The law of the negation of negation is that the new always negates the old and takes its place, but gradually it itself turns from new into old and is negated by more and more new things. According to this law, development is a process consisting of certain cycles.

Law of Negation of Negation expresses focus, continuity of development and its form. The most important category of the law is category "denial".She expresses: A) process of destroying an object as a result of the action of predominantly external forces and factors, i.e., the cessation of the existence of a given object, the end of its development (external, “wasteful” denial, destruction); b) self-denial as an internal moment of development with retention of the positive content of the negated (“ withdrawal"). In the process of development, both types of denial are closely interrelated, but internal denial ultimately plays the decisive role.

The law of negation of negation expresses progressive, successive, cyclical nature of development and its form: « spiral"(and not a "circle" or a "straight line"), repetition at the highest stage of some properties of the lower, "supposedly a return to the old." At the same time, development appears as a process that seems to repeat the steps already passed, but repeats them differently, on a higher basis.

Form of cyclical development - triad: original pun kt - him negation - denial of denial (thesis - antithesis - synthesis; theory - practice - new theory, and so on.). Each cycle acts as a turn in development, and a spiral acts as a chain of cycles. The action of the law is not detected at every given moment, but only in an integral, relatively completed process of development. The law of the negation of negation cannot be presented as a rigid scheme suitable for all occasions; it is even more unacceptable to “squeeze” all of reality in its entirety and the living, multifaceted process of cognition into this scheme.

Category « negation"reflects a certain stage of development, distinguishing the transformation of an object into something else, in a certain way connected with the denied object. Denial is a meaningful process and means not just the destruction of an old phenomenon, but also the emergence of a new one, which is in a certain connection with what is being denied. The inclusion of some “positive” elements of a denied quality in a processed form into a new thing is called “removal”. To remove characterized by three interrelated aspects: overcoming, maintaining and rising to a new, higher level.

The denial of old forms by new ones is the reason and mechanism of progressive development. However, the question of the direction of development is controversial in philosophy. The following main points of view are highlighted:

- development- only a progressive process, a transition from lower forms to higher ones, - that is, ascending development;

- development can be either ascending or descending;

- development is chaotic, has no direction.

Practice shows that of the three points of view, the closest to the true is the second: development can be either upward or downward, although the general trend is still upward.


The human body develops and grows stronger (ascending development), but then, developing further, it weakens and becomes decrepit (descending development);

The historical process follows an upward direction of development, but with recessions - the heyday of the Roman Empire was replaced by its fall, but then a new upward development of Europe followed (Renaissance, Modern Times, etc.).

Moreover, development rather does not proceed in a linear manner (in a straight line), but in a spiral, and each turn of the spiral repeats everything that happened before, but at a new, higher level.

IN in dialectics, double negation is understood one that completes a certain development cycle (a typical example: grain-stem-ear grains). Thus, the double transition of opposites will not be a literal return to the previous state, that is, a return supposedly to the old is accompanied by enrichment, an increase in development, when development does not proceed in a vicious circle, but in a spiral, there is progression in development. Sometimes the return is carried out through a large number of jumps, a series of negations. The number of negations and the method of negation depend on the specific specifics of a particular phenomenon.

The laws of dialectics we have named “capture” the real connections and processes of the material world and therefore have great cognitive significance. The identification and knowledge of these laws is, without a doubt, one of the achievements of philosophical thought. However, in the surrounding world, in addition to linear (straightened, unidirectional) development, there are other types of changes (chaotic, oscillatory, turbulent, etc.), which require other theoretical means of cognition. Therefore, the laws of dialectics, of course, cannot be perceived as some kind of absolute and complete philosophical knowledge about the connections and processes of development in the world.

The concepts, principles and laws we outlined above make it possible to formulate basic ideas of dialectics as its peculiar conclusion, result. These are, Firstly, the idea of ​​​​connecting everything with everything, which is confirmed by the history of the development of the world and the data of natural and social sciences. Secondly, this is the idea of ​​​​the inconsistency of the world as a fundamental principle and condition of its existence. AND Thirdly- the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe variability of everything that exists in this world. To summarize, we can say that the material world is not a certain sum of things independent of each other, but is a system of various interactions and processes. World-This fiery flow, in words Heraclitus . Dialectics, as a method of philosophical thinking, prohibits an isolated, one-sided and distorted consideration of objects. All of them are involved in a worldwide process of interaction with each other and cannot be truly known if each is considered separately.

2. The concept of “negation of negation”.

3. The essence of the law of negation of negation.

1. This is a law that indicates the direction of development - development from simple to complex, from lower to higher does not proceed linearly, but by transitioning into its opposite, through emergence and destruction, as a result of which development acquires spiral shape.

If the law of dialectical contradiction reveals the internal side of development, and the law of quantitative and qualitative changes reveals the external side of the form of development, then law of negation of negation– the unity of the internal and external sides, their synthesis.

It expresses the trend of development, form and how the connection and historical continuity between the new and the old is realized. Without the negation of the old, the emergence of a more perfect new is impossible.

Eat metaphysical and dialectical understanding of negation.

Metaphysical – destructive denial, after which development is impossible.

Dialectical negation preserves in the old what can serve the new, that is, the destruction of the old and the preservation of the positive. What exactly arises, what is preserved as positive, and what is destroyed depends on the specific system and conditions of development.

There are no unambiguous negations; any negation is multi-valued: in one respect it is progressive, in another it is regressive, and in a third it can be neutral to both progress and regress.

Each denial must be considered from 3 sides:

in relation to the previous state;

in relation to changes in other elements or the system;

in relation to the entire holistic self-developing system.

We are interested in negations associated with progressive, progressive development, which presuppose the possibility of further development, the possibility of a new negation, as a moment of connection with the positive of the old system, negation as an affirmation of the new.


1. Dialectical negation is the abolition of one material system by another.

2. It is carried out not in the course of the formation and development of contradictions, but in the course of their resolution, not through quantitative changes, but through qualitative changes, not in the course of evolutionary development, but in the course of revolutionary transformation.

3. Dialectical negation is not naked destruction, but the negation in the old only of that which no longer corresponds to the given conditions and the retention of everything positive and its transference to the core, as the basis for further development.

4. Dialectical negation expresses the moment of continuity of being, the moment of connection between the old and the new, and therefore continuity in development.

5. The specific content of dialectical negation is the universal connection of the lower with the higher, which is realized through the preservation and further development in the new of all the positive content that was in the old.

2. Concept "negations of negations"

Any phenomenon is the result of the negation of previous phenomena and contains the possibility of its own negation, that is, this negation is removed by a new one; the new develops, becomes old, is removed by the new, etc.

What is the connection between the first and subsequent negation?

What new does the second negation provide compared to the old one?

What pattern operates in the general chain of alternating negations?

The negation of the negation is universal:

Grain Plant Grain

Butterfly Larva Butterfly

The plant denies the grain, new grains deny the plant and act as denial of denial. The first and second negations act as an ascending development.

Hegel put it this way:

Thesis (original) – second stage;

Antithesis – in relation to the first (thesis) acts as negation;

Synthesis ( third stage ) – is the negation of the second stage (synthesis), and in relation to the first it acts as denial of denial. Here, as it were, a return to the old, and at the same time, the third stage of a certain development cycle is also the first stage of a new development cycle, a new triad. Negation and continuity are interconnected as dialectical opposites, which together form a single process of becoming.

It is as if a repetition of what has been covered in progressive development is called law of negation of negation ( the law was formulated by Hegel ).

3. Essence This law is that at the highest stage of development it is as if a return to the old, as if a repetition of certain features, properties, which took place at any stage of development, subsequently lost and regained, but in a changed form (in philosophy - the development of materialism - natural elemental - metaphysical materialism - dialectical materialism - repetition of ancient materialism only in a general form).

· for the law of negation of negation to operate, not just any, not every change must occur, but strictly defined, at which development occurs.

· an important feature of this law is that it does not express a simple repetition of the features and characteristics of the old in the new, but the approval of a qualitatively new education, richer in content and higher in form.

· negation of negation acts as retention, as a synthesis of everything positive that was in the first two phases of development. Synthesis in negation represents the “removal” of previous phases and a new higher quality formation. This is both the final phase in the development of the process and a new starting point for further development.

· negation of negation expresses progressive development - ascent from simple to complex (there is a deviation, but in principle it is so).

Form development of law – spiral.

This form was not taken by chance. It clearly covers such aspects of dialectical development as:


repetition and progression; irreversibility; the irresistibility of the new in development.

Knowledge of this law helps to assess changes, especially in society, and provides objective criteria for such assessment.

If we talk about the significance of dialectics in general for knowledge and practical activity, then it consists in the fact that a person should not avoid contradictions, but identify them, try to resolve them, try to be an optimist and remember: there is nothing settled in the world and if life does not suit you , try to change it, and therefore your life has meaning!


Dialectics is one of the branches of philosophy where a theoretical picture of the development of the world is formed. Dialectics is a philosophical doctrine of universals (universal connections of existence and development of all things), a philosophical theory of development, a way of thinking in which the world around a person is perceived as a single and dynamic whole.

There is objective dialectics - the processes of interaction and development in the external world and subjective dialectics - the reflection of these processes in a person’s consciousness, this is the movement of his thoughts and ideas.

The main questions of dialectics are: what is development? Why is this happening? How does it proceed? Where is development heading?

At the end of the twentieth century, based on discoveries in mathematics, cybernetics, chemistry, and biology, a new concept of interdisciplinary scientific research emerged - synergetics(coordinated, joint). These ideas were put forward by Belgian scientists led by Prigozhin, in Russia - Samarsky, Kurdyumov and others.

Synergetics studies the general patterns of self-organization processes of open systems. An open system is one that constantly interacts with the environment, exchanges matter, energy, and information. In any open system, processes of self-organization occur, i.e. organization, which is due to internal reasons. Interacting with the environment, this stable system under certain conditions begins to change - it becomes unstable and can be subject to random deviations (fluctuations). Fluctuations weaken the structure and lead to changes in the system as a whole. A new stable structure emerges. Random deviations and fluctuations lead to a nonlinear development process, i.e. the system can develop along one of many possible paths, form one of many possible structures.

THAT. a new stable (equilibrium) system is formed from instability as a result of the action of chance. Instability breeds stability. From chaos comes order. The system is self-organizing.

Randomness plays an important role in open nonlinear systems.

It has a decisive influence on the process of self-organization of the system and determines the direction of its development. This is an essential characteristic of nonlinear, multivariate development and opens up many paths of evolution. Chance complements necessity; under certain conditions, it can be the cause of fundamental changes, a transition to a new qualitative state. These can be disasters in nature and society.

Synergetics complements and clarifies a number of dialectic provisions. Interprets concepts such as self-development, order and disorder, stability and instability in a new way. Here the development is not unilinear, unidirectional, associated with necessity, but development, which contains the possibility of choosing one of many paths, a choice that is determined by chance. In synergetics, instability and chaos are not something destructive, a deviation from the main path of development, but act as a necessary stage, constructive principles that lead to the organization of new, more complex systems. Considering the progress of self-organization, stages of development, the role of accidents - synergetics creates conditions for the creation of a universal concept of global evolution, as well as evolution in the Universe. It forms a general research paradigm, expands and deepens the dialectical concept of development.

The patterns discovered by synergetics indicate that the management of complex systems is effective if it is consistent with the internal processes of self-organization. Even a weak coordination (i.e., resonant) influence is more effective than a strong, but not coordinated influence on the system, which leads to negative consequences. Nature must not be conquered, but rather we must live in harmony with it and learn to resonate. The same should be done in economics, politics, culture, and social relations.

Related information.

Among the basic laws of materialist dialectics is the law of the negation of negation. What does this law express, what is its essence? In the most general form, the answer to this question can be formulated as follows: the law of negation of negation expresses those essential, necessary connections and relationships between past and present, present and future that arise and exist in the process of development of objects and phenomena of the objective world. This also includes connections and relationships that arise and exist between stages, periods or stages of change and development of the object or phenomenon itself, etc. In other words, the action of this law can be found in any, without exception, formations of the material world, including social processes in human thinking. F. Engels therefore characterized the negation of negation as a very general, widely valid and important law of the development of nature, history and thinking.

In order to reveal the content of the law of negation of negation, and therefore to correctly understand its specificity in comparison with other laws of dialectics, it is necessary first to consider the basic concepts with the help of which it is formulated and revealed.


Such basic concepts are “negation”, “negation of negation” or, what is the same, “double negation”, “sublation”, “continuity”.

“Denial,” as a philosophical concept, reflects the complex nature of the interconnections and relationships that arise and exist in the process of change and development of objects and phenomena of reality, as well as in the very process of human cognition of the objective world. The main content of negation, from the point of view of materialist dialectics, is two interconnected and interdependent moments - the destruction, the withering away of the old, outdated and not corresponding to the changed conditions, and at the same time the preservation of the new, positive, corresponding to the changed conditions. In any change in phenomena and objects of reality, as well as in knowledge, both of these moments necessarily take place - either openly, explicitly, which can be stated with sufficient certainty, or implicitly, hidden, in connection with which sometimes very great efforts are required to find out and the presence and nature of the process of denial. The most common method of denial is the hidden, implicit method.

The process of negation always occurs under appropriate conditions, and its character depends on the nature of the phenomena in which it occurs. Therefore, in one case, one can freely point to an example that clearly demonstrates not only the fact of denial, but also the nature of its occurrence. In another case, only over a long period of time and careful analysis can one ascertain the presence of denial and the nature of its course.

Clear examples of this include such facts as the transition from one scientific theory to another (in the field of development of cognition), the replacement of one socio-economic formation by another, the change of periods or stages in the ontogenesis of a living organism, the interconversion of chemical elements, etc.

V.I. Lenin, in his work “Three Sources and Three Components of Marxism,” convincingly showed that Marx’s teaching did not arise on the sidelines of the high road of development of world civilization - it is the successor to all the best that has been achieved by the progressive thought of humanity in the person of German classical philosophy, English political economy and French utopian socialism. In other words, Marxism accepted and critically processed everything positive in the above-mentioned teachings and at the same time rejected, discarded everything that could not serve as a condition for further spiritual progress in society, and above all the spiritual development of the working class - the decisive force in the creation of a new, communist society.

If we are talking about socio-economic formations, then it should be emphasized that each subsequent formation can arise and develop only under the condition of a dialectical negation of the previous one, i.e., under the condition of maximum preservation of the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by the latter and the simultaneous elimination of the social orders generated by it, political, legal, moral, etc. relations.

“In no area,” Marx emphasized, “can development occur without denying its previous forms of existence” 1.

The process of dialectical negation is very clearly expressed in the development of natural science theories. This can be seen, in particular, in the example of the relationship between Euclidean geometry (the geometry of flat space) and non-Euclidean geometry, created in the 19th century. Lobachevsky and Riemann (geometry of spherical, volumetric space). Non-Euclidean geometry, which denies a number of postulates on which Euclidean geometry rests, thereby denies the latter. But this denial did not mean the complete rejection or elimination of Euclidean geometry. The essence of the denial here was that a more precise (and therefore limited) framework for the truth of the geometry of flat space was indicated.

The “hidden” nature of denial is, for example, the process of interconversion of chemical elements with a half-life of the order of several hundred or thousand years.

What is the basis of denial, its driving cause? Such a basis and reason for denial is the emergence, development and resolution of contradictions inherent in each object and phenomenon of objective reality. It is the moment of resolution of the contradiction that is also the moment of negation itself. But since any resolution of contradictions is accompanied by the elimination of one opposite side and the transformation of the other or the transformation of both opposite sides, it follows that for dialectics not any negation is important, but only that which serves as a condition for further development. V.I. Lenin emphasized that “it is not naked denial, not wasted denial, not skeptical denial, hesitation, doubt that is characteristic and essential in dialectics..., but denial as a moment of connection, as a moment of development, with the retention of the positive...” 2.

1 K. Marx and F. Engels. Soch., vol. 4, p. 297.

2 V. I. Lenin. Full collection soch., vol. 29, p. 207.


Directly opposite to the dialectical understanding of negation is the metaphysical understanding of it. As already mentioned, metaphysics, as a philosophical method, is characterized by the recognition of absolute (unchangeable) boundaries between objects and phenomena, their properties and relationships, reasoning according to the “either or” principle. Therefore, within the framework of metaphysical understanding, negation is something that performs only a destructive function and does not carry any positive aspects. This means that any negation, no matter where it occurs and no matter what its character, always represents a complete, absolute destruction of what exists or existed. Whether one historical era is replaced by another, whether one scientific theory is replaced by another, or as a result of some reason a civilization or plant dies, a space object is destroyed, etc. - for metaphysics all this has a strictly unambiguous character.

It must be said that this view of negation has its own epistemological basis. It lies in the idea that objects and phenomena of reality do not have any internal contradictions; the reasons for their changes come down to the action of only external factors. For metaphysics, Engels wrote, “an object cannot be itself and at the same time something else; positive and negative absolutely exclude each other.”

Although at first glance this way of thinking seems convincing, since it is inherent in so-called common sense, in scientific research, especially in cases of deep assessment of social phenomena, it turns out to be inapplicable. One of the clearest confirmations of this is the metaphysical understanding of the essence of negation.


Each moment (stage) of development that represents negation is neither absolutely first nor absolutely last. Consequently, each first negation is inevitably followed by a second, the second by a third, etc. Such a conclusion inevitably follows, firstly, from the recognition of the fact of infinity of movement as a way of existence of the material world, and secondly, from the proof that contradictions, which are the basis of every negation, are not reconciled, but resolved. Therefore, negation does not and cannot have the form of some kind of one-act action; it always has the character of a complex process, where the forward movement, from lower to higher, is often replaced by a backward movement or a simple repetition of the steps passed, cyclicality, i.e. when at the beginning and at the end of its change, some object or phenomenon remains in principle identical to itself1.

1 For example, with constant temperature fluctuations from -0 to +100 and above, a cycle of mutual transformations occurs: ice -> water -> steam -> water -> ice -> water -> steam, etc. water + steam, etc. When the atom returns to its original state of aggregation.

However, in objective reality, changes of a cyclical nature are predominant, as a result of which a general circulation of substances takes place in nature. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the cyclical nature of changes, their recurrence depends on the nature of the phenomenon or object and the conditions in which these changes occur. They differ in volume, depth, and duration. Therefore, we cannot always and not in all cases state with sufficient completeness and accuracy the boundaries and scale of the cyclical changes occurring in reality itself.

However, these changes do not occur in their “pure” form; they are in one way or another connection, in one way or another, with changes of a progressive nature. We can say that cyclicity and progression are two interdependent opposites inherent in movement as a way of existence of matter. Therefore, it is wrong to believe that any specific processes can be considered only as progressive or only as cyclical.

In inorganic nature (in particular in phenomena studied by physics or chemistry), cyclic changes are of such predominant importance that they often serve as an argument in favor of the statement that it is inappropriate to apply the law of negation of negation, for example, to the world of elementary particles. The interaction of these particles is revealed in their interconvertibility: any elementary particle, interacting with any other (or others), turns into another (or others) particle. At first glance, in these cycles of mutual transformations, there seems to be no upward movement; everything ends up happening as if in a vicious circle. But this is only possible in an absolute vacuum, which, by the way, exists only in an ideal form. In fact, everything is different: elementary particles, interconverting, have a certain influence on the material formation of which they are components. Another thing is that we cannot yet trace this influence with the necessary completeness.

Modern biochemistry has revealed in some detail the fact that the life activity of all organic substances is based on a large number of different chemical reactions, common to both the simplest and the most complex organisms. The sequence of the same reactions is identical in all details, their final effect or balance level remains similar in both bacteria and higher organisms. Therefore, at all stages of the evolutionary ladder of living nature, many of the same (most important for the life of organisms) chemical compounds are found. Thus, adenazine triphosphoric acid (ATP), which is a universal element of cellular energy, is found in all organisms without exception.

This means that within the framework of biological phenomena, chemical (as well as physical) processes are cyclical in nature, their movement occurs within these limits, as if in a circle, with a return to the original state. But it is precisely thanks to this that the normal functioning of living organisms, their evolution and, ultimately, progressive development takes place.

Or this example. All multicellular organisms, throughout their individual lives, seem to undergo repeated renewal: in each of them there is a continuous process of destruction (destruction) and formation of cells. In other words, each cell, with the exception of the nerve cell, functions only for a certain time, then it is destroyed, and a newly formed cell takes its place. In relation to a living organism as a whole, the process of new cell formation occurring in it has the character of repeating cycles. Thanks to this, the normal functioning and development of a living organism is carried out.

At the same time, if a single organism (individual) is considered within a population, then its birth, development and death acts as a moment of repeating processes occurring within the population and ensuring its functioning and development as a biological phenomenon.

Naturally, not only in living nature, but also in inanimate nature, as well as in the life of society, the development of all phenomena and objects has a similar character. It should be borne in mind that the very nature of development in various areas of the objective world has its own peculiarity, which can be so unique that at first glance one gets the impression that they lack identity or similarity.

Thus, the complexity and inconsistency of the movement, expressed in the relationship of cyclicity and progression, determine the facts of a certain repetition of individual stages in development, a return supposedly to the old. In each specific phenomenon there is a certain repetition of the past, characterized as the negation of the negation. But in this repetition there is no complete reproduction of the past, since both the phenomenon itself and the conditions in which it exists have undergone significant changes. Because of this, the repetition itself occurs on a different, higher basis, and the process of development, in the figurative expression of V.I. Lenin, does not proceed along a straight line, but along an ascending curved line that looks like a spiral.

The question may arise: how often do the steps taken be repeated? There can be only one answer: it depends on the nature of the phenomenon itself and on the conditions of its functioning. In the development of some phenomena, repeatability can be established through one or two negations (for example, grain - plant - grain; metals - metalloids - metals), in the development of others - through four to eight moments of negation (grain - root system - stem - ear grain), in the development thirdly, repeatability can be very approximate (for example, geological development).

All this indicates that it is impossible to represent the action of the law of negation of negation schematically, that is, in the form of strictly defined steps, in all processes that succeed each other with the same sequence and in some unchanged form.

The effect of the law in question in public life is very specific.


In general, the peculiarity of the action of the laws of materialist dialectics in the social form of the movement of matter is due to the presence of two factors - objective (the set of changes that occur outside and independently of the will and desire of people) and subjective (the activities of people, classes, parties, various associations, etc. ., aimed at achieving certain goals). It is through the interaction of these factors that the objective laws of dialectics make their way.

In the conditions of development of antagonistic formations, the process of negation of negation is ultimately expressed in the clash and struggle of the main classes - the exploiters and the exploited. Any exploiting - economically and politically dominant - class consciously directs all its efforts to maintaining conditions that meet its fundamental interests. These efforts and actions ultimately contradict the objective course of history. On the contrary, the oppressed classes are fighting the exploiters to eliminate these conditions and create other conditions that ensure their free existence and development. The actions of the oppressed classes in this case meet the requirements of forward movement in history.

As a result of the class struggle, negation occurs, the result of which is the emergence of a new formation. The transition to a new formation does not mean a complete, absolute negation of the previous one: everything positive achieved in the material and spiritual fields of human activity is preserved and used for the further development of history.

Each antagonistic formation in its development undergoes a series of successive denials that lead it to self-denial. This state occurs when the possibilities for the progress of society within a given formation are exhausted.

Denial is qualitatively different under the conditions of socialism (and especially communism), primarily because there are no classes whose fundamental interests would be polar opposites, therefore, there is no class vitally interested in preserving certain social conditions to the detriment of another (or other) class . Moreover, the classes themselves, due to objective reasons, as they develop, eventually cease to be classes as large social groups of people.

In our country, as noted in the decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU, “in the process of communist construction, in the context of the unfolding of the scientific and technological revolution, profound changes in the economy and the nature of labor, important social changes are taking place. The professional training and skill of workers and peasants, their education are increasing and culture; working and living conditions in city and countryside are gradually becoming closer; the number of intelligentsia, especially scientific and technical ones, is increasing" 1. Thanks to this, more and more objective prerequisites are being created for the formation of a classless, socially homogeneous society.

1 "Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU", p. 203.

This means that some basic contradictions that determine the development of society have been replaced by others that are fundamentally different. The objective tendency towards strengthening the unity of socialist society is based on the basis of economic and production relations, the most important feature of which is public ownership of the tools and means of production.

Thanks to this, under the conditions of socialism and communism, the main elements of the productive forces - tools and means of labor (the "material element") and the people who put them into action (the "personal element") - are directly connected to each other. This means that in the very material (economic) relations of socialism and communism there are no reasons that ultimately lead to the division of society into opposite, warring classes.

In the conditions of a class society, for example, capitalism, this combination of elements of the productive forces is carried out through the private owner, that is, indirectly: it is his, the owner (and not the producers of material goods themselves) whose interest determines this or that direction of development of the material, and therefore and spiritual production in society. This situation inevitably creates conditions for the polarization of classes, the deepening and development of contradictions between them.

Therefore, if in antagonistic formations the main, defining contradictions were the contradictions between the exploiters and the exploited, then for socialism and communism, as a single formation, such a contradiction is the contradiction between the objective requirements and conditions for the development of society and the level of systematically organized activity of people in the material and spiritual fields. This is a contradiction that, by its nature, does not tend to a state of antagonism; it, therefore, does not generate a potential limit to the development of the formation itself. Difficulties that arise in the development of our society (as a manifestation of these contradictions) are overcome and resolved under control, organized efforts and in the interests of the whole society, and not individual social groups or classes.

This is clearly evidenced, for example, by the decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU. In the directives of the congress on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1971 - 1975. the most important socio-economic tasks have been identified, the solution of which will create even more favorable conditions for the establishment of a communist society and further social progress. The nature of these tasks and their content reflect the interests of not just one, but of all classes and social groups of Soviet society.

This also means that the process of emergence, development and resolution of social contradictions taking place in the communist socio-economic formation does not create the ground for the formation of those forces and tendencies, the action of which ultimately leads to the complete self-negation of a given organization of society, as was the case in previous formations.

F. Engels characterized the history of a society divided into the oppressed and the oppressors as the prehistory of humanity. Real, truly human history begins after the destruction of all forms of exploitation of man by man, when man becomes the master of the social relations he has created and, thereby, creates all the necessary prerequisites for the comprehensive development of each member of society.

From that time on, the very history of society, its character and tendency, the direction of development acquired a qualitative feature. For analysis, assessment, and comprehension of its prospects, concepts and ideas developed on the basis of the study of previous history cannot be applied unchanged. To a certain extent, the following analogy can be drawn: just as when studying the phenomena of the microworld, the principles and approaches developed by classical physics turn out to be ineffective, and when studying processes and phenomena related to the communist formation itself, it is unlawful to mechanically use the concepts and ideas formed during the study of class antagonistic formations.

In previous formations, all social contradictions - both at their emergence and during their development and resolution - were ultimately influenced in one way or another by the contradictions that existed or exist between the main antagonistic classes. With the replacement of one antagonistic formation by another, similar one, the nature of social development does not change in principle. The emergence and resolution of contradictions and, consequently, the action of the law of negation of negation was identical, and the transition from one stage of social development to another, from the old to the new acts as a replacement of one socio-economic system by another.

When considering the development of a society that has passed into the stage of communist formation, we must inevitably abandon such an idea. The very concept of “socio-economic formation”, the main feature of which is the nature of the prevailing economic relations, from the point of view of the future development of society acquires a qualitatively different content. The stages, steps of social progress will not be the replacement of one formation by another, but completely different qualitative characteristics of society associated with the improvement, on the one hand, of public institutions and, on the other, of man as an individual. This is the trend in the development of human history.

Thus, speaking about the operation of the law of negation of negation in the conditions of socialism and communism, it is necessary to take into account the qualitative features of their organization and development, in contrast to all previous socio-economic formations.



With t.zr. specifics of the action of O. o. h. in society development of the greatest scientific. and practical It is important to identify the features of the form of social progress under communist conditions. formations. If under capitalism the indirectness of development is aggravated by the presence of class antagonisms, which inhibit the transition to the second negation, then under socialism, the time spent on implementing the full cycle of development of a particular phenomenon, i.e. double negation tends to be reduced to the limits of the objectively necessary minimum. Dr. feature of the second negation in the development of antagonistic. formations is that here it, like , is carried out outside the boundaries of the formation in which the first negation was carried out. This is one of the chapters. reasons for the one-sidedness of progress in conditions of class antagonisms. The communist formation itself acts as the negation of the negation and removes the shackles of one-sidedness from societies. progress.

O. o. h. has been and is being attacked by various critics of Marxism. Some of them identify Marx’s and Hegel’s understanding of this law and, on this basis, try to attribute Marx’s interpretation of O. o. h. as a simple tool for constructing evidence (Dühring, Mikhailovsky). Others (for example, Merleau-Ponty) strictly connect O. o. h. with Hegel’s teleology and attribute Marx’s view of the end of history or try to find a contradiction in his concept of progress (A. Niel). This kind of “criticism” does not take into account that materialism. dialectics does not absolutize the removal of contradiction, but understands it as the replacement of one contradiction with another, i.e. as a relative withdrawal.

Lit.: Kedrov B. M., On repeatability in the process of development, M., 1961; Moroz K.V., The Law of Negation of Negation, M., 1957; Vorobiev M. Φ., Law of negation of negation, M., 1958; Rutkevich M. N., On the essence of the law of negation of negation and the scope of its action, "FN" (NDVSh), 1958, No. 4; Lebedev S.P., On the question of the content of the law of negation of negation, "VF", 1958, No. 7; Melyukhin S.T., On the dialectics of inorganic development. nature, M., 1960; Borjanu K., O scientific. the nature of the concept of progress, in: Problems of Philosophy, trans. from Romania, M., 1960; Bagirov Z., The Law of Negation of Negation, Baku, 1960; Morozov V.D., The Law of Negation of Negation, Minsk, 1960; Domrachev G., Efimov S., Timofeeva A., The Law of Negation of Negation, M., 1961. See also lit. at Art. Progress, Development, Compliance principle.

I. Isaev (Khabarovsk),

B. Semenchev (Moscow),

S. Shalyutin (Kurgan), A. Minasyan (Rostov-on-Don).

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .

dialectics law being negation

The law under consideration characterizes the direction and form of development, progression and continuity, the relative repetition of certain moments of the past. Fundamental to this law is the category of dialectical negation.

A number of philosophical schools view negation in a simplified way: as a backward movement, destruction; taking place only in thinking, especially in negative emotional states of consciousness, or only in social processes.

The inconsistency of phenomena presupposes an abrupt transition from one quality to another, which, from the perspective of the relationship between the old and the new, acts as a process of negation. Impact on an object (for example, grinding grain) can lead to the death of this object, which, however, does not mean a stop in development, because the product obtained from grinding, consumed as food, contributes to the development of a person or animal. Any action is not an isolated act, but is located in a system of objective interconnections of things. For example, predators, by exterminating less adapted individuals, promote their natural selection, i.e. the cessation of individual development of individual individuals is accompanied by an overall improvement of the species. “The negative,” Hegel wrote, “is equally positive... that which contradicts itself does not turn into... nothing...”

In society, not every negation is dialectical; there is also metaphysical negation. The metaphysical nature of denial is manifested in the exaggeration of the moment of destruction (destruction of temples, historical monuments), while absolutizing one of the sides of the contradiction. For example, attempts to create state socialism as anti-capitalism led to the suppression of the market, which resulted in a “costly” economy, imitation of labor and social activity, and, in general, stagnation in various spheres of life. The desire to form “pure” capitalism without introducing the positive aspects of socialism is also unscientific. As some researchers note, the West has skillfully woven elements of a mobilization mechanism into the market fabric, especially in the military, scientific and technical fields.

Metaphysical negation recognizes only external negation, absolutizes annihilation, and considers the relationship between old and new according to the “either-or” principle. Dialectical negation comes from the internal nature of self-denial and at the same time takes into account the external factors of negation (in relation to society), characterizes negation as a moment of connection and development with the retention of the positive, correlates the old and the new according to the “both-and” principle. Dialectical negation in relation to society includes a triune process: destruction (destruction, overcoming the old), cumulation (its partial preservation, continuity, translation) and construction (creation of the new).

The named moments of denial are presented as an ideal, a goal and, to a certain extent, as a real practice in the renewal of society in the CIS, especially in Belarus. The command-administrative system is being destroyed, some positive elements of the past, the experience of previous reforms, professionalism of personnel, traditions of patriotism, etc. are being used. A constructive beginning means combining the introduction of advanced technologies with a new economic mechanism, economic motives for activity with social and environmental regulators, the rule of law with human creativity, etc. The main direction of modernization of society lies in creation: ensuring legal mechanisms for the transition to a socially oriented market economy; the formation of political parties and movements capable of expressing the interests of various segments of the population; strengthening and expanding shock absorbers that facilitate the entry of the masses into the market economy; finding an ideal based on civil harmony.

Destruction provides the ground for the next phase of a process. Without cumulation, the process would return to the starting point every time. The growth of the process requires design.

The spiral form of development means a combination of cyclicity (cycles of formation and death, renewal and aging, etc.), relative repetition and progression.

Continuity, preservation of the old in the new and progression are expressed in the following.

The old quality continues to exist along with the new, higher in type, as a necessary condition for its existence. Thus, the appearance of living organisms does not exclude inanimate nature, and the animal world does not imply the death of vegetation.

Direct preservation of lower forms of organization of matter in higher ones. For example, in a living cell the main thing is metabolism, but physical and chemical laws remain important.

The negation of the negation is carried out as a transformation, a transition from one stage of the evolution of a thing, any system to another while preserving its very basis. Examples: stages in human development from embryonic existence as a child to old age; stages in the development of tools: bone, stone, metal, tools, machines, etc.

Preservation of acquisitions of the previous period in “withdrawn”, i.e. transformed form. Hegel wrote that sublation has a double meaning: it means to save, to preserve and at the same time to stop, to put an end to. From the point of view of dialectical materialism, negation-synthesis means “adding.” For example, ancient art was characterized by the cult of the human body; the earthly principle dominated in it. Medieval art denies this aesthetic ideal and exalts the spiritual principle in man. The art of the Renaissance restores the ancient ideal (repetition in the highest stage of some lower traits), but in an enriched form that takes into account both the external beauty of the body and the internal spirituality of a person (negation-synthesis). Another example: practice shows that success, over a certain intermediate, rather long period of history, leads to the formation of not just one (public or private), but a system of all forms developed by history, where private, joint-stock, cooperative, collective, state, or national, for - “we are property. Coexisting and interacting, these forms suppress each other’s negative traits and tendencies and develop positive ones. The development of science is not supposedly a return to the old, but is more like a “branching tree” of enriching and becoming more complex knowledge - branches in multiplying directions.

In addition to the multi-stage chain of negations (transformation), the general rhythm of development can be represented, according to Hegel, in the scheme of the triad “thesis-antithesis-synthesis” (example: bud-flower-fruit). The beginnings of ideas about the threefold cycle of development were outlined in Plato and Proclus. In this regard, we will give other examples from the history of philosophy. This is Rousseau’s view of history: initial equality - damage caused by inequality - the establishment of equality at a higher level (in the modern interpretation - the equality of all people before the law in a rule of law state, but not equality in people’s abilities - V.K.). Or a grain of barley, falling on favorable soil, turns into a stem and then into an ear with many grains that have changed to a greater or lesser extent (Engels). Hegel warned that the principle of triads is superficial, only the external side of the method of knowledge, but he himself often abused the schematism of triads. In knowledge, it is necessary to derive the law of the negation of negation from the phenomena themselves, to find it in them (if it is there), and not to impose it (in the form of schemes, a priori) on any developing object.

Realized in the interaction of opposites and the transition of quantitative and qualitative changes, development contains the overcoming of the old, continuity and affirmation of the new, which is determined by the law of negation of negation.