Correctly maintaining personnel data in the 1C: ZUP program is very important. Otherwise, you will encounter frequent errors in documents and reports, for example when. Many reports from this program are submitted to regulatory authorities and errors are inappropriate here.

In this step-by-step instructions, we will look in detail at the process of hiring an employee in 1C 8.3 ZUP edition 3.1.

In this example, we use a demo version of the program and perform all actions under the account of the head of the HR department. Depending on the rights available to the user, this functionality may be located in a different location or may not be available at all.

Let’s go to the home page and click on the “New Employee” hyperlink.

In the directory card that opens, select an organization.

Remember that the program has an algorithm for breaking this field into separate details: last name, first name and patronymic. It separates them from each other by spaces. In the case of a double surname, it must be indicated with a dash without spaces.

There are three hyperlinks to the right of the full name field:

Personal data, information about education, family, work activity, insurance are filled out using the appropriate hyperlinks at the top of the form. If necessary, you can also attach a file to the employee’s card, for example, with his photo or scanned copies of documents.

When you have provided all the required information, click “Save and Close”.

Directory "Individuals"

After creating an employee in the 1C 8.3 ZUP program, a new individual was automatically created. This directory is located in the “Personnel” section.

An individual and an employee are two different things. An individual may not be an employee.

For one element of the directory of individuals, there may be several employees. This is the case because a person can work in a company not only at his main place of work. He may have several contracts, for example, main, part-time and GPC.

This mechanism has been implemented so that, in accordance with personal income tax legislation, the total for all places of work for one individual is considered. The remaining calculations are carried out separately.

For example, an employee works in our organization and this is his main place of work. Also, funds are periodically transferred to him under the GPC agreement. Personal income tax must be calculated in total (summed up for both agreements). Payments will be made separately. The program will have one individual and two employees.

In this regard, it is very important to control the absence of duplicates in the directory of individuals. Otherwise, there may be undesirable consequences with incorrect calculations and with the tax authorities. In addition, tax deductions are tied specifically to the individual.

To avoid these situations when filling out data (for example, TIN) in an employee’s card, if the program finds an individual with the same data, it will issue a corresponding message.

If duplicate individuals appear, contact the program administrator so that he can combine cards with personal data using special processing.

Document "Recruitment"

We have added a new employee to the program. Now we move directly to hiring an employee. You can do this in 1C ZUP 8.3 on the home page, in the employee’s card, or through the “Personnel” menu.

In our example, we will hire an employee from the initial page, since those persons who are not hired are clearly displayed there, which is quite convenient.

To do this, select the created employee in the appropriate table and right-click. In the context menu, select “Apply for a job.”

In the document that opens, some fields are filled in automatically. If necessary, correct them, and also indicate the department and position.

If you fill out, then wages will be substituted from it. Let's go to the appropriate tab. That's right, the accrual was filled out from the staffing position. This data can be corrected.

If you do not maintain a staffing table, the “Payment” tab must be filled out manually.

Hello dear blog readers. In this article I will answer the question what is 1C ZUP 8.2 and what problems this software product can solve. I will briefly collect all the information that was presented in a series of publications dedicated to the review main features of the software product "1C: Salary and Personnel Management". Let me remind you that this series includes seven articles:

What is 1C ZUP

1C ZUP - 1C: Salary and Personnel Management ( HRM - Human Resources Management) is a software product from 1C, designed to automate the accounting of personnel data, payroll calculations and the generation of regulated and other reporting. The program takes into account legal requirements, and the configuration is regularly updated as legislation changes.

The most popular edition of the program today 1C ZUP 8.2 edition 2.5. She is the legal successor of the software product 1C Salary and Personnel 7.7, which is still used in many organizations and even large factories. The final release of the new edition was released not long ago 1C ZUP edition 3.0.

The 1C ZUP program has three delivery options:

  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8. Basic version(Only for RUB 2,550) – only one organization can be maintained in one database; Only one user can work with the database at a time; the functionality cannot be modified, since the configuration is closed;
  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 PROF– allows you to maintain several organizations in one information base; Several users can work with the database simultaneously; the configuration is open for editing, so you can improve the functionality;
  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 CORP.

Personnel accounting

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

The 1C ZUP software product offers a full range of objects for maintaining personnel records: documents " Hiring", "Personnel transfer", "Dismissal", "Vacations", "Business trips", "Absences and illnesses". The program also offers services that allow you to track vacation balances, lead staffing table, saving the history of its changes. The program allows you to print "Employment contract", reports on staffing arrangements, personnel movements, cards T-2, T-3, T-4 and so on (Read more about reports in the article:). The program also allows you to conduct military registration and print out regulated military registration forms (form No. 11, 18, 6).

Salary calculation

A wide range of functionality is provided for payroll calculation. Basic documents for calculation, “Absenteeism”, “Payment based on average earnings”, “Registration of one-time charges/deductions”, “Payment for holidays and weekends”, “Payment for overtime hours”, “Registration of downtime”, “Calculation upon dismissal”, “Vacation” child care”, “Employee bonuses”, “Payroll”.

“Pay slips”, “Payment sheet”, “Accrued salary sheet”, “Working time sheet”, “Debt structure” and others. Read more about reports.

The salary calculation section also includes wage payment registration documents: “Salaries payable”, “Payment order”, “Cash outlay order”, “Deposition”, “Payment of depositors”. Read the main article about salary payments.

Taxes and fees

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:


Generated transactions can be uploaded to an accounting program using a special service or printed using a report “Reflection of wages in regulated accounting”.

Pension Fund

This section of the program contains everything related to the preparation of individual information for the pension fund. The main thing here is the workplace “Preparation of data for transfer to the Pension Fund of Russia.” In March 2014, an update to the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management software product was released, in which the workplace has undergone significant changes. You can read about these innovations in the article.

That's all for today! I'm glad you read my blog. New interesting materials will be coming soon.

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This Instruction can also be used for ZUP (if you do not pay attention to some little things related to the budget configuration). The first few pages are described here (I can’t insert pictures into the text), so the rest can be seen in a Word file.

Instructions for using the program

1C: Salary and Personnel of a budgetary institution

Initial settings

If data was transferred from version 7.7, then the main directories have already been transferred to the program: departments, positions, employees, personal accounts, work schedules and personnel information. All that remains is to check everything and edit if necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the reference book Positions, because When generated, many reports are based on this directory, incl. and the new “ZP Education” Report.

There should be Fig. 1 here

Directory " Divisions"does not require any special comments. Designed for "conditional sorting" of employees. Important! If in 7 it was not important whether an employee was “attached” to any department or not, then in 8 this “attachment” is MANDATORY!!!

There should be Fig. 2 here

P.S. No special needNotYou need to check the "Separate division" checkbox.

Directory " Staffing table“You can leave it alone for now and do it at your leisure.

The next step is to look through the directory "Employees".

There should be rice here

The figure shows that ALL employees have the “Division” column filled in. In the "Advance" column you can pre-specify the advance amount.

Important!!! If an employee, in addition to the main position, holds one or more internal part-time positions, then in order to avoid confusion when entering details for payroll and correct generation of statistical reporting, it is recommended that each position held should be reflected separately!!!

Directory " Individuals". In this directory, each individual (employee) must be entered ONLY ONCE!!! This directory is used to generate individual information in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and 2NDFL certificates and other reports.

There should be Fig. 3 here

The "NDFL" button can be used to enter and adjust standard tax deductions, and the " Labor activity " used to enter length of service for calculating sick leave, additional payments for length of service and so on. The employee's address is entered in the standard way, using the address classifier.

Important! If, when calculating sick leave, the program did not correctly determine the employee’s insurance length and, accordingly, the percentage of payment, then it is necessary to make an adjustment to the length of service as described below.

Entering length of service for employees (for sick leave and/or additional pay for long service)

To do this, open the directory "Individuals", select the desired employee, open it, press the button " Labor activity " and clicking right mouse button according to the tabular part“General experience” add a new line in which we select the type of experience and indicate the Start Date

Important! To calculate the bonus for length of service, you also need to set up the “Experience Coefficients” reference book: in the main menu, select Salary Calculation - Salary Calculation Settings - Experience Scales. Click the "Add" button and enter first record.

P.S. It is the line with code 000000001 or with a name starting with the word Length of service, is used in Tariffing to calculate the surcharge.

In short, wherever there are large gaps, there should be drawings!

If your organization uses more than one Experience Scale, then enter the required number of Experience Scales and use your created Calculation Types to calculate the allowance, i.e. use the capabilities of the Standard configuration.

Entering a permanent accrual/deduction employees.

These are types of calculations such as Methodological literature, Professional contributions, etc., i.e. which are not included in the Tariff. We enter the document “Entering a permanent accrual or deduction” and it is very advisable to set a logical end date

The next important step is to fill out/adjust employee work schedules. On the “Establishment” or “Human Resources” tab, click on “Work Schedules” and in the list that opens, also click on the selected Schedule.

If necessary, place the cursor on the desired day of the month and edit the number of working hours. When everything is satisfactory, click the “Ok” button to save.

If employees' salaries are transferred to the Bank, then it may be necessary to enter personal accounts of employees. To do this, on the “Payroll calculation” tab, select “Requests for opening personal accounts”, use the “Add” button to enter a new document

Payroll( in version 8.2 )

The rules for calculating salaries are no different from the standard ones, i.e. first, deviations are introduced: sick leave, vacations, absenteeism, payment according to the average, etc. Then the document “Calculation of salaries to employees” is entered, its calculation and posting is carried out. After the Code is “approved,” insurance premiums and other contributions to budget funds are calculated. Taxes are transferred and salaries are paid to employees. Well, now about everything in more detail and with specific examples.

Task: to accrue salaries for the organization for the month of May, therefore, in all created Documents you need to set the Month of accrual to “May”. In May, one employee needs to accrue study leave, one regular one, starting on May 27, and several employees go on vacation from June 1 (they need to accrue vacation after accruing salaries for May). Enter the document "Vacation accrual":

To accrue study leave, uncheck the “Annual leave” checkbox and check “Additional leave.” Select the type of vacation, set the dates and click the "Calculate" button. The “Calculation of average earnings” tab is the same as it was in version 7.7, and on the “Payment” tab you can see/edit the accrued amounts of vacation pay and personal income tax.

There is also an interesting button “Reflection in accounting”:

Important! The figures clearly show that in the “Vacation Accrual” document the full accrual of vacation pay has been made, personal income tax is withheld from this amount and the distribution by individual fund is visible.

By clicking the "Print" button you can obtain the necessary printed forms.

We calculate regular vacation in the same way:

On the “Payment” tab you can see how the program breaks down the accrual of vacation pay and personal income tax by period.

Association KAMI


Wholesale trade of industrial equipment



Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

The KAMI Association is an association of leading suppliers of industrial equipment, industrial enterprises in Russia, equipment manufacturers, industry universities and research institutes. The need of the enterprise was the implementation of a specialized management and accounting scheme based on the functions of the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management solution.



Production of electrical equipment




1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

JSC ELTEZA is a diversified company that has all the technical and technological capabilities to produce modern electrical equipment, electronic and microprocessor devices, as well as train traffic control systems and ensure the safety of railway transportation. The company's specialists have implemented a number of projects in such areas as: work with controlled transactions, cost calculation, work with customer-supplied raw materials.





Management Accounting. Document flow


1C:Manufacturing enterprise management, 1C:Document flow

The Energotekhmontazh group of companies is a highly professional and rapidly developing enterprise in the field of energy supply, heat supply, water supply, gasification and road construction. The configuration of Manufacturing Enterprise Management and Document Flow was finalized and implemented.





Management Accounting. Accounting, Payroll


1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

The Vimcom company specializes in solutions for creating multi-service broadband networks, providing a full range of services from pre-design survey to construction and technical support. During the project, improvements were made to the management information system based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration, and integration with the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management and 1C: Enterprise Accounting configurations was carried out.



Project activities and consulting


Warehouse accounting, production accounting, rent


1C: Managing a small company

CJSC PROCONTAINER is the largest supplier of refrigerated containers in Russia. A company specializing in the service of refrigerated container units. The 1C:UNF software product was customized. The blocks of warehouse accounting, service work, production and rental were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A feature of the company's accounting was the assignment of identification numbers to equipment and tracking of its full life cycle.



Maintenance and repair of aviation equipment


Management and operational accounting


1C: Managing a small company 1.6

The company VTS Jets LLC carries out service work on the repair and maintenance of aircraft. The system required the implementation of a business chain of documents to reflect transactions. The company customized the 1C:UNF software product. In the system, the blocks of service work, personnel accounting, warehouse accounting and the pricing block were finalized. The information system was brought to ISO 9001 quality standards, which are used in the work of the customer.

Company "FAIR PAY"




Management Accounting. Accounting, payroll


1C: Trade Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C Salary and HR Management

The FAIR PAY company presents payment terminals of its own production. In addition to its own payment machines for accepting cash payments, the company produces Internet kiosks and Content kiosk. Comprehensive automation of management, accounting and payroll was carried out. As part of the project, data was transferred from a previously used warehouse accounting program, and a set of modifications was made to the used configurations to suit the needs of the company. Employees were trained.





Management Accounting, Accounting


1C: Trade Management 10.3

LLC "EVROMASTER" is one of the largest producers of ready-mixed concrete in the south of the Moscow region. The main principle of the company’s work is to take into maximum account all the interests of partners when developing production options, delivery conditions, prices, terms and types of payment. Comprehensive automation of dispatcher and operator workplaces was completed, with the ability to identify orders by barcodes in loading coupons and integrate the accounting program with the plant management system. The sales manager’s workplace was also automated.





Operational, personnel, regulated accounting


1C: Integrated automation

The MATRIX group of companies is a diversified engineering and manufacturing enterprise that performs work and provides services for the creation, reconstruction and modernization of automated process control systems of facilities in various industries. Implementation of 1C: Integrated automation. During the project, the following tasks were resolved: finalizing the configuration to suit the company's needs, transferring data from previously used accounting systems, installing and setting up the configuration, training MATRIX employees to work with the new information system.






1C: Salaries and personnel management, 1C: Enterprise accounting

SHP LLC "MILK TYRNOVO" - production of dairy products. The company automated accounting and payroll. As part of the project, a methodology for using the information system was developed, taking into account industry specifics.





Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management

OJSC Ostankino Meat Processing Plant (OJSC OMPK) is a leading manufacturer of processed meat products and semi-finished products in central Russia. The "Inventory" block and the list of reports have been modified to meet the customer's needs, and a non-standard exchange between PPs has been configured.





Trade, production, operational accounting.


ITS CONSULTANT: Concrete plant management

LLC "BROK-BETON" - production of ready-mixed concrete of all grades, mortars, sand concrete, wall, foundation and facing blocks, well rings and various landscape products (paving stones, curbs, etc.). During the project, areas were automated: operational accounting of actual production costs, transport accounting, document accounting, control of receipt and disposal of materials and finished products.




Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management, Management of a Microfinance Organization.

LLC "MFO-ALLIANCE" - Financial intermediation, tender loans, bank guarantees. The software products “Bank Guarantees” and “Tender Loans” were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A project was implemented for the customer to improve the existing information system. The goal of the project was to adapt the information system to the new directions of the company’s activities, as well as to optimize existing automation circuits. During the project, all goals were achieved.




Personnel accounting


1C: Salaries and personnel management 3.0

LLC MFO "JET MANY MICROFINANCE" - provides high-tech and high-quality services in the field of microfinance using a modern arsenal of banking lending technologies and IT tools. The transition was completed from 1C: Salaries and personnel management edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 with preservation of documents and modifications




Accounting, management accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

PJSC "VOLGA CAPITAL" is an infrastructure company that operates in the financial market, carrying out the activities of a market maker, specializing in exchange transactions and direct investments in its own projects. The company is a liquidity provider for all market participants on the NYSE, CME, Moscow Exchange. Comprehensive maintenance of the company's information database system is provided.







ITS Consultant: Concrete plant management

"StroyDomServis LLC is one of the largest developers in the territory of New Moscow. The company provides a full range of services related to development and implementation of large investment projects. The main distinguishing feature of the Investtrust company is the comprehensive development of the territory and the use of advanced technologies. The enterprise solved the following tasks: operational control over all stages of the plant’s operation, increasing the transparency of the processes occurring at the enterprise, quality control of products and services, integration of the plant’s work into the general information system, integration with the payment system."

- Select a course - Microsoft Office Excel course - 16 hours Microsoft Office PowerPoint course - 18 hours Intensive seminar Technology of creating financial models in EXCEL - 8 hours Express seminar Applied budgeting for beginners - 8 hours General 1C Operator course - 26 hours 1C Operator course - 16 hours 1C course Accounting 8 ed.3.0. Practical mastery of accounting from the very beginning - 80 hours Course 1C Accounting 8 ed.3.0. Using the configuration - 32 hours Course 1C Accounting of a public institution 8 - 24 hours Course Step-by-step transition to new standards of budget accounting in 1C: Accounting of a state institution 8 - 16 hours Seminar 1C Features of VAT accounting in the 1C program: Accounting of an enterprise 8 (version 3.0) - 8 hours Seminar Calculations with accountable persons: from theory to practice in 1C:Accounting 8 - 6h Seminar Accounting for foreign employees in 1C:ZUP 8 - 8h Seminar Children in 1C:ZUP 8 - 8h Seminar VAT and income tax 2019 - 7h Seminar Salary 2019 - 7 h. Seminar Financial analysis for an accountant - 7 h. Seminar Accounting for foreign economic activity operations - 7 h. Course 1C Errors in accounting - find and neutralize! - 9h Course 1C Simple transition to VAT 20% - 5h Course 1C VAT accounting (value added tax) - 24h Course 1C Accounting 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Salary and personnel management 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Trade Management 8 First steps - 10 hours Course 1C:Enterprise 8 Automation of tax accounting - 24 hours Course Theory of accounting for beginners - 24 hours Course 1C Trade Management edition 11.3 - 40 hours Course 1C Trade Management 8, edition 11. In-depth study of the program's capabilities - 32 hours Course 1C Personnel Management 8 - 16 hours Course 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8 ed. 3.1 - 32h Course 1C Theory and practice of payroll calculation in 1C Enterprise 8 - 80h Course 1C Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution - 32h Course Personnel accounting in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.0 - 24h Express course Management accounting in 1C: Salary and management CORP staff - 6 hours Course 1C Retail 8. Using configuration - 20 hours Course 1C: Complex automation 8 - 40 hours Course 1C: Complex automation 8. Trading operations - 24 hours Course 1C: Complex automation 8. Regulated accounting - 32 hours Course Operational management in small businesses with using the 1C program Managing our company 8, ed.1.4 - 24h Course 1C: Document flow 8 – 16h Course 1C UPP 8. (ed. 1.3) Concept and trading functionality - 24h Course 1C UPP 8. (ed. 1.3) Planning and Budgeting - 16h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Regulated accounting, Personnel, Salary - 24 hours Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Production accounting - 16 hours Course Concept of the 1C:ERP application solution Enterprise management 2 - 24 hours Course Management of production and repairs in the 1C:ERP application solution Enterprise management 2 - 32 hours Course Management cost accounting, financial results in the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise management 2 - 24 hours Course Concept of the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise management 2 - 24 hours Course Content manager 1C-Bitrix: Site management. Basic course - 16 hours Course 1C-Bitrix Administrator: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal" - 16 hours Course 1C-Bitrix Developer: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal" - 16 hours 1C-Bitrix Developer Course: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal. Level 2" - 16 hours Course 1C Enterprise. Introduction to configuration - 24 hours Course Basics of programming in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 system - 24 hours Course Tools for integration and data exchange in the 1C Enterprise system 8 - 24 hours Course Using the query language in the 1C Enterprise system 8.3 - 24 hours Course 1C Data composition system - reporting in the "1C:Enterprise 8" system - 24h Course Administration of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system - 32h Course 1C Accounting when applying a simplified taxation system in 1C:Accounting 8 - 24h Course 1C:Enterprise 8. Solution of operational issues tasks - 16 hours Course 1C Configuration in the 1C:Enterprise system 8.3 Solving accounting problems - 24 hours Course 1C Configuration in the 1C:Enterprise system 8. Solving calculation problems - 20 hours Course Basics of graphic design in Adobe Photoshop for beginners - 16 hours Course Practical application of BIT.FINANCE in parts of the Treasury and Budgeting subsystems - 32 hours Course Practical settings of the translation mechanism IN BIT.FINANCE - 16 hours CSO course “Practice of using the 1C: Accounting 8 program at manufacturing enterprises - 16 ac. Parts CSO course Practice of using the “1C: Accounting 8” program in trade - 16 hours CSO course Practice of using the “1C: Accounting 8” program in the service sector - 16 hours Course Practical application of BIT.FINANCE in terms of IFRS and Consolidation subsystems - 24 hours Course Practical application BIT.FINANCE in terms of the Contract Management subsystem - 16 hours Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION module Contractor - 16 hours Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION.Salaries - 4 hours Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION module "Supply and warehouse" - 16 hours Course Quick start in the program "BIT. Housing and communal services 8" - 8h Course Benefits and recalculations in the BIT program. Housing and communal services 8" - 8h Course Integration of BIT. Housing and communal services and "1C: Accounting Prof" - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C Tax accounting and reflection of PBU 18/02 in the 1C: Accounting program 8 - 5h Seminar Features of VAT accounting in the 1C program Enterprise Accounting 8 ( edition 3.0) - 10 hours Seminar Advanced accounting of fixed assets in the 1C Accounting program 8 edition 3.0 - 6 hours Seminar of UPP for an accountant - 6 hours Course 1C: Salaries and personnel management. Transition from 2.5 to version 3.1 Programming school for children Educational literature on 1C Participation in the promotion, difficult to answer / another course