According to Popov

To make Lilia's heart beat faster, you don't have to invite her to snow-capped Everest. She will prefer an easy chair to the romance of a mountain peak. And not a word about love! Just sensually touch her palm. Lilya appreciates not a clever compliment, but a skillful touch.

According to Mendelev

A good, beautiful, safe name. Its owner is a bright and charming woman. She is always surrounded by people; it seems that her femininity has some especially good power. But her will is weak, and her suggestibility is quite high and can be used by other, not very clean people, even for their own purposes. Lily intuitively senses mood swings and the state of mind of other people.

She does not make a business woman, the spheres of business and entrepreneurship are far from her - for this she is kind and not strong enough, and she is too inclined to succumb to the influence of others. However, Lilia is unlikely to agree to remain only a housewife - she needs to be among people, she cannot imagine herself alone.

She is faithful to her friends and will never “wash the bones” of her friends and acquaintances. He loves to read sentimental, heart-warming novels about unhappy love. He perceives endless television series in the same spirit with a smile, but watches them with pleasure.

In family life, love accompanies her, and her husband takes on some of the household chores, which are generally traditionally feminine. Rarely has more than one child; if it is a son, he loves him blindly, to the point of unconsciousness.

Lilya is very similar to Liliya, but braver and, perhaps, more active, more prone to adventures, adventures and all sorts of surprises. This tendency decreases with age, but never completely disappears.

The name is not very common. Its popularity is higher among Turkic-speaking peoples, but in Russian families you can sometimes meet girls with this name.

The color characteristic of the name is a blue field with a bright scarlet stripe.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Lilia has no shortage of admirers, she is flirtatious, knows how to present herself, is amorous and temperamental. Lily is capricious and capricious. She is usually very picky in choosing a partner and does not reduce sex only to a biological necessity; love, tenderness and sexual satisfaction are closely related to each other. At the same time, Lilia is sometimes able, “according to her mood,” to enter into an intimate relationship with a stranger simply in order to relieve sexual tension.

Lily is not strong in sexual games, but loves to gain the upper hand over her partner. She is very susceptible to male caresses, without them she cannot reach the climax. For her, the highest pleasure is to achieve orgasm at the same time as her partner, but for this, her friend must arm himself with great patience. In general, Lilia’s sexual behavior largely depends on the sincerity and delicacy of her partner. Often a man who is not very experienced, but affectionate and gentle, can give her much more pleasure than one who owns the entire arsenal of sex techniques.

Lilia is a person of mood, and that says it all. If she is not inclined towards intimacy, it is useless for a man to pursue her; Lilia cannot be forced to do anything against her will. A person who loves her should always be able to feel her. Lily herself needs to feel the need for physical intimacy and experience a slight sexual hunger. She finds it difficult to adapt to her partner, so she tries to deal with one man for a long time and breaks ties with him only if serious circumstances force her to do so.

Having gotten married, she does not particularly care about remaining faithful to her husband all her life, but she cheats extremely carefully, without losing her head. Attaches great importance to intimate relationships in marriage. If her husband does not live up to her sexual expectations, she withdraws into herself, becomes angry, irritable and sees no sin in looking for satisfaction on the side.

According to Higir

The name is given by the name of the flower.

She is most often outwardly pretty and fragile, seeming calm and unassuming. In fact, she is stubborn and uncontrollable.

Lily is a little tyrant. There seems to be no limit to her inventions. She likes to appear weak and offended by everyone; in any conflict situation she pretends to be sick.

In her youth, Lilia's communication with others becomes smoother. She almost never finds fault with her family; if quarrels break out in the family from time to time, it is mainly around Lilia’s demands to have the most fashionable clothes. In such cases, she again turns into a little capricious girl. Lilia usually has a lot of fans; guys are attracted by her charm, flirtatiousness, and ability to dress brightly. Lily is kind and unforgiving, feels relaxed in any company, knows how to laugh heartily and have fun. Loves to flirt and is temperamental. She has many girlfriends who envy her ability to manage men and are trying to learn this from Lilia, and are not averse to slandering her about it. She is amorous, but not so much as to follow her chosen one to the ends of the world.

Lilina’s mother has long given up on the late returns of her daughter and her countless admirers, and, consoling herself with the saying “A girl is not a piece of grass, she will not grow up without a sweetheart,” she hopes for the best. Most often this is what happens. Lily usually marries well. It is advisable that Lilia’s husband be older and wiser than her, and be ready in advance to endure her whims. From the very beginning of family life, he will have to get used to the fact that Lilia’s mood changes every minute. Lilia's minor shortcomings are compensated by her gentle nature and compassion. The husband usually loves his Lily very much, does not limit her in clothes and gifts, does not notice her mismanagement and sloppiness. Her mother-in-law makes periodic scandals about this, but Lilia, fortunately, has the ability to “not hear” what is unpleasant to her. Sometimes she gets inspired and starts raising children, but after a while she can completely forget about them, going shopping with a friend. On occasion, Lilia may cheat on her husband, but, feeling that this threatens her family well-being, she will immediately abandon the relationship that is compromising her.

He will find his happiness with Yuri, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Victor, Vadim, Stanislav, Felix. A happy marriage with Nikolai, Kirill, Pavel, Eduard, Ignat is unlikely.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Latinized form of the biblical name Sosanna, "white lily, lotus"

Energy of the name and character: if parents give their child such a beautiful and fragile name as Lily, then most likely they intend to spoil their daughter considerably with their immoderate love of love. However, even if this beautiful-hearted impulse passes from them after the first bitter fruits of such an upbringing, a beautiful name will still do its job. Alas, the energy of the name Lily is capable of drawing a person into its sweet pool, it fascinates and makes one think about the subtle mental organization of the bearer of this name, about her defenselessness, and in general, about everything that is meant by the term “weaker sex” and that cannot be destroyed no emancipation. In a word, it is very likely that Lilya will grow up to be a surprisingly narcissistic and capricious woman.

Of course, life will gradually wean Lily from this, every now and then provoking conflict situations, but here, most likely, another feature of the energy of the name will work - mobility, which will primarily affect the liveliness of Lily’s mind, and therefore resourcefulness and ingenuity . Needless to say, a more worthy use can be found for a lively mind, but this requires serious educational efforts, and more often than not, Lilya, left to herself, from childhood begins to use this quality in order to achieve what she wants from her parents and from those around her. She can skillfully use tears, can become affectionate and obedient, can learn to be cunning early, and all this to achieve her main goal. Moreover, this quality is unlikely to disappear with age; Lilia will certainly find a way to subordinate to her desires and whims some next candidate for her hand and heart.

Sometimes Lily's character begins to show too much power. This, by the way, is easy to guess if she prefers to call herself Liliana. In this case, she may not limit herself to the role of a purely family queen and, quite possibly, will direct her efforts to some kind of career. I don’t know how Lilina’s parents feel about this prospect, but if they want to avoid their daughter’s excessive selfishness, it is advisable for them to start raising her at a very early age and try to instill in her the ability to notice other people’s problems and respect not only their own, but also other people’s desires. And this is unlikely to hurt Lila herself, because, in the end, youth is not eternal, desires sooner or later begin to fade, and fading for her can truly become a global catastrophe. At the same time, having learned to give people true deep love, Lily can find in it a reliable refuge from the coming emptiness, old age and loneliness.

Secrets of communication: If you have an idea of ​​purely feminine tricks and tricks, then Lilin’s character will not be a mystery to you. However, she herself becomes a victim of her own cunning, when a skillfully presented gift and a man’s ability to show indifference at the right time can push Lilya to take rash steps.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of the Lily

The ancients said that breaking a lily flower deprives a girl of her innocence, and this poetic image once again confirms that our ancestors, who put their own special meaning into each flower, firmly associated the lily with love, innocence, and youth. In Christianity, this beautiful flower is an attribute of some saints (usually virgins), and Semitic legends say that the lily came from the tears of the inconsolably crying foremother of humanity, Eve, who was forever expelled from paradise.

However, there is another, no less beautiful legend about the origin of this delicate flower. The ancient Romans believed that when the beautiful Alcmene, the mother of the legendary hero Hercules, tried to hide her newborn son from the revenge of the jealous goddess Juno, she put him under a thick bush. However, one of the goddesses gave Juno the location of the baby and was not too lazy to lead her to that very bush. Seeing the helpless baby, Juno changed her anger to mercy and, taking pity, even let the hungry boy suck her milk, but Hercules bit her breast so hard that the goddess, screaming in pain, pushed the child away. Juno's milk splashed in all directions and, spilling across the sky, formed the Milky Way, and a few drops, falling down, turned into one of the most beautiful flowers on earth - a lily.

There are several origin variations for the name Lily. It is believed that it originates from the name of the flower of the same name, the Latin version of which sounds like “lilium” and means “white lily”.

As an option, the formation of the name from the biblical analogue of Lilith, which translated from Hebrew means “silence of the night,” is being considered. Also, the word “lilit” in the Hebrew language referred to a type of owl, so when depicting a girl named Lililia, an owl was often drawn next to her.

Depending on the country where the name is used, it may sound different. For example, Armenians use Lilith in everyday life, while Turkic peoples use it as , Americans as Lilia, French as Lily, etc. The name Lilia does not appear in the Orthodox calendar, so it does not have Christmastide.

Girl grows up curious and tries to learn about the world from an early age. She is quite dreamy and inventive, trying to transform what she has imagined into reality. The early years of a girl named Lilia are filled with meaning through creativity.

She is balanced and calm, a diligent student at school, and at home, her mother’s assistant. Fate endowed little Lily with an unusually gentle character and complaisance.

An unusually obedient child attracts adults, and they, in turn, pay a lot of attention to the girl. This state of affairs can lead to Lilia growing up selfish. Under the influence of elders, fate can play a cruel joke on a girl, making her overly ambitious, which will subsequently have a bad effect on all her endeavors.

The meaning of the name Lily is revealed in the beauty of the flower of the same name, and our heroine is charming and graceful. During adolescence she is surrounded by crowds of fans. Little, flexible Lilia turns into an unbridled girl who doesn’t particularly listen to her mother’s advice. But at the same time, she is disciplined, knows how to maintain a conversation and find compromise solutions to controversial issues.

The childhood daydreaming of a girl named Lilia leads to minor inventions, and at an older age, to deception. Knowing her shortcomings, she treats the fantastic stories of others with caution; she senses deception subconsciously.

Full characteristics

Achieving goals by any means is inherent in the characteristics of the name Lily. To achieve this, our heroine uses all means. If charm, beauty and a smile fail to achieve the goal, the girl may cheat and even cry. While it can be difficult to get what you want from women, men are always ready to come to the aid of our heroine.

For the bearer of the name Lilia, everything that happens around her is of interest. She is quite smart, literate, and constantly develops her knowledge and skills. It is unacceptable for a girl to take a secondary role; she should always be in front.

An adult Lily is a self-sufficient person who has her own opinion and an extraordinary view of things, events, and circumstances.

Woman With the name Lilia, she has a large vocabulary and the ability to express herself beautifully. When entering into a dispute, she makes meaningful arguments and wins her opponent over to her side.

  • She uses the gift of persuasion that fate has endowed our heroine with to its full potential, while leading her interlocutor unobtrusively, as if he himself had come to such a decision.
  • Lilia is a good comrade and friend, she is fun and comfortable to be with, so many people revolve around her who want to start friendly relations with a woman.
  • But among the negative aspects of the name Lily, it is worth noting the ability to weave intrigue and gossip. She does it gracefully, sometimes with someone else’s hands and words, as if she had nothing to do with it.

Love and family relationships

What the name Lily means for family life is not a disposition towards it. Everyday life and everyday life are not for our heroine, who strives to be visible and achieve success. The beauty and stateliness of a girl attracts the opposite sex, but it is very difficult to find the other half. Some men take advantage of Lilia's kindness, others cheat on her.

A girl marries a common man out of great love.

For Lilia, his financial condition and importance in society are unimportant. Our heroine loves children, devotes a lot of time to them, and is involved in their development. Over time, Lilia becomes a good housewife and learns to cook. A girl can be called a one-woman woman, because once she gets married, she remains faithful to her husband until the end of her days.

Professional affiliation

Named after Lily, she has high efficiency and energy. With such qualities and accuracy, our heroine can be an excellent leader in any field of activity.

Liliya Aleksandrovna Podkopaeva (Ukrainian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine, international category judge.)

  • Having taken a high position, she will become responsible for the team, and her colleagues will respect Lilia as an excellent boss for her tact and goodwill.
  • Most of all, a woman named Lilia is suited to specialties where she has to think and invent. She can be a constructor, an architect, a designer.
  • Childhood dreams and daydreams are not in vain for our heroine; she can realize them if she becomes a writer or journalist. Such areas of activity will also be successfully conquered by Lily.
  • Our heroine is also predisposed to medical specialization, where she can choose the direction of pediatrics or become a visiting nurse.

I want to know everything about my name: the history of its origin, what it means, its influence on character and destiny. To obtain this knowledge, you need to familiarize yourself with several sciences: psychology, astrology, numerology, Chinese teachings and perceive them as a whole. Let's reveal all the secrets about the meaning of the name Lily.

Translated from Latin, Lily means “white flower” or “lily”.

Common options: Lilith, Liliana, Lily. Different countries have their own peculiarities in sound. The French call her Lily, the English - Lila. Jews address her as Lilah. Shortened versions: Lilechka, Lilyusha, Lilyunya.

There are several versions associated with the origin of the name:

  • Latin origin, consonant with the flower of the same name;
  • in biblical parables the name Sosanna is found, meaning “lotus”, “white lily”;
  • has Hebrew sources, Lilith in translation sounds like “night, spirit, darkness”;
  • associated with the Tatar name.

From the legend about the famous Hercules we learn about his mother Alcmene. To protect the newborn baby from Juno's persecution, she hid him in a dense bush. Having learned about his location, Juno approached the indicated place, saw a defenseless child and decided to feed him. Hungry Hercules bit her hard on the chest. The goddess pushed the baby away. The splashed milk spread throughout the sky, and some of the drops fell to the ground and turned into flowers - lilies.

Character traits

The name influences the formation of characteristic traits in a person. But to say that their presence is an indisputable fact is wrong. At certain periods of life, different character traits appear.

Childhood and adolescence

Lilya grows up as an inquisitive, cheerful child. She loves to fantasize, and since childhood she has had a dream that allows her to stand out in society.

She easily communicates with others and has a cheerful, cheerful character.

They admire the girl and pay her a lot of attention. The beauty and softness of the sound of the name contribute to the appearance of spoiledness and capriciousness. The first signs of selfishness and narcissism begin to appear. To achieve her goal, Lilya uses tears.

During her school years, Lilia turns into a purposeful girl. She comes to class prepared and carries out all assignments carefully.

Positive features can be noted:

  • optimism;
  • decency;
  • determination;
  • having a sense of humor;
  • daydreaming;
  • unselfishness;
  • communication skills;
  • excellent memory;
  • friendliness;
  • the ability to listen to other people's opinions.

Character of an adult woman

As she grows up, Lily gains independence. Strives to gain new knowledge. She is interested in new projects. She shows organizational skills.

She is always ready to come to the aid of a loved one, leaving her own affairs, patiently listening to him, and giving useful advice.

If a woman gives preference to the name Liliana, then her power gradually manifests itself. This applies either to family life or to directing efforts towards achieving career growth.

Lilya has no vindictiveness, does not harbor grudges, and quickly forgets them.

Main features:

  • sociability;
  • kindness, caring;
  • affectionateness;
  • diligence;
  • stubbornness;
  • diplomacy;
  • ability to charm;
  • sentimentality (she likes to watch TV series and read books about long-suffering love);
  • desire to achieve a goal.

But an adult woman remains a child at heart. She will throw a scandal if something does not suit her. To achieve her goal, she will use standard methods: pretend to be sick or offended.

How does Lilia's fate turn out?

There are all sorts of problematic situations in her life. But the presence of a strong will, ingenuity, flexibility of mind and charm help her overcome obstacles.

Career, business

In some cases, Lilya is disappointed in the specialty she received and has to change her profession. If there are prospects for career growth, she will show her qualities of discipline, scrupulousness, and try to achieve what she wants.

A woman does not like responsibility at work, values ​​punctuality, and is demanding in leadership positions. But she likes working in a team more.

Creative professions or those with elements of analysis are suitable for her. Possible options:

  • actor;
  • designer;
  • makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist;
  • photographer;
  • lawyer;
  • Accountant;
  • manager.

Doing what she loves is an important factor in discovering her talent. The material side for her is not the main point in choosing a profession.

Love, family, marriage

At the beginning of her relationship with men, Lila encounters betrayal, deception, and a lack of reciprocal feelings. As she reaches maturity, she will learn to choose her mate. Honesty and loyalty are the desired qualities for her chosen one.

In the family, she strives for leadership and excessive independence, but prefers to shift the solution of everyday problems to her spouse. Lily is a neat girl.

Marriages are successful when the husband is older. She likes smart, wealthy life partners. He meets her desires, shows concern, gives gifts, and is ready to endure her whims.

Gradually she turns from a selfish, narcissistic spoiled woman into an economic wife who loves her husband.

Men with the following names are suitable for a successful marriage: , .

Low probability of a happy marriage with Kirill, Pavel, Nikolai, Denis, Anton, Oleg, Eduard. The relationship won't work out.


Lillian is in good health. She is active and fresh. Possible problems are kidney disease.

What else you need to know about Lily

Talisman stones:

  • jasper (empowers with positive energy, attracts good luck, prosperity, prosperity);
  • emerald (adds wisdom, composure);
  • rhodonite (awakens feelings, promotes the development of talents);

Lila is ruled by the planet Mercury. Women show an ability for foreign languages. They often become translators, journalists, and marketers. But you shouldn’t share your secrets with them, they love to gossip.

Brown color. The explosive nature of these people leads to difficulties in their lives. They do not always listen to other people's advice and are confident that they are right.

Favorable signs - Virgo, Aquarius.

There are no Orthodox saints named Lilia. Women celebrate their name days on saints' days with the name Susanna:

  • May 15;
  • June 2, 19, 20;
  • 24 August;
  • 10 September;
  • December 28th.

Select a date close to your birthday.

Famous bearers of the name

  • Let's remember famous people with the name Lily.
  • Ethel Lilian Voynich is a famous English writer.
  • Liliya Lebedeva is a Russian artist.
  • Liliya Tolmacheva is an actress.
  • Liliya Shevtsova is a Russian political scientist.
  • Liliya Podkopaeva is a gymnast.
  • Their professions correspond to the characteristics of the name.

Conclusion: the meaning of a name influences a person’s destiny. By studying the relationship of all factors, you can influence the development of character.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Meaning of the name Lilia (Liliana): This name for a girl means “pure”, “innocent”, “righteous”, “immortal”, “immaculate”, “reborn”. Another meaning of the name Lily is “God’s mercy.”

Origin of the name Lilia (Liliana): Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Lilya, Leah, Lyusha, Lucy.

What does the name Lilia (Liliana) mean? The word comes from the name of the flower. She Lily is beautiful and popular with the opposite sex. If her rich imagination was encouraged in childhood, then the girl will be able to make a career as a writer, sculptor or fashion designer. Lilya helps the children with their studies and gives valuable advice to her husband, but she does not like to do housework.

Angel Day and Patron Saints: The name Lily does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Aquarius
  • Planet Neptune
  • White color
  • Auspicious tree - talnik
  • Treasured plant - lily
  • Patron – water snake
  • Talisman stone - pearl

Characteristics of the name Lily

Positive features: Lily is charming and disciplined. The name Lily gives a tendency to dream and fantasize. attaches great importance to questions about the meaning of life and death. A girl with this name is distinguished by diplomacy and the ability to understand people.

Negative features: She is spoiled by pessimism, slowness, and cowardice. A girl named Lilia can be unsure of herself, in her affairs, in her loved ones, and may lose interest if the relationship becomes ordinary.

Character of the name Lily: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Lily? She is Lily, a great pretender and inventor. For her, calling out sick or saying that she has recently returned from a trip to Africa will not be a big deal. At the same time, the girl likes to doubt the reliability of such stories from her interlocutors, sometimes insultingly ridiculing them.

Lily and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Alfer, Albert, Alfred, Arthur, Dementius, Evdokim, Custodius, Maximilian, Nikon, Terenty, Tryphon is favorable. The name Lily is also combined with Photius. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Akinthos, Eustathius, Izot, Kapiton, Leonid, Taras, Philaret, Khariton.

Love and Marriage: Family is of particular importance to her. In family relationships, Lilya quickly takes the initiative into her own hands and begins to act, but she quickly cools down if her feelings are not reciprocated. A woman named Lilia is faithful in marriage and does not tolerate lies in any form.

She takes her choice of husband extremely seriously. However, as a rule, she is unlucky: at least in her first marriage. The husband, who seemed so reliable, happily shifts all the family problems onto her shoulders, and our busybody Lily carries this load, only occasionally allowing herself to buck... so that she can then obediently carry her burden again.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She Lily may seem slow, but when solving serious matters, she begins to act stubbornly, does not allow anyone to interfere with moving towards her intended goal, and eliminates competitors along the way. Lilya's manager does not forgive laxity, but will not criticize those who are guilty in public. A girl can successfully work as a teacher or psychologist. This girl is inclined towards the humanities.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Lilia (Liliana): Lily probably has problems with the genitourinary system.

The fate of Lily in history

What does the name Lily mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Liliya Brik is a contemporary and friend of V.V. Mayakovsky, who played a fatal role in the fate of the poet.
  2. Lilian Gibbs - (1870 - 1925) English botanist, working at the British Museum in London; Gibbs collected many plants new to science, some of them were named after her (for example, Racemobambos gibbsiae), and was on expeditions in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.
  3. Lillian Lamont - (d.1953) American dancer and theater actress.
  4. Liliya Vaigina-Efremova is a Ukrainian biathlete of Chuvash origin, winner of the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, who once competed for the national teams of Russia and Belarus.
  5. Liliya Lebedeva is a Russian artist.
  6. Liliya Pavlova Ignatova-Doychinova - Bulgarian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics; one of Zlatnite Momiceta.
  7. Liliya Tolmacheva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981). Liliya Shevtsova is a Russian political scientist.
  8. Lilia Scala - (1896 - 1994) Austro-American actress, nominated for an Oscar in 1963.
  9. Liliya Lobanova - (1922 - 1992) Ukrainian opera and chamber singer (lyric-dramatic soprano), teacher, People's Artist of Ukraine (1954).
  10. Lilia Gildeeva - Lilia Frith kyzy Gildieva; Russian journalist, TV presenter of the news program “Today” on the NTV channel.
  11. Lilia Cabral is a Brazilian actress.
  12. Liliya Kornilova is a Russian theater actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2000), member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia (1999).
  13. Liliya Podkopaeva - gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine (1994), international judge.
  14. Liliya Berzinya - (1903 - 1983) Soviet and Latvian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree.

Lily in different languages ​​of the world

The translation in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English it is translated as Lily, in German: Lilia, in Italian: Giglia (Giglia).

Each person’s name contains many secrets, the solution of which helps to understand him. If you want to give your baby a specific name, it can be helpful to know what it means. In this publication you will find out what the name Lily hides in itself. The meaning of the name, origin, fate of the owner - all this will be revealed in the article. Astrological characteristics will allow you to learn a little more about your personality. You will learn the names of those men with whom Lilia can create a strong family.

What does the name Lilia mean?

There is an opinion that Lily translated from Latin means the name of the flower - lily. According to another version, it was formed from Lilith, which translates as “beautiful” or “flower.” That was the name of the first biblical woman. Another version of the origin is from the name Susanna, which also means “lily”. In Christianity, this flower is associated with purity, immortality, resurrection, righteousness and God's mercy.

for a child

The girl is growing up healthy, smart and very calm, although she likes to play with boys. She is always ready to help her parents with housework. Her hobbies include reading books, swimming or gymnastics. At school she understands all subjects and studies well. Her dream becomes to obtain a higher education. Parents must develop respect for others in their baby, otherwise she may grow up to be very proud and capricious.

Name Lily. Meaning for an adult girl

As she gets older, the owner of this name remains calm. She is able to unobtrusively instill her point of view in almost any person. Lilya loves to argue and has her own opinion on everything, which makes the girl an interesting conversationalist.

Name Lily: meaning for professional activities

The person in question is very hardworking and approaches work with full responsibility. She is a neat and active employee who is valued by her colleagues. For Lilia, career is of great importance in life. She is power-hungry and ambitious, so she will gladly take a leadership position. She will make a fair boss who behaves friendly and correctly towards others. She really enjoys spending time with her friends. Her childhood hobbies remain with her into adulthood. Lilia loves to play volleyball, tennis or swimming. However, she can enjoy embroidery, sewing or knitting and is an excellent cook. Lilies are often interested in history or ethnography.

Name Lily. Impact on family

In her personal life, the owner has been unlucky for a long time. She makes no special demands on men, but they often take advantage of her kindness and shamelessly cheat on her. If you meet that person who really loves Lily and marries her, the marriage will be successful. A woman will be happy to take care of children, even without sending them to kindergarten.

What does the name Lily mean in astrology?

The person in question is protected by Mercury.

  1. Amulet stone - jasper.
  2. The color of the name is brown.
  3. The talisman plant is a lily.
  4. The amulet animal is a fly.

Lilia will successfully start a family with a man whose name is Boris, Victor, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Vladislav, Alexander, Peter, Semyon, Stanislav, Vadim or Yuri. It will be more difficult in a marriage with Cyril, Edward, Paul and Ignatius.