Potato zrazy - food preparation

The taste depends not so much on the products as on the cooking technology. Any type of potato will do. You can boil it in its uniform and peel it in finished form, or immediately peel and cut it into pieces - everything here is up to the housewife’s choice. The potato mass should be cooled until it is well warm, so that it is more plastic and easy to mold with your hands. The filling can be anything that goes well with potatoes - meat or minced meat, onions fried until golden brown, spinach and other greens with eggs, vegetables, sausage or frankfurters. Fry in vegetable or butter.

Recipe 1: Potato zrazy with minced meat

A very tasty and satisfying dish is made from simple ingredients: potatoes and fried minced meat with onions. This is a special dish. After all, we will not fry our zrazy, but boil it. Sticky potato dough is difficult to form into a bun, but it is not advisable to add a lot of flour. Things move much faster if you wet your hands with cold water.

Ingredients: potatoes (1 kg), minced meat (250 grams), onions (3 pcs), breadcrumbs (3 spoons), flour (300 grams), egg (1 pc), salt, pepper, vegetable oil, butter and cheese for decorating the finished dish and serving it on the table.

Cooking method

Boil the potatoes in their skins and cool. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add crackers and fry for another 3 minutes. Add the minced meat and fry, stirring until the minced meat is cooked. While stirring the minced meat, break up the pieces with a spatula so that it cooks evenly. Grate the peeled potatoes on a coarse grater and add the egg. Add flour in parts, stirring well. Wet your hands with water and separate a piece of dough, then form a flat cake, place the minced meat inside and close it in the form of a bun. Place them on a plate as they fry quickly and it is advisable to cook them all at the same time. After floating, cook for 10 minutes. Place the finished products on a plate, coat them with butter and cover with grated cheese.

Recipe 2: Potato zrazy with cabbage

This is perhaps the most popular recipe. Cabbage with potatoes is a classic of the genre. By the way, if you don’t have fresh cabbage, you can use sauerkraut. It is best to mix it half and half with fresh and herbs.

Ingredients: potatoes (10 pcs), flour (3 spoons), onions (2 pcs), carrots (2 pcs), cabbage (1 small head, 1 kg), egg, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Boil the potatoes and pass through a meat grinder. Break the egg and mix, add flour. Fry the onion in a frying pan, add carrots. Finely chop the cabbage and add to the onion. You can add fresh green onions or other herbs. Cool the finished filling. We mold the zrazy with our hands - crush it into a flat cake. Place the filling in the middle and seal. Fry the zrazy on both sides in a hot frying pan with oil.

Recipe 3: Potato zrazy with mushrooms

A classic combination is potatoes with mushrooms. First, prepare the mushrooms and then hide them in potato dough and fry them. Simple and delicious.

Ingredients: fresh or frozen mushrooms (500 grams, champignons are ideal), onions (1 piece), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), breadcrumbs, sour cream (150 grams), salt, black pepper, potatoes (500 grams).

Cooking method

Prepare the filling - fry small pieces in vegetable oil, add onion and fry for 5-7 minutes. Salt and pepper. Cool. Peel and boil the potatoes in salted water. While mashing the potatoes, add a little broth or hot milk and flour. The dough should be soft. We form pieces and make “pies”. Place the minced mushroom in the center, pinch the edges to form long cutlets. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan. Serve on a platter with sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Potato zrazy with liver

Zrazy with liver is healthy and tasty. Even if you're not a big fan of liver, its distinctive flavor will blend with fried onions and mashed potatoes.

Ingredients: chicken or turkey liver (400 grams), mashed potatoes (1 kg, potatoes 1.5 kg), eggs (2 pcs), onions (2-3 pcs), dill and parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, crackers breading

Cooking method

Boil the potatoes - whole, or cut into pieces, drain and mash. Fry chicken or turkey liver in vegetable oil with onions for a short time until it becomes soft. Boil chicken eggs hard and chop finely. You also need to fry the onion separately, and then prepare the minced meat - pass the liver through a meat grinder, add the onion and chopped boiled eggs. You can also add green onions. Break a raw egg into the potato mixture, add salt, pepper and stir with 3-4 tablespoons of flour. All that remains is to form the cakes and mold the zrazy, similar to a pie, and fry them until golden brown.

Potato zrazy - useful tips from experienced chefs

It is better to cook peeled potatoes without salt, and add salt only with flour. A good effect will be obtained if, before frying, dip the molded semi-finished product in a beaten egg and then in breadcrumbs. If after breading the entire structure is broken, straighten it with your hands and give it a beautiful shape.

A very tasty Lenten dish - potato zrazy with fish. The technology for their preparation is, in principle, very similar to other options. It is better to take the fish without bones, boil it in a small amount of water, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. You can add onions fried in vegetable oil.

Lesson on:

“Cooking potato zrazas”

(7th grade)

Teacher of the highest qualification category of vocational training Pavlova L.I.

Subject : “Preparing potato zrazas”

Lesson type : combined

Form of conduct : a lesson in carrying out complex work

Target : Consolidate knowledge about preparing mashed potatoes, learn how to cook potato zrazy with egg


Educational : to achieve students’ assimilation of key concepts during practical performance of the task, to generalize and systematize students’ knowledge as a result of practical work, to develop skills in molding immediately.

Developmental : develop attention, observation, form professional competencies

Educational : to cultivate a caring attitude towards products, to develop independence when performing work, to consolidate the skill of self-control

Equipment : equipment, tools, cutting boards Gastronomy, dishes, products: potatoes, eggs, flour, butter, breadcrumbs, salt

During the classes:

1 Organizational point:

Goal: preparing students, getting ready for work. Checking the presence of children, wishes for success in the lesson.

2 Introductory briefing:

Reporting the form of the lesson. Updating students' knowledge to perform educational and practical work.

3 Teacher's opening speech:

Now it is unknown who invented the dish called “zrazy”. Some consider them to be their homeland in Poland, others in Belarus, and some think that they were invented by Lithuanian chefs. Zrazy are cutlets with filling. At first there were meat zrazy, then they began to make it from potatoes, stuffed with mushrooms, boiled eggs, and vegetables. Zrazy is a tasty and satisfying dish, and it is not very expensive.

Today we will try to make this unfamiliar dish called zrazy.

4 Testing students' knowledge.

a) Defect card

Characteristics Causes

1 Potato mass with lumps 1 Poorly pureed;

2 Potatoes were mashed cold

2Liquid potato mass 1Ready boiled potatoes

didn't dry it out

2A little of the broth was drained

3 Potato mixture 1 Frying pan is not heated well

sticks to the pan 2 Not rolled in breadcrumbs

Card No. 2

1 What technological process is characterized by the listed verbs?

Sort, peel, add cold water, boil, drain, cool, wipe, add egg.

2 What tool do you need when preparing potato cutlets?

3 Describe the potato mass product called cutlets.

It has an oval shape with a pointed end, fried on both sides in breadcrumbs.

5 Analysis of children's answers.

6 Target setting for the next stage of work :

Before we do practical work, let's think about what kind of utensils we need (students call utensils, tools)

7 Task:

Draw up a technological scheme for preparing zraz.

1Prepare cutlet mass

2 Boil eggs, cool, peel, cut into cubes

3 Make a flatbread

4 Place the minced meat in the middle of the flatbread

5 Connect the edges

6 Bread the semi-finished product

7 Heat the oil and fry the zrazy

8 Serve with sour cream, butter, fresh or salted vegetables.

8 Reminder on safe work practices

    Always be careful when working

If you accidentally spill liquid, quickly wipe it up.

To prevent blisters on your palms

Handle hot objects with gloves

Choose a pan according to its volume according to the calculation.

Do not add 10 centimeters to the edges

You should not push the piece with your hand

Into an electric meat grinder, it’s dangerous my friend

9 Practical work

And so, the rules according to T.B. We repeated, now we are preparing food for zraz.

Using the technological map, children independently boil potatoes and eggs, process them, form zrazy (the teacher provides assistance if necessary), bread them, and fry them. Children work independently.

10 Tasting the finished dish, analyzing the work performed.

11 Reflection :

1What products did you use to prepare the zraz?

2 Is it necessary to bread potato zrazy?

3 Is it correct to place zrazy on a frying pan with the tucks facing down?

12 Result, grading for work in the lesson.

Sequence of preparation of potato zrazas

1 Boil potatoes in their jackets

2Crush, add eggs, a little flour, mix

3Prepare minced eggs, herbs

4Make a flatbread, put minced meat, form zraza (cutlet with filling)

5Breaded, fried

6Serve with sour cream, fresh or salted vegetables

lawsuit of 7b grade students


Student's last name

Enrolled in school


Volkova Angela Andreevna, 2001


29 from 02.09.2013

Lisichnikov Sergey Dmitrievich, 1999


29 from 02.09.2013

Menshikova Daria Sergeevna, 1999


29 from 02.09.2013

Nikitinets Igor Olegovich, 2000


29 from 02.09.2013

Tarasenko Peter Alexandrovich, 1999


"I affirm"
_____________ Art. Master

Cooled by V.V.

According to the collection of Recipes 2011 according to No. 332

Name of dish:"Potato zrazy

Product Name


potato mass

dried porcini mushrooms

bulb onions

table margarine

mass of minced meat

semi-finished product weight

cooking oil

a lot of fried zraz



Operation No. 1

Operation No. 2. Reception of products.

Operation No. 3

Operation No. 4. Preparation of minced meat: Onions are cut into strips and sautéed; mushrooms are finely chopped and fried. Sautéed onions are mixed with fried mushrooms, salted and ground pepper is added.

Operation No. 5. Preparation immediately: Flatbreads are formed from the potato mass, minced meat is placed in the middle and the edges are connected so that the minced meat is inside the product. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, giving it the shape of a brick with oval edges, and fried on both sides.

Quality requirements

Appearance – the product is breaded in breadcrumbs, evenly fried, the minced meat is well packed. Taste and smell - moderately salted with the aroma of potatoes, minced meat products, the smell of steamed onions is not allowed. The surface color is golden, the mince is light brown, the shell is white or cream. The consistency of the shell is fluffy and loose. Not sticky, without lumps of ungrated potatoes, the filling is juicy.

Submission rules

When dispensing, zrazy (2 pieces per serving) is poured with fat

"I affirm"
_____________ art. Master

Cooled by V.V.


According to the collection of Recipes 2011 according to No. 330

Name of dish:"Potato cutlets "

Product Name


semi-finished product weight

vegetable oil

mass of fried cutlets



Operation No. 1. Organization of the workplace. Read the regulatory and technical documentation. Make a selection of dishes, equipment, tools.

Operation No. 2. Reception of products. All received products must be weighed on scales, their quality determined by appearance and smell, the products must comply with the standard and technical specifications.

Operation No. 3. Preparation of potato mass: Peeled potatoes are boiled, dried and rubbed while hot, cooled to 40-50*C, eggs are added and mixed well.

Operation No. 4. Cooking cutlets: Cutlets of 2 pieces are formed from the potato mass. per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs. The prepared cutlets are fried on both sides.

Quality requirements

Appearance – the product is breaded in breadcrumbs, evenly fried, the minced meat is well packed. Taste and smell - moderately salted with the aroma of potatoes, no foreign smell is allowed. The surface color is golden, the shell is white or cream. The consistency of the shell is fluffy and loose. Not sticky, without lumps of ungrated potatoes.

Submission rules

When releasing, cutlets (2 pieces per serving) are poured with fat

Master of industrial training__________ Petroshenko A.N.


Nutritional and energy value

Quality and safety indicators

Registration, submission, sale and storage

Technological process


List of raw materials

2.1 To prepare potato zraza, the following raw materials are used:

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.

3.1 Recipe for the dish “Potato zrazy”

name of raw materials Mass of raw materials (gross) per 1 serving, g Mass of raw materials (net) per 1 serving, g Weight of raw materials (gross) for 10 servings, kg Weight of raw materials (net) for 10 servings, kg
Potato 2,41 1,81
Chicken egg 1/10 1 PC 0,04
Potato mass - - 1,8
Dried white mushrooms 0,1 0,1
Salt 0,05 0,05
Bulb onions 0,48 0,4
Margarine 0,05 0,05
Weight of minced meat - - 0,4
Wheat maca 0,12 0,12
Weight of semi-finished product - - 2,25
Cooking fat 0,1 0,1
Yield of finished dish - 2,0

4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of the “Potato Zrazy” dish is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments” (1994).

4.2 From the potato mass, prepared as for cutlets, flat cakes are formed into 2 pieces. per serving. Place minced meat in the middle of the flatbread and connect its edges so that the minced meat is inside the product. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour, giving the shape of a brick with oval edges, and fried on both sides.

For minced meat: onions are cut into strips and sautéed, boiled mushrooms are finely chopped and fried, carrots, cut into strips, are simmered with fat. Onions are mixed with fried mushrooms. When leaving, the zrazy is poured with fat.

5.1 When leaving, place it on a plate immediately and pour over the fat.

5.2 Serve at t = 65°C.

5.3 Sales deadline is within a day.

6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the dish

Appearance: Potato cutlet

Color: golden crust.

Consistency: elastic, juicy

Taste: the dish is moderately salty with a pronounced taste of fried potatoes and mushrooms.

Smell: roasted potatoes

6.2 Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R50736-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions".

Compiled and developed

production manager _______________________ ___________

signature full name

I approve

Canteen director


on the “Fried liver” dish

Technology for preparing the dish “Potato Zrazy”


Name of dish: Potato zrazy

Cooking recipe No. 476

Type of processing: frying

Recipe (layout of products) for 200 grams of net dish:

Yield: with fat 210, with sour cream 220.

Sequence of preparation of the dish “Potato Zrazy”:

Preparation of potato mass:

  • 1. Boil potatoes. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cook until done. Salt the water first.
  • 2. Dry the finished potatoes. To do this, drain the water and place the pan on the stove to evaporate the remaining liquid. Rub the potatoes through a sieve while hot. Leave to cool to a temperature of 40-50°C,
  • 3. Add raw eggs to the warm potato mixture, stir until smooth.

Prepare minced meat:

  • 1. Peel the onions, rinse, cut into strips and sauté with fat.
  • 2. Combine sautéed onions with boiled finely chopped eggs, bring to taste, adding salt and pepper and stir.

Form the zrazy:

  • 1. Potato mass, cut into portions (2 pieces per serving).
  • 2. Place the amount of potato mixture (according to the recipe) on a damp cloth (gauze) and flatten it into a flat cake.
  • 3. Place the minced meat in the middle of the flatbread and connect the edges of the flatbread so that the minced meat is inside the product.
  • 4. Then the product is breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and shaped into a brick with oval edges.
  • 5. The prepared semi-finished product is placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven.

Serving the dish:

When dispensing, the zrazy is placed on a small dinner plate or portioned dish (2 pieces per serving), sprinkled with butter, margarine or sour cream. Sour cream can be served separately, garnished with a sprig of herbs.

Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of the dish (vitamins, microelements):

Quality requirements:

Potato mass - soft consistency, without lumps of minced meat, homogeneous.

Finished products:

Appearance - the shape of bricks with blunt ends, without cracks, with a crispy crust evenly breaded in breadcrumbs on the surface, minced meat in the middle, not visible, with sour cream

The color on the surface is golden brown, on the break it is white, the mince is light brown.

Taste and smell - boiled, fried potatoes with minced meat, aroma of minced meat and sour cream.

For the technological scheme for preparing the “Potato Zrazy” dish, see Appendix 1.