See interpretation: hospital, health, illness, pharmacy, first aid kit, aspirin, antibiotics, antiseptics, balm, ammonia

  • Medicine - Taking a medicine that tastes good in a dream foreshadows complications that will soon change your life for the better. A bitter medicine foretells suffering from a lingering illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control. Giving medicine to others means actually harming someone who trusted you.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Taking medication is a symbol of addiction, which can easily get out of control. You can proceed with the treatment carefully. Carefully review the medications you take. If sleep prescribes a special medicine for you, check with your doctor to see if you really need it.

Family dream book

  • Medicines (drops) - Take - change apartment.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Good value: Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted to our time. If a man has a dream, you will have a very successful day. Your very first wish that arose today will definitely come true and, most likely, no later than tonight. To ensure your whole day goes well, you should not shave today, and try to use knives as little as possible today.
  • Bad value: If a woman had a dream, then in the near future you will have problems with sleep - insomnia, nightmares, chronic lack of sleep... To avoid this, look at the stars for a few minutes every evening for a week before going to bed.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • Medicine - Taking with difficulty and unpleasantness means a quarrel with one of the people close to you; accepting it willingly means carelessness; giving it to another portends an unexpected benefit; spewing medicine from the upper passage means hearing about bankruptcy, and from the lower passage means a successful course of affairs.

Erotic dream book

  • Medicine - Buying medicine in a dream means you are subconsciously afraid that your partner will be dissatisfied with you for some reason. And therefore you show extreme indecisiveness, while he (she) expects the exact opposite from you. Taking medicine - in the near future you will need the help and support of a loved one. Be careful when dating members of the opposite sex.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Medicine - Taking medicine in a dream means that you will be given trust by an influential person or boss, perhaps a responsible assignment or an important task. Bitter or nasty - to a quarrel or disagreement with loved ones or relatives. Seeing pills in a dream is a harbinger of your success in small matters. For a woman to dream of swallowing or throwing away a pill means that she will not be bothered by petty envy or other insignificant worries. Swallowing pills one after another in a dream means reprimands from superiors. Making pills in a dream is a sign of travel, taking them means a quick solution to problems, losing pills means harm from frivolity, giving them to others is a sign that someone needs advice. Seeing bloodletting cups in a dream promises you trouble in reality, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Autumn dream book

  • Medicine - Drinking medicine in a dream means a short-term illness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Spring dream book

  • Analgin - Drinking analgin means depression.
  • Why do you dream about taking medicine? It means getting sick.

Summer dream book

  • Drinking medicine - Drinking medicine in a dream means recovery if you were sick.
  • Analgin - Seeing in a dream how you take analgin for a headache and do not feel relief - to a clear recovery.
  • Why do you dream about Analgin - Using this medicine in a dream means illness.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Medicine - If you take medicine in a dream, disappointment, poverty, and need await you. If you take the medicine willingly, with joy, the dream promises you a carefree, happy existence. Giving someone a potion is a great benefit for you.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

  • Medicine - Seen as a sign of impaired health or peace of mind (see also PHARMACY) Taking medicine - deterioration of health, loss of money. Giving medicine to someone is overcoming difficulties.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Medicine (heart) - Seeing - to heart (love) experiences. “heart patients” - to a possible exacerbation of their illness in reality.
  • What does it mean when you dream of Medicine - Take - see Separately taste. Giving, prescribing to others is income. Buying is a malaise; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Interpretation of sleep: according to the number of the month

Interpretation of sleep: by Day of the Week

Why do you dream about Medicines in a dream according to the dream book?

If you take sweet-tasting drugs- you cannot avoid troubles, but in the end everything will work out, and you will benefit.

However, if the taste of the medicine is disgusting to you- the problems will turn out to be really serious.

A sign that, without meaning to, you can hurt a loved one.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Miller's Dream Book

It portends complications that will soon change your life for the better.

But if you take bitter medicine- you will suffer from a prolonged illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control.

Giving medicine to others- means that you will harm someone who trusted you.

If you dream that you are taking a witch doctor's medicine- this is an indicator that under the influence of some kind of misfortune you will become painfully impressionable and will be able to cope with this only by approximately fulfilling your duty.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Medicines in a dream?

Giving someone medicine- a harbinger of success in business. If they give it to you- you will unwittingly harm someone who trusts you with all his heart and soul.

Dreamed first aid kit with medicines- portends an unpleasant matter in which you will find yourself involved due to your own carelessness.

Buy medicines at the pharmacy- to the frustration of one’s own affairs.

Medicine prescription- for an expensive gift.

Taking medications against your will- to quarrel with loved ones, if you accept them willingly and without wandering- in reality, show carelessness.

Pleasant-tasting medicine- promises complications that, at least a little, will change your life for the better.

An incredibly nasty drug- portends a long-term illness.

If in a dream you take highly effective imported drugs- this is a sign of deep sadness or loss, due to which your life will turn into a dull and dull existence.

Taking a laxative in a dream- in the morning you will be in a cheerful mood.

Cold remedies- to a loss that you will experience completely painlessly.

Headache medications- a sign that in the near future you will achieve material wealth and thereby ensure family well-being.

Heart drops or tablets- foreshadow an important event, the consequences of which will depend on your reaction to it.

Giving medicine to other people- portends success in business.

If the husband acts as other people- in reality you will not avoid a family quarrel; if you have children, you will cause irreparable damage to the one who entrusted you with their funds.

Counting out medicinal drops in a dream- portends a forced change of job or place of residence in the very near future, accept them - a new family member may enter your home if the family has nothing against your choice.

Medicine in tablets- portends you success in small matters and small doses.

If a large tablet gets stuck in your throat- this means that your life will be overshadowed by petty envy.

Taking pills in a dream- this means that in reality you have to look after someone, but this will give you the joy of communicating with an intelligent and sincere person, which is exactly what you have been missing until now.

Seeing a child spit pills out of his mouth, refusing to take them- in reality you will be judged for being harsh and unfriendly, which is simply a consequence of fatigue and absent-mindedness.

An ampoule or ampoules with medicines seen in a dream- mean that frequent but minor joys await you.

Expired medications- portend that you will give people a warm welcome, but you will be confused, unable to recognize which of them are friends and which are secret enemies.

Feeling the persistent smell of medicines in a hospital, clinic or pharmacy in a dream- in reality, you will not be able to overcome the temptation to taste the forbidden fruit.

If you dream that you are taking a witch doctor's potion- this means that seemingly insignificant events will cause you excruciating anxiety and prolonged trouble.

Study instructions for using a particular medicine in a dream- means that unlucky companions will lead you to the monastery.

Collecting medicinal plants in a dream- means receiving significant profits soon.

Roots and roots of medicinal herbs- portend a deterioration in physical and spiritual health; being treated with them means that you will miss an interesting event due to being extremely busy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Medicine is a nasty business.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Take a medicine that tastes good in a dream- portends complications that will soon change your life for the better.

Bitters- portends suffering from a protracted illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control.

Giving medicine to others- means in reality harming someone who trusted you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Medicines according to the dream book?

Give, prescribe to others- income.

Buying is a malaise.

Medicine (heart) see- to heartfelt (love) experiences. “heart patients” - to a possible exacerbation of their illness in reality.

- a symbol of addiction, which can easily get out of control. You can proceed with the treatment carefully. Carefully review the medications you take. If sleep prescribes a special medicine for you, check with your doctor to see if you really need it.

Erotic dream book

Buying medicine in a dream- you are subconsciously afraid that your partner will be dissatisfied with you for any reason. And therefore you show extreme indecisiveness, while he (she) expects the exact opposite from you.

Take medicine- in the near future you will need the help and support of a loved one. Be careful when dating members of the opposite sex.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Medicines according to the dream book?

Do you see some medicine?- you should pay attention to your health.

More interpretations

If you accept it- your health may worsen. You can also spend a lot of money.

I dream that you are giving it to someone- you will soon overcome all problems.

You see how you drink some medicine, but it is very bitter- something will happen to you in the near future, something quite bad. If, on the contrary, it is quite tasty, you will not be able to avoid problems, but as soon as you solve them, you will be a winner.

I dreamed about you spitting it out- you can become bankrupt, and if you are poor, then your financial situation will improve.

Gets some medicine- the dream book foretells that your plans will not come true.

I dream about you giving it to someone- expect success.

You have been given a prescription for it- someone will give you a very expensive present.

Taking medicine against your will- it means you will quarrel with some relatives, and if you drink it willingly, you will live carefree.

If it's expired- in the future, many people will visit you, although you will happily meet them, but then you will feel some kind of inconvenience, since you will not fully understand which of them is your friend and which is your enemy.

A dream in which you sell medicine- you will soon receive smart advice from one of your relatives.

Video: Why do you dream about Medicines?

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A dream about medicine speaks of our experiences after suffering shocks.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may lose profits or money. Taking medicine in a dream means that you need to work hard to get out of a difficult situation. Sometimes such a dream means that someone showed their trust in you or reassured you in a difficult moment. Giving someone medicine or pills means that you have enemies or envious people who will try to harm you. Seeing or reading an abstract for a medicine in a dream is a sign that you have enemies whom you need to be wary of. Taking a pleasant-tasting medicine in a dream is a sign of help from friends in a difficult situation. Taking a tasteless medicine in a dream means that your life is as plain and inexpressive as the taste of the medicine. Seeing dried medicinal herbs in a dream is a warning that you need to take care of your health. Sometimes such a dream predicts a serious illness. Bitter medicine in a dream is a sign of trouble, grief, serious illness. If someone brought it or gave it to you, then that person is to blame for your troubles. If the person is unfamiliar to you, then trouble will happen unexpectedly. A dream in which you saw a doctor giving you a prescription for medicine means that you will expect help from a friend, but he will turn away from you or get away with excuses. Drinking an infusion of herbs in a dream means profit, which, however, will not make you very happy. Taking drops in a dream means a change of job or place of residence. If you dream that you are giving medicine to someone, then beware of losing a faithful friend whose expectations you will deceive. If in a dream you open a bottle of medicine or see it, then great experiences or illness await you. See also medicine, drugs, balm, opium.

Why do you dream about medicine according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Take expired medicine in a dream:
If you dreamed that you took expired medicine, then in real life you often think about death. You imagine your departure to another world, how your relatives will behave, what clothes you will wear, but, unfortunately, you do not even suspect that with such thoughts you are bringing your death closer.

Taking bitter medicine in a dream:
Drinking bitter medicine in a dream is a prophecy of great disappointment in a person dear to you. You will not be able to forgive him for what he did.

Why do you dream about medicine according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of medicine, unpleasant events await you; buying medicine in a dream means illness; ordering medicine in a dream - people are gossiping about you; find medicine in a dream - beware of a domestic thief; losing medicine in a dream means getting rid of a troublesome matter.

Why do you see drugs in dreams? According to dream interpreters, seeing something like this in a dream predicts new opportunities and meeting important people.

If you dreamed that you needed medicine in a dream, you will ask a loved one for help. If someone else has taken medication, they will ask you for advice. In order to explain in more detail the meaning of such a dream, try to remember the details: for example, under what circumstances the medications were taken, who they were intended for, and whether the pills had any effect.

Magic healing

If you look in the dream book, a medicine seen in a dream means an imminent change of place of residence. Perhaps you are looking forward to a simple housing expansion, but it could also mean moving to another city or country. If you have been dreaming about this for a long time, in the near future there will be the most favorable time for such a decision.

Why do you have a dream in which you give medicine to a stranger to relieve him of pain? The autumn dream book says that what you dreamed about is a symbol of a new acquaintance. Very soon you will meet a person who will become your devoted friend in the future, so take a closer look at him now and do not refuse support on any issue.

If in a dream you offered medicine to a friend or relative to take, you need to take care of your own health. Most likely, you will be able to avoid any illnesses if you do not neglect scheduled visits to the doctor and follow his recommendations.

Drug form

Why dream of drinking medicine in the form of syrup? The women's dream book explains the dream in which you were treated with syrups as upcoming pleasant expenses on yourself. Perhaps you will receive funds from an unexpected source and will finally be able to please yourself with new things.

If the medicine tasted sweet and you liked it, you will rejoice in reality at the good news that your colleague will tell you. If the syrup was bitter and had a disgusting smell, you will have to spend some time at home, caring for a sick household member, possibly a child. Don’t be upset, because the illness will quickly pass and you will forget about it in the blink of an eye.

The Women's Dream Book also interprets giving medicine to another person as a difficult situation in which you will find yourself. You will be faced with a choice - to protect your interests or common ones? Set your priorities wisely and try to predict how this or that choice will affect the future. In any case, remember that even if you make a mistake, it can always be corrected.

Why might you dream about medicines in the form of? This vision suggests that you will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goal. The dream book advises you to always remember the end result and not to stop in front of small and large obstacles, as sometimes it will seem to you that they are endless. You will become a winner faster than you think.

If in a vision you were treated with medicine in the form of a solution in an ampoule, taken and given injections, in reality you will be able to show leadership qualities and get a promotion. A pleasant addition to this will be an increased salary, as well as an enviable status among colleagues.

Applying medicine in the form of an ointment or cream to someone in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, is a very positive sign. In the coming days, you will be able to pay off an old debt or pay off most of it thanks to an extraordinary bonus at work. This will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and greatly improve your mood.

Seeing in a dream a medicine in the form of an infusion of herbs that was given to you to cure an illness - in reality you will have to sort things out with your loved one, since your “other half” will show their dissatisfaction and jealousy. Have a frank conversation and try to assure your loved one that there is no reason for separation, and convince him that you can only be truly happy when you are close.

Other meanings

What does it mean in a dream in which you ordered a rare medicine from a healer’s shop? In reality, you will have to experience a slight discord in family relationships. Lately, you have often begun to dictate your own rules without listening to anyone. Now you will have to learn to discuss your decisions with others in order to live in harmony and understanding.

If a woman in a dream saw a medicine that she wanted to take in a large dose in order to harm herself, in reality she experiences a lack of attention. The dream book advises making changes to your life so that it sparkles with new colors:

  • Start accustoming yourself to art, visit exhibitions and museums. Perhaps you yourself will discover the talent of an artist and be able to clearly express your emotions.
  • Meet old friends more often and make new acquaintances. Don't be afraid to make contacts in different areas of your environment. Different personalities will be able to bring novelty and zest to your everyday life.
  • Spend most of your free time with your family. You shouldn’t often stay late at work - it’s better to go to the park with your household and have a nice evening together.

Why might you have a dream in which you drank medicine, but immediately spat it out? In reality, there will be troubles regarding the visit of the spouse's relatives. At first you may not like the idea of ​​hosting these people, but after meeting them it will immediately become clear that these individuals are close to you not only in kinship, but also in spirit, in relation to life and many views on difficult issues. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

according to Miller's dream book

Taking a medicine that tastes good in a dream foreshadows complications that will soon change your life for the better. But if you take bitter medicine, you will suffer from a lingering illness, deep sadness or loss that will deprive you of self-control. Giving medicine to others means that you will harm someone who trusted you.

Why do you dream about medicine?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

accept - change of residence; giving - disappointment; prescribing or giving to patients is profit.

Why do you have a dream about illness?

according to Vanga's dream book

The appearance of this symbol in a dream should not be perceived as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, illness is sent to people as punishment for sins committed and to purify thoughts, feelings, and actions. For a person, this symbol is a warning that the time has come to reconsider one’s position and life values. A dream in which you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable illness indicates that in reality you committed an ugly act and in your soul you condemn yourself for a momentary weakness. Seeing someone close to you sick in a dream is a sign that in reality your loved ones need support and attention. In a dream, you saw crowds of people on the scorched earth, dying in the streets from a serious and incurable disease - this dream foreshadows an environmental disaster caused by the use of bacteriological weapons. Perhaps you will witness this disaster. Seeing yourself in a dream recovering from a serious illness means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation. If in a dream a person close to you died of a serious illness, this means damaged relationships and personal problems.

I dreamed about illness

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are sick promises you a slight illness or unpleasant conversations. For a young woman to see herself terminally ill means that she will soon highly appreciate the charm of being an unmarried girl. If you see a sick relative in a dream, this means that an unexpected event will disrupt the well-being of your home. Having rabies or hydrophobia warns you of the machinations of ill-wishers. If you are bitten by a rabid animal in a dream, beware of deception from a close friend in real life. Typhoid fever in a dream also warns you: be careful with your enemies and be attentive to your own health. Watching a typhus epidemic in a dream means unfavorable development of your business. Suffering from dropsy in a dream means a successful recovery from some disease. If someone else is sick with it, expect good news. Gangrene in a dream does not bode well for the future. Dysentery in a dream for you or your loved ones is also a bad omen. Be especially attentive to your affairs - failures are possible due to someone's negligence. Seeing yourself as mentally ill means an unexpected bad result of the work you have done or an illness that will most sadly change your prospects for the future. Getting sick with jaundice in a dream means a quick favorable resolution of difficult problems. Seeing others with this disease is a sign of disappointment in companions and discouraging prospects. Seeing in a dream that your child is sick with croup is generally a good omen: vain fears for your child will pass, and harmony will reign in the house. Gout in a dream promises you extraordinary irritation from the senseless stubbornness of one of your relatives, which will lead to small material losses. Getting infected with leprosy in a dream is a harbinger of a disease that will cause you to lose money and displease many people. Seeing people with this terrible disease means an unexpected turn in your affairs and love, which will discourage you. Curing someone from cancer is an omen of success in business and even wealth. Getting cancer means a quarrel with your loved one. After such a dream, a person may become depressed and neglect his affairs. Possible cooling in love, anxiety and restlessness. To see in a dream how cholera devastates a country foreshadows in reality an epidemic of a viral disease, many sad and anxious days. In general, any dream about illness means that you should be very attentive to your own person.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If a sick person dreams that he is sick, then he will soon recover. If a young man dreams of illness, then this dream will be a warning against bad company and ardor. If you dreamed that you were sick, then you are likely to become a victim of temptation. And if you don’t stand up to her, she will harm your character.

Seeing an illness in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Curable diseases indicate a favorable attitude towards the world around us. Many of us want to believe that we are good people who are able to make our contribution to the chronicle of humanity. And illness and recovery from it make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people. Illness reflects a self-destructive lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of the illness. Passing on a disease from someone means that you feel negatively about that person's influence on your life. If the illness is forbidden, such as AIDS or another sexually transmitted disease, then you are concerned about the moral side of your life. The disease also reflects the fears that sit within you, both rational (family history) and irrational (for example, a newspaper article as a trigger event). Is there anything unusual about this disease: for example, is it known only to a certain circle of people, or maybe it only manifests itself in the presence of specific people? The body often symbolizes the emotional content of your relationships with others. Are you trying to hide your illness and its consequences or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them?

Why do you dream about a hospital?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

christening; visiting or taking someone away is incredible news; to be in it is a lack of money, a stupid position; psychiatric, to be placed there is complete success, fame, recognition; being a doctor, nurse - successful things; get into the hospital - beware of the intrigues of the other sex.

I dreamed about a hospital

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself leaving the hospital means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who have tried to cause you a lot of trouble. Seeing a psychiatric hospital in a dream foretells you great mental stress with which you will overcome difficulties. If you dream that you are sick and in a hospital room, then this is a sign of an impending illness. Visiting the sick means unpleasant news.

Why do people dream about sick people?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

seeing yourself - to health; happy event; illness (fatal) - (literally) - a bad or fatal hobby; quick resolution of worries or desires.

The meaning of a dream about an elixir

according to Freud's dream book

Preparing the elixir of youth in a dream - soon you will meet a young man who will invite you to have sex. Men, be careful! Otherwise, the shock of such a proposal may be too strong. If you drink such an elixir, it means you need to change your attitude towards your children. Now you still think that they are small and can only think about toys and various trifles. However, this is not at all the case, proof of this will be the case awaiting you in the near future - your child will ask you a certain question, which you will have to answer frankly, without any jokes like “when you grow up, you will know.” To see in a dream how someone treats you to a miracle potion - the dream clearly indicates that you should not be afraid of anything, but rather quickly do everything that your soul (and, of course, your body!) so persistently demands.

Why do you dream about a pharmacy?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

ill health

Why do you dream about pain?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

liberation in what the sore spot means.

I dreamed about pain

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is usually caused by physical reasons and does not need such an interpretation. Sometimes experiencing pain in a dream foretells that you will soon have to experience a great misfortune. If you see others suffering from pain, then this dream is a warning against a possible mistake.

Seeing pain in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Physical. Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes the trigger event is an uncomfortable sleeping position; This is your body's way of telling you, “Honey, turn over.” Moreover, the ability of the mind to produce physical stimuli corresponding to the events of a dream is amazing in itself. From an emotional point of view, dreams with elements of physical reactions are more realistic, or, more correctly, more real. Often pain sensations are related to a specific area of ​​bodily injury. Such sensations are most appropriate in dreams where bruises, infections or amputations are present, and the physical sensations are accompanied by visual images. Try to remember exactly where the pain was felt and compare this part of the body with the aspects of your life most closely associated with it. Was the pain caused by you, another person, an object? Is it caused intentionally or accidentally? Was the pain so severe that it could lead to amputation, or was it simply inconvenient? Psychological. In dreams, we often encounter dilemmas that serve as sources of anxiety for the sleeper. Some things, the direct meaning of which is inaccessible to us, remain unknown as a result of introspection, since the traumatic effect of unraveling them can be truly destructive. If a dream is a source of psychological pain, it should be treated in much the same way as a dream in which physical pain is present. Is the pain so great that you need help, or does it only make itself known as a result of something happening quickly? How often does pain occur? Does the pain get worse or stay the same? Do residual pain bother you in real life and how does it affect your daily activities? Do you feel like you have the knowledge and resources to deal with your pain on your own, or do you feel like your pain is rooted in the depths of your memory? Depending on the answers you give to these questions, you may need professional help to deal with the psychological pain you experience in your dreams.

Why do you dream about a doctor?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see - losses for a woman in personal matters, for men - in business; dentist - to illness; meeting a doctor in society, in company - a sign of good luck, favor; loving consolation (for women); rise in life (for men); to be at a reception or to meet (young) - for money, (elderly) - for patronage, protection, (female doctor) - illness or troubles will pass.

I dreamed about a doctor

according to Miller's dream book

If a young girl dreams of a doctor, it means that she will sacrifice her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she is really unwell and therefore has such a dream, then it foretells illness and anxiety, which she will soon overcome, unless the doctor in her dream appears extremely worried - because in this case everything may end in loss and grief. If a woman in a dream is going to marry a doctor, this is a sign of possible deception in the future. A quack doctor trying in vain to cure you in a dream promises you anxiety and illness. If in a dream you come to a dentist for dental treatment, this is a sign of imminent disappointment. It is possible that the insincerity of loved ones will upset you. If you see a dentist treating a young girl’s teeth, in reality you should expect a real scandal among your friends.