Gestures are silent counterparts of words. Gestures can enhance witchcraft rituals when performed together with prayers and dances, or alone to concentrate power. To clarify, the use of the index and middle fingers in a "V" and the normal raising of the middle finger demonstrates the different messages that can be expressed through gestures, as well as our emotional responses to them.

In 1971 I saw several photographs of magical protective gestures such as the manofiga (the hand clenched into a fist, the thumb inserted between the index and middle fingers) and the mano cornuta - a "V" of the index and little fingers extended, and the hand with the remaining fingers clenched turned down. Both gestures have long been used to ward off the black eye and all that is negative, and later came to be used in Wicca to signify the presence of God in Horned Form.

A few days later, during my first year of high school, I showed both of these gestures to a girl I met. There was no logical reason to do this, but it turns out I did the right thing. She looked, smiled and asked if I was a sorcerer. I answered that no, but I really want to become one. And she started teaching me.

The magical meaning of gestures is very complex, as is the energy of the hands. Hands can heal and kill, caress and punish. The hands are the channel through which energy leaves or enters the body. Our hands assemble the magical altar, hold the wand and assam, extinguish the candle flame at the end of the magical ritual.

Hands, without which we cannot imagine our lives, symbolize the physical world. Enclosed within their five fingers is a pentogram, the primary protective symbol representing the four elements along with akasha, the fifth element, the spiritual force of the universe.

The lines on our hand, if we learn to read them, can be used to communicate with the depths of the subconscious and to reveal to the conscious mind things that are otherwise very difficult to know. A palm reader does not read lines like streets on a map, they are the key to our soul, it is a mandala that suddenly reveals its deeply hidden secret.

Hands were used as the first ancient counting device. They have both masculine and feminine qualities and symbolism, and images of hands have always been amulets throughout the world.

Gestures in witchcraft rituals easily become second nature. When praying to the God and Goddess, the hands should be raised with fingers spread to receive energy. The goddess can be invoked with the left hand when the thumb and forefinger form a semicircle and the rest are pressed against the palm. This is the symbol of the Goddess - a crescent moon. God is invoked by raising the index and middle fingers of the right hand or with the index and little fingers, the thumb and other fingers pressed against the palm. This is the symbol of God - horns.

The elements can be invoked in separate gestures when all four directions are available: a flat hand parallel to the ground, invoking Earth and pointing to the North, a raised hand with spread fingers facing the East - calls for Air, a raised hand, fingers clenched into a fist, points to the South - Fire , palm clenched into a handful, hand to the West - Water.

Two gestures together with postures have long been used to invoke the Goddess and God, and they are called by Their names. Goddess Pose: Feet two feet apart, arms raised, palms facing away from you, elbows slightly bent. This pose can be used to invoke the Goddess or to tune into Her energies.

The God Pose should be performed as follows - legs together, body rigidly straightened, arms folded on the chest (the right one must be above the left), palms clenched into fists. Magical instruments such as the wand and the magical dagger (assam) may be used at this time, held clenched in the fist, imitating the depiction of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, where they held a curved staff and flail in a similar position when administering judgment.

At the Sabbath, the High Priestess and High Priest often assume these poses when invoking the Goddess and God. In solitary work, poses can be used to distinguish between the manifestations of the Goddess and God within us, as well as during individual invoking rituals.

Gestures are also used in magic. Each of the fingers refers to a specific planet, as well as to an ancient deity. This designation is a magical act and part of many spells, the finger being chosen according to its symbol.

The thumb is associated with the goddess Venus and the planet Earth. Jupiter (planet and god) rules the index finger, god and the planet Saturn - the middle finger, the ring finger - the Sun and Apollo, the little finger - God and the planet Mercury.

Many spells involve touching objects with the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn, usually to transform or imbue them with magical energies. The force is represented as a stream going in a straight line from the fingers to the object.

Other ritual gestures used in witchcraft include "cutting" pentagrams into four parts, by drawing in the air with a magical dagger, wand or desired finger. This is done either to expel, or, conversely, to summon elemental energies. All this, of course, must be visualized.

The hand can take the form of a cauldron (then it can serve as a bowl into which water can be poured), an assam - and it can direct magical energies, a wand - and can serve to call upon the gods.

Gestures are the same magical tools as any other, they are always with us and can be used as needed at any time.

Now it is difficult to say when or where knowledge about gestures was first systematized. Almost all ancient cultures in ritual practice used their hands, or separately the right or left hand, performing certain gestures or passes. Gesticulation was used at the earliest stages of the development of human thought - in religion, art, rhetoric, social communication, and so on. It is known that European masons, who built beautiful cathedrals, as well as members of the ancient trading guild, known as Dionysian artisans , and responsible for the construction of ancient buildings and sacred structures, used a special sign language as a communication system and to protect their secret meetings, as well as meetings, protecting their dialogues from understanding by the uninitiated.
Ritual gestures have always been an important part of religious ceremonies in ancient cultures. It was believed that with their help it was possible to call on the gods, influence the world around them and send energy in a directed manner.

The First Day of Creation and the Fifth Day of Creation (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld). With the energy emanating from directed hands, the Lord creates the world.

Gestures are outside of religion.

There is a non-religious spirituality; You can live an honest and decent life, automatically follow the instructions of any denomination, without even having ever heard of it. Various world religions offer all sorts of doctrines and belief systems regarding nature, God and man's relationship to them. But the spirituality that lies at the heart of human life is related to the common human experience. The body of an Orthodox, Buddhist or Muslim is structured the same, therefore, their hand gestures are made according to the same laws, which are non-religious. Historically, it is believed that one gesture is associated, for example, with Hinduism, and the other with Christianity, but in fact, there is a single metaphysical concept of the spiritual transformation of consciousness, developed throughout the entire history of human existence. It is above all individual points of view. This is a world experience that involves a conscious understanding of the surrounding reality.
Gestures act as a subconscious manifestation of ideas and thoughts transmitted through archetypal gestures from generation to generation. For example, in Ancient India there is a well-known tradition of non-verbal transfer of knowledge from teacher to student. The ancient sages achieved the highest art in conducting disputes. Sometimes it was enough to name a position known to everyone, to refer to the maxims appropriate to the occasion (often non-verbally, showing the corresponding mudra) - and the enemy had no choice but to throw up his hands and admit defeat. Gestures became part of many sacred rituals and mysteries, conveying something hidden from uninitiated information from sage to sage, creating a rich tapestry of secret writing.

Sensitive people with healthy energy systems can sense other people's biological fields. They activate their hands, bring them to the surface of the body near the organ being examined at some distance and feel all the characteristics of the patient’s energy matrix. Such healers may feel with their hands heat, cold, density, pressure, vibration, tingling or pulsation.

Ritual of "ancient healing". The hand serves as a conductor of “cosmic fire”.

Nonverbal communication is the side of communication consisting in the exchange of information between individuals without the help of speech and language, presented in any symbolic form. Such means of nonverbal communication as facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, etc. perform the functions of supplementing and replacing speech, conveying the emotional states of communication partners. The instrument of such “communication” is the human body, which has a wide range of means and methods of transmitting or exchanging information, which includes all forms of human self-expression. A common working name used among people is non-verbal or “body language”. Psychologists believe that correct interpretation of nonverbal signals is the most important condition for effective communication.

M. Hall, a researcher of sacred traditions, believed that the finger alphabet used by deaf-mutes was based on the secret gestures of initiates. Particular importance was attached to sign language in ancient and modern initiation schools and traditions.
Currently, such hand signs are called mudras.

What is Mudra?
The origin of the word mudra is unclear. In the early stage of post-Vedic literature of India, the term mudra denoted the idea of ​​a seal or the imprint left by a seal. Somewhat later, it began to correlate with “a trace left by fingers,” denoting ritual gestures. The word itself मुद्रा (mudrā) means “seal, sign”

Mudra is a concept with many meanings. Usually the word Mudra is associated with a complex gesture, with the mystical position of the fingers, or with a mysterious eastern symbol depicted by the hands and fingers. However, there are special positions of the eyes and body, which are also called Mudras. Take a close look at the position of bodies, arms, legs on ancient sculptures. They are all symbolic. All mudras - symbolic positions of fingers, eyes or body - figuratively represent certain states of consciousness or processes of consciousness. And these same positions can lead to the states of consciousness that they symbolize. How is this expressed specifically? Whoever, for example, often and diligently makes the gesture of fearlessness, which is often used in the depiction of Indian deities, is freed over time from his fearfulness. Mudras address specific areas of our brain (or our soul), and have a corresponding effect on the body and spirit. However, they also act on the physical level.
As early as 1892, R. Otto Franke continued to translate "mudra" as "writing" or the "art" of reading. F. Hommel believes that the word “mudra” (Pali mudda, “writing”, “seal”) comes from the Babylonian musaru with the same meanings - through the ancient Persian, which changed z to d (musaru - muzra - mudra).
In India, mudra was correlated with: 1) dance; 2) symbolic language; 3) iconography; 4) a ritual in the proper sense of the word.
According to Shabdastomamahaniddhi, the mudra also has another meaning: to eat “roasted grains.” It is interesting to note that the symbolic reinterpretation of ritual gestures remains a current phenomenon in most highly developed forms of mysticism.

Mudras, actually expressed as specific finger positions, create directed energy flows and have precise meanings. In its most general form, human thoughts are a combination of streams of nervous activity. Such activity occupies the entire human being, or consciousness, and has a specific “form”. The direction of activity of the brain, subtle and physical fields can radically change the nature of thinking and influence a person’s karma.
So, specific configurations of hands - mudras - create certain energy vortexes in the body, promote blood flow to the necessary organs, stimulate the work of parts of the brain and activate energy flows. The ancient Vedic scriptures emphasize the importance of knowledge of the mudras: eta mudra na janati gayatri nishphala bhavat (“one who does not know the mudras will not receive any benefit from the gayatri mantra”). By forming certain figures with the fingers, a person turns to the mysticism of symbolic-archetypal signs that evoke the idea of ​​​​the Divine in the mind and improve concentration.
Scientists from the Laboratory of Psychosemantics at Boston University, after conducting comprehensive research, came to the conclusion that non-verbal language conveys up to 90% of information and is more expressive than ordinary words. The fingers are connected by subtle energy channels to the internal organs of the body. Mudras help create certain closed circuits, facilitating and directing the movement of energy.

Eastern explanations of the influence of Mudras on humans are too ornate to be given here. But the influence of the Mudras is undeniable. And if you wish, it is easy to notice that by various bends and crossings of the fingers in combination with different touches of the fingers with other fingers, we can effectively influence ourselves. Isn't this wonderful?
In another sense, closed chains of subtle energy channels in the physical and subtle bodies are also known as mudras (“seals”). It should be noted that the large earrings worn by members of the Indian Kanphata order are also called mudra.
Ancient peoples were confident that hands were capable of seeing, that they were characterized by insights, which they then translated into mystical gestures. So, by mudras we understand mystical hand gestures aimed at concentrating subtle energy, transmitting knowledge through symbols and establishing psychic protection. And in tantric practice, as mentioned above, mudra can also be understood as a woman in the role of a yogini. The same term is used to designate special psychotechniques used in tantric rituals.

And here's another interesting thing
Here are the most commonly used Christian mudras:

“The wisdom of life” is a two-fingered sign. (In Ayurveda it is used to treat eye diseases and balance energy flows in the body). Used by Old Believers and recorded on most ancient icons.
Vedic mudras in Orthodoxy and in the religious traditions of Ancient Iran. A Zoroastrian priest heals a sick man:

His fingers are folded in the form of a mudra, called in Ayurveda “Mudra of Life” - Prana Mudra, and in Orthodoxy known as the “two-fingered sign” and found on most icons and in the Old Believers.

Vedic mudra “Window of Wisdom” - the thumb and ring finger are crossed. In Ayurveda it is used to improve cerebral circulation. Used by Orthodox priests to bless the faithful and explained by them as the first letters of the name of Christ (ICXC).

“Earth mudra” - the thumb and ring fingers are connected. In Ayurveda it is used to strengthen mental strength during severe austerities. The mudra is reflected on the Novgorod icons “Fatherland” of the 14th century and “Savior on the Throne” of the 15th century, stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, “Transfiguration” of the 15th century (Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve), as well as on the icon of the Savior to the left of the altar in Trinity Cathedral of the Izmailovsky Regiment in St. Petersburg.

Vedic mudras in Orthodox iconography. This gesture is completely inexplicable from the point of view of the Orthodox canon (in which no other types of finger folding are allowed except three: “two fingers”, “three fingers”, “blessing of the faithful by the priest”!). Orthodox icon "Savior". North. 15th century

“Mudra of energy” - the thumb, middle and ring fingers are connected. In Ayurveda it is used to strengthen and treat the spine during long prayers and meditations, as well as to remove poisons and toxins from the body. In Orthodoxy, this Vedic gesture can be seen on the “Transfiguration” icon of the school of Theophanes the Greek, 14th century. (Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow) and on the icon of the Savior of the northern letter.

Vedic mudras in Orthodox iconography. This gesture is completely inexplicable from the point of view of the Orthodox canon (in which no other types of finger folding are allowed except three: “two fingers”, “three fingers”, “blessing of the faithful by the priest”!).
Three fingers in modern Orthodoxy and folded palms in Catholicism are also mudras. We see three fingers on a fresco from Pompeii in the 1st century. n. e. “Iphigenia in Tauris” (Naples, National Museum). Three fingers, used in Orthodoxy, were used in ancient times by ancient priestesses, who borrowed this mudra from the Vedic tradition.

Iphigenia in Tauris. Reflected in ancient fresco painting A plot from Homer's Iliad.

Lakulisa - Shaivite preacher (India. Dean. State Hermitage, room 370) is depicted sitting, with the fingers of his right hand folded in the form of the “Window of Wisdom” mudra, which can also be seen on the Orthodox icon “Fatherland”


Mudra practice methods are present in a wide variety of religious schools and countries: Buddhism and Hinduism, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia. Mudra training is present in ancient Germanic, Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures, Christianity and the Egyptian tradition. The modern development of runic knowledge also has its own version of gestures developed specifically for spiritual practices. Below are runic mudras that promote spiritual discovery and improve the quality of life.

The word "rune" means a whisper, a secret, a riddle, secret wisdom. Runes help a person recognize what the Universe is whispering to him. The ancient runic alphabet, where each rune has its own deep mystical meaning (see table), can be represented in the form of special finger positions, which enhances the effect of the chosen rune. The following table shows the runic alphabet of the Elder Futhark, followed by how to recreate runes using your fingers.

We are accustomed to verbal communication. But often the most important thing is not in words, but in gestures. In the relationship between a man and a woman there is a special...

We learn some gestures, some we do unconsciously. Women are more sensitive to external signs of courtship, while men may simply not notice numerous hints from a woman for a long time. The fair sex has a much larger range of non-verbal ways to express their interest. However, men also have their secrets.

A man preening in the presence of a woman is a clear sign that he likes the lady. He can automatically straighten his tie, brush non-existent specks of dust from his jacket, smooth his hair.

An interesting fact has been noticed. A man and a woman in the presence of each other are transformed imperceptibly. The bags under the eyes disappear, the chest moves forward, and the stomach retracts. Both look more beautiful and younger. Characteristic lights appear in the eyes. All these tricks are laid in us by Mother Nature to attract precious attention, banally for procreation.

It is aggressive and defiant on the part of a man to put his thumbs behind his belt. Thus, he involuntarily focuses the attention of the opposite sex on the genital area. However, such a gesture is still rare. But when a man holds his gaze on a woman for a couple of moments longer than necessary, this is a reason to pay attention to him. An intimate look and shortening the distance during a conversation are techniques that are understandable to almost any woman; the man seems to suggest continuing the acquaintance in a more intimate atmosphere. And hands on hips - a man’s desire to demonstrate his own strength, both physical and moral. The man’s right to dominance in the emerging relationship is determined. Another covert attempt to attract a woman's attention is a position that highlights the genital area, for example, sitting with your legs stretched out in front of you.

Women have much more treasured lures. Often, men, however, do not even suspect their existence. It’s not for nothing that women are usually called seductresses.

She proudly throws her head back, shaking her beautiful hair, showing her flexible neck. With this innocent gesture, she attracts the attention of others. Another common gesture is showing the wrist. He talks about sexual interest. And the easiest way is to expose your wrist and show its elegance when smoking. Many gestures have taken root well in films and advertising. Who hasn’t seen such a seductive woman in films, aristocratically, slowly dragging herself in the presence of a man. And only a very strong man can resist the impulses sent by such women. Homosexuals also use these methods to make their appearance more feminine and to attract partners.

A woman's legs spread slightly wider than usual when talking with a man she is attracted to is an open sign of sexual favor. (Remember the recent advertisement for the new Deep Red eau de toilette for women). Clenched or crossed legs are, on the contrary, a sign of a sexually defensive position taken by a woman. Such a lady should not be bothered by unnecessary advances of a very specific nature. It is unlikely that a man will be able to achieve anything with this.

Swaying your hips while walking is a long-standing way for women to attract men, or at least attract male gaze. Consciously or not, a woman emphasizes her advantages by challenging a man.

A sideways glance can “ignite” any normal man. She, slightly lowering her eyelids, looks at the man, watching him closely. But as soon as he notices her gaze, she immediately looks away. Such methods imitate the situation of voyeurism. A teasing hint from a woman invariably does its job, arousing the attention of a man.

A slightly open mouth and moist lips look very sexy and tempting. Some are inclined to believe that this position of the lips symbolically depicts the female genital organs, and therefore has such a stimulating effect on the opposite sex. Lipstick was also invented in vain. This is also a thoughtful way to lure people into your networks. However, even women are often unaware of this. The fact is that during the period of sexual arousal, lips, breasts and genitals become larger and redder. Imitations of this state are achieved using lipstick. It’s not clear, though, why not men use the same method?

Even a woman's way of crossing her legs can be arousing. If a woman sits with one leg tucked under the other hanging freely, and the knee of the bent leg is directed towards the male interlocutor, she is clearly interested in him. This pose also speaks of a special freedom of communication between interlocutors. By coquettishly exposing her knees, the woman invites him to take some initiative. And an invitation for a man to take more decisive action can be a woman’s legs tucked under him. Of course, you cannot unconditionally accept such an interpretation of various signs and poses, otherwise it is possible that one fine evening you will leave her with your cheek burning from a strong slap. And, of course, it is possible that she pulls her hair back simply because it bothers her. But the attention of a man is pleasant to any woman in any case. So go ahead, decipher the gestures and don’t miss your chance!

Gestures are the most ancient way of communication, but they were created not only for communication, but also for protection. Hands became the first magical tool, learn how to use this power to your advantage!

Astrologers say that each finger on the hand is associated with a specific planet, and it is they who give the fingers strength. So, what were the meanings of finger gestures before and how was their magical power used?

Thumb up gesture - attracting love

The thumbs up is perhaps the most common gesture of approval. If the finger is lowered, this indicates a negative assessment. In astrology, the thumb is patronized by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so the thumb is responsible for our personal life.

The thumbs up in astrology is a gesture of love. If your life is missing this wonderful feeling, then it's time to give it a thumbs up. Of course, you shouldn't walk around with your finger raised. However, try to show yourself this gesture as often as possible, and under no circumstances hide your thumb in your pockets or in your fist - this will block your heart chakra.

Linked little fingers - to the money

How do children make peace? They perform a small ritual - saying a special joke, they interlock their little fingers with each other. In ancient times, the same gesture was made by merchants who concluded a successful deal. Today, the little fingers are not used in gestures by adults and in vain, because the planet-ruler of this finger is Mercury, which is responsible for financial success, business and trade.

If you have a serious matter ahead or a decision to make related to money, clasp the little fingers of your left and right hands. Mercury will not pass by such a sign and will definitely come to the rescue. There is another ritual for attracting money. After receiving the money, you need to tap the largest bill with the little finger of your right hand.

Gesture of victory - for success

The index and middle fingers spread apart are called the sign of victory. If you want to attract good luck in something, then there is nothing better than this gesture. At the most crucial moment, simply spread two fingers apart. This can be done either in your pocket, unnoticed by others, or in public - and in order not to be branded an eccentric, you can simply hold a pen between these two fingers. This finger gesture should only be done with your dominant hand.

Gesture fig - for protection

The fig gesture originally meant protection. Three fingers are involved in creating the figure at once - the thumb, index and middle. This trinity means that a person holds the situation in his hands and dictates his own terms, and the Universe protects him.

When you feel unsure of yourself or need protection, just fold your fingers into a fig.

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The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture forming the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and will not be able to bring harm to people. But if two fingers are raised up, this is a symbol of the triumph of the devil, the victory of evil over good. b) During World War II, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to indicate victory, but to do so, the hand is turned back to the speaker. If during this gesture the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture takes on an offensive meaning - “shut up.” c) During the Hundred Years' War, the French cut off two fingers of captured archers, with which they pulled the bow string. And the lucky owners of a full set of fingers teased their enemies by showing a “V” with their hand, palm turned towards themselves. The French considered this gesture offensive to themselves. So this sign is still considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand...