Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a piano or hearing it being played means you will be at a party. If you play the piano yourself, you will throw a party. There is a festive event ahead.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Piano If you played the piano, this suggests that you will want to realize your sexual fantasies, and your partner will support you in this. If the piano is out of tune, it means that you will experience failure in sex. This is explained by some physiological...

What does a dream about an old piano mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

While going through difficult times, they neglected good advice and did not take advantage of favorable opportunities. This mistake must not be repeated again.

Piano - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream on Saturday you saw yourself playing the piano, then big changes will happen in your life. Someone playing an instrument or the sounds of a piano mean trouble if this vision visited you in a dream on Tuesday. You can’t fix the situation...

The meaning of a dream about a piano

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A sign of fateful favor, love relationships.

Dreaming of "Piano" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Buying a piano means good luck in intimate matters awaits you. Play the piano - the opposite sex will be crazy about you. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you play the piano masterfully.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a piano in a dream is a joy. To hear it played is to try to escape reality. It’s not that everyone is trying to escape from reality, but from the sounds of the piano: the walls are thin, and you’ve been playing the “dog waltz” all day long!

Piano (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you play a difficult but beautiful piece on the piano, then in real life you are destined to achieve success thanks to your will to win. For a young woman, such a dream means that she will be able to fashion the man of her dreams from her companion. ...

Piano - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the piano is poorly tuned, it means you are at odds with yourself. This can be a symbol of creative expression through sound.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Emotional wounds from the past that have healed but not yet been forgotten. Pay attention to other dream symbols, people and situations to understand which areas of your consciousness need to be healed.

Dream book online - Piano

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An out-of-tune piano portends failure in intimate matters.

What does the dream portend: Piano

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sadness, melancholy, tears.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Playing the piano from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday is a sign of big life changes in reality. Hearing the sound of a piano from Monday to Tuesday is a sign of troubles that will only be discovered at the last moment and which cannot be corrected...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Playing the piano in a dream - the dream suggests that you will want to realize your sexual fantasies and your partner will support you in this. An out-of-tune piano promises failure in intimate matters caused by the physiological characteristics of your body.

Dream Interpretation: why you dream about Play (music)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw yourself playing the piano in a dream, it means despondency and despair. If you see that you are playing a violin and the strings are broken, this means trouble in your business. If the patient plays, it means recovery.

How to interpret the dream “Piano”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dream of a piano before some fun event that can add variety to your life. If you hear a sweet-sounding, languid melody in a dream, you will soon be in good health and achieve success in business. If in a dream you hear...

Royal - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Piano). Respectable people will speak very highly of you.

I have a dream about a piano

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Usually dreams as a harbinger of some funny incident. Hearing a mellifluous melody portends good health and success. Discordant chords - dream of doing something that will irritate you. A sad and mournful melody warns of sad news. Broken and upset...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Piano?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some funny incident. Hearing a mellifluous, languid melody in a dream is a sign of good health and success. If in a dream you hear dissonant discordant chords, it means that you have a lot of annoying things to do. A sad and mournful melody...

If you see “Piano” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some funny incident. Hearing a sweet-sounding melody in a dream is a sign of good health and success. If in a dream you hear dissonant, discordant chords, you will have to do things that will cause you great irritation. Sad...

Author of the article: website

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about playing a piano” from professionals for people.

You saw a piano in a dream. What does such a dream mean? Interpretations may be different, depending on the accompanying details of the dream, your gender, age, profession and life situation at the moment. Let's find out what ancient and modern dream books say about this.

Dream interpretation from French predictors

Playing the piano in a dream is a favorable sign, promising success in business, a fun adventure, and good health. If the instrument produces false notes, you will be disappointed, irritated, depressed, or have a nervous breakdown. Sad music can mean unpleasant news from distant relatives. If you yourself or someone else plays a bravura march in your dream, expect guests. Such a dream may also foreshadow a meeting with a long-lost friend.

An old French dream book explains why you dream of pianos or grand pianos of various colors. A white instrument in a dream encourages the dreamer to sort out his love affairs and make the final choice. Black - you will soon be invited to a family holiday or some other special event, where you will need to go in a very expensive suit. What's not a reason to urgently update your wardrobe?

To dream of an old, rare, unusual color and shape piano - perhaps a rich inheritance awaits you, the existence of which you did not even suspect.

Piano in Freud's dream book

The famous psychoanalyst, in his traditional vein, connects playing any musical instrument with the intimate side of human existence. Why does a person dream of a piano who in reality has nothing to do with the profession of a musician?

Sigmund Freud answers: a man or woman is in the grip of new sexual fantasies and dreams of realizing them with his partner. If the keys of the instrument are broken or make creaking sounds, you will experience disorders in the intimate sphere and failures on the love front.

Playing the piano according to Vanga's dream book

If you make sounds yourself using a keyboard musical instrument, be careful, perhaps others are misleading you. For people holding leadership positions, such a dream can mean intrigue on the part of subordinates, insidious plans of business partners.

Buying a piano means a difficult situation will arise in the family or at work, which will not be resolved for a long time. In a dream, you hear music, but do not see either the instrument or the person playing it - be especially careful, they want to harm you, take possession of your property, and undermine your authority.

What does it mean to press the piano keys silently? Vanga's dream book warns: someone will try to put pressure on you, drag you into a dubious matter. Gossip, unfair slander, blackmail are possible.

Why do girls dream about pianos?

If a young representative of the fair sex had a dream in which she was learning complex scales, in reality she would be able to win the heart of a young man who seemed unapproachable. Beautiful music flows from under the keys - great love and a happy marriage await the girl.

Hearing the sounds of playing the piano, but not seeing the instrument itself, means receiving a message. What the nature of the news will be depends on the tempo of the music. A cheerful melody foretells good news, a sad one predicts troubles and sad events. If you are lucky enough to play the piano in a dream with four hands, try to remember the face of the person next to you. It is he who will become your good patron, faithful life partner, and help you get out of a difficult situation.

Miller's Dream of a Piano

The German interpreter believed that a musical instrument seen in a dream promises joy in the near future. But for this, as the dream book warns, the piano must be in perfect condition. If the instrument is damaged, upset, or produces false sounds, the dreamer will experience an emotional decline, dissatisfaction with his position in society, a break in friendships or love relationships, and loss of reputation.

Seeing in a dream a piano, an upright piano, or a grand piano that does not have keys, means that you will face professional troubles, including being fired from your job. Such a dream can also foreshadow disappointment in family life, news of a spouse’s infidelity. It is worth paying attention to the day of the week on which you had a dream. Playing an out-of-tune piano on the night from Monday to Tuesday - expect big troubles from which it will not be easy to get out. If you had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you will be able to resolve a difficult situation with minimal losses.

Piano in the newest modern dream book

If you see a musical instrument in a dream that no one plays, it means that your abilities will go unnoticed and your talents will be underestimated. Dancing on the top of a piano or grand piano - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation due to your incontinence. The dream may also mean that you are currently minding your own business, wasting your energy on an obviously losing undertaking.

Why does a married woman dream of a piano? According to the modern dream book, this promises a non-binding love affair, a funny adventure. Single ladies who have such a dream may meet their longtime admirer or start a relationship with a casual acquaintance.

Playing a musical instrument with passion, especially if you don’t know how to do this in real life, will lead to discovering your talent, finding a new job, concluding profitable deals, and gaining financial well-being.

If in a dream you listen to a piano concert, pleasant entertainment awaits you, an invitation to a dinner party, a meeting with influential people. Move, move, transport a piano - it is quite possible that you will have to change your place of residence as a result of buying a new apartment or inheriting real estate.

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As the dream book notes, playing the piano in a dream happens to both musicians and people who do not have music-playing skills in real life. The details of the dream will help you understand why you dream about playing the piano. In general, this is a positive symbol, indicating harmony in the soul of the sleeper.

Black and white keys

To correctly interpret what dreams of playing the piano mean, remember how this instrument works. Sounds are produced using keys, black and white. The Dream Interpretation believes that the image may be inspired by a series of ups and downs that one recently had to see and experience in reality.

When you happen to see missing or faulty keys, it indicates disappointment and loss of interest in life. If a woman dreams of sticky keys, in reality she secretly wonders whether her chosen one is worthy.

According to another interpretation, playing the piano portends many positive changes in your personal life. Previously unrequited feelings will meet with a response, existing romantic relationships will move into the category of serious ones.

What does Miller's dream interpreter say?

When interpreting what dreams of playing the piano mean, Miller’s Dream Book is guided by the sound quality of the instrument. A pleasant melody portends entertainment. If you dreamed that due to a malfunction it was impossible to produce the desired note, the symbol reflects dissatisfaction with oneself.

Do you want to become a musician?

The decision to become a musician, even in a dream, speaks of perseverance, the ability not to give up in the face of difficulties, and to find ways to overcome them. Such purposeful people are often lucky.

A dreamer who has decided to change his reality: lifestyle, social circle, work can learn to play the piano in a dream.

Freud's interpretation will tell you why you can't learn to play the piano beautifully. What dreams of failure in playing music means, in reality corresponds to complexes in the intimate sphere, often unfounded.

The Dream Interpretation notes that those whose reality is occupied with self-improvement have to learn to play the piano in a dream. You happened to see what other skill can be developed.

Learning to play the piano also happens to those who are trying to achieve success in a field far from the world of art. The dream interpreter reassures that the goal will eventually be achieved.

What does the repertoire say?

If you dreamed about how you managed to play beautiful music, a period of stable well-being awaits you. The right time is approaching to resolve difficult issues in your favor. Many will agree to meet you halfway. Do not miss your chance.

The interpretation of the dream explains why you dream that you are playing ancient beautiful music. The dream speaks of nostalgic moods and idealization of the past.

Musical dissonance

If you dreamed of playing an out-of-tune piano, the dream book warns of the appearance of a cunning person on your way.

If in a dream you see a continuous cacaphony, do not be upset. The modern dream book promises that there are many exciting things ahead. The motivation will be so strong that joyful chores will take over you completely. The sound chaos that you dreamed of often foreshadows change.

If someone you know in a dream offers to listen to how he can play the piano, in real life this person can seriously let you down.

The meaning of a dream about a piano

according to Freud's dream book

Playing the piano in a dream - the dream suggests that you will want to realize your sexual fantasies and your partner will support you in this. An out-of-tune piano promises failure in intimate matters caused by the physiological characteristics of your body.

Why do you dream about music?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

secret ridicule (for a woman); listening to music is good news; music (in concert) - beautiful - for sick people to recover; you sing or play yourself - grief, tears.

The meaning of a dream about music

according to Freud's dream book

In general, music in a dream has a good meaning, especially if you liked it and got great pleasure from it. Such a dream suggests that everything is harmonious in your life, you can call yourself a happy person. You are full of optimism and faith in the future, confident that you can do anything. So, if in a dream you heard pleasant melodic music and it was well known to you, then such a dream portends you a return to the past. Moreover, you will be sure that there is nothing good in this for you, and only after you return to places and people you have known for a long time, will you understand how wrong you were. Hearing sharp music in a dream that makes you excited means that in the future you will have to do something that you absolutely do not want to do, but it will be necessary. Then you will regret what happened for a long time. To perform music on an instrument yourself - you will get tired of playing second violin, you will decide to take the initiative into your own hands and will not regret it at all. You will be able to experience new sensations that were completely unfamiliar to you until now.

Seeing music in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If the musical background is pleasant for everyone present, your interpersonal relationships with others are going well. If you don’t like someone’s music, this is a signal to avoid these people. If a love song or hard rock comes on, then you won’t be confused, you know what to do. Musical background in dreams is a common phenomenon. We are used to the fact that music on television or in films sets the tone of the scene and defines the character. The process of composing music in a dream is interesting. This can tell you a lot, especially if you consider the emotions that accompany this process, which, in turn, will help you decipher the meaning of the images.

I dreamed about music

according to Miller's dream book

Music in a dream promises a charming pastime. Melodious, pleasant music portends satisfaction and peace of mind. A disharmonious melody, bursting with sharp sounds, promises you trouble with naughty children or obstinate household members.

The meaning of a dream about a piano

according to Freud's dream book

Playing the piano in a dream means that in real life some powerful external stimulus may push you to make love. It can be a certain rhythm of music, timbre of voice, shade of smell that seems sexy to you.

I dreamed about a piano

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some funny incident. Hearing a sweet-sounding languid melody in a dream is a sign of good health and success. If in a dream you hear dissonant discordant chords, it means that you have a lot of annoying things to do. A sad and mournful melody foreshadows sad news. If in a dream you find a piano broken and out of tune, it means that you will be tormented by dissatisfaction with your own achievements and annoyance that you could not win the respect of your friends. An antique piano will remind you that, when going through difficult times, you neglected good advice and did not take advantage of favorable opportunities. The dream warns: this mistake should not happen again. If a girl in a dream learns a difficult but exciting melody, this means that she will force a friend who has not previously been in love with her to become a faithful and devoted lover.

Dreamed of musical instruments

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing musical instruments in a dream promises long-awaited pleasures. If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley group. If a young woman sees this dream, it foretells her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants it to be.

Why do you dream about a melody?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

beautiful, familiar - meeting with friends.

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Find out the meaning

A dream about a piano is evidence that peace and harmony reign in your soul. But to find out specifically why you dream of a piano, you need to take into account many of the nuances of what you dreamed about at night.

An antique piano in a dream speaks of your thoughtfulness and daydreaming. If it doesn't interfere with your work, dream healthy. But you shouldn’t have your head in the clouds, losing your sense of reality. This could harm your career.

If the piano was painted white in a dream, then soon the person offended by you will seek reconciliation. The dream book recommends accepting his offer, sincerely asking for forgiveness and trying not to offend him anymore.

Dreaming of a black grand piano or upright piano is a sign that you rarely think about the feelings of others. Experts warn that notes of selfishness in your heart can negatively affect relationships with people dear to you.

Seeing a huge piano in a dream means overestimating your capabilities. Psychologists advise not to undertake anything that you cannot complete. Otherwise, misunderstandings and sensitive situations may arise.

What else does a tool mean in a dream?

According to the dream book, an out-of-tune piano speaks of your lack of self-confidence and self-flagellation. You need to improve your self-esteem. To achieve this, try to prove yourself in a task that you can complete with a bang.

A piano with an open lid symbolizes a frank conversation with a loved one. If something oppresses or worries you, pour out your soul to him. You will see, after the conversation you will feel much better.

Performing in front of an audience is what dreams of a piano standing on stage mean. And if you saw him in an unusual place (for example, in a forest, on the street, etc.), then with your speech you can surprise your listeners.

If there is a candlestick on the piano in a dream, then the dream book says that you have excellent artistic taste. You will be able to prove yourself in professions related to art. This could be a good source of income for you.

Seeing a piano without keys in a dream means acting against your will. Most likely, your opinion is being imposed on you by someone who envies you. If you don’t pay attention to the envious person, but listen only to yourself, you can achieve a lot.

A broken piano is a sign that it’s time for you to change your field of activity. Try doing what you like instead of doing a job you don't like. You will see that soon your hobby will definitely bring tangible results.

As the dream book writes, a piano or grand piano in your home promises a long, cloudless family life. And if a musical instrument stood near your bed, then you will be able to find harmony in your intimate life.

Did you do something

  • Buying a piano is a feeling of pride.
  • Choosing a damaged piano means making a mistake.
  • The selected piano was brought home to you - with the help of your loved ones.
  • Receiving it as a gift means drastic changes in life.
  • Carrying it means coping with difficulties.
  • Wiping an instrument means feeling irresistible.
  • It was stolen from you - to loss.

Why do you dream about playing the piano? If you manage to play the piano and in a dream you hear a pleasant melody, in reality your work will be appreciated. You will receive not only material, but also moral satisfaction.

According to the dream book, playing a broken piano means wasting your energy. Psychologists recommend concentrating your attention on the main thing and not being distracted from your main work by trifles.

Playing the piano in front of a large number of people means being proud of your talents and bringing them to life. And if you were applauded in a dream, then not only your loved ones, but also unfamiliar people admire you.

A friend playing an instrument symbolizes meeting him and having a pleasant time. And if you dreamed of a piano being played by a stranger, then soon someone who cares about you will appear in your life.4

Why do you dream about a piano?

Freud's Dream Book

Playing the piano in a dream - the dream suggests that you will want to realize your sexual fantasies and your partner will support you in this.

An out-of-tune piano promises failure in intimate matters caused by the physiological characteristics of your body.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Family dream book

Piano - Playing the piano in a dream from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday means in reality there will be big life changes.

Why do you dream of a piano - Tuning a piano in a dream means in reality maintaining self-control and calmness even in the most unforeseen critical situations. If you have such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will become the only support for those around you. Moving a piano, carrying it somewhere in a dream from Friday to Saturday means housewarming.

Why do you dream about a piano?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Piano - sadness, melancholy; tears.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Modern dream book

If you decide to learn to play the piano, this means that you communicate too little with those you need. If you are invited to a piano concert, it means you are waiting in vain for the attention of someone you like, and you risk missing out on all your fans.

If your piano is very out of tune, this is a sign that your plans will be disrupted or changed under the pressure of objective circumstances.

A dream in which you inherited a rare and very expensive piano reminds you that you should pay attention to your hidden talents; perhaps they are the key to your success.

If you are captivated by a woman playing the piano, this portends pleasant experiences that will decorate your life and entertain you.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Piano - You see a piano in a dream, you want to learn how to play it - the dream suggests that you have surrounded yourself with random people; you rely on people you shouldn't rely on; the people who can really help you are far away from you. It’s as if you are playing the piano, and it is out of tune - some external reasons will completely change your plans. A young woman dreams that she is attending a piano concert - this woman has many fans, but she will wait for signs of attention from a person who is not her fan; this woman risks being left alone.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a piano is a joy.

Listening is escaping into the world of dreams.

To hear from afar is slander.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Piano - Good luck in intimate matters. Imagine that you play the piano masterfully.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Piano - great success awaits you in relationships with the opposite sex. Imagine that you came to a store or factory where pianos are made to choose the best instrument for yourself. You meticulously examine one by one the instruments that the seller shows you, press the keys, listening to the sound, and finally choose the one you like best. The piano is delivered to your home and installed in the most visible place. You sit down at the instrument, open the lid and begin to play your favorite melodies on it with ease and inspiration.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Piano mean in a dream 1. Playing the piano satisfies all aesthetic feelings. The appearance of a piano in a dream is a symbol of our own creativity. As you know, playing the piano doesn’t require learning, but you also need to learn and use your creative abilities correctly. 2. One aspect of playing the piano is that we get creative with someone else's work. Only a few of us actually write our own music. It may be that we need to consider our daily work situation in the light of putting something into practice in order to better use the best that is in us. 3. Creative sound is a vital aspect in spiritual development, and our appreciation of music can often define spiritual progression.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Home dream book

You dreamed of a Piano - expressing your thoughts. Hearing a beautiful melody means spiritual harmony, hearing dissonant, discordant chords means annoying thoughts; sad and mournful music - sadness, melancholy; the piano is broken and out of tune - dissatisfaction with oneself; antique piano - a return to old thoughts; learning a difficult but exciting melody - thoughts about what worries you most.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Piano mean in a dream - buying or having a white piano means taking a dominant position. Playing the piano means being slightly mistaken, turning a blind eye to some of the hypocrisy of loved ones. Hearing others play means they will try to outplay you and cleverly act behind your back. If your piano is out of tune, it means dissatisfaction with your own achievements. PIANO has the same meaning.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream book for women

Playing the piano in a dream from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday means in reality there will be big life changes.

Hearing the sound of a piano in a dream from Monday to Tuesday is a sign of troubles that will only be discovered at the last moment and which there will be neither time nor opportunity to correct.

Hearing a piano playing out of tune means sad changes in the lives of many people, but if you hear it from Saturday to Sunday, higher powers will help you withstand future troubles.

Moving a piano, carrying it somewhere in a dream from Friday to Saturday means housewarming.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream book of relationships

If you played the piano in a dream, this means that you will want to make your sexual fantasies come true, and your partner will support you in this.

If the piano is out of tune, it means that you will fail in sex. This is explained by some physiological characteristics of your body.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Dream book for the whole family

Playing the piano in a dream from Friday to Saturday or from Saturday to Sunday means in reality there will be big life changes.

Hearing the sound of a piano in a dream from Monday to Tuesday is a sign of troubles that will only be discovered at the last moment and that there will be neither time nor opportunity to correct.

Hearing a piano playing out of tune means sad changes in the lives of many people, but if you hear it from Saturday to Sunday, higher powers will help you withstand future troubles.

If you have such a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, you will become the only support for those around you.

Moving a piano, carrying it somewhere in a dream from Friday to Saturday means housewarming.

Why do you dream about a piano?

Online dream book

An out-of-tune piano - for reasons beyond your control, everything will not go as you planned, you will have to adjust your own plans.

You have a desire to master this musical instrument - a hint that you should meet more often with those who are interesting to you or can have a positive impact on your life.

according to Freud's dream book

Playing the piano in a dream - the dream suggests that you will want to realize your sexual fantasies and your partner will support you in this. An out-of-tune piano promises failure in intimate matters caused by the physiological characteristics of your body.

Why do you dream about music?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

secret ridicule (for a woman); listening to music is good news; music (in concert) - beautiful - for sick people to recover; you sing or play yourself - grief, tears.

The meaning of a dream about music

according to Freud's dream book

In general, music in a dream has a good meaning, especially if you liked it and got great pleasure from it. Such a dream suggests that everything is harmonious in your life, you can call yourself a happy person. You are full of optimism and faith in the future, confident that you can do anything. So, if in a dream you heard pleasant melodic music and it was well known to you, then such a dream portends you a return to the past. Moreover, you will be sure that there is nothing good in this for you, and only after you return to places and people you have known for a long time, will you understand how wrong you were. Hearing sharp music in a dream that makes you excited means that in the future you will have to do something that you absolutely do not want to do, but it will be necessary. Then you will regret what happened for a long time. Playing music on an instrument yourself - you will get tired of playing second violin, you will decide to take the initiative into your own hands and will not regret it at all. You will be able to experience new sensations that were completely unfamiliar to you until now.

Seeing music in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If the musical background is pleasant for everyone present, your interpersonal relationships with others are going well. If you don’t like someone’s music, this is a signal to avoid these people. If a love song or hard rock comes on, then you won’t be confused, you know what to do. Musical background in dreams is a common phenomenon. We are used to the fact that music on television or in films sets the tone of the scene and defines the character. The process of composing music in a dream is interesting. This can tell you a lot, especially if you consider the emotions that accompany this process, which, in turn, will help you decipher the meaning of the images.

I dreamed about music

according to Miller's dream book

Music in a dream promises a charming pastime. Melodious, pleasant music portends satisfaction and peace of mind. A disharmonious melody, bursting with sharp sounds, promises you trouble with naughty children or obstinate household members.

Dreamed of musical instruments

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing musical instruments in a dream promises long-awaited pleasures. If they are broken, the pleasures will be interrupted by the intervention of an uninvited motley group. If a young woman sees this dream, it foretells her a real opportunity to make her life the way she wants it to be.

Why do you dream about a melody?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

beautiful, familiar - meeting with friends.

The meaning of a dream about a piano

according to Freud's dream book

Playing the piano in a dream means that in real life some powerful external stimulus may push you to make love. It can be a certain rhythm of music, timbre of voice, shade of smell that seems sexy to you.

I dreamed about a piano

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a piano in a dream is a harbinger of some funny incident. Hearing a mellifluous, languid melody in a dream is a sign of good health and success. If in a dream you hear dissonant discordant chords, it means that you have a lot of annoying things to do. A sad and mournful melody foreshadows sad news. If in a dream you find a piano broken and out of tune, it means that you will be tormented by dissatisfaction with your own achievements and annoyance that you could not win the respect of your friends. An antique piano will remind you that, when going through difficult times, you neglected good advice and did not take advantage of favorable opportunities. The dream warns: this mistake should not happen again. If a girl in a dream learns a difficult but exciting melody, this means that she will force a friend who has not previously been in love with her to become a faithful and devoted lover.

One can envy those who dream of a piano. As a rule, such a dream speaks of inner peace and good, strong relationships in the family. You are surrounded by a calm atmosphere, a leisurely flow of life, and the embodiment of creative ideas. Why a person dreams of a piano can be understood by remembering its appearance and other nuances that accompany the dream.

External features and sound of a musical instrument

According to the dream book, a piano without any defects or features symbolizes an event full of joy and wonderful memories. But an old, dilapidated or completely broken piano, which sounds terrible, speaks of terrible mental anguish associated with uncertainty about the importance of one’s own achievements, lack of recognition from people whose opinion and approval are vital to the dreamer.

Freud's dream book claims that an out-of-tune piano in a dream speaks of failures in intimate life due to some disease or feature of the dreamer's body. These problems can be easily solved with the help of a sexologist or psychologist. Therefore, you should not despair, but rather get some treatment.

If you dreamed of an old piano or one that is a real antique, then such a dream reminds us of what we did not do, what we missed, unfairly considering it unimportant for that period of time.

Why you dream of a piano, the interpretation also depends on the color of the instrument. Snow-white - to a meeting with a former love or ex-spouse, which can end in an unambiguous pastime. The black color of the instrument indicates that you will soon be recognized as a specialist in your field.

Instrument keys

Why do you dream of not the piano itself, but only its keys? This is a life full of changes from better to worse and vice versa, a constant change of environment, alternating good luck with bad luck, says Morozova’s dream book.

If the piano has no keys at all or partially, this may indicate a loss of interest in the chosen type of activity, profession, man, life in general. Often this state of affairs signals the onset of a disease such as depression. And if you really begin to notice a reluctance to communicate, do anything, and even go outside, it would be useful to have a one-time consultation with a psychologist to make sure that this is only a temporary phenomenon.

Perform a piece

Why does a girl dream of playing the piano? The interpretation is similar to playing on nerves in real life. To be more precise, she will be able not only to win the heart of a man who is impregnable as a fortress, but also to subsequently twist ropes out of him, says Miller’s dream book.

Learning to play the piano in a dream means not spending enough time on useful communication with those whose influence can greatly simplify life. Listening to someone else play a melody on the piano is a big mistake on the part of a relative, which will lead to unnecessary conversations behind the back and undermine the family’s reputation.


If the music played by someone sounds terrible, then this foreshadows some changes in most of the people around you.

Playing an out-of-tune piano can be a signal of the secret intentions of those who hide them behind a mask of goodwill and sincerity. It could even be someone from your close circle.

A pleasant background melody, which in real life was relaxing and calming, in a dream speaks of an upcoming favorable period. Good luck will accompany you both in the work and personal spheres, improving and simplifying life.

Boring music, evoking despondency and sadness, foreshadows the same effect in reality. There are unpleasant changes ahead, bad news from afar.

Many mistakes a musician makes while playing the piano indicate annoying troubles and minor squabbles that await him on the way to achieving his goal.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 07/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...