Italy is a country of true coffee lovers, which is why a record number of world coffee brands are concentrated on its territory. How does the national drink of Italy differ from others, which brands offer the best and why is real espresso offered here?

History of Italian coffee

Coffee does not grow in Italy, there are no favorable conditions for this shrub, but the process of conquering Europe with an invigorating drink began precisely from this country, or more precisely, from its independent republic - Venice. Italian - this product was one of the goods that rich Venetians traded, buying it from the Turks and reselling it to Europeans. But this happened much later.

The first coffee beans were brought to Milan from Africa as a material for study in 1500, and mass purchases of coffee began 125 years later, the supplier was Yemen. In Venice, for the first time in European regions, coffee shops began to appear, the number of which reached 2 hundred over several decades. Here you could not only try a tasty and aromatic drink, but also socialize as if at a social event. Intellectual youth, the elite, famous artists and politicians liked to gather in coffee houses.

Florian - the oldest and most famous coffee shop in Venice

Italians are the developers of several roasting technologies, the strongest of which is called dark or Italian. They know how to organically blend varieties of coffee beans, carefully select raw materials, and amazingly sense the finest facets of taste and aroma, which is why they are considered the best in the field of drink production and preparation.

Types of Italian coffee

When talking about Italian coffee, everyone imagines a tiny portion of strong and aromatic espresso and you won’t be mistaken. This drink is first on the list of national drinks. But there is no limit to perfection. In this country there is double and triple espresso, which are respectively called Doppio and Trippio espresso.

This is part of the most famous Italian types of coffee drinks

  • Macchiato is a classic strong espresso with a small amount of warm frothed milk.
  • Espresso Romano is Roman coffee with lemon zest.
  • Ristretto is the strongest of all types, its volume is only 25 ml.
  • Frappuccino is a drink served chilled, the list of ingredients includes milk, whipped cream and caramel syrup.
  • Cappuccino – espresso with milk and milk foam.
  • Bicherin is a delicious drink made from coffee, cream and chocolate.
  • Moreta Fanez - coffee with a mixture of alcoholic drinks: rum, anise liqueur and brandy. Warms perfectly.
  • Glace is a drink with creamy ice cream.

Italian coffee sometimes amazes with its combination of ingredients, but it cannot be tasteless or fragrant. This country even has special rules for ordering this drink.

So, morning is the best time for espresso, latte and macchiato. Moreover, if you ask to add a little liqueur, syrup or other ingredients to the cup, the barista will immediately understand that this is a guest from another country.

The most famous brands

Italy is home to a large number of coffee roasting and packaging companies. The most famous brands of Italian coffee are Lavazza, Quimbo, Trombetta, Illy.

Illy is a brand operating in the premium segment of the market. Offers the best blends of high quality Arabica beans from around the world. The brand is well known in Europe, but in Russia it is just beginning to gain popularity. The brand's products always have a deep and rich aroma, medium caffeine content and a unique aftertaste. Illy offers ground, bean and batch coffee. The brand's technologists are credited with developing the first coffee machine.

Lavazza is the largest and most popular Italian brand, which has well established its position in Europe. Works with different varieties of coffee beans from all over the world - from Brazil and Colombia to Vietnam and Indonesia. This brand offers many blends of coffee of different roasts. The brand's product range includes ground and bean coffee, as well as product in capsules and pods.

If you ask 4 Italians what kind of coffee they prefer, then 3 out of 4 will point to Lavazza as the best and most authentic. The photo above shows the brand's range, available in all European countries.

Kimbo is a brand that operates at an average price in the market segment and sells its products in 60 countries around the world. Offers blends of different varieties of Arabica and Robusta. Kimbo coffee can be purchased in beans and ground. A distinctive feature of the production technology at the brand’s factories is hot air roasting, thanks to which the maximum aroma is preserved in the beans and a constant consistency of taste is achieved.

What are Italian coffee shops famous for? What types of coffee are popular in the country and how do Italians drink coffee? Our life hack: cappuccino-espresso, coretto, fredo, glasse, macchiatto and decaf.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee excites people all over the world, and not just in. Italian coffee can be tasted in different places, but this country has its own rules for this invigorating drink.


The popular Italian cappuccino-espresso in tiny cups with a cap of whipped and heated milk, sprinkled with cocoa or cinnamon, is usually drunk in Italy only for breakfast. But don’t think that people in this country drink coffee only in the morning, this is not true.

Not every Italian can wake up without a cup of espresso!

How do they drink and what kind of Italian coffee do locals prefer?

In second place in popularity is the ordinary version of this coffee - espresso, which is everywhere designated by the laconic word “coffee”. The secret of this strong drink lies in the coffee machine, with the help of which a layer of ground black coffee allows strong steam to pass through it. This results in a drink with a dense foam cap, slightly caramel color and perky strength.

Cappuccino-espresso is considered a subtype of the classic espresso drink due to the addition of a medium amount of milk to the coffee during the preparation process.

Cappuccino-espresso in tiny cups with a cap of whipped and heated milk, sprinkled with cocoa or cinnamon, is usually drunk in Italy only for breakfast.

Italian coffee "Coretto"

Among young people, the “Coretto” type of coffee is popular, when strong alcohol is added to the cup. Here you can find a variety for any picky client - add liqueurs, brandy and even the famous. The latter is very insidious, and consuming it in large quantities is extremely undesirable, especially for an unprepared tourist-taster.

Coffee "Glace" and "Freddo"

In the hot summer, Italians of all ages love to drink “Glasse” coffee (or as Italians also call it “Freddo” coffee) in coffee shops, when creamy ice cream is added to the strong drink. Cold Latte is also very popular - cold milk is added to coffee. This drink is served in large glasses and is often ordered to take with you to work or for a walk.

"Decafeinato" and "Latte Macchiatto"

People with restrictions on drinking coffee for health reasons can always order decaffeinated coffee (Decafeinato coffee) or Latte Macchiatto, that is, milk with a slight addition of coffee.

Italian coffee shops

#GorgeousView over a cup of cappuccino

When you first find yourself in Italy, you will soon notice that coffee shops are literally everywhere here! They are especially common in large cities in tourist areas.

In Italy, it is especially pleasant to drink coffee while sitting in an open-air cafe, with a gorgeous view of a famous cultural or historical landmark. Rest assured, the owners of the establishment took care of the view in advance, opening it in this place about a century ago and passing it on to descendants.

Florian in Venice is the founder of Italian coffee houses. Today you can drink a cup of aromatic drink here for 18 euros. How do you like the price?

The air of Italy will intoxicate your head, and you will forever remember the aroma of this drink with the most beautiful name - “Italian coffee”.

The modern world seems impossible without daily coffee consumption, and the love for it unites coffee lovers from all over the world! How much do you know about real Italian coffee: about its types, names, “rules” for its use and how to order coffee in an Italian bar?

In this article we will tell you all the most interesting things about Italian coffee. Get ready to be immersed in its aromatic world: we promise you will love it!

Main types of Italian coffee and coffee drinks

Flat white, latte with sweet syrups, coffee in avocado or with activated carbon... Forget about all these types of coffee drinks inspired by modern fashion, because real Italian coffee is served only in several variations of different strengths:

1. Caffè(kaffe" ) is what we are all used to calling “espresso”, namely, invigorating coffee with a rich taste. Served in tiny cups;

2. Caffè ristretto(caffè "ristr é tto, or caffè corto ) – literally translated as “shortened coffee”: it is “espresso” that is prepared with less water, due to which the taste becomes even more intense. Served with a glass of water at the end;

3. Caffè doppio(kaffe" do ppyo) - double portion caffè;

4. Caffè lungo(kaffe" lungo) – translated as “long coffee”: this is espresso, which is prepared with a double portion of water. Therefore, the taste is a little softer;

5. Caffè decaffeinato(kaffe " decaffeinato) - espresso without caffeine;

6.Сaff è con panna(caffe con panna) – espresso with a “cap” of sweet whipped cream on top;

7.Caff è macchiato(kaffe" macchiato) – literally “dirty coffee”, but in reality – espresso, to which a drop of milk is added for a more delicate taste;

8. Latte macchiato(là tte macchiato) - this is what in Russia is usually called simply “l”à tte" ( with emphasis on the first syllable ) . Only in Italian " latte " means "milk". So if you walk into your local bar and order “ latte" then don’t be surprised when they serve you a glass of regular milk :) But “là “tte macchiato” is a drink prepared from steamed hot milk, to which a small portion of espresso is added;

9. Cappuccino(cappuccino) – Everyone's favorite coffee drink, which is prepared on the basis of espresso, milk and milk foam. In Italy, cappuccino, like all coffee drinks with added milk, is usually drunk for breakfast;

10.Caff è latte(caffe latte) is simply coffee with milk. Here the amount of coffee and hot milk is in proportions of 1:1.

What about the popular americano? You will learn about this a little later!

What else is worth trying?

    Caffè di orzo(kaffe " di orzo) – this type of “coffee” is prepared on the basis of barley and is much easier to digest by the body;

    Caffè al ginseng (jinseng) is another alternative to classic coffee. Ginseng prepared with ginseng root, cream and sugar;

    Try it during the hot seasoncaffè shakerato(“kaffe “shakerato”) - This is coffee mixed with pieces of ice and sugar. Or another similar treat:(granita di caffe") - This is ice crushed into fine crumbs, mixed with syrup based on coffee and sugar. This dessert will help you not only refresh yourself, but also cheer you up!

By the way! If you are lactose intolerant or allergic, you can request that your coffee drink be prepared using basaltose-free milks (lactose-free, soy, coconut, etc.).

How to drink coffee the Italian way

There are several unwritten rules regarding coffee consumption that Italians try to adhere to in everyday life:

    Drink coffee drinks with added milk only before noon. Many people have heard about this “rule,” but not everyone knows what exactly it involves. In fact, reducing milk consumption in the afternoon is explained by the fact that in the evening hours it is poorly absorbed by the body and slows down metabolism. But a cup of strong coffee, on the contrary, helps stimulate it, so in Italy it is customary to drink espresso (caffè) after a meal in order to digest what you have eaten;

    In Italy, there is no fashion for prolonged drinking of coffee drinks, to which we are so accustomed. Here it looks more like: dropped into a bar, drank coffee, exchanged a few words with the barista and left;

    Drink coffee at the bar. This is done in order not to overpay for table service, which is automatically included in the bill if you decide to sit down and slowly drink coffee (+ 1-3 euros);

    While you are in Italy, forget about the popular “coffee-Americano”: according to the Italians, this is just (we quote): “...poor and unfortunate coffee espresso, impossibly heavily diluted with water to the state of... an incomprehensible slurry!

    And one more thing: drinking cappuccino and any other coffee drinks during lunch or dinner (at the same time as the main courses) is considered truly wild :)

A minute of Italian: how to order coffee at a bar

Gift idea from Italy

Do you want to bring an original gift from Italy? Then buy a few bags of Italian ground coffee (we recommend brands Trombetta and Illy ) and, most importantly, the famous Italian geyser coffee maker (Italian “moka”, caffettiera") by Bialetti brand: This is where you can make real delicious Italian coffee at home!


    Pour water into the lower compartment to the level of the “screw”, put the funnel-shaped container in place and carefully pour coffee into it to the very edge;

    Connect the top to the bottom and twist the mocha tightly. Place on low heat. During the process of heating and boiling, water from the lower part of the coffee maker will gradually rise through the “geyser” system through the funnel with ground coffee, eventually emerging as a finished coffee drink into its upper part;

    Wait until the finished coffee begins to actively bubble, and only then remove the moka from the heat and pour the aromatic drink into your favorite coffee cup. Enjoyment is guaranteed!

On a note:

Never clean the moka with detergents after use: just rinse it with water. In addition, the taste of the finished drink will become more rich and aromatic with each subsequent use of the coffee maker. Therefore, the first 3 cups of coffee in a new moka are usually brewed “to throw away”, so that next time you get a truly tasty and invigorating drink!

What type of coffee is your favorite?

Write your comments and stay with us! website - This is all the most interesting from the life of Italy!

Italy is a country with special traditions of coffee consumption. They love it here and know how to cook it really tasty. When planning a trip, it is better to find out in advance where and how they drink coffee in Italy in order to rediscover the enchanting aroma of the invigorating drink.

The Birth of Italian Coffee Culture

Surprisingly, coffee did not immediately become popular in Italy. It was first brought to Venice from Istanbul in the 16th century and received an extremely negative response from the church. It was considered a diabolical invention for several reasons.

The clergy were confused by the origin of the drink from Muslim countries, as well as the powerful stimulating effect it has on the human body. All this was considered as evidence of the tricks of Satan.

Only after the magical drink was tried and approved by Pope Clement VIII, coffee in Italy began to gain incredible popularity. In 1640, the first coffee shop was opened (now it is called “Florian”), and by 1768 there were already 218 of them. For comparison, in England the first such establishment appeared in 1652, and in England only in 1683.

The Italians loved coffee so much that for a long time they tried to create a machine for making espresso of a new type. The patent for the first improved coffee machine, in which steam under pressure was transferred to ground coffee beans, was received by Milanese Luigi Bezzera in 1901.

Coffee drinks in Italy

Real Italian coffee is prepared in several varieties, which differ in strength, as well as individual components. When traveling through the cities of Italy, you should definitely try:

  • caffè - regular espresso served in tiny cups;
  • cappuccino – consists of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk and 1/3 delicate foam;
  • macchiato - espresso, to which a drop of milk is added to obtain a more delicate taste;
  • caffè lungo – “long” espresso with double the amount of water;
  • espresso romano – strong espresso with lemon juice, served in a heated cup;
  • caffè latte – coffee with milk in a 1:1 ratio;
  • latte macchiato – prepared from steamed hot milk with the addition of a small portion of espresso;
  • Ristretto – very strong coffee with a small amount of water, literally “just a sip.”

The word latte means "milk" in Italian. To avoid getting a regular glass of milk at the bar instead of a cup of the desired coffee drink, you need to specify caffè latte or latte macchiato when ordering.

Italian traditions: what tourists need to know

Italians drink coffee many times a day, but in small portions. They often run into the bar for a cup of espresso. Interestingly, the time of day directly determines what kind of coffee they drink in Italy.

For example, coffee with milk is only served until 11 am. This rule is strictly observed. According to Italians, milk after eating causes indigestion. A tourist who orders a cappuccino or latte in the second half of the day will have it prepared, but will be surprised at the strange choice.

Also, in Italy it is not customary to sit in a cafe over a cup of coffee. They drink at the bar without staying long. Seats at a table can be 2 times more expensive. And Italians don’t drink espresso that’s too hot. It is served at a certain temperature so as not to burn yourself.

The word espresso is not pronounced in Italy; it is simply replaced by caffe. Espresso is the basis of all Italian coffee drinks. Everything else is just its variations.

Italian stamps

A large number of famous coffee brands are concentrated in the country. Therefore, tourists often ask whether coffee grows in Italy. Despite the fact that the country occupies a leading position in its production, the local climate is not suitable for cultivation.

Italian manufacturers have developed unique technologies for roasting coffee beans, which are rightfully considered the best in the world. They have perfectly mastered the blending technique, skillfully combining grains of different varieties, amazingly achieving a drink that is balanced in taste and aroma.

Let's look at the most famous coffee brands in Italy, and it's up to you to decide which one is better to buy.

Illy coffee

This is a family business, founded by Francesco Illi. In 1933, he opened a company that roasted beans. The following year, the company patented packaging for coffee using inert gas, thanks to which the unique coffee aroma was preserved.

Today Illy is a leading Italian coffee brand. Arabica beans are supplied from Ethiopia, India, Brazil, and Colombia. Illy products are distinguished by floral and fruity notes in taste and a chocolate aroma that literally drives you crazy even when you open the package.

In Italian stores, Illy can cost around 5.3 € (Illy Moka Tostatura Media, 200 g can) or 7.20 € (Illy Espresso Tostatura Media, 250 g can).


One of the largest Italian coffee companies. Its founder is Luigi Lavazza. The company produces many different types of coffee, which differ in the different ratios of two main components: Arabica and Robusta. They produce both coffee beans and ground coffee.

All types differ in taste and aroma, from floral-spicy to chocolate taste with bitterness. Among the many Lavazzas, everyone will find a drink to their liking. And Italians often buy: Lavazza Qualità Rossa Grani (pack of 1000 g - 14.50-15 €) and Lavazza Crema e Gusto Classico (pack of 250 g - 3 €).


An advanced plant in Verona for processing coffee beans, winner of many certificates and awards at the international level. Pellini coffee is an absolutely pure Italian product, without the use of impurities or flavorings.

Pellini Top 100% Arabica enjoys constant love among customers. It has a multi-faceted taste with notes of flowers, fruits, honey and chocolate. The cost of a 250 g can in Italian supermarkets is 5.78-6 €.


Starting from a small factory opened in the middle of the last century, Kimbo has become the second largest producer of packaged coffee. Various types of roasting of beans in the best Italian traditions and the skill of blending allow us to create drinks with a rich taste and deep aroma of different shades - from fruity citrus to wine notes.

When choosing what kind of coffee to bring from Italy, pay attention to ground Kimbo Espresso Napoletano, the cost of a 250 g package is about 4 €.


The company began its activities with the sale of spices and delicacies. At the beginning of the 20th century, they opened a coffee shop, after which they decided to focus specifically on the coffee business. Today the brand produces a huge line of natural Italian coffee - beans, ground, and in capsules.

One of the company's new blends, which is based on advanced developments in roasting coffee beans, is The Molinari Platino Roasted Coffee. An exquisite gourmet drink with low acidity, rich aroma and velvety consistency.

TOP 5 best coffee shops in Rome

To visit Rome and not try real Italian coffee means to learn nothing about Italy. Italians spend quite a lot of time in coffee shops, which are called bars here. The best coffee in Rome can be had in places like these.

Antico Caffè Greco (Via dei Condotti, 86)

An excellent choice for those who want to touch Italian history. Just think, famous poets, philosophers, and composers gathered in this cafe for intellectual conversations! Hans Christian Andersen, Mark Twain, and Wilhelm Richard Wagner visited him when they were in Rome.

The atmosphere of Antico Caffè Greco is a world of Old World luxury with gilded decorations, marble tables, works of art on the walls. Prices here are quite high. A cup of espresso drunk at a table in this cafe will cost 7 €. Not cheap, but the pleasure is worth it.

Sant Eustachio Il Caffe (Piazza di San Eustachio, 82)

The cafe is located in the very center of Rome, not far from the Pantheon. Coffee is brewed here according to a special recipe, which is kept in the strictest confidence. Regular espresso at Sant Eustachio Il Caffe has a completely unimaginable aroma, a special thick foam and a dark chocolate aftertaste. Be sure to also try Caffè d’Elite – 3.9 € and the signature Gran Caffè – 5.4 €.

The cafe has a store where you can buy beans or ground coffee to treat yourself to the unique taste of the drink at home. A 250 g can of one of the branded coffee beans costs 7.9 €, in soft packaging – 6.3 €.

D'Angelo – Gastronomia Caffe (Venti Settembre, 25)

Best place in Rome for inexpensive . Amazingly delicious fresh pastries and cappuccino costing only 1.2 € will not leave anyone indifferent. A typical Italian atmosphere and a smiling bartender will help you feel the real spirit of Italy.

Tazza D'Oro (Via Marche, 52)

Tazza D'Oro is the name of a coffee shop in Italy, which is associated with a black beauty who sows coffee beans around the world. This is the logo that greets visitors at the entrance to the cafe. There is an exceptionally delicious latte - 1.1 €, cappuccino - 2.2 € and espresso for 0.9 €.

You can also buy branded coffee with the cafe’s logo to take with you: a 250 g package costs 10.87 €, 1 kg – 43.45 €, a 250 g can – 13.17 €.

Sciascia Caffe (Via Fabio Massimo, 80/A)

This place is recommended by locals. There are few tourists here, a quiet, calm environment. The delicate smell of freshly baked bread and the invigorating aroma of coffee makes you feel dizzy already on the threshold of the cafe. You will be served a cappuccino, masterfully decorated with a design of foam, at a price of 1.3 € per cup. I want to come back here again and again!

Italy and coffee are inseparable concepts; people here truly know how to infect people with their love for this drink. And once you try real Italian coffee, you will certainly become a fan.