Order on approval of job description - sample This document is developed and used in the organization where it was decided to introduce job descriptions for the units mentioned in the staffing table. We will describe below what items must be included in the order and how to use it.

Development of a draft order for approval of job descriptions

The presence of job descriptions in the organization is not mandatory, but recommended. And if a company decides to use them, they are developed for each unit in the state.

The instruction is put into effect after its approval by the head of the company. According to GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents”, put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st, approval of documents can occur in 2 ways:

The use of the second method has an advantage when several job descriptions are approved at once. Then one order lists all the positions for which instructions are put into effect.

Project development order for approval of job descriptions - sample of this document and will then be used in the organization - happens once. Subsequently, this sample is taken and the required date and list of approved instructions are entered into it.

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A person appointed by management is responsible for developing the draft order; most often this is one of the personnel employees.

Approval of a new job description

Download the order form

The procedure for approving job descriptions may be enshrined in the company by a local act, but this is not a mandatory condition.

Typically, approval of a new job description occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • a draft specific instruction is being developed;
  • an order is issued to approve the job description;
  • the order together with the instructions is agreed upon by the legal department (lawyer) and given to the head of the company for signature;
  • the order is registered in the registration book (journal) and is assigned a specific number; the job description itself can also be registered in a separate journal, if one is established.

The job description becomes mandatory for the employee after he familiarizes himself with the document against signature.

What details should be in the order?

GOST R 6.30-2003 addresses the issue of the mandatory inclusion of certain details in a document form such as an order. The following should be present here:

  • name of company;
  • title of the document (ORDER);
  • date and registration number;
  • document text;
  • space for the signature of the official approving the order, indicating the position;
  • mark about the performer;
  • place for visa approval if necessary.

After reading the document, the employee’s signature is placed on a special sheet, which is part of the job description.

Order on approval of job description approved by the head of the company, and only after that it can be used. To make changes to the document, they will also have to be approved. And with the introduction of a new instruction, the old one becomes invalid.

Approximate sample

Limited Liability Company

"Personnel Officer"

Order on the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving job descriptions

Moscow N 23 01.11.2009

I order:

1. The personnel service of Kadrovik LLC draw up a general outline of job descriptions for the organization’s employees. Deadline - until November 10, 2009. Responsible - Kryukov R.A.

2. Heads of departments and workshops instruct competent employees to develop job descriptions according to the scheme for each employee of their department in accordance with the staffing table. Deadline - until November 25, 2009. Responsible: Zarubin O.O., Saparmurdinov K.Ch., Nekorchevyy N.G., Leshchenko P.K.

3. The legal service of Kadrovik LLC ensures that job descriptions comply with the requirements of Russian legislation. Responsible - Zimko U.Yu.

4. The head of the labor protection department must ensure that the job descriptions of Kadrovik LLC employees comply with labor protection requirements. Responsible - Shurochkina A.Ya.

5. After agreeing on job descriptions with the legal service and the labor protection department, department heads sign the instructions and submit them to the secretariat for approval by the general director. Deadline - until 05.12.2009. Responsible - secretary Voronin O.L.

General Director Gnedykh A.R. Gnedykh

We have read the order.

A copy was received for storage and use at the workplace.

HR Department Inspector R.A. Kryukov Kryukov 01.11.2009 Head of the purchasing department Zarubin O.O. Zarubin 02.11.2009 Head of workshop No. 1 Saparmurdinov K.Ch. Saparmurdinov 01.11.2009 Head of Shop No. 2 Nekorchevy N.G. Nekorchevy 02.11.2009 Head of the transport department Leshchenko P.K. Leshchenko 02.11.2009 Head of legal service Zimko U.Yu. Zimko 01.11.2009 Head of the labor protection department Shurochkina A.Ya. Shurochkina 01.11.2009 Secretary Voronina O.L. Voronina 01.11.2009

Keep a sample order for approval of job descriptions on hand - a ready-made example of the correct execution of the document!

From the article you will learn:

A job description (JI) is an organizational and administrative document establishing the responsibilities and powers of an employee who holds a certain position. For each position in the staffing table, the employer develops separate instructions, which are subsequently used:

  • in the process of selection and hiring of personnel;
  • to familiarize new employees with job functions;
  • upon implementation wage systems and ranking of positions;
  • for effective distribution of responsibilities between employees;
  • in certification activities and career planning;
  • as an argument when considering labor disputes.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

A complete directory of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

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The employer decides what provisions to include in the document and chooses the wording himself. You can focus both on current professional standards and qualification reference books, and on local norms (for example, on regulations on structural divisions).

The scale of the project and the number of specialists involved in it are also determined by the employer. Some create a special working group, while others limit themselves to appointing one responsible person. Sometimes, in order to successfully solve a problem, it is necessary to involve competent specialists from a variety of departments - personnel and legal departments, production departments, and office management services. To kickstart the development process, we publish job description order, a sample of which is worth considering in more detail.

Order on the development of job descriptions: sample 2017

A standard sample order on job descriptions-2017 consists of two parts - stating and administrative. The stating part sets out the reason why there was a need to approve the instructions. Here it is advisable to refer to legislative norms and the objective needs of the enterprise. The administrative part contains direct instructions to the performers.

In addition to a set of standard details (information about the company, date and place of publication, signature and seal) that any sample order on job descriptions contains, the 2017 sample must include:

  1. names of positions for which DIs are developed;
  2. information about the employees responsible for working on the project;
  3. the period allotted for the preparation of documents.

Practice shows: the more precisely the development deadlines are specified, the easier it is to control the process step by step and as a whole. Control over the implementation of the order is usually assumed by the general director of the organization or his deputy. There are no strict requirements for the design and structure of the document.

Each new local act is put into effect by order of the employer. In this case, you will need an order approving the job description, a sample of which is presented in our personnel document database and is available for download to all subscribers. It is published only after the final approval of the draft DI with all interested parties, including the trade union, if such a requirement is specified in collective agreement or other local acts.

If at the local level the need for coordination with the elected body representing the interests of employees is not fixed, the employer is not obliged to take into account the opinion of the trade union when developing the DI. For more information about situations in which it is impossible to do without the approval of trade union representatives, read the thematic materials " We take into account the opinion of the trade union: how to formalize it correctly?" And " Vacation schedule and trade union».

The order is drawn up in free form. A standard sample order for approval of a job description in 2017 contains:

  1. employer details;
  2. the name of the approved DI (if there are several instructions, all names must be listed in the administrative part of the document);
  3. date of approval;
  4. an indication of the need to familiarize all affected employees with the DI;
  5. information about the persons responsible for implementing the order.

Since the requirements for the structure and content of the document are minimal, the employer can use any wording at its discretion. As an example, a standard order for approval of job descriptions is usually used.

Important: it is not at all necessary to issue a separate administrative document every time you introduce a new instruction. The number of DIs put into effect simultaneously is not limited in any way, and a sample order for the approval of job descriptions - several at once - is quite simple in design and is not much different from the example above.

The order is certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of its head. From this moment the new DI comes into effect. But you can only demand compliance with any points of the instruction from employees who are familiar with its contents. Therefore, the order must be signed by all officials mentioned in it, who are tasked with bringing the instructions to the knowledge of field personnel.

Most often, these are heads of departments, branches and services, whose responsibilities include familiarizing subordinates with local regulatory documentation. Every time you hire a newcomer, remember Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and familiarize him with the internal regulations, provisions and instructions before signing employment contract. The mandatory stages and little-known nuances of the employment procedure are covered in detail in the article “ How to apply for a job».
Download in.doc

Download in.doc

What to do if changes in the DI affect the employee’s labor function, read the article “ We change and supplement the job description" The expert’s recommendations will help organize a review of the terms of the employment contract in full compliance with labor law standards. We also recommend that you read the article “ How to draw up an additional agreement to an employment contract» with illustrative examples of drawing up agreements concluded with staff.

Refusal to apply job descriptions is not considered a direct violation of labor laws and does not threaten the company with a multi-thousand-dollar fine. But during the inspection The GIT inspector will definitely request them. And in general, it is stupid to deny the benefits that a set of well-written DI can bring to an employer. Therefore, do not put off their development for a long time. And if the projects are already ready for approval, all that’s left is to issue an order to introduce job descriptions (the 2017 sample will help you draw up the document correctly) and monitor the process of its implementation.

Important! The employer independently decides in what order to draw up job descriptions (hereinafter - DI) and make changes to them (see letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

Typically, the rules for registration and approval of DI are determined by a special regulation on DI. Thus, the regulation may stipulate that in order to approve the DI, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. You can learn more about this from the article at the link: Sample order on the development of job descriptions. In general, to approve a DI, a special mark (approval stamp) on the first page may be sufficient, if this is the procedure provided for by the internal documentation and document flow rules of the organization.

Who approves and signs job descriptions

As we have already indicated above, the procedure for approving DI will be determined by employers independently.

Note! Typically this function is assigned to the head of the organization. Visas from the legal and human resources departments of the enterprise may also be required, depending on the procedure provided for by the regulations on DI.

As an exception, we can identify situations when the procedure for approving DI is introduced at the level of competent government agencies. In this situation, separate and structural units must be guided by the general regulations approved at the level of the relevant department (for example, Appendix 5 to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 11, 2009 No. 1458, etc.).

How to approve a job description: general procedure

The typical process for approving a job description in a private organization involves at least one of the following:

  • Applying on the first page of the DI the stamp “I approve”, containing such details as the name of the position of the head of the organization, his full name, signature, date of affixing the stamp (see clause 3.16 of GOST R 6.30-2003).
  • Issuing an order to approve the DI. Such an order may also simultaneously contain an order to put into effect approved DI and/or cancel previously valid DI and other instructions (more on this below).

Note! Often, applying the approval stamp is quite sufficient, although the regulations on DI may require the need to perform all the above actions.

Order on approval of job descriptions

Important! There is currently no standard/unified example of such an order, so an organization can develop it independently, taking into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 and local documentation.

In this case, the structure of the order could be as follows:

  • name of the document, place and date of publication;
  • purpose of issuing the order;
  • order on approval of a specific list of job descriptions;
  • other related orders of the manager (for example, on the implementation of approved DI, carrying out measures to familiarize employees with the text of approved DI);
  • an order to assign responsibility for the execution of an order to a specific person;
  • manager's signature;
  • a note confirming familiarization with the order of the person responsible for its execution.

Such an order can be drawn up based on the template we offer at the link: Order for approval of job description - sample.

Thus, the procedure for approving job descriptions is determined by the employer independently in local documentation. At the same time, this procedure may not provide for the need to issue an order to approve the DI; a special approval stamp may be sufficient.

Businesses can only generate greater profits when their employees are as efficient as possible. To increase employee productivity, each enterprise must develop job descriptions. This concept refers to a document that establishes job descriptions for each employee. They are needed to ensure that employees do not have questions about their duties and working conditions.

The basis for their introduction is the order approving job descriptions. This order is necessary for job descriptions to acquire legal force. It is prepared by personnel department employees or heads of structural divisions.

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An order can approve several job descriptions at once. To do this, it must contain a list of instructions. If a new position is introduced in an organization, a job description must be developed for it and approved by a separate order.

The order completes the process of creating documents that define the functions and powers of all employees of an organization or enterprise.

Why is this necessary?

The very concept of “job description” is absent in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but OKUD contains a mention of this document.

Maintaining these documents in an organization helps achieve the following goals:

  • correctly distribute the powers of each employee;
  • manage existing staff more effectively;
  • increase the responsibility of each employee.

Despite the fact that job descriptions play an important role in any organization, they are not documents that are required to be in the organization.

The presence of these papers allows the employer to avoid conflict situations with employees or claims from them. Job descriptions will help employees avoid performing tasks that are not part of their responsibilities.

Development takes place on an individual basis, based on . Without an order from the head for their approval, they cannot come into force. Depending on what needs the organization has, the content of job descriptions can be changed, but the already changed document must also be approved by order.

An important nuance is that all changes made to documents must comply with the law and must not violate the rights of employees.

In order to avoid violation of the rights of the organization's employees and other errors, job descriptions are drawn up by the heads of structural divisions, and then transferred to lawyers for checking and editing, if necessary. On the paper approved by the head of the organization, it is necessary to indicate the number and date of the order, which is the basis for its entry into force.

After introducing job descriptions, each employee must familiarize themselves with the document, confirming this with their signature. After the employee confirms his familiarization, all his actions must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the instructions.

Regulations and standards

In Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the head of an organization has the opportunity to independently develop regulations that do not contradict labor law standards. This provision also applies to job descriptions, but labor legislation does not have established requirements for their preparation. When preparing instructions, state standard 6.30.2003 can serve as a guide.

Many enterprises do not create job descriptions, but indicate all the necessary information in employment agreements, but most experts believe that these documents should be in every organization.

The instructions must contain the following information:

  • tasks facing the employee during the work process;
  • qualification level requirements;
  • employee functions;
  • rights and responsibilities of personnel;
  • employee responsibility.

Creating the right instructions is a very difficult task. In this matter, a qualification directory approved by the Ministry of Labor in 1998 can serve as an assistant. A list of works characterizing the position must be included there. Also - the requirements for employee training.

Professional standards are a new approach to employee qualifications. The legislation states that by 2020, state and municipal (schools, preschool educational institutions, etc.) organizations must switch to new requirements for employee qualifications. This transition is necessary because the service rules have been updated.

In addition to creating documents, HR employees also need to assess how the organization's personnel comply with the updated requirements. In case of non-compliance, due to professional standards, employees must be sent for training. Private enterprises apply professional standards by decision of the manager.

Qualification characteristics

Qualification characteristics are the essence of service regulations. In legislation, the concept of “qualification” is deciphered as the knowledge, experience and skills of an employee that are necessary to perform a certain job.

The Ministry of Labor has decided that qualification characteristics must consist of three parts:

  • job responsibilities;
  • what the employee should know;
  • qualification requirements.

Job duties include the loads required to be performed by an employee. The “what should know” category is established by a list of requirements for a particular position, as well as a list of necessary skills, knowledge and abilities. Qualification requirements include information about the required education and work experience of the employee. Qualification characteristics are contained in the ETKS and EKS directories.

In 2019, requirements for workers should be developed based on professional standards that are relevant and valid in both public and private organizations.

Changes and new edition

Changes to job descriptions are made either when the job responsibilities of employees change, or when working conditions in the organization change.

Changes to job descriptions can be initiated by:

  • director of the enterprise;
  • head of the structural unit where the employee works;
  • the employee himself.

The responsible person must submit the following documents:

  • employee statement;
  • if the change in instructions was initiated by the director - his proposals;
  • if the head of the department, then you need to submit a memo.

Labor legislation does not establish a procedure according to which changes should be made to job descriptions, so it is established independently in each organization. This procedure must be fixed in the local documents of the enterprise. Before making changes, HR department staff assess the feasibility of the introduction.

After making changes to job descriptions, two orders are drawn up:

  • the first is an order stating that the current job description has lost its relevance;
  • the second order is drawn up stating that the new edition has been fixed.

Each employee also needs to familiarize themselves with the new forms and confirm this with their signature. The director of the organization cannot independently change these documents. This opportunity appears only after an agreement is concluded between him and the employee.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish either the form of the order or the requirements for its content, but it must contain details that must be filled out in the same way as in any other order.

It should also include two parts:

Instructions for drawing up an order for approval of job descriptions

If the employee who draws up the order approving job descriptions is not sure of its correctness, then it is better to contact specialists for help in drawing up or checking the document for legal errors.

Information about the created order must be entered into the order book, and the job responsibilities must also indicate the number of the order that is the basis for their creation.

Without the signature of the head of the company, this document will be considered invalid, and it can easily be challenged in court.

Since at the moment there are no rules for drawing up and executing orders that approve job descriptions, it can be created either according to a sample or in any form.

Despite this, the drafted order must include:

  • number;
  • information about where and when it was created;
  • full name of the organization;
  • a list of job descriptions that he approves.

If job descriptions are large, they can be marked as an addition. In addition to the specified information, this order may include other necessary data.

An order approving job descriptions can be issued on a regular white A4 sheet. You can also use A5 paper. It can be filled out on a computer or by hand, it depends on the wishes of the person completing it. The only condition is that the order must include the original signature of the head of the organization.

An order approving job descriptions is created in one copy and then registered. While this order is in effect, it must be stored together with other administrative documents of the enterprise. Access to these documents should be limited.

After the order becomes irrelevant, it must be transferred to the organization’s archive. It must be stored in the archive for at least three years in accordance with the period established by law. Upon expiration of the storage period, the order may be destroyed.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • when signing instructions by an employee, you can tear it up, citing the employee’s inadequacy for the position he occupies;
  • Regular certification of the organization’s personnel is carried out;
  • it becomes possible to resolve labor conflicts within the enterprise without involving outsiders;
  • instructions distribute the responsibilities of employees who occupy similar positions;
  • they are a weighty argument in court proceedings in favor of the fact that the punishment of an employee in case of failure to fulfill his duties was applied lawfully.
  • the employer does not have the opportunity to prove that he is right and bring the employee to disciplinary action;
  • the employer does not have the right not to hire an employee due to a discrepancy between the position for which the employee is applying and his education;
  • the employer cannot prove that he is right in labor conflicts, etc.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.