This selection of samples and forms will help carry out any transportation of cargo across Russia by road. Regulatory documents regulate transport logistics and make it possible to establish legal relations between the cargo owner, cargo carrier and forwarder. In addition to documents, you may be interested in our review.

The page provides samples and forms of documents for cargo owners and cargo carriers. These commercial documents allow you to regulate the duties and responsibilities of the customer and contractor in the field of freight transportation in Russia. The database of regulations (forms) will be useful to transport and logistics companies, as well as individuals working in the field of logistics and cargo transportation. Based on the standard documents presented, shippers and carriers can carry out domestic or international cargo transportation of any type and purpose, such as: road transportation, railway transportation, air transportation, sea, and river transportation.

When transporting goods in Russia, cargo carriers and cargo owners are required to comply with the provisions of the Russian Federation and prepare the following documents:


  • Note:An agreement for the carriage of goods is concluded between legal entities (companies), where one party is the customer and the other is the contractor. The same agreement is concluded between a company (legal entity) and an individual (private owner), where an individual can only be a customer. Contracts for the carriage of goods are divided into short-term and long-term. Short-term contracts are usually concluded for a one-time transportation of a specific product (cargo); a short-term contract can also be an application contract. Long-term contracts are concluded for one year or more and imply permanent obligations of the contractor (cargo carrier) to accept and deliver the customer’s cargo during the entire term of the contract, and the customer (cargo owner) is obliged to provide on an ongoing basis the cargo for transportation (volume) specified in the contract .
  • The rules for concluding contracts for the carriage of goods: by road, railway transport, air transport, sea or river transport are regulated.

Form of contract for the carriage of goods by road

  • A cap.
  • Paragraph 1. Subject of the contract - we briefly indicate the subject of the contract between the customer and the contractor.
  • Point 2. Responsibilities of the performer - indicate the responsibilities of the performer. (This point can be removed and the responsibilities of the performer can be written down, for example, in point 3).
  • Point 3. Responsibilities of the parties - we indicate the responsibilities of the contractor and the customer.
  • Point 4. The procedure for paying for the contractor’s services - we enter the payment procedure, here you can specify the terms of payment, how the customer will pay, cash or non-cash payment, etc.
  • Point 5. Responsibility of the parties - we indicate the responsibility of the contractor and the customer, fines, penalties, etc. (Clause 5 can be divided into different points, for example, the responsibility of the customer and the responsibility of the contractor).
  • Point 6. Validity period of this agreement - we indicate the duration of the agreement and methods for its extension.
  • Point 7. Dispute resolution - we indicate how and where disputes between the customer and the contractor will be resolved if they arise.
  • Point 8. Force majeure circumstances - we indicate under what circumstances the customer and the contractor may be relieved of their obligations under the contract.
  • Point 9. Special conditions - in this paragraph you can specify special conditions of the agreement, for example, not to disclose to third parties any information about each other, in how many copies the agreement is drawn up or how it can be changed, etc.
  • Point 10.


  • Note:A transport expedition contract is needed when, when transporting goods, there is a need to perform a whole range of auxiliary operations related to the transportation and receipt of goods: in particular, their packaging, labeling, loading and unloading, their delivery to the station (port) of departure or from the station ( port) destination to the recipient's warehouse. Many may wonder what the difference is between a contract of carriage and a contract of transport expedition. In the field of legal regulation, the contract of carriage and the contract of transport expedition are two independent and non-subordinate contracts.
  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation directly provides for the possibility of the carrier fulfilling the duties of a freight forwarder - in this case, the contract becomes mixed and the rules governing the transport expedition contract are applied to transport-forwarding relations under such a mixed contract (clause 2 of Article 801 of the Civil Code). Article 801 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of “obligations of the forwarder.

Transport expedition contract form

  • For your convenience, the contract has already been completed. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the contract

  • A cap. The title of the agreement includes the name of the organization (full name of the company), full name. director and on the basis of what documents he enters into an agreement, for example, a charter, a power of attorney, etc.
  • Paragraph 1. Subject of the agreement - we briefly indicate the subject of the agreement between the forwarder and the client.
  • Point 2. Responsibilities of the forwarder - indicate the responsibilities of the forwarder.
  • Point 3. Documents for the forwarder - documents necessary for the forwarder to transport goods.
  • Point 4. Responsibility of the forwarder - indicates the responsibility of the forwarder, fines, penalties, penalties, etc.
  • Point 5. Final provisions - we indicate the rules for terminating the contract, full legal details. person or individual, signatures and seals of both parties.


  • Note:An application contract for the carriage of goods can act as both the main contract between the customer and the contractor, and as an annex to the main contract for cargo transportation. The application contract is often used for one-time transportation, as a simplified version of the main contract. Such a “mini-agreement” usually spells out the main clauses that regulate the duties and responsibilities of the parties.

Application form for the transportation of goods by road

  • For your convenience, the contract application has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the application agreement

  • A cap. The header of the application agreement indicates that this is an application agreement, indicates the originating number, date and place of conclusion of the application agreement.
  • Paragraph 1.
  • Point 2.
  • Point 3.
  • Point 4.
  • Point 5.
  • Point 6. Additional conditions - here you can specify the customer’s responsibility, fines, penalties and other legal issues.
  • Point 7.
  • Point 8. Details of the parties - here we indicate the full details of the legal entity. persons or individuals. (Signatures and seals of both parties must be affixed, otherwise the agreement will not have legal force).


  • Note: an application for the carriage of goods as an annex to the main contract may not have clauses regulating the legal rights of the customer and the contractor. As a rule, it is used in long-term cooperation between the cargo owner and the cargo carrier, as evidenced by an agreement concluded for a period of one year or more. This application form is more of an information document, which indicates: the date and time of delivery of transport, the point of loading and unloading, the details of the driver, the vehicle, and only after approval by the signature or seal of the customer it has legal force and acts as an annex to the contract for the carriage of goods. All the main points governing the duties and responsibilities of the parties are regulated by the main agreement with reference to the application (application).

Application form for cargo transportation annex to the contract

  • For your convenience, the annex to the contract has already been completed. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out an application for cargo transportation

  • A cap. The header of the application indicates that this is an annex to the main contract, indicates the originating number of the contract and application, the date and place of conclusion of the application.
  • Paragraph 1. Route - indicate the loading city and unloading city.
  • Point 2. Loading - indicate the shipper, address, loading date and contact person who will be present at loading.
  • Point 3. Unloading - indicate the consignee, address, date of unloading and the contact person who will be present at the unloading.
  • Point 4. Cargo parameters - indicate the name of the cargo, weight, dimensions, packaging.
  • Point 5. Mutual settlements - we indicate the cost of transportation and how payment will be made to the contractor.
  • Point 6. Additional conditions - we indicate that the facsimile copy has legal force. (In general, this clause can be removed, since all the conditions are specified in the main agreement.
  • Point 7. Dedicated rolling stock - indicate the name of the transport, state. numbers, full name, passport details, license number and driver’s telephone number.
  • Point 8. Details of the parties - here we indicate the full details of the legal entity. persons or individuals. (Signatures and seals of both parties must be provided, otherwise the application will not have legal force).


  • Note: The new regulatory act, the consignment note, has been in effect since March 2012. It is a mandatory and main accompanying transportation document for cargo carriers. The TN is printed in three copies, for: the cargo owner, the cargo carrier and the consignee. The form (TN) contains fields with complete data of the cargo carrier, consignor, consignee and confirms the carrier’s right to transport cargo. The TN is filled out only when the cargo is delivered to the recipient by a third-party transport company. The main task (TN) is to regulate the relationship between the shipper, cargo carrier and consignee.

Transport bill of lading form TN

  • For your convenience, the TN transport bill of lading has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and enter your information in the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the transport bill of lading TN

  • Paragraph 1. Shipper - fill in the name of the shipper's company, address, phone number.
  • Point 2. Consignee - fill in the shipper's company name, address and telephone number.
  • Point 3. Name of cargo - indicate the name of the cargo, number of pieces, packaging, dimensions of the cargo (weight, volume).
  • Point 4. Accompanying documents - we indicate documents if any are required for the cargo, for example, sanitary certificates, passports, etc.
  • Point 5. Shipper's instructions - we indicate the parameters of the freight transport, weight, volume or temperature conditions, etc.
  • Point 6. Acceptance of cargo - indicate the address, date, time of loading, seal number, if the cargo is sealed.
  • Point 7. Delivery of cargo - indicate the address, date, time of unloading, seal number, if the cargo is sealed.
  • Point 8. Conditions of transportation - enter the seal number.
  • Point 9. Information about accepting an order - enter the date, month, year, full name and signature of the person who accepted the application.
  • Point 10. Carrier - fill in the name of the carrier company, address, telephone number and full name of the driver.
  • Point 11. Vehicle - fill in the make, number and other parameters of the vehicle.
  • Point 12. Reservations and comments from the carrier - we fill in the comments, for example, if the packaging or cargo is damaged.
  • Point 13. Other conditions - we fill in special permit numbers if the cargo is oversized or dangerous.
  • Point 14. Forwarding - fill in if the unloading point has changed.
  • Point 15. Cost of services - fill in the cost of the carrier’s services and indicate the form of payment, for example cash or non-cash payment.
  • Point 16. Date of compilation and signatures of the parties - fill in the date, full name, sign and seal.
  • Point 17. Markings of shippers, consignees, carriers - we fill in a brief description of the circumstances, if such arose during the transportation of goods.


  • Note: Consignment note (Bill of Lading) form 1-T - this document is intended to record the movement of inventory items and payments for their delivery by road. According to the UAT and the Civil Code, it is confirmation of the conclusion of a contract of carriage. The TTN is drawn up in 5 original copies: the 1st copy remains with the shipper, confirming the acceptance of the cargo by the driver for transportation with his signature, the rest signed by the driver leave with the cargo, 4 forms of the TTN are given at unloading to the recipient for certification with his seal and signature, 2- The 1st copy of the TTN remains with the consignee, and 3, 4 and 5 are given to the driver and these TTN forms are already distributed between the carrier (one copy), the forwarder (one copy) and the latter is then sent to the consignee to confirm the completion of transportation and the transfer of material assets to the recipient in full volume.
  • According to the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 1997 No. 78 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording the work of construction machinery and mechanisms, work in road transport”, a consignment note for the transportation of goods by road is drawn up by the consignor for each consignee separately for each driving a car with the obligatory filling of all details.

Blank bill of lading form TTN

  • For your convenience, the consignment note has already been filled out. You just need to open the file in the excel editor and insert your information into the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out the consignment note TTN

  • First section. The first section is called "Product". This section describes the trade relationship between the shipper, consignee and buyer of the goods (often the consignee and buyer are the same person).
  • Second section. The second section is called “Transport”; it contains data on the vehicle, driver, and cargo transportation route.


  • Note: A power of attorney to receive cargo is a special document that gives the right to receive cargo and accompanying documents for it, and also allows you to issue invoices for cargo and receive money for delivery services. The power of attorney can be filled out on behalf of an organization, individual entrepreneur, or on behalf of an individual. The power of attorney to receive material assets has 2 standard forms: M-2 and M-2a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a. Form M-2 is used in the case of a one-time receipt of inventory materials; for regular receipt of inventory materials, form M-2a is used.
  • A power of attorney is recognized as a written authority issued by one person to another person for representation before third parties in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials, form M-2

Power of attorney form for receiving goods and materials, form M-2a

  • For your convenience, the powers of attorney are already filled out. You just need to open the file in the excel editor and insert your information into the appropriate fields; the instructions below will help you with this.

Instructions for filling out a power of attorney to receive goods and materials, form M-2, form M-2a

  • Form M-2. This form is issued exclusively for the receipt of inventory items (material assets) from a supplier with whom the contract was concluded for the first time or the goods are purchased from him very rarely. In this case, the spine of the tear-off part is a confirmation of this fact of the existing power of attorney and is kept in the accounting department.
  • Form M-2a. This standard form is used to continuously obtain valuables from one supplier. This power of attorney is drawn up in a single copy, and is also registered in the appropriate journal, where a list of all issued powers of attorney is stored.
  • 1. Name of the recipient company. This company issues the power of attorney.
  • 2. Number. It must be individual.
  • 3. Date of issue. Expiration date of the power of attorney.
  • 4. Name of the goods received, i.e. name, labeling, packaging, etc.
  • 5. A unit of measurement for the quantity of products received. The quantity or volume of what is received.
  • 6. Full name, series and passport number, position of the person for whom the power of attorney is issued.
  • 7. Signature of the authorized representative.
  • 8. Place for the certification signatures of the company's managers, director and chief accountant. Signatures are certified by a seal.


  • Note: Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “Charter of Automobile Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on October 19, 2015).
  • RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW CHARTER OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND URBAN GROUND ELECTRIC TRANSPORT (Adopted by the State Duma on October 18, 2007, approved by the Federation Council on October 26, 2007.

Charter of Motor Transport (as amended as of April 20, 2015 N 102-FZ, as amended as of July 13, 2015 N 248-FZ)

  • For your convenience, the charter is completely filled out. You just need to open the file in the word editor and print.

Instructions, summary of the charter.

  • Chapter 1. General provisions
  • Chapter 2. Cargo transportation
  • Chapter 3. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage
  • Chapter 4. Transportation of passengers and luggage according to orders
  • Chapter 5. Transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis
  • Chapter 6. Responsibility of carriers, charterers, shippers, consignees, passengers, charterers
  • Chapter 7. Acts, claims, lawsuits
  • Chapter 8. Final provisions


  • Note: The waybill for a truck is issued by the organization operating the vehicle for the purpose of transporting goods. It is intended to record the work of the driver and the vehicle, serving as the basis for settlements with the customer for the transportation of goods, as well as for settlements with the driver for payment of his labor.
  • Truck waybill Standard intersectoral form N 4-C Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 N 78

Waybill form 4-C

  • Truck waybill Standard intersectoral form N 4-P Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of November 28, 1997 N 78

Waybill form 4-P

Instructions for filling out waybills.

  • Form No. 4-C. It is used in a piece-rate payment system for cargo transportation.
  • Form No. 4-P. It is used with a time-based payment system.
  • 1. The waybill issued to the driver must include the date of issue, as well as the stamp and seal of the organization that owns the car. Each issued waybill is subject to mandatory registration in a special Journal of the movement of waybills. In this case, the date of registration of the document must coincide with the date indicated on its form. As a rule, the dispatcher of the company that owns the vehicle is responsible for registering waybills.
  • 2. Form No. 4-p contains lines that allow you to enter the numbers of the corresponding shipping documents issued during the transportation of inventory items. Each waybill is accompanied by one copy of shipping documentation for all cargo transported during a given driver’s work shift.


  • Note: CMR means an international consignment note, which is considered a mandatory element of the customs declaration. When crossing the border with any goods, such an invoice must be present in your possession. A CMR consignment note must be issued for transportation across all European countries.
  • The form and procedure for filling out the CMR (international consignment note) are approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. All rules are fixed in the relevant convention, which was approved in 1956. The Convention involves the regulation of contractual relations on the international transportation of goods between countries.

International consignment note CMR

Instructions for filling out the CMR.

  • How many copies? One copy for the sender. A second copy for the recipient. The third copy is for the carrier. The fourth copy for calculations.
  • Paragraph 1. Name of the sender/company sending the goods.
  • Point 2. Name of the recipient/company receiving the goods.
  • Point 3. The name of the cargo that needs to be transported across the border.
  • Point 4. Weight of transported cargo.
  • Point 5. Reloading of goods along the route is not allowed.
  • Point 6. Information about payments that must be paid without fail.
  • Point 7. The amount of those payments that are due at the time of delivery of the goods.
  • Point 8. Data on the declared value of goods.
  • Point 9. Recommendations that talk about product insurance.
  • Point 10. Information about the period during which the sender must carry out transportation.
  • Point 11. A list of all documentation that is submitted directly to the carrier.

Download a file with detailed instructions for filling out the CMR

Contract for the carriage of goods by road: general provisions

The service for the delivery of goods by motor transport must be carried out, including taking into account the requirements of the Charter of motor transport and urban ground electric transport No. 259-FZ dated 08.11.2007 (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) and the Rules for the transportation of goods by motor transport, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 ​​dated 15.04.2011 ( hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

The parties to the agreement are:

  • a carrier who undertakes to transport the cargo entrusted to him to the specified destination and hand it over to the recipient (for details about this party to the contract of carriage, see the article Obligations of the carrier under the contract for the carriage of goods);
  • the shipper, whose responsibility is to pay for the services provided for the transportation of goods (clause 1, article 785, part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The contract is real, since its conclusion occurs through the carrier’s acceptance of an order for execution (or an application from the sender of the cargo if there is an agreement on the organization of cargo transportation) (Clause 5, Article 8 of the Charter).

The contract for the carriage of goods is drawn up in simple written form, the conclusion is certified by the waybill drawn up by the sender (clause 1 of article 8 of the Charter, paragraph 2 of clause 6 of the Rules).

The specified agreement is of a paid nature (clause 1, article 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 8 of the Rules).

The transportation of goods by public vehicles is recognized as a public contract (Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e., an organization or individual entrepreneur carrying out such cargo transportation is obliged to provide this service upon request from any citizen or legal entity.

Contract for the carriage of goods by road: essential conditions

Based on the general provisions of civil legislation and established judicial practice, the essential terms of a contract for the carriage of goods by road include the following:

  • The subject of the agreement (Article 432 of the Law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) is transport services duly provided by the carrier and paid by the sender in accordance with the agreement. It is necessary to distinguish between the subject (transportation services) and the object of the contract (cargo). The contract may be considered by the court not concluded if the quantitative or qualitative characteristics of the cargo are not indicated, see, resolution of the AS PO dated October 14, 2014 in case No. A06-4158/2013.
  • Deadlines for the provision of transport (Article 9 of the Charter) and presentation of goods (Clause 4 of Article 10 of the Charter) for transportation. If the delivery time of the cargo is not specified, the recipient must be guided by clause 63 of the Rules.
  • Freight charges, although judicial practice is ambiguous. It is possible to recognize a contract without indicating the cost of carriage charges as either concluded (resolution of the 13th Autonomous Court in case No. A56-24768/2008 dated July 8, 2009) or not concluded (decision of the Kemerovo Region Autonomous Court dated December 4, 2009 in case No. A27-16638/2009 ).
  • Point of departure and destination (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Eastern Military District dated April 22, 2009 in case No. A11-4929/2008-K2-22/259). On this issue, judges also do not have a clear opinion, for example, the resolution of the 17th AAS dated October 22, 2007 in case No. 17AP-7047/2007-GK from contains conclusions regarding the inclusion of only an indication of the destination as essential conditions.

Other terms of the contract for the carriage of goods by road

  • Registration of a consignment note - the actual conclusion of a contract for the delivery of goods is confirmed by the sender’s execution of a consignment note (paragraph 2 of clause 6 of the Rules). Incorrect execution or loss of this document is not grounds for declaring the contract invalid or not concluded. The existence of a contractual relationship can be confirmed by other evidence (clause 20 of the resolution of the plenum of the RF Armed Forces of June 26, 2018 No. 26).
  • Conditions on the responsibility of the parties - this clause is not always included in the text of the contract for the carriage of goods by road, since this issue is regulated in detail by civil legislation and the relevant Rules and Charter. Any agreements between the parties to the contract of carriage, the purpose of which is to limit or eliminate liability established by law, will be recognized as invalid, except in cases provided for by law (Article 37 of the Charter).
  • Procedure and terms of settlements - in practice, there are cases where this block is recognized as one of the essential terms of the contract. It is recommended to include it in the text of the contract, because otherwise the contract may be recognized as not concluded on the basis of clause 1 of Art. 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Provisions regulating the payment procedure are not contained either in the Charter or in the Rules for the carriage of goods by road.

An example that can be downloaded from the link will help you correctly draw up a contract for the carriage of goods by road:


Thus, a contract for the carriage of goods by road must include a mandatory condition on the subject of the contract - a specific transport service, as well as on the obligation of the second party to make payment.

The question of including conditions such as the period for providing transport and presenting goods for shipment, indicating the amount of freight charge and the names of points of departure and destination is considered open due to the ambiguity of practice on this issue. At the same time, it is recommended to specify in the contract all the conditions under which disagreements may arise in the future, even if their materiality is not directly indicated in the legislation.

Drawing up a consignment note also plays an important role in recording the fact of execution of the contract and its terms.

When someone needs to transport cargo over a certain distance, but their own capabilities do not allow it, they have to turn to third-party carriers.

With third parties to whom we, albeit temporarily, entrust our property, which is what happens when transporting cargo, it is necessary to draw up some papers that will indicate the legality of such actions and guarantee the participants the observance of their rights.

In such cases, a road transport agreement is suitable for transporting goods by road.

How to document transportation

Let us immediately note that when working with large carrier companies, cargo transportation is formalized through a standard transportation application agreement and does not require detailed consideration. You only need to fill out a ready-made contract form when meeting with a representative of the carrier. Let us dwell on the contract of road transport between private individuals - entrepreneurs or ordinary citizens.

The most important condition in the agreement is a clear description of what the document is actually about. That is, it is required to indicate in sufficient detail by which person, from where and where, a certain cargo that belongs to a specific client will be delivered. The description of all the goods that need to be transported may not be included in the contract, if there are quite a lot of goods, in which case a link to a document describing the specific composition of the cargo is required. For example, we indicate that the carrier is obliged to deliver the goods to the customer according to the bill of lading.

Transportation costs money, so in the contract we indicate the amount of the carrier’s remuneration for the work. If this is not a fixed rate, be sure to indicate the payment procedure for services. Financial issues may not be limited to remuneration alone. If necessary, clauses on travel expenses, payment for fuel, repairs and other expenses of the carrier can be included in the road transportation agreement; everything is decided by the agreement of the parties.

When entrusting your cargo to a carrier, especially if you are dealing with a private person, it is a good idea to make sure that the driver accepting the cargo for transportation and the vehicle in which such transportation will be carried out have all the necessary documents and permits.

Transportation by road transport is subject to the provisions of the law on the provision of paid services. Regulation of such relations and disputes regarding them takes place according to current laws, in accordance with the norms and provisions of the agreement itself. Moreover, the agreement of the parties is sometimes decisive. Enter only into agreements that can provide you with reliable protection of your own rights in the event of their violation.

Below is a standard form and a sample road transportation agreement, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

Agreement No.____

transportation of goods by road

LLC "Ivanov", represented by director I.I. Ivanov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Carrier” on the one hand, and LLC "Petrov", represented by Director Petrov P.P., acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Client”, on the other hand, each individually or collectively referred to respectively as the “Party” or “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This Agreement governs the relationship between the Parties regarding the transportation of the Client’s goods by the Carrier’s road transport, including in the planning, provision and payment of transportation services, as well as in the distribution between the Parties of all costs and expenses associated with transportation.

1.2. Under this Agreement, the Client orders and pays, and the Carrier carries out the transportation of goods; that is, delivers the cargo entrusted to him by the shipper to the destination and issues it to the person authorized to receive the cargo (consignee) according to the nomenclature and assortment indicated in the consignment note (hereinafter referred to as the Waybill) and the Waybill (hereinafter referred to as the TN); and also provides other services related to transportation, on the terms, terms and prices determined by Applications for the provision of a vehicle for each transportation.

2. Procedure for processing documents for transportation

2.1. The Client sends to the Carrier a written application signed by the responsible person, in the form specified in Appendix No. 1 to this agreement. The application is an integral part of this agreement.

2.2. Upon receipt of the transportation request from the Client, the Carrier signs it and sends it to the Client. Sending to the Client a completed and signed application by the Carrier confirms the readiness to carry out the requested transportation in full.

2.3. The parties may, by mutual agreement, send and accept for execution copies of documents sent by fax or email. The original documents are sent (transferred by courier) immediately following the sending of the copy. The date indicating the time of arrival and departure of the vehicle at the place of loading and (or) unloading is determined according to the marks in the technical specification and the waybill with the signature of the person responsible for loading and (or) unloading, the signature must be certified by a seal or stamp of the established form.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The client is obliged:

3.1.1. Before the arrival of the Carrier's vehicle, ensure that the shipper or consignee (hereinafter in the text of the Agreement: at loading points - the shipper, at unloading points - the consignee) prepares the cargo for transportation (preparation for unloading) and passes the vehicle to the loading (unloading) place.

3.1.2. Ensure that cargo is presented for transportation that corresponds to the name, weight and special properties of the cargo specified in the Application.

3.1.3. Pay the Carrier the cost of services provided under this Agreement related to transportation in the amount no later than 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the original invoice, a bilaterally signed certificate of completion of work, a tear-off travel voucher and a waybill.

3.2. The carrier is obliged:

3.2.1. Submit serviceable vehicles in a condition suitable for transportation of this type of cargo in accordance with the confirmed Application within the approved time frame for loading.

3.2.2. Accept the Cargo from the Sender and deliver the Cargo to the Recipient in the manner established by current legislation and regulations, inspect the completeness, external condition of the cargo and its packaging, in accordance with the shipping documents. The carrier must not load cargo that is of poor quality upon visual inspection, with damaged or defective packaging, of which he is obliged to notify the Client. Upon completion of loading, the Carrier is obliged to make a note in the TN and the Waybill, which indicates that the Carrier (Driver) accepts full responsibility for the quantity (weight) and condition of the cargo, the correctness of loading, the presence and proper condition of the seal. Deliver the entrusted cargo to its destination on time; the target date of arrival of the vehicle at the unloading site is determined in the Application and TN.

3.2.3. Upon arrival at the place of unloading, hand over the documents and cargo to the consignee in accordance with the Application and the information specified in the TN, with the execution of all necessary documents.

3.2.4. In case of any delays in transit, the Carrier is obliged to immediately notify the Client. In the event of a vehicle breakdown, the Carrier is obliged to immediately notify the Client, ensure that the cargo is reloaded into a serviceable vehicle and ensure that the cargo continues to be transported to the place of unloading, unless the Client has given written instructions to the Carrier regarding further actions with the cargo.

3.2.5. In the event of an accident, an accident, as well as in any cases of loss of cargo or part of it, theft of cargo by third parties, damage to the seal, etc., take all necessary measures to save, prevent or reduce damage to the cargo. Participate in the preparation of the Unloading Certificate in the event of a discrepancy between the number of seats indicated in the documents and the actual quantity or if defects are detected during unloading of the vehicle.

3.2.6. Provide the Client with originals of shipping documents (TN, Waybill) confirming the acceptance and transfer of goods, as well as a Certificate of Completion of Work, an invoice no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of execution of the Client’s Application.

4. Payment procedure

4.1. The Client pays for the Carrier’s services in the amount established in the Application, which is an integral annex to the contract and invoice for a specific transportation.

4.2. Payments for services performed are made by bank transfer by the Client to the Carrier's account, unless otherwise specified by a separate agreement of the Parties. The moment of payment is the date of receipt of funds into the Carrier's account.

4.3. The Client is obliged, within 5 calendar days, to check the received original invoice, technical specification and certificate of work performed and, if there are no complaints against the Carrier, sign the Certificate of Work Completion and hand it over to the Carrier in person or by mail. If there are claims and refusal to sign the Certificate of Completion, the Client informs the Carrier of the reasons for the refusal within 2 calendar days from the date of receipt of the specified documents. Payment is made to the Carrier's bank account within 7 calendar days. The Client must return one copy of the signed certificate of completion of work and the technical specification to the Carrier.

5. Responsibility of the parties

5.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Client and the Carrier bear responsibility established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Motor Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport, as well as this Agreement.

5.2. The Party engaging a third party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement shall be liable to the other Party for failure to fulfill or improper performance of obligations by the third party as for its own actions.

5.3. Penalties and fines for the obligations of this agreement are paid by the guilty Party in the amount and manner determined by current legislation and regulations. The possibility of applying penalties is a right, but not an obligation, of the Party whose rights are violated.

5.4. Client's responsibility:

5.4.1. If the consignee refuses to accept the cargo, all costs for redirecting or returning the cargo are borne by the Client.

5.4.2. If the Client's payment for the Carrier's services is delayed by more than 5 calendar days, the Carrier has the right to require the Client to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.03% of the amount for each day of delay.

5.5. Carrier's responsibility:

5.5.1. In the event of a delay in providing the Carrier's vehicle for transportation by more than 4 (four) hours for loading, the Client has the right to consider this as a failure to provide the vehicle for transportation, and refuse the Carrier's services for transportation under a confirmed Request, notifying the Carrier about this.

5.5.2. The Carrier, in accordance with current legislation and regulations, bears full responsibility for loss, shortage and damage to goods accepted for transportation that occur from the moment the goods are accepted for transportation until the goods are delivered to the consignee, and compensates the Client for losses incurred in the amount of the cost of the lost goods. , missing or damaged cargo.

5.5.3. The Carrier, along with compensation for established damage caused by loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of cargo, does not have the right to demand from the Client payment for services for the transportation of lost or missing cargo.

5.5.4. Without the Client’s consent, the Carrier does not have the right to shift to third parties its responsibility for fulfilling the terms of this agreement and the obligation to compensate for losses incurred by the Client.

6. Force majeure

6.1. The Parties are released from partial or full fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement if this was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could not have foreseen; neither prevent by reasonable measures nor influence them and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as earthquakes, floods, fires, train crashes, as well as wars and orders of government bodies.

6.2. The Party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately inform the other Party about the occurrence of such circumstances in writing, and at the request of the other Party, the relevant documents of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation must be provided. The information must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as, if possible, an assessment of their impact on the Parties’ fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement and on the period for fulfilling the obligations.

6.3. A Party that cannot, due to force majeure circumstances, fulfill its obligations under the Agreement will make every effort to resume this performance as soon as possible.

6.4. Upon termination of these circumstances, the Party citing force majeure must immediately notify the other Party in writing.

6.5. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under the Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences apply.

7. Dispute resolution

7.1. The parties make every effort to resolve disputes and disagreements arising during the period of validity of this Agreement through negotiations. Before the Parties present claims arising from this Agreement, it is mandatory to submit claims.

7.2. Before submitting a controversial issue to the arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region, the parties are obliged to comply with the claims procedure for resolving disputes, observing the procedure for filing claims provided for by current legislation and regulations.

7.3. If it is impossible to resolve disputes through a claim procedure, they are subject to referral to the arbitration court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region.

8. Final provisions

8.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by both Parties, indicated at the beginning of the Agreement, and is valid until December 31, 2012.

8.2. If neither Party, one month before the expiration of the Agreement, notifies the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement or extend it on other terms, the Agreement is considered extended for one year on the same terms with further extension in the same manner.

8.3. This Agreement is drawn up in Russian in two original copies having equal legal force - one for each of the Parties. All additions and changes to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. This Agreement may be amended or terminated by agreement of the Parties. These agreements are made in writing, signed by the Parties and become an integral part of this Agreement from the moment they are signed by the Parties.

8.4. In cases where the terms of this Agreement conflict with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will apply (according to Articles 421, 422 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

8.5. After signing this Agreement, all preliminary negotiations on it, correspondence, preliminary agreements and protocols of intent on issues related in one way or another to this Agreement lose legal force.