Dream Interpretation: seeing in a dream Seeing a Chain in a dream - A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs. Breaking a chain in a dream means disappointment in love; if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you. If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts that your spouse will cool off towards you.

1 Chain by To the psychological interpreter Furtsev

Why the chain is dreamed of depends on its condition and the circumstances due to which the dreamer ended up with it.

  • Losing a chain indicates laziness and carelessness. If you do not change your attitude towards life and current events, you will soon have to face serious troubles.
  • Dreaming of yourself putting on a chain - to additional obligations. You are worried about changes at work or in the family, you are afraid to shoulder an unbearable burden.
  • Finding a product may dream of establishing friendships or business connections. The dream only reflects your real attempts to strengthen your relationship with someone.

1 Chain by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

There will be a dependence on some person.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Chain according to Freud's dream book

Dreaming with a chain means:

Receiving a silver or gold chain as a gift - the dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way.

To see a wide chain on someone’s neck - you think too much about the intimate lives of other people. Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect your psyche. Be on your guard, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, piercing the “keyhole” of someone else.

Losing a chain given by someone means you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

1 Chain by Modern dream book

Meaning of sleep chain:

If in a dream you give your beloved a gold chain, then in real life you will have doubts about her fidelity. However, all your worries are in vain. If you dreamed that the chain you wear around your neck suddenly fell apart, then the threat of illness hangs over you. Think about whether it's time for you to change your lifestyle. For a young woman, a dream in which she wears a chain made of base metal means that her marriage will be for love, but she will have to endure poverty.

1 Chain by Imperial dream book

What exactly the chain symbolizes in life depends on the mutual desires of the donor and the wearer.

The chain is a symbol that some internal desire will merge in harmony with its external embodiment: the links of the chain are steps towards embodiment. Each link is both self-sufficient (closed) and at the same time aimless without connection with others.

Chains are usually made of metal - this is a new substance created by man from natural elements and a sign of man-madeness - belonging to the sphere of human relations, which spiritualize the material symbol (chain) of the desire for something.

The chain is an ancient symbol and the key to achieving a goal and constancy of relationships in motion - a continuing, living, developing cycle.

Seeing a chain on yourself (the same as if you see it on someone in a dream) that is usually worn means the constancy of aspirations.

To see a faded, broken chain (it has fallen and is being looked for) - the goal/views are outdated/unattainable, counterbalance health/possibly leading to illness.

The chain is strangling - a complete discrepancy between the aspirations and tasks of a person, a danger.

Giving/receiving a beautiful chain is a sign/desire for friendship and the opportunity to find it in reality; giving a favorite chain is a very warm feeling.

Giving a dull chain, or it breaks when given, is insincerity or an empty friendship without obligations.

Chain material: silver - a penchant for intelligence and reasonable friendship; gold - a bias towards emotions and strength.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Chain by Tsvetkov's dream book


true friend.

1 Chain according to Hasse's dream book

A chain in a dream means:

you will find a true friend.

1 Chain by Women's dream book

If a girl dreams of a chain, it means:

A dream in which you are wearing a chain made of any base metal is a sign that you will be able to get married at the behest of your heart, but do not expect that your life will be financially secure.

1 Chain by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Love affair, affection, fidelity; engagement for lovers.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Chain by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream about a chain:

To an affair.

1 Chain by Slavic dream book

Seeing a chain in a dream means:

Fleeting luck. Love affair.

1 Chain by Romantic dream book

A dream with a chain in the dream book is interpreted as:

What can a chain mean in a dream in the context of a love relationship? Much depends on its type and the actions of the dreamer.

  • Buying a chain means disappointment in your loved one.
  • If you dream about your partner giving you a chain - in reality you will doubt the sincerity of his feelings. But most likely, the doubts are unfounded.
  • A broken chain symbolizes a break in a relationship, liberation from the oppression of a tyrant husband.
  • If you dream of a chain around your neck - in reality you are too attached to your significant other. Such relationships cannot be called healthy.

1 Chain by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dreaming with a chain means:

A door chain is a sign of robbery, a silver chain is a sign of trouble, a gold chain is a sign of a series of big troubles.

1 Chain according to the Online Dream Book

Meaning of sleep chain:

Why do you dream about a chain? This image is a reflection of the fact that you are inextricably and harmoniously connected with something.

It was on you - it means you have not yet decided on your goals.

A chain that has been frayed is a hint that your principles are not applicable at this stage, because they have become morally obsolete.

If she squeezed your neck, then you will be forced to do something for which you have no interest at all.

A chain as a gift is a sign that the giver strives to have friendship with the recipient of the gift. Give it to someone you're in love with

A chain of gold in a dream is a good symbol, foreshadowing something good and favorable for you, some common cause and event that will unite you with people dear to you.

This is also a decoration

A dream in which there was a chain made of pure silver is a reflection of your good thoughts, a healthy mind, not clouded by negative emotions, it warns of some innovations in your life or a rethinking of some ideological positions.

This product

If you dream of a chain with a cross, this is a very good omen, promising you deliverance from old problems and misunderstandings, a transition to a new period in life, where everything will turn out well, and you will be successful in everything.

If it is very broad and hangs on someone else, you need to moderate your interest in the personal lives of other people, in particular, close the topic of sexual intimacy, take better care of organizing your destiny, work on yourself, meet new people, etc.

If it is damaged, it means that you value something or someone too much and are afraid that you will have to part with it, think about what it could be and try to be more objective.

You damaged it, and it almost drove you into despair.

1 Chain by Dream interpretation of health

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a chain:

Seeing a chain - your action will cause a chain of consequences; wearing a chain indicates manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Chain by Dream book of the 20th century

What the chain may mean in a dream:

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Gold chain: this is a sign of dependence on your passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself: a sign that to achieve success in some business you will need precision and diligence.

1 Chain by Folklore dream book

Why does a woman dream of a chain:

If you dream that you are being given a chain, this indicates vain doubts about the sincerity of your loved one. He tries to express his love to you in every way, but you do not notice anything and continue to hesitate.

If you see a wide chain around another person's neck in a dream, this indicates your curiosity about intimate relationships between other people. This unhealthy interest can be explained by your own lack of personal life. Get into a close relationship with someone so you can stop interfering in other people's lives and focus on your own.

If you dreamed that you received a chain as a gift and then lost it, this means that some events are happening around you, but you do not want to notice them.

1 Chain by Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a chain in a dream means:

  • A chain in a dream means that there will be confusion and confusion in your affairs.
  • Dreaming of breaking a chain means disappointment in love or short-term but tedious work.
  • Buying a chain in a dream predicts that your spouse will become cold towards you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

The gold chain is a symbol that has a direct interpretation.

To get entangled in chains means to have a lot of unfinished business; to be chained is to bear a heavy burden of worries and responsibility. However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one. Seeing yourself with a chain in your hands means trouble or the hypocrisy of others.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them. Silver chain - to pleasant chores; a gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth. In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals are a sign of a happy and rich marriage. If the chains or chain breaks or falls apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some obligations.

Only for women: A dream in which you are wearing a chain made of any base metal is a sign that you will be able to get married according to the dictates of your heart, but do not expect that your life will be financially secure. If in a dream your chain, which you constantly wear around your neck, suddenly breaks and falls apart, this foreshadows the onset of illness. You should seriously consider changing your lifestyle.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Chain in a dream?

Gold chain - Brief interpretation: restrain yourself; protection; burden

Popular expression: keep on a leash; weak link.

The chain is associated with bondage, burden and ill-being. This could also mean a chain seen in a dream. Are chains holding you against your will in a dream? Do you feel their heaviness? Do they symbolize relationships with a person or lack of freedom in professional activities?

Are you feeling peer pressure? Do people put you down?

A chain can also have a positive meaning of connection, because it symbolizes the connection of people, which makes them stronger, especially when it comes to a common cause. Conservationists often chain themselves to trees to prevent them from being cut down, thus expressing their protest and hope for a better future. Perhaps the chains in your dream are a sign of fighting for some noble idea in which you believe.

How does it feel to be chained? Do the chains enslave you, or is this state your choice, and did you voluntarily bind yourself to them?

Perhaps the chain is a symbol of acquiring a philosophy of life, because life is a chain of events. Perhaps you have come to the realization that your actions or inactions are interconnected and are a link between the past and the present.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about the Chain according to the dream book:

The chain is a symbol of relationships. Saturn. A gold chain is fleeting luck. Love affair.

The oldest dream book

Seeing a Chain in a dream:

The chain means a wife, and also indicates a tangle of unpleasant circumstances and interference in business. Anything woven (baskets, nets, chains, wreaths, necklaces, etc.) is for the benefit of marriage, friendship, camaraderie, but prevents travel, escape and escape; useful for deceitful matters; for fearful people it means fear because of their ability to hold.

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Gold chain: this is a sign of dependence on your passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself: a sign that to achieve success in some business you will need precision and diligence.

To feel in a dream that the chain is bothering you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: suggests that you risk becoming a slave to your desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Getting entangled in chains means having a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained is to bear a heavy burden of worries and responsibility.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

Silver chain - to pleasant troubles.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals are a sign of a happy and rich marriage.

If the chains or chain breaks or falls apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some obligations.

Interpretation of dreams from

A chain in a dream most often tells about the emotional state of the sleeper. However, the interpretation of such a dream will be as accurate as possible if we take into account all the events and actions that actually concern the dreamer. That is why, to answer the question of what the chain is about in a dream, you should put into one picture all the details of the dream and the emotions that you experienced in your night dreams and only then resort to the help of a dream book.

Many dream books believe that a chain in a dream symbolizes the shackles that fettered the mind and desires of the sleeper. And in order to understand why this decoration is dreamed of, you need to take a closer look at the material from which it is made.

Have you ever seen a chain made of precious metal in a dream? Such a vision is a favorable sign. For a girl, such a dream promises a hasty marriage, for married people - a family hearth and the joy of being. But, according to Miller’s dream book, gold jewelry is identified with the doubts and self-doubt of the sleeper.

Often in our dreams there are jewelry made of noble metal. People are accustomed to attaching exaggerated significance to such dreams, because gold seems to us, first of all, a symbol of unexpected enrichment.

Why do you dream about a gold chain? The dream book is more prone to dream interpretations that associate this subject with a person’s love or friendships. Often this decoration indicates the dreamer’s emotional state and worries about his personal life. However, this is not the only interpretation of this dream.

A gold chain in a dream is considered a symbol of a spiritual connection with a person dear to you. Finding or wearing valuable jewelry in a dream is a very favorable sign. This dream may mean harmony in your relationship with your chosen one or unexpected enrichment.

Losing or buying this thing is a sign of disappointment in the people around you. If the chain is made of tarnished gold, then this speaks of unrequited feelings in reality or the unrealizability of your hopes.

Why do you dream of a gold chain decorating your neck? Soon you will be able to achieve your goal. The tight weave of the jewelry symbolizes confidence in the support of your loved one. If the chain was on another person’s neck, the betrayal of a dear friend or chosen one awaits you soon.

Expensive jewelry on a loved one speaks of his insincerity. Perhaps your frankness will be used for selfish purposes.

The chain consisted of different links - soon your life will be filled with interesting and exciting events. Some links were damaged - a symbol of parting with a person dear to your heart.

If the decoration is torn in a dream, in reality a final break with your chosen one is inevitable. If the jewelry on your neck was made of cheap metal similar to gold, then in marriage you will have to face real need.

A gold chain on your hand can indicate your dependence on a loved one. The thicker this goal, the more this state burdens you. If in a dream you tried to remove jewelry from your hand, then this symbolizes your desire for independence. You put your spiritual connection with your chosen one above material wealth. However, for a man to wear a massive chain on his wrist, he predicts a strong love relationship and a successful, harmonious marriage in the future.

A pendant on a gold chain symbolizes your state of mind, which is in complete harmony and peace. For people in love, such a dream means devotion and fidelity to the chosen one. For married people, the pendant represents spiritual unity and trust. A modest pendant on a gold chain foreshadows quiet family joys. A beautifully decorated pendant on a chain from another person means the appearance of dangerous rivals in your life; removing a chain with a pendant means a quick release from painful obligations.

Wearing a gold chain with a pendant signifies difficult-to-fulfill promises that you will soon make. A gold chain with a pendant made of black stone warns you of an unfavorable outcome of an important matter for you. Red stones in the pendant prophesy universal condemnation.

Finding a gold chain in your night dreams is a sign of big changes in life. These changes may also include a change in your place of residence.

Passing by a valuable find is a sign that you are missing a rare opportunity to change your life for the better. A shining gold chain found means joyful events in life. If the decoration is dull in color, it means disappointment in something that was previously of great importance to you.

Stealing a chain in a dream means shifting someone else’s responsibilities onto your shoulders. You may have to answer for actions that you did not commit. If the stolen jewelry turns out to be fake, then you may soon be involved in illegal transactions.

If the gold chain breaks, then you are facing major financial losses or expenses. If a torn item is lost in a dream, then intrigues are woven around you. You cannot sensibly assess the events taking place around you because of your naivety.

Interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book

This dream book presents several meanings of dreams with a gold chain:

  • giving a woman a gold chain means groundless doubts about the sincerity of her love for you;
  • receiving jewelry as a gift - to doubts about the fidelity of your spouse;
  • breaking the chain means losses and frustration. If in a dream you are very upset because a piece of jewelry has been damaged, then illness will soon await you;
  • buying a gold chain means an unexpected and serious deception in reality.

According to Freud's dream book

A gold chain in Freud's dream book symbolizes doubt that you are valued and loved. Moreover, these doubts are completely unfounded. Seeing a gold chain around another person’s neck in your night dreams means in reality showing an unhealthy curiosity about someone else’s intimate life. Losing a gold jewel in a dream means not noticing those conversations and actions that are happening behind your back.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a gold chain symbolizes an old friend or a faithful friend. Such a dream speaks of the boundless fidelity of your partner, a new acquaintance with a faithful and devoted person. However, such a dream can also speak of fraud and deception in the near future.

According to Vanga's dream book

In the dream, the seer regarded this gold jewelry as quick success in reality. Going through jewelry made of noble metal means that the sleeping person has aristocratic taste. Losing gold jewelry in a dream predicts financial losses in the future.

According to Hasse's dream book

The famous medium believed that chains made of expensive metal promised the acquisition of a reliable and faithful friend in the future. For you, it will become a real protection, a support in difficult times, a vest into which you can pour out your tears in various life situations.

According to Longo's dream book

In this dream book, a gold chain with a pendant foreshadows the receipt of a tasteless, however, very expensive gift. A decoration with a heart-shaped pendant predicts a wealthy groom for a young girl. A gold chain with a pendant that you made with your own hands promises that a very serious emotional conversation is brewing in reality.