The figure encodes a proverb about caring for the environment. Decipher it. How do you understand this proverb?

Answer. It’s not hard to cut down a tree, it’s hard to grow it. (Read clockwise, “jumping” over syllables.)

Puzzle "Figure"

The words “guide”, “doctor”, “nose”, “you”, “silk”, “chill” will help you solve this puzzle. Number the letters in these words and replace the numbers with them.
If you do this correctly, you can read Epicharmus' statement about the highest good for man.
Do you agree with these words? Maybe there is something more valuable?

Answer.“For a person, health is the greatest good.”

Puzzle "Find the key"

Starting from the top left cell, moving horizontally (left or right) or vertically (up or down), go through all the cells in such a way that the letters in order form V. Goethe’s statement about nature conservation.

Answer.“Nature is the only book whose content is equally significant on all pages.”

Cryptogram “About the commons”

Decipher Plutarch's statement. How do you understand it?

Answer.“The two main assets of human nature are intelligence and reasoning.”

Cryptogram "Encryption"

Using the key, you can read the proverb about health.


Answer.“Smoking is harmful to health.”

Ecological puzzle

Answer.“Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and disaster.” (V. Rasputin)

Crossword “Scientists and poets about ecology and life”


1. The ancient problem of the relationship between man and nature has acquired a new, sometimes loud sound in our time. The poet's lines about this:

“People have become strong as gods,
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands.
But terrible burns darken
The globe is on its sides.”

5. A poet who wrote about the transformation of nature by man:

“Where the boats rocked yesterday -
The winches started working.
Where the river reeds rustled -
The steam engine is driving around.
Where the fish splashed yesterday -
Dynamite blows up blocks."

6. German naturalist who coined the term "ecology".

7. Famous American ecologist, author of a textbook on ecology:

“When the science of the home (ecology) and the science of housekeeping (economics) merge, and when the subject of ethics expands its boundaries to include the values ​​produced by man, the values ​​created by the environment, then we can truly become optimists , regarding the future of humanity."

12. Famous Russian scientist, mathematician, who paid great attention to ecology:

“The world in which a person lives is simply a complex of limited resources that are either depleted from intensive consumption or, like air and water, become unusable.”

14. Russian poet, diplomat, who defined the natural environment:

“...Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul
there is freedom in it.
There's love in her
it has a language..."

15. The great Russian poet, who expressed a very relevant thought today:

"The fate of your coming days,
My son, from now on it is your will.”

16. This writer wrote about the need to preserve water, air, and land.

“Nature has three treasures:
Water, land and air -
its three foundations.
No matter what trouble comes:
They are intact -
everything will be reborn again..."

“Don’t destroy the last swamp,
Spare the hunted wolf.
So that something remains on earth,
What makes my chest ache.”

“You can’t take a step in nature,
So that right away this way
She can't pay anything
For this very step."

3. The poet who wrote about the Vavrarian relationship between man and nature:

“We shoot at anything -
greedy eye!
And we chop, and we blow up, and we mutilate.
Mother Nature
awaits mercy from us,
And take it from us,
alas, it cannot!”

4. Famous Russian writer, poet, who wrote about the unity of man and nature:

You seas of noisy depths;
You, the eternal expanse of heaven,
And you, shining brilliant choir,
And you are the top of the native Earth,
Fields and colorful flowers,
And flowing waters from the mountains -
Individual features
Fully breathable nature:
What thread connected you?
Is one lighter and more beautiful than the other?
Which law to explain
Is our kinship mysterious?

8. A German poet wrote about the cycle of substances:

“Striving to eavesdrop on life in everything,
They hasten to despirit the phenomena,
Forgetting that if they are violated
An inspiring connection
There’s nothing more to listen to.”

9. Great playwright and poet, in the 16th century. which defined one of the main tasks of ecology:

“The time for miracles has passed, and we
You have to look for reasons
Everything that happens in the world."

10. A poet who warned about the consequences of human environmental illiteracy:

“Is the birch really a cripple,
Leaning towards the last river,
The last man
Will he see it in her boiling water?”

11. The poet who wrote appeals from nature to man with a call to think about his power:

“I hear Nature’s voice,
Breaking through to shout,
To emerge from chaos,
Maybe not in the name
Be sure to join us,
But so that we become alive,
Thinking beings
And the voice of nature repeats:
"In your power,
in your power
So that everything doesn't fall apart
Into countless pieces!

13. Italian naturalist (17th century), who studied the issues of the origin of organisms and gave a brief formula “Every living thing comes from living things,” which was called the principle named after this scientist.



1. Plotnikov. 5. Marshak. 6. Haeckel. 7. Odum. 12. Moiseev. 14. Tyutchev. 15. Pushkin. 16. Prishvin. 17. Kunyaeva.


2. Tvardovsky. 3. Vikulov. 4. Tolstoy. 8. Goethe. 9. Shakespeare. 10. Yevtushenko. 11. Martynov. 13. Ready.

A person must be a friend to all living things... This is an old, ever-fading, but often forgotten truth. Nature - a tree, an animal, a flower, a bird - we must love it, take care of it, protect it. An animal should make a person want to caress it, warm it, and not torment it. Remember the words of Sergei Yesenin: “And I never hit animals, like our smaller brothers, on the head...”. Not only aphorisms of great people, but also some Russian folk proverbs dedicated theme of respect for nature and love for it.

Love for nature and living beings can be compared to a litmus test: it will unmistakably show what kind of heart a person has - whether good or evil lives in him. Kindness is a great power, without kindness there is no person. And cruelty is born very easily. And it is especially easy to poison a person’s soul with it when he is small and has not yet had time to experience anything in life.

This is why it is so important to study in school lessons proverbs about love for nature and respect for it, about protecting the environment. There are not many such proverbs and sayings in the collection of folk wisdom, because in former times people’s lives were much more closely connected with nature than they are now. Peasants and collective farmers worked in the fields, obtained food in the forest and in reservoirs. But at all times, one thing is important: nature must be valued and protected. Nature is our home.

Proverbs about protecting nature

What you save today will be useful tomorrow.
Don’t expect mercy from nature, plant a little garden yourself and grow it yourself.
All nature is beautiful in spring.
Life is given for good deeds.
Good to sow, good to reap.
There is no bad land, there are bad owners.
The bird is small, but it protects its nest.
Money is not wealth - frugality and reason.
They teach us both for better and for worse from a young age.
A tree is soon planted, but not soon its fruit is eaten.
As is the garden, so are the apples.
The garden is red with a fence, and the vine is with grapes.
A good gardener has a good garden.
A good gardener is a large gooseberry.
Life is not bright in days, but bright in deeds.
Some live - only chew bread, sleep - smoke the sky.
Live more humbly, it will be nicer for everyone.
A cruel disposition will not be right.
A good deed will not go without reward.
The swallow sang about a good deed.
A good deed - and it’s like the sun has warmed us.
What goes around comes around.
As it comes back, so will it respond.
A good seed is a good seed.
The protective forest belt is our pride and beauty.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.
God saves man, who save himself.
Thrift is the best wealth.
Protect it like the apple of your eye.
You can't wash away natural beauty with soap.
Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

Groves and forests - the whole region is beautiful.
The green fence is a living joy.
A tree is expensive not only for its fruits, but also for its leaves.
Plant a forest in a field - there will be more bread.
In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch forest - to have fun.

Protect nature! Proverbs

Proverbs about the need to protect nature:

Without time to destroy the forest, there will be nothing to cut down the hut from.
Living near the forest means you won't go hungry.
And the birch tree’s tears flow when the bark is torn off.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.
He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade.
Whoever removes the bark from a tree kills it.
The forest does not cry for its wood, but for its growth it dries.
If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.
A man is cutting down a pine tree and hitting the mushrooms with wood chips.
Don't take care of the undergrowth, and you won't even see a tree.
Not everything that grows is strigi.
It's not hard to cut down a tree, but it's hard to grow a forest.
One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, a thousand leave a desert.
One spark burns an entire forest.
The plant is the decoration of the earth.
It’s easy to ruin, but what does it feel like in your soul?
If you say it, you won’t turn it back; if you write it, you won’t erase it; If you cut it off, you won’t be able to attach it.
Cutting down a tree takes five minutes, growing it takes a hundred years.
It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it.
The trees were cut down - goodbye to the birds.
A tree that is cut down will not grow again.
So the forest cried for you on your ax handle.
A stork on the roof means peace in the house.
The boron has been brought down, and the nightingale is crying for the nest.
There would be a forest, and the nightingales would fly.
To destroy a nest is to kill yourself.
The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
Feed the birds in winter, they will repay you with kindness in summer.
The bushes were cut down - goodbye, birds.
Know how to hunt, know how to take care of game.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

The earth feeds people...

The earth feeds people like a mother does children.
Native land is a cradle, foreign land is a leaky trough.
The native land is better than a foreign land full of silver and gold.
The native bush is dear to the hare.

Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.
The earth loves affection.
Then water the earth, protect the earth with your breasts.
Mother Earth is your nurse.
For fish - water, for birds - air, and for man - the whole earth.
The land is a grave for the enemy, but protection for us.
The earth rests in winter and blooms in spring.
The earth is a nurse, and she also asks for food.
The mother of cheese, the earth, feeds everyone, gives everyone water, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her body.
Although the earth feeds, it also asks for food.
The land is black, but white bread will give birth.
The earth loves care.
The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

Don't harm the earth - plant oats.

Children love flowers and care.
Where there is a flower, there is honey.

Proverbs about love for nature

From your native land - die, don’t leave.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
The Motherland is dearest to our people.
The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
Every bird loves its nest.
Everyone has their own side.
Where someone is born, that’s where they will come in handy.
Each has its own sweet land.
On my native side, even the pebble is familiar.
There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
Homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold.
The native land is a paradise for the heart.
The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.
Without love for a person there is no love for the Motherland.
Take care of your beloved land, like your mother.
Seek goodness on the side, but love home in the old way.
Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in word, but in deed.
Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.
Beloved homeland - mother, darling.
And wormwood grows on its roots.
And the dog knows his side.
Whoever loves mother earth and cheese will not be hungry.
Whoever cherishes the earth, the earth takes pity on him.
Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

Before you find the catalog below, which contains over a hundred proverbs and sayings about nature, let me write just a little platitude and then have some fun with you. 🙂 “Nature has no bad weather,” says a famous song. This is true, because every season has its own charms. In winter there is white fluffy snow, in spring there are snowdrops, in summer there are many flowers, and autumn is beautiful with its yellow-orange leaves. And it is through proverbs and sayings that a child gets acquainted with the phenomena of nature, learns not only to notice changes in nature, but also to enjoy them.

- Mom, I know why there are no flies in winter!

- Why?

- They flew to warmer lands!

(Vova, 5 years old)

This is my son's replica. I have always strived for my children to pay attention to changes in nature and see its beautiful moments. And if my son even thought about such a not very comfortable moment as flies, it means that my efforts were not in vain.

Proverbs about nature

There would be a forest, and the nightingales would fly.

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

Without water, the land is a wasteland.

Without frost, the ground will not freeze.

There will be rain, and there will be fungi.

In February, winter and spring will meet for the first time.

Spring is red and hungry. Autumn is rainy and full.

Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rots.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

In autumn bad weather there are seven weather conditions outside.

Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.

Everything that falls from the sky is received by the earth.

In November, autumn fights winter.

Living near the forest means you won’t go hungry.

In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

In June the dawn kisses the dawn.

In August, the sickles are warm and the water is cold.

In September, every seed from the ear floats.

One night it becomes winter.

In a garden where there are no flowers, the nightingale does not sing.

Spring day feeds you all year round.

In September there is fire both in the field and in the hut.

Where the pine tree grows, there it is red.

Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter.

Thunder will silence the people.

December is the tip of winter, and July is the tip of summer.

It is far from earth to sky, but when thunder strikes in the sky, it can be heard on earth.

The tree wants peace, but the wind does not.

Rainy summer is worse than autumn.

The sky will give rain, and the earth will give rye.

Rain in a drought is golden rain.

For an ant, dew is a flood.

The rain will soak you, but the red sun will dry you.

Before Ilya’s day there is a peck of honey in the hay, after Ilya’s day there is a peck of manure.

Heat gives rise to wind, and coolness gives rise to rain.

Stinging nettle will be born, but it will come in handy in cabbage soup.

Winter will ask what summer has in store.

In winter, fear the wolf, and in summer, fear the flies.

And the falcon does not fly higher than the sun.

July is the triumph of a clear summer.

And the rain is heavy, but not an argument.

He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade.

No matter how the month shines, it’s still not sunny.

The red sun in the white light warms the black earth.

As the dew falls, so will the trail disappear.

No matter how thunder thunders, everything is silent.

Where the sun does not enter, the doctor then enters.

Each blade of grass has its own dewdrop.

When you hear thunder, do not rush to pour out the water.

The spike of roads, although small.

A summer week is more expensive than a winter week.

Summer is a supply, and winter is a pick-me-up.

The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.

In summer there is dust, in winter there is heavy snow.

Forest is the wealth and beauty of the earth.

The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone.

Summer works for winter, and winter for summer.

A lot of snow means a lot of bread. Lots of water - lots of grass.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

The month is silver, and the red sun is gold.

The frost tears the iron and hits the bird in flight.

March: before lunch it is winter, and after lunch it is spring.

March - the sun is glad, April - the door will open, May - walk as much as you want!

We respect science, which means we will have a good harvest.

Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

That's why the pike is in the sea, so that the crucian carp doesn't doze off.

Don't take care of the undergrowth, and you won't even see a tree.

New Year - a turn towards spring.

Don't trust the buckwheat in bloom, but trust in the bin.

The forest is not high, but it protects from the wind.

Without bending down to the ground, you won’t raise the fungus.

Not everything that grows is sheared.

Not everything that shines warms: the moon is bright, but without heat.

Nature is no stranger to invention.

You can’t look at the sun with all your eyes.

Lightning does not always strike where it flashes.

The cloud will be the weather.

Not everything is bad weather, there will be a bucket.

The rain will not come when they are waiting, but the rain will come when they are reaping.

You can't hatch chickens on cuckoo eggs.

Viburnum will not be like raspberries.

If there wasn't snow, there wouldn't be a trace.

A sheep will not give birth to a wolf.

In autumn, livestock gets fatter, and people become healthier.

Fire is trouble, water is trouble, but there is no worse trouble than without fire and without water.

One tree is not a forest.

Don't expect rain from the clouds that are already behind.

There is no turn from autumn to summer.

October loves neither wheels nor runners.

The mushroom lives more freely under a large tree.

Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.

Even though a bee stings, it still gives honey.

Drop by drop it rains, the rain washes the rivers, the sea stands like rivers.

Spring has come and brought drops.

Let's transform nature for the happiness of the people.

There is no rose without thorns.

Groves and forests are beauty for the whole world.

Rain is no problem for a fisherman.

Snow is a warm cover for the earth-nurse.

The snow is cold and provides protection from the frost.

From the shore the sea is beautiful, and from the sea the shore is beautiful.

No matter how bad the weather gets, it will still clear up.

The sun will rise, and so will the morning.

The forest is no wonder to the falcon, winter is no wonder to the wolf.

September takes off the caftan from her shoulders and puts on a sheepskin coat.

After the summer they don’t walk on raspberries.

Gray morning - red day.

The grass is afraid of frost, and frost is afraid of the sun.

Each flower has its own scent.

You can’t beg from a stingy person in the middle of winter and snow.

The path is narrow in winter, but short in spring.

The morning rain will not stop the traveler.

A good snowfall will save the harvest.

Moonlight is also good when there is no sun in the sky.

Whatever you collect in August, you will spend the winter with.

Trust the fur coat, but don't trust the weather.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

Sayings about nature

You can't catch the wind in your mitten.

You can't kill the wind with wind.

Every seed has its time.

The wolf's legs feed him.

For a good cat, February – March.

You can't keep up with the wind in the field.

The hare's legs save him.

A winter woman will be caught in a summer dress.

And the crooked tree burns straight.

As is the birch tree, so is the shoot.

Every day is not Sunday.

In autumn the sparrow is also rich.

In summer with a fishing rod, and in winter with a handbag.

A magpie on its tail brought it.

Winter has a big belly.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Well, what else can I advise you on this topic? Look, for example, And there are also wonderful ones. Well, in general, there are a lot of interesting things on the site. Look at the menu.

    A simple proverb that I remember from childhood:

    And I also heard this one a long time ago:

    With the same meaning:

    An interesting proverb about love for animals:

    About the safe use of fire in the forest:

    Anthropogenic influence of man on nature:

  • The most common proverbs are probably the following -

    1. To destroy a nest is to kill yourself.
    2. Those who do not take care of nature will become sick.
    3. There would be a forest, and the nightingales would fly.
    4. It's not hard to cut down a tree, but it's hard to grow a forest.
  • There are quite a few proverbs about nature and the fact that you need to love it. True, in some proverbs the meaning is veiled, but, nevertheless, it is understandable. I like, for example, this proverb:

    And we have clear cuttings! We don’t love nature at all and don’t feel sorry for it! Then we become indignant, either at the intense heat, or at the severe frosts, or at natural disasters. Nature is not silent! This is how she answers us! Here's another proverb:

    And the following proverb, for example, is the topic of the day for me: outside my window, just recently, there was beauty, different trees grew, apple trees, bird cherry trees, lilacs, poplars, a lot of vegetation, bushes, trees and birds. But recently, everything was cut down, there is no grass either, and they are building a building. I even cried. After all, birds still fly and sing, although their nests no longer exist. I live on the 5th floor and it seems to me that they moved to the roof. I hear the nightingale, especially at 4 am, because I’m not sleeping. And here is the proverb itself:

    I can’t reproduce it exactly, but the Indians had this proverb (in their own words):

    You must tread carefully in the spring, the earth is pregnant!

    I really remember this proverb, in which the Indians associate the earth with a pregnant woman, but in fact it is so...

    Our wise ancestors were very kind to nature, protected it and loved it. They knew that they were part of the world that surrounded them and sought to live in harmony with it.

    Therefore, quite a lot of proverbs have been preserved calling to take care of our mother nature:

    My child and I found the following proverbs:

    • Whoever removes the bark from a tree kills it.
    • It's not hard to cut down, it's hard to grow.
    • One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, a thousand leave a desert.
    • One spark burns an entire forest.
  • The theme of nature in Russian proverbs is not very popular (the fact is that there were fewer environmental problems), but still I was able to find a few proverbs about the love of nature:

    • Cut down a tree in five minutes, grow in a hundred years
    • Don't spit in the well, you'll have to drink.
    • Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.
    • If you say it, you won’t turn it back; once you write, you can’t erase it; you can't cut it off, you can't put it on.
    • Die from your native land, don’t leave.
    • Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
    • It’s easy to ruin, but what does it feel like in your soul?
  • Nature must be loved and protected. This is how adults teach children, and also show by example. After all, man is also a part of nature.

    It is no coincidence that people have come up with many proverbs and sayings that teach them to take care of nature.

    For example:

    Take care of nature - your mother!

    Groves and forests - beauty to the world!

    Without water, the earth is a desert!

    It is also considered the duty of every person to plant and grow a tree.

    Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water.

    It takes five minutes to cut down a tree, it takes a hundred years to grow it.

    And the birch tree’s tears flow when the bark is torn off.

    One spark burns an entire forest.

    Know how to hunt, know how to take care of game.

    very good proverb with great meaning.

    The forest does not cry for its wood, but for its growth it dries.

    The meaning of the proverb is about caring for small things; a forest begins with a seed, from which a shoot of young trees grows. Having destroyed the young shoots, we will leave the forest without replacing it with new trees. Old trees die, but there will be no new ones, so the forest can die, and the forest is called the lungs of the planet.

    The second proverb goes as follows.

    It takes five minutes to cut down a tree, it takes a hundred years to grow it.

    It takes an hour to cut down a tree, but a new tree grows for several years and only then becomes a real strong strong tree. The forest is a wealth that can restore itself, but a person’s thoughtless attitude towards the forest can lead to the death of forests and people will not have time to wait for the restoration of the forest.

    Third proverb.

    The boron has been brought down, and the nightingale is crying for the nest.

    By destroying the forest, our wealth, we will destroy the animals and birds living in it, for whom the forest is their home. Every living creature needs its own home, its own nest.

    Know how to hunt, know how to take care of game.

    Don't take care of the undergrowth, and you won't even see a tree.

    There are a variety of proverbs for all occasions.

    Some proverbs hint at love for nature, that it must be protected.

    The most accurate proverbs in this regard, in my opinion, can be considered the following:

    One spark burns an entire forest - a proverb that vividly characterizes how quickly an entire planet can be destroyed. One match is enough to set it on fire and it will take a lot of time to recover.

    And here another proverb comes into play

    Don't spit in the well, because you'll have to drink.

    Proverbs studied in elementary school should remain in children’s heads forever; folk wisdom will help them make the right decision in difficult moments.

    For example, go against everyone and clean up trash in the forest.

    Stop and call the fire department.

We offer quotes about nature. They were collected in the card index of wise thoughts maintained by our library. These sayings and poems were selected from various magazines and newspapers, as well as from Internet resources. Quotes are arranged alphabetically by authors.

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature. S.T. Aksakov

“To live, you need sun, freedom and a small flower.” H.K. A Anderson

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature Holbach Paul Henri

“When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting.” Armand David Lvovich(Russian geographer).

Man, of course, is the master of nature, but not in the sense of its exploiter, but as one who understands it and bears the moral responsibility for preserving and improving in it (and, consequently, in himself) everything living and beautiful. A.S. Arsenyev

Education only develops a person’s moral powers, but does not give them: nature gives them to a person.V.G. Belinsky

The higher the genius of the poet, the deeper and more extensively he understands nature and the more successfully he presents it to us in connection with life. Vissarion Belinsky

In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first in a timely manner and destroy the second. Francis Bacon

The easiest way to subjugate nature is to obey it. F. Bacon

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet! V. Berestov

Man can develop only in contact with nature, and not in spite of it. V. Bianchi

The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will open them all my life because it is the most exciting thing in the world. V. Bianchi

A person must draw rules for his behavior from nature if he wants to be completely happy. Buast Pierre

Nature is not for everyone
He lifts his secret veil.
We still read in it.
But who, reading, understands? D. Venevitinov

Humanity can no longer spontaneously build its history, but must coordinate it with the laws of the biosphere, from which man is inseparable. Humanity on Earth and the living and inanimate nature surrounding it constitute something united, living according to the general laws of nature. IN AND. Vernadsky

Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and ignore its laws. IN AND. Vernadsky

The good of people and peace on Earth, the safety of the planet and the triumph of the “kingdom of reason” is the business of everyone. IN AND. Vernadsky

Nature is like a cloud: it constantly changes, while remaining itself. – V.I. Vernadsky. IN AND. Vernadsky

The more we take from the world, the less we leave in it, and we will end up having to pay our debts at the very moment that may not be suitable for ensuring the continuation of our lives. Wiener

Water has been given the magical power to become the juice of life on earth. Leonardo da Vinci

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life. Leonardo da Vinci

The book of nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for man. Voltaire

Motherhood cannot be taken from the Earth,

You can’t take it away, just like you can’t scoop up the sea. V. Vysotsky

When I contemplate the wonders of a sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows in awe of the Creator. Mahatma Gandhi

Nature is the best of books, written in a special language. This language needs to be learned. Garin N. (Garin-Mikhailovsky)

“I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a moth -

And he died in my palm.

And then I realized

What to touch beauty

You can only do it with your heart." Gvezdoslav Pavol (1849-1921) – Slovak poet .

Traveling, observing nature, capturing its secrets and admiring this happiness means living. F. Gebler

Man will not become master of nature until he has become master of himself. Georg Hegel

Like a great artist, nature can achieve great effects with small means. G. Heine

Nature never makes mistakes; if she produces a fool, it means she wants it. Heine Show

Herzen A.I.

Nature cannot contradict man unless man contradicts its laws... A.I. Herzen

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone does great things for nothing. A.I. Herzen

All the aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; They strive towards it, they fall into it, like into the ocean. A.I. Herzen

In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into light in a completely ready-made form. A.I. Herzen

We live among nature, we are its friends. She talks to us constantly, but does not reveal her secrets. I.V.. Goethe.

People obey the laws of nature even when they act against them. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the only book whose every page is full of deep content. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the creator of all creators. I.V. Goethe

Nature does not have speech organs, but creates tongues and hearts through which she speaks and feels. I.V. Goethe

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. I.V. Goethe

The plays of nature are always new, because each time new audiences appear. I.V. Goethe

God forgives and people forgive. Nature never forgives. I.V. Goethe

Nature does not accept jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. Goethe I.

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if you exceed the measure of nature. Hippocrates

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. Hippocrates

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature. Holbach Paul Henri

Pristine nature must be protected no less than we protect Raphael’s paintings, Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; they can be restored if desired. By destroying or endangering many species of animals on Earth, people thereby impoverish not only the Nature around us, but also themselves. B. Grzimek(German zoologist).

Nature pleases, attracts and inspires only because it is natural. Wilhelm Humboldt

Culture cannot grow without ecological culture, and ecological culture cannot take place in conditions of lack of culture. Danilov-Danilyan Viktor Ivanovich

If we allow ourselves the freedom of imagination, it may suddenly turn out that animals - our brothers in pain, illness, death, suffering and disasters, our slaves in the hardest work, companions in entertainment - share with us the origin of a common ancestor - and we are all molded from the same clay. C. Darwin

The more we understand the unchanging laws of nature, the more incredible its miracles become for us. C. Darwin

We have inherited an inexpressibly beautiful and varied garden, but the trouble is that we are lousy gardeners. We did not take care to learn the simplest rules of gardening. J. Durrell

The speed with which civilization is developing, and, consequently, the speed with which people are devastating our amazingly beautiful planet, is growing, month after month. It is everyone's duty to try to prevent the terrible desecration of our world, and everyone can make their own contribution, however small, however modest, to this fight. J.Darrell Gerald(English zoologist, animal writer, conservationist and animal activist).

They are the most beautiful

What does nature give us on earth?

That is her priceless gift,

For all arts a flower -

The pattern is unchanged. Jacques Delisle

After all, if only the expanse of fields and the beauty of silence

We were not nice, pleasant and needed

Where would such a craving for them come from?

Everyone secretly values ​​them as a true blessing. Jacques Delisle

Since man acquired the ability to plow,

He felt the urge to decorate the house and yard

And he began to plant around himself for beauty

Trees and flowers to your liking.

After all, every garden is a landscape, and it is unique.

He is modest or rich - I admire him equally.

Gardeners should be artists! Jacques Delisle (“Gardens, or the Art of Decorating Rural Views”)

Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes first one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope of recognizing her all someday. Diderot D.

What is truth? The correspondence of our judgments to the creatures of nature. Denis Diderot

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if man's destiny were not the same? Denis Diderot

Will the seas really freeze tomorrow?

Will the birds fall silent, will the pines freeze?

The dawn will no longer be able to rise,

And the sky will ask: “Is it really too late?!” N. Dobronravov

Only that is durable and sustainable, only that has a future that is made in accordance with nature. V.V. Dokuchaev

Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners. F.M. Dostoevsky

He who does not love nature does not love man, is not a citizen. F.M. Dostoevsky

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Loving even a small epic,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself. E.A. Yevtushenko

It is no coincidence that dew breaks out in the morning

Fireflies on the palms of the foliage,

This is how nature looks at us, as if asking

Our help, protection and love. E. Yevtushenko

We must not allow people to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer. F. Joliot-Curie

A person’s attitude to the environment is already the person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his attitude towards other people. S.P. Zalygin

A person’s behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul. K.L. Zelinsky

In nature there are no rewards or punishments, but only consequences. Robert Ingersoll

A healthy person is the most precious product of nature. Carlyle Thomas(English writer)

Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists claim that there are rivers that cannot be entered even once. E. Kashcheev

The force that holds the cradle of every nation in its hands is the nature of its country. IN. Klyuchevsky (Russian historian)

Be sure to plant a tree, even if the world ends tomorrow. Koran.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees. Paulo Coelho

Man does not create anything anew that does not already exist in nature in a latent or potential form. Paulo Coelho

Among the highest aesthetic pleasures of man is the enjoyment of nature. I.N. Kramskoy(Russian artist).

Previously, nature threatened man, but now man threatens nature. Cousteau Jacques Yves

Even in his most beautiful dreams, a person cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. Alphonse de Lamartine

Your physics is worthless if it obscures everything else from you: the rustle of the forest, the colors of the sunset, the ringing of rhymes. This is some kind of truncated physics, emasculated if you like. For example, I don’t believe in it... Any isolation first of all indicates limitations. A physicist who does not perceive poetry and art is a bad physicist. L.D. Landau

Heaven and earth are durable. Heaven and earth are durable because they do not exist for themselves. This is why they can be durable. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

We follow the change of snowfalls, bad weather, frost and rain no less than the change of dynasties, government parliaments and leaders. Yu. Levitansky

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, most likely, will be someday again. M.Yu. Lermontov

The true refuge for relaxation, open to all people, is and will be nature. Lingner Max

Birds and animals, flowers and trees cry out to man: save, save, where you stand, where you live - at a distance of sight and voice, at least at arm's length. D.S. Likhachev

Ecology should not be limited to the tasks of preserving the environment. Man lives not only in the natural environment, but also in the environment created by the culture of his ancestors, by himself. D.S. Likhachev

There are two sections in ecology: biological ecology and cultural or moral ecology. Non-compliance with the laws of biological ecology can kill a person biologically; non-compliance with cultural ecology can kill a person morally. And there is no gap between them, just as there is no clearly defined boundary between nature and culture. D.S. Likhachev

You can experience the nature of your native land either with your own eyes or with the help of books. M.V. Lomonosov

Nature perfects everything. Lucretius

...Let's people love the planet. There is nothing like it in the entire Universe. I. Mazin

Man lives by nature. Karl Marx

The road to civilization is paved with tin cans A. Moravia

"In your power, in your power,

So that everything doesn't fall apart

To meaningless parts." Martynov L.N.

A man, even if he is a genius three times,

Remains a thinking plant.

Trees and grass are related to him,

Don't be ashamed of this relationship.

Given to you from your birth

Strength, durability, vitality of the plant! S. Marshak

We cannot expect favors from nature; It’s our job to take them from her. I.V. Michurin

The world is not the environment, but our only home in which we can only live! Humanity must learn to live in harmony with Nature, with its laws. People should perceive themselves not as masters, but as part of Nature. N.N. Moiseev

There is nothing useless in nature . Michel Montaigne

When a cat and I play, the question is who is playing with whom—I’m playing with her or she’s playing with me. Michel Montaigne

Nothing in nature is useless, not even uselessness itself. . Montaigne

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not so much pleasant as cautious and faithful - Michel Montaigne

Nature can do everything and creates everything. Michel de Montaigne

Only yours and my secret business,

So that the earth and humanity will forever fly. Moritz Yu.

There is no need to clean the air and water; it is much more important not to pollute them. A.N. Nesmeyanov

Understand the living language of nature, and you will say: the world is beautiful! I.S. Nikitin

We have changed our environment so radically that now in order to exist in it we must change ourselves . V. Norbert(American mathematician, “father of cybernetics”).

Not isolated white spots - a huge ocean of the unknown surrounds us. And the more we know, the more mysteries nature asks us. V.A. Obruchev

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches. V. Orlova

Man is the highest product of earthly nature. But in order to use the treasures of nature, in order to enjoy these treasures, a person must be healthy, strong and smart. I.P. Pavlov(Russian scientist-physiologist).

You can’t write books and not know what herbs grow in local meadows and swamps, how birch leaves differ from aspen leaves..., whether tits fly away for the winter, when rye blooms and what winds bring rain or drought, cloudy or clear skies... K. Paustovsky

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we bring our human beginning into the feeling of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sadness comes into full harmony with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light beloved eyes and the measured noise of the forest from thinking about the life lived. K. Paustovsky.

“Nature must be protected, just as we protect people. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, the desecration of what belongs not only to us, but also to them by right.”K. Paustovsky

And if I sometimes want to live to be one hundred and twenty years old, it is only because one life is not enough to fully experience all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. K. Paustovsky.

Love for one's native country begins with love for nature. K. Paustovsky

Understanding nature, a humane, caring attitude towards it is one of the elements of morality, a part of the worldview. K. Paustovsky

Forests not only bring great benefits to humans, but also decorate and heal the earth, and support life itself on earth. K. Paustovsky

When a person gets a dog, he becomes a person. Dogs leave marks on carpets, furniture and clean clothes. But the most noticeable ones are in our hearts. I. Petrakova

All the best in nature belongs to everyone together Petronius

There is no place for personal arbitrariness in the study and conquest of nature; here you cannot invent, you just need to observe and understand, use the forces that have existed for centuries and unravel the existing connection of causes and effects for centuries. DI. Pisarev

The great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far... only the first pages have been read. DI. Pisarev

Ignorance of nature is the greatest ingratitude. Pliny the Elder

There is no truth without love for nature,

There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty. Ya.P. Polonsky

Since the laws of nature are immutable, they cannot be broken or created. K.R. Popper

The woman who gives birth is closest to nature: on one side she is even nature itself, and on the other hand, she is man himself. Prishvin M. M.

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer house, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. M. Prishvin

Environmental protection is a multifaceted and complex process in which every person takes part. M. Prishvin

That’s why we rejoice when we find ourselves in nature, because here we come to our senses. Prishvin M. M.

Every person in the world has his own unique place and everyone in it needs to decide. If you find him and stand on him, then you yourself will feel good, and people will feel as if that is why you are standing in this place and that you are doing everything only for them. M. Prishvin

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland. M. Prishvin

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there! K. Prutkov

Wind is the breath of nature. K. Prutkov

Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and disaster. It characterizes the same concept of universal misfortune, which has never before existed before humanity. V.G. Rasputin

Christ walked on water. If river pollution continues, everyone will soon be able to walk on water.

For too long, humanity has behaved on the planet like an unreasonable master. While creating amenities for a comfortable life, we completely forgot that the resources of nature, alas, are far from limitless, and that our children will have to live in cities where the air is dirty and poisoned. It's time to remember that nature does not forgive mistakes. A person must take care of nature, remember that he himself is part of this nature. Is it wise to saw the branch you're sitting on? V. G. Rasputin

There is no greater crime than to rape, mutilate, and pervert nature. Nature, the unique cradle of life in the Universe, is also the mother who gave birth, fed, and raised us, and therefore we must treat her as our mother, with the highest degree of moral love.” V.G. Rasputin

It is not nature that needs our protection, it is we who need its protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all of nature to live. N.F. Reimers

“No material wealth can replace a healthy living environment” N.F. Reimers

“What everyone can do is do no harm! Don't be indifferent! Don't destroy! He who plants a tree will not break it.” N.F. Reimers

If we want to achieve some kind of agreement with Nature, then in most cases we will have to accept its conditions. R. Ricklefs

...Forests without birds

and land without water.

Less and less

The surrounding nature.

More -

Environment. R. Rozhdestvensky

There is nothing more inventive than nature.
The wisdom of nature is amazing, which, with such endless diversity, managed to equalize everyone! Erasmus of Rotterdam

Observe nature and follow the path it shows you. Rousseau Jean-Jacques

How I feel sorry for the people about whom

They say that their eyes are gloomy

Sees only bodies of water in lakes,

And there is a supply of wood in the forest. N.N. Rylenkov(Russian poet).

To take care of the Earth, nature, you need to love it, to love it, you need to know it, having learned it, it’s impossible not to love it . A.N.Sladkov

I live and breathe nature,

I write with inspiration and simplicity,

Dissolving my soul in simplicity,

I live on earth in beauty. I. Severyanin

Living happily and living in accordance with nature are the same thing. L.A. Seneca (Jr.)

Nature searches us at the exit, as at the entrance. You can't take out more than you bring. L.A. Seneca (senior)

We are all children of one ship called Earth, which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it... There is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. A. de Saint-Exupéry

Water! You have no color, no smell, no taste, you cannot be described... You are not just necessary for life, you are life. A. de Saint-Exupéry

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children. A. de Saint-Exupere

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger. Miguel Cervantes

Nature is man's friend. And you need to be friends with a friend.
People cannot live without clean air,
clean water, fresh greenery, sun rays,
even without communicating with animals and birds.
These are our fellow countrymen, we live on Earth with them.
And every life requires attention and respect... N. Sladkov