By summer, many people want to lose a couple of extra pounds, so in April-May you have to especially watch your diet, without overloading your diet with too high-calorie dishes. At the same time, you don’t want to go hungry or constantly eat something lean - salads and main courses always taste better with sauce. In this article we will talk about recipes for yogurt sauces that will add additional flavor to dishes, but will not affect your waistline at all.

Yogurt sauces, along with the popularization of healthy and proper nutrition, are becoming more common. And this is not surprising - tasty, aromatic, such sauces complement the taste of a wide variety of dishes, without making their calorie content several times higher, as is the case, for example, with mayonnaise. Another plus is that preparing such sauces is extremely easy, especially if you have a yogurt maker, with which you can make homemade natural yogurt without additives at any time - the main ingredient for such sauces.

We will tell you about yogurt recipes suitable for different dishes.

Yogurt and cucumber sauce recipe

You will need: 50 ml of unsweetened yogurt 1% fat, 15 ml of odorless vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic and cucumber, ground black and red pepper, salt.

How to make yoghurt sauce with cucumber. Peel the cucumber, grate it on a fine grater, squeeze out the liquid, add salt and pepper, mix with crushed garlic and chopped parsley, add yogurt and butter, mix until smooth.

This sauce is perfect for main dishes and salads.

Spicy Garlic Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: ½ cup natural yogurt, ½ tsp. mustard, garlic, chives, parsley, salt.

How to make a savory yogurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with chopped chives and parsley, mustard, salt, pour in the yogurt and mix.

Olive Oil Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: 200-250ml natural unsweetened yogurt, 60-70ml olive oil, 30-40g fresh parsley/cilantro, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. lime/lemon juice, 1.5 tsp. white balsamic vinegar, salt.

How to make a sauce with yogurt and olive oil. Coarsely chop the greens, place in a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and mix until smooth. For piquancy, you can add mustard, gherkins, if the sauce is for fish dishes - sprat or anchovies.

This sauce is suitable as a seasoning for fish, meat dishes, pita rolls, sandwiches, salads and vegetables.

Salted Cheese Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: 250 ml of natural yogurt, 200 g of Adyghe cheese/brynza, 5-6 mint leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. olive oil, black pepper, salt.

How to make cheese and yoghurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, add chopped mint, crumbled feta cheese, mix with a mixer, add crushed garlic, oil and mix again, pepper and add salt to the sauce.

This sauce is ideal for dressing vegetable salads.

Recipe for yogurt sauce with blue cheese

You will need: 100 ml of natural yogurt, 50-80 g of blue cheese, 30 ml of white wine such as sherry, Madeira or vermouth, 1 pinch of grated nutmeg, ground or fresh red hot pepper.

How to make yogurt sauce with blue cheese. Mix yogurt, wine, nutmeg and hot pepper, add grated cheese, mix with a blender until smooth.

It is better to serve this sauce with turkey or chicken dishes and fresh vegetables.

Recipe for yoghurt sauce with vegetables for grilled dishes

You will need: 200g natural yogurt, 8-10 green/black olives, 1 clove of garlic and 1 tomato, 1-2 tbsp. chopped green onions, black pepper, salt.

How to make yoghurt sauce with vegetables. Grind all the products and mix with yogurt; this can also be done using a blender.

Some more ideas for yogurt sauces

  • “Eastern” yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. cumin, a pinch of paprika, pepper and salt.
  • Yogurt sauce “Béarnaise”: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. chopped parsley and tarragon, ½ tsp. mustard, celery or spiced salt.
  • Yogurt Tartar sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. chopped pickled cucumbers/gherkins, ½ tbsp. mustard, parsley, salt.
  • Yogurt sauce “Pepper”: ½ cup yogurt, 5 peppercorns, ½ tsp each. mustard and ground black pepper.
  • “Dill” yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, ½ tbsp. mustard. Salt.
  • American yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, gherkins/pickled cucumbers, sugar, salt.
  • Yogurt sauce “Indian”: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. ground cumin, ground ginger, turmeric and ground coriander, cinnamon, ground black pepper.

Any yoghurt should be allowed to brew after cooking for a couple of hours in the refrigerator - this will allow the flavors and aromas to develop and mix. Eat deliciously, with pleasure and without harm to your figure!

The fashion for mayonnaise dressings for salads and individual dishes has sunk into oblivion, giving way to light and natural sauces. We will tell you how to surprise your loved one with original sauces based on Greek yogurt. After all, it is not only healthy, but also delicious!

Greek yogurt is useful primarily because it contains a large amount of protein - the main building material for our body. By eating Greek yogurt and sauces based on it for lunch or dinner, you do not overload your body with heavy food, thereby showing respect for your health.

The moderately high calcium content also emphasizes the benefits of Greek yogurt - it strengthens bones and speeds up metabolism. The protein in the product, in turn, acts as a stabilizer of blood glucose levels, preventing hypoglycemia, which often develops in people who are on a strict diet. The calorie content of Greek yogurt depends on the fat content of the product, but on average it is about 66 cal per 100 grams. product.

“The quality of the finished yogurt depends both on the production technology and on the raw materials. The milk from which the product is prepared affects not only the appearance, taste, and consistency of the product, but also the content of protein, calcium, vitamins and other useful substances. We prepare thick yoghurts, including Greek yoghurt, using the most gentle thermostatic method. Fermented milk or cream immediately goes into packaging and the product, already in cups, is placed in a thermostatic chamber, where a constant temperature is maintained and the fermentation process itself takes place. Such “live” yoghurts contain those same beneficial lactic acid microorganisms - more than a million in 1 gram,” explains the production manager of the Cheburashkin Brothers company. Family farm" Marina Savina.

Fusion – Greek yogurt sauce

This sauce is perfect for salad.


  • Greek yogurt – 130 ml;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • lime – 1 pc.


Cut the avocado pulp into small cubes, mix with yogurt and blend until smooth. Add freshly squeezed lime juice. Can be served either in a gravy boat or in the dish itself.

Yogurt and wine dressing


  • Greek yogurt – 100 ml;
  • blue cheese – 50-80 g;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • grated nutmeg – 1 pinch;
  • white spiced wine (vermouth, Madeira, sherry) – 30 ml.


Mix yogurt with wine and season with red hot pepper and nutmeg. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater or chop it with a knife. Now combine the ingredients and blend with a blender until smooth. This sauce is ideal for chicken or turkey dishes and fresh vegetables.

Sauce with yogurt and herbs

You can use fresh or dried herbs for this sauce. Before using, wash fresh herbs, dry and finely chop with a knife or in a blender.


  • 250 gr. greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp dill
  • 2 tsp basilica
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Chop the prepared greens and combine with yogurt. Yogurt and herb sauce goes well with almost anything, especially vegetable dishes.

“The Cheburashkin brothers. Family Farm" is a family agro-industrial holding that has organized a complete production chain - from collecting feed in its own farm fields to producing dairy products and delivering them to store shelves. Farms also have direct access to the end consumer through vending services (milk dispensers). Website:

Yogurt sauce is a pleasant, delicate and environmentally friendly product. The main component of the dish is yogurt, which must be natural and without any additives. Only in this case will the yogurt sauce turn out to be truly tasty and healthy.

Benefits of yogurt sauce

Industrially produced yoghurts come in a huge variety, but most of them contain chemical thickeners, flavor enhancers, fillers, flavors, colors and preservatives.

Natural yogurt is made from whole milk and a starter culture that contains acedophilus bacteria and health-improving substances:

  • micro and macroelements;
  • organic acids;
  • disaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Yogurt made from natural raw materials has a number of beneficial properties for the human body:

  • contains a significant amount of calcium (daily value), thereby strengthening bones and teeth;
  • with constant use, it promotes rejuvenation (also used for cosmetic procedures);
  • cleanses the intestines like a broom (from feces and toxic substances);
  • helps the stomach and digestion in general;
  • eliminates staphylococci, streptococci and fungus, which means it protects against infections;
  • improves mental processes and improves mood;
  • normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on weight;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;

You can buy a natural product in the store, but it is better to prepare it at home yourself. To prepare, you will need sourdough from a pharmacy or dry sourdough, as well as pasteurized milk.

Important! When buying ready-made natural yogurt, pay attention to the expiration dates (live bacteria can only be stored for two to four days) and the composition of the product. Yogurt for children should not contain more than five percent fat content and additives. It is better to purchase fermented milk products of this quality in specialized stores.

With 100% natural ingredients, you get the same quality yogurt sauce. All the beneficial qualities from one food will be transferred to another, and vegetables, spices and herbs will definitely complement the overall benefit and give the dish an unforgettable taste. Well, let's get down to the sacrament.

Dietary yoghurt sauce “Aromatic”

Yogurt sauce is called dietary for a reason. It is perfect not only for meat and fish delicacies, but also goes well with stewed and boiled vegetables, and is suitable for baby food.

What you need to purchase and prepare:

  • natural yogurt without additives - 200 grams;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) - 2 sprigs;
  • green onions - 3-4 feathers;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt - at the end of the knife;

Preparation procedure:

  • Let's prepare the herbs. Under running water, thoroughly rinse all the branches and feathers of the onion. Place on a napkin to dry.
  • Peel the garlic and wash it.
  • Using a sharp knife, finely chop the greens and garlic.
  • Place yogurt in a bowl and add garlic and herbs, add salt.
  • Mix the sauce thoroughly and let it sit for 2-3 minutes.

The wonderful taste of the sauce with yogurt will be complemented by baked potatoes, fried zucchini pancakes and even dumplings, both boiled and fried.

Yogurt sauce for fish

The most delicate, slightly acidified sauce with aromatic herbs will give a special taste to salmon and trout. It will add interesting notes to a dish with pollock or hake.


  • 150 gr. - yogurt (plain, i.e. without inclusions);
  • 1 tsp. — refined sunflower oil (you can take olive or corn);
  • 1 tsp. — lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar);
  • a sprig of dill and parsley;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
  • In a container, mix yogurt, a spoonful of oil and lemon juice.
  • Chop the washed fresh herbs and add to the yogurt mixture.
  • Season with salt and pepper, then thoroughly mix the ingredients until smooth.

If you add a tablespoon of prepared horseradish to this sauce, it will change the taste and become more piquant.

Yogurt sauce for chicken

This dish is often called Indian, as it uses curry, a favorite seasoning of Indians.

We will need:

  • onion - 1 small head;
  • fresh green onions - feather - 50 grams;
  • natural yogurt - 400 grams (2 cans);
  • curry (powder) - 1 teaspoon with a small slide;
  • ground red hot pepper - optional (for those who like it spicy).

Making the sauce:

  • Place the chopped onion and turnip into the blender bowl.
  • Finely chop the onion and put it there.
  • Add yogurt and then add seasonings (curry and pepper).
  • Beat the contents and transfer to a sauce boat.

Pink bean sauce

The beautiful sauce has a pleasant taste and color. With a side dish of beans or simply as an addition to boiled beans - just a masterpiece.

  • 1 jar - Greek yogurt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. - water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. — tomato paste (tomato sauce);
  • 1 tsp. - vegetable oil;
  • Fresh dill, salt, pepper and garlic - to taste.

We prepare:

  • Peeled chopped garlic, washed and chopped dill, mixed with tomato paste, water, oil and yogurt.
  • Add salt and pepper to the mixture and mix everything together.

Cheese yogurt sauce

As the name suggests, cheese plays an important role in this recipe. We advise you to give preference to suluguni, mozzarella or feta cheese.

  • cheese - 200 gr.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • natural yogurt - 250 gr.

The preparation is very simple:

  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Using a press, make a paste from the garlic and mix it with cheese.
  • Add butter to yogurt.
  • Combine all ingredients and beat with a mixer.

The sauce with cheese goes well with grilled vegetables, sausages and pita bread.

I don’t have many culinary principles, but I always adhere to this: if there is fish on the table, then there must be sauce somewhere nearby. Fish without sauce is ordinary and boring, fish with sauce is original and tasty. At the same time, the sauce does not have to be complicated - even the simplest emulsion of olive and lemon juice with finely chopped parsley works wonders. or - slightly more complex, but very tasty sauces that go perfectly with fish.

However, all the examples given above concern white fish, which is not very fatty and has a rather delicate, delicate taste. When it comes to red fish, my answer will be different: yogurt. Its light sourness and delicate silkiness perfectly smooth out and highlight the assertive taste of salmon. You can serve this sauce with any red fish from trout to pink salmon, fried, boiled or baked, and the ability to cook it with your favorite herbs, spices and other additives opens up enormous scope for creativity.

Yogurt sauce for fish

For this sauce, you need thick yogurt - and when I say thick, I mean the kind that doesn't run, but just reluctantly stirs with a spoon. If you couldn’t find such yogurt (it’s more difficult than it seems), take a regular one, fold it over two layers of gauze and let the excess liquid drain, then start preparing the sauce.

However, “cooking” is too strong a word. All you have to do is finely chop the garlic and tarragon leaves (aka tarragon) and add to the yogurt along with lemon juice, salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir yogurt with additives until smooth and serve with red fish.

Leftover sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and served with both hot and cold fish. If you want to tweak your sauce recipe for the better, try adding dill, lemon zest, shallots and suitable spices, from cumin seeds to dried cumin.

Garlic sauce is a salad dressing, a marinade for meat, and an independent sauce for any food. This is an irreplaceable dish that will help out in many situations.
Recipe contents:

The variety of garlic sauces is now huge. They are all prepared differently and from different products. Some similar recipes are already available on the site. You can easily find them using the search bar. All types of garlic sauces are usually very simple to prepare: you just need to mix all the ingredients in one bowl. More complex versions require certain skills, for example, being able to work with a pestle or beat the yolks until smooth to obtain the consistency of mayonnaise. The main thing is that all versions of garlic sauces can be made in your kitchen yourself, and if you change some ingredients, you won’t get tired of the sauce for a long time.

This sauce recipe is good because it is not as high in calories as its counterparts. The basis is low-fat yogurt and sour cream with a minimum fat content (15%). If you want to lose a few extra pounds by summer, but cannot deny yourself the usual food, then this sauce will help combine both of your desires. This yogurt sauce will not affect your waistline in any way, but will add an additional touch of piquant flavor to your dishes. And an additional plus is that preparing the sauce is extremely easy. You can buy yogurt for the recipe at any supermarket, or prepare it yourself in a yogurt maker. Well, if you are not afraid of extra pounds, then you can safely replace yogurt with mayonnaise or cream.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 305 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 500 ml
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Sour cream 15% - 250 ml
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Low-fat yogurt - 250 ml
  • Green onions - bunch
  • Dill - bunch

Step-by-step recipe for making yogurt garlic sauce:

1. Pour yogurt into a deep container.

2. Pour sour cream into it.

3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or pound in a mortar.

4. Wash the greens (dill and green onions) and dry well with a paper towel. Then finely chop with a sharp knife and add to the food.

5. Mix well, taste and add a little salt if necessary.
  • Since dairy products are used to prepare the sauce, they must be chilled, because... In a warm room the sauce may sour.
  • Store the finished sauce only in the refrigerator in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid.
  • Its shelf life is not long - 3 days. Of course, it can be stored longer, but the taste will not be the same.
  • Use the sauce to prepare salads, shawarma, marinate meat and fish, season soups and borscht, serve with shish kebab and fish steak.