Svarog God of the Slavs– God the Creator, Fair Judge (Svarog God of the Fire of Justice). The creative power of Svarog also participated in the creation of the Worlds; he is also called the Heavenly Father. The Slavic God Svarog is considered the “Father of the Gods,” the male hypostasis of the God of the Rod.

“Star of Svarog” (“Svarog Square”, “Svarog Forge”, “Svarog Cross”)

Manifestation of God Svarog for the Slavs

God Svarog in the northern tradition of fortune telling

Reza Svarog in the oracle “Slavic Rezas of Rod” at number 3.

The reason for the appearance of Reza Svarog in the scenario is that now it is important for the Questioner to show his hard work, creativity and responsibility for his affairs. It is necessary to rely on hard work, constancy, reliability, responsibility and practicality. It is important to complete what you started, to come to the end of your work, and not give up halfway. The questioner can find benefit from his work now. He has the power and creativity to bring it to a successful conclusion! The arrival of Reza Svarog in the scenario shows that we cannot relax now, but must boldly get down to business.

God Svarog in the northern tradition of magic

Rituals for fulfilling aspirations:

Some aspirations will not be fulfilled tomorrow, and they cannot - they need more time. For example, a conspiracy to obtain a generous harvest has its own deadline and time - no matter how you ask, the apples will not ripen ahead of time. Or a case where health has seriously deteriorated - despite the relief after the conspiracy, final recovery comes only after a few days or even weeks. And also conspiracies were made in order to bring back a loved one who had gone to the poutine (a large run of fish in the river). People understood that until a full load of catch was collected, a person would not return home.

Likewise, righteous judgment requires time. Therefore, the Slavs believed that when you turn to Svarog - the Fair Judge, you must wait for some time. Before asking or calling on God, the people will think twice, look, maybe there is an option and resolve everything on their own, and work hard to get what they want.

The Slavs turned to Svarog in cases, When:

  1. Great lessons, the damage had to be removed.
  2. The man needed to add more courage.
  3. When a person lacks either physical or mental strength.
  4. It is very necessary to improve the relationship between the spouses.

The Righteous Court of Svarog is capable of burning on the forge of the Heavenly Forge everything bad, bad, corrupted, black, and unjust. Therefore, it is necessary to call Svarog, the strict but generous God, when it is especially difficult to experience something in life.

Nauzy Svarog

Among the various arts and magical abilities, the Slavs also have learning. Thanks to skillful tying of knots and reading the plot, they could turn to the Gods. Thus, nauz and conspiracy addressed to Svarog made it possible:

  • eliminate slander;
  • remove bad thoughts;
  • cleanse the space around, body, soul;
  • create a strong family or strengthen relationships;
  • helped a person tune in to positive thoughts.

There are three main sciences that were done with the call of God Svarog.

Svarog is one of the highest gods of the Slavic-pagan pantheon. Svarog is revered as the god of the sky and the creator of the Earth. Svarog is also considered the patron of warriors and weapons. He is a blacksmith god who taught people how to forge metal products. Any forge in itself is the temple of Svarog, and the anvil and hammer are symbols of Svarog. According to one version, he is the son of Rod, according to another version, Svarog is an epithet of Rod, which we will talk about later. Svarog is the patron saint of weddings that take place between people. He is the father of the Svarozhichi gods, the most important of which is the sun god. The sky and the Sun, like father and son, are present in many ancient beliefs and many analogies can be drawn between the Slavic Svarog and Dazhdbog and the gods of other peoples. But first things first.

One of the most famous aspects attributed to one of the highest gods of the Slavs is his blacksmithing. According to legends that have come down to us both in the form of fairy tales and in the form of references in teachings against paganism, Svarog taught people to forge metal and create tools. To do this, he gave people pincers that fell from the sky: “during his kingdom, a pincer fell from heaven and began to forge weapons. Before that, I fought with clubs and stones (Laurentian Chronicle).” Some researchers of ancient folklore attribute this legend to the discovery by people of a meteorite that fell from the sky, which consisted of iron and which served as the first source of metal for the ancient Slavs, but this is only an assumption. It is worth noting that Svarozhich was the name given to both fire and a shooting star in the night sky. Falling Svarozhich stars and fallen metal pincers from heaven, given to people by Svarog, can quite plausibly explain the origin of this myth.

Heavenly blacksmith Svarog is the main patron of blacksmiths and everyone who works with metal, as well as plowmen, warriors, and so on, who use metal products for their own purposes. For the same reason, Svarog is considered the patron saint of weddings and newlyweds. In the common people there is such an expression as “to bind a wedding,” which refers us to the same beliefs about the heavenly blacksmith who forged the Earth and who can bind human hearts and feelings.

Some researchers suggest that Svarog is just one of the epithets of the Rod. - the supreme god of the pagan Slavs. Svarog could be only one of his names or addresses, denoting such a side of God as heavenly existence (svarga - sky, svarog - heavenly god) or a fiery hypostasis (svar, var - fire, heat). As a digression, it is also worth noting that some consider Stribog, who was previously considered the god of the winds, to be an epithet of Rod, because of his mention in “The Tale of Igor’s Host” as the grandfather of the winds. However, among modern pagans it is customary to consider Svarog a separate deity, who is the god of the sky, the creator of the Earth, the patron of blacksmithing, military art, marriage, and crafts.

Fire is the son of Svarog. According to tradition, fire is called Svarozhich, like other children of Svarog, for example, Dazhdbog Svarozhich is in charge or is himself the heavenly Sun, the brightest fiery luminary. On earth, his children are represented in the form of falling stars, and in the form of fire in the forge, which helps to cope with forging, and in the form of a home, which has been revered as sacred since ancient times. The Svarozhich fire has always been treated as a real deity in the house, which can warm all household members with its ardent love and cook food. In one of the anti-pagan teachings of the 15th century, it is said that the Slavs honor their idols by “placing their needs and slaughtering chickens for them and praying in fire, calling him Svarozhits.” There is also an assumption that Svarozhich are not only Dazhdbog and the fire itself, but also such gods as Perun, Semargl, Yarilo.

The name “Svarog” resembles the word Svarga (heavenly kingdom, kingdom of the gods). Probably these two words are inextricably linked, svar - Skt. the sky, or more precisely, “the sky walker.” In the Tale of Bygone Years there is evidence of the existence of such a god not only in Rus', but even in Egypt. In all scriptures, legends, chronicles, the son of Svarog was Dazhdbog (God Sky gave birth to God the Sun). For example, in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1114: (“... for this reason, the god Svarog was nicknamed... and for seven kings his son was named the Sun, he is called Dazhbog... The sun, the king's son of Svarog, is Dazhbog." In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, probably the same the god was called Rarog. The ancient Indian word svarga, which suddenly appeared in the Slavic language and the name of the Slavic god, speaks of the incredible antiquity of this deity, which dates back to the times of the Indo-Europeans. Long studies, disputes and attempts to explain the appearance of this word in the Slavic language as- otherwise, they never found success, and today most researchers and Slavic historians believe that Svarog refers to the Gods that existed in the beliefs of the Slavic-Aryans or Indo-Europeans. There are also other opinions, for example, M. Vasmer believes that Svarog came from the Proto-Slavic svara, that is, “dispute,” and translates it as God Punishing. V. J. Mansikka identifies Svarog and the Romanian word sfarogŭ, švarogŭ - dry, flaming, which in turn was borrowed by the Romanians from the Slavs. skvara (fire, flame, smoke, smoke, sacrifice). There are also suggestions that Svarog comes from the word “grumpy”; from the word “boil, boil” (bungled, cooked the Earth); is directly related to the Old Russian “svar” or “var” - heat, combustion (heavenly fire), however, all these versions, except the Slavic-Aryan, are rejected by most researchers as unlikely.

Trying to raise doubts among the pagan Slavs, adherents of other religions draw analogies between gods and supposedly real human kings. However, if you look into the beliefs cited, it becomes clear that these are just stories based on ancient myths, and cited as real events in history. According to these stories, Egypt was ruled by Theost (probably another interpretation of the god Hephaestus - the Greek analogue of Svarog), who was called Svarog and under whom ticks fell from the sky, and his son Dazhdbog: “after the flood and after the division of languages, Mester, from the clan, began to reign first Hama, after him Jeremiah, then Theosta, whom the Egyptians called Svarog. During the reign of this Theostos in Egypt, pincers fell from the sky, and people began to forge weapons, and before that they fought with clubs and stones. The same Theosta issued a law that women should marry one man and lead an abstinent lifestyle... If anyone breaks this law, let him be thrown into a fiery furnace. For this reason, they called him Svarog, and the Egyptians honored him,” under Dazhdbog, “immaculate life began throughout the land of Egypt, and everyone praised him.” Thus, mythological heroes, who in ancient pagan beliefs were Gods, leading their history from the common roots of the Slavs and Egyptians, become real characters in Egyptian history. Svarog here plays the same role as in Slavic beliefs - the patron saint of crafts, blacksmithing and marriage.

If we draw analogies with the gods of Greece, then a similar god here is Hephaestus - the god of blacksmithing and marriage, as well as Uranus - the personification of the sky, the spouse of the Earth. In ancient Roman paganism, an analogue of Svarog could be Jupiter - the god of the sky, the supreme god of the Romans, as well as Vulcan - the god of fire and blacksmithing. During the establishment of dual faith in Rus', Kuzma-Demyan took over the role of Svarog. Kuzma and Demyan are Christian saints, healers, miracle workers, who in popular belief merged into one divine character, and adopted many of the traits of Svarog. This most likely happened due to the similarity of the name of one of the saints - Kuzma, which is very similar to the word “blacksmith”.

The holiday of Svarog falls on November 14th. This day is known as Svarozhki. In the era of dual faith, Svarozhki began to be called the day of Kuzma and Demyan, whose connection with the god Svarog was discussed above.

Name: Svarog

A country: Russia

Creator: Slavic mythology

Activity: god-blacksmith, father of Dazhbog

Family status: married

Svarog: character story

For the modern population of Russia, Slavic traditions and culture are relics, since the forced imposition of Christian ideals introduced different foundations and canons into the life of the Russian people. Despite this, folk beliefs and traditions remind us of themselves, forcing young people to be interested in their roots.

Origin story

Svarog was included in the divine pantheon of the Slavs along with and. This is the god of fire and the family hearth, who patronized blacksmithing. Svarog is the master god, he had the honor of creating the sacred fire. Some believe that Svarog is the father of the sky god, others claim that he is the patron of the sun. The character possessed incommensurable strength and was famous for his military merits.

In Slovakia it is known as Rarog, in Etrusia as Velhans. The Finns called him Ilmarinen, and the Romans called him Vulcan. Translated from Sanskrit, the meaning of the deity’s name is deciphered as “light” or “sky,” and the suffix that ends the name allows one to see the god as a blacksmith.

Bringing knowledge to people, the mythological character invented blacksmith tools and taught people to work with copper and iron. The Slavs owe him the first laws promoting monogamy. A descendant of the ancient gods Cityvrat and Krta, Svarog became the ruler of light and ether, and also controlled fire. The role of a deity in the pantheon is comparable to a place on Olympus. Svarog works with his hands, creating material things and refusing to use magical abilities.

The Slavs believed that in places where Svarog was worshiped, there should be metal products and the constant presence of fire was necessary. Therefore, forges became suitable locations for chanting the god who led the Slavs into the Iron Age.

The idols of Svarog looked inconspicuous. These were large rough stones with the symbol of fire on them.

Svarog in Slavic mythology

The pagans asked God for a bountiful harvest, high-quality fruits and sprouting of sown grains and seeds. People considered Svarog the Creator. According to legend, he taught people how to make products from milk, so cottage cheese and cheese were often left with the idols of God. Such food was considered sacred.

The word “bungle” is present in the Russian language thanks to these beliefs. This verb means the ability to create something with minimal knowledge and resources, and therefore with divine providence.

Svarog works a lot with his hands, so simple labor is associated with creation. He gave fire so that people could escape cold and hunger by heating their homes and preparing food. Iron tools and military weapons are also gifts of the powerful god. Myths say that he presented the Slavs with a yoke and a plow for plowing, an ax, a club and a sword for repelling attacks. The Slavs got the opportunity to get food and defend their native land.

The Slavs used amulets associated with Svarog to protect themselves and their home. Among the popular symbols is the horse. This is an image resembling a swastika, in the center of which is a diamond. The rectangular sign is complemented by ray lines. Upon closer inspection, it is obvious that the schematic figures at its base resemble a plow.

The second symbol is the star of Svarog - a sign with great magical power. This is a square intertwined with ellipses, the ends of which are pointed.

People perceived Svarog as a benefactor, because thanks to him they learned what warmth and life are, were able to master work, and received new knowledge and resources to protect their property. Svarog is considered the personification of creative power and a warrior of Light. He was depicted as the main warrior during periods of war. The appearance of the deity was complemented with burgundy armor and a sword. He was like a blacksmith, working hard, but ready to take action against the enemy at any moment.

Patronizing truth, will and knowledge, Svarog created commandments that allow one to preserve warmth and life, allowing one to understand the foundations of the Universe. The heat of the forge in the form of the Fire of Justice punished those whose hearts were not pure.

The bird, the Messenger of the gods, helped God - it conveyed the will of Svarog to people. Svarog’s animal is a fiery boar, which the god himself sometimes turned into.

The constant symbol of the Creator was a hammer, the impact of which on a stone struck sparks, which later became gods. Hence the expression “spark of God.” According to legend, a spark from Svarog's hammer that fell on a person gave him talent.

God loved those who were similar to him in temperament and character. He patronized hardworking and active people who stood up for justice. A man of his word with strong willpower and a tempered character, taciturn and practical, could count on the support of Svarog.

Researchers of Slavic mythology have published a series of books about the deities of the pantheon of our ancestors. They claim that Svarog was a god who was turned to in difficult life situations when magical help was needed. People resorted to it when making conspiracies for a bountiful harvest or recovery from a serious illness, for the return of a loved one from a difficult campaign and a righteous trial. With its help, they removed damage, added courage and strength, and strengthened family ties.

The Slavs, when creating amulets, knitted knots and, turning to Svarog, braided nauzes. They helped eliminate slander and negative thoughts, clear karma, find love and start a family, clear the mind from temptations and fears.

Film adaptations

Legends associated with the Slavic divine pantheon are not as popular as Greek myths. The secrets of pagan legends inspire Russian authors, including. The writer created a series of books, united by the title “Svarog”. The work “Alien Sails” is especially popular among the public.

Today, Svarog as a film character is briefly mentioned in fairy tales and documentaries. There is no full-length film about this hero, but the Internet is full of rumors about the prospects of filming a full-length film based on the book by Alexander Bushkov. The writer gave a new wave of inspiration to fans of pagan Slavic mythology.

The most important deity of the Slavs was ROD. ROD created the first, main God - Svarog.

Rod showed Svarog to the world
And he called it by the name of God
Four-headed so that he can
See around.
We live on our father's land.
Svarog's grandchildren are glorious children!
And flies on a winged horse
Rus' in distant millennia!
And flies on a winged horse
Rus' in distant millennia!

From the sacred language of the Aryans, Sanskrit, the word “Svarog” is translated as “walking in the sky.” In ancient times, it was used to designate the daily path of the sun across the sky, then it began to be used to refer to the sky in general, heavenly light. In other words, the son of Rod, the god Svarog, is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes he was simply called God.
Svarog cooked (cooked, created) the earth. He found the magic stone Alatyr, cast a magic spell - the stone grew and became a huge white-flammable stone. God made the ocean foam for them. The thickened moisture became the first dry land. In the Indian Vedas this creation is called the Churning of the Ocean. He also used Alatyr for other important purposes: he hit it with a hammer - from the sparks flying in all directions, new gods and ratichs - heavenly warriors - were born. In later times, the great half-horse wizard Kitovras (the Greeks called him the centaur Chiron) built a temple in honor of the Almighty around Alatyr. This is how the word altar appeared - the most sacred place in the temple.
Svarog taught people to cook (create) cottage cheese and cheese from milk, which were once considered sacred food, a gift from the gods.
God also created Blue Svarga - a country in the heavens where our glorious ancestors live. Bright stars are their shining eyes, with which grandfathers and great-grandfathers look from heaven at our earthly affairs. “Bungle” still means to create in a miraculous, masterful way. You can cook and “jaw” only with the help of fire and water (“var” - Sanskrit water). Svarog is the source of fire and its ruler. He creates not with words, not with magic, unlike Veles, but with his hands, he creates the material world.
He took care of people: he gave them the Sun-Ra (hence our word joy) - and a fire on which they could cook food and with which they could warm themselves in the bitter cold. Svarog threw a plow and a yoke from the sky to the ground in order to cultivate the land; a battle ax to protect this land from enemies, and a bowl for preparing a sacred drink in it.

Perhaps one of the most important works of the Heavenly Father was the Small and Large Kola (circles) he created for times - earthly and cosmic.
Svarog is the creator god and legislator, the father of the Svarozhichs (Perun, Dazhdbog-Radegast, Semargl-Fire and Stribog-Wind).

Any forge, any forge is already the temple of Svarog. With a wooden idol of Svarog, the fire must burn, the metal must glow, and the idol itself must be covered with metal. At the temple of Svarog there should be a hammer (or a heavy iron stick-crowbar) and an anvil. It was Svarog who started the Iron Age and taught people to use iron tools. Sounds pleasant to Svarog (since he is the first patron of crafts and all skilled people) - the blows of hammers, the clanking of chains and the howling of fire. Svarog's needs are brought with cheese (syrniki) and cottage cheese. The word "cottage cheese" means created, it has the same root as the name Svarog, and is a symbol of heavenly bread. The role of the idol of Svarog can be played by a huge stone on which symbols of fire are inscribed.

Svarog - God of light. Everything that glows.
Svarog was the god of Heaven among the Slavs, the father of all things. Svarog is the father of a number of gods (Perun, Dazhdbog-Radegast, Ogon-Rarog-Semargl); god of the fire element, creator Among the Slavs, almost all heavenly gods are based on fire.
Thanks to the works of Svarog, people learned to master fire, process metal, created tongs and a chariot in the “image and likeness” of the heavenly ones, and it was Svarog who gave them laws and knowledge. Then he retired and handed over the reins to his sons. The young gods Khors, Dazhdbog, Yarilo are also fiery or solar.
According to Dietmar (died 1018), the pagan Slavs revered Svarog more than other gods; some recognized him as the same creature as Redigast.
In the myths of the white peoples, God forges with a hammer - he creates the world, striking lightning and sparks, for all of them he has one relationship or another with fire.
Among the Baltic Slavs, Svarozhich (otherwise called Radgost) was revered in the cult center of the Redarians Retre-Radgoste as one of the main gods, whose attributes were a horse and spears, as well as a huge boar, according to legend, emerging from the sea.
Among the Czechs, Slovaks and Ukrainians, the fiery spirit Rarog can be associated with Svarog. Svarog is the old sun riding in a chariot, cold and dark. Nature is silent like an old man, dressing in white snow clothes. People in their houses insulate the windows, burn splinters and eat what they grew in the summer, sing songs, tell fairy tales, sew clothes, repair shoes, make toys, heat stoves. And they wait for the birth of Khors, preparing outfits for caroling. The male embodiment of the Family, God the Creator, God of Heaven, wisdom, patron of marriage and blacksmithing, oaths, crafts, hunters.

God, who established the law of Rule. Father of the Gods. Lada's husband. Svarog, Slavic god of the family hearth, God of fire, blacksmithing, heavenly blacksmith and great warrior. There is quite contradictory information about this god. For example, in one chronicle Dazhbog is called the son of Svarog, which gives reason to see him as the god of Heaven. According to legend, Svarog hit the stone that the mermaid Ros brought so that she would have a son from Perun. And when Svarog hit the stone, sparks rained down in all directions, and from these sparks Tarkh - Dazhbog was born. Therefore, it is not known for certain who his real father is Perun or Svarog. Svarog greatly contributed to the development of knowledge.
Svarog established the very first laws, according to which each man was supposed to have only one woman, and a woman one man. The largest sanctuary of Svarog is located in the Polish village of Radogost. Svarog is worshiped in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where they call him “Rarog”.

To make it clearer who or what Svarog is. “SVA” is the circle of the sky above your head, These are all the stars, constellations and their radiations, this is the Sun and the Moon, These are all the radiations that give us life. The word "HORN" means Power, Authority, Triumph.

SVAROG - literally translated as, Triumph of Heaven. Everything that we have learned lately about the radiation that changes our space, all the secret knowledge that is beginning to be revealed, telling and explaining what is happening and what awaits us in the future, explains the meaning of the name of the time cycle - “Day of Svarog” . When the secret becomes clear, and what has been kept in oblivion for many millennia is revealed to us.
The knowledge about Our Gods and their names were kept in oblivion: Rod, Ra, Svarog, Lada, Horse, Veles, there is no need to list them all. But each of the listed letter combinations is nothing more than a sound mantra of natural radiation, without which our life is impossible. All these radiation energies are constantly in the visible part of the northern hemisphere of the sky. Over time, their real names were replaced by others, but they are also true, since they reflect one of the forms or faces of the ancient Slavic gods, namely the faces of animals. Subsequently, they acquired the names Zodiacal constellations. The day of its celebration falls on November 14 - Svarozhka (the day of Kuzma and Demyan). They honor both father and son – Svarozhich-Fire.

Commandments of God - Svarog
1.Read each other. Son - Mother and Father. Husband and wife live in harmony.
2. The husband must encroach on one wife, otherwise you will not know salvation.
3. Run away from Falsehood and follow the Truth, honor your Family and the Heavenly Family.
4. Read three days a week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read the Great Holidays. Therefore, it is appropriate for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, either by lot or by talent on other days without flaw. The seventh day is given to men, animals and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Visit each other, love each other, you will be happy - sing songs to the Gods.
5. Read Lent, from the burning of Madder to the wedding of Jiva. Beware, people, at this time of Falsehood, strictly keep your belly from being eaten, your hands from being robbed, and your lips from blaspheming. (About the POST, read Appendix 2)
6.Read the eggs in honor of the egg of the Koshcheev, which our Dazhdbog broke, thereby causing the Flood.
7.Read the Holy Week - just as our Dazhdbog grieved from the crucifixion to the salvation of Swan-Jiva, so you grieve humbly. And don’t drink intoxicating drinks, don’t say a swear word!
8. Read the Kupala Days. Remember the victory of Perunov, how Perun defeated the Skipper beast and how he gave freedom to his sisters, how he cleansed them in the waters of Iria. 9. Read Perun's Day. How Perun wooed Diva on the fifth day, how Perun defeated the Sea King and cast down the violent Veles from heaven, remember Perunov’s wedding!
10.Read Mother Lada and the Heavenly Family. Patrons of the Clans of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clans.
11. After your harvest, remember the Dormition of Zlatogorka, honor the day of Volkh Zmievich, son of Indra, Yasna Falcon.
12. Honor the day of Makosha Mother, the Luminous Great Mother, the Heavenly Mother of God.
13.Read the day of Tarkh Dazhdbog - remember his marriage.
14. Honor Great England and Your Gods, who are the messengers of the One God of the One Family.
15. Honor old age and protect youth, learn the Wisdom that your Ancestors left you.
16. Live in harmony with other Clans, help when they ask you for help.
17. Do not spare your belly, to protect your Home, to protect your Family and your Holy Faith, to protect your Holy Land
18. Do not force the Holy Faith on people, and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person.
19. Read PASKHET, and remember the fifteen-year transition from Daariya to Russenia, as the sixteenth Summer Our Ancestors glorified the Heavenly Family for salvation from the Great Flood.
20. Live in union with Nature, do not destroy it, for it is the support of your Life and the entire living race.
21. Do not bring bloody sacrifices to Alatyr, do not anger your Gods, for it is disgusting for Them to accept innocent blood from God’s creatures.
22. Protect with a strong hand your Temples and Sanctuaries, help with all your might, you to all the Wanderers and Templars who keep that Ancient Secret, the Word of God, the Word of the Wise.
23. Do not eat food with blood, for you will be like wild animals, and many diseases will take root in you. You eat clean food that grows in your fields, in your forests and gardens, then you will gain many strengths, bright forces, and sickness, illness and torment with suffering will not overtake you.
24. Do not cut your brown or gray hair, for you will not comprehend the wisdom of God and you will lose your health.
25. Father, raise your sons and daughters, teach them to live a righteous life, instill in them hard work, respect for youth and respect for old age. Sanctify their lives with the Holy Faith and Wisdom of the Ancestors.
26. Do not boast of your strength to the weak so that they praise and fear you, but gain glory and strength in battles with the enemy.
27. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor; guard your lips from blasphemy.
28. Do good deeds for the glory of the Heavenly Family, and your great ancestors and your holy land.
29. Whatever deeds people do to you, such you will do to them, for every deed is measured by its own measure.
30.Give a tenth of your wealth to the One God, and a hundredth to the leader and his squad, so that they will protect your land.
31. Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown and explain the inexplicable, for the Gods help those who strive to know Wisdom.
32.Do not take the life of your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but God; but do not spare the lives of the enemies who attack you and your lands, for they went against the will of God.
33. Do not accept offerings and rewards for the deeds that you have created with the help of the Gift from God, and for your good deeds, for the Gift of God given to you will be lost and no one will say that you are doing good.

Svarog is the heavenly God of the Slavs, who was the first incarnation of the Family. In some sources he is considered the supreme God of the Eastern Slavs. According to one legend, it was Svarog who threw Alatyr into the ocean, which led to the formation of land, and after being hit with a forge hammer, the first gods were born from sparks. He looks like an elderly man with a gray head. He walks across the harsh winter sky.

Who is the God of Heaven Svarog?

The Slavs considered him a protector and mentor; it was he who was called upon in difficult times to get help. Svarog is a blacksmith, but he should not be compared with the Greek God Hephaestus, since their attitude to fire is completely different. Svarog has the power to command life and change its flow. He was also considered a symbol of labor, who taught others that only through work can one achieve good results. The Great God Svarog was revered in Ancient Rus' because he cared about people. He gave them the sun and fire, where they could cook food and keep warm. He also dropped an ax from the sky for protection from enemies and a cup for preparing a sacred drink. He forged a plow for people, the weight of which reached 40 pounds. Thanks to this, people were able to cultivate the land, which is why he was also considered the God of Agriculture. It is worth remembering another achievement of the Slavic God Svarog - he taught people to cook cheese from milk, and also to process copper and iron. There is also information that he established such concepts as order and court. He brought an understanding of family and marriage into human life. November 14th is considered to be his birthday. Any forge or forge is considered a temple for Svarog. It is worth keeping a wooden idol in it, next to which the fire should burn and the metal should glow. By the way, the idol itself must be covered with metal, or its role can be played by a huge stone with images of fire. Among the obligatory items for the temple should be a hammer or at least a heavy stick. For Svarog, the best sounds are the blows of hammers, the ringing of chains, etc. Cottage cheese is considered the best alms for this god.

Symbol of the Slavic God Svarog

One of the most ancient Vedic symbols is the “Star of Svarog”; by the way, it is also called a square. It consists of several interpenetrating parts in which the hearth is encrypted, and four flames emerge from it. Each of them has its own meaning, for example, the first symbolizes the desire to achieve the goal, the second contributes to the acquisition of freedom, the third personifies the independence of the country and faith, and the fourth is responsible for steadfastness of character.

Experts assure that the symbolism of this sign is deeper and can only be understood by a person endowed with special knowledge. The amulet serves as a definite reminder that life is divided into several parts:

  1. Reality - personifies the reality where people live and die.
  2. Rule is a world where bright Gods live, influencing the course of life, and they also decide the fate of people after death.
  3. Nav is an invisible, otherworldly world.

People with developed genetic memory, with the help of the “Star of Svarog”, can learn human secrets hidden for centuries. In general, this amulet is intended for the male sex, especially for those whose work is done with their hands or related to the art of war. The amulet helps its owners to enlist the support of good luck and discover the secrets of the universe. It allows politicians to find unity of views. You can not only buy the amulet in the store, but also make it yourself. It is best to use wood for this.