Probably the most common mistakes made by schoolchildren are mistakes in unstressed vowels at the root of a word. After all, they occur very often, but they are not always easy to check!

How to write unstressed vowels in the root?

The rule is very simple and is based on the basic principle of Russian spelling, which scientists call phonemic. It says that in a weak position one must write the same letter as in a strong one. For a vowel, the weak position is unstressed. The vowel in it is shorter and sounds unclear. The strong position for a vowel is under stress. Therefore, it is necessary to change the word or select a word with the same root so that the dubious vowel in it is stressed: to denote an unstressed root, the same letter is used as for a stressed vowel in the same root in the same place.

How to choose a test word?

You can try putting the word in the singular (if it is plural) or vice versa: forests - forest; fox - foxes.

If we have a noun in front of us, form an adjective, or vice versa: water - aquatic; funny - laughter.

In any case, we must start by finding the root of the word and understanding its meaning. This must be done, since there are many homophonic (identical sounding) roots that have different meanings and are spelled differently. We will consider such cases below. Errors are also possible if the root is not found or found incorrectly. For example, the student writes the first vowel in the word “to get confused” incorrectly (“to get confused”), because he checked with the word “growth”, mistakenly assuming that it was a root.

Sometimes it is difficult to find a test word. Then it’s better to remember the spelling.

Problems arising with the selection of test words

Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word sometimes causes difficulties even for those who know the rules well.

Main problems:

  • Homophonic (sounding the same) roots;
  • Alternations;
  • Verb check.

Let's look at them in order.

The phenomenon of homonymy is homophony. Homophones name words that sound the same but are spelled differently. This sometimes confuses the writer as it requires reasoning as one must decide which test word to use.

For example, the word “sp…shi”. Without context, we cannot determine which letter should be inserted in place of the gap. But in context everything becomes clear: “write down the words (list)” and “rush to the station (rush).”

Writers and publicists often base their jokes, which are called puns, on the phenomenon of homonymy.

Alternating roots can also create problems, since the vowels in such roots cannot be checked in the usual way. For example, the word “assume” cannot be checked with the word “suppose”, since the spelling of the vowel in such roots depends on the rule. More details in the chapter “Alternation”.

Finally, as a general rule there is exception: you cannot check a perfective verb with an imperfective verb with the suffix -ыва- (-iva) (dig up - dig up); it is necessary to select a test word from another part of speech (excavation).

Unverifiable unstressed vowels in the root

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to find a test word: there are simply no words with the same root in which the required vowel would be stressed. This often refers to borrowed words, but such examples are also possible among native Russians. Examples: pencil case, picture, tradition, etc. The spelling of such words must be memorized or checked in a dictionary.

Roots with alternation

Over the centuries, the language has undergone various changes. Therefore, in its modern state it contains a number of roots that have variant spellings.

The most famous alternation (-oro- - -ra- and -olo- - -la-) is based on the fact that in ancient times, along with the oral Russian language, written Church Slavonic was used; the first is characterized by full-vowel combinations (-oro-, -olo-), and the second - by partial-vowel combinations (-ra-, -la-).

Roots with alternation can be confused, but it is better not to do this, as then an error will occur. For example, the word "gate" cannot be tested with the word "gatekeeper".

You also need to remember the spelling of alternating roots from the table below.

Spelling depends on root consonants

Spelling depends on stress

Spelling depends on the suffix -a-

rАst (рАш) - рОс - А is written if the root contains ST or Ш; ex.rostok, Rostov, moneylender, Rostislav, industry

lag - lie - A is written if at the end of the root G

skAk - skOch - A is written if there is a K at the end of the root; excl. I'll jump, I'll jump

clan - clone

tvAr - tvor - in all three roots, what is heard is written under stress, without stress - O

ZAR - ZOR - on the contrary: what is heard is written under the accent, and without the accent - A

There is a suffix A

(meaning “to become motionless, dead)

No suffix A

plant, offer, jump

Tanned, bow, creator, dawn

Tangent, collect, unlock, find fault, rub, freeze, spread, brilliant, light up

In addition to those listed, worth remembering also roots -ravn- (equal)/-rovn- (even), -mac- (dip in liquid)/-mok- (get wet, soak in water) and -plav-/-pilaf-/-plav- (written A, except for the words “swimmer”, “swimmer”, “quicksands”).

What have we learned?

From the article we learned that problems with writing an unstressed vowel in the root of a word that may be homophonic (when the roots sound the same) can arise if you are not aware of the alternation of vowels in the root and when checking the word with a verb. We also learned that the spelling of the vowel in the root in most words is checked by a word of the same root, in which the unstressed sound becomes stressed.

Test on the topic

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To check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, it is necessary to change this word so that the stress falls on the unstressed vowel, that is, put this vowel in a strong (stressed) position, for example, V I zat - in I yes.

Unstressed vowels are unverified by stress.

If the unstressed vowel is uncheckable, then you need to check the spelling of the desired word in a spelling dictionary ( V A rut, in And n e warm).

Tasks and tests on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word”

  • Spelling words with an unstressed vowel sound at the root. Ways to check spelling - Sounds and letters. Spelling rules 2nd grade

When completing tasks on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels in the root of a word”, please note that not all words with the same root can be tested, for example, consider the word “child”.

The test word for the word “child” will be “child”, but not “children”;
By the word “to be late” - “late”, but not “to be late”.

Attention! Never check unstressed vowels at the root with words like “-… yat”, “-… yat”.

Never check unstressed vowels at the root with words used in different style. For example, in a pair of words “city - hail» hail is not a test word because it is in a different style.

For the word “city”, the test word is “vegetable garden”, but not “city”! For the word “young”, the test word for the unstressed vowel is “young”, but not “young”.

We are talking about a full-vocal combination at the root of a word (-oro, -olo) and an incomplete-vocal combination at the root of a word (-ra, -la). Remember that an incomplete vowel combination will never replace a full vowel one.

Spelling an unstressed vowel at the root of a word

The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking with other words and forms, where in the same significant part of the word (in the same root, in the same prefix, suffix, ending) the vowel being checked is under stress,

For example: G O ra (mountains, mountain), n A take (scolded), land I Noah (oats), to the house e (in the table).

Unstressed vowels in roots, verified by stress

In accordance with the general rule, the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by tests with words and forms with the same root, in which the vowel being tested is stressed ,

For example: V O Yes (in oh, in oh), With A yes (s a d, s a dick), St. And Nya (St. and Nyi), I egg (eggs), G O V O rip (talk about thief, talk about r), m O l O milk (youth, youth, youth), and A ra (hot, hot), w A moon (prank).

In some cases, this verification technique cannot be used, since different spellings of words with the same root are explained by their belonging to different languages. So, unstressed partial vowel combinations ra , la (V ra yeah, juice ra tit, b ra zdy, g la va, about la to, in la read and similar) are always written with the letter A- these are words of Old Slavonic origin; in Russian roots such combinations correspond to full vowels oro , olo (V oro So oro soft, b oro zdy, g olo va, in olo read).

You can't check an unstressed vowel O in the roots of perfective verbs with imperfective forms. In words but drink, delay, swallow, split, but swallow and other vowels O checked by cognate words late, throat, two, then reads, although there are verbs delay, be late, swallow, spread.

This rule does not apply to foreign words, since in them the tested and tested vowels can refer to morphemes of different origins. Yes, in a word accompaniment suffix -ment of French origin, and in the verb accompany suffix - irova - - German. Compare: subscription - to subscribe, engagement - to engage; words intelligentsia And intelligence in Latin are formed from different stems of the same root.

When choosing a spelling O or A in unstressed verbal roots, imperfective verbs with a suffix should not be used for testing -yva- (-willow- ).

For example, to check the unstressed vowel in verb roots throw, then stop, see third, remain silent you should use words and forms such as throw, transfer, then read, look, look, silently, silently, but not verbs like sketch, trample, consider, keep silent, which are characterized by alternating vowels o – a (earn - earn, learn - learn and so on.).

You need to be especially careful when writing words with homonymous roots, in which the unstressed vowel is pronounced the same way, but is indicated in writing by different letters.

Compare the words in pairs: h A hundred (frequent) And h And hundred (clean), floor A roll (laska) And floor O roll (brush floor), P A ry(plural, cf. steam) And to n O ry(cf. still), l e sa(plural, cf. forest) And l And sa(cf. l and sy, l and Sonya), village And children (s and dya) And village e children (s e d, cr. f. from gray-haired), development And wat (develop) And development e wat (in e yat), size I baby (digit) And size e baby (rare), osv e tit (light, illuminate) And osv I tit (holy, holy), approx. e swear (measure) And approx. And swear (m.r..).

Letter e after paired soft consonants and sibilants it is written in accordance with the accent e, so with O(in writing e ). Compare: b e pour (white) And V e la (in yo l), With e lo (s e la And s e lsky), w e flatter (w e lest) And w e lk (sh e lk), and e torment (e mchug) And and e people (you're a fool).

Unstressed vowels in roots, not checked by stress

There are many words in the Russian language whose root vowels cannot be checked by stress. The spelling of such words is determined according to the spelling dictionary.

This includes both native Russian and borrowed words. Here are some of them: aborigine, antagonism, badminton, beefsteak, grease, lobby, vinaigrette, bagpipes, range, delicacy, airship, demagogue, dependency, initiative, bondage, cannonade, burner, criminology, holster, koschei, macaque, waste paper, obsession, charm, opportunity, optimism, panorama, eulogy, privilege, front garden, plasticine, confusion, tunnel, utilitarian, Esperanto.

Other difficult cases of writing root vowels

In a word velvet after X a letter is written in an unstressed position A(Also velvety, velvety), although under stress in the word velvet(option: barkh and weave) – vowel O. Unstressed vowel in a word swan, which is conveyed by the letter e , correspond under stress e And I : leb-yo-dka, leb-yo-dushka And babe I'm alive. In a word lady written without accent A , and under the stress in the word boat - O .

In words child, child, child, childbirth etc. the letter is written without accent e according to the shock e in a word children and its derivatives - childish, childhood, childless etc. However, in the word d and tya, as well as in colloquial d and tyo And d and traction is written And (shock And V d and tyatko).

Root of the word magnet, Greek in origin, in a number of words has another stressed vowel - e, and in an unstressed position the corresponding vowel is conveyed as a letter And , and the letter e .

For example, magnetic and t, magnetic and tny, magnet and tit And magneto, magnetic, paramagnetic; magnetograph, magne and thorium, magne and tola, magne and tometer, magne and tophon, magne and tobiology, magne and tooptics And magnetic, magnetism, magnetite, magneton, magnetron. options: Magnetoelectric effect And magn and toelectric machine, magn and tochemistry And Magnetochemistry; the presence of such spelling variants is supported by side stress on the vowel And or e in the first part of these complex words (which thus differ in pronunciation).

At the root of the word debit(financial term) and words of the same root, the second vowel, always unstressed, is expressed in letters e (in words debit, debit, debit) And And (in words deb and tor, deb and tor). At the root of words infection And disinfection in place of a stressed vowel e is written (in verbs in quote) in an unstressed position the letter And : to infect, to disinfect. The same in words perception, apperception, But to perceive, to apperceive; correction, But correct. Letters e And And in place of unstressed vowels they differ in the roots of words: Sensib e linen, But Sensib And lization; engineer e ner, But engineer And neering. In all these cases, differences in the written rendering of root vowels are explained by the spelling of words in the source languages. The spelling of vowels in such roots is determined in dictionary order.

Unstressed connecting vowels

When combining the stems of two or more words into one complex word, as well as when forming complex words with components of an international nature, a connecting vowel is used, expressed in writing by letters O And e .

The connecting vowel is transmitted in writing after hard paired consonants by the letter O , and after soft paired consonants, hissing, ts And j– letter e , For example: sound O director, world O view, sep O braid, works O giver, dict O background, Moscow O Retsky, one O one-time, ninety O summer, st O ruble, mor e swimmer, ancient e Russian, ardor e sos, total e available, thousand e summer, fresh e painted, mouse e catch, sheep e watercraft, cha e drinking; dirty e water O hospital, oil O cheese O boiled.

Formations with a soft and hard consonant before connecting vowels, transmitted respectively by letters e And O : shelter e nose and blood O leak, con e farming and horse O stealth, far e sighting and long-range O vigilant, song e creativity and song O singing.

Letter O also written after a vowel And or e in a number of complex words with the first part - the basis of words in -and I or at -to her , -her ,

For example: bacteria O carrier (bacterium), history O graphy (story), religion O conducting (religion), chemi O therapy (chemistry), trachea O bronchitis (trachea), muse O logy (museum), But: muse e conducting.

Instead of connecting vowels O And e in some categories of complex words, vowels are written that coincide with case and other endings of words, the bases of which are contained in the previous part of the word:

I – in words with first parts myself-: selfishness, selfish(but in seb e price And seb e dominant letter e ); time- ,

For example: pastime, time calculation, time measuring; Name- ,

For example: name-creativity, name-glorification(social and philosophical movement); seed- ,

For example: cotyledon, ovule, ovule, ejaculation, seminal receptacle, seminal purifier(But name book, seed production, seed storage, and also - with the bases of other words in -me– standard bearer, flame-like, flame arrester);

A - in words crazy, crazy, in words with first parts forty, one and a half, one and a half hundred,

For example: fortieth anniversary, forty-candle, forty-hour(but cf. centipede, magpie); one and a half ton, one and a half year old, one and a half hundred years old(but in words with the first parts ninety- And one hundred- is written O );

And – in words with first parts containing the bases of numerals from five before twenty, and thirty, fifty and so on.,

For example: ten-year, seven-month, thirty-volume, sixtieth anniversary; regarding additions with a numeral stem three: trefoil, triune, trinity, trinitarian(But triangular, tripod and so on.); in words with the first parts coinciding with the forms of the imperative mood of the verb, for example: daredevil, fidgety, gouge-eyed, tumbleweed; in complex possessive adjectives like Uncle-Styopin, aunt-Valin;

s - in the same adjectives like women-Dusin, Anna-Petrovnin.

At the end of the first parts of complex words the following letters are also written: A And And – in some series of complex words with the first parts of an international character: air (airbase, aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier), aqua- (aquanaut, aquatechnics), mega- (megaton, megawatt, megaproject), media (media company, media holding), maxi- (maxi skirt), midi- (midi dress), Milli- (millimeter, milligram), mini- (mini-tournament), centi- (centimeter), deci- (decimeter), poly- (multivitamins, polytechnic), quasi- (quasi-radiation, quasi-scientific); letter And – in some words with second parts -metry (planimetry, dosimetry; But seismometry, spectrometry), -fiction And -fect (electrification, electrify, gasification, intensification, russification; But district heating, radio installation); in the names of states, territories with the second part -mill (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kurdistan); in words centrifuge, agriculture(But agriculture with a different meaning).

14. Testable unstressed vowels at the root of the word. Rules

The strong position for vowel sounds is the position
in a stressed syllable.

Under stress, vowels are pronounced clearly, which means the position
strong, without emphasis, unclear - the position is weak.

Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress:

wave - waves, balls - ball.

Ways to check unstressed vowels in the root

1. Selection of cognate words:

salt - salt, fix - strong, airy - air.

2. Changing the form of a word:

window - windows, thunderstorm - thunderstorms.

When selecting words with the same root, it is necessary to take into account their lexical meaning.

I'm in a hurry (to school) - hurry, I'll copy (text) - writes.

Problems on the topic “Testable unstressed vowels at the root of a word”

Insert the missing letters.

Saw a log, a thundercloud, cityscapes, praise for work, make a task more difficult, a village street, harmful fumes, the chirping of birds.

Select the same root words in each four.

1. Water, water, driver, water.
2. Mix, laugh, funny, make laugh.
3. Forest, stairs, woods, forester.
4. Left, left, left, left.

Insert the missing letters.

Rainy, sunny, sea, distant, close, black, take off, contain, enter, wish, speak, divide, swallow, airy.

Insert the missing letters.

Make a wish, climb a tree, load a gun, laugh unexpectedly, start a song, wear out a suit, sit on the shore, drink milk, ask for help, be weakened by an illness.

Insert the missing letters.

To split a log, to split a frying pan. Start a song - start a medicine. Dedicate to art - dedicate with a flashlight. Accept friends - accept a dress. The frequency in the room is the frequency of the waves.

Insert the missing letters.

Hide documents - hide with the door. To create boredom is to create wire. If you write to see, write in your notebook. To heal the wound, to heal it on a tree. Live at the address - live carefully.

Insert the missing letters.

Get rich unexpectedly, strong earthquake, load a gun, spiny cactus, steal a lion, pay for travel, rearrange furniture.

Insert the missing letters.

Metal fence, laugh loudly, adorable baby, make a schedule, make things better, fertilize the crops.

1. Spelling vowels in the root

§1. Tested unstressed vowels

Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: forests(forest), fox(l And́sy), try on(m e rit) costumereconcile(world) neighbors; flutters(V éyat) flagdevelops(developed And this) industry; fridge(X O cold, cold Ódny).

Wed. different spellings of unstressed vowels of the root in words that sound similar; climb(in pocket) - lick(wounds) boil(potato) - open(door), caress(cat) - rinse(mouth), fastener(collar) – attached(about a horse) thin out(sprouts) – discharge(gun), belittle(meaning) - beg(about mercy), etc.

Note 1. In some roots there is alternation of vowels. The number of such roots is limited (see §3 about this).

Note 2. Vowel O in unstressed roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked by imperfective forms for –s wat (-ivate ), For example: be late (late, Although be late), cut (cutting, Although cut out).

Note 3. In some words of foreign origin with a suffix that is distinguished only etymologically, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the check vowel are included in suffixes of different origins, for example: subscription ( ement goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe (-edit goes back to the German suffix); accompaniment, Although accompany; engagement, Although engage. Wed. also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign root apperceive, Although apperception; disinfect, Although disinfection. The vowel of the root is preserved in words injectioninject, projection - project Inec. etc.

§2. Unchecked unstressed vowels

The spelling of unstressed vowels, which cannot be verified by stress, is determined by a spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, string, can, bodyaga, grease, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, lobby, ham, vinaigrette, dysentery, masturbation, intelligentsia, kalamyanka, kalach, closet, loaf, cuttlefish, holster, layout, burner, head of cabbage, koschei, ladanka, magarych, madapolam, obsession, front garden, pantopon, ferry, periphery, gudgeon, pigalitsa, plasticine, privilege, rump steak, rotaprint, bullfinch, smelt, scholarship, brake, lumpy, elixir, overpass and many more etc. (as the examples show, this includes words regardless of their origin).

§3. Alternating vowels

Alternation A And O

1. Fundamentally gar mountains under stress it is written A, without accent - O ; zag A R, yy A Rzag O reliy, ugh O howl.

Exceptions: vyg A rivers, izg A ry, prig A ry(special and dialect words).

2. Fundamentally zar star A : h A roar, h O Rarkah A rnitsa, oz A bark.

Exception: dawn.

3. Fundamentally cas bras(n)- is written O , if followed by a consonant n , in other cases - A: To A sit down, to A satativeTo O wake up, come to sleep O dream.

4. Fundamentally clan- clone- under stress the vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - O: cl A take care, pokl O npokl O thread, bow O Nenie.

5. In an unstressed root lag- false before G is written A, before and O: proposal A get away, adj A adjectiveproposal cool it, region cool eing.

Exception: floor O G lag- false ).

6. Root poppy- contained in verbs meaning “to immerse in liquid”: m A roll cracker into tea, exchange A dip the pen into the ink. Root mok- contained in verbs meaning “to pass liquid”: you m O whip in the rain, prom O whip what is written. The rule applies to derivative words: m A singing, prom O rolling paper, non-industrial O stone cloak.

7. Fundamentally float a vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: pl A go, pl A take into account, popl A wok. Root pilaf- contained in words pl O vec And pl O sneeze; root swim- - in a word pl s Woons.

8. Root equals found in words meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: ur A opinion, wed A understand, it's time A take heed(become equal). Root exactly – in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth”; zar O listen, p O Vesnik, Wed O take heed, ur O Ven. Wed: other A heed(make equal) – other O heed(make it even); vyr A external(made equal) – vyr O external(made smooth).

9. Fundamentally growth grew- is written A before the next combination st (also before sch ), in other cases it is written O : R A sti, nar A swearingvyr O sshiy, zar O sly, por O sl.

Exceptions: negative A with(although no cm ); R O drain, output O drain, r O stockman, R O stov etc. (although there is cm ).

10. In an unstressed root with how skoch before To is written A , before h O : prompt A rollprompt O read.

Exceptions: sk A chock, sk A Chu.

11. Fundamentally creature creation under stress the vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - O : TV A Ry, TV O gloriesTV O swear, TV O rec.

Exception: approved A ry(no longer semantically associated with the root creature creation ). In the roots of some verbs, when forming aspect pairs, there is an alternation of both unstressed and stressed O : ugh O swear – ugh A to waste, to waste Ónut – zatr A earn money O earn money A to speak(see §1, note 2).

Alternation e And And

12. In the roots ber bir -, der- dir -, mer- world-, per- pir-, ter- dash-, brilliant- blist -, burned- jig-, stel- style-, even- cheat- is written And , if followed by the suffix -A- : personal And army, ass And army, deputy And army, zap And army, art And army, bl And become, szh And go, calculate And go away, part And bark; otherwise it is written e : b e ru, d e ru, mind e howl, zap e talk, st e howl, bl e stet, vyzh e gshiy, vych e t, dist e pour.

Exceptions: op. e thief, op. e dancing.

Alternation A( I) And them , and I) And in

13. In the roots with alternation A( I) And m , and I) in are written them And in, if followed by a suffix -A- : szh A tszh them oh, pon I tMon them ah, start A tbeginning in at. Wed: vn them atelic, closing in ah, let me remind you in yes, prin them at etc. Retained in derivative forms them , even if the suffix does not follow -A , For example: I'll take it off, take it off, pick it up, pick it up etc.

§4. Vowels after sibilants

1. After sizzling ( f, h, w, sch ) letters are not written I, yu, s, and are written accordingly a, y, and, For example: h A yika, sorry A linen, h at before, sch at rush, w And r, w And t.

Exceptions: brooch Yu ra, f Yu ri, parash Yu t, psh Yu t, fish Yu and some other words of foreign origin.

2. After sibilants under stress, it is written in the root e( e) , corresponding in pronunciation to the sound O , if in related words or in another form of the same word it is written e (h e rynyh e to laugh, w e lightand e licence); in the absence of such relations it is written O. Wed:

A) twine, evening, cheap, chewed, gutter, acorn, millstone, hard, test, wallet, liver, slap, hairstyle, bee, millet, millet, comb, lattice, seedlings, account, study, accounting, cheboty, bangs, shuttle, devil, black, dash, tap dance, whisper, dandy, slit, brush;

b) artichoke, junk, pulp, zhor, zhokh, heartburn, gooseberry, cruchon, major, glutton, gluttonous, rattle(the suffix is ​​no longer highlighted -O tk-a ),slum, thicket(the suffix is ​​no longer highlighted -both ), clink glasses, prim, clink, clink, seam, shock, ramrod, shuffle, saddler, rustle(word rough is not perceived now as a single root), blinders.

Note 1. Writing with O It is also preserved in cases where, when changing the form of a word or in a derivative word, the stress moves to another syllable, for example: w O mpolramrod Á.

Note 2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of nouns cool O g, perezh O g, podzh O g, prozh O G and verbs in the past tense cool e g, perezh e g, podzh e g, prozh e G(the latter are compared with the root burn burned ).

Note 3. A fluent vowel sound under stress after sibilants is indicated by the letter O , For example: intestinequiche O To, face O nwhy not A .

3. In words of foreign origin it is possible to write O p after sibilants in an unstressed syllable, for example: and O kay , and O lnör, w O ngler, mazh O rdom,sh O Vinism, w O kick, w O kolad, sh O sse, sh O Tlandish, w O fer.

4. In proper names O after sibilants it is possible both in a stressed and unstressed position, for example: H Óser, H O Heli, Sh O Lom Aleichem, Sh O Kalsky.


Spelling words with unstressed vowels at the root

Unstressed vowels in the root, not checked by stress

There are many words whose root vowels cannot be checked by stress. These are the so-called “dictionary” words. They obey the historical principle of spelling and are written according to tradition. Among them there are words that are originally Russian, but for the most part similar words come from other languages. Their spelling is determined by the dictionary and remembered. ( They use different methods for memorizing such words: you can write the word large with colored markers on a card and hang it in a visible place, or sing it syllable by syllable to your favorite melody: some people remember better with their eyes, others by ear): With O tank, to O rowa, in And n e Gret, d And R And zher, in e th and etc.

Unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress

In order to correctly write the letter at the root of a word, you need to find a test word - change the given word or select a single root one so that the unstressed vowel is in a strong position (under stress) and is pronounced clearly: n O Vinka - n ó vyy, With e lenition - with e la, adj A say - l á ska.

In order not to go through many words with the same root, hoping to find a vowel in a strong (stressed) position in at least one of them, it is good to know the same techniques for checking many words. There are several practical techniques for quickly finding a test word. They can be useful for most words with unstressed checked vowels.

Typical verification techniques

The selection of a test word must begin with forms of the same word (i.e., you need to change this word). This is the easiest way.

1. For a noun:

a) if a noun with an unstressed vowel at the root is singular, the noun should be put in the plural form: h e blah (singular) - s é mli (plural), n O ga-n ó gi, r e ka - r é ki and etc.

b) if a noun with an unstressed vowel at the root is in the plural, the word should be put in the singular form: l e sa (plural) - l e s (units), sn e ha - sn e g, d e la-d é lo and etc.

c) you can change the case of a noun: V e cabbage soup (R.p.) - in é cabbage soup (I.p.), d e tey - d é ty, d O cherey - d ó cherry and etc.

2. For an adjective:

an unstressed vowel is often checked by putting the adjective in the short masculine form: d O horny - d ό horn, r I fight - r I b, h e linen - z é linen and etc.

3. For a verb:

a) put the verb in the 3rd person form of the present or future tense (he she They): V A rit - in á rit, t O ptala – t ό pchet, p And sali - p ú Sheth, St. e tit - sv é tit and etc.;

b) put the verb in the masculine past tense form: manager e du - manager e l, heat e blah - heat e b, us e lo - us e l and etc.

c) put the verb in an indefinite form (infinitive): br O sali - br ó sit up A eat - get up A tat, nat I zero - nat I give up and etc.

If changing the word does not help you find the test word, you need to select a word with the same root, which is another part of speech:

a) the verb can be verified by verbal nouns: cm e to be - see e x, hi O whined - whined O x, weight e pour - weight é leagues and etc.

b) X O lodny (adj.) – x ó lod (n.), O autumn (adj.) - ó canopy (n.);

V) h And hundred (noun) – h ú sty (adj.), h A hundred (n.) - h á sty (adj.).

Sometimes you need to choose another cognate word that is the same part of speech: tr O pinka – tr ó pka, Ve rshina - in e px, d O Mishko - d ó Mick, To O styanoy - to ó stout, st A rinny - st á ry.


1. You cannot use the rule of finding a test word when writing words that have alternating vowels in the root: adj A go away- it is forbidden attached(these are roots with alternation log-/log-); other A you're singing - it is forbidden grown up(roots grow-/ros-); bl And become - it is forbidden shine(roots with alternation glitter-/shine-).


As a general rule spelling of unstressed vowels In all words with the same root, the same vowels are written at the root.

You can check an unstressed letter by stress. To do this, you need to choose a single-root word in which the desired vowel will be stressed. The stressed letter is clearly audible, and you will have no doubts. If it is impossible to find such a word, you have before you an untestable unstressed vowel that you need to remember.


TO A current - k A tit.

M O current - us O tka (we do not check with a verb with -yva: to wind).

P e vec - p e t.

Fri e nets - fri e nchik.

Tr I sit - tr I ska.

History of the rule

For the first time, Mikhail Lomonosov drew attention to vowels in roots in Russian Grammar. But they did not formulate the rule. Developing Lomonosov's thought, the authors of the following textbooks are already formulating a semblance of a rule. Like this:

In general, writing some words with unstressed vowels was considered “obscene”, but there is no rule yet.

Nikolai Grech has already proposed checking unstressed vowels with stressed ones in words of the same root, but he also does not yet have a single rule: he devotes a separate paragraph to each pair of vowels that can be confused.

But over 100 years the formulation has been perfected.

There is not much debate about the rule about unstressed vowels. Everyone understands it, everyone likes it. But it is precisely this rule that causes most of the mistakes.

What to pay attention to

  • In no case don't check with stress vowels in roots with vowel alternation.
  • Don't check with accent words with full vowel have the same root with a “dropped” vowel. For example, in the word h olo That we write the letter combination OLO, although there is a word evil A That.
  • When establishing the spelling o or a in unstressed roots of verbs should not be taken into account imperfect forms of -yat (-iv) with stressed a, for example: T O ptal, because T O pchet (although you A ptyval), m O lie, m O they are talking, because m O lcha (although the mind A hide).
  • When choosing a word with the same root, remember the lexical meaning of the root. There are many similar and even almost identical roots that have different meanings and different vowels. For example, approx. e tear clothes(we check with a word approx. e rka), approx. And five friends(we check with a word m And R), mind And army and mind e howl(alternating mer-world depends on the suffix A, cannot be checked by accent).
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Here is the most complete list of words with similar roots:

Climb (climb) into a hole - lick (lick) a wound

Started to peel off (peeled off) - lick (licks) the lollipop

Get down (climb) from a tree - lick (lick) sour cream

Start (sing) a song - drink (drink) medicine

Invoke (wind) sad thoughts - curl (curl) hair on a curling iron

To flutter (fly) in the wind - to develop (development) according to age

Rinse (rinses) laundry - caress (caress) a cat

Shine (light) with a flashlight - dedicate (holy) poems to a lady

Hurry (hurry) to work - write (write off) in a notebook

Cleanliness (clean) in the house - frequency (often) of radio waves, visits

Beg (beg) for help - belittle (small) merit

To sit (sitting) on ​​a bench - to turn gray (grey) from grief

To fade (wither) in the heat - to see (the sight of) a friend

Try on (measurement) dress - reconcile (peace) enemies - die, die (mer/peace)

Thin out (rare) carrots - unload (discharge) a gun

Heat (glow) the iron - chop (prick) the wood

Blooming valley (vale) - distant (distant) lighthouse

Driven (drove) crazy - made (made) a nest

She is very nice (nice) – She chalked (chalked) the floor

Dating (date) a document – ​​subsidizing the territory

Chew (chew) meat - live (live) in an apartment

Imitate elders - irritate (tease) - tremble (shiver) in the wind

Unite (tightly) the team - pay (payment) the debt

Fasten (firmly) sheets - creak (creak) in the wind

Stop repairs - tame the (meek) tiger - reduce (briefly) the fraction

To flap (flap) in the wind - some kind of rag (rag)

To rescue (will) a prisoner - to shoulder (shaft) a load - to felt (felt) wool

An old resident (old) of the city - guarded (watchman) the warehouse

Run around (run) shops - offend (offend) the weak

Gas stove (stove) – weave (weave) a basket

Boastful (boast) arrogant - tailed (tail) devil

Guess (riddle) the word - please (please) the bride

Evaporate (steam) in the air - an undeniable (dispute) argument

Hummocky (tussock) meadow – swing (swing) on ​​a swing – nomad

To press (closely) neighbors - emboss (emboss) on the skin

Constrained (crowded) in funds - embossed (embossed) with gold

Blind (model) a snowman - stick (sticky) together

Boil (cook) the potatoes - open (leaf) the door

What happened (shaking) - bursting (crackling) at the seams

Book (reservation) tickets - scold (scold) husband

Rake (rake) leaves – mushroom (mushroom) soup

Hanging (hung) pear, you can’t eat - weight (weight) sugar

To be exhausted (skinny) from hunger - to drag (drag) in the evening, to drag a bag

Mow (cuts) the grass – cashier (cash) - touch, touch (kos/kas)

The best radio operator (radio) is my relatives (family)

Let's go to the skating rink (rolls) - cat, cat (cat)

Guard (security) warehouse - chronology (chronos) of events

Bitter (bitter) taste – mountainous (mountain) terrain – croaker (hump) – grieve (grief) – flare up, tan (gor/gar)

Carrying out (led) the sentence - saw a ghost (sight)

Three girls are spinning - guests will come

Nude (naked) sitter – stab (knife) wound

Obsession (discouraged) – flood (of water)

Gradually subside (quietly) - console (comfort) the child

When the stress falls on a sound, then this sound does not need to be checked, and this position of the sound in the stressed syllable is called strong. Unstressed vowel sounds are not clearly heard when pronounced. Such sounds need to be either checked or remembered. In our case, we need to write down words for which we can select test ones.

  1. Let's run;
  2. Tramp;
  3. Methods;
  4. Rainy;
  5. Milk;
  6. Painless;
  7. Gold;
  8. Shines;
  9. Trees;
  10. Honey.

Let's select test words for words with unstressed vowels

Unstressed root vowels are most often checked by stress. If a word cannot be checked for stress, then most likely it is a dictionary word. That is, we need to select words of the same root in which the unstressed vowel from the first word will be stressed.

  1. Let's run. The unstressed vowel "e" in the root. You need to choose a word where the “e” will be stressed. For example, jogging or jogging.
  2. Tramp. Unstressed "o" in the root. This letter wanders around in the word under stress. Thus, wandering is a test word.
  3. Ways. The unstressed vowel "o" in the root. The test word is capable. The word capable has an accented sound.
  4. Rainy. The unstressed "o" is at the root of the word. In the word rain, the "o" is stressed. Therefore, rain is a test word.
  5. Milk. Here both sounds are fundamentally unstressed. The first sound cannot be checked, but the second one can. The test word is milky.
  6. Painless. The unstressed vowel in the root "o". The test word is pain. The "o" sound is stressed.
  7. Gold. Both sounds are unstressed. The second sound needs to be remembered, and a test word can be selected for the first. Gold - the sound "o" under stress.
  8. Shines. An unstressed "e" at the root of the word. You need to choose a word in which the “e” is stressed. Such a word is the word - shine.
  9. Trees. The unstressed vowel "e" in the root. The test word is tree. In the word tree "e" is in the stressed position.
  10. Honey. An unstressed "e" at the root of the word. Let's choose a test word. This word is honey. Despite the fact that the word honey contains the letter “ё”, this word is a test word for the word honey.