Many people think about how long we have to live. Of course, the life of each person is unique, and no one has the right to say how long this or that individual will live. Nevertheless, based on many factors, scientists can determine life expectancy indicators for each state. However, even without familiarizing yourself with official statistics, you can understand how long the average population of different parts of the planet lives. In some regions, long-livers are taken for granted by society, while in other countries, citizens barely live to be forty-five years old, dying from hunger, disease and military conflicts. Let's look at the ranking of countries and Russia's place in it.

What is average life expectancy

As subjective as this expression may seem, average life expectancy is a scientific definition. It refers to the specific number of years that people of one generation live from birth to death.

Typically, the object of research is the population of a particular region or country, but it is also possible to calculate approximate indicators on a planetary scale. Every year, experts announce the ranking of countries around the world based on the Life Expectancy Index.

Since the 2010s. average life expectancy in Russia and the world exceeded 70 years

Since antiquity, methods for calculating the life expectancy of the population have been known. Over time they changed. Nowadays, groups of scientists put forward various methods for determining this indicator, which are largely similar.

However, there are also nuances, for example, accounting for infant mortality. Since in developed countries the mortality rate among newborns is extremely low and the rate only becomes lower over time, these data have virtually no effect on the overall picture when calculating the average life expectancy of citizens. In poor countries, the infant mortality rate, if scientists take it into account, can significantly distort the picture of overall life expectancy, since in poor countries a large percentage of children die before reaching one year. However, in the same regions, the rest of the population that survives the critical point often lives relatively long lives, acquiring resistance to many diseases. This implies the need for a more objective approach to determining average life expectancy, for which researchers sometimes do not include infant mortality in the overall picture or create separate calculations with and without taking this indicator into account.

In demography, the average life expectancy is used. It is always indicated for a certain age. By default, it is given for newborns. Using it to discuss centenarians or retirement age is a complete misunderstanding of the issue.


Video: world averages

In many countries (and, importantly, in different ways at different times), child and infant mortality were classified as separate statistics and taken into account in calculating average life expectancy. In our example, this indicator will immediately jump beyond 72: (20 + 7*80)/8 = 72.5. In addition, separate records are kept of deaths under 1 year of age and “deaths before birth,” including abortions.

In demography, the average life expectancy is used. It is always indicated for a certain age. By default, it is given for newborns. Using it to discuss centenarians or retirement age is a complete misunderstanding of the issue.


The worst situation of life expectancy is in Africa, except for its northern part (40–50 years), and they live longest in Europe, North America, Australia and Japan (70–90 years)

The question is not as simple as it seems. I was touched by Valery Akparov’s phrase: “In 2008, Russian men began to live to retirement age.” Let me give you an example:
There were 10 men living in one village. Of these: one died in infancy at the age of 1 year, one drowned in a river as a child at the age of 5, one died while serving in the army in hot spots at the age of 20, and the rest safely lived to be 80 years old. What will be the life expectancy here? If we count mathematically accurately, then: (1+5+20+7*80)/10 = 58.6. Those. the men of this village “did not live,” as the author says, to reach retirement age for more than a year. But let me! 70% of the male population of this village have a retirement age of 20 years! That's not bad by any standards.

In demography, the average life expectancy is used. It is always indicated for a certain age. By default, it is given for newborns. Using it to discuss centenarians or retirement age is a complete misunderstanding of the issue.


What does the life expectancy indicator depend on?

The average life expectancy in different countries of the world is influenced by many factors. The most significant of them:

  • level of healthcare;
  • state of ecology;
  • economic indicators (the ability of the population to provide themselves with decent living conditions and constant availability of food, state assistance in supplying citizens with everything they need);
  • political situation (in terms of the absence of military conflicts).

Indicators of average life expectancy in a particular region may change depending on how the individual factors given above have transformed.

For example, with the outbreak of a large-scale military conflict, during which part of the population is killed, the average life expectancy of people in a given region rapidly decreases, even if the rest of the population continues to live as long as before the outbreak of military clashes. This influence on statistics is explained by the fact that the life expectancy indicator is derived based on general calculations of the numbers of ages at which the deceased citizens of a particular country were located. Large differences in indicators are usually explained by the beginning and end of military conflicts. However, there are also less noticeable changes, which over time can still become very noticeable. For example, a gradual deterioration of the environment leads to the fact that the average life expectancy of the population becomes shorter. Correcting this situation can be extremely difficult, which is why it is rare to talk about positive dynamics in relation to changes in life expectancy indicators.

In demography, the average life expectancy is used. It is always indicated for a certain age. By default, it is given for newborns. Using it to discuss centenarians or retirement age is a complete misunderstanding of the issue.


In general, life expectancy (especially for men) has virtually no effect on population growth. Only the number of women of childbearing age has a significant impact. An example is African countries and countries with constant war (such as Afghanistan). Monstrous mortality rates, and the result is population growth even now. Specifically, Afghanistan is saved by polygamy - killed men are compensated by others. We don’t have a war now (it seems), so polygamy, once proposed by Zhirinovsky, is an excessive measure. There should be enough men for all women. But families need to be interested in a large number of children.

Country rating

In 2016, according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Hong Kong was the region with the highest rates of life expectancy.

People here live on average 84 years. Despite the fact that Hong Kong is officially one of the regions of China and, accordingly, should be represented in studies as part of the Celestial Empire, it has great autonomy. Hong Kong has its own economic and social life; it has laws and traditions that differ in many ways from Chinese ones. Perhaps these differences are the reason why the population of Hong Kong lives much longer than people in other regions of China. For comparison: the average life expectancy in the country is 75.8 years - this is 53rd place in the world ranking. Hong Kong's high performance can be explained by the fact that this region has a small number of industrial production compared to other Chinese provinces. This means that the environment in Hong Kong is not so polluted. In addition, the diet of local residents largely consists of seafood, which, according to experts, has a positive effect on the condition of the body and helps cleanse it.

Hong Kong ranks first in life expectancy with an average of 84 years Japan took second place in the ranking.

The high positions of this Asian country in world lists have not surprised anyone for a long time, since the Japanese have been awarded the title of a nation of centenarians for many years. The average life expectancy in Japan is 83.5 years. The situation in this country is in many ways similar to that described above. The Japanese are surrounded by water, so their diet largely consists of seafood. In addition, Japanese medicine is considered one of the most developed in the world. Today, it can be argued that Japan continues to work to ensure that the country’s population can lead a long, healthy life: the state promotes the use of cars that are harmless to the country’s environment, and a significant part of enterprises operate on electricity. In the case of the Japanese, mentality is of great importance, since the inhabitants of the country are unusually clean and disciplined.

Japan creates environmentally friendly technologies and develops medicine, which allows the country to increase the life expectancy of the population This European country, although not one of the ten richest countries in the world, has a low unemployment rate, and its residents receive one of the highest salaries in Europe. These factors give the population the opportunity to adequately arrange their lives and not need practically anything. In addition, medicine and social security in Italy are only improving every year. However, the indicators speak for themselves - the average life expectancy in Italy reaches 83.1 years.

The population of Italy is able to provide themselves with decent living conditions thanks to high wages, which leads to high life expectancy rates

Fourth place is occupied by Singapore, another Asian country that is developing more and more every year.

Having recently been a small state with an unstable economy, today Singapore has become one of the economic centers of Asia and has gained extraordinary popularity among tourists from all over the world. The mild climate, developed healthcare system and good ecology attract foreigners not only for an interesting holiday, but also for health improvement. Thus, in 2016, the average life expectancy of the country’s citizens was 83 years.

Average life expectancy in Singapore is 83 years The average population of Switzerland lives exactly the same, sharing fourth place with Singapore.

This is another European country where the population can live not only securely, but also for a long time. Switzerland is surrounded by European countries and has no access to the sea, but this particular state has been repeatedly called the cleanest in the world. Iceland was next on the global list. It is a small island state with a cool temperate climate. The population density in the state is only 3.1 people/km², and the number of residents barely reaches 320 thousand people. Nevertheless, every year Icelanders find themselves in the top ten countries in terms of average life expectancy. In 2016, this figure reached 82.6 years.

Spain has the same figure.

Life expectancy in Iceland has not fallen below 80 years for many years.

I spent the summer of 2012 in Iceland and then finally decided that I wanted to move here. During this time, I managed to travel around the country, see how Icelanders live, and begin to understand their mentality and attitude to life. My husband’s family received me very well, and since families in Iceland are large, there was no time to be bored.


In Australia and Israel, the population lives on average 82.4 years. France closes the top ten countries in terms of life expectancy, where people live up to 82.2 years.

However, it is worth paying attention to countries where life expectancy is the lowest according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

People in poor African countries live the least, so Swaziland took the last place among 190 countries. The population here lives to an average of 49 years of age. Such indicators are explained by the fact that people are often forced to live in complete unsanitary conditions. Social security is virtually non-existent, healthcare is poorly developed, and unemployment reaches more than 40%, leaving people unable to feed themselves and their families. In Swaziland, child mortality rates are among the highest in the world - families often have five to eight children, but not all of them survive to adulthood.

Swaziland is a South African country that ranks last in the ranking of countries in terms of average life expectancy.

On average, people live 49.8 years in Lesotho - this is another small state completely surrounded by the territory of the Republic of South Africa. Like other countries in southern Africa, Lesotho's greatest problems are the lack of health care and economic backwardness. In addition, among the country's two million residents, every fourth person is sick with AIDS. This figure is growing rapidly every year. However, people often die from less dangerous and treatable diseases, since there are only five doctors per hundred thousand people in the country. It is not surprising that low-income residents simply cannot afford to see a doctor.

Currently, the government is trying to stabilize the situation and political structure of Lesotho, relying on foreign experience. Prime Minister Pakalita Mosisili adopted a program to combat AIDS, which affects a large part of the population
African countries are at the bottom of the ranking in terms of life expectancy

Average life expectancy in Russia

According to the same rating, life expectancy in Russia is approximately 70.1 years. However, these data are somewhat at odds with the opinion of Russian experts. Thus, this summer, the Izvestia publication, citing Rosstat data, reported that in 2016, the average life expectancy in Russia was 71.87 years, which is a record for our country.

Age-specific mortality rates for men and women in 2014 are lower than in 2010

As Izvestia reports, the highest results were recorded in Ingushetia, Dagestan and Moscow - here the population lives on average 77 years. The lowest rates are in Tyva, Chukotka and the Jewish Autonomous Region - 64.2, 54.4, 65.8 years, respectively. As elsewhere in the world, life expectancy in these regions is influenced by a number of factors. In 2016, the government of the country expressed concern about the situation in regions with the lowest life expectancy rates for Russians, so it can be assumed that measures will be taken in the near future to change the situation for the better. More detailed results can be found on the Rosstat website, where new data are regularly announced.

Life expectancy at birth has been increasing since 2000 in all regions of the Russian Federation

Change in life expectancy in historical perspective

Despite the fact that today’s indicators of the Russian Federation are far from the best in world rankings, nowadays Russians live much longer than several decades ago.

Table: life expectancy at birth in Russia

YearsWhole populationUrban populationRural population
1896–1897 (across 50 provinces of European Russia)30,54 29,43 31,69 29,77 27,62 32,24 32,24 29,66 31,66
1926–1927 (across the European part of the RSFSR)42,93 40,23 45,61 43,92 40,37 47,50 42,86 40,39 45,30
1961–1962 68,75 63,78 72,38 68,69 63,86 72,48 68,62 63,40 72,33
1970–1971 68,93 63,21 73,55 68,51 63,76 73,47 68,13 61,78 73,39
1980–1981 67,61 61,53 73,09 68,09 62,39 73,18 66,02 59,30 72,47
1990 69,19 63,73 74,30 69,55 64,31 74,34 67,97 62,03 73,95
1995 64,52 58,12 71,59 64,70 58,30 71,64 63,99 57,64 71,40
2000 65,34 59,03 72,26 65,69 59,35 72,46 64,34 58,14 71,66
2001 65,23 58,92 72,17 65,57 59,23 72,37 64,25 58,07 71,57
2002 64,95 58,68 71,90 65,40 59,09 72,18 63,68 57,54 71,09
2003 64,84 58,53 71,85 65,36 59,01 72,20 63,34 57,20 70,81
2004 65,31 58,91 72,36 65,87 59,42 72,73 63,77 57,56 71,27
2005 65,37 58,92 72,47 66,10 59,58 72,99 63,45 57,22 71,06

In pre-revolutionary Russia, people lived for about thirty years. In the first half of the twentieth century, during the First World War and the Civil War, average life expectancy remained at approximately the same level due to the high mortality rate during the war. And the life expectancy of people born at the same time increased to forty years for men and forty-five for women. After the advent of peace, as social and technical problems were resolved, the life expectancy of Russians began to increase rapidly. Thus, it was expected that people born in the early sixties of the last century would live on average up to 68.75 years, in the early seventies - up to 68.93 years, and in the early eighties - up to 67.61 years.

The so-called “Russian cross” is a disaster that began in 1991 and ended in the early 2010s, when mortality exceeded birth rates

In 1990, the average life expectancy of Russian citizens was just over 69 years, after which there was a significant decline. Thus, in 1995, the country's population began to live almost five years less (64.5). Positive dynamics appeared only in the late nineties and early 2000s.

Life expectancy directly depends on the policies of the country's leadership

If you monitor the changes in these indicators, it is easy to notice that at all times men in Russia lived less than women. Even despite favorable changes, today the biggest problem continues to be male mortality throughout the entire Russian Federation. Today, the average life expectancy among men in Russia is 67 years - this is ten years less than the female figure. It is believed that this discrepancy can be explained by the way of life of Russian men: as a rule, they have more dangerous and difficult professions, and in everyday life they often undermine their health with bad habits (for example, about half of the adult male population of Russia are smokers) and neglect their general condition of your body.

Video: life expectancy of men

What awaits Russia in the future?

The average life expectancy indicator is very sensitive to the slightest changes in the situation on the territory of a particular state, and it is impossible to accurately judge the prospects for changes in this indicator. But today there has been a positive trend in the Russian Federation and we have every reason to believe that it will continue in the near future. So, this is influenced by the following factors:

  • economic stability - Russians are provided with jobs and have the opportunity to receive sufficient wages to purchase all necessary goods and services. In addition, Russians have the right to use social guarantees and count on financial assistance from the state in a number of cases;
  • improving the quality of medical care. Medicine does not stand still. Thus, in Russia in recent years, a lot of work has been done in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Also, the media are focused on maximum awareness of citizens regarding protection from socially dangerous diseases, due to which the spread of AIDS has become significantly lower;
  • orientation towards a healthy lifestyle. It has been proven that nowadays more and more young people give up alcohol and smoking and devote their free time to sports and active recreation;
  • safety. Today, the crime rate in the country has significantly decreased (compared to the levels of ten years ago), in addition, there are no military conflicts or major civil clashes on the territory of the state.

The President of the Russian Federation has only optimistic forecasts regarding the life expectancy of Russians. He said that by 2025 the average life expectancy will reach 76 years.

Video: Russia in numbers: life expectancy

As we see, the situation in most countries is quite predictable. Thus, life expectancy largely depends on the environmental and economic indicators under which the population of the country is forced to live. Average life expectancy may change as individual factors improve or worsen. It is impossible to say with certainty how long people will live in a particular country in a few years, since often the situation does not depend on the people themselves and it is impossible to predict the prospects. All we can say with certainty is that the situation is changing literally everywhere and in any case, after a very short period of time, the positions of countries in the world ranking in terms of life expectancy may change significantly.

Since 1900, global life expectancy has more than doubled and is approaching 70 years.

Increased life expectancy around the world

Life expectancy has been rising rapidly since the Age of Enlightenment. In poor countries just before modern times, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. At the beginning of the 19th century, it began to rise in countries with developed industry, while remaining low in the rest of the world.

This has led to very high unequal health distributions around the world, with good health in rich countries and persistently poor health in countries that remain poor. These global inequalities have decreased in recent decades. Countries previously suffering from poor health are rapidly gaining momentum.

Since 1900, the world's average life expectancy has more than doubled and is approaching 70 years. No country in the world has a lower life expectancy than the countries with the highest life expectancy in 1800, writes Oxford University economist and renowned data visualizer Max Roser.

The visualization below spectacularly shows the increase in life expectancy over the past few centuries. For the United Kingdom (which has the longest data timeline), we see that before the 19th century there was no trend in increasing life expectancy and life expectancy fluctuated between 30 and 40 years.

How life expectancy has changed by country over the past 500 years

The period of life expectancy of a newborn is shown - the estimated average number of years that the baby will live if the established patterns do not change during his life.

Over the past 200 years, countries around the world have made impressive progress in healthcare, resulting in increased life expectancy. Thus, in the UK, life expectancy has doubled and now exceeds 80 years. Health began to improve later in Japan, but the country quickly caught up with and surpassed Britain in the late 1960s. In South Korea, health began to improve even later, and the country made even faster progress than the UK and Japan. By now, life expectancy in South Korea has surpassed that in the UK.

The chart shows how low life expectancy was in some countries in the past. A hundred years ago, life expectancy in India and South Korea was only 23 years. A century later, life expectancy in India has nearly tripled and in South Korea it has nearly quadrupled.

Using the same visualization you can see dynamics of changes in life expectancy for individual countries (click on CHART, you can also add the country of interest by clicking on Add country). This display shows huge differences between countries: in sub-Saharan Africa, life expectancy is less than 50 years, while in Japan it is more than 80 years.

Let us recall that life expectancy is one of the components used to calculate the integral indicator.

Life expectancy has changed around the world

Life expectancy in every region of the world remained fairly stable throughout most of history until the start of the "health transition," a period in which life expectancy began to increase.

The table below shows that the transition to healthcare in different regions was not simultaneous. Oceania saw an increase in life expectancy in 1870, while Africa did not see an increase in life expectancy until 1920.

Estimating life expectancy before and after the “health transition”

Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy

Previous visualizations have shown that life expectancy is increasing around the world. However, life expectancy can be broken down into two components: " healthy life expectancy " And " years lived with disability " This breakdown is shown in the chart below.

Both indicators are rising in most countries. Life expectancy has increased around the world, and in some countries it has increased substantially in recent decades. Improvements in treatment methods and general health care have also increased the average life expectancy with illness and disability. This increase is in most cases less than the increase in healthy life expectancy.

In general, we see that in high-income countries the years of living with disability or disease burden are longer than in low-income countries (about 10–11 years compared to 7–9 years).

Healthy life expectancy

In addition to life expectancy, which is essentially an indicator of mortality, the most important indicator of development is healthy life expectancy for people of this age.

Below are the indicators healthy life expectancy(number of years people have remained in what they consider to be good health) for newly born (0 years) and for 60-year-old people.

Each disease affects quality of life to varying degrees, contributing different levels of disease burden and having different disability-adjusted life years.

Healthy life expectancy and healthy life expectancy by country (WHO)

by country (WHO)

Detailed data on average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy on the WHO website (xls; 22.5 MB).

Find a dynamic, interactive map of changes in life expectancy and income by country over 200 years in our material.

Today we will talk about the life expectancy of people in different countries of the world and compare it with Russia.

Every person at least once in his life thought about living forever. Of course, no one has yet been able to realize such a desire, but there are a lot of centenarians in the world. Even humanity as a whole began to live much longer than our distant ancestors. Previously, the age of about 40 years was considered the end of life, but today the average life expectancy is approximately 70 years.

Life expectancy in Russia

In 2015, WHO (World Health Organization) compiled a list of countries with life expectancy for the entire country, for men and for women. Russia ranks 110th on this list with an average life expectancy of 70.5 years. It is noteworthy that for women this figure is much higher - more than 10 years.

Women in Russia live on average 76.3 years, men - 64.7. Many attribute this to the fact that most of the country’s male population is negligent about their own health and safety measures in extreme situations. While women, on the contrary, strive to stay “in shape” longer, adhering to a healthier lifestyle.

Japan is a country of long-livers

This is where they really care about living as long as possible. Japan is the world leader in life expectancy. According to the same rating, this figure is 83.7 years. Separately for men and women it was 80.5 years and 86.8 years, respectively. O. It is the female population of Japan that ranks first in life expectancy in the world.

Why does Japan have the palm? For many centuries, the Japanese have been concerned about their body and health. Most Japanese people follow a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy food. Few people here overeat in one meal or prefer chips to vegetables.

The result of this lifestyle is obvious: outwardly, the Japanese also look much younger than their years for a very long time. It is often impossible to determine the age of a middle-aged person. This also affects health: thanks to dietary food, internal organs are less susceptible to disease, and heart attacks occur less often.

European countries

Almost half of European countries are in the top ten of the WHO rankings. Thus, Switzerland (83.4 years) is in second place after Japan, followed by Germany (83.1 years), occupying second and third place in the ranking.

Also present here:

— Spain is in 5th place with an indicator of 82.8 years;
— Iceland in 6th place - 82.7 years;
— Italy in 7th place - 82.7 years;
— France in 9th place -82.4 years;
— Sweden closes the top ten with an indicator of 82.4 years.

As can be seen from the list, life expectancy in these countries is almost the same. Experts attribute this primarily to a well-developed healthcare system. In countries such as Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, medicine has reached the highest level, which makes it possible to effectively prevent and treat a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to this, in many European countries it is possible to prolong the lives of thousands of people prone to various diseases.

The quality of food and the environment are also important factors. Europe has very high standards for the quality and safety of all food products. Therefore, it is easy to find truly healthy food here. Even products such as fatty cheeses, sausages and the like are made from high-quality raw materials, which are carefully controlled by law.

The ecology of countries located near the Mediterranean Sea - Spain, France, Italy - has a positive impact on life expectancy. Due to the mild climate, cases of respiratory and pulmonary diseases and heart disease are less common here.

The culinary habits and traditions of these countries also contribute to increasing life expectancy. The presence of a large number of vegetables, fruits, and natural products in the diet ensures the smooth functioning of the body. This directly affects your overall health, quality and length of life.

All this together creates excellent conditions for the long life of the peoples of these countries.

Australia - 4th place in the WHO ranking

Having diluted the European countries, Australia entered the top ten of the ranking. The country, seemingly cut off from the rest of the world, is also famous for its life expectancy, the average of which was 82.8 years in 2015.

Australia is isolated from the world, does not participate in wars and has nothing to share with its neighbors, because they are far away. In view of this, life here is quite calm and measured, and the people are exclusively concerned with their own lives. This may be one of the reasons for the longevity of Australians. By the way, the difference between men and women is not so great: 80.9 and 84.8, respectively.

The climate in this part of the world is also favorable: mild winters and moderately warm summers. Many Australians are engaged in farming, growing organic products: organic food helps to improve and maintain health for many years. In addition, healthcare is well developed here.

Does quantity mean quality?

The most populous countries are also included in the WHO ranking list. Although they did not take a leading position in life expectancy. As a rule, in these countries the birth rate exceeds the death rate, which is why the population grows. But it does not always depend on life expectancy. In some cases it is much lower than the population of the country.

Breakthrough in increasing life expectancy in China

China is one of the most numerous and interesting countries in terms of increasing life expectancy. Despite the fact that it exceeds all others in population, it was only in 54th place with an indicator of 76.1 years (74.6 for men and 77.6 for women). Nevertheless, this is already a great achievement for the country.

The fact is that not so long ago, in 1949, this figure was only 35 years. This age was the average throughout the populous country. The government became seriously concerned about this problem and began to take development measures. The state managed to correct the situation by creating the world's largest social security system.

The government has made a great contribution to the development of the country, thanks to which the poverty level has decreased many times: more than 700 million people have moved from a poor social level to a moderately prosperous one. According to statistics, this is 70% of the entire world population that has escaped poverty.

For more than 50 years, all spheres of public life have developed in the country - culture, education, economics, healthcare. There has been a great improvement in the health sector, which has reduced the number of diseases in all age groups. Separately, a cooperative rural health care system has been created, which has improved the situation among the population employed in rural industry.

A lot of attention is paid to environmental safety. Considerable resources have been invested to ensure environmental standards in China's major cities and rural regions.

Thanks to the combination of all these factors, life expectancy in China has been able to rise so quickly in a relatively short period. This is the biggest leap in the world.

Life expectancy in India

The situation in the world's second most populous country is radically different from China. There is a very high birth rate here, which is not regulated in any way. Moreover, the following trend is noted: the higher the social status of the family, the fewer children are born in it. Accordingly, the maximum birth rate occurs in the lower strata of the population. And in them, unfortunately, infant mortality is very high, and diseases are common that do not allow people to live to old age.

As a result of this imbalance, the number of population in the country does not depend in any way on life expectancy, which, according to the rating in question, is 68.3 years. Thus, India ranks 125th in the list.

Summing up

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that life expectancy directly depends on:

- lifestyle of the majority of the population;
— the level of development of healthcare in the country;
— quality of food and water;
— environmental situation;
— the level of general development of the country as a whole and its population.

It is important to emphasize that the more sensitive the people themselves are to their own health, the longer they can live in this world. Therefore, life expectancy in a country depends not only on the quality of medical development, but also on the lifestyle of each of us.

Life expectancy in different countries of the world is an indicator of the development of a country, its well-being and healthcare system.

Typically, states with high life expectancy are characterized by a well-established social security and insurance system, because, first of all, older people require financial assistance from the state, and developed countries are able to provide the older generation with the necessary pension payments and subsidies.

Average life expectancy is also influenced by people’s lifestyle, the quality of their diet and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

  1. . For many experts, the longevity of Italians still remains a mystery. Even though the country is a member of the European Union, wages and pensions are not very good compared to other European countries. Also, Italy cannot boast of a highly developed medical system, but this does not prevent its citizens from living to an average of 82.84 years.
  2. . The republic's citizens live on average 82.66 years. Their quality of life is influenced by the temperate climate, clean air, and the calm and peaceful atmosphere in the republic. The healthcare sector also plays an important role, where Switzerland invests millions of euros annually.
  3. . This small island nation has a life expectancy of 82.64 years. Residents of Singapore are protected to the maximum from the destructive influence of cars. The country strictly regulates the number of cars to prevent environmental pollution. The government has also created an excellent healthcare system, which is aimed primarily at preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases in people, and not at treating them.
  4. . Icelandic residents live an average of 82.3 years. This life expectancy is influenced by a large amount of fish in the diet containing omega. This microelement activates the body’s protective properties, so Icelanders are less likely to be exposed to various diseases. Iceland also boasts a unique temperate climate. The use of geothermal energy plays an important role.

  5. Kingdom. In this state, men and women adhere to the Mediterranean diet, which includes a large amount of seafood. On average, Spaniards live 82.27 years. This kingdom is distinguished not only by good climatic conditions, but also by the excellent mental health of its citizens. According to statistics, Spain has the lowest suicide rate in the world.
  6. differs in the life expectancy of its citizens at 82.09 years. This country has high obesity rates. Australia also has the highest percentage of people suffering from skin cancer in the world. This situation occurs due to the hot climate. But despite this, the Commonwealth of Australia recently introduced a program to reduce smoking among citizens, which affected their life expectancy.
  7. . It is believed that the mixed population of God's Earth affects the life expectancy of Jews. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but in Israel people on average live to 82.07 years.
  8. . One of the most developed countries in the European Union with a life expectancy of 81.93 years. The state has devoted a lot of resources to clean up the environment. Swedes also eat a lot of berries and seafood, which prevent the occurrence of heart disease.
  9. . This European state boasts a life expectancy of 81.84 years. The main secret of the longevity of the French lies in proper nutrition and good medical care.
  10. . This state is considered to be a country of immigrants. According to statistics, more than 30% of Canada’s population came here for permanent residence from different parts of the world. But this did not affect the average life expectancy (81.78 years). Canada is characterized by one of the most developed healthcare systems; this country has one of the best and highest quality medical care.
  11. . The republic is known for its climate and outstanding nature. On average, New Zealanders live to 81.56 years.
  12. . This country has a very high level of urbanization (relocation of the rural population to cities), but even this does not prevent Korea from maintaining one of the leading positions in terms of life expectancy, which is 81.43 years. Many experts note that Koreans live so long thanks to their incredible ability to work, which constantly keeps the human body in good shape.
  13. . Citizens of this state live to an average of 81.33 years.

Countries with low life expectancy

  1. The first place is occupied by the Central African Republic with an indicator of 45 years. The country has a low level of medicine, and most of the state's residents are exposed to diseases such as HIV infection and malaria.
  2. Lesotho. The African country is known in the world as the state with the highest percentage of HIV-infected people. According to statistics, half of the female population under 40 years of age is infected with this virus. Because of this situation, mortality increases, so people usually do not cross the threshold of 46 years.
  3. Sierra Leone (46 years old). This republic survived a civil war that took the lives of 50 thousand people.
  4. Zimbabwe. The indicator is 46 years. This republic has a high mortality rate due to ulcers and HIV infection.
  5. Zambia. One of the poorest republics in Africa. Today in Zambia, residents do not even live to be 50 years old, and the average life expectancy is 46 years.
  6. Afghanistan. Life expectancy in this state was affected by the war, which maimed more than 80 thousand Afghan citizens. Today this state is characterized by a life expectancy of 47 years.
  7. Swaziland is a country with 26% of the population infected with HIV. It is from this disease that most of the inhabitants of Swaziland die. The second deadly disease that has eradicated the population of Swaziland is tuberculosis, which kills 18% of the population every year. In this African republic, people usually live up to 47 years.
  8. Congo is the country with the second highest infant mortality rate in the world. Residents in Congo typically live to be 47 years old.
  9. Mozambique. This African republic experienced a civil war that undermined the political system and destroyed the medical system. In Mozambique, people live to 48 years of age due to lack of health care.
  10. Burundi completes the ranking of countries with an indicator of 48 years. Over the past two decades, the republic has experienced a civil war that has left Burundi in ruins.
    Top 5 oldest inhabitants of the world on video.

Average life expectancy. The number of living people can also be interpreted as the number of person-years lived by the entire generation born in the age interval " x " Then, therefore,

Fig.6.4. Lifelines lx male and female population of the USSR, 1926-1927, 1958-1959, 1986-1987.

generation born l 0 will survive the first year of life (i.e. age 0) L 0 years, in the 2nd year - L i years, on the 3rd - l 2 years, etc., but in total:

Where T 0 - number of person-years that to come to live for this generation born.

If this sum of man-years is divided by the initial size of the generation, i.e. per number of births l 0 , then we get a very important social indicator, which is called the average life expectancy indicator.

Average life expectancy- this is the number of years that one person on average from a given generation of births will live, provided that throughout the life of this generation, mortality in each age group will remain unchanged at the level of the calculation period.

The life expectancy is calculated for newborns (or otherwise they say - life expectancy at birth) and for those who have reached a certain age "X".

In the form of formulas, the calculation of both averages can be presented as follows.

For newborns:


Since when calculating the average life expectancy for newborns, the basis of the mortality table l 0 = 1, it can be omitted, and finally this indicator is expressed as the sum of the numbers living in the life interval from the birth of a generation to its complete disappearance.

For people who have reached a certain age " x ", the calculation differs only in that the number of people surviving to age "X", the denominator of the fraction is already less than 1 and cannot be omitted.


The level of average life expectancy in Russia and its dynamics

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the average life expectancy in the country in 1997 was 60.89 years for men and 72.75 years for women. After a sharp drop in this indicator in the first half of the 90s. - for men by almost 6.2 years, for women - by 3.1 years - in the last two years, life expectancy has begun to increase, and quite quickly. In just three years, 1995-1997, it increased by 3.3 years for men and 1.6 years for women. Perhaps this is not a short-term wave fluctuation, but the beginning of a new trend, evidence of our people overcoming the state of shock and adapting to the new economic and social realities of life. But still, the average life expectancy of our population remains relatively low compared to most economically developed countries and even a number of developing countries (see table 6.6).

In 1995, out of 196 countries for which the UN calculates average life expectancy (or receives data from countries), Russia ranked 140th in life expectancy for men and 100th in life expectancy for women. Such a lag cannot be justified by any “objective” reasons.

Table 6.6 Average life expectancy population (for newborns) in Russia and individual countries of the world in 1997


Infant mortality rate, ‰

Average life expectancye 0




Great Britain


Costa Rica


South Korea