First of all, the program is intended for experimenters in the field of the influence of various kinds of external influences (such as, for example, this program) on states of consciousness, psyche, etc., as well as for desperate people who have already tried many different methods, healing practices and nothing to them does not help, regardless of whether we are talking about health, family and personal life, financial problems, etc. This program is built on prayers and conspiracies - in principle, the standard “arsenal” used by the so-called “grandmothers”, to whom many turn (and quite successfully) when nothing from official means helps.

In a sense, the prayers and spells in this program are similar to Tibetan mantras, they also create good and healing vibrations, but you understand these prayers and spells because... they are pronounced in Russian, which includes your conscious participation in the process.

Program description:

The main result of the cleansing occurs three days after listening to this psychoactive audio program. After a week and a month, it is advisable to repeat it so that the result is permanent. Some may feel uncomfortable while listening, which may be considered normal because... changes occur in the aura and energy.

To work with the program, it is advisable to wear headphones, lie down comfortably or take another comfortable position and calmly listen to the recording.

Numerous studies and the identity of the results have become proof that prayers of different religions, said by any person, regardless of his religious affiliation, help to establish contact and interaction with the Supreme Beings represented around us at the quantum (in the form of the smallest energy particles) level: our prayers calls sound to the Forces of Light as an “SOS” signal, as a call for help. This help is immediately provided, expanding, normalizing and intensifying the glow of the aura.

For many years, scientists have been trying to study the energetic effects on the human body of such phenomena as prayers, internal work, meditation, creative hobbies, and joyful experiences. Cleansing with prayers has only a positive and healing effect. When special devices are connected to a person during prayer work, they record the process of normalization of pulse, pressure, blood composition and other important parameters.

Cleansing with prayers must be carried out taking into account the established rules that were set out 1500 years ago. But now not all people understand their importance and significance. Prayers should not just be read, but have meaning and create creation. That is, every person who wants to cleanse his own body must pray with his soul, feelings and emotions. Then, in the process of reading, an image of unity with the Higher Principles and God himself will be created.

When a person directly turns to God through prayer, he is completely cleansed of bad actions and thoughts. In this way, one can prepare to perceive celestial influence and subtle cosmic energy. Then cleansing prayers will be beneficial for a person. Grace and balance will be reborn in the heart.

Why is prayer needed?

Everyone knows that all diseases occur after stressful situations, which are increasingly occurring in everyday life. Every day hundreds of people experience sensory experiences. In order to restore your health, you need to pay special attention to these emotions. Cleansing with prayers and asking God helps you relax and calm down. They are able to neutralize the negative impact, because the Mind works during reading. It sends impulses of health, well-being, healing and purification.

Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that if a person, while reading a prayer, was guided by such components as Mind, Life and Soul, then he underwent complete cleansing. In this way, you can get rid of damage and curses, improve and completely restore your own health. A large number of people were able to cleanse themselves of negative thoughts and illnesses forever.

The main mechanism of cleansing prayer

Cleansing with prayers helps to release and neutralize all negative potentials from the aura. It is very important that a person repents and goes through the process of reconciliation, then he will have an exclusively positive charge inside. Girls and children undergo a purification process, and men restore their own health.

The main feature of any prayer is its systematicity. It has been noted more than once that after regular morning rituals a person is given health and internal strength. Such days turn out well and become favorable for any endeavors. But don’t forget about evening cleansing prayers, which can neutralize possible stresses that arise during the day. Thanks to such a simple ritual, you can calm the nervous system, normalize physiological indicators and fall into a healthy night's sleep.

The Importance of Proper Praying for Healing

Today, many people are constantly faced with various diseases and want to get rid of them completely. Correct prayer for healing will help cope with such problems. You should not think that the body itself can destroy diseases; such thinking does not correspond to the will of God. You need to read the Epistle of James and understand his writings to find answers to your questions.

The Bible says that healing a person is the will of God, so it is necessary not only to pray every day, but also to accept the Lord himself. In these scriptures you need to find places where there is a mention of healing from all kinds of diseases. They are read exclusively out loud, then these words will fall into the person’s heart. Such a prayer for healing will help the patient believe in his recovery.

If a person regularly attends church, but the illness does not recede, then it is necessary to think about the reasons. First of all, you should learn to correctly address the Lord and the saints and sincerely ask for healing. As an example, we can cite an appeal to Saint Matrona, who helps many people to heal: “O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on earth, and with the grace given to you from above, exuding various miracles.”

The effect of conspiracies and their help to man

Cleansing with prayers and spells is the pronunciation of magic words and formulas so that a person can be healed of various ailments. The combinations and rhythm of pronunciation include certain vibrations that activate energy characteristics. When a person resorts to a conspiracy, then all spoken words are aimed directly at solving specific healing problems. This is how the human energy field is influenced.

The physical and energetic body of each person has a special connection, so after a certain time you can notice a very visible result in the field of physiology. The disease will gradually recede, and the general condition will improve. People often report an increase in vitality and mental stability.

Cleansing and healing sessions from Vitaly Vedun

Today, Vitaly Vedun helps people with various illnesses by singing psalms and prayers. Cleansing with prayers is a kind of healing balm for a wounded soul. Every person who regularly listens to the singing of psalms will be able to come into contact with the main Orthodox prayers. Vitaly Vedun is a dedicated person who has enormous power, so he can give healing to all believers.

During the first sessions, uncomfortable sensations may appear; this is a natural process. The person’s condition will gradually return to normal after the end of the prayer.

For many years, scientists have been trying to study the energetic effects on the human body of such phenomena as prayers, internal work, meditation, creative hobbies, and joyful experiences. Cleansing with prayers has only a positive and healing effect. When special devices are connected to a person during prayer work, they record the process of normalization of pulse, pressure, and other important parameters.

How to properly perform cleansing with prayers?

Cleansing with prayers must be carried out taking into account the established rules that were set out 1500 years ago. But now not all people understand their importance and significance. Prayers should not just be read, but have meaning and create creation. That is, every person who wants to cleanse his own body must pray with his soul, feelings and emotions. Then, in the process of reading, an image of unity with the Higher Principles and God himself will be created.

When a person directly turns to God through prayer, he is completely cleansed of bad actions and thoughts. In this way, one can prepare to perceive celestial influence and subtle cosmic energy. Then cleansing prayers will be beneficial for a person. Grace and balance will be reborn in the heart.

Why is prayer needed?

Everyone knows that all diseases occur after stressful situations, which are increasingly occurring in everyday life. Every day hundreds of people experience sensory experiences. In order to restore your health, you need to pay special attention to these emotions. Cleansing with prayers and asking God helps you relax and calm down. They are able to neutralize the negative impact, because the Mind works during reading. It sends impulses of health, well-being, healing and purification.

Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that if a person, while reading a prayer, was guided by such components as Mind, Life and Soul, then he underwent complete cleansing. In this way, you can get rid of damage and curses, improve and completely restore your own health. A large number of people were able to cleanse themselves of negative thoughts and illnesses forever.

The main mechanism of cleansing prayer

Cleansing with prayers helps to release and neutralize all negative potentials from the aura. It is very important that a person repents and goes through the process of reconciliation, then he will have an exclusively positive charge inside. Girls and children undergo a purification process, and men restore their own health.

The main feature of any prayer is its systematicity. It has been noted more than once that after regular morning rituals a person is given health and internal strength. Such days turn out well and become favorable for any endeavors. But don’t forget about evening cleansing prayers, which can neutralize possible stresses that arise during the day. Thanks to such a simple ritual, you can calm the nervous system, normalize physiological indicators and fall into a healthy night's sleep.

The Importance of Proper Praying for Healing

Today, many people are constantly faced with various diseases and want to get rid of them completely. Correct prayer for healing will help cope with such problems. You should not think that the body itself can destroy diseases; such thinking does not correspond to the will of God. You need to read the Epistle of James and understand his writings to find answers to your questions.

The Bible says that healing a person is the will of God, so it is necessary not only to pray every day, but also to accept the Lord himself. In these scriptures you need to find places where there is a mention of healing from all kinds of diseases. They are read exclusively out loud, then these words will fall into the person’s heart. Such a prayer for healing will help the patient believe in his recovery.

If a person regularly attends church, but the illness does not recede, then it is necessary to think about the reasons. First of all, you should learn to correctly address the Lord and the saints and sincerely ask for healing. As an example, we can cite an appeal to Saint Matrona, who helps many people to heal: “O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on earth, and with the grace given to you from above, exuding various miracles.”

The effect of conspiracies and their help to man

Cleansing with prayers and spells is the pronunciation of magic words and formulas so that a person can be healed of various ailments. The combinations and rhythm of pronunciation include certain vibrations that activate energy characteristics. When a person resorts to a conspiracy, then all spoken words are aimed directly at solving specific healing problems. This is how the impact on

The physical and energetic body of each person has a special connection, so after a certain time you can notice a very visible result in the field of physiology. The disease will gradually recede, and the general condition will improve. People often report an increase in vitality and mental stability.

Cleansing and healing sessions from Vitaly Vedun

Today, Vitaly Vedun helps people with various illnesses by singing psalms and prayers. Cleansing with prayers is a kind of healing balm for a wounded soul. Every person who regularly listens to the singing of psalms will be able to come into contact with the main Orthodox prayers. Vitaly Vedun is a dedicated person who has enormous power, so he can give healing to all believers.

During the first sessions, uncomfortable sensations may appear; this is a natural process. The person’s condition will gradually return to normal after the end of the prayer.

It is believed that there are no two identical souls, just as there are no identical fingerprints. Each person is individual and carries a special charge of energy, which is surrounded by a biofield. It is possible to see and examine it only by being chosen or with the help of special devices. But everyone can feel it.

It is this outer shell that is called the aura. It protects the human body from external energetic influences, reflects its internal state and diagnoses various diseases.

Cleansing the body shell

Sometimes circumstances in a person’s life begin to develop in such a way that one gets the impression of an ongoing black streak: depression, fatigue appear, interest in what one loves is lost, various diseases and ailments arise. The reason for this situation is clear and simple - breakdowns in the human biofield.

When diagnosing a damaged aura and its energy centers (chakras), we can come to the following conclusion: if an individual experiences failures and problems, the fault is due to damage to the biofield. There is no need to think that the person is damaged. This is not entirely true. A hole in the aura occurs due to involuntary negativity towards a person, surgical intervention or severe stress. In this case, you can turn to a psychic or cleanse the aura with prayer - on your own.

Healing Prayers

Experienced experts argue that cleansing does not have to be done with the help of a Christian prayer taken from a prayer book. You can also use a simple appeal to the Almighty in any form, and also visit the temple of God. In this way, not only will there be a call to the Lord for help, but also a purification of one’s own thoughts.

Prayer-appeal to the saints helps during the fight against bad energy. It can be used to protect against such negative influences as a love spell, evil eye, damage or curse. You need to read this prayer every day for 30 days, at approximately the same period of time. If the ritual is carried out only for preventive purposes, experts recommend reading the prayer for a week.

Prayer "Our Father"

The question arises: “Which prayer for cleansing the aura is best? The most popular and popular for Orthodox Christians is the “Our Father.” Cleaning the aura with prayer to replenish it with energy should occur at least 3 times a day.

In order to carry out the ritual correctly, the prayer must be known by heart. According to professionals, to achieve results you need to pronounce the text 7 times. Cleaning the aura with prayer is carried out in the morning or in the evening, regardless of favorable or unfavorable indications according to the lunar calendar. In the case where the negative effect is confirmed by diagnostics, it is recommended to do cleansing for the waning month.

During the ritual, there are times when the person praying begins to cough, yawn, hiccup, or feel the urge to vomit. This indicates that there were breakdowns in the biofield.

Prayer for cleansing the aura from damage

“The Lord God is everywhere and in everything” is a religious postulate. But most people do not believe in this statement because they cannot see the Almighty. Yes, any person does not see either the Lord or his helpers for the simple reason that all prophets, saints and representatives of the Creator are on the quantum level. That is, at a height invisible to the human eye.

But an invocation prayer is capable of combining the energy of a person’s biofield with the quanta of light from higher powers. A huge number of discharges release auxiliary energy, with the help of which the biofield of the asking person is enriched and compacted. However, this process is not long-term, because the width and density of the aura is not a constant value. Energy is spent on all sorts of physiological processes occurring in the body, and the aura becomes thinner.

Cleaning the aura with prayers should take place a couple of times during the year for preventive purposes and in situations where a person feels damage, the evil eye or a love spell.

The Power of Prayer

It is believed that a person who has cancer and is in an inoperable stage, calling on God, lives 5 years longer. Medicine and science have encountered cases of complete recovery of such patients. Psychologists and psychoneuropathologists are confident that reading prayers alleviates the general condition of mentally ill people.

Compositions by Lucien Chamballani - cleansing the aura with prayers, music for meditation, attracting mutual love and money, performing healing massages, relaxation for pregnant women. By listening to compositions every day for 2 weeks, a person is able to get rid of nervous and mental illnesses. In practice, it has been proven that the composer’s music has a positive effect even on those people who did not believe in its effect.

Against the background of the melodies of Shamballani, bells sound, responding in the soul of every person praying with the echo of what has been experienced, painful, and urgent. It’s like a pianist presses the right key and produces a unique melody consisting of the right sounds.

Cleansing the aura with the prayers of Lucien Chamballani

Lucien Chamballani was born in Ukraine, where he now lives. He loves his homeland and the island of Khortitsa, considering it an inexhaustible source of his inspiration.

As you know, the composer began writing music at the age of 6. His mother is a professional pianist, his father plays the guitar, and his grandparents’ activities are also closely related to musical creativity. The composer's grandfather was an opera singer, and his grandmother in her youth was fond of playing the mandolin and balalaika.

Lucien is one of the few composers who gives away his music for free. All his compositions are widely available to the people. Anyone who wants to listen to the author’s compositions can listen to the works for free.

I call you into my heart, I call you into my life.
I accept you with love and joy, for you are the energies of new life, you are life-creating energies, you are the energies of my strength and my power.
I urge you and affirm with this my intention to move, my intention to cooperate, my intention to the joy of accepting something new.
I thank all the Forces of Light who are participants in this moment.
I am the light attracting Light.


Beloved - the energies of Love, Joy, Unity!
Beloved Energy of Power!
I ask you to attune me in the best and optimal way for the highest good with every Living One with whom I come into contact in the process of moving towards the Light.
For I express my love through interaction with every particle of the Creator.
And also, tune me in with everyone I meet during the day so that communication with me is comfortable for those around me.
May I abide in the goodness of love for all that exists.

(to work with the Forces of Light)

Beloved Forces of Light.
I express my intention of love, devotion and gratitude through my work with you.
I ask you to attune me to the energy of those Forces of Light with which I will be working.
I ask you to attune me to the energy of those aspects and qualities of my Essence that are important to me now.
I express and affirm my readiness for this work and thank you for your cooperation, care and love shown in your response.


This practice is aimed at daily renewal and transformation of DNA cells - it is effective for the gradual elimination of all negative life programs and the launch of new programs of love, joy, lightness, unity and Light!

Before you start, take three deep breaths and lift your top up, opening your palms.


“I open myself to New Energies and vibrations of Divine Love! I open myself completely: my body, all my organs, every cell, DNA codes for transformation, renewal, recoding negative DNA codes into codes of Love, Joy, Lightness, Unity and Light!”

- Conduct a meditation for 5-10 minutes: light energy goes through the palms and fills the whole body with Light and Love. Negative energy goes out through the legs and feet into the ground.
- Track all sensations in the body, thoughts that appear - direct the Light to all negative manifestations. See how everything that causes you discomfort dissolves in the Light and leaves through the Earth.
- Finish the practice with words of Gratitude - as soon as you feel that you have been filled with a new state of Joy and love!


I turn to you with a request-call to cleanse My House, My Temple from fear (name the name of fear) and ask you to do this in the shortest possible time.
I accept with gratitude and love all the processes that will occur in my life, i.e. in all my bodies, during this cleansing and liberation, for I realize - in love and devotion - that this appeal was made in a timely manner and in my great aspiration towards the goal of reunification and merging of my part of the world with the One Radiance of Life.


I ask the Rays of energies of the Yin and Yang Channels to teach my heart to accept and distinguish all the Gifts of Life.
I know that everything that is given to me is given for my good.
I ask Yin\Yang energy to help me accept all the Gifts of Life in this way.
I ask you to keep me from all actions, intentions, emotions, thoughts and feelings that can cause schadenfreude in me or which themselves are schadenfreude.
I affirm my intention for joy and lightness.
I affirm my distinction between gloating and joy.
I affirm my distinction between pride and self-respect.
I affirm my choice of joy and the purification of gloating from evil by transforming gloating into joy, as well as by transforming pride into healthy self-esteem.


Thank you for your love and immense help in my self-transformation.
I call you into every cell of my body, into its very essence.
Let every particle of me, my bodies, my formations be filled with the Light of your Rays, your vibrations.
I urge you to quickly penetrate into your essence and accept all changes in yourself with gratitude, trust and love.
For this appeal to you is caused by my intention of preparing for a speedy Ascension together with other participants in this process.
I thank you and confirm my love and intention to cooperate with you.

Simultaneously with the call for cellular cleansing, it is advisable to do


I encourage you to show love, gratitude and acceptance of all the changes that occur in me.
Knowing what is happening to me, in me - as a part of the One Whole - helps me maintain calm, a joyful feeling of freedom and love, fearlessness and tenderness towards All Living Things.
I ask you to show in me the Divine Responsibility and the Divine Quality of involvement in everything that happens through awareness in my heart, in every cell of mine - part of the whole, part of the Unified process of Life, which is Love.
May I remain in the power of the Ray of Divine Power and the Brotherhood of All That Is.


Thank you for your work and for your response to my appeals to you.
I am turning to you with a request - a call to help me in receiving an answer from the Group of Lightworkers of the planet Sirius.
I ask you to express my connection with this Group in the most harmonious way.
I ask, after the end of the communication session, to restore in me the pattern of Divine Energies that was manifested in me before this appeal.
May I remain in an inescapable desire for Light and merging in It with all that exists, created by the Creator in His Love for all His Creation.

The form of the “conversation” is arbitrary, but this is what I wrote down as the “structure” of the request.

1. Give your consent to this Group to work with you on the discovery and development of straight-knowledge in you (including your ability for holographic vision) through harmonization and balancing of the chakras.
2. Confirm your intention to cooperate with New Energies.

Attunement with the Ray of Freedom Power (from El Morya)

(read first, think about it, the wording of the intention can be changed)

Beloved - energies of Strength, Power, Freedom.

I ask you to attune me in the best possible way to the connection and manifestation in me of the Divine Ray of the Power of Freedom.

Thank you, beloved, for your love and help.

I accept with gratitude all manifestations of the process associated with connecting with the Ray of Freedom Power.

I realize that this call was made by me in a timely manner and is a manifestation of my intention to serve (or, alternatively, help) humanity (and all the Forces that help humanity) in its changes.

I confirm my intention to cooperate with you.