Integrated lesson for children of the middle group "Fairytale Journey"

Program content:

Educational objectives:

    Continue to introduce children to Russian folk and original fairy tales.

    Teach children to solve riddles based on descriptions and comparisons of fairy-tale characters.

    Teach children to convey appropriate emotions in musical play exercises and visual arts

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop children's creative perception, thinking, memory, and imagination.

Educational tasks :

To cultivate emotional perception, responsiveness, desire to help, friendly relationships.

Form: game - travel.

Materials and equipment:

    Box; (fairy tale “Kolobok”).

    Illustrations showing; cockerel, bunny, bear, fox, pig, dog Bug);

    Colored pencils (for each child);

    Record player; laptop.

    Letter from the "City of Fairy Tales";

The beginning of a fabulous journey:

Children's activity is communicative.

Educator invites children to stand in a circle and hold hands

And repeat the words with the teacher

All the children gathered around

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Guys, look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to our guests. (there is a knock on the door)

The teacher is given a letter to the group.

Guys, we have received a letter from the City of Fairy Tales. Let's open it and read what is written there? The teacher opens the letter.

Guys, it says here that trouble has happened in the city of fairy tales, all the fairy-tale characters are mixed up, and the wizard asks us to help them each get into their own fairy tale. Shall we help them guys? (Children's answer).

What do you think, what can you go on a trip with? (Children's answers). And you and I will go on a train, but not an ordinary one, but a magical one! Guys, are you ready to go on a fabulous journey? (Children's answer).

Then please follow me and we’ll set off on a fabulous journey on a fun train!

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming.

To the music of “Train” from Tatiana Suvorova’s collection, the children and their teacher go on a journey.

1 stop “Box with a fairy tale and a riddle”.

There is a box on the table.

Guys, look what a beautiful box greets us! But it is locked and there is no way to open it. And I know a secret - you and I need to guess the riddles and then the magic chest will open! (The teacher asks the children riddles, the children guess, and after each guess the teacher takes out a riddle toy from the chest).

He walks on two legs
Repeating: “Oh!” and "Ah!"
They say he is a hundred years old
He's a grouchy old...

How will the flour appear?
The oven will not become a bun,
Will bake pancakes

He is scraping the box,
He's dead-on,
He has a ruddy side
He's funny...

In the summer he jumps in a gray fur coat,
And in winter in a white fur coat
Long-eared runner,
Little coward...

Everyone in the forest is afraid of him,
He loves to bite.
Am! - and grabs the barrel

Loves honey and even too much
Brown clubfoot...

This red-haired cheat
The bun ate deftly.

You guys are great, you solved all the riddles. Guys, did you guess which fairy tale these heroes are from? (answers) Yes, that’s right, “Kolobok” is great.


To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 2 “Twisted Tales”.

Children's activities - communication, reading fiction.

The chairs are placed in a circle around the TV screen.

Guys, our train is not simple, and the stops are not simple. At this stop, you and I will perform the following task: please sit down on the chairs and focus all your attention on the screen. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will remember which fairy tales are mixed up. (After watching, the children and the teacher sort out the mixed up fairy tales)

What great guys you all are, you know so many fairy tales! Tell me what fairy tale our heroes ended up in. (children’s answers) Well done guys, correctly “Zayushkina’s hut”


To the music “Train,” the children stand behind the teacher and move on.

Stop 3 “Fairy Tale Workshop”

Children's activities are communicative, productive, musical and artistic.

On the table there are pictures with unfinished images of fairy-tale characters and colored pencils. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the “Bunny” toy.

Guys, who is meeting us? (Children’s answer). Guys, for some reason the bunny is crying... Let's ask him what happened? (Children's answer). The bunny “tells” the teacher what happened.

Guys, the bunny told me that the artist who drew the fairy tales forgot to finish drawing some of the characters and now the guys won’t be able to read many new fairy tales. Let's help the bunny finish drawing fairy-tale characters?

(Children's answer).

There are pictures with heroes and colored pencils on the table; the teacher invites the children to choose a picture of a fairy-tale hero and sit at the table to finish drawing it.

(The teacher pre-discusses with the children what needs to be completed for each character. In the air, everyone together shows how to complete the ears, tail, eyes, nose).

The guys complete the task to the sound of calm music by V. Dashkevich “Come Fairy Tale.”

The teacher (if necessary) helps each child complete the task.

Look, bunny, the guys helped you, and they did a great job of drawing all the fairy-tale characters!

Children, did you like the “City of Fairy Tales”? (Children's response)

But you and I, guys, need to go back. Let's leave the fairy-tale characters to the bunny, say goodbye to him and go back to kindergarten.

Children's activities - motor, musical and artistic, gaming .

To the music "Train" the guys "hit the road."

The result of a fabulous journey.

Children's activities are communicative.

Returning “to kindergarten,” the teacher asks the children:

Where have we been today?

How did we get there?

What fairy tales did we guess?

What did you like most?

The teacher praises the children and says that the wizard thanks the children for their help and gives them a gift. A wonderful book and puzzles with fairy tales.

Used Books:

1. Gritsenko Z.A. “Tell the children a fairy tale” M: Linka-Press, 2003

2. Gritsenko Z.A. “Put your heart on reading” M: Enlightenment, 2003

3. Kondrykinskaya L.A., Vostrukhina T.N. “Fiction in the development of creative abilities of preschool children.” Activities, leisure, games Moscow, 2006

4. Streltsova L.E. “Literature and Fantasy” M: Enlightenment, 1992

5. Tsarenko L.I. “From nursery rhymes to the Pushkin Ball” M6Link-Press, 1999

Children 4–5 years old attend the middle group of preschool educational institutions. This is middle preschool age, which means that the children are little by little beginning to prepare for school life. The main tasks during this period are the development of existing abilities and replenishment of the accumulated knowledge base. For this purpose, integrated and comprehensive classes are conducted in kindergartens.

Theoretical foundations for conducting integrated and complex classes in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

A 4-5 year old child perceives the world around him as indivisible. He cannot isolate a separate object and does not consider it within just one industry. For example, a preschooler cannot say that numbers come from mathematics, plants and animals come from familiarizing themselves with the world around them, letters come from reading or writing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct integrated and comprehensive lessons that combine materials from several areas related to specific phenomenon or concept.

Integrated and complex lessons include techniques aimed at revealing the essence of a certain topic in various types of activities that are interpenetrating and complementary.

The main feature is that the topic is revealed most fully and deeply, but the lesson lasts as usual. As a result of such intense activity, the children become more motivated to study, and in addition, they have more time for walks or outdoor games.

Complex and integrated classes are dynamic and include various types of student activities

Common features and main differences

  • The common points of an integrated and complex lesson are:
  • building around a specific topic;
  • the presence of interdisciplinary connections;
  • multidirectional actions;

a combination of several types of activities (speech, artistic, musical, cognitive, physical).

Both in integrated and complex classes, pupils are actively involved in activities with the help of game moments, because play is the leading activity in preschool age.

The main difference between an integrated lesson and a complex one is that it is almost impossible to divide it into components.

This activity involves a smooth transition from one activity to another through the integration of blocks from different disciplines. For example, a lesson about spring may include tasks to remember other seasons and their features, and concepts such as flowers, animals, birds, weather, etc. will be gradually included in the topic. The result will be a holistic lesson, from which it is very difficult to isolate a separate block.

Goals and objectives

The overall goal of both integrated and complex activities is to develop the essence of a particular topic through a combination of different activities.

  • Tasks may vary depending on the topic of the lesson:
  • educational - to consolidate children’s knowledge about objects or phenomena, expand their understanding of their properties, activate and enrich their vocabulary, and consolidate previously acquired skills;
  • developing - to develop memory, speech, attention, coordination, fine motor skills, the ability to express one’s thoughts;

educational - to develop a friendly attitude towards people, animals, respect for nature, and the ability to cooperate.

Lesson objectives depend on the chosen topic and subject areas studied


  • To achieve the goals, you can use the following techniques that are relevant for the middle group of kindergarten:
    • Techniques for setting goals and motivating students:
    • commenting on actions
  • gaming methods.
    • Activation:
    • conversation,
    • solving riddles or puzzles,
    • posing problematic questions (“how did you understand this?”, “explain”, “prove”, etc.),
  • activity analysis and conclusions.
    • Organization of practical activities for children:
    • showing pictures,
    • listening to audio recordings,
  • independent completion of tasks by children.
    • Maintaining interest:
    • offer of choice,
    • physical education minute,
    • musical accompaniment,
  • alternation of activities.
    • Assessment techniques:
    • praise,
    • joint discussion of the results of the lesson,

mutual assistance of children.

In classes with preschoolers, visualization plays an important role.

Methodological techniques for organizing a complex or integrated lesson can also be: psychological mood, surprise moment, encouragement, explanation, direction, artistic expression, etc.

The differences between conducting an integrated and complex lesson begin to emerge already at the preparation stage. If the essence of the topic can be revealed through alternating activities, then you should choose a complex lesson.

  1. To prepare it you will need:
  2. Choose a general theme based on material already familiar to the children, for example, “Spring”.
  3. Choose a narrower topic (or a specific character) to organize preschoolers’ activities around it. Within the framework of the theme about spring, this could be the activities “Waking the Bear”, “The Adventures of the Snowdrop” or “Fun Games in the Spring Meadow”, etc.

Come up with tasks for organizing the children’s activities, united by the chosen topic. For example, if the theme “The Adventures of a Snowdrop” is chosen, then you can include in the lesson such types of tasks as viewing paintings depicting this plant, or inviting children to draw a flower themselves, the game “Who is faster”, during which they collect snowdrops from paper in baskets, or learning a little song.

An integrated lesson will take longer to prepare. To organize it, you need to choose a topic that the children already have an idea about and think through the lesson plan in detail. You can use a smart card for this. This is an outline that contains all aspects of studying a topic. In the center is the key concept. All other concepts on the topic are branches of the central term. With the help of such a map it becomes easier to model and conduct a lesson.

For example, for an integrated lesson on the topic “Winter”, the main concept will be “Winter”, it is located in the center. The branches will be words that reveal the essence of the time of year, for example, warm clothes, snowman, snowflakes, New Year, etc. The scheme can be supplemented indefinitely, but you need to remember that the lesson should not be long. Often integrated classes, united by a common theme, are held in a series. You can prepare the necessary material and draw up such a mind map at the end of the lesson with the children.

At the age of 4–5 years, preschoolers show special curiosity about everything that surrounds them and learn to interact with the world around them. Complex and integrated classes in the middle group allow children to expand their knowledge of objects, learn about their purpose and characteristics, and include games, exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of speech, thinking and creative abilities in preschoolers.

Topics of integrated and comprehensive classes in various subjects

Integrated and comprehensive classes can be conducted in a variety of subjects:

  • During a mathematical lesson called “The bunnies are out on the lawn,” you can repeat with children the concepts of “many” and “few” and count the ears, paws and other parts of the animal’s body. The “Building a House” activity will introduce children to new geometric shapes. An interesting integrated activity can be based on famous fairy tales, for example, “The Ryaba Hen,” where all the characters consist of geometric shapes and are clearly demonstrated.
  • The development of speech occurs in classes where parts of the body of people and animals are studied and compared (“Paws and Hands”), descriptions of objects and actions (“My Day”).
  • In classes on the surrounding world, you can study fruits and berries (“Making Jam”) or types of animals (“Going to the Zoo”) and plants (“Walk in the Forest”).
  • Musical integrated and comprehensive classes can be dedicated to preparing for a holiday, and it doesn’t have to be the well-known New Year or March 8; you can conduct a class dedicated to Dad’s Day or Sweet Tooth Day.

During the lesson, children can get acquainted with a variety of areas of human activity.

Time plan and lesson structure

Children 4–5 years old can maintain attention for no more than 15–20 minutes; this must be taken into account when preparing and conducting classes.

In the case of integrated and complex classes, where activities constantly replace each other, the total time can be within a time frame of 30–35 minutes.

  1. A comprehensive math lesson can have the following structure:
  2. Greeting, getting ready for work, repeating previously covered material, for example, the game “What has changed” to compare the width and length of objects (from 3 to 5 minutes).
  3. Introducing a new topic, for example, measuring the length and width of a rectangular object using multi-colored ribbons (can be further complicated to a ruler or measuring tape) (5-7 minutes).
  4. Children independently complete a similar task (7–10 minutes).
  5. Summing up (3–5 minutes).

The children’s attitude to work plays an important role in conducting the lesson.

The structure of an integrated lesson about the time of year could be as follows:

  1. Getting ready for work (game of comparing the chosen one with three other seasons) (3-5 minutes).
  2. Reading a fairy tale about the time of year (5–7 minutes).
  3. A game based on a fairy tale we read (3–5 minutes).
  4. Summing up, discussing the characters, making a collage on the theme “Winter”, etc. (5-7 minutes).

Lesson notes

The lesson notes should reflect the following information:

  • objectives of the lesson;
  • tasks;
  • necessary materials;
  • progress of the lesson.

The most impressive component is the flow of the lesson. It describes the 3 parts that make up any lesson:

  1. Introductory - sets you up for work, indicates the topic and purpose of the lesson.
  2. Main - contains the main tasks, during which the set goals and objectives are achieved.
  3. Final - sums up the activity.

The introductory part (3–5 minutes) includes 3 points:

  • organizational (attracting the attention of children, reminding them of the rules of discipline, etc.);
  • interesting (appearance of a fairy-tale character, solving a riddle, etc.);
  • message of the purpose of the lesson.

The main part (20–25 minutes) consists of games and tasks on a specific topic.

If the teacher notices that the children are tired, you can include physical education on a relevant topic during the lesson.

The final part (3–5 minutes) includes:

  • generalization, recall and discussion of tasks;
  • assessment of children in general and by name (in early preschool age we indicate only positive aspects);
  • creating a favorable environment that makes you want to come to such an activity again (game or song, advice, recommendations, etc.);
  • transition to another activity.

Table: example of a summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group

Name"Journey into the magical world of emotions"
TargetIntroduce children to the types of emotions and teach them to distinguish between them.
  • Educational:
    • develop the ability to use expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures;
    • develop imagination.
  • Educational:
    • expand your vocabulary;
    • consolidate knowledge about intonation.
  • Educational:
    • teach children to be responsive;
    • cultivate a sense of empathy;
    • instill interpersonal communication skills.
Necessary materials
  • Audio recordings;
  • wallpaper and markers;
  • a picture of a flower with two emotions (sadness and joy) depicted on different sides;
  • toys;
  • cards depicting various emotions (joy, anger, calm, etc.).
Progress of the lessonThe teacher greets the children:
  • Hello kids,
    Girls and boys.
    How beautiful everyone is
    Smart and strong!
    Come on, everyone sit in a circle,
    To our green meadow.
    Look at the neighbors
    You will talk to them.
    Who's the good one here?
    Who's the handsome one here?
    We're all pretty
    We are all pretty!

V.: Today we will take a journey through the magical land of emotions. Will everyone behave? No one will scream, stomp loudly, clap and cry? Then let's go! And we will fly to a magical land on this magic carpet. But I don’t know how to get there, so now a good gnome will come to us and he will show us the way.
The gnome appears, greets the children, seats everyone on the carpet, and he sits in front.
Audio recording starts.
V.: We are already approaching the land of emotions. Look, guys, we are landing on the Smeshinka clearing. In this clearing everyone is smiling and having fun. Like this. (Shows a picture with a cheerful smiley face).
And now we all stand in a circle, hold hands and look up at the sun. Let's all smile at the sun together! Sweet sunshine, come to us quickly and caress our cheeks.
Dwarf: Well done, guys, now I also want to have fun with you.
V.: How good, fun and joyful we are. But, it seems, not everyone.
They approach the hedgehog.
V.: Oh, what an angry hedgehog. Here it is. (Shows an angry emoticon).

  • Once upon a time there was an angry hedgehog,
    Scared everyone with needles
    He wasn't friends with anyone
    And he sat under the tree.
    He was so angry - snort-fir-sniff!
    And he got angry - snort-fir-fir!
    He grumbled - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    And he shouted - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    How terrible - rrr!
    Calm down, dear hedgehog,
    You won't find friends that way.
    Clench your fists tighter
    Drive away your anger quickly!
    If you are very angry,
    Got angry at someone
    Squeeze your hands, close your eyes, (children clench their fists)
    And say quietly:
    "I'm calm, I don't shout,
    And I don’t knock my feet.
    And I won't be angry -
    Anger is of no use at all!” (unclench fists, blow)
    We count to five together
    And we rest peacefully:
    One two three four five!
    You need to lie down quietly.

The gnome and the children lie down on the rug.

  • Everyone lay quietly
    We rested and took a nap.
    But it's time to wake up
    Stand on your feet, smile!
  • A sad bear sits in a clearing,
    The bear is tired, the bear wants to go to his mother.
    Bear, bear, don't be bored,
    Better play with us!

Dwarf: Let's sing a song about a bear together?
They sing the song “Teddy Bear” and do the movements.
Dwarf: Hurray, the bear is having fun! But look, here is a flower. He is sad too. Flower, why are you sad? He says he is sad because he has no friends.
V.: Let's cheer him up? Shall we draw him some funny friends?
Everyone sits on the floor and draws flowers with smiles on a large piece of wallpaper.
Gnome: Look, guys, the flower is cheerful now.
We flew further through the land of Emotions.
Everyone sits down on the carpet, the Dwarf is in front.
The music turns on.
V.: Guys, we have arrived. Look at our gnome, how calm he is. Like this (shows a calm emoticon).

  • Our gnome got up early today,
    And he stretched sweetly.
    In a calm mood,
    He probably woke up:
    He has peace of mind
    It's easy for him to walk,
    Of course he feels good
    At least he doesn't smile.
    We are pleased to be next to the gnome,
    We love to talk to him
    We don't want to go back so bad
    Leave this fairy tale.

V.: The gnome remains here, in the fairyland of emotions, and it’s time for us to fly home. Hop on our magic carpet.
The music turns on, the children sit on the carpet.
V.: Well, while we are flying on the carpet, let’s once again remember the emotions with which we met today. Let's show everything (show).
It’s great that we helped the bear, the flower, the hedgehog, and also met the gnome, right? Everyone is so great. (Highlights the most active).
OK it's all over Now.

  • We flew on the carpet,
    All emotions were recognized.
    Hey kids, well done!
    Daring men and brave men!

Photo gallery: cards with images of emotions

A calm emoticon demonstrates a smooth emotional background
Angry emoticon expresses negative emotions
The emoji is sad because it has no friends. The happy emoji shows joy and pleasure.

How to conduct a final integrated and comprehensive lesson

The final integrated or complex lesson is held at the end of the academic year. The main task of such a lesson should be to summarize and consolidate the knowledge acquired by children throughout the year. This task is very broad, so a large number of activities are included in the lesson. The final lesson should not exceed the usual duration. Its structure and level of complexity should not be any different.

It is more convenient to organize the final complex lesson in the form of a journey through the stations, where children will be given various tasks (for example, “A magical journey into the forest”). The final integrated lesson can be carried out in the form of a game of a fairy tale known to children, in which they will become the heroes for a while, and then help the characters complete tasks (for example, “In Search of the Magic Chest”).

The arrival of a fairy-tale character to the group will help maintain children’s interest throughout the lesson.

Among other things, final classes develop a sense of unity among the group’s students, cohesion, and teach children to act in concert.

Related videos

It is advisable for a teacher preparing a complex or integrated lesson to become familiar with the experience of colleagues in this area. The presented videos will help with this.

Video: integrated lesson on the development of cognitive activity in the middle group

Video: integrated lesson on speech development in the middle group

Video: a comprehensive lesson on the formation of mathematical concepts in the middle group

Video: comprehensive music lesson in the middle group

The form of conducting complex and integrated classes can be different, but in any of them you can unlock the potential of children and develop the necessary skills in them. Careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson guarantees preschoolers’ persistent interest in the developed material, positive motivation and a trusting attitude towards the teacher.

Shishkina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU D/s No. 81 "Golden Key"
Locality: Volzhsky, Volgograd region.
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Final integrated lesson in the middle group
Publication date: 03.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Final comprehensive lesson in the middle group. Topic: “A magical journey into the forest.” Integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, music, physical education, health, socialization. Goal: To consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in all the material covered. Program objectives: 1. Educational: Summarize acquired knowledge. Consolidate skills in all the material covered: quantity and counting within 5; the ability to compare objects by size, orientation in time and space; distinguish geometric shapes, identify forest inhabitants, insects, birds, some types of trees; consolidate children's ability to classify. Strengthen the technique of dramatization. 2. Developmental: Develop children's perceptions and ideas through the accumulation and expansion of sensory experience. Develop visually effective and visually imaginative thinking by teaching methods of mental action (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships). 3. Educational: To cultivate interest in mathematics, speech development, dramatization and the desire to work in a team. Equipment: presentation, costumes (squirrels, hare, bees), 2 bagels, 3 bear cubs, 4 hares, 2 roses, 5 puppies, balls, a set of circles in 4 colors (yellow, red, blue, purple), cards with geometric shapes, 2 pieces each for each child. Music "Sounds of the Forest". Progress of the lesson: Part I (introductory). Educator: Hello! You tell the person.
Part II (main) Educator: Our journey begins. How can we find our grandfather, the forester, in the forest? Who will help us? Look at the squirrel jumping from tree to tree. Let's ask her. Educator: Belka, Belka, show me, Belka, Belka, tell me, How to find the path to grandpa’s lodge? Belka: Very simple. I'll tell you. Just complete my task first. Squirrel shows an envelope with the task “Arrange the trees by height.” You need to arrange the trees by height in the correct order - starting with the tallest and ending with the lowest. Educator: Where should we go? Squirrel: Jump from branch to branch, from tree to tree, and there is the forester’s house. Educator: Thank you, but we don’t know how to jump on trees. We'd better ask someone else. Educator: And here the bunny is jumping. Let's ask him. Educator: Bunny, Bunny, show me, Bunny, Bunny, tell me, How to find the path to grandpa’s lodge? Bunny: Nothing is simpler, I’ll show you. Just help me first. The bunny gives an envelope with the task of the didactic game “Say it in one word.”
Finger, finger, my dear, squeeze the pea tightly, twist and roll and pass it on to someone else. (2-3 times) Lesovichok invites the children, holding the ball in their hands, to sit on the carpet in any order. The forester gives verbal instructions. The forester invites the children: Take the ball in your left hand. To the right. Place the ball in front of you. On your right side. From the left side. Place the ball behind you. (Instructions are repeated 2-3 times in different order) The forester continues: I’ll sit next to you on the bench, I’ll sit with you, I’ll tell you a riddle, I’ll see who’s smarter. The Forester takes out objects from the “magic chest” and plays out the puzzles with the help of toys. The forester clearly demonstrates the contents of the problem, showing toys, adding or removing them to the chest along the way. - How many bagels did you put in the bag, the cockerel? - Two. But we’ll give it to grandpa And there will be: (one) Three little bear cubs in the apiary Played hide and seek by the barrel. One barely fit into the barrel. How many ran into the forest? (two) Four hares were walking from school, but suddenly they were attacked by bees. Two bunnies barely escaped, but how many didn’t make it? (two) Masha picked two roses and brought them as a gift to her mother. Pick it up and give it to mommy, not two, but: (three) Five puppies played football, One was called home - He looks out the window, counts, How many of them are playing now? (4) Forester: Now let's play. Physical exercise.
- One - rise, pull yourself up, - Two - bend, unbend, - Three - three claps of the hands, - three nods of the head. - Four - arms wider. - Five - wave your arms. - Six, squat down. (2-3 times) Part III. Surprise moment. Forester: Guys, I also have a magic bag. In the hands of the teacher is a magic bag with paired cards depicting geometric shapes: squares, circles, rectangles, red, green, yellow, blue, in quantities from 2 to 5. For example: there are 4 green squares on the card. Forester: Now you will come up to me one by one, put your right hand into the magic bag and take out one card with geometric shapes. -Well done! Found all the cards! -What do you see on them? Children: there are geometric shapes on the cards. Forester: Now be careful. What shapes do you have on your card? How many are there? Children: I have 5 red rectangles on my card. There are 4 blue circles on my card. I have 3 green squares on my card. Forester: You need to find a chair on which there is a card similar to yours. There are figures on it of the same shape, the same color as yours, and the same number. Find your place. Whoever finds it sits on this chair. The children are seated at the tables. Each child has 4 circles, which correspond in color to a certain part of the day: morning - yellow, day - red, evening - blue, night - black. Forester: Guys, help my owl, show and tell me what a “day” is. Otherwise she gets confused all the time. I will read a poem, and you will show a circle with the part of the day that I am reading about. Children point to the first part of the poem with a yellow circle, to the second part - red, to the third - blue, to the fourth - black. “Day” In the morning the sun rises, does not let the guys sleep! -Come on, kids, get up, charge up, wash up, dress neatly.
And start breakfast. At noon the sun is at its zenith, Its rays are like threads, They generously warm the Earth, Everyone is invited to dinner. Further, further the day runs on, The proverb says to us: - The day is long until the evening, when there is nothing to do. Well, in the evening, guys, everything will be enveloped in coolness, the sun also needs rest, and the guys will have a delicious dinner. At night there is a moon in the sky, She is very strict: She is watching to see if everyone is in bed? Close your eyes and let yourself dream fairy tales. Close your eyes, good night everyone! From morning to morning, children know the day. Educator: Well done, everyone coped with such a difficult task. Part IV. (The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.) Educator: Guys, this is where our magical journey ends. It's time for us to say goodbye to the forester. Forester: We played and had fun. I really liked you guys. -Goodbye. Educator: Rise up on your toes, and turn around twice, you will find yourself in the group again. Educator: Guys, did you enjoy traveling? If you liked it, grab yourself some sunshine. And if someone didn’t like it, take a cloud. (feedback, reflection)

Program tasks
Exercise children in counting within 10. Test their knowledge of the first ten numbers. Develop an understanding of geometric bodies (ball, cube, cylinder, cone). Strengthen children's ability to draw using non-traditional methods (cotton swabs, cork impressions). Learn on your own, create a pattern. Activate children's mental activity, develop logical thinking and intelligence. Learn to foster joint discussion, search for and find an answer. Develop the ability to quickly get involved in the active preparatory process. Develop analytical perception, sustained attention, memory, speech. Learn to take a creative and proactive approach to solving problems. Develop aesthetic perception and imagination. Create surprise and novelty in the environment.

Part I:
1. Magic wand. 2. Whatman paper and markers. 3. 2 colored paper wheels for the car. 4. Driver's steering wheel. 5. A clearing with flowers, there are riddles on the flower petals. 6. 3 hoops and geometric bodies (Cube, ball, cone, pyramid, cylinder). 7. Audio recordings: a) children's song: “We are going, we are going, we are going...”; b) “Russian folk melodies”.
Part II:
1. Screen, doll. (Ivan Tsarevich) 2. Plane image of the “Firebird”. 3. Samples of feathers with pattern elements (3 pieces). 4. Gouache of three colors (orange, red, crimson). 5. Cotton swabs. Corks, brush “Squirrel” No. 2. 6. Napkins for drawing. 7. Jars of water. 8. Brush holders. 9. Sockets with foam inserts, impregnated with gouache. 10. Sheets of yellow paper in the shape of bird feathers.
The day before the group received an invitation from Ivan Tsarevich.
Children, we have received an invitation from Tsarevich Ivan. Let's go to him.

: Look, guys! There's a strange map here. It only shows dots, if we can connect the dots with lines in order, then we will understand something
(Children connect the dots to create an image of a car)
We'll hit the road by car! Let's choose a driver using a little counting rhyme: (Children count and choose a driver)
Go! (Music “We’re going, we’re going, we’re going”…)
Children, where have we ended up? Who will tell us?
You have reached the lawn of “Riddles”. I am the owner of this lawn. You must guess all the riddles on my flowers. Only then will you be able to go to Ivan Tsarevich. (Children find riddles on the petals) On the red flower:  The elephant is big, and the mouse...  The pillow is soft, and the table...  The tree is tall. And the grass...  The river is wide, and the stream...  The ice is cold, and the fire...  The floor is below, and the ceiling...
On a yellow flower:
 Say a sweet word.  Fast.  Word with a window.  Fluffy.  Sour.  Forest.
Lawn owner:
Well done! Now try to guess my riddles. What word did I have in mind?  White spins, lies on the ground...  Brown, club-footed, clumsy...  Small, grey, timid lives in a hole...
 Sweet, tasty in a wrapper...
Now, our children will try to tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it. (Children come up with and make riddles themselves, the owner of the lawn must guess them)
Lawn owner:
You completed the task well, you can move on! (Children get into the car and drive on, music sounds)
Children, we are probably in the wrong place again, Tsarevich Ivan is not here.
You have found yourself in a clearing of geometric bodies. I am the boss here, and you must cope with my tasks.
Game description:
Each geometric body must fall into a hoop of the corresponding color, where the hoops intersect there may be bodies of two colors.
Game: “Find a place for a geometric body”
Figure 2
The owner of the clearing:
Well done, children! We completed my assignments. Now you can go to Ivan Tsarevich! Bon Voyage.
So we got to Ivan Tsarevich! (Showing a doll from behind a screen, sad)
Children, here he is. He's not funny at all. Let's ask him what happened. What, Ivanushka is not cheerful, what, has he hung his head?
Ivan Tsarevich:
I stopped eating and sleeping. I wish I could get the firebird. That bird lost a feather when it flew in our garden. Pen, I picked this up, Since then I have lost peace. I had already worn out all my shoes, but I couldn’t find the Firebird.
Don’t worry, Ivanushka, trouble is no big deal! You, my friend, ended up in kindergarten and you are visiting the guys. Vanya, we’ll help you, it’s no good for you to grieve.
The guys and I saw this bird in a fairy-tale kingdom-state, and there it is! Look Ivanushka, isn't it her you're looking for? (The teacher shows a bird that has no feathers on its tail)
Ivan Tsarevich:
No, this bird is not mine. Mine had a bright, beautiful tail.
And this is not a problem. Our children will help you. Guys, look at one feather at a time on the table in front of you, we will decorate them with various patterns, and then from all the feathers we will assemble a beautiful, bright tail for the Firebird. (Go to your seats, sit down)
On your tables are: corks, brushes and cotton swabs. You already know and can draw wonderfully with them. Think about which tool you will need for the job first and which later, and what color you want to leave on the feathers. If you take the corks, you might end up with a pattern like this. Then you take a cotton swab and your pattern will change. Then you take a brush and complete your design. I got this feather. Children draw, music plays, the teacher corrects the children’s actions)
What kind of feathers did you get? Let's look at them! Now we will decorate the tail of the Firebird with your elegant feathers. (As the children finish their work, each child comes up and puts a feather to his tail, the teacher positively evaluates the work of each child)
Ivanushka, look what our children have accomplished! Do you like Firebird?
Ivan Tsarevich:
Thank you for being friendly, what a bird they got me. She will not live in a cage, but sit on a branch in the garden. He will sing songs and decorate the magical garden.
That’s good, Ivan Tsarevich, we helped you. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye, Ivan Tsarevich!

Summary of direct educational activities of the educational field “Cognition”

on the topic “Visiting the week”

Pokalenko N.Yu.

G. Zheleznogorsk

Integrated lesson in the middle group

on the topic “Visiting the week”

Program content:


Continue introducing children to the days of the week: introduce the new day of the week - Tuesday.

Educational objectives:

Practice counting within “5”, correlating the number of objects with the desired number. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint objects using paints. Practice selecting the right geometric shapes and consolidate your knowledge of color.

Developmental tasks:

Develop verbal - logical thinking, memory, attention, perception.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in the activity, responsiveness, desire to help others, and the ability to work in a team.


Picture of a house, gnomes, panel “Hares on the lawn”, blanks of white carrots, paints, brushes, napkins, glasses of water, sets of numbers (1 - 5) for each child, set of geometric shapes, “magic box”, treats - candies.

Methodical techniques :

    verbal - teacher’s story, questions to children, poetry reading;

    visual - demonstration of material;

    gaming - performing game actions;

    practical - independent activity of children.


Introductory part: Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Educator: Attention! Attention! I hasten to inform you

Today we want to take a trip!

I know the magic words that will help us go on a magical journey:

“Let’s stamp our feet, clap our hands.

Let's turn around and hold hands together.

Let’s close our eyes and say: “Ah! »

And we will be a guest.

Main part:

I draw the children’s attention to the beautiful house.

Is this house familiar to you? Who lives in that house? (a week)

Here is a beautiful house,

And the Week lives in it.

There are exactly seven days in a week -

Everyone needs to know about this!

Brothers - gnomes live here,

They sing songs together.

And, telling tales,

Colors change every day...

The week has begun

Got to work...

Which gnome is the first to arrive at the house of the week? (Monday)

(showing the gnome - Monday)

On Monday the first gnome painted the house red,

The dwarves ate tomatoes and chatted all sorts of nonsense.

And today, guys, is the second day of the week. It's called Tuesday.

(showing the gnome - Tuesday)

And on Tuesday everything suddenly turned orange,

The gnomes ate seven orange candies for lunch.

Gnome Tuesday loves everything orange. He dressed in an orange outfit.

Which gnome comes second to the house of the week? (Tuesday) Which gnome will he settle next to? (happy Monday)

The gnome wanted to go into his house, but he couldn’t. He needs to complete tasks! Guys, can we help the gnome? Aren't you afraid of difficulties? Then go ahead!

Look at the envelope! (we open it - there are colored squares in the envelope)

Guys, what color are these squares? (red, yellow, blue and green) Now listen to the task: we need to lay out a path of colored squares according to the diagram. Shall we try? Let's first agree on what color we'll start with.

Game “Lay out the path according to the diagram”

Well done, let's walk along the path (approach the clearing)

I suggest the children sit more comfortably.

Next to each of you are envelopes with numbers,

take them out and place them in front of you.

Now listen carefully to the tasks to help the Dwarf get into the house:

Look and count how many white bunnies are in the clearing (2) What number do we use to denote the number of white bunnies? (2)

How many bunnies with carrots? (4), show me a number that can indicate the number of these bunnies (4), how many bunnies are there in total? (5) How many big hares are there? (1) How many gray hares are there? (3)

Now let's rest a little.

Dynamic pause “Rest”

(children perform movements according to the text)

Let's get up, we need to rest,

Shake our fingers.

Raise your hands up

Move your fingers

They wiggle their ears like that

Little bunnies.

Get up quickly and smile

Stretch higher, higher.

Come on, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

They galloped left, right,

They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up,

And they ran on the spot...

We rested, that's nice,

Let's talk now about the main thing...

Guys, why are we doing all these tasks? (to help the gnome get into the house)

Tell me, guys, what grows in this garden bed?

(tomatoes, turnips, carrots) Let's not guess, but try to pull them out (children take carrots that are inserted into the slots of the bed)

Why are they white? (someone bewitched them, they have not yet grown up, they are covered with snow) But in fact, what color are carrots? (orange) Now we will color these carrots together.

(children sit at tables and color)

Guys, whoever has it ready, bring it to the tray. The gnome will be very happy. He will then treat his friends - the bunnies.

The next task is in this box. You know, Gnome Monday baked cookies for Gnome Tuesday.

Let's get a look.

What geometric shapes do the cookies resemble? (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles)

What color are the cookies? (red, blue, yellow, orange, green)

You and I remember that the gnome Tuesday loves orange cookies, but most importantly, not round ones. Let us take these cookies to a plate.

D/i “Select the necessary figures”

(we approach the Dwarves' house)

Well, Gnome Tuesday, we have completed all the tasks. For some reason the door doesn't open.

Let us remember the magic words... (finger gymnastics “Castle” - children perform movements according to the text)

There's a lock on the door

Who could open it?

They knocked, twisted,

They turned it... and opened it.

Well, now our gnome will go into his house!

Final part:

What color is Gnome Tuesday's window? (orange) Why?

(because Gnome Tuesday loves everything orange.)

You and I know that gnomes take turns replacing each other every day. And they never get confused because they have special watches. This watch is colored.

What part of the clock do you think the hand should be on today?

(orange, rearrange the hand on the clock)

And the gnome has prepared a surprise for you! Hurry up and bring the plate in which you and I put the orange cookies. Let's put everything in the gnome's box. It turns out she's magical...

(a box with a double bottom - we conjure and turn “cookies” into candies)

Listen to the magic words:

Let's stamp our feet, clap our hands

Let's turn around ourselves,

Let's close our eyes and go back to kindergarten.

Did you guys enjoy the lesson today? What was the most difficult task for you today? And the easiest? And the most interesting? Well done! You made me very happy today! (we treat the children with sweets)

Thank you to all guests for your attention!

Self-analysis of the lesson

The program content of the lesson corresponded to clearly formulated objectives: educational: to practice counting within “5”, correlating the number of objects with the desired number. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint objects using paints. Exercise in selecting the necessary geometric shapes, consolidate knowledge of color; developing: develop verbal - logical thinking, memory, attention, perception; educational: to cultivate interest in the activity, responsiveness, desire to help others, ability to work in a team.

And goals: to complement, expand and apply children’s previously acquired knowledge. This lesson is integrated. I believe that in this version of the lesson, children learn the material better. The lesson is structured in a playful way, since play is the leading activity in preschool age.

The structure of the lesson consists of an introductory part (organizing children), a main part (practical activities), and a final part (summarizing). In the introductory part, I set the guys up for active work and positive contact with each other. The main part of the lesson is aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the formation of mental and practical actions. Having set specific tasks for the children, she sought from each child (depending on his capabilities) their implementation, monitored the correct completion of tasks, made adjustments to their knowledge, provided the necessary assistance, and encouraged even minimal success. The final part summarized the lesson.

The volume of educational material and the pace of work ensured the children's activity during the lesson.

During the lesson I used the following forms of work: frontal, individual, group. I used various methods: verbal (questions to children, repetition and clarification, reminder, encouragement); visual (panel); practical (drawing), gaming. In the GCD process, the following technologies were used: gaming activity; health - saving technologies. A dynamic pause was carried out, a constant change of activity made it possible to prevent children from becoming overtired. She carried out a differentiated approach: inactive children were involved in the conversation, they were given more attention (attracted them with intonation, supported their statements). Children's activities are characterized as joint, creative, and individual. She paid special attention to the development of children's speech, enriched their vocabulary with new expressions, and monitored the correct construction of sentences. I achieved the conscious use of numerals, the correlation of quantity with number and figure. The sanitary and hygienic conditions met the requirements: the room was ventilated in advance, there was sufficient lighting, almost the entire space of the group was used (children moved from one part of the group to another). The lesson is organized taking into account the performance and fatigue of children of middle preschool age. The tasks corresponded to the topic of the lesson, the age of the children and their individual characteristics. I believe that I managed to achieve my goals. The educational activity turned out to be intense and interesting because... Children always like to travel, run errands, and provide assistance.

By the age of four, the formation of a child as an individual is completed, the crisis period of three years passes, an awareness of one’s independence and significance occurs: “I want,” “I won’t,” etc. During this period, the baby has a great need for communication, knowledge and independence. Language at this stage continues to be the most important condition for introducing preschoolers to the outside world and the cultural values ​​of society.

Adults are the guardians of the centuries-old experience of humanity, its knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language, the most important means of human communication. The culture of speech of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, largely determine the success of a preschooler in understanding the world around him.

With the help of an adult and independently, the child establishes various connections in the world around him: he enters into verbal contacts with peers and adults, shares his impressions, takes part in a conversation, and improves the ability to use established forms of polite communication.

Preschoolers look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if there is a teacher nearby who wonders with them, encourages them not only to look, but also to see, the kids will want to learn even more.

Didactic games, poems, proverbs, riddles given in this section will help preschoolers expand their knowledge about the world around them.

Fascinating observations on walks, independent experiments, and developmental activities will help middle-aged children understand and comprehend the elementary connections of living and inanimate nature in an accessible form, improve their skills in experimental and experimental work, and draw their first conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships and patterns. All this will help form the moral and aesthetic qualities of the future citizen, schoolchild, defender of not only himself, his fatherland, but also all the most beautiful things that NATURE has created.

Hence the main tasks for introducing preschoolers to the outside world of children in their fifth year of life:

Arouse creative interest in the diversity of the surrounding world (the world of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena, etc.);

Form ideas about yourself, about your immediate environment (“Me and my family”, “Me and my city”, “Me and my country”, “Me and my planet”), establish family relationships (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, etc.);

Form and systematize ideas about household items necessary for a person (clothing, dishes, furniture, transport, etc.);

Form and systematize ideas about people’s activities, professions, and the man-made world;

To introduce different habitats of humans and animals (water, land, air), with their functional properties;

Develop respect for adults;

To develop the ability to play and work together, to fairly evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of other children;

Develop collective relationships and individual abilities of each preschooler.

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