The social sphere of society is a collection of individuals who are united by historically established connections and relationships, and also possess characteristics that give it its originality. This concept is directly related to satisfaction. And the opportunities through which you can get the desired result depend on:

  1. subject and his belonging to a certain social group.
  2. The level of development of the state and its place on the world political stage.

Note that society is not just a number of people. There are certain aggregates of which act in it that constitute social existence. Their classification may be based on class, national, age or professional characteristics. Division can also be carried out on the basis of territorial affiliation. That is why the social consists of classes, strata, professional and territorial communities, as well as production teams, families and institutions. Also in this area there is a macro- and microstructure, which includes families, work and educational groups, etc.

Note that all the components here are in interaction, which is based on the realization of basic needs and interests. They enter into certain relationships, of which there can be several types: economic, social, spiritual and political.

The social sphere of society includes the following structural components:

  1. Ethnic structure. Initially, the smallest group was considered the family that made up the clan. If several of them united, then a tribe was formed. Later, a nationality was formed, which was based on territorial ties between people. When feudalism begins to develop, the process of nation formation begins.
  2. Demographic structure. The general community of this structure is the population - a set of people that continuously reproduces their own kind.

The social sphere of society has a certain nature of relationships that are formed between its members. Their specificity depends on the position they occupy in the structure, as well as on the role assigned to them within the framework of joint activities. As a rule, the positioning of individuals is not equivalent. This inequality is expressed in the social distance that exists between members of society.

The social sphere of society is characterized by the dominant role of relationships, which strictly leads to the development of a new type of consciousness of representatives of society, which is called social. Its structural feature is that a community of people thinks and acts in a completely different way, not the same as its individual members if they were in a state of disunity.

Let us note that this area of ​​people’s lives is a structure that is in continuous development. Within its framework, processes always occur that can change the nature of relationships between individuals, as well as their content. They are capable of influencing the essence of social structure and

The social sphere of society is constantly being studied, because at the same time we comprehend the specifics of human relations, as well as the characteristics of the activities and behavior of members of society, social structures and their elements.

Note that the study of all these components is possible only within the framework of sociology. Of course, this area is studied by many sciences, but thanks to sociology we get a more complete understanding of all aspects of its existence and functioning.

Social The sphere is the relationships that arise in the production of immediate human life and man as a social being.

The concept of “social sphere” has different meanings, although they are interconnected. In social philosophy and sociology, this is the sphere of social life, which includes various social communities and connections between them. In economics and political science, the social sphere is often understood as a set of industries, enterprises, and organizations whose task is to improve the standard of living of the population; at the same time, the social sphere includes healthcare, social security, public services, etc. The social sphere in the second meaning is not an independent sphere of social life, but an area at the intersection of the economic and political spheres, associated with the redistribution of state income in favor of those in need.

The sphere of social life of society can be characterized as a systemically organized part of society, where historical and social groups of people interact regarding social status, place and role in the life of society. It covers: the interests of classes and social strata, groups, nations and nationalities, relations between society and the individual, working and living conditions, health and leisure. The core of social relations is the relationship of equality and inequality of people according to their position in society.

It is known that any society consists of specific individuals (subjects). But this is not a simple collection of individuals. People in society interact, become isolated, forming stable social groups. The latter have varying degrees of generality, differ from each other in size, specific needs and interests, and are in connections and relationships of different nature, content and complexity. To a first approximation, we can say that the life activity of social communities, their functioning, development constitute the social sphere. But they simultaneously function in the material-productive, political, and spiritual spheres; they do not belong only to social life. What then allows us to single out the social sphere as one of the main subsystems of society? The statement of V.S. seems important from a methodological point of view. Barulin that in deciding the existence of a particular social sphere, it is necessary to proceed not from what the components of this sphere are, but from the extent to which certain social laws have developed, been established, and acquired their qualitative specificity. If laws have formed and separated from other laws, then we can assert the existence of a corresponding sphere.

Consequently, one of the first and most important grounds and criterion for identifying the social sphere is the presence in it of its own specific laws, which, as life practice shows, are closely related to the laws of the material, production, political and spiritual spheres. At the same time, it should be remembered that they have their own specificity, their place in the system of social laws. The presence of such laws allows us to draw a conclusion about the existence of the social sphere of society. The second criterion for isolation and definition is the presence in it of special social relations inherent only to it. What is their specificity? The concept of “social” and “social relations” are polysemantic.

Philosophers referred to the strictly social relations as those that arise during the interaction of social groups, collectives, individuals, etc., regarding their position in the system of social life and which must be limited from other social relations. Social relations are a type of social relations. They develop between people in connection with the need to reproduce their own immediate life. Their content includes the satisfaction of individual and collective needs for maintaining life, the reproduction of individuals, primarily as the main productive force of society, the transfer of production experience from generation to generation, etc. Thus, social relations are one of the leading foundations for the formation of the social sphere, the formation of its qualitative certainty, relatively independent functioning and development.

The third reason for distinguishing the social sphere is that it is characterized by its own type of activity. In its essence, social activity is manifested in the actions of individuals or social groups as representatives of certain communities of people (nations, classes, etc.), aimed at satisfying their needs and interests. Satisfaction of needs in the process of social activity ultimately, in one way or another, contributes to the reproduction and development of man as a concrete historical subject, representative of a certain class, nation, group, collective. Specific laws of development, social relations and social activity form in their unity an integrity, a qualitatively defined social formation, which is usually called the sphere of social life of society.

The identified essential characteristics of the sphere of social life of society make it possible to give a more complete definition of the social sphere of society. The sphere of social life of society is a relatively independent, integral subsystem of society, characterized by the activities of people as members of certain social communities, and the relationships that arise between them regarding the equality and inequality of their position in society.

The important role of the sphere of social life among other spheres of society is determined by the fact that in social activities and relationships a measure of equality or inequality in the life status of various social communities is realized. This is directly reflected in the degree of implementation of the principle of social justice. That is why the further development of the sphere of social life is one of the main tasks of improving our society, which has embarked on the path of profound transformations.

The social sphere includes various social communities and relationships between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is included in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city resident, etc. The position of an individual in society can be clearly shown in the form of a questionnaire (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1.

Using this conditional questionnaire as an example, we can briefly describe the social structure of society. Gender, age, marital status determine the demographic structure (with such groups as men, women, youth, pensioners, single, married, etc.). Nationality determines the ethnic structure. Place of residence determines the settlement structure (here there is a division into urban and rural residents, residents of Siberia or Italy, etc.). Profession and education constitute the actual professional and educational structures (doctors and economists, people with higher and secondary education, students and schoolchildren). Social origin (from workers, from employees, etc.) and social status (employee, peasant, nobleman, etc.) determine the class-class structure; This also includes castes, estates, classes, etc.

The social sphere is closely connected with the economic sphere.

Tuisheva Maryam Ravilievna, postgraduate student, Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A.N.Tupoleva, Russia

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Acquisition territorial communities of a sustainable nature are directly related to the social life of people in a certain space. For example, this means the connection of forms of ownership with villages, towns and cities, the organization of government and the activities of various infrastructures.


IN demographic the social sphere factor includes birth rate, mortality, sex ratio, study of sex and age composition, taking into account the degree of population increase, as well as the activities of management institutions in this area.


Ethnic forms, starting with the clan, as the first organizational form of Society, cover the tribe, nationality, nation, and in modern conditions the emerging community of people.

As part of the social sphere ethnic forms themselves form a relatively large sphere. Of these, the clan was the first social community and had a long history throughout the period of the primitive system. As a result of the evolution of clans, a tribal community appears, and subsequently a union of tribes. These, in turn, create the preconditions for the emergence of the following communities - nationalities and nations. In modern conditions, when there is an accelerated process of rapprochement in interethnic and interstate relations, a people has begun to emerge as a special community.


Class stratification of society(typically manifested organizationally in Europe) occupies an important place in the social sphere.

Classes are characteristics of large groups of people according to a number of basic indicators. The existence of classes is primarily associated with forms of ownership and division of labor. In modern developed countries, class distinction is increasingly losing its previous indicators. The place of classes is taken by social groups that have a different attitude towards existing social states, a high level of education, a general way of life, etc.

Vocational and educational

Distinguishing people by degree of education(e.g. primary, secondary or high school) and the nature of social and professional characteristics(a specific profession, people of mental or physical labor), also refers to the social sphere, because here the qualitative state of a certain part of the population is expressed.


The economic structure of a society is based on the level of income of people (within the subsistence level, medium or high income). It is also an integral part of the social sphere.

Family and marriage

Speaking about the composition of the social sphere in the life of society, one cannot fail to mention marriage And family. Because marriage, being a legal contract, regulates the relations between husband and wife, children and relatives. And the family, as a small group and as a family, is based on marriage, kinship, commonality of everyday life, morality and responsibility, and mutual assistance. Material from the site

If we consider social groups according to socially significant criteria of human community, we can distinguish social status- position, place of a person in society. This can be seen in the following example: the same person can be considered by profession- teacher, employee receiving a salary is an economic sign, man 50 years old— demographic indicator, political party member- social position, etc.

Based on social status, we can, for example, distinguish labor collectives - people working in certain industries, such as farmers, brokers, various kinds tenants and etc.

One of the main subsystems of society is the social sphere. In this article we will get acquainted with the characteristics of the social sphere of society, learn about its constituent aspects and existing problems.

Elements of social structure

The concept of “social subsystem” has several meanings:

  • these are all kinds of relationships between subjects of society;
  • pension provision, social protection of part of the population.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the social sphere of society covers the entire life of a person, starting from living conditions, work, health, leisure, ending with national and social-class relations.

The elements of the structure are:

  • Territory ;

Each community of people lives in a certain territory (city, town, country).

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  • Demographic component ;

This includes the birth rate, mortality rate, percentage of sexes, age and sex composition, and population counts.

  • Ethnic ;

The ancient forms are considered to be clan, tribe, which develop into a nationality and a nation. In the modern world, a special community is the people.

  • Vocational and educational ;

Differences between people by level of education (secondary, higher) and socio-professional characteristics (mental or physical work).

  • Class ;

Inequality of income, living standards, and division of labor give rise to the emergence of social classes. In modern times, the concept of “class” has been replaced by “social groups”.

In ancient and medieval times there were castes and classes. An example of the inequality between the division of privileges is the nobility and the peasants. In India, the “untouchable” caste could not become a full part of the community.

  • Family and marriage;

One of the institutions of the social sphere is the family, which is based on marriage, common everyday life, mutual assistance, and responsibility.

  • Economic ;

Based on and regulated by the level of income of members of society.

Problems and functions of the social sphere

Income inequality has always been considered the main problem of society. With the development of society there appeared two solutions of this task:

  • providing equal opportunities to each subject to arrange their life;
  • providing certain benefits to create a decent life (success depends on personal effort and effort).

An important issue in recent years has been the equality of men and women. However, the double burden on women (work and home) results in a weakening of the family structure for society (declining birth rate, lack of proper control by parents over the behavior of children).

The main function of the subsystem is to ensure the reproduction of the life activity of subjects. Being an independent sphere, the social subsystem interacts with the economic, political and spiritual spheres. Taken together, all of the above subsystems exist as an environment for the development and reproduction of society.

Besides functions of the social sphere are :

  • regulation of the distribution, consumption and exchange of produced joint goods or products;
  • ensuring interaction between social institutions;
  • providing the subject with the minimum necessary needs;
  • formation and development of creative qualities;
  • security, assistance, support for the disabled, social services.

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