changes in equity:

  • where, line 1310 – authorized capital.
  • p.1300 – the result of the 3rd section “Capital and reserves”.
  • line 3100 – authorized capital.
  • line 3300 – amount of capital.
  • line 3310 – total increase in capital (previous year).
  • line 3320 – total increase in capital (report year).

Statement of financial results and Statement of changes in equity:

  • where, line 2400 – net profit (loss).
  • line 3311 – increase in net profit (previous year).
  • line 3321 – reduction of capital due to loss (previous year).
  • line 3211 – increase in net profit (previous year).
  • line 3221 – reduction of capital due to loss (reporting year).

Balance sheet and income statement:

  • where, line 1370 – retained earnings.
  • line 2500 – net profit.

Why do we need interconnection of indicators?

Indicator monitoring is needed in order to control the accuracy and completeness of report data before they are submitted to the tax authorities. There are no clear rules for conducting such an independent check. Enterprises do this on their own. It is also interesting that tax authorities also conduct similar audits. When they discover inconsistencies, they demand explanations.

In some cases, such errors can lead to a desk audit or even an on-site audit. Therefore, it is very important to establish the rule of interconnection in your enterprise in order to save yourself from unnecessary problems in the future.

How to use interrelationship in accounting

Reporting forms, both financial and accounting, in addition to the informational relationship, also have a logical relationship. This relationship is visible when one understands the balance sheet results, because for the most important total values, a detailed explanation can be seen in other forms. When deciphering the results in detail, the arithmetic side of filling out the reports is checked, and any changes are clearly visible.

Balance of indicators is the main principle of not only accounting, but also financial reporting.

For small companies and large holdings, accounting indicators are a stimulant for moving forward. It is possible to assess the state in which the company is currently located with the help of accounting records. At the same time, it should be understood that each form of reporting can characterize the situation “in its own way.” By applying relationships in practice, you can study accounting in more depth and draw the necessary conclusions.

The logical connection of the indicators is that they complement each other and also correspond in different reporting forms. Explanations of some balance sheet items can only be found in the accompanying forms. An example is the article “Intangible assets”, the explanation of which can be found in the appendix to the balance sheet. Read also the article: → "". The same applies to the article “Fixed assets”. In addition to these reports, you can decipher some indicators using analytical accounting data. The same indicators are presented in different forms of reports, so only a competent specialist can analyze these indicators.

For example, the article “Authorized capital” is found both in the “Balance Sheet” and in the “Statement of Changes in Capital”, and cash balances are found both in the “Balance Sheet” and in the “Statement of Cash Flows”. Their ratio means that some indicators are related to each other through arithmetic calculation. Thus, the residual value of non-material assets and fixed assets, which are shown in the balance sheet as a sum, are linked to the indicators of their initial depreciation cost, but already in the appendix to the balance sheet.

A specialist who knows all the control relationships of reports can understand in detail the structure of reports, as well as check the relationship in a simple arithmetic way.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1.“Is it possible to link accounting and tax reporting?”

The fact is that different principles are used to generate both reports, which indicates different compilation rules. In this regard, there is no direct correlation between tax and accounting reporting indicators.

For small businesses, interconnection will not be difficult, since compared to large companies, the volume of indicators is significantly reduced. But this does not mean that verification is not important. On the contrary, it is worth conducting it in order to see the economic picture of the activities of your, albeit small, company.

Question No. 3.“Who at the enterprise should carry out interconnection? Only the chief accountant?

At each individual enterprise, this can be almost any employee of the economic or accounting department, not necessarily the chief accountant. It could even be a third party hired specifically for this purpose.

Question No. 4.“What documents should be used to document the fact of interconnection of indicators?”

Answer: There is no specially designed form for information about the completed interconnection. Organizations and entrepreneurs can independently develop this form, determine the timing and procedure for interconnection, and also consolidate this in the accounting policies of the enterprise.

Checking the correctness of the balance sheet begins with a general review of the reporting forms. The filling is checked: name of the organization, its address, type of activity, industry, tax identification number, number, codes, availability of licenses and validity periods.

The type of activity of the enterprise is checked according to the statutory documents in order to correctly calculate and differentiate the income and expenses of the enterprise for its main and other activities. The next stage is checking the completion of reports in different forms for completeness, and also checking whether there are erasures and blots, corrections, and identifying possible areas of accounting for inspection in order to detect deviations from the law for fraud and other errors in accounting. Based on this, those areas of accounting, as well as types of assets and sources of their formation, are identified that must be checked first.

After this, the indicators are checked among themselves and the accounting indicators are checked and all reporting indicators are interconnected in accordance with the instructions for preparing financial statements.

The main check for the correctness of balance sheets is based on the following points:

The balance sheet item data at the beginning of the period must correspond to the data for the previous period. When changing the opening balance at the beginning of the year compared to the reporting period for the previous year, the auditor must obtain appropriate explanations from management and the chief accountant for each of the identified deviations.

The balance sheet item data at the end of the reporting period must be justified by the inventory result.

The amount of balance sheet items according to calculations ( with institutions, financial authorities, suppliers, debtors and creditors, the bank, etc.) must be agreed upon and documented in appropriate acts of reconciliation of calculations.

The final balance sheet data must correspond to the turnover and balances of the General Ledger accounts at the end of the year; the balance sheet data must be comparable at the beginning and end of the year. Any discrepancies must be explained.

The next stage of the audit is a specific verification of the correctness of the reflection of Assets in sections of the balance sheet (1 and 2).

First of all, intangible assets and fixed assets are checked. Considering that intangible assets are a fairly new concept, they are checked using a continuous method, and fixed assets are checked selectively. When checking section 1, you need to take into account 2 main points:

it is necessary to ensure that the relevant Enterprise Assets are invested in the relevant intangible assets and fixed assets and that they are actually available. To do this, the following is checked: an inventory of work in progress, cards for analytical accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets, inventory lists, orders for securing or transferring fixed assets to divisions;

checking the correctness of accounting for the acquisition, depreciation and disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets ( depreciation calculations, depreciation statements, disposal acts, analytical accounting cards for determining the financial result of disposal).

The composition of intangible assets is regulated by the regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation, as well as the law on accounting in the Russian Federation, the law on auditing and PBUs on intangible assets.

All intangible assets are recorded in the account №04 and they have special characteristics:

they lack a material form;

their presence indicates the right to use the enterprise in the form of patents, licenses, design and technological documentation, payment documents confirming organizational expenses ( on enterprise registration). Without documents, intangible assets cannot be registered;

long-term period of use of all intangible assets;

they must generate income in the present time or in the future.

Taking this into account, depreciation for intangible assets begins from the moment of use or commissioning ( Depreciation on intangible assets is accrued on the basis of an order on accounting policies based on the period of their use established therein, but not more than 10 years).

When checking intangible assets, their actual presence and compliance with their data at the end of the year, which are reflected in the accounting reporting forms, are checked ( Form No. 1, attachments to the balance sheet). It is checked that intangible assets are actually used, the start date of their use and the correctness of depreciation. If the enterprise has a large number of intangible assets, then during a complete audit it is necessary to carry out an inventory of them according to accounting and classification groups. In this case, inventories are drawn up, and in case of discrepancies, a comparison sheet and a list of inventory results are drawn up. For all discrepancies, explanations are taken from the employees of the enterprise who have these assets under financial responsibility and the reasons for deviations from the data specified in the financial statements and the current legislation on keeping records of intangible assets are identified.

When analyzing the correctness of accounting for intangible assets, the procedure for their accounting, the document flow schedule, liability agreements, the procedure for assigning depreciation to production costs and the procedure for writing off the non-depreciable part of intangible assets are also checked.

First of all, the procedure for conducting an inventory of fixed assets is checked ( an order on the creation of a working commission, on the creation of a main commission, inventory acts of the working commission and in general for the enterprise, inventories, comparison sheets, statements of inventory results with inventory lists and orders for securing fixed assets, the procedure for maintaining analytical accounting cards for fixed assets and the availability of primary documents on the movement of fixed assets - acts for acceptance into operation, acts for transfer, acts for write-off).

Particular attention is paid to those objects on which completion and reconstruction work was carried out, which increased the cost of the objects themselves. The availability of design and estimate documentation for reconstruction, the availability of acts of acceptance into operation of repaired and reconstructed fixed assets are checked, and the reflection of replacement cost in the fixed asset accounting cards is checked.

Considering that there are a large number of fixed assets in the enterprise and it is not possible to check them using a continuous method, checking the correctness of reflection in the accounting of fixed assets is carried out selectively.

When checking section 1 of the balance sheet asset, it is necessary to check all fixed assets for actual compliance with their inventory lists. If unaccounted for fixed assets are identified, they must be capitalized, and those previously written off, but in operation, must be documented accordingly ( traffic police act, off-balance sheet accounting card). Since 01/01/2002, all depreciable fixed assets in budgetary organizations are not written off from the balance sheet, but depreciation is not charged on them and they will remain on the balance sheet until they fail. For all other business entities, they are written off from the balance sheet and transferred to off-balance sheet accounting - depreciation charges are also not accrued. Current repair costs are incurred at the expense of the cost of the industry where they are used. The next stage of checking the correctness of the reflection of assets in section 1 is checking the correctness of the reflection of long-term investments in the form of costs of unfinished capital construction and the acquisition of fixed assets, i.e. checking the correctness of accounting and determining account balances №08 . Balances on this account must be confirmed by inventories of construction in progress and acquisition of fixed assets.

Inventories are compiled for those objects that were not accepted for operation this year and remained unfinished for the coming period.

Here you should first check all analytical accounts opened for the account №08 for their compliance with primary documents ( TTN, contracts, budget financing, etc.). When checking, you should pay attention to the correctness of the capitalization of spare parts and tools that are purchased as part of the equipment and the correctness of determining the book value of the item ( less for the cost of spare parts). As well as the correctness of determining the cost of a fixed asset object accepted for operation, taking into account the installation of the necessary equipment for conducting the production process or the use of these fixed asset objects in the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

After this, the procedure for accounting for costs of construction and acquisition of fixed assets and the correctness of determining the inventory value of the object is checked ( whether construction overhead costs and costs associated with enterprise management were correctly taken into account and distributed among objects?). Costs associated with management are allocated to fixed assets during construction using the economic method; with the contract method, management costs are allocated only within the budget, the same applies to transport work for construction maintenance.

When purchasing fixed assets, you should check whether the initial cost of the objects is determined correctly. It includes:

purchase price;

transportation, loading and unloading costs;

expenses for cargo storage insurance;

customs duties;

taxes, fees, including paperwork fees;

cost of installation and installation of equipment, i.e. all expenses necessary to bring the facility into working condition.

It should be borne in mind that when making capital investments, the initial cost includes interest on loans taken for the purchase or construction of fixed assets.

You should check the timing of interest payments by enterprises to the bank before or after putting the facility into operation. Interest paid before the facility is put into operation is taken into account in the account №08 , and those paid after are taken into account in the accounts №91 And №99 .

Particular attention should be paid to the correct reflection in accounting of taxes associated with the acquisition of fixed assets. VAT on the acquisition of fixed assets goes to increase the book value of objects, but it is not accepted when calculating depreciation on objects.

The receipt of VAT is reflected by the entry:

D-t. 19

K-t. 60; 76

Subsequently, amounts recorded in the account №19 are deducted from the amount of taxes subject to contribution to the budget in equal shares within 6 months from the date of commissioning of fixed assets.

If an item of fixed assets is acquired or introduced for non-production purposes, the same applies to passenger vehicles, then the VAT paid on these items does not apply to settlements with the budget, but is covered by the account №99 "Profit and loss". Fixed assets manufactured by the enterprise itself are valued based on the sum of all actual production costs. All expenses for the creation of fixed assets are also taken into account in the account №08 . As they are produced, on the basis of acceptance certificates, they are accepted into fixed assets at the actual cost of their production. Not accepted fixed assets are reflected on the account №08 line - unfinished capital investments. The same line reflects the cost of objects in temporary operation.

When the founders contribute fixed assets to the authorized capital as a contribution, the initial cost of the object is determined by agreement of the parties, but must be specified in the constituent documents. The assessment amount must be documented by an appraisal or audit firm and, based on this assessment, the objects must be placed on the balance sheet of the newly created organization.

When receiving fixed assets free of charge or receiving government subsidies, their assessment is carried out by experts and their capitalization is reflected through the account №98 .

D-t 08

Kt 98 – gratuitous receipt of fixed assets

D-t 01

Kit 08 – commissioning

Dt 20

Kit 02 – depreciation

D-t 98

K-t 91 – inclusion of gratuitously received fixed assets in non-operating income

It should be borne in mind that when calculating VAT, the amounts of fixed assets received are included in the tax base, however, VAT is not allocated in settlement documents, but is shown as a transfer line as part of production costs.

When an enterprise purchases equipment that requires installation, accounting entries are made:

D-t 07

K-60 – the amount of actual acquisition costs

Subsequently, the equipment is written off by recording ( for installation):

D-t 08

Kit 07

When equipment requiring installation is contributed by the founder as a contribution to the authorized capital, the following entry is made:

D-t 07

Kit 75

And at the same time:

Dt 75

Kit 85

Inventories of equipment in warehouses or in transit are reflected in the balance sheet as equipment for installation; therefore, when checking, you should check its availability in storage areas and the compliance of its value with documents and contracts.

Costs for the purchase of equipment that does not require installation are reflected directly on the account №08 as it arrives at the warehouse or storage locations.

When disposing of fixed assets, the result from their operation is determined on the account №91 .

In this case, the write-off of fixed assets is reflected by the entry:

D-t 91

Kit 01

When investing fixed assets as contributions to the authorized capital, they are recorded in the account №58 on subaccount No. 58/1 "Units and shares."

When fixed assets are disposed of, their carrying amount is written off as follows:

D-t 91

Kit 01

And also:

D-t 02

Kit 01

If there is wear and tear on fixed assets, the rates of depreciation and service life are checked, as well as the objects that have been preserved are checked and, accordingly, depreciation does not accrue on them. It is checked whether retired fixed assets were included in the calculation of depreciation and whether a monthly calculation is drawn up for incoming and retired fixed assets, as well as whether the data from this calculation is reflected in the preparation of the depreciation statement.

In addition, is the replacement cost of fixed assets taken into account when calculating depreciation? Accrual of depreciation according to accounting regulations occurs at replacement cost; in addition, you should check for which fixed assets the accelerated depreciation mechanism is applied and whether the enterprise has the appropriate documents for this.

Checking the correctness of depreciation charges for fixed assets occurs selectively. Mainly in those months in which there was movement of fixed assets.

The next stage is checking the correctness of the reflection of financial investments in the balance sheet, which include long-term financial investments in securities and the authorized capital of other enterprises .

Financial investments are taken into account in the amount of the actual costs of their acquisition. At the same time, for government securities, the difference between their nominal value and actual costs throughout the entire period of their circulation is evenly credited to the account №99 .

For enterprise securities and shares, the actual costs of their acquisition are also taken into account. Shares can be paid for in rubles or foreign currency, but in accounting they are shown in ruble equivalent, so the correctness of the valuation of shares in ruble equivalent at the time of drawing up the annual accounting report is checked.

Funds transferred for the purchase of shares:

Dt 58

Kit 51

If the value of the shares is paid in installments, then partial payments until the value of the shares are fully repaid are reflected at the beginning by recording:

Dt 76

Kit 51

After redemption:

Dt 58

K-t 76 – full value of shares

This is reflected in the reporting as follows: shares that have not been fully paid are shown on the balance sheet at their full purchase price. The difference is reflected in the creditors line in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. Subsequently, the contribution of the remaining amount to pay for the shares is reflected in the balance sheet under the item debtors in the asset balance sheet.

The transaction for paying for shares with various assets is executed in a similar way. The valuation of property in this case is determined by agreement of the parties based on an expert assessment or the level of rent and prices prevailing on the market at the time of transfer of fixed assets. All these transactions are reflected through accounts №90 And №91 .

In this case, the following accounting entries are compiled:

D-t 90; 91

K-t 58 – actual value of shares

Dt 58

Kit 90; 91 – purchase price

D-t 90; 91

Kit 43; 41; 10; 08; 01; 04 – value of property transferred as payment for shares

The same method is used to check the correctness of accounting for contributions to the authorized capital of an enterprise. The basis for placing shares on the balance sheet is a notification from the depositary about the acceptance of shares for storage or a receipt order about the acceptance of shares at the cash desk of the enterprise. In this case, all amounts credited to the account №58 are reflected at the actual level of expenses for the purchase of securities.

Additional costs for storing shares are reflected in the account №84 “Retained earnings”, while the write-off of costs for storing shares is reflected:

Dt 84

Kit 51; 60

When compiling a balance sheet, investments in shares of enterprises are reflected at market value if the value of the shares is lower than the book value. The difference is covered by the reserve for impairment of investments in securities.

The creation of a reserve is documented by the entry:

D-t 91

Kit 59

Use of reserve:

Dt 59

Kit 91

Write off the difference:

D-t 91

Kit 58 – or vice versa

Particular attention should be paid to checking the correct use of loans and their issuance to other persons. In the absence of a license, loans can be provided to other enterprises only at their own expense.

The issuance of loans must be formalized by appropriate agreements indicating the urgency of their repayment, interest or interest-free loans and the procedure for their repayment in the form of cash receipts or property receipts.

The next stage of the audit of financial statements is to check the correctness of the preparation of the second section of the Asset of the balance sheet “Current assets”

Particular attention is paid to determining balances in the accounts of materials, finished products, goods, main work in progress, as well as the results of the inventory of working capital at the enterprise. The audit begins with a review of liability agreements.

When auditing inventories, special attention is paid to a random check of inventories at their storage locations, especially for those types of inventories for which erasures or blots in the reporting or discrepancies between data at the beginning and end of the year were noticed.

When organizing a random check, you should pay attention to the timeliness and correctness of the reports on the movement of materials and the documents attached to them. A selective audit is carried out in the presence of a financially responsible person, a representative of the accounting department, a representative of the audit commission and an auditor. Based on the results of the inventory, an inventory of the availability of material assets is compiled, which is verified with the accounting data in the accounting department for the financially responsible person being inspected. In case of discrepancies, a comparison statement and a statement of inventory results are drawn up. The identified discrepancies are part of the audit sample for accounting for material assets, and the percentage of identified discrepancies is imposed on the entire set of accounting information to reflect the movement of inventories and other types of inventory items. The audit report describes in detail the reasons for the identified discrepancies, determines the degree of guilt of the financially responsible persons, characterizes the procedure for storing material assets, the technical equipment of warehouse premises and the timeliness of checking the weighing facilities in the instrumentation laboratory.

When checking inventories in connection with the transition to a new chart of accounts, the problem arose of classifying IBP as part of materials or fixed assets into IBP.

The transfer of the value of fixed assets can be reflected in two ways:

or immediately completely on production costs;

or – transfer of the cost of the IBP to the materials account.

In the first case, the amount of unfinished depreciation according to the IBP is determined, which is added to production costs with the following entries:

Dt 20

Kit 13

And at the same time:

Dt 13

Kit 12/2

When the useful life remains quite long, the amount of depreciation is transferred as follows:

Dt 10

Kit 12


Dt 13

Kit 10

When transferring the amount of depreciation of the IBP, three posting options can be made:

Dt 13

Kit 12.2

Dt 10

Kit 12/2 – amount of unwritten depreciation

Dt 20

Kit 10

In case of transfer of IBP to fixed assets, the following entry is made:

Dt 26

Kit 13

The remaining part is written off:

D-t 01

Kit 12 – original cost

Accrual of depreciation on fixed assets:

Dt 13

Kit 02

When transferring IBP to fixed assets for which depreciation was previously accrued, the posting:

Dt 26

Kit 13 – made red

When checking inventory, special attention should be paid to checking finished products in warehouses for their availability and quality, as well as the procedure for writing off the norms of natural loss, shortages and surpluses for other material assets.

To do this, all acts for write-off of material assets are checked. Particular attention is paid to checking the norms of natural loss according to tables for their calculation or according to regulatory reference books, and the procedure for writing off amounts from production costs or results of economic activity of the enterprise is also checked.

When writing off identified shortfalls at the expense of financially responsible persons, the correctness of the assignment of the amount of shortfalls to personal accounts and the assessment of these shortfalls in accordance with the instructions is checked.

When checking section 2, you should also pay attention to the presence of an inventory of work in progress for each type of production or industry. In some cases, calculation cards are also checked.

If necessary, when an inspection reveals a discrepancy between balances, standards for spending material assets and the amount of work performed, a full inventory of finished products is carried out.

The second asset section of the balance sheet takes into account cash. Therefore, when auditing funds, it is necessary to check the correctness of cash transactions ( cash book, register) pay attention to salary statements and bonuses.

When checking settlements with accountable persons, the order of the head of the enterprise is checked, which establishes the list of accountable persons and the terms for the return of funds spent on business needs. The correctness of execution of advance reports and the documents attached to them is checked, and the correspondence of the prices indicated in the acts with the market prices currently in effect.

When checking accountable amounts, it is necessary to determine the timing of their return and the correctness of writing them off as withholding or into the income of accountable persons.

When checking settlements with accountable persons, you should pay attention to the provision of documents for the advance report: sales receipts, acts of acceptance or purchase of MC, acts of writing off MC from under the report, as well as travel tickets, hotel bills, sales receipts, travel by commuter transport, payment taxi, determining the cost of attributing to the costs or profit of the enterprise and delimiting these amounts.

In addition, it is necessary to check the use of a checkbook, the timeliness of payment of material assets by checks, and the timeliness of the material person's report on the expenditure of checks. In the case where the accountable person is at the same time responsible for collecting money from any proceedings, but has not formalized the appropriate order and agreement of liability, the proceeds are also handed over through accountable amounts, through the preparation of advance reports. In this regard, the volume of services provided, receipts or coupons must be checked.

When checking section 2, you should also pay attention to settlements with the enterprise’s personnel for loans issued, as well as for settlements for the provision of services to the enterprise.

The next step is to check the liability balance.

The verification begins with the calculation of the authorized capital and settlements with the founders. Account balance №80 must correspond to the size of the authorized capital fixed in the statutory documents. All records for the year in the account are checked №80 :

when organizing - all operations related to organizing an enterprise;

all operations to increase and decrease the authorized capital and recording these changes in the statutory documents.

When forming the authorized capital, accounting entries are made:

founders' contributions:

D-t 50; 51; 52; 55; 01; 10; 04; 43; 41; 20; 08

Kit 75

simultaneously for the amount of transferred funds:

Dt 75

Kit 80

When returning property under a simple partnership:

D-t 80

Kit 50; 50; 52; 01

in this case, the redemption of the authorized capital is formalized:

D-t 50; 51; 52; 01

Kit 80

Any replenishment of the authorized capital is documented by recording:

D-t 01; 04; 50; 51

Kit 75


Dt 75

Kit 80

Any change must be recorded in the statutory documents.

At the same time, a decrease in the authorized capital may occur by decision of the meeting of shareholders and founders.

The decrease is made by writing:

D-t 80

Kit 82; 83; 75

An increase in the authorized capital can occur not only through contributions from the founders but also through other sources.

In this case, the following records are compiled:

Dt 82, 83, 84

Kit 80

When checking the formation of the authorized capital at the expense of the founders’ own funds, the contributions of the founders and their assessment should be checked. The founders' contributions must be assessed by special certificates or assessment reports from audit firms, appraisal companies or real estate appraisal departments.

When creating a joint stock company, settlements with the founders are carried out through their purchase of shares, and the debt for payment for shares is reflected in the following entry:

Dt 75

Kit 80

When forming the authorized capital, the amount of actually received deposits is formalized:

D-t 50; 51

Kit 75

In the event that shares of a joint stock company are sold at a price exceeding their par value, the difference between the par value and the sale value is reflected in the entry:

Dt 75

Kit 83

In addition to the formation and changes in the authorized capital, settlements with the founders regarding the payment of dividends to them are also checked.

When paying dividends, the following accounting entries must be made:

Dt 84

Kit 75/2

At the same time, they must be confirmed by the decision of the meeting of shareholders, the percentage of payments is checked, whether the decision to pay dividends in advance is checked, then the calculation itself, income tax payments on it, and whether the amount for the transfer was correctly withheld. And the settlement with the founders regarding dividends is checked if they are employees of this enterprise.

The accrual of dividends is reflected by the entry:

Dt 84

Kit 70


D-t 70

Kit 50.51

If the payment is made in non-monetary means, then the payment is recorded through the sales accounts:

Dt 75

Kit 90; 91

Then payout:

D-t 90; 91

Check №81 summarizes information about the cash flow of own shares. Shares may be resold or canceled during the organizational and production activities of the JSC.

When repurchasing the shares they own from shareholders, the following entry is made:

Dt 81

Kit 50; 51 – the entire amount of actual costs

Cancellation of shares is made by recording:

D-t 80

Kit 81

Canceled shares are kept by the company. Based on them, a decision is made at the meeting of shareholders on the transfer or annexation of a controlling stake, or transfer of them to a shareholder and the establishment of a selling price for them. The difference between capital and actual costs when issuing shares that arises in account 81 is credited to the account №91 .

When checking, you should pay attention to the correctness of the compilation of registers of shareholders, the correctness of registration of an additional issue, as well as the cancellation of shares and the correctness of drawing up applications to the real estate control committee or a special commission, which is the authorizing body for the issue of an additional issue and registers it. The adjustment in accordance with the change in the register of shareholders of the statutory documents and the decision of the meeting of shareholders are also checked.

When checking the formation of reserve capital, the constituent documents are checked, which stipulate the procedure for creating reserve capital and the procedure for deducting annual payments.

The formation of reserve capital can be made when organizing an enterprise with the following entry:

Dt 75

Kit 82

The formation of reserve capital at the expense of profits is formalized:

Dt 84

Kit 82

The use of reserve capital is also stipulated by the constituent documents and can be used to cover losses of current or previous years:

Dt 82

Kit 99

To pay interest on loans taken:

Dt 82

Kit 66; 67

To pay income to founders:

Dt 82

Kit 75

All payments on reserve capital must comply with the constituent documents, or be approved by the meeting of shareholders.

When checking the additional capital account №83 both its formation during the organization of the enterprise and its position are checked.

Additional capital is formed from contributions from the founders, which are recorded as follows:

Dt 75

Kit 83

The difference between the sale price and the par value of the JSC shares is reflected.

Replenishment of additional capital occurs only at the expense of retained earnings, which is recorded by recording:

Dt 84

Kit 83

In addition, this account records revaluation amounts for revaluation or write-off of the value of the enterprise’s assets, which is carried out by decision of the government of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the amount of revaluation is reflected in the increase in the amount of assets:

D-t 04; 01

Kt 83, and when decreasing - vice versa

At the same time, the value of the authorized capital may change, which is documented in the constituent documents and the following entry:

D-t 83

Kt 80, and when decreasing - vice versa

When checking the third section of the Liability Balance Sheet, the accounts of own shares that are issued by the enterprise, purchased from it and distributed among shareholders, as well as purchased from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation, are checked without fail.

When auditing an account №81 own shares, it is necessary to check the registration of shareholders and make a counter-check of this register with the property committee or with the funds that have the shares in custody and with banks.

The registration date and the size of issued shares are checked. The nominal value of shares is distributed among shareholders, and the number of shares available for free sale and timely registration of transactions for the sale or purchase of shares.

In addition, secondary issues of shares of the enterprise and their timely registration are especially carefully checked.

When a joint stock company issues shares to shareholders, an accounting entry is made in the accounting records:

Dt 81

Kit 50; 51; 55; 52 – the amount of actual costs incurred by the company when purchasing shares

In case of cancellation of issued shares, the following entry is made in accounting:

D-t 80

Kit 81

The resulting №81 the difference between the actual cost and the actual costs currently charged to the account №91 .

When auditing this account, attention is also paid to the list of shareholders, as well as additions to it related to their retirement or addition.

The account is checked next №83 "Extra capital". When checking this account, special attention is paid to the order of its formation when organizing it by the enterprise.

Based on the accounting regulations, according to the new accounting plan on the account №83 the increase in the value of non-working capital is reflected, as well as the amount of the difference between the par value of the shares and the amount of proceeds from the sale of these shares, as well as the cost of revaluation, both upward and downward. The write-off of additional capital to increase the authorized capital or pay off settlements with the founders by reducing the amount of additional capital is reflected.

When checking an account №83 the amount of differences between the sale and par value of shares is reflected in the following entry:

Dt 75

Kit 83

In the event that, by decision of the government, a revaluation of fixed assets and other property occurs or its depreciation, an entry is made:

to increase the cost

D-t 01; 04

Kit 83

when decreasing

D-t 83

Kit 01; 04

In the event that an increase in the authorized capital occurs at the expense of additional capital, this operation is reflected:

D-t 83

Kt 80 - or vice versa when reducing the authorized capital and transferring the value of contributions to additional capital

When returning share contributions of the founders at the expense of additional capital, the following entry is made:

D-t 83

Kit 75

Any accounting entries for this account are regulated by the statutory documents, accounting policies, and the decision of the shareholders meeting.

The next important step is to check section 4 long-term liabilities.

Here it is necessary to check the procedure for concluding agreements with credit institutions, the validity of taking out loans, the validity of settlements on collateral to secure the loans taken.

When checking, you should check whether the pledge of property corresponds to what is available in documents and in fact, and whether there is a duplicate account.

In addition, they look at the urgency of contracts, the procedure for paying interest, the procedure for reflecting the funds spent strictly for the intended purpose and confirmation of this with documents.

Repayment procedure according to the loan term. If, in the case where the loan repayment terms coincide with the taking out of new loans, then it is necessary to conduct a financial analysis of the effectiveness of using sources of financing for strictly targeted purposes and profitability.

When checking, you need to pay attention to the size of long-term loans, whether it corresponds to unfinished construction by year.

When checking long-term investments, you should also pay attention to loans from other enterprises or founders. Do they correspond to the actual scope of work or work in progress?

In addition, the repayment of the loan is checked according to the loan terms and security.

Checking section 5 of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

Before the audit, a selective counter-check is carried out with creditors and especially with the budget, with extra-budgetary funds and then with creditors as the debt decreases.

As of January 1, the enterprise must carry out cross-checks of settlements for the current year for all creditors and document the corresponding reconciliation acts.

For those types of accounts payable for which it is impossible to carry out a counter-check, a register of creditors with doubtful debts is compiled.

If it is impossible to collect accounts payable, the accounts payable accounted for by the enterprise for three years as budgetary for collection and after three years is written off from the balance sheet.

In the case when accounts payable are identified with the budget or extra-budgetary funds, it is also confirmed by a certificate. Part of the accounts payable is collected from the enterprise without fail, which includes utility bills and electricity bills. Therefore, all these amounts must be confirmed by reports on the use of electricity, reports on the use of water, gas, heat or acts of write-off of all types of energy for production needs. A counter check of the scope of work performed is also carried out here ( power of the electric motor, machines, equipment).

When checking this section, the next most important thing is checking the tax base when checking the conduct of settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

First of all, the procedure for conducting payroll calculations is checked. The volume of payments is compared with the planned and actual wage fund. The correctness of the preparation of payroll statements and various payments for material incentives, for length of service, financial assistance, and professional allowances is checked.

The amount of payroll statements is verified with timesheets, which are in turn verified with the number of employees at the enterprise by the personnel department.

Any discrepancy is checked for the presence of employment documents, the presence of a work book, an employment agreement, and a contract for the provision of material services. In addition, contracts for the provision of services, estimates, and costing calculations are checked.

Identified discrepancies are recorded in accounting information. The percentage in the totality of documents is determined in order to determine the amount of damage caused by improper registration of employees at the enterprise and an option is proposed for correcting the theft or violation.

It is mandatory to check calculations of average earnings, then check length of service, then check the correctness of the paperwork for various payments in kind, which currently an enterprise can use no more than 30% of the accrued salary.

In addition, the timing of salary payments, delays in salaries, the procedure for issuing individual compensations, dividend payments are checked, and the correctness of maintaining personal accounts is checked, whether all types of payments to employees of the enterprise are reflected in personal accounts.

The correctness of registration of payments provided by law to young families and young professionals is checked. This should be recorded in orders and regulations on accounting policies.

In addition to checking the calculation of salaries and the issuance procedure, the procedure for processing in-kind payments reflected through the account is checked №90 And №91 .


Dt 20

Kit 70

D-t 90

Kit 43 – products for sale

Kit 91

D-t 70 – at a selling price not lower than the cost of production

When checking this section, they also pay attention to settlements with employees of the enterprise for other transactions ( for compensation for material damage, for payments for housing and for the acquisition of personal items). Particular attention is paid to compensation for material damage, since the correctness of the recovery of material damage is verified. Collection is made at sales prices with the difference being allocated to future income. The norms of natural loss, the correct attribution to production costs, to the perpetrators or to the losses of the enterprise are also checked.

The next important step is checking settlements with different debtors and creditors. Particular attention is paid to settlements with parents, settlements for reimbursement of expenses for living in a dormitory or office space, for goods on credit and for other transactions. Also for calculations related to reimbursement of postal and telegraph expenses of the enterprise.

At the next stage, settlements with extra-budgetary funds for each fund are checked. In addition, the correct execution of payment documents for the transfer of funds to republican and local branches of extra-budgetary funds, the use of funds in the enterprise and the conduct of mutual settlements with extra-budgetary funds.

After checking for each fund, personal accounts or cards for settlements with the pension fund, health insurance, etc. are thoroughly checked.

Particular attention should be paid to the existing amounts of overpayments for these funds, as well as the amount of debt to extra-budgetary funds and the procedure for re-registering the enterprise’s overdue debt to the funds.

When checking section 5, you should also pay attention to the procedure for calculating dividends in order to check the timeliness of their transfer. Tax calculations with the budget are checked.

Calculations with the budget regarding taxes begin with checking the types of taxes that the enterprise pays to the budget, the benefits that the enterprise has, the type of activity of the enterprise and the correctness of the calculation of the taxable base. For this purpose, certificates are checked for calculations for each type of tax and the correctness of the calculation of the average quarterly percentage for VAT, VAT benefits and VAT refund amounts based on the type of activity, the size of capital investments and export operations.

After checking the calculation certificates, the cumulative statements for the calculation and payment of taxes to the budget are checked. The third stage checks the timing of tax payments, timeliness of payments, debt to the budget and the correctness of calculation of penalties for incorrectly paid taxes.

Checking Form 1 of the balance sheet does not end; it is supplemented during the audit with comments or violations identified during the audit of individual areas of accounting.

In some cases, the audit takes place in a slightly different way. First of all, individual areas of accounting are checked for accounting accounts, structural divisions, and based on the results of these checks, a conclusion is then made about the correspondence of the actual accounting data to the annual financial statements.

It is better to pay off tax debts before May 1. Otherwise, potential and existing counterparties will see information that the company owes to the budget for a whole year.< … Выдать увольняющемуся работнику копию СЗВ-М нельзя Согласно закону о персучете работодатель при увольнении сотрудника обязан выдать ему копии персонифицированных отчетов (в частности, СЗВ-М и СЗВ-СТАЖ). Однако эти формы отчетности списочные, т.е. содержат данные обо всех работниках. А значит передача копии такого отчета одному сотруднику – разглашение персональных данных других работников. < … Компенсация за неиспользованный отпуск: десять с половиной месяцев идут за год При увольнении сотрудника, проработавшего в организации 11 месяцев, компенсацию за неиспользованный отпуск ему нужно выплатить как за полный рабочий год (п.28 Правил, утв. НКТ СССР 30.04.1930 № 169).

Stage I: checking relationships within the form

As of December 31 of the previous year” line 3200 “The amount of capital as of December 31 of the previous year”, column “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” column “As of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one” line 3100 “The amount of capital as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one” , column “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” line 1300 “Total capital” column “As of December 31 of the reporting year” line 3300 “Capital value as of December 31 of the reporting year” column “Total” column “As of December 31 of the previous year” line 3200 “The amount of capital as of December 31 of the previous year”, column “Total”, column “As of December 31 of the year preceding the previous year”, line 3100 “The amount of capital as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous year”, column “Total” The relationship between the indicators of the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement Funds Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement II.

Interrelation of financial reporting indicators: table

In this case, you should make sure that the organization really did not carry out transactions that resulted in such “crossed out” indicators. 3. Reliability of reporting. False information in reporting can lead to the most dire consequences. Meanwhile, the concept of reliability is not defined by law.

From an auditing point of view, this concept is understood as such a degree of accuracy of accounting data that allows users to draw correct conclusions on its basis about the performance of economic entities and make decisions based on these conclusions.

Online magazine for accountants

Procedural errors that cause distortion of the content of the statements are identified during horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet and profit and loss account. Balance sheet analysis (horizontal - comparison of data at the end of the period with data at the beginning of the period, vertical - change in the structure of the balance sheet). 1. It is useful to start analyzing the balance sheet with changes in the amount of equity capital (section III of the balance sheet “Capital and reserves”).
This will allow you to immediately see the trend for the reporting period. If it does not coincide with the logic of business development over the period, errors are possible. 2. If section III of the Balance Sheet reflects a decrease in equity capital due to losses of the reporting period, and this is supported by the logic of business development, it is necessary to determine the sources of financing these losses.

What and how to check in financial statements

Reporting forms, the relationship of indicators of which are given in the tables, were approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. Relationship between the indicators of the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results Balance Sheet Statement of Financial Results I. Non-current assets line 1180 “Deferred tax assets” the difference between the columns “As of December 31 of the previous year” and “At the end of the reporting period” line 2450 “Change in deferred tax assets” , value at the end of the reporting period* III.
Capital and reserves line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”** the difference between the columns “As of December 31 of the previous year” and “At the end of the reporting period” line 2400 “Net profit (loss)”, value at the end of the reporting period IV.

How to check financial statements

AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE: Elena Titova, expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT, member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants Before sending the annual accounting (financial) statements, the organization must check the completeness and correctness of its completion. It is at this final stage of verification that there is still an opportunity to identify possible inconsistencies and promptly eliminate detected errors. The procedure for testing reporting can be established by the organization independently.
Verification criteria: 1. Compliance with the general requirements for accounting (financial) reporting established by Art. 13 of Law No. 402-FZ and PBU 4/99. 2. Completeness of information in reporting. The availability of all forms of financial statements established by law is checked. Particular attention must be paid to those lines in the reporting in which dashes were added in an automated way.

Gains and losses report. Form No. 2. 1. The cost values ​​of the indicators in the column for the same period of the previous year must correspond to the operating profit for the previous year. 2. Reflection of the numerical values ​​of deferred taxes and liabilities shows that the organization has temporary differences that arose when calculating income tax due to different rules for accounting for income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting, which must be disclosed in the explanatory note. 3. The current income tax indicator must be equal to the indicator on line 180 of Sheet 02 of the Income Tax Declaration.

4. Reflection of the numerical values ​​of permanent assets and liabilities in the reference section of the profit and loss account (Form No. 2) shows the presence of income and expenses that arose due to insurmountable differences between accounting and tax accounting.
Capital and reserves” (balance sheet liability);

  • line 3100 – the amount of capital as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one;
  • line 3200 – the amount of capital as of December 31 of the previous year;
  • line 3210 – increase in capital – total (previous year);
  • line 3300 – the amount of capital as of December 31 of the reporting year;
  • line 3310 – increase in capital – total (reporting year).

Financial results and changes in capital Below are the control ratios of the financial reporting forms in 2018 for the main annual reports. Interrelation of financial reporting indicators for 2017: table No. 3 Financial report.

How to check annual statements balance ratio


Long-term liabilities line 1420 “Deferred tax liabilities” * the difference between the columns “As of December 31 of the previous year” and “At the end of the reporting period” line 2430 “Change in deferred tax liabilities”, value at the end of the reporting period * Equality is valid if deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are reflected in the balance sheet in detail. ** Indicators are interrelated if during the reporting period there was no turnover on account 84 (with the exception of balance sheet reformation). For example, no dividends were accrued and no contributions were made to reserve capital. The relationship between the indicators of the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Changes in Capital Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Capital III.

Capital and reserves I.


Interrelation of indicators of accounting and tax reporting In some cases, the correctness of the formation of accounting reporting data can be checked by correlating them with indicators of tax returns. For example, an income tax return can be reconciled not only with the income statement and cash flow statement, but also with the balance sheet. This method of verification will allow timely identification of discrepancies between individual indicators of tax and accounting reporting, making the necessary corrections (if these discrepancies are recognized as erroneous), which will subsequently eliminate explanations with the tax inspectorate and the need to submit updated declarations.

Reconciliation of reporting indicators is also carried out by tax authorities. For this purpose, there are special control ratios, which until recently were classified proprietary information.

"Practical Accounting", 2010, N 1
The financial statements themselves are not the object of a tax audit, but serve as a source of information for inspectors when conducting it. During desk audits, the inspector identifies discrepancies in the data in the taxpayer’s reporting available to the inspectorate. Identified discrepancies may become a reason for conducting an on-site tax audit. In order to reduce the likelihood of an unplanned meeting with tax authorities, before submitting your reports you need to independently identify its “weak points”.
The taxpayer at his place of registration is obliged to submit financial statements in accordance with the requirements established by Federal Law No. 129-FZ of November 21, 1996 “On Accounting” (Clause 5, Clause 1, Article 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Tax officers are among the active users of financial statements. Just like tax returns (calculations) and other documents necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes, financial statements are used by tax authorities for tax control purposes.
For your information. The financial statements consist of a balance sheet (Form No. 1), a profit and loss statement (Form No. 2), Appendices to them in forms 3 - 6, an auditor's report confirming the reliability of the financial statements if the organization is subject to mandatory audit, and an explanatory note. It may not be represented by small enterprises if they are not subject to mandatory audit, and public organizations (clause 2 of article 13 of the Law of November 21, 1996 “On Accounting”).
The criteria for assessing the risks of conducting a tax audit are set out in the Concept of the planning system for on-site tax audits (approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 No. MM-3-06/333, hereinafter referred to as Order No. MM-3-06/333@). If the results of the financial and economic activities of the organization comply with the established Criteria, then, most likely, it will be included in the inspection plan. Tax authorities most closely monitor the criterion of a company's unprofitability, however, even the presence of this indicator can be explained in an explanatory note.
This document is a mandatory part of the annual financial statements and, despite the fact that it is drawn up in any form, can help avoid increased tax control.
Accounting statements and tax returns
An organization's financial statements serve as a source of information when conducting a desk audit of tax returns. At the first stage of such an audit, the inspector monitors the correctness of calculation of the tax base, analyzes the interrelation of indicators in financial statements and tax returns.
This procedure, as a rule, is carried out automatically, so the inspector will not delve into why the indicators do not match. He will take note of the taxpayer, may call him to give explanations, and perhaps recommend him for inclusion in the on-site inspection plan. All this can be avoided if you independently analyze your reporting, identify inconsistencies, eliminate errors and explain discrepancies made legally.
To do this, before submitting reports, an accountant can independently compare key positions that are necessarily checked by the inspector.
For example, when checking a value added tax declaration to ensure the correctness of the tax base, an inspector can compare the amount of revenue on the declaration with the amount of revenue on the profit and loss statement (Form No. 2). And when checking tax deductions, he will analyze information about the balances of inventory items, the balances of accounts payable on the balance sheet (Form No. 1).
When checking the property tax declaration of organizations, the inspector compares the data on the value of fixed assets with the data of the balance sheet (Form No. 1) and the capital flow statement (Form No. 3), Appendix to the balance sheet (Form No. 5).
When checking an income tax return, an inspector can compare:
- the amount of income according to the declaration with the amount of revenue according to the profit and loss statement (form No. 2);
- the amount of expenses according to the declaration with the amounts of expenses according to the profit and loss statement (Form No. 2), Appendix to the balance sheet (Form No. 5).
If the financial statements reflect a profit, and the tax return shows a loss, or the profit figures in the accounting and tax statements differ significantly from each other, then the reasons for such deviations can be seen both in the balance sheet and in the profit and loss statement, if the company applies PBU 18/02 “Accounting for calculations of corporate income tax” (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 N 114n). Therefore, to prevent additional questions in the explanatory note to the annual report, it is better to immediately decipher the list of deferred tax liabilities, deferred tax assets and permanent tax liabilities.
It is important. Tax authorities compare individual indicators of tax returns with data from the corresponding financial statements for the last three years preceding the year of analysis. This is how inspectors track trends in the formation of income and expenses and other indicators that affect income tax and other taxes.
"Weaknesses" in the income tax return
Conduct an economic analysis of the “profitable” declaration as it is done at the tax office.
Stage I. Comparison of declaration indicators over several years
Indicators are calculated as the ratio of the current indicator to the base one (for example, the indicator for last year and for the current year).
Analysis of the dynamics of income and expenses. If the inspector determines that expenses are growing at a faster rate than income, then the question of the validity of this ratio will certainly arise.
Thus, the growth rate of income and expenses can be calculated using the formulas:
Income growth rate = Amount for 2008 (page 010 of sheet 02 of the income tax return): Amount for 2009 (page 010 of sheet 02 of the income tax return);
Expense growth rate = Amount for 2008 (page 030 of sheet 02 of the income tax return): Amount for 2009 (page 030 of sheet 02 of the income tax return).
If, when comparing the obtained indicators, it turns out that the growth rate of expenses is higher than the growth rate of income, this can be explained by the fact that prices for finished products have not increased significantly, while prices for raw materials have increased significantly, labor costs have increased, rental costs have increased, utility costs, etc.
Analysis of the structure of income and expenses and dynamics for individual items. Based on the share of direct costs in sales revenue, the inspector will check the profitability of the organization. If expenses have increased, but revenue remains at the same level, this will be a reason to check.
Analysis of the share of indirect costs. If their value increases significantly from year to year, and revenue during the audited periods has increased slightly, you can consider yourself a candidate for inspection.
Stage II. Comparison of income tax and VAT indicators
Theoretically, the sales revenue indicators should be the same: most taxpayers use the accrual method when calculating income tax, as well as when calculating VAT. But in life it often happens that these indicators do not coincide, and for legal reasons. Therefore, you can reflect these justifications in an explanatory note, for example:
- sales of certain goods (works, services) are not subject to VAT;
- the presence in the period under review of transactions involving the gratuitous transfer of property, as a result of which such an operation is not reflected in the income tax return, but is reflected in the VAT return;
- a special procedure for the transfer of ownership of goods and work under separate contracts, which led to different periods of occurrence of objects of taxation for VAT and income tax: for VAT - on the date of shipment, and for income tax - at the time of transfer of ownership;
- part of the proceeds (rent of property, interest on trade credit) is reflected in the income tax return as part of non-operating income.
Stage III. Comparison of declaration indicators
and financial statements
As a rule, the inspector checks the relationship between individual indicators of the income tax return and the data in the profit and loss statement. Compare for yourself:
- the sum of the indicators of lines 010 “Income from sales” and 020 “Non-operating income” of sheet 02 of the declaration with the sum of the indicators of lines 010, 060, 080, 090 and 120 of form No. 2;
- the sum of indicators of lines 010 “Proceeds from sales - total” and 100 “Non-operating income - total” of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02 of the declaration with the sum of indicators of lines 010, 060, 080, 090 of form No. 2;
- line indicator 020 of Appendix No. 2 to sheet 02 “Direct expenses” of the declaration with line indicator 020 “Cost of goods sold, products” of form No. 2;
- indicator of line 201 of Appendix No. 2 to sheet 02 “Expenses in the form of interest on debt obligations...” of the declaration with the indicator of line “Interest payable” of form No. 2;
- indicator of line 205 of Appendix No. 2 to sheet 02 “Fines, penalties and other sanctions for violation of contractual or debt obligations, compensation for damage caused” of the declaration with the indicator of line “Fines, penalties and penalties recognized or for which decisions of the court (arbitration court) were received” on their recovery" table of breakdown of individual profits and losses of form No. 2;
- line indicator 101 of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02 and line 301 of Appendix No. 2 to sheet 02 with the line indicator “Profit (loss) of previous years” in the table of breakdowns of individual profits and losses of form No. 2. If there is no data in the declaration, the inspector will check whether whether the organization submitted updated declarations for previous tax periods;
- the amount of income tax according to the declaration (line 180 of sheet 02) with the amount of income tax reflected on line 150 “Current income tax” of form No. 2.
Test yourself. In the income tax return, proceeds from sales are reflected in line 010 of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02. In addition to income from ordinary activities, this includes proceeds from the sale of other property and property rights. In accounting, such company income is reflected as part of non-operating income. Therefore, it is impossible to directly compare the indicators of line 010 of form N 2 and line 010 of Appendix N 1 to sheet 02 of the declaration.
To determine how much income from ordinary activities is included in the calculation of income tax, you can do this. From the amount of line 010 of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02 of the declaration, subtract the amount of proceeds from the sale of property rights, with the exception of income from the sale of the right of claim (page 013 of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02) and the amount of proceeds from the sale of other property (page 014 of Appendix N 1 to sheet 02). If an organization sells securities or financial services, and also receives income from the operation of service industries, then the amount of income from these types of activities must be added to the resulting indicator. The resulting indicator can be compared with the indicator of line 010 of form N 2. If there are differences, look for an error.
Reasons for discrepancies
Here are the reasons for the discrepancies that may occur when comparing these indicators:
- the organization carries out transactions with securities. The company reflects the income from their sale in sheet 05 of the declaration;
- revenue is not recognized in accounting if additional conditions for the transfer of ownership under the transaction are not met;
- availability of production with a long technological cycle without stage-by-stage delivery of work;
- application of the provisions of Art. 40 of the Tax Code, which led to the recalculation of revenue in tax accounting;
- revaluation of property value. The revaluation is reflected in accounting, but not in tax accounting. This explains the fact that the “tax” income is lower than that reflected in form No. 2.
These are the most common reasons for discrepancies, which are also mentioned in internal methodological materials used by tax authorities. If you identify such discrepancies, be sure to describe their reasons in an explanatory note. This will certainly “rehabilitate” your reporting.
In addition to this “minimum” established by the tax authorities, there may be many more reasons for discrepancies between the tax return and financial statements. For example:
- positive difference obtained when revaluing securities at market value;
- the value of property received free of charge from the founders, whose share in the authorized capital of the company is more than 50 percent;
- the cost of inseparable improvements to the leased property received by the lessor and made by the lessee;
- identification of distortions in the amount of income tax for previous years, as a result of which the value of the current income tax indicated in Form No. 2 will differ from the declaration data. In accounting, the tax amount is adjusted when an error is detected, and the resulting result is reflected on line 150 of the profit and loss statement. As for tax accounting, an updated declaration must be submitted for the previous period;
- some types of income can only be reflected in tax accounting. For example, interest on a loan agreement that is valid for more than one tax period. In tax accounting, this income will be recognized at the end of the corresponding reporting (tax) period (clause 6 of Article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In accounting, interest is reflected based on the terms of the agreement, according to which the accrual and payment of interest may be provided for on the date of repayment of the entire loan amount;
- combination of a general tax regime and a special tax regime in the form of UTII. The amount of proceeds from sales in the income tax return will be less than the proceeds according to the financial statements (Form No. 2). The difference in these indicators is associated with the non-taxable implementation of “imputed” activities. Therefore, in the income statement, it is better to reflect revenue from combined activities on separate lines. It wouldn’t hurt to write about this in an explanatory note. This will enable the inspector to immediately receive an explanation of why the revenue indicators in accounting differ from the indicators of the “profitable” declaration, and the VAT declaration as well.
An important criterion is the growth rate of expenses and income
Also pay attention to the ratio of growth rates of expenses and income in accounting and tax accounting. Tax officials believe that ideally the proportion should be maintained from year to year. To test yourself, use the formula:
Growth rate of tax expenses (page 30 of sheet 02 of the income tax return): Growth rate of tax revenues (page 010 of sheet 02 of the income tax return) = Growth rate of accounting expenses (sum of lines 020, 030, 040, 070, 100 Form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement"): Growth rate of accounting income (sum of lines 010, 060, 080, 090 of Form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement").
The difference in indicators can be explained by transactions that are reflected differently in accounting and tax accounting (for example, depreciation of fixed assets). In turn, the methodology for accounting for such transactions should be reflected in the accounting policies of the organization.
"Weaknesses" in the VAT return
When analyzing financial statements when checking VAT, the inspector will take note of the organization if:
- the deduction for advances will be more than the VAT on shipment;
- changes in inventories of finished products and goods for resale, which are reflected on line 214 of the balance sheet, are not comparable with the difference between the cost of sold and acquired assets according to the declaration;
- the amount of sales in VAT returns will be less than accounting revenue for the same periods or income from sales under a profitable declaration;
- the organization combines general and special tax regimes.
However, the first criterion in terms of importance is the reflection in tax reporting of significant amounts of tax deductions for VAT, which are always the focus of attention of tax specialists. Their critical value is on average 89 percent of the amount of accrued tax. The indicator is calculated based on data from VAT returns:
Share of VAT deductions = Amount of VAT deductions: Amount of calculated VAT x 100%.
If an organization declares to pay a VAT amount of less than 2 percent of the tax base (the product of the remaining 11 percent by the tax rate), then the controllers will not like it. Pay attention to this.
Deductions do not depend on the field of activity. Their large size can be caused by a number of reasons: the purchase and commissioning of expensive equipment, payment for expensive services, an increase in inventories of goods and materials due to the planned expansion of production and other reasons.
In addition, it should be remembered that exceeding the “permissible” level of deductions may be due to external reasons, for example, late receipt of documents giving the right to deduction. In this case, you need to take care to document this with entries in the journal of incoming correspondence or the journal of received invoices, recorded in chronological order.
The tax burden
The level of a taxpayer's tax burden is a calculated indicator. It is calculated as the ratio of the amount of taxes paid to the volume of revenue (Appendix No. 3 to Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 14, 2008 No. MM-3-2/467, hereinafter referred to as Order No. MM-3-2/467).
Tax burden = Taxes paid (line 180 of form N 4 "Cash Flow Statement"): Revenue (line 010 of form N 2 "Profit and Loss Statement") x 100%.
Attention! When calculating the tax burden for 2009, one should take into account the amounts of taxes paid: profit, VAT, unified social tax (less pension contributions), property, excise, transport and land taxes.
The organization should compare this indicator with its industry value (Appendix No. 3 to Order No. MM-3-2/467@). Control data by industry is also published on the tax service website.
If the organization’s indicator is below the industry average by more than 10 percent, try to justify this by the lack of data on sub-sectors, on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the climatic conditions of business activities, or on other indicators that directly affect its results. However, if the tax burden has increased compared to last year, then the tax authorities should pay attention to this in the explanatory note as a positive factor in the organization’s work.
Average monthly salary per employee
Information on statistical indicators of the average level of wages by type of economic activity in a city, district or in a whole subject of the Russian Federation can be obtained from statistical bodies (from official websites, from statistical collections, upon request), as well as from the Federal Tax Service of Russia (Order N MM-3-06/333@).
Based on the results of 2009, this indicator can be calculated using the formula:
Average salary = Payroll fund (page 040 of the Unified Social Tax declaration): (Average number x 12 months) x 100%.
The average number of employees is taken from the form of Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 29, 2007 N MM-3-25/174@.
It is important. Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year (KND form 1110018, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 29, 2007 N MM-3-25/174@) for 2009 must be submitted to the tax office before January 20, 2010.
Possible reasons for low wages can be explained in different ways:
- a consequence of temporary difficulties, for example, reorientation of production, reduction of sales markets, unfavorable market conditions, etc.;
- the company has just started its activities and is unprofitable. This is especially true for small companies where the founders are also the main employees. They agree to low salaries until the company gains the necessary momentum;
- the company has a large proportion of part-time workers who work part-time;
- the company has a staff motivation system, where an employee’s salary depends not on the time spent at work, but on its result, for example, on the number of concluded contracts. In practice, an employee’s income is divided into salary and bonus, and the bonus is paid not every month, but based on the results of the quarter or year (in the absence of results, the bonus may not be paid), etc.
Profitability of goods, products, works and services sold
The economic activities of a firm are its transactions that generate income or involve expenses.
The profitability of goods, products, works, services sold is the ratio of the value of the balanced financial result (profit minus loss) from sales and the cost of goods, products, works, services sold.
As a rule, inspectors are suspicious of a significant deviation in the profitability of an organization according to its accounting data from the level of profitability for a given field of activity (according to Rosstat).
You can calculate return on sales using the formula:
Return on sales = Profit from sales (page 50 of form N 2 "Profit and Loss Statement"): Production costs (sum of lines 020, 030, 040 of form N 2 "Profit and Loss Statement") x 100%.
The obtained data are compared with the average indicators for the main type of activity of the taxpayer (Appendix No. 4 to Order No. MM-3-06/333@). A deviation of more than 10 percent is considered significant.
If the results are below the industry average, this can be explained, in particular, by the fact that in order to maintain competitiveness, the organization had to increase discounts to attract customers, set minimum markups on goods, rise in prices for raw materials, attract more qualified personnel, capital expenditures for modernization of production, etc. d.
Return on assets
Return on assets is the ratio of the balanced financial result (profit minus loss) and the value of assets of organizations. If the balanced financial result is negative, the organization is unprofitable.
Return on assets = Net profit (page 190 of form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement"): Cost of assets (page 300 of form No. 1 "Balance Sheet") x 100%.
Low performance can be explained by a large number of non-core assets (for example, auxiliary workshops) and a large volume of accounts receivable.
It is mandatory to conduct a quarterly economic analysis of declarations with declared losses, declarations of the largest taxpayers, as well as reports of budget-forming taxpayers, tax revenues from which account for at least 60 percent of all budget revenues.
For most taxpayers, such an analysis is done once a year based on the results of annual reporting. Complete disclosure can help avoid premature scrutiny.
Expert Editor
Signed for seal

The accounting statements of state (municipal) institutions are the object of close attention of both state (municipal) financial control bodies and government authorities performing the functions of the founder of these institutions. The article discusses the methodology for checking the correctness of the preparation of financial reporting forms.

Accounting reporting forms completed by budgetary and autonomous institutions are subject to verification:

  • employees of the executive authority performing the functions of the founder (hereinafter referred to as the founder) as part of a desk audit, when accepting quarterly and annual reporting forms within the time limits established by the founder;
  • within the framework of external (internal) state (municipal) control measures, as well as departmental control carried out by the founder.

We will talk about the methodology for correctly drawing up financial reporting forms in this article.

Control measures carried out in relation to the forms of financial statements can be schematically displayed as follows:

Purpose of auditing financial statements

When checking financial reporting forms, auditors usually set themselves the following goals:

Preparing for an external audit

Preparation for an external audit includes:

  • collection and study of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which the inspected institution carries out its financial and economic activities and conducts its transactions;
  • development of an external audit program;
  • preparation of a work plan for the external audit, which should contain the timing of the external audit and responsible executors;
  • sending performers to conduct an inspection.

Subject of inspection

Verification of reporting forms can be carried out in office and (or) on-site forms. A desk audit of reporting forms is usually carried out by the founder upon acceptance from a subordinate institution of forms drawn up as of the reporting date, within the time limits established by the founder. The subject of the desk audit is:

  • submission of reports no later than the deadline established by the founder;
  • compliance by the institution with the requirements of Instruction No. 33n when filling out financial reporting forms;
  • compliance with control ratios in the submitted reporting forms.

Regarding the subject of verification of accounting reporting forms during an on-site inspection, we note the following. The audit of financial statements during this audit is usually carried out as part of an audit of the financial and economic activities of the institution. During such a check, controllers are asked to:

  • annual forms of financial statements;
  • general ledger, accounting registers, primary accounting and other documents;
  • plan for the financial and economic activities of the institution;
  • institutions;
  • report on the implementation of a state (municipal) task;
  • report on the amounts of targeted subsidies used;
  • information about transactions with targeted subsidies provided to a state (municipal) institution.

The subject of the on-site inspection is:

  • compliance by the institution with the rules for storing primary documents, accounting registers and other accounting documents of the current year and for previous years;
  • fulfillment by the chief accountant of the responsibility for organizing accounting and monitoring the safety of funds and material assets;
  • compliance of accounting indicators in accounting registers at the beginning of the year with data for the previous year;
  • timely preparation of primary accounting documents and their reflection in accounting;
  • correspondence of the results of balances for each group of analytical accounts of the turnover sheets with the results of the balances of these sub-accounts in the general ledger and financial reporting indicators;
  • establishing the reliability of the indicators reflected in the reporting;
  • implementation of control relationships between reporting forms;
  • registration of the submitted reporting forms in accordance with the requirements of Instruction No. 33n;
  • assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution's use of funds allocated to it from the budget during the audited period.

Methodology for auditing financial statements

There is no uniform methodology for checking reporting forms. When auditors gain experience in conducting audits, they develop a sequence of actions that they use to carry out their work. Below we will offer our own version of the sequence of actions that can be used when conducting an inspection and when developing inspection programs.

I. Studying the institution's charter and the institution's accounting policies. From the charter, the controller learns the set of rules by which the inspected institution carries out its activities, its structure, structure, types of activities, relations with other persons and government bodies, rights and obligations. Based on the accounting policy, the inspector makes a conclusion about the methods of organizing and maintaining accounting used by the institution when reflecting business transactions.

II. Analysis of indicators of financial reporting forms. The diagram below shows you the basic techniques of financial analysis that auditors can conduct.

In the course of analyzing the indicators of the financial reporting forms, the auditor examines the results of the institution’s activities, formed based on the results of the reporting periods, from which one can judge:

  • about the property status of the institution;
  • about the nature of the activity being carried out;
  • on the ratio of funds by their types in the composition of assets;
  • about the presence of receivables and payables and their changes, etc.

III. Checking the reliability of indicators reflected in the reporting forms submitted for verification, which includes several stages:

1. Inventory of non-financial assets. Based on the results of the audit, the actual amount of non-financial assets is established, which is compared with the accounting data reflected in the reporting forms (balance sheet (form 0503730), certificate of the presence of property and liabilities in off-balance sheet accounts, information on the movement of non-financial assets of the institution (form 0503768)) . The institution’s mandatory inventory is also checked before drawing up annual reporting forms. As the results of the audit show, not all institutions, before drawing up annual reporting forms, conduct an inventory of non-financial assets and settlements with the budget, suppliers, accountable persons, employees, other debtors and creditors, and cash and monetary documents. As a result, the correspondence of accounting and actual data (presence, condition and assessment of liabilities) was not confirmed, and the reliability of accounting data was not ensured.

2. Identification of the compliance of the planned indicators specified in the plan of financial and economic activities with the indicators reflected in the reporting forms (in the report on the implementation by the institution of the plan of its financial and economic activities (f. 0503737)). Let us remind you that, by virtue of the norms of clause 19 of the Requirements, changes can be made to the financial and economic activity plan an unlimited number of times. The plan indicators must reflect the actual data on the income and expenses of the institution, which are reflected in the report (f. 0503737).

3. Verification of confirmation of financial and economic transactions by primary documents drawn up in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and accepted for accounting in a timely manner. According to the norms of paragraph 7 of Instruction No. 157n, the basis for reflecting in accounting information about assets and liabilities, as well as transactions with them, are primary accounting documents. Primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are compiled according to unified document forms approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by legal acts of authorized executive authorities, and documents whose forms are not unified must contain the mandatory details specified in clause 7 of Instruction No. 157n. Entries in accounting registers (transaction journals, other accounting registers) are made as transactions are completed and the primary (consolidated) accounting document is accepted for accounting, but no later than the next day after receipt of the primary (consolidated) accounting document - as on the basis of separate documents , and on the basis of a group of similar documents (clause 11 of Instruction No. 157n). The auditor, when checking the reliability of the indicators of the reporting forms, can selectively check the transaction logs with the primary accounting documents attached to them for:

  • compliance of primary documents with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • timely acceptance of primary documents for accounting;
  • correct formation of the transaction log.

4. Analysis of the compliance of the financial statements with the data of synthetic and analytical accounting (the data of synthetic and analytical accounting must be linked both to each other and to the documents that are the basis for carrying out transactions).

5. Checking the institution’s compliance with legislative acts that may affect the content of reporting (for example, instructions No. 33n, 157n, 174n, Instructions No. 65n).

6. Checking the fulfillment of the state (municipal) task approved by the founder, identifying the reasons for non-fulfillment of the founder’s task, timely return of the balance of subsidies to the budget in the event of failure by the institution to fulfill the state task.

Let us note that the Ministry of Finance in its Letter dated 02/05/2016 No. 02-01-09/5870 recommended that the main managers of federal budget funds, when determining the balance of the subsidy for the implementation of the state task, formed in connection with the failure to achieve the indicators established by the state task characterizing the volume of public services (works) ), take into account the norms of the Regulations in force in 2015 on the formation of the state task in relation to federal government institutions and financial support for the implementation of the state task, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2010 No. 671, based on the values ​​​​of standard costs for the provision of public services (performance of work) and unfulfilled volume of government assignments for each government service (work).

At the same time, the federal executive authorities exercising the functions and powers of the founders in relation to federal budgetary or autonomous institutions have the right, in the prescribed manner, during the period of execution of the state task, if necessary, to make changes to it, including by clarifying the indicators characterizing the volume of public services (work performed) ).

According to clause 33 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2015 No. 1456 No. “On measures to implement the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for 2016,” federal budgetary and autonomous institutions, until July 1, 2016, ensure the return to the federal budget of funds in the amount of remaining subsidies for the implementation of state assignments provided to them in 2015, formed in connection with the failure to achieve the indicators established by the state assignment characterizing the volume of public services (works), based on the report on the implementation of the state assignment submitted to the bodies exercising the functions and powers of the founders in relation to federal budgetary or autonomous institutions.

At the same time, the said resolution does not define the source of funds at the expense of which federal budgetary and autonomous institutions return the specified balances of the subsidy to the federal budget for the implementation of the state task.

According to the Ministry of Finance, set out in Letter No. 02-01-09/20629 dated April 12, 2016, the return to the federal budget of the specified balances of the subsidy for the implementation of the state task can be carried out both at the expense of the balances of subsidies generated by the federal budgetary and autonomous institutions for the implementation of the state task, and at the expense of other revenues to institutions not prohibited by law, with the exception of funds provided to federal budgetary and autonomous institutions in accordance with Art. 78.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation for other purposes.

It should be noted that according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, if the state task is completed (including if the indicators established in the state task are achieved, taking into account their possible deviation, within which the state task is considered completed), the balance of the subsidy formed in the reporting financial year for the implementation of the state assignments can be used by the institution in accordance with the plan of financial and economic activities of the state institution, approved in the prescribed manner.

7. Compliance of the forms presented by the institution as part of the reporting with the forms established by Instruction No. 33n. Sometimes during an audit it is revealed that the accountants filled out and presented the form to the founder without taking into account the changes made to it, and therefore was not applied at the time of reporting.

8. Presence of all required signatures in reporting forms. The need for the signatures of the chief accountant and the head of the institution is established in clause 5 of Instruction No. 33n. Accounting reporting forms containing planned (forecast) and analytical indicators are also signed by the head of the financial and economic service (if there is one in the structure of the institution).

9. Availability of all reporting forms required to be included in it, and their correct completion. According to the norms of clause 10 of Instruction No. 33n, if all the indicators provided for in the financial statements form do not have a numerical value, such a reporting form is not drawn up and is not presented in the financial statements. If numerical data is available, reporting indicators must be completed. For example, during an audit it may be revealed that the institution has no turnover during the year on account 0 104 00 000 “Depreciation of fixed assets” in the presence of fixed assets. This indicates non-accrual of depreciation during the year, violation of accounting methodology and distortion of reporting indicators. Or, say, in form 0503769 “Information on accounts receivable and payable” and in the balance sheet (form 0503730) the absence of debt at the end of the reporting period is indicated. However, according to the general ledgers, institutions have account balances of 0 205 00 000, 0 206 00 000, 0 208 00 000, 0 302 00 000, 0 303 00 000, 0 304 00 000. Reconciliation reports with counterparties are not presented for verification. In other words, financial statements give an unreliable picture of the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date, as well as the financial results of its activities and cash flows for the reporting period.

To facilitate the work of matching the indicators reflected in the reporting forms and in the general ledger, inspectors can develop and use analytical tables in their work. For example, like this:

Comparative table of data from the general ledger of the inspected institution and the indicators reflected in the reporting (thousand rubles)

10. Checking the consistency of indicators in reporting forms (compliance with control ratios). The website regularly posts (as changes are made to Instruction No. 33n) control ratios of indicators both within the forms of financial statements and between the forms of financial statements. These control ratios are also used by developers of software products used to compile reporting forms. Inspectors can use these control ratios and verify compliance with them on the forms submitted for inspection by the agency being inspected.

Registration of inspection results

Based on the results of control actions at the control activity site, an act is drawn up, which usually has the following structure:

  • the basis for carrying out the control measure;
  • subject of the control measure;
  • the audited period of activity of the object of the control measure;
  • a list of issues that have been tested at this facility;
  • the period for carrying out control activities at the facility;
  • a brief description of the object of the control measure (if necessary), the volume of which should not exceed two to three pages of printed text;
  • results of control actions for each issue of the program (work plan).

The act is accompanied by a list of laws and other normative legal acts, the implementation of which was verified during the control event, as well as, if necessary, tables, calculations and other reference and digital material, numbered and signed by the compilers.

If violations and deficiencies are identified at the control event site, they are reflected in the report, indicating:

  • names, articles of laws and paragraphs of other normative legal acts, the requirements of which have been violated;
  • types and amounts of violations identified, with the amounts indicated separately by year, type of funds (budget funds and funds received from income-generating activities), as well as types of state property and forms of their use;
  • the reasons for the violations and shortcomings, their consequences;
  • measures taken during the control event to eliminate identified violations and their results.

When drawing up the act, the following must be observed:

  • objectivity, brevity and clarity when presenting the results of control activities at the facility;
  • clarity of wording of the content of identified violations and shortcomings;
  • logical and chronological sequence of the material presented;
  • presentation of factual data only on the basis of materials from relevant documents verified by the employee conducting the inspection.

The report on the results of the control event is presented for review and signing to the head and (or) other responsible official of the inspected institution. If the responsible officials of the objects of the control measure disagree with the facts set out in the report, they are asked to sign the report indicating the presence of comments.

At the end of the article, we note that gross violation of accounting requirements, including accounting (financial) reporting, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. (Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Repeated commission of such an administrative offense shall entail the imposition on officials of an administrative fine in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or their disqualification for a period of one to two years.

A gross violation of accounting requirements, including accounting (financial) reporting, means, in particular:

  • distortion of any indicator of accounting (financial) statements expressed in monetary terms by at least 10%;
  • preparation of accounting (financial) statements not based on data contained in accounting registers;
  • the economic entity lacks primary accounting documents, and (or) accounting registers, and (or) accounting (financial) statements, and (or) an audit report on the accounting (financial) statements (if an audit of the accounting (financial) statements is mandatory) within the established storage periods for such documents.

Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting annual and quarterly financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2011 No. 33n.

Requirements for the plan of financial and economic activities of a state (municipal) institution, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2010 No. 81n.

Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts for public authorities (state bodies), local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n.

Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n.

Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n.