Given the presence of a large number of vehicles, sources of financing, various types of activities, as well as units that consume fuels and lubricants, the institution faces an urgent need to automate the issuance of waybills and the correct write-off of fuels and lubricants.

What is the implementation in 1C

In the program "1C: Public Institution Accounting 8", ed. 2.0, to account for waybills for various vehicles, worksheet for units that consume fuel and lubricants in accordance with the standards, the subsystem “ Accounting for fuel and lubricants».

Step-by-step instruction

In order to start using the fuel and lubricants accounting capabilities in the program, you need to go to the menu item “ Administration» – « Setting up accounting parameters» – « Specialized subsystems" In this tab, you must check the box “ Accounting for fuels and lubricants» to reflect documents in this area.

  • « Standards for calculating fuel consumption for units" And " Standards for calculating fuel consumption for vehicles»;
  • « Correction factors in percent" And " Correction values ​​for calculating fuel consumption rates»;
  • « Vehicle routes».

The information register is also filled in “ Settings for rounding the result of calculating standard fuel consumption”, intended to indicate the rounding of the fractional part consumption and the rounding of the number 1.5.

In the menu item " Administration» as necessary, directories on the type of fuel used, license cards, bus routes and driver fuel cards are filled out.

Before creating a waybill, you must also fill in the data on the vehicle consumption rate in the fixed assets card. To do this, in the card, click on the go button, there is a register of information “ Settings for fuel consumption rates for vehicles and units».

Read also How to calculate payment for work on a weekend or holiday

The journal of waybills and taxation of waybills is located in the menu item " Material reserves" The program provides for filling out different types of waybills depending on the vehicle. Let's consider the design of a waybill for a passenger car (form No. 3).

On the " General information» information about the vehicle, driver, department, employee and organization at the disposal of the driver is filled in. The license card is filled out if the operation of the vehicle according to the waybill is a licensed activity.

On the " Departure» provides data on the vehicle’s departure time and speedometer readings at the beginning of the day. At the bottom of the waybill, those responsible for the departure are indicated.

Next, fill in the “ Routes» indicating the vehicle routes. After filling out the given data, the waybill is saved and printed out for presentation to the driver. The remaining tabs are filled in in the program after the vehicle is returned.

On the " Routes» additional information will be provided about the time of departure and return of the transport, as well as the mileage traveled. In the " Return» the date and time of the driver’s return, the vehicle’s speedometer readings, as well as those responsible for the return are indicated. Information about the receipt, consumption and balances of fuel and lubricants is filled in on the tab " Fuel" and at the end of the day, the result of the driver’s work for the shift in hours and kilometers traveled will be filled in in the tab " results" If necessary, you can also fill out the “ Other».

The 1C Accounting 8.3 program is a very convenient tool for maintaining accounting records in an enterprise; it will help both a novice accountant and an experienced accountant not to make mistakes when maintaining records.

Let's consider the issue of recording and writing off fuel and lubricants in an organization and step by step reflect the actions of the accountant in the program.

Firstly, if a working car (or several) is listed on the company’s balance sheet, then a waybill must be filled out daily for each unit (maximum once a month). The driver or mechanic displays information about the car, the route, normal and actual gasoline consumption.

Secondly, gasoline consumption standards are calculated by an accountant for each car based on the standards of the Ministry of Transport and are fixed by order for the enterprise.

Thirdly, the receipt of fuel and lubricants is processed on the basis of primary documents: an invoice from the supplier (if an agreement has been concluded) or an advance report if the driver refuels the car for cash.

Algorithm of actions of an accountant in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program

  1. Registration of receipt of fuel and lubricants. Follow the path: /Purchases/ - /Receipts (acts, invoices) - button “Receipts” - Goods (invoice)

From the primary document, the invoice, we fill in the data: number and date of the invoice, name of the counterparty, agreement (if any), warehouse, nomenclature. Check the accounting accounts, the accounting account should be 10.03.

At the bottom left, record the invoice from the supplier.

You can view transactions generated based on the posted document using the icon

If an advance was transferred to the supplier, then the entry “Advance advance offset” is added. Dt60.02 Kt 60.01

  1. Write-off of fuel and lubricants based on a waybill

Write-offs must be made according to the calculated rate

  1. Reflection of write-off of fuel and lubricants. Follow the path: /Warehouse/ - /Warehouse/ - Requirements-invoices- “Create” button

It is necessary to sum up the consumption for all waybills for a given driver and vehicle and enter the total quantity in the quantity column.

After posting the document, we create a balance sheet for account 10.03 and compare the remaining gasoline with the waybill issued on the last day of the month.

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1 ATTENTION! This user manual is out of date. The new manual is available at the link Version from Subsystem: Waybills for 1C Enterprise 8.2, 8.3. User guide. The “Waysheets” subsystem is designed for maintaining records and printing waybills with the subsequent generation of postings in the standard Enterprise Accounting configuration. It can be built into standard 1C configurations (on managed forms), and also has a version in the form of a separate configuration “Transport department + Waybills”. This guide is suitable for both deployment scenarios. This Guide describes the process of initially setting up the subsystem, creating directory elements, considering an example of creating a waybill, the basic principles of accounting for waybills using the subsystem, setting up the export of transactions to the Enterprise Accounting Department and the export itself, reports. 1. Basic information about the organization. First, you need to fill out Organization Information. To do this, go to “Directories” / “Counterparties”

2 Next, select the organization item. To enter a new organization into the program, use the “Create” button, after which the editing form will open. In the “Type of organization” detail, select “Organization” and then fill in all the remaining details. On the “Contact Information” tab, fill in the relevant data. Next, go to the “Itineraries (settings)” tab and go to the “Basic” tab. Here we fill in the lines: OKPO, Telephone. We indicate the month from which and by which daylight saving time is calculated. Fill in the lines “Signatories”.

3 If necessary, fill in the “Default settings for waybills for trucks and cars” block. The subsystem Waybills for 1c allows you to create entries for writing off fuel in the accounting department of the enterprise. Export is flexibly configured; accounts and subconto values ​​must be specified in the settings. In order to be able to export transactions (request invoice document) to the Enterprise Accounting Department, you must complete the initial setup. To do this, go to the “Export” tab (Directories / Contractors / Organization / Waybills (settings) / export).

4 Fill in the details in accordance with your software configuration and database location. If the Waybills subsystem is implemented in the accounting department of the enterprise, then you need to check the box. The “Base (path to base)” attribute will be unavailable. If the subsystem is not implemented in the Enterprise Accounting Department, but works as a separate configuration, then you do not need to check the box, but in the “Base (path to base)” attribute, indicate the path where the Enterprise Accounting Department is located, into which you need to load the transactions. In addition, indicate: the version of the platform on which the power supply runs, the user’s login and password in the power supply database. The user must have the “Start external connection” right. As a rule, in typical configurations, a user with Administrator rights has similar rights. Then click the “Test connection” button. Next, you need to fill out accounts for writing off fuel and subconto. If the subsystem Waybills for 1c is implemented in the accounting department of the enterprise: organization, warehouse, sub-account values ​​must be selected from the corresponding directories

5 otherwise, you need to specify their codes (codes of directory elements from the database to which we configure the export). For example, in Enterprise Accounting 3.0, the organization code can be seen by opening the Organization directory item.

6 If the Code is not visible in the open form, then in most cases its display can be enabled in the form settings.

7 After the initial setup, you can export transactions. Export is described in section 5.1.Service/Export of fuel consumption transactions, User Guide. The “Import” tab allows you to make initial settings for importing counterparties from standard configurations. The subsystem Waybills for 1c allows you to import the Contractors directory from standard configurations, as well as update information about contractors. In particular, it is possible to load counterparties from several configurations into a single directory Counterparties of the subsystem Waybills for 1c. Synchronization of counterparties occurs using a GUID (global unique identifier) ​​and an organization identifier. This mechanism is aimed at preventing problems with duplication of counterparties in cases where the user changes the code or name of the counterparty. The GUID is not available to the user. In order to be able to import counterparties into the subsystem, you must complete the initial setup. To do this, go to the “Import” tab (Directories/Counterparties/Organization) Waybills (settings)/import) Specify from which configuration the counterparties will be imported (1). Next, configure the connection. If you have already configured Export, you can copy the settings by clicking the “Copy settings from export” button (2), otherwise fill in the details in accordance with your software configuration and database location. Next, if necessary, indicate the version of the platform on which the standard configuration runs, the path to the database, login and password. The user must have the “Start external connection” right. As a rule, in typical configurations, a user with Administrator rights has similar rights. Then click the “Test connection” button.

8 After the initial setup, you can import counterparties. Import is described in section 5.2.Service/Import of counterparties of the User Guide. 2. Directories To work with the Waybills program, you first need to set up directories. 2.1.Cargos

9 2.2.Positions 2.3. Routes 2.4. Correction factors Fill in the name and set the appropriate percentage

10 When calculating standard fuel consumption according to a waybill, increasing and decreasing coefficients play the most important role. They can be conditionally divided into two groups: 1. coefficients related to the car (can increase or decrease fuel consumption depending on the condition of the car) 2. coefficients related to the route of the car (category of roads, maneuvering, terrain, etc....) Based on Therefore, in the subsystem Waybills for 1c, you can specify the correction factor related to the car in the car card, and enter the remaining frequently used factors into the reference book. Further, in the 1c Waybill document, all that remains is to select the desired coefficient. Let's look at working with coefficients using an example. Task: Based on the technical condition of the vehicle, when calculating standard fuel consumption, it is necessary to apply an increasing correction factor of 8%. In this case, the vehicle performed work in mountainous areas; accordingly, a correction factor of 10% must be applied. To effectively solve this problem, you need to indicate a correction factor of 8% on the vehicle card, since this is a conditionally constant factor.

11 And enter the coefficient “Mountain area 10%” into the coefficient directory.

12 In this case, when you select a vehicle in the waybill, the 8% coefficient will be automatically added to it, then if you select the Mountainous terrain coefficient of 10% from the coefficient directory, then the coefficients are summed up and the 18% coefficient will be used in the calculation. In addition, there is the possibility Enter any value of the correction factor into the waybill using the keyboard. This is less effective compared to using directories. Note: In the coefficients directory, you can create standard coefficients that include several coefficients. For example, the coefficient “Mountainous terrain + Maneuvering 30%”.

13 2.5. Trailers 2.6. Vehicles Fill in the “Name” and “Basic details”. In the “Vehicle type” attribute, everything that is not in the list belongs to “Other”

14 If the vehicle has a trailer, select it; before doing this, it must be entered into the “Trailers” directory. On the “Way List” tab, fill in “Garage”, “registration certificates”, if a driver is assigned to the vehicle, you can indicate this in the details “Driver 1” and “Driver 2”. The “Speedometer” and “Fuel” details will reflect the current state of the vehicle; for a newly created vehicle, these values ​​must be specified using the document “Input of initial data. Next, in the “Fuel Types” tabular section, indicate the types of fuel that this vehicle uses. You can select one type of fuel or several; the program allows you to keep records of several types of fuel for one vehicle. For example, if the car is always filled with only 95 gasoline, it is enough to indicate the fuel type Gasoline AI-95, but if the car is filled with 95 and 92 gasoline, indicate Gasoline AI-95 and Gasoline AI-95. Check the main fuel type and indicate the fuel write-off algorithm. By default, the fuel type will be written off as the basis.

15 In the “Formula for calculating standard fuel consumption”, select the formula corresponding to the type of vehicle. Each type of vehicle has basic fuel consumption standards for vehicle mileage, l/100 km (Hs, (Hsc)) and a correction factor (D). They must be filled out in accordance with section 2 p of the Methodological Recommendations “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport” or the vehicle specification. Also, each type of vehicle has its own additional coefficients for the correct calculation of standard fuel consumption, which must be filled in, guided by the Methodological recommendations "Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport" or the vehicle specification, namely: For buses: Not - fuel consumption rate when using standard independent heaters for the operation of the heater(s), l/h; For cargo flatbed vehicles, tractors and vans: Hw - fuel consumption rate for transport work, l/100; Hg - fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100; For dump trucks: Hw - fuel consumption rate for transport work, l/100; Hz - additional fuel consumption rate for each trip with a load of a dump truck, road train, l; For special and specialized vehicles performing work during the parking period (firefighting truck cranes, tank trucks, compressor, drilling rigs, etc.); Ht - rate of fuel consumption for the operation of special equipment (l/h) or liters per

16 the operation being performed (filling the tank, etc.); Hw - fuel consumption rate for transport work, l/100; Hg - fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100; For vehicles performing repair, construction and other work while moving (aerial platforms, cable laying machines, concrete mixers, etc.). Hs" - fuel consumption rate for mileage when performing special work while moving, l/100 km, (SUMMER, WINTER) Hg - fuel consumption rate for the additional weight of a trailer or semi-trailer, l/100; After everything vehicles are entered in the directory, fill in the “Input of initial data”, set the date, add the car, and indicate the fuel (Fuel tab) and speedometer (Mileage tab) These data are entered once for the newly created vehicle 3.Working with travel documents. sheets The waybill is issued only for one day or shift. For a longer period, it is issued in the case of a business trip when the driver performs a task for more than one day (shift). Please note that the form of the waybill used depends on the type of vehicle. passenger car waybill (form 3); special vehicle waybill (form 3special); passenger taxi waybill (form 4); truck waybill (form 4-C); waybill for a truck (form 4-P);

17 bus waybill (form 6); Let's consider filling out a truck waybill (Form 4-C). To do this, go to the item “Waysheets” / “Truck Waybill (Form 4-C)”. To enter a new waybill into the program, use the “Create” button, after which the editing form will open. The organization is filled in automatically as the main one (by default), or you can select it by clicking. The date must correspond to the date the vehicle left the garage.

18 Select a car from the directory by clicking. If a trailer is attached to the car, it will be automatically filled in the “Trailer 1” line, or select the appropriate one by clicking. Fill in the line “Driver 1” by clicking. In the “Work and fuels” block we set the date and time of leaving the garage. When leaving, the speedometer and fuel indicators will be filled in automatically from the previous waybill, or if initial data has been entered for this vehicle. If the route is known, then it must be entered into the “Customer” attribute using the “Add” button. At this stage, you can print the waybill by clicking on the signatures and give it to the driver, put the appropriate ones, then click. The document will be recorded, but will not be posted. At the end of the shift, the driver hands over a waybill, where he will have filled in: speedometer and fuel indicators when entering the garage, the amount of fuel issued according to the refueling sheet for that day, trips, the amount of cargo transported. We need this data to correctly calculate fuel standards. To do this, go to the item “Waysheets” / “Truck Waybills (Form 4-C)” or “Waysheets (all)”, find the waybill, open and fill in all the missing data: Date and time when entering the garage, “zero mileage” (if it is known how many kilometers the vehicle moved without a load), fuel and lubricants are issued, a tabular part, namely, to accurately calculate the fuel consumption according to the norm, you need to fill in the columns where the mileage for all trips. The correction factor (D) is filled in either automatically from the car (if this factor was taken into account when entering it in the “Vehicles” directory), or independently guided by section 2, clause 5, clause 6 of the methodological recommendations “Consumption standards for fuels and lubricants in road transport "or vehicle specification. When the tabular part is filled out, the speedometer indicator “at the end of the day” will be filled in automatically. For buses, dump trucks, special vehicles, you need to fill out “T-Amount of work of special equipment.” If all the data is entered correctly, the column will display a consumption rate that may or may not correspond to the actual consumption of fuels and lubricants.

19 If you want the actual flow rate to be equal to the standard flow rate, you can press the button or set it manually. If the vehicle uses several types of fuel, then you need to check and, if necessary, adjust the tabular part on the “Fuel Movement” tab. The columns “Balance at check-out” and “Expense according to the norm” are filled in automatically, and you can change “Issued” and “Actual expense” manually. Here you can select “Fuel write-off algorithm”. At this point the waybill is considered complete, press the button and you can print it.. If desired

20 4.Reports 4.1. DP accounting log (form 8) Set the period and organization and click the “Generate” button

21 4.2. Vehicle operation record card Set the period, select the vehicle and click the “Generate” button 4.3. Fuel turnover by type The report shows the consumption and receipt of fuel by type and vehicle for the period. Set the period and click the “Generate” button Vehicle fuel consumption by employee

22 Set the period and click the “Generate” button. The report can be generated for one employee or for all. (30) 5.Service 5.1. Export of transactions for fuel consumption The subsystem Waybills for 1c has the ability to export transactions for write-off of fuel to the accounting department of the enterprise. The following describes the export, taking into account what has already been done. Primary setup of export of transactions for writing off fuel according to waybills (configured once, described in detail in “1. Basic information about the organization”, in this user manual) (Directories / Counterparties / Organization / Waybills sheets (settings) / Export). When all the waybills for the month have been created, go to “Service” / Export of fuel consumption entries”

23 It is recommended to upload transactions one month in advance. We set the period, select the organization and check the box “One document by type of fuel per month.” If the checkbox is checked, then one document will be uploaded to the accounting department of the enterprise: Request-invoice with posting for one type of fuel for the entire month (the comment will indicate “AI-92 Gasoline (from to). Uploaded from the subsystem Waybills for 1c.” And so on all types of fuel. If the checkbox is not checked, then the number of Requirements-invoices will be uploaded to the Accounting Department of the enterprise, as many waybills will be entered in the “Waybills” subsystem. export of transactions.

24 5.2. Import of counterparties The subsystem Waybills for 1c allows you to import the Counterparties directory from standard configurations, as well as update information about counterparties. The following describes the import, taking into account what has already been done. Primary setup of import of counterparties from standard configurations (configured once, described in detail in “1. Basic information about the organization”, in this user manual) (Directories / Counterparties / Organization / Waybills (settings )/import). Import of counterparties occurs according to the GUID. If a Counterparty is found in the Counterparties directory of the Waybills subsystem, then its Name, Full Name, Legal Name. The address, phone number and group it belongs to will be updated. Otherwise, a new Contractor will be created. In order to open the processing of import of counterparties, go to “Service” / Import of counterparties.” Specify the necessary parameters and click the “Import counterparties” button. The “Search by Name” flag allows the program to search for a counterparty by name if it is not found by GUID. This function is useful if the directory contains previously manually entered counterparties similar to those imported.

25 6.Order Get the advantage that other companies are already getting! Order “Waybills for 1c” right now. Subsystem Configuration

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4 Formation of procurement using the “Tender” method... 2 4.1 Filling out the “Tenders” interface by creating a purchase based on a purchase application (purchase through the MA)... 2 4.2 Filling out the “Tenders” interface using

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Contents I Table of Contents Part I General information about rule registers 2 1 Purpose and... structure of rule registers 2 2 System events... and calling rules 3 Part II Types of rule registers 4 1 Service

INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUSTOMERS Work in the state information system of the Omsk region in the field of procurement of goods, works, services Information about the contract (its changes) 1. Formation of information about the contract

The program "Respect: Accounting for waybills and fuels and lubricants" is supplied integrated into the following standard configurations of the 1C company:

  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting,
  • 1C: Trade Management,
  • 1C: Integrated automation,
  • 1C:UPP.

Integration allows you to generate movements in accounting registers without transferring data. Based on the waybills, a fuel write-off document is generated. Programs and equipment must comply.

Waybills and fuels and lubricants in 1C: Accounting

Accounting module in the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting", supported by versions 2.0 and 3.0, and platforms 8.2 and 8.3, respectively.

Accounting entries for the write-off of fuel and lubricants are generated by the document "Request invoice". The invoice indicates the write-off warehouse and cost account indicating analytics. The invoice is created based on the data from waybills for the required period.

1C: Trade Management

The program is integrated into the standard configuration Trade Management, version 10. The mechanism for integrating and generating movements in accounting registers is similar to the Enterprise Accounting configuration. Based on the waybills, a fuel and lubricants write-off document is generated - “Demand invoice”.

1C: Integrated automation

The subsystem for recording waybills and fuels and lubricants is integrated into the standard configuration Integrated automation, version 1.1. The formation of movements in fuel and lubricants accounting registers is carried out by an invoice, which is created on the basis of waybills for the required period.

1C:Manufacturing enterprise management

The configuration for accounting for waybills and fuel and lubricants is integrated into the standard configuration of the UPP, version 1.2. The formation of movements in fuel and lubricants accounting registers is carried out by the document “Demand invoice”, which is created based on a sample of waybills for the period.

System requirements

To work with the program, computers and software must meet the requirements of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

The license for the program “Respect: Accounting of waybills and fuels and lubricants” provides for the user to have the main delivery of PROF version 1C: Enterprise 8 (Accounting, Trade Management, SCP or Integrated Automation).

To work in multi-user mode, you will need additional client licenses for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. Additional licenses for workstations for the “Respect: Accounting of waybills and fuels and lubricants” configuration are not required.

Installation and update procedure

The "Accounting for waybills and fuels and lubricants" configuration is built into the working database by combining it by subsystem in the 1C: Enterprise 8 configurator. The configuration can also be installed autonomously if the working configuration cannot be changed or data synchronization is not required. In this case, based on the results of the working period, it is enough to transmit summary data on fuel consumption.


The RespectSoft company releases regular program updates, which also contain new versions of standard configurations. This way our users can only be updated with our releases.

In this case, it is possible to update only the standard 1C configuration. Upon request, we can send detailed instructions on how to update and install the configuration.

Certification 1C: Compatible

The program is certified by 1C and already has 6 “Compatible! Software system 1C:Enterprise". The presence of a certificate is an official confirmation that the program has passed thorough testing in 1C for correct collaboration and ease of use with the 1C:Enterprise system.

With processing of filling out waybills in "1C: Accounting 3.0" you will be able to:

  • Reduce time for preparing travel plans
  • Calculate distance by addresses
  • Load and fill routes from Excel files
  • Compare planned and actual mileage data
  • Calculate fuel consumption at a given rate
  • Automatically detect excess fuel consumption or fuel economy
  • Store waybills directly in "1C: Accounting 3.0"

If you have a freight transport, then you need to fill out a truck waybill

How does filling out waybills work in "1C: Accounting 3.0":

We install additional external processing.

In the document request-invoice, fill out the waybill. It is not necessary to post the document - you can only save it.

We display the completed waybill on the screen and print it.

The completed waybill with all the data is now stored in the document “Demand-invoice” of the “1C: Accounting 3.0” database.

Demonstration of working with waybills in 1C: Accounting

See how filling out waybills works in 1C: Accounting 3.0. To do this, follow the link and you will download the web client "1C: Accounting 3.0". In the list of users, select "Demo" and enter the database.

Next, go to the section "Production" -> "Requirement-invoice", open any document in the list and select the item in the "Print" menu "Passenger car waybill" or "Truck waybill". Fill in the fields and print a waybill

You can download routes from Excel to quickly fill out travel sheets. For your convenience, we have added examples of three formats of source Excel files for loading into travel sheets.

You can view examples of information for downloading waybills in the program form by clicking menu "Example files".

The cost of installing waybills in "1C: Accounting 3.0"


Printing the entire itinerary +
Entering routes and addresses +
Entering details of the first page of the waybill +
Calculation of remaining fuel +
Calculation of speedometer readings at the end of the day +
Entering "Advance report" documents to reflect fuel refueling and take into account balances at the end of the day in the calculation +
Printing from the document "Request-invoice" +
Calculating distance using map services +
Saves the settings you select when printing +
Payroll calculation per hour +
Salary calculation based on rate per km +
Cost, rub. incl. VAT 10 284

Support for work with processing of filling out waybills - 1 month.