1. Natalya Tolstaya "Duel with treason." A book about how to properly face real betrayal “eye to eye” and how not to go crazy after meeting it. Almost all men, alas, are capable of cheating. And there is no guarantee that the most faithful spouse will never go “to the left.” If you don’t want to look for answers to questions using books, hire a detective or keep an eye on your loved one yourself!
  2. “The bitch’s handbook,” wrote Svetlana Kronna. Men love very much, but they are afraid of any woman whose behavior can be called (safely) bitchy. Make a man fear and love you! The combination of love and fear is a strong and reliable (strong) combination that will play a vital role in the future.
  3. "Think and Grow Rich" - writer Napoleon Hill. A wonderful guide that can teach you to live differently, according to a “successful” life plan. Read the book from beginning to end! Try to “read” even in some boring moments. They are found in any publication. However, without such moments, any book loses its “zest of meaning.”
  4. Thomas Stanley "My Neighbor is a Millionaire." This book content will shock you! Why? If only because you will find out what tricky questions people with low or medium income ask themselves. Didn't you have such a desire? Check it out!
  5. “Never eat alone” - Kate Ferazzi. The book will tell you how to get acquainted correctly and continue acquaintance further. You will also learn how to “attract” success to yourself. Now this is really interesting!
  6. Joan Harris "Blackberry Wine" Do you want to escape into the distant past? Have you completely forgotten how to love your own life? Have you stopped understanding anything at all? Read this book quickly!
  7. “The Psychology of Lying” - writer Paul Ekman. People lie. They often lie! Sometimes it seems that they love to do this, that lying helps them get through day after day. The contents of this book will help you understand where the truth is and where it is “not true at all.” Facial expressions and gestures will help you!
  8. Ivan Bunin "Easy Breathing" In the lines of this book you will “find” the revelation of secrets about what quality is valued by men in women in a special sense and to a special extent. Intrigued? Amazing! This means you'll soon be relaxing with reading instead of alone!
  9. Sergey Komarov “If this happens, it depends on me!” The book will help you find yourself. Thanks to her pages, you will help you get the most out of life! You just have to be patient and re-read the book very carefully several times. If needed... Then three, four, five...
  10. Adam Jackson "Ten Secrets of Happiness." An old Chinese man will “share” with you the extraordinary secrets of happiness. They won't just be put on the shelf by you! You can apply them in life.
  11. Victoria Isaeva “How to lose weight without dieting? Forty-nine simple rules." The book talks about the reasons for weight gain. Naturally, we are talking about getting rid of them here. Read! The book will return you to either your previous weight (with which you were happy) or your most gorgeous slimness.
  12. “A self-instruction manual for developing intuition,” wrote Laura Day. The book is very, very easy to read. Before you know it, you will have mastered all the intuitive skills. But you will decide (before re-reading this publication) whether you need real mastery of these “magic” skills.

Do you want to read a lot, a lot of books, but your eyes get tired quickly? What else can a woman read for self-development? - There are wonderful audiobooks for this case! They need to be listened to, not read, straining your eyes. By the way, many of the books described above are available in audio versions. You need to do a good search on the Internet. There’s so much that’s missing from his “webs”!

Rules for reading self-development books

  1. Remember what student life is. Just take notes on what you read. What seems useful and important to you. This way you will understand that you did not read the book in vain.
  2. Buy a lot of pens. Or rods. To have something to write at any time. You can use the computer. It will make it easier to edit the information found.
  3. Read books to the end and re-read if something remains unclear to you. Don't stop reading halfway through! Otherwise, show your weakness and you will be ashamed.
  4. Don’t be lazy to re-read old books that you read once before. You will be surprised, but you will be able to find information that you could not (for some reason) find.
  5. Go to the library. Ask for a list of books that are available. Choose several titles. Take it and promise yourself to read everything you took.
  6. Tell your best friends about interesting things you read. But choose as interlocutors those people who will really be interested. Don't impose! You have no right to this.
  7. Protect all accumulated knowledge, and do not forget it. They will help you in many situations. Even in the most unexpected.

Why read self-development books?

Decide and decide for yourself why you need it, and whether you need it at all. There are cases when a woman takes up reading smart books in order to “catch up” with her husband or boyfriend in intelligence. Any woman with such an “understanding of reality” can also be understood. They are afraid of appearing stupid or being abandoned.

Why do other girls and women read books? Because they are not bored, because they thirst for new and new knowledge, because they feel comfortable next to books.

Read and develop! Read and have fun! It’s worth learning to be friends with books! If you try it, you will like it. Don't forget to try!

By the way, to avoid confusion, keep a list of books you have read. This "trick" helps most people. Then the main thing becomes saving the list. Take care of what you write!

Improve, develop!

About the book: diary for creative people. Each page is different from the other - one page for every day. It encourages daily surprises, observations and actions that are different from what you have done before. One day she will ask you to learn how to draw, on another - to describe a birthday from your childhood, and on the third - nothing at all (write anything). This notebook, diary or self-development book may become your partner or companion for the whole year.

Feature of the book: new idea every day. Expands your horizons, motivates you to do things that you may not have done before.

Who is it for: for creative people looking for new experiences who want to diversify their lives.

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2. "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life"

About the authors: Raymond is an American futurist who develops devices to increase life expectancy and speech recognition. I am convinced that in the near future the human brain will not be able to keep up with the development of computers and science, as a result of which it will cease to understand them. Terry founded a medical center in Colorado. Researches nutritional supplements and anti-aging techniques.

About the book: Did you know that you can halve the death rate from heart attacks in men thanks to sex? This is proven by a study conducted by a famous British medical journal. In the book you will find a lot of very interesting studies like this. Transcend provides proven steps to improve your health. You will learn how sleep affects a person’s brain activity, how to simplify the life of your digestive system, how to establish a healthy diet, how to relax effectively and many other useful and interesting things.

Feature of the book: Step-by-step instructions will help you improve your well-being and increase the number of active years of your life. There are many interesting studies that confirm most of the authors’ conclusions.

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3. "Life of Purpose: Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals"

About the authors: Les is a famous American business coach who has been researching the field of goal setting and goal achievement for more than 30 years. Creator of an effective system for concentration and focusing on goals. Jack Canfield founded Chicken Soup for the Soul. He is the co-author of the book series of the same name (). Mark is the creator and co-author of the publication “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, a famous coach.

About the book: you won’t see a magic wand with Harry Potter and you’re unlikely to learn anything new (if you’ve previously read a lot of useful things and watched educational videos). The main advantage of the publication is the competent and clear structuring of the material, which can be easily used right now. The authors point out the main problem, an obstacle on the path of every person to success - the lack of constant focus on what is important. 10 strategies will inspire you, help you focus on what matters most every day and develop healthy habits.

Feature of the book: Each chapter provides step-by-step instructions for achieving your goal, energizes, inspires and motivates. Use it as a magic bullet and a road map to success.

Who is it for: for everyone who wants to reach the top in business and personal life. From the “Must Read” series.

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4. “Be the Best Version of Yourself: How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary”

About the book: perhaps one of the best books on self-development. Dan analyzed his life path, thanks to which he came up with 4 qualities inherent in successful people:

  • successful people are ready to take risks, but deliberate and conscious ones;
  • successful people are always disciplined and stick to it in everything;
  • successful people are generous and do it from the heart, and do not expect to receive something in return;
  • Successful people get along well with others.

Dan uses examples (his own and others) to show how ordinary people have achieved and are achieving success. He confirms that success can be achieved through perseverance and perseverance, despite his annotation to the publication: « Everything you knew about success is wrong. Set goals. Work hard. Be persistent. You can repeat this recipe for success, even if you wake you up at night and ask. And it doesn’t work – not for you, not for anyone else.” Maximum effort and constant learning. Readable in one go.

Feature of the book: makes you look at your life, actions, views from the outside (sometimes extremely unpleasant) and begin to act, change, be the best version of yourself. No "water". Use it as a “magic kick”.

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5. “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life: 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness"

About the author: Brian was a poor student and did not graduate from high school; he traveled the world for 8 years as part of a cargo ship crew. He worked as a sales agent (within a year he became the best in the company), two years later he became a sales manager, and after 3 years he became a vice president (at the age of 25). World-renowned consultant, speaker.

About the book: When the question arises, “Which books for self-development should I choose?”, this should be one of the first to read. World bestseller. The author provides the reader with 21 proven methods for increasing efficiency to get quick results in your personal and professional life. To implement them into your life, you need to develop the necessary habits. Brian identified three factors in creating a good habit:

  • hardness;
  • discipline;
  • perseverance.

Anyone can develop all these qualities if they have the desire. This publication will help you do this easily and naturally. The roadmap for creating the right habits is in your hands. Readable in one go. One of the best-selling books in the world for increasing personal effectiveness (circulation of more than 1.3 million copies, translated into 40 languages).

Feature of the book: simple and effective methods available to everyone will help you set and achieve goals in the shortest possible time. Motivates and inspires.

Who is it for: for everyone without exception. From the “Must Read” series.

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6. “This year I...: how to change habits, keep promises or do what you have long dreamed of”

About the book: Every person at least once said to himself: “Tomorrow I will start doing...” or “In the new year I will...”. According to statistics, only 8% of people actually accomplish what they planned. Others find a lot of reasons not to do this. This edition is very similar to the previous one - to achieve success you need to develop good habits. Ryan identifies 5 main stages to fulfill your dream (92% of people give up on their dreams at one of these points):

  • preliminary reflection - at this stage it is not yet clear what the final goal looks like and we are not able to accurately formulate it;
  • thinking about the task - thinking about how to do it;
  • preparation - we decide to do it in the near future;
  • action - we begin to act;
  • maintaining action - we implement our plans until we do it.

The entire book is structured around 5 main steps. This next road map is in your hands to implement your plans. Despite the easy presentation, there is a lot of work to be done on oneself (6-9 months, according to the author). For some this may seem like a lot, but for most it is negligible. The simple truth is that life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to achieve results, be prepared to work.

Feature of the book: teaches you how to set goals correctly and achieve them. Lots of examples and practical exercises.

Who is it for: for those who want to change themselves for the better, get rid of bad ones and acquire healthy habits.

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7. “Midas’s Gift: Why Some Get Rich and Others Don’t”

About the authors: Donald Trump is a billionaire, media personality, writer, founder and president of one of the largest construction companies in the world, the Trump Organization. Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, writer, and investor. Author of several dozen best-selling books on financial literacy, creator of the world-famous educational game “Cash Flow”.

About the book: Self-development books are unthinkable without Robert Kiyosaki. Donald and Robert share their experiences in one book for the first time. The title of the publication “Midas's Gift” can be misleading, because the gift is given from birth. Here the authors tell, using the example of the fingers of one hand, what skills and knowledge are needed to achieve success in business:

  • thumb – strength of character;
  • index finger – concentration;
  • middle finger – brand;
  • ring finger – relationships;
  • little finger - little things matter.

After reading the book, you will understand or better understand what skills you need to develop to achieve success in business. The authors provide direction rather than ready-made instructions. All material is presented in a fascinating and easy manner. Readable in one go.

Feature of the book: you will learn what you need to develop to achieve heights in business. Vivid examples from the lives of Donald and Robret (both achieved success and lost everything, but then achieved even more) perfectly complement the recommendations of the authors.

Who is it for: for beginners and professional entrepreneurs.

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8. “The monk who sold his Ferrari: a story about fulfillment of desires and comprehension of destiny”

About the book: a fictional story about a millionaire lawyer who, after a heart attack, decided to change his life. He sold all his belongings, including his plane and Ferrari, and then went to India in search of answers to numerous questions. After some time, he returned, rejuvenated, having found peace of mind and harmony. What happened to him and how did he turn from a person with a pre-infarction condition into an athletic, healthy, and most importantly, peaceful, happy person? Easy and casual to read.

About the authors: Jack is a former FBI special agent who has taught his colleagues methods of influence and persuasion for almost 20 years. Founder of a company training law enforcement and security officials. He has written a number of books and articles on psychology. Marfin is the author of a number of best-selling books on psychology and worked for Singapore Airlines for more than 20 years.

About the book: in short, the book shows how to make friends with any person. You will learn how to recognize other people's verbal and nonverbal cues. How to significantly improve your communication skills, learn to find a common language with others. Each technique was used in practice by a former intelligence agent whose task was to recruit ambassadors and spies of other states in the interests of the United States. Readable in one go. Fascinating and educational.

Feature of the book: no theory, only practice from a former FBI agent (20 years of practice) with personal examples. Simple techniques will allow anyone to achieve the favor of any person.

Who is it for: for sellers, parents and anyone who wants to form friendly relationships with others.

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10. “Speed ​​Reading: How to Remember More by Reading 8 Times Faster”

About the author: Peter Kamp founded the speed reading training company of the same name. Peter himself trained many employees of large companies, the White House and businessmen. The developer of a unique speed reading system has been doing this for more than 20 years.

About the book: An excellent book for self-development of speed reading skills. Peter proved that speed reading is a skill, and any skill can be trained. In just 6 weeks you will master all the techniques, devoting 20-30 minutes a day to exercises from the author. In just a week, you will read 30% faster and absorb information more effectively. The publication contains everything you need for your preparation: simple exercises, a checklist (for tracking results) and descriptions of each lesson. Thanks to this publication, you can quickly study all the books for self-development.

Feature of the book: simple, effective and interesting exercises.

Eleonora Brik

Brain training is necessary for every person. Without load, problem solving, and information processing, the skill of thinking, analyzing, and reasoning is lost. To increase your intelligence you need to work every day. It is impossible by drinking vitamins or reading one book in a year. New information makes the brain think and increases IQ level. What to read for intellectual development, outlook and erudition?

Ways to develop intelligence

The IQ level depends on a person’s literacy, education, and innovative thinking. For intellectual development, train your brain daily. One of the ways to develop intelligence is by reading books. Select your reading list carefully: the best books for the general development of intelligence, vocabulary and speech in adults can really improve the quality of life. But modern detective stories and romance novels do not provide enough information - such reading relaxes, but does not teach.

Before directly moving on to solving the now pressing question “what useful books should you read for the development of the brain, consciousness, memory, logical thinking, and competent speech?”, you should realize that the development of intelligence is impossible without acquiring the following skills:

Memory upgrades. Necessary for remembering information. Data is recorded and retrieved when necessary.
Increasing vocabulary. A conversation takes on an intellectual tone if the interlocutor knows how to speak beautifully. An extensive vocabulary helps to come across as an intelligent person.
Ability to think figuratively. Mentally stimulating audiobooks and intellectual reading that develop speech contribute as a person lives through the story described. Experience is formed, images are remembered, and in a similar case, information emerges and is used.

The skill of speed reading helps to absorb information and process tons of literature. Interesting intellectual literature for reading and developing the mind of an adult, books on self-organization and efficiency motivate, force you to follow your goals.

What books should you read to improve your intelligence?

Most intellectual sites offer a list of books for developing the mind, improving speech and increasing vocabulary in communication - such a list includes literature affecting various areas of life. The development of memory, improvement of vocabulary and the ability to think is the basis that is used to process information: in order to become a well-rounded person, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the main areas.

Scientific works. We are not talking about reference books and encyclopedias consisting of continuous incomprehensible terms. Read books that tell the story of the creation of the world, about natural phenomena, the development of culture and art. Remember Darwin's theory, read Hawking's works on the history of time.
Philosophical literature. Scientific books are built on theories, evidence and teach you to understand the world. Philosophy is a branch that initiates into the secrets of human actions and actions, studies the thinking of people. Include biblical publications of various religions in the list of philosophical literature. Today, many are interested in Eastern authors and share their wisdom on social networks. A prominent representative of Eastern philosophy is Omar Khayyam and his Rubai. Interesting to read, easy to learn by heart. Supplement your study of philosophy with books by the Strugatskys, Nietzsche, and Kant.
Works of art. Knowledge of the classics is like an exam for entry into an intellectual society. The smartest books for adults that develop the intellect, brain and personality will be useless without the foundation received in due time - the foundations are laid from school, a love of poetry and prose is instilled. If you missed this period without wanting to, then it’s time to catch up. Works of fiction help to replenish vocabulary and improve literacy. Start with the following books: “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, “Forget-Me-Nots” by Prishvin, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. The modern intellectual writer Dyusimbiev Gazinur and his stories will perfectly complement the list of classic works.
Historical books. Man is accustomed to comparing today's events with past ones. An intellectual is able to draw parallels at a high level, since he knows the history of the development of his country and other states. Reading historical books gives knowledge about significant events in the world and reveals the peculiarities of the lives of famous people. History helps us understand life. Find works by popular authors: Lawrence, Bushkov, Yuri Mukhin.
Reading poetry. Poems are one of the oldest ways of transmitting information to descendants. The genre is light due to rhyme, euphony and beauty of speech. Constantly reading poetry helps improve memory and expand vocabulary. The works of Akhmatova, Shakespeare, Brodsky are suitable for the development of intelligence.

There is no specific list of literature for the development of intelligence. There are reading recommendations for schoolchildren, students, and applicants preparing to enter universities. The main thing is to develop reading skills. Use your free time to get information. Modern gadgets and audiobooks will come to help. Over time, you will notice that reading will become a habit. There will be a need to immerse yourself in a fascinating world filled with knowledge and discoveries.

List of books for the development of intelligence

The foundations are laid during school years. Therefore, many books have been published with a growing audience in mind. But it’s never too late to learn, gain knowledge, and train your memory. Intellectual development has no age restrictions. The main thing is the desire to become smarter and regularity of actions.

List of books for the development of intelligence:

“Intelligence training”, Rodionova A. After reading the works of this business coach, a person receives the following results: thinking processes are launched, vocabulary is replenished. The book is built on the principle of educational literature: read and implement. The author makes it clear that human capabilities are unlimited, it is never too late to achieve perfection. The reader is offered options for developing mental abilities.

"Develop your intellect..." Carter Philip's works include tests to help develop intelligence. Suitable for those who are ready to solve a variety of charades and puzzles. Practical exercises will help in the development of thinking, improve memory, and make a person more intelligent. The book is very addictive, the answers to the problems are given.
“Brain 100%.” The author will tell you how. For an ordinary person, it is in a dormant state. Watching TV series and doing monotonous work causes the brain to go into hibernation, and the skills acquired at school are lost. Olga Kinyakina suggests making the brain work. The book contains all the necessary exercises, tasks and problems to improve memory and develop intelligence. The intensive program promotes the development of thinking,...
"Basics of rote memorization." Zach Belmore's book is suitable for all ages. Moreover, for better assimilation of information and to achieve results, the author divided the book into chapters. Each section is intended for a specific age group. By performing exercises, a person learns to memorize large amounts of information and text. The memorization process is simplified and becomes arbitrary.

Recommended intellectual reading for the mind, good classical literature for speech development are a set of exercises for training the brain. Just as a person needs water to live, the brain needs information for thought. Eat food for your mind every day by reading at least 1 hour a day.

What do smart people read for spiritual development and intelligence?

Literature that can trigger thinking processes and help activate memory is suitable. Wanting to increase their IQ level, many people rely on the number of books they read. If the plot is not captivating, the described exercises seem ridiculous and useless, then it is better to put the book down and move on to the next one. Just reading won't make you smarter, since the material will not be used in life.

Works of Edward de Bon. If you want to learn how to think differently and are ready to break away from the standards, then start with the book “Six Thinking Hats.” While studying the material, you will have the opportunity to play. To get results, act and complete the author’s instructions. The book is interesting due to the inclusion of various life situations, to which the reader is invited to choose his thinking hats. Practical exercises help make thinking original and non-standard. Another entertaining book by the author is “Teach Yourself to Think.” The plot is based on Edward's technique, which helps instill in the reader the skill of wanting to learn and develop. The proposed methodology is aimed at improving the thinking mechanism. The book can be called a self-instruction manual, as it includes 5 stages. Gradual implementation of steps leads to the desired result.
Books by Ron Hubbard. The book “Teaching Technology” received good reviews. It is a textbook whose main task is to teach the reader to learn. People who followed the author's tips increased their intellectual level by 15%. Ron Hubbard is convinced that a person's IQ is formed from several components. And the main one is the ability to learn, or in other words, the systematic acquisition of new information throughout a person’s life. In the book “Self-Analysis” the author focuses on human memory. If you don’t remember an interesting fact or historical information in a timely manner, then there’s no point in talking about intellectual development. The books you read will be forgotten after a few days if your memory is not fully activated. The book contains practical recommendations that help a person improve himself. The author pays special attention to visual memory, believing that there is a possibility of its development.

"Memory development for dummies". The title of the book makes clear its main purpose. Before you start studying, take it as a basis that there are no universal and simple ways to improve memory. To achieve results, techniques are combined. The more ways you use, the better the effect. Interestingly, the combination of methods brings results regardless of age. John Bogosian Arden, the author of the book, is confident that the properties of memory are the same in a student and a pensioner, and therefore can be developed in the same way.

Before you start reading books, check your level of intellectual development. There are tests on the Internet and suggested times for completing tasks. On your first playthrough, don’t rush to invest within the deadline. By answering test questions, you are already developing as you solve problems and puzzles. The data obtained will help you decide in which direction to move, what you lack: vocabulary, creative thinking, and the ability to memorize information. Then start correcting the situation by studying and practicing the suggested books.


Given that people speak, think and read in different languages, lists of intellectual literature from different compilers can vary greatly: It is impossible to create a universal list– it will be too voluminous. Therefore, always read, try to continuously and consistently improve your intellect - let this become a useful habit that prolongs life and improves communication with people around you. Read with benefit and pleasure!

17 March 2014, 15:32

Today in our article we will try to answer the question of what books are worth reading for self-development. Such publications are now extremely popular, as they can help a person not only determine his life goal and achieve it, but also improve relationships in the family and society, win over those around him, and achieve inner harmony. But which options should you pay attention to?

What book should you read for self-development?

First, let's turn to publications that are suitable for reading by both men and women. Basically, such books are aimed at helping the reader achieve their goal. Moreover, this goal can be in the field of business, love relationships, interaction with society, or personal acquisition of peace and confidence.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

So, what book should you read for self-development first? It's better to start with this world bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki. The basis of the book was a comparison of the business views of Robert's father, who was a government employee, and the father of his friend, who was engaged in his own business. As a result, the latter became a rich and successful man. It was his path to success that Robert himself chose, having achieved considerable success in business.

"Money Ceiling Quadrant"

This book was also written by Robert Kiyosaki. But this time the work is dedicated not so much to business as to the thinking of rich people. The author helps readers understand how rich people think. Which helps them work less and earn more, pay less taxes and feel financially independent.

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

Stephen Covey, the author of this book, offered a completely new look at management systems and the very concept of leadership in a team. This book presents an approach to increasing your personal effectiveness. The author calls skills a set of knowledge, skills and desires. And the 7 skills presented in the book are arranged in ascending order depending on the level of maturity of the individual.

"To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!”

So, what other book is worth reading for self-development? This is, of course, the work of Branson Richard. The book is a kind of manifesto of the author; it reflects his position in relation to life. Richard suggests taking everything from life, not being afraid to take risks and take action. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether there is enough life experience or knowledge to implement the plan. The main thing is not to stand still.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People"

This is Dale Carnegie's most popular and famous book. It is a collection of practical tips and lessons on how to communicate with people. At first glance, the book may seem a little strange or unusual, but it works. Another reason to read this manual is the fact that it is still used to teach psychology in universities.

“How to work 4 hours a week, without being stuck in the office from bell to bell, live anywhere and get rich”

If you want to achieve success, but not put off all the joys of life for later, and don’t know what book you should read for self-development, this creation by Timothy Ferris is for you. In the book, the author sets out a life philosophy according to which there is no need to put off having fun and spend all your time on work. A person must see his goal, go towards it, but not deny himself all the joys. The book will teach you how to cope with life situations and achieve success without spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on it.

"Psychology of Lies"

The author of the book is one of the most famous modern psychologists, Paul Ekman. The subject of his study has always been the phenomenon of deception. This popular science publication presents the results of many years of work. The reader will be able to learn how to recognize deception by the behavior, speech, facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor. This book is a teaching aid and practical guide.

"How to make anyone fall in love with you"

The author of the book, Leil Lowndes, tells readers that in order to be attractive to everyone, you only need 6 ingredients. Exactly 6 components are necessary for success; the reader will learn about what they are after reading the book. In addition, Lowndes shares 85 techniques that will help you master love magic and win over any man or woman.

"Your neighbor is a millionaire"

Many people often ask questions about why I am not as rich as my acquaintance or friend; how do others manage to earn so much and quickly, etc. Stanley Thomas, the author of the book, will answer these and many other questions. In addition, the author will teach you how to become successful and rich. Many useful tips for improving your financial situation can be found in this book.

Spiritual development

  • Special attention should be paid to Osho, the Indian spiritual teacher. His works help to find harmony and comprehend the world around us. First of all, we recommend reading: “The Mustard Seed”, “Be Simpler”, “Keys to a New Life”. The writer’s books on meditation techniques are especially popular.
  • Books by Louise Hay, based on the writer's personal experience. Particular attention should be paid to the works “Heal yourself” and “Wisdom of a woman”.
  • The author of many world bestsellers, Liz Burbo, will be interesting: “Your body says: “Love yourself,” “The Great Encyclopedia of Essence.”
  • Among Russian writers, Vadim Zeland and Valery Sinelnikov are especially popular.

Books for women

Now we will try to answer the question of what books a woman should read for self-development.

“Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus” is a bestseller by the famous psychologist D. Gray, published back in 1992. The book is dedicated to gender relations and will provide answers to many questions regarding personal relationships.

“Who Runs with the Wolves” is a famous book by the master of psychoanalysis and continuer of the Jungian tradition, Clarissa Estes. With the help of myths and fairy tales, the author helps women find themselves, find their path and understand their purpose. This book is dedicated to the full disclosure of feminine nature.

These are the publications that any woman should read first. But what books are worth reading for self-development if you are already familiar with the above? Pay attention to the following works.

“Never Eat Alone” is a wonderful book by Kate Ferrazzi dedicated to the rules of dating and continuing relationships.

“Blackberry Wine” by J. Harris will help you understand life if you no longer understand what is going on around you. The publication will help you find the meaning of life and understand what is happening.

“The Duel with Betrayal” is a book by N. Tolstoy intended for women who have had to face betrayal. How to survive this, what you need to do and how to approach it - this publication can answer these and many other questions.

“A Self-Teacher for Developing Intuition” is a book by Laura Day that will help you learn to listen to yourself.

Books for men

“An easy way to start a new life” (N. Fiore). If you decide to change your life radically, then you should start by reading this book. It will help you follow the chosen path to the end and not turn off halfway. You will learn not to procrastinate and unnecessarily complicate your life.

“The Wisdom of Crowds” (J. Surowiecki). It is generally accepted that society, called the “crowd,” harms the individual. However, the author proves that society can help an individual in development and formation. You can read in detail about how this happens in the book by James Surowiecki.

“Do it yourself” (T. Seelig). This is a book about how to achieve success and reach your goal. The author assures that anyone can achieve a lot, but it is necessary to start small. The path to a big goal should consist of small tasks, and completing each of them will bring you closer to the final goal. In fact, the author offers a ready-made algorithm of actions that you just need to use.

“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” (R. Sharma). This is a book for men who find themselves in a crisis situation. The author talks about a successful lawyer who had everything to be happy, but for some reason there was no happiness. Robin Sharma, who managed to combine Western psychology with ancient Eastern wisdom, will talk about how to get joy and pleasure from life.

What books should a teenager read for self-development?

Children and adolescents, due to their age, develop by reading fiction. It is difficult and uninteresting for them to perceive philosophical or psychological literature, even if it is written simply and accessible. Therefore, we will present a list of fiction books that will help a teenager develop their intellect and enrich their spiritual world.

"Harry Potter" (J. Rowling). Science fiction is interesting to children at any age, and books about young wizards also “grow” along with their readers. The heroes not only participate in incredible adventures, they are also troubled by problems common to children: the definition of good and evil in ordinary actions, the value of friendship, first love, family ties, etc. In addition, if you are answering the question about what books should be read for self-development at the age of 12, then the Harry Potter series is for you.

“The Catcher in the Rye” (J. Salinger) is a book created for teenagers and describes the life of a teenager. The work is centered around typical teenage problems: misunderstanding of the world and others, trying to find the truth, finding oneself, searching for the meaning of life, etc.

“D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (A. Dumas). Adventure literature has always been attractive. In addition, it teaches friendship, devotion, duty, loyalty to one’s word, and makes one understand the value of moral principles.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following works:

  • “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings” (J.R.R. Tolkien);
  • “The Fault in Our Stars”, “Looking for Alaska” (J. Green);
  • “50 days until suicide” (S. Kramer);
  • "Percy Jackson" (R. Riordan).

Timeless classic

If you want to know which books are worth reading for self-development, the classics will be the best answer. In many ways, classical fiction is superior to modern popular science psychological and motivational books. We list the works that are definitely worth paying attention to:

  • “Idiot”, F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • “Dead Souls”, N.V. Gogol;
  • "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin;
  • “The Divine Comedy”, A. Dante;
  • “Romeo and Juliet”, W. Shakespeare;
  • "Madame Bovary", G. Flaubert.

Thus, there are a great many books for self-development. You can choose publications for yourself from both popular science literature and classics.

Since childhood, we have heard that only such a person who is constantly engaged in self-development can be called an accomplished Personality. And, of course, everyone wants to develop, but not everyone knows how to do it effectively and quickly. The whole problem is that few people really understand what self-development is.

Many people are mistaken in believing that self-development is a method that gives:

  • Power and ability to manipulate other people;
  • Discovering some superhuman capabilities in oneself;
  • Obtaining secret information inaccessible to the uninitiated;
  • The opportunity to reach the top and say “I have achieved everything”;
  • A set of specific rules that must always be followed in life.

If you think that personal growth and self-development will allow you to influence the lives of other people, you are also mistaken.

By developing his soul, a person receives a unique opportunity to change himself, and the consequence of these changes is a change in the attitude of others towards us.

When people’s erroneous expectations are not met, they are disappointed in self-development and begin to live an “automatic life”, not realizing its laws and not managing it. We can say that such a person is in the “Comfort Zone”; he does not want to change anything.

What is self-development?

Today, effective human self-development is understood as:

  • The most effective, but far from the easiest and fastest, road to prosperity and success in life;
  • A qualitatively new stage of Personality development;
  • Awakening the energy of creativity, creating opportunities for changing lives;
  • Healing from psychological and physical trauma;
  • The transition from traditional thinking to creative, constructive thinking;
  • Constant self-observation and self-analysis, allowing you to adjust personal qualities and develop new ones;
  • Learning among like-minded people.

Moreover, in this process people are in two forms at once: Student and Teacher. Self-development not only allows a person to master new heights of knowledge, but also creates the conditions for helping other people master the stages that you have already passed. Teenagers feel especially good in this process.

Everyone has their own path of self-development, some follow
a short road, some a long one, but it is never easy. True personal growth requires constant and regular work on oneself, improving existing ones, and developing new personal qualities. In the process of constant self-development, a person is focused on his own goals and desires, all the time acquiring knowledge to achieve them. This process of self-knowledge is the basis for a successful life, allows a person to overcome his “Comfort Zone,” forces him to constantly move forward, and fills his entire existence with meaning.

Ways of self-development

Any self-development is based on 3 foundations - physical activity, healthy eating and mental self-regulation. Everyone begins to take care of themselves in different ways: some first want to put their physical body in relative order, and then engage in spiritual development, and some, on the contrary, first look for ways of spiritual self-improvement, and then begin to engage in physical body. The best thing is to simultaneously engage in body and spirit, and not go to extremes and neglect your body while engaging in active spiritual development. There is a wonderful phrase:

The human body is a bag, and spiritual knowledge is gravel. If you fill a leaky bag with gravel, it will tear.”

This means that the physical body must correspond to the knowledge received.

You can try out several methods of self-development until you find the one that will most effectively move you forward. It is difficult to predict in advance which method will suit you better than the others, but you can always choose. We bring to your attention a small list of self-development methods.

How you can engage in self-development:

Books and audiobooks on spiritual and personal self-development are one of the simplest, most accessible and low-cost ways to work on yourself and your potential. If you need advice on what to read for self-development, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Self-development through books (top list)

So, what should you read for self-development? Everything in a person is interconnected, there is no spiritual growth without material reinforcement, you cannot achieve sustainable financial well-being if you do not simultaneously work with your soul. Therefore, all recommended books that help our self-development can be divided into two categories:

  1. The best books and audiobooks for spiritual self-development.
  2. The best books and audiobooks for achieving financial independence.

List of books for spiritual self-development

  1. The books of the Indian spiritual mystic and leader Osho (Rajneesh) do not speak the truth, but awaken your own thoughts.
    • “The Mustard Seed” is Osho’s commentary on the fifth Gospel of St. Thomas in a completely incredible interpretation. This book can be re-read endlessly, like the Bible.
    • “Be Simpler” is a poetic cycle of conversations between Osho and Zen master Ikkyu about the ease of being.
    • “The Keys to a New Life” - Osho’s reflections on the development of inner courage. Bravery according to Osho is not the absence of fear, but its acceptance with full awareness.
  2. Louise Hay's self-development books and audiobooks are based on her personal experience.
    • - The book explains the causes of illness and offers keys to healing through positive affirmations.
    • - written for women, but men will also find a lot of interesting things in it.
  3. The main idea of ​​many bestsellers is to enjoy self-development.
    • - the author reveals to the reader the causes of many diseases and shows the path to healing.
    • "The Great Encyclopedia of Essence" - more than 500 spiritual articles about essence and being, arranged in alphabetical order.
  4. The mysterious Russian writer and esotericist Vadim Zeland became famous thanks to his book “Reality Transurfing”. This book is a kind of teaching about the multivariance of the world, in which a person can consciously achieve the impossible. By abandoning the linearity of the world around them, men and women can become true masters of their lives and the world itself.
  5. Writer and homeopath Valery Sinelnikov has written many books and audiobooks on improving the quality of life of both men and women.
    • “The Power of Intention” - talks about how to realize desires and dreams. What is Intention? How can it be accumulated correctly? Can Intent be used for harm? All the answers will be found in this book.
    • “Love your illness” presents the reader with a non-standard approach to recovery. Valery Sinelnikov tells how and why people create illnesses in themselves, how to enter into dialogue with the subconscious, how our negative emotions (selfishness, pride, hatred, etc.) affect health. The book also contains a whole list of unique practical exercises.
  6. The incarnation of a Tibetan lama and astral traveler, the British Lobsang Rampa introduces us to Buddhist teachings in an accessible form.
    • "The Third Eye" - describes a unique third eye enhancement surgery that was allegedly performed on the author.
    • “The Saffron Robe” tells about the author’s childhood spent in the monasteries of Tibet. The book is literally crammed with all sorts of esoteric experiences and incidents.
    • The Thirteenth Candle is Rampa's thirteenth book about his mystical experience of a visit to Venus. Reflects the author's views on the structure of the Universe and the Universe.
  7. Anastasia Novykh is a modern Russian writer and artist. In her fiction books and journalism, she shares her vision of the world. This girl has a very unconventional psychology and ideas about life.
  8. A series of books by the Bulgarian occultist, astrologer and alchemist, founder of one of the branches of the White Brotherhood, Omraam Mikael Aivankhov, describes the cosmic laws that govern the world and each person through mutual exchange, the laws of interaction among women and men.
  9. The work of the famous physicist, esotericist and inventor Drunvalo Melchizedek “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” takes us on a journey through the world of sacred geometry. Everything in the world is drawn to simple forms, and spirituality has the simplest form - the Flower of Life.
  10. “The Journey Home” is a unique parable novel written by a real person, Lee Carroll, in invisible collaboration with a disembodied spirit named Kryon. How to go through the seven initiations? Will the hero of the work be able to become a Warrior of Light and return home to Earth? Despite the fact that the book is easy to read, today it is considered one of the best practical modern textbooks on metaphysics.

In addition to these authors, books and audiobooks by Sri Aurobindo, Katsuzo Nishi, Bob Frisell, Richard Bach will make you think about a lot. It is also worth reading Barbara Marciniak, Alexander Asov, Alice Bailey, Sergei Alekseev.