If you dreamed about India, such a dream represents self-knowledge, discovering talents and communicating with a large number of new people. Seeing India in a panoramic view from an airplane means that a grandiose event in life awaits you, which will change the usual course of things for the better.

Why might you dream that you live in India? Such a dream predicts that one of your colleagues is jealous of your achievements at work, and at the same time is trying to take your position and place. Don’t worry, all his plans will collapse, because you have not only proven yourself among your colleagues a long time ago, but are also in good standing with your superiors!

Why do you dream about India, where you were going on a trip in a dream? This dream means that you will have to spend your next vacation at home without going anywhere. Don’t be discouraged, you will be able to do the things you love that you simply didn’t have time for before. Also, you will definitely meet with friends and have a great time. Allow yourself to relax!

If in your dreams you tried on Indian clothes, the dream suggests that you are a very versatile person who never ceases to improve himself. It is for these qualities that new people are so often drawn to you - you radiate positive energy and charge those around you with a good mood.

Why might one dream of driving around India in a dream, choosing a place for? Such a dream for a young girl means that she will soon find a gentleman worthy of her. If communication with him interests you in the first minutes, it is quite possible that such an acquaintance will end in a strong union. For a man, the dream promises successful completion of the work he has started.

But if you dreamed that on a trip to India you married a native of this colorful country, the dream means that in real life the relationship with your loved one has lost some “zest.” You just need to spend more time with your “other half”, and feelings will flare up on their own. Pay special attention to this, and everything will be as before again.

If you look into the dream book, India, where you had a chance to try traditional cuisine, means that soon you will have a long-awaited meeting with all your relatives, with your large family. You may have to spend some time on the road for this, but believe me, it's really worth it. Family ties simply need to be maintained.

The secret of great culture

How does a dream interpreter interpret being an Indian in a dream? The dream means that in the near future your interests will change and you will begin to be interested in new things, and come up with a new, unusual hobby for yourself. Watching an Indian movie in a dream predicts a long plane flight to your cherished goal. Perhaps it will be a business trip, but there is a high probability of a personal trip.

If in a dream you tried to learn the Indian language, this means:

  • You will encounter difficulties in communicating with your superiors. You will be sure that you are right, but this time you will step over yourself and give in. This will discourage your opponent, and next time he will not find fault with you on any issue.
  • A minor quarrel with household members on a domestic topic. Be more tolerant and try to consider the issue from different sides - most likely, there is no need for an argument.
  • You may experience disappointment in the person you were hoping for. Be sure to listen to him, because the apology will probably satisfy you, and you will maintain the same relationship for a very long time.

If India was depicted on a map in a dream, and you looked at it, the dream says that the day will soon come when your old dream will come true. If in a dream you are lost in India, in reality you will not have time to complete an important task by the appointed time. Don't get upset, just be confident and ask for a deferment. The deadline will be pushed back, and you won’t feel guilty. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Our experts will help you find out what India means in your dreams, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that I was in India, there were a lot of Indian women around, everyone was preparing for the arrival of the owner, I was wearing a sari and a beautiful red scarf tied on my back, they told me that this should be laid under my feet. I was walking along a long corridor, like in the film * The Magnificent Century * beauty All around, they tell me that everything is fine with my son.

    I was in India, sitting in a cafe, talking to a friend (I was jealous of him), then I ran down the street looking for someone’s house (I don’t know whose), I couldn’t find it. When I was returning back on the bus, I couldn’t find Indian coins in my bag, so I pulled out small figurines of animals from my wallet and gave them to the driver. And I woke up.

    Hello! I keep dreaming about traveling to India, and once there I start having troubles, not knowing the language, etc. sometimes I look for work there, the fact is that I have never dreamed of India. Thank you!

    I had a dream that my sister and I were buying chewing gum and we had to pay, but we were sent to the bank, on the way I saw a cola and wanted to buy it, they told me that it costs 5 thousand rupees. I didn’t know how much it would cost and I refused it, but we found a bank and then I woke up

    I see a dream from my own face. not from the outside, as an observer, that is, I am not Hindu. Dreamed of Hindu children. It's like I'm among them in the poorest parts of India. Dilapidated frail huts and they look out from there. Two orphan brothers lived in the same house. One was about 8 years old, and the second was 12 or 13. The younger one constantly learned words and asked me their meaning, and the older one was more interested in technology. So I came to visit them one day. A woman from the neighboring house, which looked like a chaotic pile of boards like a child’s halabuda, shouted out that one of them was called Ashot, that they were not here and that I had nothing to do here. I started shouting the name Ashot, but no one responded in the vicinity. Suddenly, from the house, above the roof, next to that “halabuda”, the head of a boy appeared - the youngest of the brothers. He smiled and again began shouting the words he had learned in my absence. He went downstairs, opened the door and let me into the house. There was another elder on the threshold. They said that the woman did not like them and called the younger or older one “Ashot.” I then remember a table and a bunch of different things in the spirit of old phone models and so on.

    Sudden flight to India for vacation. My friend and I bought tickets at the back of the plane. Arrivals on an old plane showed us a room with dirty bed linen. She made the bedding change. Then a flight to Delhi with a friend.

    A dream about India), I flew in for two weeks and settled in some shack with a small Indian), I went for a walk, talked with the locals, swam, my phone was stolen, then I found an Indian who says that he sells stolen phones, he gave it to me for that), I met a girl I know long older than me much, I like him very much.
    And in reality I was planning to go to India with a friend, but it didn’t work out

    I don’t remember how, but my wife and I ended up in India, and upon arrival there we were kidnapped. At first we were placed in a brothel, but soon the police closed it down. While communicating with the policeman, he explained to me that this often happens here (for some reason we hired each other) and in the end the same policeman brought us to another place where they were engaged in fighting without rules, I had to fight, I don’t know what happened to my wife at that time , at some point, a large number of fighters from this club rebelled and I, having found my wife in this house, was able to run away with her, but there was a chase after us. They overtook us at the bazaar (everyone was dressed in national Indian clothes), I had to fight again. At some point, I grabbed a knife from the counter and was able to wound two of my pursuers (but not fatally, one in the leg and the other in the arm). Panic began in the market and we were able to escape. They ran and ran and found themselves on the bank of the river along which they wanted to go, but when they saw a snake there they turned around because they were barefoot. Then we caught a gray taxi; my wife got in and it started moving without waiting for me. I ran after him for a long time but could not catch up. Then I found myself in some large multi-story building with round floors. This is what I remember...

A different country may mean your period of life in some other situation (different from the one that should have been or that you wanted to have), meeting with acquaintances who did not recognize you may also mean other different circumstances, completely different from those , what you expected (or are expecting), and which also speaks of a significant noticeable change in you or something in your life, hugged and cried - this may indicate that you are consoled by some things that are associated with something - then it is very dear to you in life. It looks like a dream - a reflection, in my opinion, about your “strange” position or desire in such a concept as “love”.

Dream Interpretation - Indian Cinema

Irina, if we project your dream onto life, then in your life there is no story at least somewhat similar? Perhaps in fragments, a general idea... Rich and poor are two poles of the same person, it seems to me... Men.. Duality within him... Rich and poor as an internal state, was with you - was rich in feelings, love, separated and became impoverished, having lost you and your relationship... In this sense... Most likely you continue to communicate...

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream about India?

Modern dream book

A person who made a trip to India in a dream will unexpectedly become the owner of a large inheritance in the near future.

Carefully examining sculptures and frescoes in Indian temples is a sign that you will soon become seriously interested in the occult sciences.

Why do you dream about India?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To be in India is to start a new business, find yourself in a new, unfamiliar environment and experience anxiety from it.

Why do you dream about India?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

India - Dreaming of an Indian actually means your unacknowledged desires.

Seeing India in a dream means you will develop new hobbies related to spiritual practice, unconventional methods of treatment or religion. If you dream of India at night on a fast day, you will go on a long journey, from which you will return spiritually enriched.

A trip to India means a large inheritance.

Being in an Indian temple - being in the temple, you look at the walls, the frescoes - you will begin to see a mystical background in everything.

To dream that you have already lived in India or traveled there - your material level of well-being will decrease.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

27 lunar day

The dream is intended to rid the dreamer of erroneous ideas about his life. It demonstrates the depth of differences between illusion and the real state of affairs. Such dreams can only be beneficial if they are interpreted correctly.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

Why does a woman dream about India:

Egypt, India - secret influences, spiritual knowledge, teachings. Like all exotic countries, they can reflect fruitless desires and dreams.

1 India by Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing India in a dream means:

Dreaming of an Indian actually means your unacknowledged desires.

Seeing India in a dream means you will develop new hobbies related to spiritual practice, unconventional methods of treatment or religion. If you dream of India at night on a fast day, you will go on a long journey, from which you will return spiritually enriched.

A trip to India means a large inheritance.

Being in an Indian temple - being in the temple, you look at the walls, the frescoes - you will begin to see a mystical background in everything.

To dream that you have already lived in India or traveled there - your material level of well-being will decrease.

1 India by Dream book of Nina Grishina

India in a dream in the dream book is interpreted as:

To be in India is to start a new business, find yourself in a new, unfamiliar environment and experience anxiety from it.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 India by Modern dream book

India in a dream means:

A person who made a trip to India in a dream will unexpectedly become the owner of a large inheritance in the near future.

Carefully examining sculptures and frescoes in Indian temples is a sign that you will soon become seriously interested in the occult sciences.

1 India by Modern dream book

Indian dream meaning:

Seeing an Indian in your dream actually signifies your unacknowledged desires.