Few people have heard of this drink. And even more so about its beneficial properties. However, his recipe dates back ten centuries. It was used as a tonic and medicinal drink. Honey whipping for prostatitis has been known for a long time. It was prepared according to a special recipe and was considered a sacred drink. Having learned the real secret of preparing a real Slavic drink, you can give yourself not only a range of tastes, but also improve your health by an order of magnitude.

Honey drink - sbiten

It is difficult to say for sure which country is the birthplace of the drink. Analogues were found back in the 7th century BC. True, there the modern recipe was slightly modified, but nevertheless it was considered the drink of the gods. The honey drink Sbiten appeared in Rus' in the 11th-12th centuries. It was prepared according to a special recipe, which was kept secret. The process of its creation is painstaking, but the benefits obtained in the end are invaluable.

It has been consumed for a long time to boost immunity and generally strengthen the body. People have noticed that the infusion perfectly helps to cope with ailments in cold weather, and is a great tonic in hot weather. The non-alcoholic version with an alcohol content of no more than 1% has long been a favorite at feasts. Alcoholic whipping was created through a special fermentation method. Its strength was no more than 7%, and it was considered a truly noble drink. The cost for ordinary people was exorbitant, so the drink was popular only among rich people.

Over time, the unique honey drink faded into oblivion. The method of its manufacture is painstaking and time-consuming, and the cost turned out to be quite inflated. Cheaper analogues have replaced them. But none has seven healing properties than a drink created according to an original Russian recipe.

What is honey sbiten?

It is essentially a mixture of honey, herbs and water. Achieving invaluable benefits is not easy, since it is necessary to collect a special composition of medicinal plants, age it correctly, mix it perfectly and infuse it. It must be remembered that the name sbiten is assigned only if the honey drink is absolutely transparent. And such a state is not easy to achieve. Therefore, Sbitnevars spent a long time trying to achieve the ideal result. Most often, the infusion process was delayed for more than 21 days.

How is sbiten useful?

The drink acquires particular benefits due to the honey and collection of medicinal plants included in its composition. If you understand the benefits of honey sbiten, then it is worth highlighting the beneficial microelements and vitamins included in its composition:

  • Organic acids.
  • Vitamins A, PP, C, B.

Due to the presence of medicinal herbs, it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Some people use honey sbiten for prostatitis, due to its positive properties on the male body.

Honey sbiten: composition

It all depends on the recipe and the properties that you want to give to the drink. The composition of sbiten is as follows:

  • Natural bee honey.
  • Spring water.
  • Spices.
  • Healing herbs.

Regarding the latter, it all depends on what you want to get in the end and which organs the effect of the drink will be directed to. Therefore, among the herbs there may be cloves, oregano, thyme, sage, coltsfoot, lemon, nutmeg, raspberries.


We can fully assure you that honey sbiten is an incredibly healthy drink that can please everyone. Especially in the non-alcoholic version. However, it has the following contraindications:

  • Intolerance to honey and bee products.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.

If you have any doubts as to whether there are contraindications to consuming the drink or not, you can try a couple of sips and see how your body reacts.

Where can I buy

The recipe for this healing drink seemed to be lost long ago. But some breweries and private factories specializing in the production of kvass and mead are trying to revive the recipe. If you want to know where to buy honey sbiten, you should visit a number of folk fairs. There you can definitely find manufacturers producing this healing and tonic drink.

In addition, you can find honey sbiten in pharmacies. Here it is sold in small containers, so after tasting it you can understand whether it is worth consuming or not.

Honey sbiten: homemade recipe

If you want to experiment a little and prepare this medicinal delicacy yourself, it’s worth learning the technique of making it. She's not that sophisticated. Despite the fact that the painstaking process is lengthy, the result is worth it. There are many recipes for making sbiten at home. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most entertaining and useful one in order to delight yourself and your loved ones with its unsurpassed taste.

Recipe for honey sbiten for prostatitis

The therapeutic effect of the drink is invaluable in this case. Most of the pain is relieved, and normal sexual function can be restored.

The recipe for honey whipping for prostatitis includes the following ingredients:

  • Filtered water – 3.5 liters.
  • Natural honey - a glass.
  • Yeast – 10 grams.
  • Braga - 100 milligrams.
  • Vinegar – 15 grams.
  • Peppermint.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Carnation.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Ginger.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cardamom.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water into a deep enamel pan. Dilute honey. Put on fire. Boil.
  2. As soon as it boils, add all the herbs, spices and mash. Boil for a couple of minutes.
  3. Dissolve yeast in a small amount of water. Add to the drink removed from the heat along with the vinegar.
  4. Place in a dark, cool place to allow the fermentation process to take place for half a day.
  5. Place the drink in the refrigerator for three days. Strain. Keep refrigerated.

In order to reduce the symptoms of prostatitis, you need to take a glass of strained drink twice a day. The recipe for sbiten for prostatitis is simple. Using the drink for more than a month brings the desired effect in most cases.

Sbiten with ginger

This is an excellent alternative to any antiviral drugs that are so popular in the winter season. Honey whipped with ginger not only tastes good, but is also incredibly healthy. It helps to cope with many problems and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.


  • Filtered water – liter.
  • Natural honey - a glass.
  • Ginger – half a root.
  • Spices and seasonings.
  • Cinnamon – 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the water on the fire and bring to a boil. Add honey. Remove the resulting foam using a slotted spoon.
  2. Add spices: cinnamon, bay, allspice, cardamom, sugar and finely chopped ginger root.
  3. Boil. Remove from heat. Leave for about half an hour

Many consider the proposed recipe an excellent alternative to mulled wine. Honey whipped with ginger is incredibly healthy and has a very pleasant taste and specific aroma.

Honey sbiten with herbs

We can say that this is a classic recipe, since it contains many herbs used by our ancestors since ancient times. There is nothing superfluous here. A properly prepared drink is a complete vitamin complex. Sbiten with herbs is useful for adults and children, so once you learn how to prepare it, you can pamper your family with a healthy and tonic drink.


  • Filtered water - a couple of liters.
  • Natural honey - a glass.
  • Herbs: thyme, sage, peppermint, St. John's wort.
  • Ginger – 1/2 root.

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve honey in water. Place on fire and bring to a boil.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of each herb and chopped ginger root.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat. Wrap up. Let it brew for about an hour. Strain.

You can serve honey sbiten with herbs with a slice of lemon. This will make it even healthier and tastier.

Other sbiten recipes

Many people like to experiment with berry flavors. Originally Russian berries are ideal for these purposes. So, if we consider other recipes for honey sbiten, the cranberry version is incredibly healthy and has an excellent taste.


  • Cranberries – 300 grams.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.
  • Carnation – 5 inflorescences.
  • Ginger is a small root.
  • Laurel - a pair of leaves.
  • Natural honey - a glass.
  • Water – 3 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the berries thoroughly. Fill with cold water. Put on fire.
  2. As soon as the liquid boils, add all the spices. Boil for about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat. Add honey. Mix thoroughly and wrap.

This honey whipped with berries has a natural sour taste and is incredibly rich in vitamin C. It is indispensable both during the cold season and as a first-class tonic drink.

Sbiten honey for prostatitis

The Old Russian recipe is incredibly useful. The fact that honey sbiten is really effective for prostatitis became known several decades ago. Several recipes were tried to find the perfect one.

Sbiten for prostatitis in pharmacies

Finding this drink will not be difficult. Honey sbiten for prostatitis is not so difficult to find in pharmacies. True, not everyone has it, so it’s worth asking in advance about availability. Most often, honey sbiten for prostatitis can be found in natural pantries. There are several options for this healing drink presented there.

How to prepare sbiten for prostatitis

The recipe for this healing drink was described above. Knowing the honey sbiten recipe, how to prepare it and how to store it, you must remember that you need to constantly replenish your supplies. It is infused for at least three days, so as soon as the quantity of the drink inexorably decreases, it is better to stock up on it for future use.

Treatment of prostatitis with honey sbitn: how to take?

In order to get the proper effect from treating prostatitis with honey sbiten, you need to know in advance how to take it. Prepared fermented infusion. 50 milligrams must be dissolved in 150 milligrams of warm water. If the drink is purchased at a pharmacy, then one tablespoon is enough. Take twice a day: in the morning after waking up. In the evening, 2 hours after the last meal.

The course of treatment is at least 4 weeks, in some cases you can take up to a month and a half.

Honey sbiten is a sweet, pleasant-tasting drink prepared according to a special recipe from traditional healers. Honey sbiten is especially useful for men, since in addition to bee honey it contains herbs and substances that are healing for the prostate gland. That's why they call it - folk sbiten for prostatitis. The product contains components that, individually or as part of other medicinal decoctions and mixtures, were used by traditional healers to treat prostatitis. Thus, if the housewife regularly prepares healing sbiten and adds it to her husband’s drinks, she will preserve his male health and potency for many years.

Sbiten honey for prostatitis

The healing qualities of honey have been known since ancient times. It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. Honey contains folic acid, sugar, and vitamins. The medicinal properties of honey are provided by the abundance of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium, sodium, phosphorus and sulfur. These microelements participate in the life of the human body and together enhance the antibiotic characteristics of the product.

Honey sbiten really helps get rid of the disease or lead to remission. It all depends on the nature of the inflammation. The drink can be recommended as a means of preventing and strengthening men's health.

Honey sbiten will effectively complement treatment with a doctor, as it has many benefits. But this drink cannot replace observation by a specialist and drug therapy.

  • Reduces swelling, relieves fatigue and nervousness.
  • Relieves pain in the pelvic area.
  • Improves urination function.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Sexual activity increases

Sbiten contains stinging nettle, fireweed and chamomile. If you prepare sbiten yourself, you can add mint, oregano, thyme or sage, and other plants.

Price (buy at a pharmacy)

Honey sbiten can be bought at a pharmacy or purchased in an online store. Sbiten, offered in pharmacies or on online shopping websites, is prepared in a monastery; holy water is used when cooking it.

The cooking ritual is also sacred. It is only important to ensure that the healing drink does not expire. The price varies from 1300 rubles to 2.5 thousand rubles.

How to cook (recipe)

The recipe for making honey sbiten for prostatitis is simple and consists of readily available ingredients. To prepare good and healthy sbiten at home, honey should be taken only from trusted sellers.

It can be linden, buckwheat honey, or collected from field herbs. No difference. The main thing is that it be real. To prepare sbiten according to the folk recipe, you will need 100 grams of honey.

Composition of sbitnya

Basil (Reyhan) has an antimicrobial effect, soothes, and at the same time increases potency. In the Caucasus they say: whoever chews reikhan lives long.

Verbena is a magical herb. Relieves inflammation, helps with colds. Helps increase sexual desire and sexual potency. Verbena was used in ancient times for love spells;

Mint – gives a delicate minty taste, calms the nervous system and relieves inflammation;

Chamomile has a bactericidal effect, relieves inflammation, helps to calm down and fall asleep.

Oregano, in addition to having a pleasant aroma, is added to urological medications as a diuretic.

Ivan-tea, or fireweed. In Rus', fireweed decoctions have long been drunk instead of tea. The herb contains phytohormones - substances similar in their characteristics to human hormones, therefore fireweed activates metabolism and is used in the treatment of male and female diseases.

St. John's wort also gives the drink a pleasant taste and aroma. Since ancient times it has been known for its healing properties. St. John's wort kills pathogens and strengthens the immune system.

Nettle is better known as a hemostatic agent. But it is also a storehouse of vitamins.

The herbs have been prepared, now it’s time for the spices. Ginger and cinnamon are added to the sbiten. Gingerol contained in ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Cinnamon has antimicrobial and sexual stimulating effects. Grated nutmeg and cardamom are also added as seasonings.

How to prepare healing sbiten? Recipe

To make your own honey sbiten for prostatitis, prepare 1 liter of water. You need to take well water or filtered water and let it settle.
To prepare a healing drink you will need 2 saucepans. One is one and a half to two liters, the other is smaller. In the smaller one you will brew the herbal mixture.

If the plants are dried in bunches, take two or three branches of each plant; if chopped, then take a tablespoon of the mixture. Add a pinch of spices there. Pour the contents with 1-1.5 glasses of water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. No more. It is better to cover the saucepan and let the broth brew.

In the meantime, prepare honey decoction. When heating a saucepan with honey solution, make sure that it does not boil. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Some recipes recommend bringing a saucepan with honey solution to a boil. But this kills most of the beneficial properties of honey. In order for all microbes and bacteria in the water to die, 80°C is enough. The beneficial properties of honey will be preserved.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool to 35-40 degrees. Add to it 5 grams of any yeast and a strained decoction of herbs and spices, which has had time to brew during this time. Cover the saucepan with a towel and place in a warm place for 12 hours. After this time, the drink can be bottled and refrigerated.

How to take healing sbiten?

The sbiten is concentrated and has a rich taste. Add a tablespoon of this drug to a glass of warm, boiled water or tea. With it you can prepare a light alcoholic drink that will decorate a meeting with friends.

A bottle of wine will require 100 grams of sbiten. You just need to prepare this tincture in advance, about a day before your appointment. A glass or two of this tincture will improve your appetite and lift your spirits.

Honey sbiten is a highly effective remedy for the treatment of all kinds of disorders of the genitourinary system men, including such a common disease among men as.

The drink contains honey, purified water, medicinal herbal extracts, and spices.

Photo 1: Healing and tasty, honey sbiten has been known since the times when the word prostatitis was not yet known, although it has long been noticed that it has a beneficial effect on the male body, increasing male strength and alleviating the symptoms of diseases associated with impaired urination. Source: flickr (Alex Gav).

Benefits of sbitn for prostatitis

Due to its composition, the product effectively fights the main. One of the main advantages of the drink is the fact that it can simultaneously treat the prostate and improve immunity.

By strengthening, the body begins to overcome the disease on its own, which is significantly reduces the risks of .

Speaking about the benefits of sbitn for prostatitis, as well as for the whole body, you should familiarize yourself with the composition. The drug contains many active substances, including:

  1. Honey- as the main ingredient. It is known that honey is a treasury of useful microelements and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the male body.
  2. Healing herbs, thanks to which the product has a positive effect on metabolism. Peony, burdock, nettle, plantain, chamomile, peppermint, fireweed and not only improve regenerative processes, eliminate inflammation, but also have an analgesic effect.

How honey sbiten affects the body

Sbiten honey is indicated for use at different. In the process of treating prostatitis with the help of sbitny, the following positive effects:

  • pain is eliminated;
  • the process of urination is facilitated: the number of urges to go to the toilet is reduced, urine excreted at one time increases in volume;
  • a preventive effect is observed: the infusion prevents relapses;
  • the nervous system is restored to normal;
  • erectile function is restored, sexual desire increases, potency improves, and the quality of “male material” - sperm - increases;
  • congestion in the prostate gland is eliminated.

Photo 2: Due to the unique composition of sbiten, many therapists prescribe it as a general tonic for the body. Source: flickr (Taylor Sloan)

Recipes for making honey sbiten

There are two options for preparing homemade sbiten: alcoholicand non-alcoholic.

Alcoholic honey sbiten

This recipe for honey sbiten is increasingly called "Russian mulled wine".

To prepare it, take 1 liter of fortified wine, combine it in equal proportions with sugar and natural honey (one hundred grams each), add five pieces of clove stars, mix everything thoroughly.

Place on low heat, bring to a boil, then add nutmeg and cinnamon. Let the drink brew for 30 minutes.

Sbiten non-alcoholic

One of the most effective recipes homemade honey sbiten is considered custard.

We will need:

  • honey 100g;
  • purified water 4 l.;
  • yeast 50 gr.;
  • vinegar 50 gr.;
  • nutmeg;
  • spices (cloves, ginger, cardamom, cloves);
  • peppermint (you can add chamomile).

Take an enamel container, pour water into it, add honey, and bring to a boil over low heat. Add the rest of the ingredients, leave for 12-15 hours, and strain.

Important! Before starting a course of therapy for the prostate gland with honey whipped milk (certified or prepared independently), you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the infusion.

How to take honey sbiten for prostatitis

The product purchased at specialized retail outlets, as well as homemade infusions, are used in a similar way: one tablespoon of sbiten is diluted in a glass of water and drunk on an empty stomach in the morning and before the last meal in the evening. The duration of the course of therapy is 30 days.

Contraindications for use

Considering that the product includes herbs and spices, it can callallergies in people with individual intolerance to one (several) of the components of the infusion. Alcohol recipes contraindicated in patients withchronic pancreatitis and liver pathologies. Cannot be used by people suffering from diabetes.

Author Oleg Dobrolyubov

Candidate of Medical Sciences

The basis of honey sbiten includes components according to an old recipe, which is based on blessed water.

In what cases is honey sbiten taken?

There are practically no contraindications that exclude allergic reactions to the components.

Problem areas of the male body that require the use of honey whipping for treatment are the following:

  • prostatitis in acute, subacute or chronic form;
  • deviations in the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • decreased male libido and erectile function;
  • long-term neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • immune exhaustion.

The therapeutic effect of using sbitnya in the treatment of prostatitis develops in 3 stages:

  1. Relief of symptoms accompanying prostate pathology. The stage begins to appear within a day after using the folk remedy. Emptying the bladder becomes painless, pressing and burning sensations in the bladder area disappear, and vigor returns.
  2. Elimination of the source of the pathology, relief of the inflammatory process in the prostate, return to normal metabolic processes.
  3. Restoration of strength, return to an active lifestyle, including normal sex life.

Does sbiten really cure prostatitis?

Patients who have tried many medications and folk remedies believe that they were only able to recover with honey whipping.

During treatment with this drug, it was noticed that human liver enzymes do not change the biochemical parameters of the blood, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract do not arise.

Its effect is not aggressive in nature, it has a mild but quick effect. It is only important to observe the correct preparation and use of the healing drink.

Cooking sbiten at home

The name of the honey drink “Sbiten” has been known for as long as the technology for its production. The sweet liquid dish was served as a dessert in the old days.

Despite the abundance of recipes for preparing a miraculous drink, the correct recipe is unlikely to be found on the World Wide Web, in cookery books and periodicals.

The reason is simple - real consecrated water, which has a unique chemical structure, does not flow from the tap. After all, water is added to syrup in monasteries, where it is blessed and “charged” with prayers.

The drink has a pleasant sweet taste, a slightly viscous consistency and very beneficial properties for human health.

Chemicals and medications should absolutely not be added to the recipe. The ingredients for whipping are prepared in advance so that they are on hand when preparing the medicinal drink.

According to the ancient recipe for a honey remedy for prostatitis, you will need:

  • bee honey produced only by insects at a specific time and place;
  • consecrated water, which differs from ordinary water by the presence of silver ions and the presence of a special structure;
  • ordinary sucrose, needed by the patient to support strength and enhance the sweet taste properties;
  • medicinal herbs, which are collected by hand, dried in a special way and mixed in strictly defined proportions;
  • spices, selected in strict proportions and designed to enhance metabolic processes, thereby accelerating the regenerative properties of the glandular tissue of the prostate and facilitating recovery;
  • a vitamin set necessary for the normal functioning of the male genitourinary system (B vitamins, nicotinic and ascorbic acids);
  • a mineral complex consisting of compounds of iodine, fluorine, iron and other elements necessary for the normal course of the regeneration process.

Modern recipe for honey sbiten

It is possible to buy honey sbiten in the pharmaceutical chain, both offline and online.

It is better to purchase a drink made according to a classic recipe at the monastery.

If all purchasing methods are unavailable, you can prepare sbiten yourself at home.

The effectiveness of this effect may be somewhat lower, but the competition of such a drink with medications in comparison with the monastery honey sbiten does not weaken.

It is advisable to remember that a drink prepared independently is different from one purchased at a pharmacy. It is important to note that there are several recipes for preparing a honey drink at home.

One of the recipes.

Requires fermentation brewing.

To do this, take 100 grams of May honey from wild herbs, dilute it with four liters of water and place it in a warm place for fermentation. To make the mixture ferment faster, add 2 large spoons of dry yeast.

A foamed mixture means an active fermentation process, so it is placed to boil on a burner with fire. The mixture must be prepared in an enamel pan or bucket.

The burner heat should be kept low. At the beginning of the mixture boiling, add 0.5 liters of mash, 2 large spoons of apple cider vinegar, 50 grams of chopped nutmeg.

At the end of the boil, add 50 grams of infusion of cloves, St. John's wort, peppermint and cinnamon. Herbs enhance the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of the drink.

The burner should be turned off, and the container with the hot drink should be left to cool in a dark place for 16 hours. After straining, the drink is placed in the refrigerator.

Reception of honey sbiten

When starting treatment for prostatitis, sbiten is slightly warmed from the refrigerator to room temperature and consumed twice a day.

It is advisable to combine the drink with meals at breakfast and dinner. A spoonful of honey medicine is diluted into a glass of water. The course of treatment with a folk remedy is continued for 1.5 months.

It is important to adhere to the indicated dosage due to allergic reactions to honey in many people.

Although honey sbiten has an advantage over other folk and medicinal remedies in the treatment of prostatitis, consultation with a doctor will be necessary.

This is due to the state of functioning of other physiological systems: cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine.

Even those who are healthy in relation to other organ systems cannot claim that honey whipping, without the use of medications and physiotherapeutic agents, is a panacea for them.

Achieving greater therapeutic effect

It is not always possible to achieve the expected therapeutic effect only by taking honey sbiten. In practice, one often encounters a drink that complements drug treatment.

For this reason, you should not refuse the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, even if you are currently or in the future taking a honey drink.

Firstly, these are antibacterial agents.

The source of prostatitis development is often pathogenic microorganisms.

But the use of antibiotics “in vain” is unjustified, since the inflammatory process could arise as a result of congestion in the pelvic organs. In this case, antibiotics will be harmful to the body.

If the bacterial nature of prostatitis is proven, it is advisable to use antibacterial agents of a number of fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Lomefloxacin, etc.).

Often, through selection, it is possible to defeat prostatitis with tetracycline drugs (Doxycycline or Metacycline) or macrolides (Erythromycin or its analogues).

Secondly, α-blockers.

They can relieve pain and restore the process of emptying the bladder to a normal rhythm.

By interacting with muscle receptors of the prostate gland and bladder, α-blockers relax smooth muscle muscles and thereby relieve spasms.

From this group of drugs, the doctor can prescribe Amikacin or Prazonin, but independent selection of these drugs is fraught with danger to a man’s health.

Thirdly, hormonal drugs.

Treatment with steroid hormones brings double benefits: regeneration of prostate tissue and improvement of erectile function. It is advisable to introduce hormones into the body by electrophoresis (glucocorticoids).

Fourth, the use of muscle relaxants.

Allows you to normalize blood flow in the pelvic organs, improve the outflow of secretions from the prostate gland (Milocalm, Baclofen and their analogues).

Fifthly, inflammation in the prostate.

It means a decrease in the body’s immune forces, which need correction with the help of immunomodulators (Polyoxidonium).

Along with medications received by the body orally, intramuscularly, and physiotherapeutically, there is another route - rectal, used for.


Sweet syrup not only treats prostatitis, but also helps other body systems recover.

It should be used with caution by men suffering from diabetes and sensitive to the components of the drug.

For this purpose, individual components of sbiten have to be replaced with hypoallergenic ones or with fructose additives.

Where do you buy honey sbiten?

Sources of acquisition of folk remedies 2:

  1. Pharmacies in your city;
  2. Online stores.

There are many offers, but finding a quality product is difficult. Therefore, you should not forget about the possibility of preparing sbiten at home with the purchase of ingredients, although, as you noticed, this is not easy to do.

Real reviews

No negative reviews were found on the use of honey whipping.

Users with different stages of prostatitis respond to the help of the drug within 1-1.5 months.

Many people notice how their sex life has returned to normal and do not want to part with this product, buying it in reserve.

Among the patients who speak positively about sbitna are both elderly patients (or their family members) and younger men.

Considering the “rejuvenation” of prostatitis, some girls gave gifts to their boyfriends. The embarrassment of patients with prostatitis gave way to gratitude both in words and in deeds.


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

According to statistics, 40% of men aged 20 to 50 years have inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis). This disease is accompanied by frequent and painful urination, as well as sexual dysfunction. Treatment of prostatitis is a very complex and lengthy process. Often men, faced with this disease, do not rush to see a doctor, but resort to. And sbiten for prostatitis has gained great popularity among them. What it is? And what therapeutic effect can be achieved with it?

Sbiten is...

Sbiten is a healing drink based on water, honey, various spices and medicinal herbs. Our ancestors used it to treat various diseases, including genital diseases.

The process of preparing it took place in different ways - with the use of potent medicinal herbs, alcohol, spices, etc. All recipes for making this drink have come down to us.

Depending on what ingredients are in this drink, its effect on the body occurs differently. When treating prostatitis, honey sbiten is most suitable. It contains various spices, granulated sugar, “May” honey and water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, various herbs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects can also be added to it.

But the main ingredient of this drink is honey. It is a biological product containing various substances. These are vitamins (C, PP, group B and others), and minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and others), and various amino acids.
For the treatment and prevention of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, honey whipped with the addition of various herbs and spices is used. Our ancestors prepared it with chamomile, spearmint, oregano, ginger, bay leaf and St. John's wort.

What therapeutic effect does honey whipping have on prostatitis?

Before talking about the effectiveness of sbitn in the treatment of prostatitis, we should remember what symptoms accompany this disease. With inflammation of the prostate gland, men experience:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • reducing the amount of ejaculate produced;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain during ejaculation;
  • pain, burning, tingling in the lower abdomen.

Honey whipping for prostatitis has a high therapeutic effect. Firstly, it helps relieve the inflammatory process, which significantly reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome. Secondly, this drink has a beneficial effect on a man’s sexual function. There have been cases when sbiten helped men get rid of infertility!

Thirdly, honey sbiten has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, having a sedative effect on it. As prostatitis develops, men often experience depression. Sbiten helps eliminate increased irritability and improve the patient’s mood.

Fourthly, this drink has a positive effect on the entire digestive system, reducing the negative effects of medications taken on the gastric mucosa.

Generally speaking, folk sbiten for prostatitis is very useful. By consuming it, you can get rid of not only the underlying disease, but also improve the overall health of the body.

Sbiten can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. There are several ways to do this.

The custard method of preparing sbiten requires going through a fermentation process. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • May honey – 100 grams;
  • Braga;
  • yeast;
  • vinegar;
  • various spicy herbs - cloves, cinnamon, ginger, St. John's wort, mint, cardamom;
  • nutmeg;
  • water.

To prepare sbiten you need to use only enamel dishes. 4 liters of water and 100 grams of honey are poured into it, brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly, and then all other ingredients are added to the honey solution and put in a dark place for 12-15 hours to infuse.

Then the prepared drink is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days, filtered and taken to treat prostatitis.

If the disease proceeds without complications, then prepare the sbiten as follows: 200 ml of water is poured into the first container, 800 ml into the second. Add honey to the first and heat until foam appears, and add all the spices to the second and bring to a boil. Then the prepared decoction and honey solution should sit for about 2 hours, after which they should be mixed. To improve the taste, fruit juices can be added to the drink, but in small quantities.

If you doubt that you can prepare this drink yourself, you can buy sbiten for prostatitis at the pharmacy. But purchasing it at a regular pharmacy is problematic. You will have to turn to online stores, but you should be very careful here.

Unfortunately, not all online pharmacies sell quality products. You can easily run into a fake. Therefore, the best option in this case would be to prepare sbiten yourself according to one of the recipes described above.

How should you take sbiten?

Regardless of whether you bought ready-made sbiten or prepared it yourself, you need to take it as follows - you need to take a tablespoon of tincture and dilute it in warm water (200 ml). Use in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for one month.

Contraindications for use

Sbiten should be consumed in moderation. An overdose of this drug may cause allergic reactions. If alcohol is used in the preparation of the drink, then the contraindications for it are the same as for drinking alcoholic beverages - diseases of the stomach and pancreas, dermatological diseases, etc.

In addition, alcoholic sbiten should not be consumed by people who drive vehicles.

It is worth noting that despite the high therapeutic effect, sbiten should be taken only after prior consultation with a doctor. Its use is contraindicated for men with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, and diabetes.

To achieve this, one method of knocking down is not enough, even if its use occurs systematically over a long period of time. Undoubtedly, it eliminates the main symptoms of the disease, but is not able to cure it completely.

In this case, you cannot do without the use of special medications. And they should only be prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. After all, prostatitis by its nature can be different, and if it is caused by an infection, the use of antibacterial drugs is required.

In addition, it is carried out using immunotherapy, which helps to increase the body’s defenses, as a result of which it itself begins to actively fight pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to all this, maintenance is required, which completely excludes all smoked foods, pickles, sweets and fatty foods from the diet. Prostatitis requires drinking plenty of fluids, which will help cleanse the urinary system of infections and bacteria.

You can drink plain water, or you can replace it with various juices, compotes, herbal infusions and teas. For prostatitis, it is very useful to consume pear compote in large quantities. It is worth noting that drinking plenty of fluids contributes to frequent urination. There is no need to be afraid of this.

Taken together, all these measures will help you quickly get rid of prostatitis and help prevent it from becoming chronic.