The main and primary task is the need to improve the quality of education, and this is possible through improving the forms and methods of teaching, selecting the content of education, through the introduction of educational technologies focused not so much on the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but on the formation of a complex of personal qualities of students.

Among the variety of modern educational technologies, I have identified for myself those that, in my opinion, can be used in working with elementary school students. For example: technologies of person-centered, problem-based learning, as well as gaming, project, health-saving and information and communication technologies.

To increase the efficiency of the educational process when conducting lessons in elementary school, I use the following modern educational technologies:

1. Problem-based learning technology

In any modern lesson it is impossible to do without the technology of problem-based learning or without its elements. What is its relevance? The relevance of this technology is determined by the development of a high level of motivation for learning activities, activation of students’ cognitive interests, which becomes possible when resolving emerging contradictions and creating problematic situations in the classroom. In overcoming feasible difficulties, students have a constant need to acquire new knowledge, new ways of acting, abilities and skills.

Solving educational problems has a positive impact on the emotional sphere of students, creates favorable conditions for the development of children’s communication abilities, the development of their individuality and creative thinking. In addition, the ability to see problems, ask questions, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, conduct observations and experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions, work with text, prove and defend one’s ideas leads to the achievement of such educational results as the ability for independent cognitive activity, the ability to be successful in a rapidly changing world, etc.

Creating problem situations in the classroom is one of the ways to develop the creative thinking of younger schoolchildren. Methods of problem-based learning can be used in lessons, creating a problem situation at any stage. Using problematic technology, I made the following conclusions:

Problem-based learning activates mental activity, without which it is very difficult for a student to study, especially with interest;

Most students develop positive motivation for studying subjects and cognitive interest;

The effectiveness of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of students increases;

The communicative mode of problem-based learning and self-study allows you to rationally organize and cultivate a culture of mental work.

2. Information educational technologies

The practice of using information technologies shows that, subject to didactically thoughtful application within the framework of a traditional lesson, information technologies provide unlimited opportunities for individualization and differentiation of the educational process. These ICT capabilities give students access to non-traditional sources of information, increase the efficiency of independent work, provide completely new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and consolidation of skills, and allow the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching. There is a significant change in the educational process, its reorientation towards the development of thinking and imagination as the main processes necessary for successful learning; effective organization of students' cognitive activity is ensured.

Using licensed electronic educational materials in my work, I successfully solve the following didactic tasks:

Presentation of educational information;

Information and reference support for all types of classes;

Modeling and demonstration of studied objects, phenomena and processes;

Support for various active forms of exercise;

Trainer of skills and abilities of various nature, problem solving;

Monitoring and assessing students' knowledge.

The use of multimedia presentations combines many components necessary for successful student learning. This includes television images, animation, sound, and graphics. Analysis of such classes showed that cognitive motivation increases and mastery of complex material becomes easier.

In addition, fragments of lessons in which presentations are used reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of attractiveness. Thanks to the presentations, children who were usually not very active in the classroom began to actively express their opinions and reason.

I see that with the use of ICT in the classroom, the educational process is aimed at developing logical and critical thinking, imagination, and independence. Children are interested and involved in creative exploration; everyone's mental activity is activated. The process becomes not boring and monotonous, but creative. And the emotional background of the lesson becomes more favorable, which is very important for the child’s educational activities.

3. Design technologies

I also use methods of project activity, since this method stimulates students’ independence, their desire for self-expression,

forms an active attitude towards the surrounding world, empathy and involvement in it, develops communicative qualities.

When completing each new project (conceived by the child himself, a group, a class, independently or with the participation of a teacher), we solve several interesting, useful and real-life problems. The child is required to be able to coordinate his efforts with the efforts of others. To succeed, he has to obtain the necessary knowledge and, with its help, do specific work.

Project “We live in Kuban”. The goal of the project is to instill love for one’s native village, region, country, to cultivate a sense of citizenship and patriotism, love and respect for the historical past, to cultivate pride in one’s Motherland and love for it; create a unique collection of photographs reflecting impressions from trips and excursions. The project is carried out collectively. Students, with the help of parents and teachers, work with various sources: encyclopedias, reference books, the Internet. The collected material is processed and a class hour is held, we speak at a parent meeting, and share our experience at a regional seminar for primary school teachers

The teacher’s task is to find and organize interesting forms of the process of learning about the world by students. How to structure educational work in such a way that every student is included in the work, given the opportunity to speak out, to realize his cognitive interest?

The inclusion of schoolchildren in project activities teaches them to think, predict, anticipate, forms adequate self-esteem and, most importantly, intensive development of children occurs. And activity, in turn, shapes thinking, skills, abilities, and interpersonal relationships.

4. Gaming technologies

Play is one of the wonderful phenomena of life, an activity that seems useless and at the same time necessary. The game turned out to be a very serious and difficult problem. In modern pedagogy, a game, a didactic game, is used as an independent technology for mastering the concept of a topic and even a section of an academic subject, as well as as an element of a more general technology. Play is the strongest means of socializing a child; it makes it possible to simulate different life situations and look for a way out. Play is important as a sphere of self-realization as an individual; it is a communicative activity.

5. Health-saving technologies

I use health-saving technologies both in class activities and in extracurricular activities. In my opinion, developing a responsible attitude towards one’s health is a necessary condition for the success of a modern person. The health-saving approach can be seen at all stages of my lesson, since it provides for a clear alternation of activities. I believe that our task today is to teach children various techniques and methods for maintaining and strengthening their health. I try to structure my lessons by setting this goal for myself and my students: how to maintain and improve health?

To do this, I use health-saving technologies.

1. I include elements of student-centered learning:

Entering the working day.

Creating a situation of choice and success.

Creating a favorable emotional and psychological microclimate in lessons and extracurricular activities.

Using reflection techniques.

2. I use physical education sessions.

3.I hold parent meetings on this topic.

The integrated use of health-saving technologies in the educational and educational process reduces fatigue, improves emotional mood and increases the performance of younger children.

schoolchildren, and this in turn contributes to the preservation and strengthening

their health.


The widespread introduction of innovative technologies creates conditions for improving the quality of education, cognitive activity and educational motivation of schoolchildren.

I consider the following to be the result of using modern educational technologies:

Stable quality of knowledge in the subjects (60-70%) that I teach, 100% level of student learning in the class where I work;

The results of diagnosing the motivational sphere of students show the predominance of educational and cognitive motives over narrow personal ones.

Thus, we can conclude that these technologies, which I effectively use, allowed me, as a teacher, to plan my work, which is aimed at achieving the goal of modern primary education - developing the child’s personality, identifying his creative potential, maintaining physical and mental health and achieve good results

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, based on the educational needs of children, as well as taking into account the orders of parents and the administration of preschool educational institutions, I consider it advisable to use modern educational, psychological and pedagogical technologies in their activities

Modern educational technologies include:

Information and communication technologies;

Personality-oriented technologies;

Gaming technology

Health-saving technologies

Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support

In my work I use modern psychological technologies that perform a number of functions: psychological diagnostics, psychological prevention, psychocorrection and development, psychological education and counseling.

In the process of working with preschoolers, I rely on the technology of person-oriented interaction in compliance with the principles: self-actualization (every child has the right to reveal their own personal potential, self-actualize and become themselves); subjectivity (formation and enrichment of the child’s subjective experience); choice (constant choice of goals, content, form and method of organizing the educational process and the child’s life), creativity and success (development of creative individual characteristics, achieving success and the formation of a positive self-concept in society). When planning individual correctional and developmental activities, I take into account the child’s personal characteristics, his interests and preferences). This allows you to make development activities more productive. The importance of my work as a teacher lies in identifying gifted students and developing their personal qualities. Close communication with kindergarten teachers in the process of interpreting and discussing diagnostic results helps some students to show their hidden intellectual and creative potential.

The use of health-saving technologies is an integral part of my psychological activity. These are correctional technologies such as fairy tale therapy, art therapy, sand therapy, technology of exposure to color, music, psycho-gymnastics, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, dynamic pauses, relaxation.

Information and communication technologies

Informatization of the activities of a teacher-psychologist takes place in four areas: psychodiagnostics, psychological education and counseling, correctional and developmental work, organizational and methodological work.

In my professional activities I use the following categories of electronic educational resources:

Resources of federal educational portals intended for non-commercial use in the education system of the Russian Federation;

Educational electronic publications on CD, purchased to complete a media library;

Resources developed by educational psychologists.

To expand the possibilities of using these resources and to exchange professional experience, I created a website for educational psychologists of preschool educational institutions, which reflects all areas of my activity.


Having a personal computer at my workplace eliminates a lot of problems; it is simply irreplaceable in psychodiagnostics. Using the test designer, you can type and convert text methods into a computer version, offer children individual, computer testing, create your own methods, questionnaires, conduct testing, survey teachers and parents. In the process of such work, our own electronic library is gradually accumulated.

Using a personal computer as a means of calculating test results greatly simplifies work.

Corrective, developmental and preventive work

In my correctional and developmental work, I use educational and developmental computer programs. Their use contributes to the development of cognitive processes in students; increases the effectiveness of learning, develops the intellectual and creative capabilities of children.

The choice of development and correction methods is determined by me taking into account the capabilities of preschool children, their age and psychophysiological characteristics


Based on the nature of cognitive activity, I use the following teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, which involves verbal explanations using visual aids; method of problem presentation, partial search method, method of computer didactic games.

I divide computer gaming tools used in subgroup and individual lessons into several types, according to their purpose:

Developing logical thinking, attention and memory of the child;

Improving coordination of movements (fine motor skills of the hands);

Developing imagination and three-dimensional perception;

Developing orientation in the surrounding reality.

acts as a teaching tool.

Psychological education and counseling

In this direction, I use information from Internet sites containing materials on child psychology. I process these materials and design stands and parent corners.

The use of multimedia presentations, slide shows, and CD films in educational work with parents and teachers makes it more interesting and productive.

Organizational and methodological work

Using computer technology, I successfully carry out the following types of work:

Drawing up reports, recording and storing work results; - quick search on the Internet and printing of stimulus material for classes, assignment forms;

Creation of an electronic library of psychological literature, diagnostic and developmental programs, and stimulus material. - improving professional competence and increasing professional level using the Internet (reading and analyzing e-books, newsletters, websites on psychological topics, distance learning, participation in various competitions, conferences held on the Internet, communicating with fellow psychologists on forums and online communities) .

I demonstrate my achievements in the field of information and computer technologies during open classes, performances, master classes, seminars and competitions.

In my work I actively use the technology of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. Which allows you to create emotional comfort and a positive psychological attitude of the child in the process of adaptation to a preschool institution and permanent stay in it, as well as in the process of interaction of the child with peers and adults.

Gaming technologies are currently very relevant; the role of games is increasing due to the oversaturation of the modern child with information. An important task in teaching preschoolers is to develop the skills of self-assessment and selection of information received. Play, which serves as a kind of practice for using the knowledge acquired by children in educational activities, helps to develop such a skill.

Games or play exercises that I use in psychological activities provide children with an interested perception of the material being studied and attract them to mastering new knowledge.

They help to concentrate children’s attention on the learning task and contribute to the development of conscious cognitive motivation in preschoolers. In my work, I actively use gaming technologies necessary for successful socialization, the formation of a communicative culture, and free self-realization. The game has both a diagnostic and correctional function (manifestation of intelligence, emotions, contact, etc.). The most common way to use games is through therapy through play situations that present the child with various challenges to overcome problems in behavior and communication.

I conduct game training in a subgroup of 6 - 8 children of the same age; the game session lasts 20-25 minutes and is divided into two stages. At the first stage, 3-4 games or one game in different versions are played for 10-15 minutes, then the second stage begins - “general discussion, “reflection” (3-5 minutes). The guys analyze their actions and decisions, evaluate the success of the game, and remember the most interesting and lively game moments. The second stage of the game allows you to comprehend the experience, identify and consolidate effective ways of thinking. In a general discussion, it is very useful to show the differences in the guys’ thinking styles. When compared with other participants in the game, the child begins to better understand himself and adequately assess his psychological resources. All the guys’ answers, even the most unexpected, unusual and strange ones, are “correct” answers.

Thus, the new educational technologies I use allow me to widely interact with all subjects of the open educational space.

Head of MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. ____________

Written report on the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process of a teacher
I have been working at MBDOU d/s No. 20 since 2009. Based on the educational needs of the children in the group, as well as the conditions available at the MBDOU, in my practical activities I use the following modern educational technologies:
- Cooperation pedagogy helps me realize democracy, equality, establish trusting relationships and partnerships with children.
- An individually differentiated approach gives me the opportunity to promptly correct deficiencies in the development of children, see personal achievements and organize additional work with the child. The presence of an individual approach is confirmed by calendar plans, in which individual work with children in different areas is planned every day.
- The project method is aimed at helping children learn to independently set goals, find solutions, and draw conclusions, which helps them expand their horizons.
-Health-saving and health-forming technologies ensure that the child maintains health and develops the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to develop a healthy lifestyle. This includes dosing of physical activity, exercise minutes, pauses, health-improving jogging while walking, hardening procedures, breathing exercises, exercises after sleep, morning exercises, ear massage, eye exercises - everything is aimed at improving health and helping to reduce morbidity in preschoolers. So in 2013, the number of absences due to illness per child was 7, which is 3 days less than in 2012.
- Gaming technologies increase children’s interest in various types of activities and their activity at work.
All the technologies listed and used by me in my professional activities allow me to carry out an individually differentiated approach to each child, and solve the problems of the educational areas “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “Health”.
In general, the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process allows me to carry out the diversified development of a child, develop his creative abilities, and ensure an equal start in development for all children.
Modern educational technologies have allowed me to increase the level of intellectual development of children in general from 65% in the 2011 academic year to 84% in the 2012 academic year and by 90% in 2013.

There is a positive trend in the development of independence, creativity, mental abilities and educational interests in children. The results of students’ mastery of the educational program are reflected in this table:
2011 2012 2013

Physical development 56% 62% 73% Moral development 50% 65% 75%
Mental development 60% 69% 78%
Speech development 77% 86%
elementary math
representations 50% 65% 80%
Getting to know your surroundings 55% 70% 85%
Labor education 70% 87% 90%
Fiction 50% 65% 82%
Artistic and aesthetic 60% 75% 89%
Musical 83% 88% 90%

There is a high level of children's interest in gaming activities, the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in the game, children's ability to negotiate and get along with each other is developed.
The ability to improvise in theatrical games has increased.
Positive results are also observed in the development of mental processes in children:
2011 2012 2013
Level of attention development 69% 74% 82%
memory 70% 82% 87%
thinking 69% 73% 85%
imagination 67% 75% 91%

Zalina Daurova
Report on the use of modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

Currently, teaching staff of preschool educational institutions are intensively introducing innovative technologies into their work. technologies. Therefore, the main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies, which optimally correspond to the set goal of personal development. In order to increase the intellectual and cognitive abilities of children, I actively use the following in my work: modern educational technologies:

Health-saving technologies;

technologies project activities;

technology research activities;

Information and communication technologies;

Personality-oriented technologies;

technology portfolio;

Gaming technology

Health saving educational technology in kindergarten - this is, first of all, technology nurturing a valeological culture or a culture of health. Valueology reflects all aspects of a single direction of work with preschoolers on the formation of views on healthy Lifestyle.

To strengthen the health of children in our kindergarten, a system of hardening activities has been developed that fit organically into the daily routine. Morning exercises and physical development classes are held daily. Outdoor games are carried out during special classes, during walks and at intermediate intervals between classes. Daytime sleep in a well-ventilated area, myopia, physical exercise and dynamic pauses during classes. General preventive health measures are carried out throughout the year.

Successful implementation of health-improving work is constant and close contact between the teacher and the nurse, physical education instructor and parents. Explanatory conversations, consultations, health days, etc. are held for parents.

In my teaching practice I use one of the unique means of ensuring cooperation between children and adults is the design method.

The main goal of the project method in a preschool educational institution is the development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of the creative activity of children. It was no coincidence that the theme of our project in the preparatory group was “The Magic of the New Year”. The motivation for choosing this topic was that when preparing children for the New Year's party, the children became interested in the history of the holiday, the traditions and customs of the New Year. Features of project activities in the preschool system education is that the child cannot yet independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, or determine a goal. In educational educational In the preschool educational process, project activities are in the nature of cooperation, in which teachers, parents, children take part, and other family members are also involved.

Parents can not only be sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants educational process, enrich your teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from your successes and the successes of your child.

Technology research activity makes it possible to reveal all the delights of nature and the world as a whole. In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They disassemble toys, watch objects falling into the water (drowning or not drowning, testing metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger is such "amateur" The problem is that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances and basic safety rules. An experiment, specially organized by a teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces him to the various properties of surrounding objects, the laws of life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. Initially, children learn to experiment in specially organized activities under the guidance of a teacher, then the necessary materials and equipment for conducting the experiment are brought into the spatial-subject environment of the group for independent reproduction by the child, if this is safe for his health.

Currently, much attention is paid to the implementation of information and communication technologies in all educational structures. Understanding the requirements put forward modern society, I try actively use information and computer technologies in professional activities. Informatization education opens up new opportunities for teachers for the widespread introduction into teaching practice of new methodological developments aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas of educational, educational and correction processes. Recently, information and communication technologies(ICT)– a good assistant to teachers in organizing educational activities, educational and corrective work. A use of information technology in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update educational image- educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency. Usage information and communication technologies allows me to summarize my teaching experience by posting lesson notes on the pages of the site,

Also, informational technologies I use it in my direct activities with children and implementation educational projects, in the form of multimedia presentations, animations.

Personality-oriented technologies put in the center of everything educational system of the child’s personality, providing comfortable and safe conditions for its development, realization of natural potential. Personality-oriented technology involves close interaction between the teacher and the child, therefore my pedagogical activities in relation to children include showing respect for the personality of each child and friendly attention to him. Children, as you know, are different; the experience of each of them is purely individual and has very different characteristics. I, as a teacher, choose rational techniques, means, methods and forms of work individually for everyone. My task is not "give" material, but to awaken interest, reveal the capabilities of everyone, organize joint cognitive, creative activities of each child. In accordance with this technology for each child an individual educational educational program, taking into account the fact that my students include children with disabilities.

Technology teacher and preschooler portfolio.

A teacher’s portfolio is one of the methods for assessing the professionalism of teachers. It includes materials demonstrating the teacher’s ability to solve the problems of his professional activity, choose a strategy and tactics of professional behavior. A portfolio is an individual folder that records personal professional achievements in educational activities, results of training, education and development of students, teacher’s contribution to the development of the system education.

Nowadays, much attention is paid to the development of the child as an individual, with his individual abilities, individual pace and developmental characteristics. A preschooler’s portfolio is a collection of the child’s personal achievements in various types of activities. You can not only record the child’s successes, but also track the dynamics and evaluate the strengths of his development. A portfolio allows a teacher to demonstrate those results of practical activities that he considers most significant for assessing his professional competence; it allows him to demonstrate not only the results of his activities, but also progress compared to previous results.

Gaming technology.

A game is a type of activity where children fully learn to communicate with each other, make friends, and respect the opinions of their peers. Therefore, this type of activity evokes the greatest number of responses and emotions. This type of activity where children fully learn to communicate with each other, make friends, and respect the opinions of their peers. Wide I use various educational games such as How: "Voskobovich's Games", "Dyenes blocks", "Cuisinaire sticks". Used by me modern educational technologies are used in the organization directly educational activities carried out during routine moments during the implementation of tasks educational areas.

Thanks to the use of pedagogical technologies and their integration, the educational process becomes expedient and effective. My professional skills are aimed at the diversified development and preservation of children's mental health.

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