Municipal state educational institution

"Krasnobakovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type"


« Safety during summer holidays:

rules for children"

Prepared by: Malysheva G.I.

r.p. Krasnye Baki

Safety in the summer is something that schoolchildren should pay special attention to. Safety during the summer holidays is very important. Following basic rules will help maintain health, and even life.

It is very important to know the rules of conduct on the street and on the water. It is also worth knowing how to protect yourself from insect bites.

In summer, children often have to go for walks. Older people can walk on their own.

While walking during the summer holidays, the following dangerous factors are possible:

Getting hit by cars;

Fractures, bruises, dislocations, etc.;
- burns caused by fires;
- drowning, getting hit by scooters, motor boats, boats, etc.

When walking around the city and other populated areas, observe the following safety requirements:

Plan a safe route to your destination and use it;

Choose well-lit streets and avoid walking past deserted plots of land, alleys and construction sites. Take the long way if it is safe;
- know your area: find out which shops, cafes, restaurants and other institutions are open until late and where the police, law enforcement stronghold, reception room of the local inspector, security post, etc. are located;
- do not flaunt expensive jewelry or clothes, cell phones;
- walk towards the traffic, if there is no pedestrian sidewalk, so you can see approaching cars;
- If you suspect someone is following you, cross the street and head to the nearest well-lit area. Walk or run quickly to a house or store to call the police. If you are scared, scream for help;
- never travel using passing cars, move further away from vehicles stopped near you;
- do not forget to tell your parents with whom and where you went, when you will return, if you are delayed, then call and warn.
- always follow the rules of behavior on the roads that you learned in school.

When using a bicycle:

When riding a bicycle on roads and streets with traffic, you must follow the following rules:
- use a bicycle that is suitable for your height;
- do not transport objects that interfere with the control of the bicycle;
- you cannot ride a bicycle together, without a bell and with a faulty brake;
- do not let go of the steering wheel;
- do not make a left turn on the road;
- you cannot drive with nearby traffic or cling to passing traffic.

When using railway transport, be vigilant and follow the rules of personal safety:

While on the tracks and when crossing railway tracks, be especially careful, look around to see if trains are passing on adjacent tracks;
- be careful, contact networks are under voltage of 3300 volts and touching the wires and parts of the contact network and electrical equipment of electric trains is life-threatening and causes electric shock with serious consequences.
- cling to passing vehicles, ride on steps;
- get out of the vehicle while moving.

When using the bus, tram and metro:

Try to use well-lit and frequently used stops;
- don’t fall asleep, be vigilant;
- in the subway and at electric train stops, stand behind the markings from the edge of the platform;
- while waiting, stand with other people.

Rules of conduct in places of public recreation.

In places of public recreation, drinking alcoholic beverages, using obscene words, and smoking are prohibited. Be polite with peers and adults. Do not enter into conflict situations.
- when going to a cinema or stadium, do not take bulky bags or briefcases with you, they can get in your way in the crowd. Your clothes should be comfortable and inexpensive;
- arrive early to avoid the crowd at the entrance;
- Having taken a seat, immediately evaluate the opportunity to get to the exit. See if you can do it in the dark.
- if there is a disturbance in the hall, leave without waiting for the end of the concert. Crowd control is an impossible task, don't shout, don't get into conflict.
- if you find yourself in a crowd, under no circumstances let yourself be knocked down, do not allow yourself to stumble - you will no longer be able to get up.
- try to stay in the middle of the stream of people, do not seek protection from walls and fences - you can be strongly pressed and injured.
- do not take active actions, keep your arms bent at the elbows, protecting your chest from compression, let the crowd carry you.
- if you fall, group yourself, protecting your head with your hands.

About water precautions:

To avoid an accident, you need to know and follow safety precautions on the water.
- do not drink alcohol while swimming and do not chew gum while in the water.
- for swimming, it is better to choose places where there is clean water, a flat sandy bottom, shallow depth, no strong currents or whirlpools, and no motor vehicles passing through the water.
- you should start swimming at air temperature + 20-25*, water + 17-19*C. You must enter the water carefully, stop in a shallow place and plunge headlong.
- You can stay in the water for 10-15 minutes. Under no circumstances should you let yourself get chills; this is harmful to your health. Hypothermia in the water causes life-threatening convulsions and cramps in the arms and legs. In this case, you need to swim on your back. If you get confused and stop swimming, you can drown. Often water gets into the windpipe and interferes with breathing. To get rid of it, you need to stop immediately, raise your head as high as possible above the water and cough forcefully.
- when swimming when the water surface is rough, you need to carefully ensure that you inhale in the intervals between waves. When swimming against the waves, you should calmly climb up a steep wave and roll off it. Do not enter the water during strong waves. If you find yourself in a strong current, you should not swim against it, otherwise you can easily become exhausted. It is better to go with the flow, gradually approaching the shore.
- do not go to the pond alone. When sitting on the shore, cover your head from overheating and sunstroke.
- you should never swim near whirlpools - this is the biggest danger on the water. It pulls the swimmer to great depths and with such force that even an experienced swimmer is not always able to swim out. Once in a whirlpool, take in more air into your lungs, plunge into the water and make a strong jerk to the side with the current, float to the surface. If you become entangled in algae, do not make sudden movements or jerks, otherwise the plant loops will tighten even more tightly. It is better to lie on your back and try to swim with soft, calm movements in the direction from which you came. If this does not help, then you need to pull up your legs and carefully free yourself from the plants with your hands.
- it is dangerous to swim close to steamships and boats, near which various whirlpools, waves and currents arise.
- It is even more dangerous to dive in places of unknown depth, as you can hit your head on sand, clay, break your cervical vertebrae, lose consciousness and die. It is no less dangerous to jump headfirst into the water from rafts, piers and other floating structures. There may be piles, rails, rocks and broken glass underwater. You can dive only where there is sufficient depth, clear water, and a flat bottom.
- An important safety condition is to follow the rules when boating. You cannot go out onto a lake or river on a faulty and completely unequipped boat, sit on its sides, change from one place to another, as well as move from one boat to another, or get up while moving. If you do not know how to swim, you must have life-saving equipment.
It must be remembered that compliance with safety precautions is the main condition for safety on the water.

When visiting the forest, the following rules must be observed:

Don't go into the forest alone;
- use a compass, do not walk in rainy or cloudy weather;
- wear rubber shoes, trousers or sweatpants tucked into boots to protect against snake and insect bites;
- wear a hat, cover your neck and arms from ticks;
- make your way through bushes and thickets carefully, smoothly moving the branches apart and smoothly lowering them;
- do not smoke or light fires to avoid fire, and do not litter; empty bottles and fragments can cause a fire.
Remember that forest fires are extremely dangerous. The causes of their fire are: careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, spontaneous combustion of dry vegetation and peat, as well as a discharge of atmospheric electricity.
Forest fires have a strong psychological effect on people. It is known that panic among people causes a significant number of victims. Knowing the rules of behavior, a person caught in this disaster in any situation will be able not only to survive, but also to help save other people.
In case of a forest fire, you need to be wary of high temperatures, smoke, falling burnt trees and holes in the burnt soil.

I wish you a pleasant and safe summer holiday!


1. Aizman R.I. Fundamentals of life safety and first aid. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. from-in, 2003.

2. Belov S.V. Life safety. - M.: Higher School, 2001.

3. Gatkin E.Ya. Child safety. M.: List, 1997.

4. Kon I.S. "Psychology of a high school student", M, Education, 1982

5. Lishin O.V. Pedagogical psychology of education. A textbook for school psychologists and teachers. M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1977.

Class hour in 4th grade

“Basics of safety for children on summer holidays”

Class teacher: Prokhorova O.V.

Date: May 24, 2018

Target : repeat with children the rules of behavior in extreme situationssituations; promote the formation of a serious relationshipto one’s own life and to the safety of others; encourageto comply with the necessary safety rules at home, on the street,on transport; develop self-confidence, desire to comehelping people.

Classroom plan.







Progress of the class hour


Classroom teacher.Every morning a man goes outfrom home and finds himself in a huge world in which anything can happen, from a bruise to a terrorist attack. These troubles are called extreme situations. The ex-tremal means difficult, complex. Extreme situations mean complex, difficult, unpleasant situations in whichturn out to be human.

How to survive in this world, how to quickly and correctly make decisions, where to turn for help?(Points to the board where service telephone numbers are written.)

Children's answers.

But now another organization has appeared in Russia that will always come to the rescue. This is the Rescue Service! The rescue service is an organization that is always ready to help anyone free of charge. The Rescue Service employs brave, noble, strong people - rescuers.

But in the first minutes after the incident, each person can become his own rescue service.

And if he can save himself, he will be able to help other people. This means he can become a rescuer.


1. What is the call number for rescuers and how should you properly report an incident?

/01- in this case, you must give the exact address, what happened, your last name, first name and patronymic/.

2*. Why should chimneys in the attic always be whitewashed?

/On the whitewashed surface of chimneys it is easier to detect cracks and crevices through which fire can penetrate into the attic; upon detection of such, it is necessary to repair the defects with clay or sand mortar and whiten them/.

3. What rules must be followed to prevent fires when firing stoves?

/You cannot melt wood in a stove with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids, heat a stove with the firebox doors open, dry firewood and other flammable materials on or near stoves, heat faulty stoves, and most importantly, entrust the heating of stoves to young children/.

4. Is it possible to open windows and doors in a house or apartment during a fire?

/It’s not possible, because Oxygen will enter the room through open window and door openings, which will enhance combustion.

5. If there is a gas leak in the apartment, is it possible to turn on the lights?

/It is forbidden. When turning a switch or socket on or off, sparking may occur between the contacts and a gas explosion may occur.

6. Why in institutions are exits from premises arranged to open outwards?

/So that in the event of a fire, the doors do not become an obstacle to the evacuation of people/.

7. What needs to be done when leaving the apartment (house) to prevent a fire?

/Turn off electrical appliances, gas, lights, close windows, doors of adjacent rooms,

8. How to avoid poisoning from household chemicals?

/Never use unfamiliar household chemicals;

do not drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans, especially if they are on the floor or in a “secluded place”; do not use matches near jars or bottles with a strong odor, do not spray the contents of aerosol cans near an open fire, store chemicals in locked cabinets/.

9. You broke a thermometer in the room. What can you do to prevent mercury from harming your health?

/I will open the windows and doors to ventilate the room. Using a rubber bulb, I will collect the mercury balls into a jar of water and close it with a tight lid. I will treat the surface with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. I will hand over the mercury to the Civil Defense headquarters/.

10. Why is mercury dangerous?

/Very toxic. Mercury vapor causes acute poisoning in people. The danger especially increases when the area of ​​evaporation increases (when it is rubbed over the surface or when many small droplets get clogged into cracks and other recesses).


1. Safety of children on the way from home to school;

2. Teaching the basics of traffic rules, creating the need not only to study, but also to comply with traffic rules.

3. Choosing the safest route from home to school.

4. Respectful attitude towards all road users.

Statistics on childhood injuries and accidents indicate that it is necessary to work more in-depth on the problem of teaching schoolchildren traffic rules (traffic rules).


How do you understand the expression “be responsible for your business”?

Does responsible behavior presuppose the ability to be responsible for oneself, one’s safety and the safety of others?

Is it possible to agree with the opinion that responsibility is a voluntarily assumed obligation for the consequences of actions and deeds?

Is there a risk to your health when communicating with strangers?

In addition to normal people, in society there are people from the criminal world who live at the expense of others, earning their own money through crimes.

What does it mean to break the law? (Break it.)

What types of crimes are there? (Attempt on property, robbery, assault, hooliganism, crimes related to drug addiction.)

Violence, beating, robbery, and hooliganism can be committed against children.Normal people view these types of crimes as highly immoral and unacceptable.

Rules of conduct with strangers

- Stranger - this is any person who comes in the absence of parents, grandparents and tries to talk to you (sometimes calling you by name).


Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Don't get into someone else's car.

Go home after dark.

Don't change your route home from school.

Always tell your parents about your plans for the day.

Young children should know the rules of safe behavior and not walk around the city without adults.


Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street

Don’t agree to go anywhere with a stranger, don’t get into a car, no matter how much he persuades you and no matter what he offers.

Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.

If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to lead you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.

Be sure to tell your parents, teacher, and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.


Do not open the door under any circumstances

Call your neighbors and let them know about it.

Don't engage in conversation with a stranger. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a REU employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.

If a stranger tries to open the door, immediately call the police, state the reason for the call and the exact address, then call for help from the balcony or window.


Do not enter the entrance or yard if a stranger is following you.

Do not approach the apartment or house and do not open it (it) if someone unfamiliar is near the house or entrance

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, attract the attention of neighbors (whistle, break glass, ring the bell and knock on doors).


If there is an unknown person in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.

If you enter an elevator with a suspicious stranger, press two buttons “Call dispatcher” and “Stop” at the same time so that the cabin stands still with the doors open. Start a conversation with the dispatcher, he will call the police.

Do not stand in the elevator with your back to the passenger, watch his actions.

If you try to attack, make noise, shout, knock on the walls of the elevator, defend yourself, try to press the “Call Dispatcher” button.

Bottom line

- What to do if a stranger starts talking to you? (Apologize and pass by. Do not engage in conversation, no matter what they tell you, because no one can explain to you in advance all the tricks of the villain.)

- What if they don’t leave your side? (You have to break free and shout: “I don’t know him!” Let other adults hear this. They will help and call the police.)

Responsible behavior will prevent harm to your safety and health, as well as the health and safety of others!


May 2013. Karmanovo district. Young people, spray painting the carriages, climbed onto the tank. The first one immediately came under tension and was thrown to the side. The second, trying to save his comrade, did not escape the same fate. Both were burned.
August 2013. Chernushka station. Two schoolgirls, 14 and 17 years old, wanting to take a closer look at the starry sky, climbed onto a train carriage, where they received an electric shock. They were taken to the hospital with burns.
April 2014. Chernushka station. A 17-year-old boy, wanting to take a photo, climbed onto a freight train tank and suffered burns on 90% of his body.

It is important that young people realize the full extent of the danger that threatens this worthless window dressing. To organize an educational program, specially equipped places for crossing the tracks are demonstrated, the meaning of the yellow “safety strip” on the platforms and sound signals of locomotives is explained, the distance from the contact network that is safe for humans is demonstrated, and it is explained why climbing onto cars is dangerous for life.

Development of a class lesson for primary schoolchildren “Summer in Mysteries”

Target: summarize children’s ideas about summer, expand knowledge about medicinal plants; develop attention, thinking, imagination.

Equipment: the teacher has printouts of tables with the names of medicinal plants for each student; Students have a squared notebook and a pen.

Teacher. Today we will talk about the coming summer - the most favorite time of year for all schoolchildren! Our conversation will be structured in the form of a chain of riddles on this topic, as well as tasks for them.

What is summer? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Each person has his own associations as soon as he hears this word. Let's play the game "Associations" to get a clearer picture of summer.

Children take turns, at a fast pace, naming the associations that arise in them when they hear the word “summer.” For example: sun, vacation, beach, freedom, hike, grandma, camp, berries, watermelon, cottage, sea...

Let's remember some natural features characteristic of summer. Having solved the riddle, quickly (preferably using some symbol) sketch out the answer so that, looking at the drawings, you can reconstruct the answer words.

I always fall in the morning -

Not a raindrop, not a star -

And I sparkle in the burdocks

On the edges and meadows. (Dew)

Jumper and jumper

The sun gave it.

Jumper and jumper

Jump-jump, jump-jump

From the wall to the ceiling

From the ceiling in the window. (Sunny Bunny)

Over the forests, over the river

Seven-color bridge in an arc.

If I could stand on the bridge -

I could reach the stars with my hand! (Rainbow)

Frowns, frowns,

Will fall into tears -

There will be nothing left. (Cloud)

Who beats on the roof all night

Yes he knocks

And he mumbles and he sings,

Lulls you to sleep? (Rain)

Was a grain of gold -

Became a green arrow.

The summer sun was shining

And the arrow was gilded. (Ear)

On the mound, in the clearing

A chicken with earrings is sitting.

Who will pass by -

He gives everyone a box. (Berries)

Small and stocky

Decided to look at us

Raised in the morning under the fir trees

Leaf with stuck needles. (Mushroom)

The teacher asks, using the drawings made by the students in their notebooks, to write down the guess words. Examination.

Why do schoolchildren love summer? First of all, for the fact that they are attacking... You probably already guessed:

The school year has ended,

All worries are behind us.

Summer! Games, forest, fishing,

Adventures are ahead! (Holidays)

This means that you will find a variety of sports and intellectual games, hiking, fishing, trips to relatives, holidays at sea or in a health camp, a lot of surprises and adventures! Guess the riddles.

You hit the wall and I'll bounce back,

If you throw it on the ground, I’ll jump up.

I'm flying from palm to palm,

I don’t want to lie still. (Ball)

The guys will bend me over -

And the rain will fall on the beds. (Watering can)

Walks on water, rests on its wings,

Wash with water. (Boat)

I'm not sitting on a horse,

And on the tourist's back. (Backpack)

They have teeth, but don't bite. (Rake)

Both in the taiga and in the ocean

He will find any way,

Fits in your pocket

And he leads us along. (Compass)

Leaned over the river -

Their agreement is this:

The river will exchange for her

Perch on a worm. (Fishing rod)

On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

Not for battle near regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets. (Chess)

Note. Along the way, the teacher writes down the nasty things on the board.

Now try to divide the answers into four groups.

Independent work in notebooks.


Answer. 1. Ball, chess - games. 2. Watering can, rake - garden tools. 3. Boat, fishing rod - fishing equipment. 4. Backpack, compass - travel equipment.

Here's another riddle:

The hero stands rich,

Treats all the guys:

Vanya - strawberries,

Tanya - bones,

Mashenka is like a nut,

Petya - russula. (Forest)

The forest is a great place to relax. It attracts lovers of picking mushrooms and berries, fans of hiking, fishermen, hunters who simply want to wander through its clearings to admire the flowers and listen to the singing of birds. The forest greets us with unusual silence, fresh air infused with aromatic herbs, so beneficial for our body...

Let's play a game called "Drawing the Forest." It consists in the fact that each of you, in turn, will go to the blackboard and draw with chalk only one object of living or inanimate nature inherent in the forest. As a result, we should get a large painting called “In the Forest.” Hints are allowed. Items can be repeated. Try to use your imagination to its full potential!

During the game, participants comment on their drawings.

In conclusion, the most original items are highlighted.

The following riddles await your answers:

White basket,

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun sparkles. (Chamomile)

White peas

On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

Not allowed into the garden -

That's why it burns. (Nettle)

Kept on strong stems

A hundred fruits are rough and tenacious. (burdock)

A thin stem by the path,

At the end of it are earrings.

There are leaves on the ground -

Small bursts.

He is like a good friend to us

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain)

Give a general name to this group of guesses. (Medicinal plants).

In ancient times, the power contained in a medicinal plant seemed to people, due to a lack of knowledge in the field of medicine, magical, witchcraft. They believed that there were herbs that could not only cure a person, but also indicate where the treasure was hidden, deprive them of memory, and bewitch a loved one. Over time, science was able to explain what benefits this or that plant brings, what diseases it helps with, and fantastic stories about their witchcraft powers are forever a thing of the past. Thanks to scientists, we know that, for example, chamomile helps with inflammation: purulent wounds are washed with its infusion, and gargled with a sore throat. Lily of the valley is a medicine for a sick heart. Nettle relieves bleeding. Burdock helps hair become thick and beautiful. Plantain stops bleeding, helps with bruises, abscesses and insect bites.

Summer is the time to collect medicinal plants. Surely your grandmothers living in rural areas will not miss this moment. And you can help them with this too. Just remember that when collecting medicinal herbs, you should always leave some of them untouched in order to preserve these valuable plants for the future.

Now, using the direction of the arrows in the table, decipher a few more names of medicinal herbs.

Children receive printouts of the tables.

Answer. 1. VALERIAN. Relieves nervous excitement, promotes better digestion. 2. St. John's wort. Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased irritability, and insomnia. 3. Motherwort. Sedative, “heart” herb. 4. ORIGIN. Calms the nervous system, increases appetite.

What other medicinal plants do you know?

In conclusion, I invite you to come up with a riddle about summer yourself.

Independent work, writing the riddle in a notebook. Check, discussion.

Class is over. Please continue the phrase: “Today I learned...”

The presentation will tell schoolchildren how to behave during the summer holidays. This information should be given to younger schoolchildren at the last class hour on the eve of a three-month break from school, when children will have a lot of free time. The development can be downloaded by all primary school teachers or life safety teachers teaching the subject in grades 1 - 4. E

The electronic resource is presented on 13 slides. His information is useful and interesting. Pictures and small texts can not only be viewed and read. For each image, the teacher will be able to conduct a conversation in which the students themselves will take an active part.

The presentation was made to help teachers who are about to conduct a class hour or a life safety lesson on the topic “Rules of conduct during spring break.” You can download the electronic manual for both primary and secondary students.

The work covers all the main issues of instruction. Students will learn:

  • How to behave at home when parents go to work.
  • What safety rules must be followed on the streets?
  • Traffic Laws.
  • About fire and electrical safety.
  • Dangers of spring ice drift.
  • Working on a computer should also be safe.

The presentation on the topic “Rules of conduct during the holidays” is recognized as a unique guide. This electronic reminder can be used literally at any class hour and in any class a few days before the end of the term to remind the children that the rest should be safe. Having free time should not turn into a disaster that lurks in different places if you forget about caution. If you want to wish your children a safe break from school, do not forget to once again remind them of traffic rules, fire safety, and personal safety on the street and near bodies of water. And in accordance with the season, you can supplement the story with some piquant details (about the rules of behavior on ice, during a thunderstorm, or something similar).

Presentation on the theme “Holidays” is a fun, colorful clip for the children's song of the same name. You can download the design to design the final chord of the event. After talking about safety rules, how to behave and what you can do and what you should never do, you always want to talk about something joyful that awaits the children ahead. This is where this manual will come in handy. Light music, clear words, and a perky tune will set the kids up for an interesting vacation during the holidays, where there is no place for boredom and troubles.

A presentation on the topic “Safe Holidays” was made by 5th grade students Ivan Bogolyubov and Sergey Krat, who decided to tell their classmates and other children how to protect themselves and their behavior during the holidays. It is no secret that many boys and girls return from vacation to school with broken arms and legs, with contusions and bruises. Some are unable to start their studies on time because they have to stay in the hospital. To prevent trouble from happening, the boys tell how safe behavior will help preserve life and health during the holidays.

The presentation on the topic “How I spent my holidays” is the creative work of 3rd grade student Sergei Kisanov. Maybe the boy has already grown up, and his work serves as an excellent example of designing projects for schoolchildren. Want to give your students the same creative challenge? Don’t forget to download your finished work and show it on the eve of the spring, summer, winter or autumn holidays, so that the children don’t just relax, but stock up on photographs and participate in interesting activities that they will be pleased to tell their classmates about when they meet in class.

The material contains the script for the class lesson "A Journey through the Land of Summer Vacations." The event is held in 2nd grade. The class hour is held with the goal of listening to students' stories about how they spent their summer holidays.