And people, but it usually seems that such creatures cannot exist in reality. Meanwhile, experiments have been carried out more than once around the world involving the crossing of people with animals in order to produce offspring. And although information about such experiments was classified, something became known to the curious.

Centaurs and Harpies

Hybrids between humans and animals or birds are often mentioned in myths, legends and fairy tales. Typically, such chimeras resemble both parents, but inherit human and animal traits only in certain ways. Except that in Ancient Egypt the gods looked like people with animal heads - in other myths and legends, hybrids of humans and animals usually have human faces and even often have the gift of human speech. For example, centaurs are horses with a human head, torso and arms. At the same time, people with horse heads are not mentioned in myths.

Centaurs were distinguished by their violent disposition and treated people rather hostilely. And harpies - half-women, half-birds - generally hated people. The hostility was mutual: the attitude of the ancients towards chimeras can be described as negative. However, at all times there were inquisitive minds who were interested in what would happen as a result of crossing people with animals.

Secret experiments

Any experiments involving humans are quite controversial from an ethical point of view. And above all, this applies to experiments, the purpose of which is to obtain offspring from humans and animals. Therefore, such research by scientists has always been kept secret.

The most famous are the experiments of the Russian and later Soviet scientist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. He did many experiments on crossing different species of animals, and later decided to breed a hybrid of humans and monkeys. Several experiments were conducted in which chimpanzees were artificially inseminated with human sperm taken from volunteers. However, not a single monkey became pregnant as a result of these experiments.

Ivanov's next experiment involved inseminating female volunteers with monkey sperm. From his travels in Africa, where the first experiments on crossing humans and chimpanzees were carried out, Ivanov brought back three dozen monkeys. However, by the time the scientist received approval from the authorities to conduct the insemination experiment, it turned out that the only orangutan that had reached sexual maturity, who was at that moment on the territory of the experimental station in Sukhumi, had died. A new batch of monkeys appeared at the station only in 1930, but the scientist was no longer able to conduct experiments: he was arrested and sent into exile, where he continued to engage in scientific work, but could no longer conduct bold experiments.

Were there chimeras?

There is a legend that Ilya Ivanov nevertheless achieved success and was able, during his African wanderings, to breed a race of half-humans, half-monkeys. In sources that do not inspire confidence, you can read that as a result of such misalliances, tall, hairy creatures were obtained, distinguished by great strength and efficiency. Their only drawback is the lack of ability to reproduce, which, however, is typical for hybrids.

It is unlikely that something like this is really possible. Ivanov did not stay in Africa for long, and took with him all the monkeys that were fertilized. In addition, if the opportunity to obtain cheap labor through interspecific crossing really existed, then this opportunity would certainly be actively used by the authorities both in the Soviet Union, which was experiencing the era of industrialization, and in Africa. However, there are no official references to chimeras, even indirect ones.

Modern experiments in the crossing of humans and animals suggest something more than the fertilization of females of one species with sperm from representatives of another species. Experimenters are trying to mix DNA by inserting human cells into animal eggs. Such experiments require pinpoint precision and serious costs, so before, until science was so developed, they were simply impossible. Conventional fertilization turns out to be ineffective - female monkeys do not become pregnant from humans, just as women do not become pregnant from monkeys. And although sexual intercourse between different species of primates is possible, such relationships are sterile.


In 2015, the experiments of English scientists in growing hybrids of humans and monkeys were declassified. The purpose of the experiments was not so much to breed chimeras as to obtain human genetic material for medical purposes. Although such experiments were initially prohibited, the British government decided not to restrict research in this area.

At the same time, such experiments are carried out under the vigilant control of the authorities. A special council was created to monitor the experiments before amending the legislation. There is a lot of controversy regarding making such amendments, since the experiment seems unethical and even potentially dangerous to some extent. And although there is no talk of growing full-fledged chimeras yet (scientists propose limiting ourselves to embryos), the experiment can always get out of control.

If human-animal hybrids are born, it will lead to many problems. The status of these creatures is not entirely clear - whether they will have the rights of people, or whether they will be equated with animals. And this is far from the only issue that worries those who oppose the law.

What should such experiments give the world? Scientists say that crossing humans with monkeys should help make breakthroughs in the treatment of a number of diseases that are now considered incurable. Such experiments allow us to avoid conducting experiments on human volunteers and obtain the necessary genetic materials.

Hybrids of animals and people that really exist

Godless experiments. In Britain and the USA they will crossbreed humans with animals.
Experiments on crossing humans and animals at the cellular level have been carried out in the United States for a long time, but so far such work is carried out only in some private clinics and is financed from private sources. Naturally, this affects the “scale and quality of research.” If a powerful government resource is connected, “significant results” can be achieved much faster.

Many analysts believe that the decision will be made positively, since this issue has already been raised several times, and behind the scenes many experts spoke about its “benefit and necessity,” but now this issue will be resolved at the official legislative level.

According to the ministry's experts, such experiments will lead to important discoveries in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as in the treatment of infertility, growing organs for transplantation and in other areas.

First of all, it is proposed to grow “spare parts” for our body in “animal incubators”, which supposedly “will not be rejected.” However, where such research may ultimately lead, hardly anyone can say. “Games” with nature are fraught with many dangers.

The proposal already has reasonable critics. “Suppose we have pigs with human brains and they ask why we experiment on them. Or we will create human bodies with animal brains and say that they are not people, and we can experiment with them and take away organs for transplantation. I'm talking about extremes, but 15-20 years ago creating chimeric embryos seemed extreme,” said Stuart Newman, a fellow at the New York Medical College (2).

In Britain, experiments on the crossing of humans and apes were carried out secretly for a number of years. The secret experiments became known after a group of leading British scientists officially warned about the possibility of repeating the plot of the science fiction novel “Planet of the Apes,” in which experiments on crossing the genes of primates and humans lead to irreversible consequences. The researchers called for formal regulations to prevent this possibility.

A document has been prepared following consultation with the Human Tissue Authority, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority and the UK Academy of Medical Sciences.

“Low priority will be given to studies that are already routine, such as using mice with human cancer tumors to study the effects of drugs. High priority is given to experiments that need to be proven to be scientifically valuable and ethically acceptable. In this case, we are talking about experiments on primates, transplantation of human brain tissue into animals, or the creation of animals that resemble humans in appearance (!)

Experiments in the latter category will require justification for their public health benefits. As a result, scientists will be able to legally conduct experiments on animals that have brains “similar to humans,” or using human eggs and sperm in animals,” the Russian Agency for Medical and Social Information reports in a detailed article “Centaurs and mermaids - the realities of tomorrow ? (3) How can one not recall here the mythical creatures described in various legends?

The UK government has expressed hope, notes The Times, that simplification of the rules for creating human-animal hybrids will turn the country into a world center for such research, which could lead to major discoveries aimed at eliminating the shortage of donor organs. The publication explains that new technologies will help in the future to grow custom organs in sheep or pigs.

The scientific world regularly discusses experiments to create mutant chimeras whose bodies contain human and animal genes. For example, researchers from the Stanford University Stem Cell Institute conducted experiments...

The scientific world regularly discusses experiments to create mutant chimeras whose bodies contain human and animal genes. For example, researchers from the Stanford University Stem Cell Institute conducted experiments on growing mouse embryos into whose brains human embryos were introduced...

Can a person get pregnant from a dog? They say there were cases... They say... But only where and who? Such information usually appears either in correspondence between teenagers, or on websites (magazines, newspapers) that seek to attract the visitor’s attention to their resource in any way. And this is called a “duck” or “move”. And the gullible reader, who until this moment knew the answer to the question, suddenly begins to think. What if such a miracle is really possible?

Of course, progress is continuous and does not stand still, but even Homo sapiens is unable to step over the laws of nature. The answer to the question of whether a person can get pregnant from a dog is obvious - no. Definitely. And we will prove it.

Debunking the Myth

Fertilization of the egg of one animal with the sperm of another is impossible. The process can be successful only if the pairs of genes in question are functionally identical. The difference in structure and development between us and animals poses an insurmountable barrier. Even with direct sexual intercourse between a person and an animal, conception will not occur.

What about the crossing process?

A natural question. Let's consider it too. If we assume a natural process, then crossing is possible. But only for genetically close relatives. For example, when crossing a donkey with a horse, a mule may be born, but it will no longer be fertile. Anyone interested in history has heard about Ivanov’s unsuccessful attempts to obtain a “man-ape” hybrid. Many years of attempts still ended in failure. The similarity between apes and humans is undoubtedly great. However, the difference in the chromosome set rejects the beginning of the onset in the vestibule. So can a person become pregnant from a dog if crossing him even with the closest animals in terms of genotype is impossible? Once again the answer is obvious: no! Do you want it simpler? Please. There are completely different DNAs here! The responsibility of the chromosome set does not end with reproductive functions. That's why it's a set, to include everything - character, color, appearance, internal structure, skeleton, skull, and...

Everything is different. And if someone may confuse the chromosomes of different animals in the pictures (schematically they are indeed often similar), then here everything is clearly visible. Even if the dog's seminal fluid gets directly into the vagina, there will be no fertilization. For the stated reason. The question of whether a person can become pregnant from a dog is identical to the following: “Can a fish give birth to a bird?” Agree, you won’t even think about the answer. And here’s your third question: “Can a dog get pregnant from a person?”

What is genetic engineering silent about?

The media have already reported on the desire of British scientists to “play” with human DNA. Their goal is to get a child from three parents. The essence lies in the implantation of the nucleus of an already fertilized egg from a mother with abnormalities into a donor egg, but with the nucleus removed. The bet is supposedly placed on the mitochondrial organelles, which monitor intracellular energy metabolism. The idea of ​​the experiment was dictated by the desire to improve the quality of the population's gene pool. British embryologist Mary Herbet and Professor Doug Tenbul are confident that transplanting a nucleus from an egg with inherent defects into a healthy carrier can solve the problem. Imagine what a leap genetic engineering will make if the experiment succeeds... Who knows, maybe then science will switch to splitting DNA molecules and replacing cell nuclei of the “human-animal” type. But for now, only a dog can get pregnant from a dog, and a person can only get pregnant from a person.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the whole world literally turned upside down. It was a period of crazy ideas, experiments and discoveries. It was during this period of time that scientists thought that they were on the verge of a greatest discovery. For the first time, news that human-animal crossing would occur appeared in 1909. Biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov reported at the world congress that it is quite possible to create an ape-man. And, he was not the only scientist working on this issue.

Who and when created the ape-man

In 1910, surgeons Voronov and Steinach made the first attempts to transplant the glands of a monkey into humans. The xenotransplantation business gained such momentum that Voronov had to open his own monkey nursery in the south of France.

Rozanov Vladimir Nikolaevich, a famous surgeon who operated on Stalin and Lenin in his time, also conducted numerous experiments in this area. He transplanted the glands of chimpanzees into people and, as it seemed, this promised stunning success. Local newspapers constantly published stories about how primate glands can cure dementia, decreased potency and aging. But were these attempts successful? Over time, the world came to the conclusion that these experiments were just placebos. That is, the effect that was observed after xenotransplantation was nothing more than self-hypnosis.

Traces of unseen beasts

In the works of Bernard Euwelmans, a biologist and famous zoologist, there are a huge number of references to the so-called “Yeti”. Whether Bigfoot people really existed is still not known for sure. A large number of scientists are of the opinion that Yeti actually lived near human settlements, but there are no less skeptics who deny this. One day, two cowboys managed to film a female Bigfoot. The famous Patterson-Gimlin story, in which the Yeti is clearly visible, has spread all over the world, but even here there are scientists who refute this event. They believe that since it is impossible for humans to crossbreed with animals, the photos and videos presented by many eyewitnesses are nothing more than a montage.

There is also further evidence of the existence of at least one Bigfoot. In the pre-revolutionary forests of Abkhazia, an unusual woman was caught by a prince. Her height was more than 2 meters, in addition, she was covered with fur and could not speak. Some scientists believe that experiments in crossing humans with animals could lead to the birth of such an individual. She was forcibly brought to the settlement and kept locked up for a long time because she was very aggressive. There are facts confirming that the snow woman had an intimate relationship with men (people in the settlement) and gave birth to at least 4 children from them. Khvit is one of her sons, who later had his own family and children.

Strong Workforce

It is known that at the beginning of the 20th century there was a catastrophic shortage of Joseph Stalin, having learned that certain animals were being carried out in Germany, he also decided not to hesitate. Under his leadership, numerous experiments were carried out on people. Crossbreeding with animals would help create incredibly tough, yet quite docile ape-men. In addition, according to scientists, such a creature should have reached full maturity in just 4 years. Stalin planned that the new workforce would be able not only to mine coal and build railroads, but also, if necessary, to fight.

First attempts

The first experiments of the French scientist Sergei Voronov were aimed at rejuvenating people. While studying in Egypt, he turned his attention to eunuchs. They looked much older than the other men. At this moment, the scientist began to think about the influence of the gonads on the state of the body. In 1910, Voronov was the first to successfully transplant a chimpanzee testicle into an elderly English aristocrat. Local newspapers wrote that the effect of xenotransplantation was immediate, and after a while the Englishman looked several years younger. In this case, the question arises: why is this rejuvenation method not used in modern transplantology? It's obvious that it really was

Secret experiments of Professor Ivanov in Guinea

Almost at the same time, the Kremlin also began to wonder whether the crossing of humans and animals was really possible? All scientific activity in this area was entrusted to two biologists - Ilya Ivanov and Vladimir Rozanov. At that time, they were already successfully engaged in artificial Vladimir Rozanov, like his French colleague Voronov, performed operations on the transplantation of the gonads of chimpanzees. The difficulty was that the demand for transplantation was so huge that the scientist did not have enough monkeys.

In 1926, Dr. Ivanov and his son went on an expedition to Guinea. They needed to capture female and male chimpanzees for experiments. In addition, they were faced with the task of persuading at least a few to take part in the experiment. Ivanov wanted to try to inseminate a woman with chimpanzee sperm, and a female chimpanzee with human sperm. However, it turned out to be impossible to find a resident of Guinea who agreed to such experiments, even for a lot of money. Then the scientist, together with the Kremlin, decided to do this secretly. Under the guise of an examination, several African women were injected with chimpanzee sperm. How this crossing of animals and humans ended is unknown. Soon the scientist Ivanov left Africa and went to conduct experiments in the Abkhazian town of Sukhumi.

Sukhumi Monkey Reserve

In 1927, in Abkhazia, in the small and little-known town of Sukhum at that time, a monkey reserve was created in order to crossbreed animals and humans.

From Guinea, Ivanov brought the first chimpanzees and gorillas, among which were two large and healthy females. The professor tried to inseminate them with human sperm. After some time, the female monkeys died. At the autopsy it turned out that conception never occurred. At that time, Ivanov still did not understand why the experiments were not working. Modern geneticists explain this quite simply.

Is it the same with chimpanzees?

It turns out that despite the fact that humans and monkeys have a lot of similarities, there are also significant differences. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. Chimpanzees have 24 pairs, for a total of 48 chromosomes. If such individuals produce a descendant, then he will have an odd number of chromosomes - 47. Such an individual will not be able to produce offspring, since the set of chromosomes will be 46+1 - one chromosome will be without a pair.

An example of such a sterile animal is the mule. It is known that its parents are a donkey (having 31 pairs of chromosomes) and a horse (32 pairs of chromosomes). In science, the production of offspring from parents who belong to different species is called interspecific crossing. Humans and animals can only be crossed if they have the same DNA, similar karyotype and anatomical features.

Therefore, it turns out that crossing animals and humans under normal conditions is impossible due to significant differences in their karyotypes. It has been proven that 18 pairs of human and monkey chromosomes are almost identical, but the rest have a lot of differences. The sex chromosomes, which are responsible for the future sex of the offspring, also differ significantly.

What was impossible yesterday became possible today

Experiments on crossing humans and animals probably have not stopped and will never stop. Scientists have found that Professor Ivanov was right in some ways. can truly bring great benefits to humanity. However, we are not talking about mutants and snowmen at all. Here we are talking about stem cells that can be obtained from hybrid embryos.

Modern medicine is in great need of stem cells, since they can be used to cure many diseases. A stem cell is capable of self-renewal and division, creating any cells of all organs and tissues. Moreover, experiments in genetic engineering prove that stem cells in the body are responsible for youth and longevity. With old age, there are much fewer such cells in the human body, tissues lose the ability to self-renew, and organs work much weaker.

Secrets and mysticism of experiments

Despite the enormous amount of evidence, there were no less mysteries in this area of ​​research. For example, after Ivanov’s death, all documents and materials on crossing were hidden and strictly classified. The question arises: if the experiments did not bring any positive results, why did the Kremlin classify all the materials? The crossing of animals and humans has always been shrouded in mystery. There is information that many women participated during the experiments in Abkhazia. They were voluntarily inseminated with chimpanzee sperm. But it turned out to be impossible to find such a woman and ask her about the progress of the experiments. What happened to all those people who participated in the experiments, and where did they go?

Currently, in many countries, experiments on crossing animals and humans are prohibited. However, does this mean that they are not carried out? Who knows, maybe in the next century science will still see a chimera?

Ligers, tigons, pizzlies... The ancient mythology of different cultures is replete with strange hybrid creatures such as centaurs, harpies and sirens, and even today, graphic designers and Photoshop enthusiasts create modern hybrids by combining different types of animals.

However, the animal hybrids that we will discuss below are real, living creatures. They could have appeared by chance (when two similar species of animals are crossed) or were obtained through in vitro fertilization ("test tube") or somatic hybridization. In this list of 25 amazing animal hybrids, you will see all forms of hybrid creatures.

In addition to the hybrid animals themselves, their names are also very interesting, which, it must be said, depend on the gender and variety of the parents. For example, males usually give the first half of the species name, and females the second. Thus, an interspecific hybrid called "pisley" (polar bear + grizzly) was the result of crossing a male polar bear and a female grizzly, while a hybrid animal called "grolar" - on the contrary, was the result of crossing a male grizzly and a female polar bear . Considering the above, you can now understand how the liger (one of the most famous hybrid animals in the world) got its name, born from the crossing of a male lion and a female tiger.

Are you ready to learn about the coolest hybrid animals that exist? From yagles and coywolves to zebroids and wolffins, here are 25 amazing hybrid animals worth seeing:

25. Liger

Let's start the list with the most famous hybrid animal. Born as a cross between a male lion and a tigress, the liger can only exist in captivity, since the habitats of the parent species in the wild do not overlap. Ligers, which can weigh up to 400 kilograms, are the largest felines known to exist.

24. Tigon, or tiger lion (tigon)

Another cross between the two largest species of the cat family is the tigon, which is a hybrid of a male tiger and a lioness. Not as common as reverse hybrids (ligers), tigons usually do not exceed the size of the parent species because they inherit growth-slowing genes from the female lioness. Tigons typically weigh about 180 kilograms.

23. Jaglev (Jaglion)

Yaglev is the result of crossing a male jaguar and a female lion. This mounted specimen is on display at the Walter Rothschild Zoological Museum in Hertfordshire, England. Yaglev has the powerful physique of a jaguar, and the color of his coat has adopted the characteristics of both species: the color of the coat, like that of a lion, and the brown rosettes, like that of a jaguar.

22. Savannah cat

One of the hybrids that form naturally in the wild, the Savannah is a cross between a serval (a medium-sized African wild cat) and a domestic cat. Savannahs are commonly compared to dogs for their loyalty. They can even be leash trained and taught to fetch killed game.

21. Bengal cat (domestic)

This breed was the result of selection of domestic cats, crossed, then backcrossed and backcrossed again with a hybrid of a Bengal cat and a domestic cat (backcrossing is a sexual crossing of a first generation hybrid with one of its parents). The goal was to create a strong, healthy and friendly cat with bright and contrasting colors. These cats typically have fur that is bright orange or light brown in color.

20. Coywolf

A coywolf is a hybrid of a coyote and a female of one of the three species of North American canid families: the gray, eastern or red wolf. Coyotes are closely related to eastern and red wolves, diverging from them in the development of the species only 150,000-300,000 years ago and developing side by side with them in North America.

19. Mule

Mules are born from the mating of a male donkey and a mare. Mules are more patient, resilient and hardy than horses, and also live longer than horses. They are considered less stubborn, faster and smarter than donkeys. Valued for their advanced packing ability, mules typically weigh 370-460 km.

18. Hinny (Hinny)

A reverse hybrid of a donkey and a horse, the hinny is the result of crossing a stallion and a donkey. Hinnies are much less common than mules, as they are inferior to them in endurance and performance. In addition, male hinnies are always infertile, while females are infertile in most cases.

17. Beefalo

Sometimes referred to as the cattalo or American hybrid, the beefalo is a cross between a livestock (predominantly male) and an American bison (predominantly female). Beefalo is externally and genetically primarily similar to a domestic bull, only 3/8 adopting the genetics of the American bison.

16. Zebroid

Known by many other names such as zedonk, zorse, zebrul, zonkey and zemul, a zebroid is a cross between a zebra and any other member of the equine family (horse, donkey, etc.). Bred since the 19th century, zebroids have a physical resemblance to their non-zebra parent but are striped like zebras, although the stripes do not usually cover the animal's entire body.

15. Dzo

Dzo, also known as "hainak" or "hainyk", is a hybrid of yak and livestock. Technically, the word "zo" refers to male hybrids, while the word "zomo" is used to refer to females. Unlike the fertile dzomo, the dzo are sterile. Because these animals are the product of a hybrid genetic phenomenon called "heterosis" (increased viability of hybrids in subsequent generations), these animals are larger and tougher than yaks and livestock living in the same region.

14. Grolar

Grolar is a rare hybrid of a grizzly bear and a polar bear. Although the two species are genetically similar and often found in the same areas, they generally avoid each other and have different breeding habits. Grizzlies live and breed on land, while polar bears prefer to do this on the ice. Grolars can exist both in captivity and in the wild.

13. Kama

Cama is a cross between a male dromedary and a female llama, bred through artificial insemination at the Camel Reproduction Center in Dubai. The first kama was born on January 14, 1998. The purpose of the crossing was to create an animal that would be similar to a llama in its coat, but similar in size, strength and responsive disposition to a camel.

12. Wolfdog

Today, the Wolfdog (full name "Czechoslovakian Wolfdog") is a new, officially recognized breed of dog that arose as a result of an experiment conducted in 1955 in Czechoslovakia. Wolfdog is a hybrid of a German shepherd and a Carpathian wolf. The purpose of crossing species was to create a breed with the temperament, herd sense and trainability of the German Shepherd and the strength, physical structure and endurance of the wolf.

11. Wolfin, or orca dolphin (Wholphin)

Wolfin is an extremely rare hybrid of a male killer whale (black killer whale) and a female bottlenose dolphin. The first recorded wolffin was born at the Tokyo SeaWorld theme park, but he died 200 days later. The first wolffin in the United States and the first to survive was a female named Kekaimalu, born at Sea Life Park in Hawaii in 1985. Wolffins are reported to exist in the wild, but are extremely rare.

10. Narluha

The narluha is another very rare hybrid created by crossing the narwhal, a medium-sized mammal with a tusk, and the beluga whale, an Arctic and subarctic toothed whale from the narwhal family. Narluhi are extremely rare, but in recent years there has been an interesting trend of increasing sightings of these hybrid animals in the North Atlantic.

9. Zubron

Bisons, hybrids of domestic cattle and bison, are heavy and strong animals, with males weighing up to 1.2 tons. The name "Zubron" was chosen from hundreds of proposals sent to the Polish weekly Przekroj during a competition organized in 1969. Male bison are sterile in the first generation, while females are fertile and can be bred to either species as a parent.

8. Red Parrot Cichlid (Blood parrot cichlid)

The Redhead Cichlid is a hybrid of a male Midas cichlid, endemic to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and a female Redhead Cichlid. Because the hybrid has various anatomical deformities, including a small, curved mouth that barely closes, making it difficult for the fish to feed, there is controversy about the morality of breeding these fish.

7. Mulard duck

Mulard (sometimes mullard) is a cross between the Muscovy duck and the domestic Peking white duck. Raised commercially for meat and foie gras, mulards are hybrids not only between different species, but also between different genera. These hybrid ducks can be created by crossing a Muscovy duck drake and a Peking white duck, but in most cases they are produced through artificial insemination.

6. Sheep goat (Geep)

Sheep and goats are born as a result of crossing a ram with a goat or a goat with a sheep. Although the two species appear similar and can mate, they belong to different genera of the goat subfamily of the bovid family. Despite the widespread grazing of goats and sheep, hybrids are very rare, and the offspring of mating are usually stillborn.

5. Black-tip hybrid shark

The first shark hybrid was discovered in Australian waters just a few years ago. The result of crossing an Australian blacktip shark and a common blacktip shark, the hybrid has greater endurance and aggressiveness. Scientists speculate that the two species deliberately crossed to increase their endurance and adaptation skills.

4. Rhino hybrid

Interspecific hybridization has been confirmed between black and white rhinos. New research suggests that this is possible because the two species are separated from each other by geographic boundaries rather than genetic differences. Native to Africa, black rhinoceroses are classified as critically endangered, with one subspecies now considered extinct.

3. Giant red kangaroo (Red-gray kangaroo)

Kangaroo hybrids between similar species have been developed by introducing males of one species and females of another to limit the choice of mating partner. To create a natural kangaroo hybrid, a baby of one species was placed in the pouch of a female of another species. The hybrid was created by mixing a large red kangaroo and a giant kangaroo.

2. Africanized bee, or killer bee (Killer bee)

Killer bees were created in an attempt to develop domesticated and more manageable bees. This was done by crossing the European honey bee and the African bee, but the offspring, which turned out to be more aggressive and more viable, were mistakenly released into the wild in 1957. Since then, Africanized bees have spread throughout South, Central and North America.

1. Hybrid iguana

A hybrid iguana is the result of the natural crossing of a male marine iguana with a female conolophus (or drushead). The marine iguana, which lives exclusively in the Galapagos Islands, has the ability, unique among modern lizards, to feed in water and generally spend most of its time in water, making it the only marine reptile that has survived to this day.