A person receives their first immunity through mother’s milk, but then only good vitamins for immunity in adults and children can help them overcome the threshold of infections. The body's resistance depends on many factors, and it is important to know what can affect your health and what to avoid.

What needs to be eliminated or minimized

Bad ecology;
Taking antibiotics;
Poor nutrition;
Injuries, surgeries, absence.

Of course, it’s almost impossible to exclude everything, but you shouldn’t take antibiotics uncontrollably either. This alone reduces immunity significantly. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor your health, because it is much easier to prevent diseases than to treat them. This is why vitamins are also useful.
It is especially important for a person, because taking vitamins begins with the foods that he eats.
So why do people need vitamins?

For example, to relieve stress, taking B vitamins, which are found in buckwheat, is very important. It is also considered one of the best foods for its high iron content, without which hematopoiesis is simply impossible.
So, B vitamins They are simply vital for a person, and taking iodine and iron is also very important. This not only gives strength in the fight against various infections, but also promotes mental development, saturates the brain with oxygen and helps to remain calm in stressful situations.
Foods rich in vitamin B:
Meat, liver, poultry;
Dairy products, eggs;
Cereals, yeast, legumes;
Green vegetables, fish, nuts.
This is a basic list of products that contain everything the body needs.
Everything in the body is interconnected, therefore, not receiving any vitamins or microelements leads to a chain of problems, and, as a consequence, diseases. Besides, It is very important to take vitamins A, E, C - these are some of the best antioxidants that fight against unfavorable factors.

What vitamins are important and where are they found?

What is the role of vitamins in the human body, and why is their balanced intake so important?
Vitamin A It is simply vital for the skin, it is responsible for fatigue, and visual acuity depends on it. If there is a lack of it in the body, a person becomes lethargic and may lose appetite.
The vitamin is best absorbed in combination with vitamin E, and foods that contain it include: carrots, parsley, broccoli, red peppers, apricots and liver.
Many people remember from childhood how important it is to take fish oil, because it also contains vitamin A. The advantage of getting this vitamin from food is that it is impossible to get an overdose.

We fight radicals and infection from the inside

Vitamin E is responsible not only for youthful skin, but also for muscle strength, human reproductive function, but also fights radicals, so taking products containing it is very important. It is better to take it as prescribed by your doctor or with food to avoid overdose.
Where to look for vitamin E:
All nuts, vegetable oils, cereals, beans, animal oils, rose hips.
Oil can be considered a champion in content.

The most beneficial for the immune system can be considered vitamin C, it’s not for nothing that taking it is mandatory in the fight against any infection.
So why do people need vitamins, and is it possible to do without them?
Vitamin C helps produce not only interferon, but also leukocytes, which will independently fight the problem from the inside. It is quite difficult to overdose on this vitamin; it is excreted well in the urine, but still it is not worth the risk, so as not to get a skin rash.
A deficiency of the substance is manifested by weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, metabolism may be disrupted, and the walls of blood vessels become fragile. It helps to absorb proteins and iron, regulates the nervous, endocrine system and liver function, so it is necessary to take it.
A lack of vitamin C can cause quite severe diseases that are very difficult to treat.
What it contains: strawberries, lemon, sweet peppers, white cabbage, oranges, rowan, currants, rose hips. In addition, it is found in fruits and new potatoes. Vitamin C is very sensitive to preservation and heat treatment, so it is better to consume fresh foods.

What is the difference between synthetic vitamins and natural ones?

Synthetic vitamins are sometimes much more convenient than natural ones, because they work by complementing each other, and they have a longer shelf life than products. In addition, all dosages are strictly observed; you can get the required dose of vitamins and microelements with just one tablet a day.
Microelements also play an important role, especially magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium. They protect the body from free radicals, normalize blood pressure, block cancer cells and increase the body's resistance to infections. There are good vitamins for the immune system for adults, so they are much more effective than those contained in food products.
The digestibility of vitamins of synthetic origin and natural ones is the same, only in order to get the same dose in natural products, sometimes you have to eat at least a kilogram of them. However, it should be remembered that very often you can stumble upon a fake; such vitamins will not be beneficial.

What vitamins exist to strengthen the immune system?

We list the most effective vitamins for boosting immunity: Supradin, Centrum, Vitrum, Multitabs, Complivit, Alphabet and Immunal. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Supradin– the most powerful vitamin

So, vitamin Supradin has several forms of release and can be used for both children and adults. There are vitamins and there are dietary supplements, so don’t confuse them. Vitamins are important for immunity, so consult your doctor or pharmacist.
The composition includes 12 vitamins and minerals, which are indicated for:
Unbalanced diet;
High mental and physical stress;
After antibiotic therapy and various serious diseases, including infectious ones.
As you can see, the complex is ideal for boosting immunity. So how to take vitamins correctly, and what to choose?
The effervescent form of tablets is absorbed much faster, but may not be suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. If such tablets are not suitable, then they can be used in dragees.
Both forms are intended for adults and children over 12 years of age. For young children, other forms of the drug are available in the form of gel and chewable tablets.

Centrum– the best complex of vitamins, proven by time

The Centrum vitamin complex has been known for a long time, and has deservedly received excellent reviews. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals that help not only strengthen the immune system, but also give energy, have antioxidant properties and are very important for beauty and health.
It has several forms of release: for children, for pregnant women, for adults from 8 to 50 years old and a specially developed formula for people over 50.

Vitrum– solution to any problems of vitamin deficiency

The Vitrum vitamin complex is quite widely known, which contains 15 vitamins and minerals, perfectly balanced and necessary to ensure the vital functions of the body.
There are many vitamin complexes, each of which solves a specific problem.
They are also divided into age groups and, in addition, have various additives for the prevention of osteoporosis, a formula with antioxidants, anti-stress vitamins to boost immunity. If the doctor has not prescribed which vitamins should be taken to improve immunity, prefer the classic form of release.
Multitabs immuno plus- gives comfort to the intestines

Multitabs is one of the complexes that provides for the restoration of intestinal function, therefore Multitabs immuno plus contains lactobacilli.
In addition, the drug tastes good, and its other complexes, of which there are many, have a chewable form. It not only saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, but also helps activate them by releasing probiotics.

Complivit- budget vitamins

Complivit is one of the most budget-friendly products; it contains about 19 minerals and vitamins, and is perfect as a seasonal course drug to support the body against various infections.
There are practically no contraindications, so doctors often prescribe it to restore strength and health.

Alphabet- balanced intake

The alphabet is becoming increasingly popular due to the unique design and arrangement of vitamins and minerals for their better absorption by the body. This is a scientifically proven fact, so those who want to spend money wisely and get the most powerful returns can purchase this complex.
The only downside is that you don’t have to forget to drink them 3 times a day.

Immunal– the best remedy for any age

Immunal is a completely natural product containing the juice of the Echinacea purpurea herb. It has two forms of release - solution and tablets.
Increases the number of leukocytes and contains special substances that enhance immunity.
Helps even with flu and herpes, so it can be used for the purpose of prevention seasonally.
On average, the duration of treatment is no more than 2 months; it can be prescribed to children older than one year. It is better to check the dosage with your doctor, but in children it is on average 1 drop per year of life. You should not take the drug together with antibiotics; it is better to do it before or after.

What is hypervitaminosis

If you take vitamins incorrectly without a doctor’s prescription or exceed their dosage, side effects of vitamins may appear, namely:
Increased fatigue;
Itchy skin;
Gastrointestinal irritation;
In more severe cases, vomiting, nausea or joint pain.
All this is due to the fact that substances accumulate in the body, and it does not have time to remove them. Therefore, you should not take vitamins uncontrollably, or above the prescribed dosage, otherwise you may experience harm rather than benefit.
In addition, you should not take vitamins all year round; in the summer you eat a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, so it is quite reasonable to take a break.

How to maintain immunity without pills

There are several ways to support your immune system without pills, so you can choose one of them that you like best.

1. Ginger tea. It’s better to do it yourself by grating ginger root and brewing 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water;
2.You can drink it in the same way tea with rolled lemon and sugar. Tasty and healthy, in addition, a loading dose of vitamin C;
3. For those who want to warm up, disperse blood in the vessels and get sick less, we can recommend drinking a glass of red wine, better evening;
4. Fans of shock therapy are advised cool foot baths, however, core patients need to be careful with them;
5.If your stomach doesn’t bother you and you like spicy foods, then add spicy seasonings to food, they improve metabolism and help prevent colds.

You can also strengthen your body with a daily routine and. Our lifestyle in general greatly influences our well-being and quality of life.

All these measures will help not only improve immunity, but also improve health in general. And most importantly, love yourself, live in harmony with the world around you and be positive.

Ending the article on a positive note without pills, I bring to your attention a sunny, cozy video on how to make ginger tea, recharge with vitamins and strengthen your immune system:

Vitamins are not medications that are taken when any disease occurs. They have an organic basis, but different chemical compositions and, accordingly, participate in different biological processes. Their full complex must be constantly present in our regime. They are contained in and contribute to the formation, strengthening of our body and the normal functioning of the entire body.

What vitamins are needed

Now there are officially recognized 13 groups of vitamins and 20 minerals that a person needs for full health. Scientists are considering two more elements: carnitine and - studies are being conducted to decide whether to include them in this list.

Paired with protein, organic compounds form enzymes and enzymatic compounds that regulate and normalize almost all life support processes in our body.

A person, regardless of age, standard of living and physical and mental stress, needs to receive the full range of vitamins and minerals.

Their complex is the basis for such important processes as:

  • metabolism;
  • digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food;
  • hormonal regulation;
  • formation of immunity;
  • general development of the body.
They are distinguished by the specific digestibility of the elements. Vitamins of groups , - , and - .

They must be taken in accordance with the instructions, because if in case of excess water-soluble elements are excreted from the body in the urine, then fat-soluble ones can accumulate in adipose tissue and lead to hypervitaminosis.
Conventionally, they can also be divided into single-component and. Single-component ones are usually prescribed for a problem caused by a lack of a specific element. Multivitamins are complete complexes necessary for normal human life.

Most often, they are enriched with the most important minerals, macroelements and microelements, which contribute to their better digestibility.

When the admission system malfunctions, this is expressed in three main pathologies:

  • - this is a lack of vitamin;
  • - state of critical lack of vitamins;
  • hypervitaminosis - when, due to improper intake or insufficient vitamin, vitamin is deposited in the body.

Important! Only vitamins of group A, even if taken incorrectly, can accumulate in our body and cause an “overdose”. An excess of group A causes toxic effects on the liver and causes bone fragility. An excess of vitamin D provokes severe seizures and disorders.

Let's figure out how to determine what the body lacks and how to make up for their deficiency.

How to determine vitamin deficiency

Group A - vitamins for increasing immunity in adults, protecting the skin and mucous membranes from infections, maintaining visual acuity and the infection barrier.

Most often, their deficiency provokes weakening, weakening of the muscles of the eyeball, deterioration, especially in the dark, skin rashes. A woman may experience vaginal dryness.

In more than ten different types, they work in a complex, and the signs of their deficiency are usually also expressed in a complex way. They regulate the work, tone of the gastrointestinal tract, work and. There is a lot of it in greens, dill, spinach, horseradish. Bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and cabbage are rich in ascorbic acid.
Vitamin D is formed in our body from provitamin D under the influence of natural or artificial ultraviolet radiation.

Provitamin D comes to us through the consumption of meat products from horned farm animals, liver of fish and marine animals. Group D hypervitaminosis causes convulsions, breathing problems, loss of consciousness, and severe forms of poisoning.
The high content of tocopherol, or rather vitamin E, is found in oils of vegetable origin (sunflower, cottonseed, sea buckthorn), in the seeds of all plants, and in the yolks of chicken eggs.

Plant sources of tocopherol include cereals and wheat germ, green peas and beans, lettuce and clover.
Tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and spinach, nettles, cereals and legumes, rose hips and - the main resource of organic compounds of group K.
Citrus fruits, currants, rose hips, and rue will nourish your immune system with vitamin P.

Nicotinic acid, contained in PP vitamins, comes to us through the consumption of fish, meat, liver and kidneys, and the heart of cattle. It is found in apples, carrots, rose hips and.
Dishes of cabbage, green peas and corn on the table will provide you with nicotinic acid in full.

The whole variety of products - sources of such necessary elements for us is very accessible in our daily diet. The question inevitably arises: why is the problem increasingly relevant these days?

Don't we cover our body's needs with our daily food? That's the problem, no!

The percentage of digestibility is affected by diseases of internal organs, gastrointestinal tract, antibiotic use, diets, restrictions, stress, etc. And plus to everything - as a result of systematic selective “improvement”, man changed the composition of fruits and vegetables.

Yes, they have become more resistant to frost, pests, and long-term transportation, but their vitamin and mineral composition has become depleted. Let us also take into account that most of the useful elements are destroyed by heat treatment above 60 °C and the use of preservatives (salt, vinegar, sugar).
We do not take into account the quality of products from the average consumer check of a regular supermarket.

GMOs, preservatives, flavors, “surprises” in products from an unscrupulous manufacturer, dyes and flavor enhancers, violation of storage and sales conditions of products - all these are factors that significantly reduce the usefulness of the final product on our table.

Did you know?Scientists have calculated that our daily requirement for vitamins can be obtained by consuming 50 kg of modern food from the supermarket.

Of course, there is always a way out. Pharmacies will offer you a wide selection of vitamins for any request: for the whole family, for your schoolchild, for an athlete’s son, for men and women, for expectant mothers, for support during lactation, and so on.

Let's consider stereotypes and speculation regarding multivitamins, which vitamins are best to choose for immunity and how to take them correctly.

The best vitamin complexes

There is an opinion that multivitamins are of “synthetic” origin and therefore cannot be useful. The fact is that such vitamins are completely identical in chemical composition and biological activity to natural ones, since all vitamins are organic, they are not a surrogate, they are extracts from the same plant cells.

Also, many believe that the multivitamin complex is less easily absorbed due to its artificial origin. The irony is that when extracting vitamins from foods, the body has to try and extract them from the substances in which they are found.

And in pharmacy complexes they are already concentrated in their pure form, immediately absorbed by the body and work as intended.

Did you know? Most synthesized vitamins are better absorbed than natural ones, but vitamin E is not. Therefore, in multivitamin complexes it is contained in its natural form.

And they are less likely to provoke an allergic reaction than when consuming a product that is a source of the vitamin, because the product consists of many substances, and any of them can act as an allergen.
The fact is that vitamins are not medicines; they are classified as dietary supplements - biologically active additives. And GOST standards have not yet been adopted - standards for determining what is a vitamin complex.

Today's offerings on the shelf vary significantly both in the quality of the composition and in the pricing policy. And it’s not a fact that budget options are necessarily inferior to popular brands. But it is safer to purchase products from well-known manufacturers, since they still value their reputation.

  • The Internet has given us access to almost any information and the opportunity to exchange opinions. Look on the Internet to see which complexes are most recommended by users on forums and how they justify it.
  • Go through the daily requirement plate and the content of vitamins in the daily dose. Here it is very important to focus on the dosage of vitamins A and D, since we know the consequences of their excess.
  • It’s just ideal if you find information from any independent organizations or programs for testing this product line. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers don’t like them for objective assessments.
  • Choose complexes that additionally contain beta-kerotene, antioxidants and a basic combination of groups A, B, C, E and P.

Answering the question of which vitamins are best to take to boost immunity, we can highlight options that have already proven themselves well in their market segment: “Vitrum”, “Centrum”, “Spirulina”, “Alphabet”, “Lady S”, “Women’s Doctor” , “Immunal Forte”, “Aevit”, “Undevit”, “Femibion”, “Cyclovit”, “Multitabs”.

Important! You need to take the complexes correctly. For example, calcium is well absorbed with vitamin D. But drinking just 1 cup of coffee will slow down the absorption process by 3 hours. And eating refined foods, bran, and bread will generally stop the work of calcium in the body.

Among the inexpensive complexes, it is worth trying “Supradin”, “Complivit”, calcium glucanate, potassium iodide, 6.

Their main disadvantage will be discreet packaging. Their price is most often influenced by the manufacturer than by the composition and quality of the components.

It is convenient to take complexes, since they are usually supplemented with components that enhance the digestibility of the main components, rather than neutralize them. The daily requirement is contained in one capsule, and an overdose is practically excluded, the developers took care of this.

Let's take a closer look at the main leaders:

  • "Multi-tabs Immuno plus". It is based on the main A, B, C, D groups, supplemented with folic acid.

  • "Vitrum". It has the status of a reliable complex, which consists of 20 main components and elements that facilitate their absorption.

  • "Centrum". Antioxidants are added to 25 components.

  • "Alphabet", "Revit", "Complivit". Budget immunomodulators. Supplemented with components to enhance digestibility.

  • "Immunal forte". Based on Echinacea purpurea extract, this unique product strengthens human immunity.

Male and female bodies have different physiology, and it is important which vitamins are best to take for the immunity of each of them.

For example, a man does not need a fundamentally increased iron content - he is not subject to systematic blood loss, but there are significant risks of heart and vascular diseases, so their complexes include minerals and vitamins that promote the functioning of the heart muscle and the fight against.

Men's health is greatly supported by vitamin E. Increased stress is placed on the skeletal system, so calcium and calcium are required in the diet of men.

Among consumers, the leaders of men's complexes are: “Alphabet for men”, “Opti-man”, “Vitrum for men”, “Duovit for men”. Women have a great need for a variety of vitamins and minerals, since they have a special reproductive mission.

The body is constantly exposed to hormonal changes, which immediately affects the appearance and structure of the skin, nails, hair, and so on. Separate proposals have been developed for feeding.
The most popular women's multivitamin complexes: “Cyclovita”, “Duovit”, “Lady-S”, “Alphabet for Women”, “Complivit for Women”, “Women’s Doctor”. For expectant mothers and during lactation, the following are recommended: “Vitrum Prenatal”, “Elevit”, “Multi-tabs perinatal”, “Amway”, “Femibion”, “Centrum Materna”.

Important! Folic acid is an essential element throughout pregnancy. Ideally, start taking it a month before the expected conception. It helps prevent defects in fetal development, and also takes care of the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

Having understood in detail the role of vitamins in human life, their sources and the consequences of deficiency, we understand how important it is to supplement our daily diet with healthy foods.

Objectively assessing modern realities, it is clear why it is necessary to additionally use complex drugs. They influence the formation and strengthening of immunity in an adult. Choose the right high-quality complex of vitamins and minerals, and you will prevent many health problems.


A feature of the immune system is its tendency to become exhausted. As a result, the risk of morbidity increases, and the general state of health often leaves much to be desired. To avoid such unpleasant symptoms in everyday life, vitamin therapy is required. The question immediately arises, which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity.

The best vitamins to boost immunity

If an organic resource is depleted, you should not ignore the alarming symptoms. You need to immediately consult your doctor and jointly find a comprehensive solution to your health problem. In modern pharmacology, vitamins for immunity for adults are presented in a wide range, but how can one understand which medical product meets the definition of “good”.

All representatives of this pharmacological group have a similar chemical composition, and the intensity of the immune response depends entirely on the degree of their digestibility. In order for good immune vitamins to benefit the body, they need to be bound to protein at the cellular level. Otherwise, they are excreted unchanged and do not help strengthen weakened immunity. Before choosing a good drug, a person should consult with their doctor.

A complex of vitamins to improve immunity for adults

The adult body also needs strengthening, and the supply of nutrients from food alone is sometimes not enough to achieve the desired effect. This is where the need arises to purchase multivitamin complexes, the action of which is aimed at weakened immunity. The choice is large, but modern therapists recommend paying attention to certain medications.

Vitamins to boost immunity in adults in spring

  1. Selmevit is a natural complex that is relevant for use during periods of exacerbation of seasonal viruses and infections. Such good vitamins for immunity contain 11 vitamins and 9 microelements in their chemical composition. To maintain general health in the fall, this is an ideal option, especially since the price is affordable.
  2. Alvitil is a good vitamin for adult patients with seasonal vitamin deficiency, severe stress, and nervous strain. They are produced in the form of capsules for oral administration, are inexpensive, have no contraindications or side effects, and are prescribed by the attending physician.
  3. Berocca is a medical product in the form of capsules with a high content of vitamins B, C, and zinc. Used for seasonal vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period. The drug provides a powerful immune response to pathogenic infections, improves health, and its price is affordable for everyone.
  4. Centrum – vitamins for the immune system for adults, which are used as a prophylactic against hypovitaminosis to strengthen the immune system. They are especially relevant during a seasonal epidemic; they can be given even to a child after consultation with a pediatrician.

Vitamin complex for immunity in autumn

  1. AlfaVit is a good drug for the whole family, which in its natural composition contains 10 minerals, 13 vitamins, selenium, zinc, lipoic and succinic acid. Increases the body's immune response and is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases. Available in tablet form, intended for oral administration.
  2. Pregnavit is another worthy answer to the main question, which vitamins for immunity are best to buy. This is a multivitamin complex, which, thanks to its unique properties and safe action in the body, even expectant mothers are allowed to take.
  3. Duovit is an excellent solution for the whole family, since the autumn period will pass without viruses and colds. A rapid increase in weakened immunity is guaranteed, and the effect in a weakened body is multifaceted. The natural composition contains almost all vitamins and microelements.
  4. Oxyvital is a powerful antioxidant of natural origin that strengthens the immune system. The cost of the drug is affordable, and the preventive effect is obvious after the first course completed. Prescribed for adults, especially patients of retirement age.

How to choose vitamins to support immunity in adults

Before buying good multivitamin complexes, it is recommended to change your usual diet, enriching your daily diet with vegetables and fruits. The power of nature also helps to improve weakened immunity, but it needs to be helped with the help of pharmacological developments. Choosing a good multivitamin complex is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to consult a doctor and study the general diseases of the body. Main selection criteria:

  1. High degree of digestibility in the stomach. Before purchasing, it is important to consider the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Compound. The natural formula should contain only familiar names that are effective in strengthening weakened immunity.
  3. Release form. It is much more practical to use multivitamin complexes in tablets; it is not for nothing that the same drugs are somewhat more expensive.
  4. Manufacturer. In this case, it is recommended to trust only well-known brands and not agree to dubious experiments with your health.
  5. Price. Individual criterion for choosing good medications.

Do you need vitamins for immunity? Which complexes are better to choose? Is it possible to satisfy the needs of the immune system only with vitamins from food? Is one complex suitable for all family members?

In order to answer all of the above questions, you must first understand what the body’s immune system is and how it functions.

The main and significant difference between this system and all others in the human body is the uniform distribution of protective cells throughout the body. The formation of these cells occurs in the bone marrow, and then they are distributed to all organs. Such conditions require special work of vitamin complexes. They must act on all organs of the body to ensure the correct supply of the necessary elements to activate the defenses.

To constantly maintain immunity in the body, the system itself must work like a “mechanical clock” and respond to every virus that penetrates inside. And in order to avoid malfunctions, you need to systematically take vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

What vitamins should I take to strengthen my immune system?

Today, doctors and immunologists have compiled a list of essential vitamins that the body must receive in order to function properly and fight any virus. Each of these vitamins has a daily requirement, which will allow you to balance your diet and, if necessary, select the right vitamin complex. So what vitamins should you take to boost your immunity?

  1. Vitamins of group A.

These vitamins are aimed at increasing the level of leukocytes in the blood. It is very important to balance foods and fill your body with this vitamin. He is the first to fight various infections. The daily norm for an adult is up to 1 mg.

  1. B vitamins.

This group is actively involved in the formation of antibodies to viruses. Most often, women and girls experience a lack of vitamin B6. This is due to eating a lot of sweets or systematic diets. Vitamin B12 is responsible for cell growth and division, so it is extremely important to organize a vitamin complex that will contain it in sufficient quantities. The daily norm is in the range of 50 - 300 mg.

  1. Vitamin C.

This vitamin is responsible for increasing the number of white cells in the blood, which are aimed at fighting infections. Vitamin C also helps increase interferon, which blocks the further spread of viruses throughout the body.

Very often, this valuable vitamin is used to combat stress, so people who regularly face various problems should have foods rich in this vitamin in their menu. The daily norm is 100 mg.

  1. Vitamin E. This vitamin is necessary to maintain immunity in the body. It is he who works to destroy viral cells and block their further progression. The daily norm is 15 mg.
  2. Chromium. It helps activate the immune system, and causes white cells to respond faster to infection within.
  3. Iron. The lack of this microelement leads to malfunctions of the immune system.
  4. Zinc. This trace mineral is essential to support increased white blood cell production.

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What vitamin complexes should you take?

When choosing vitamins for immunity, you need to understand that each age, gender and body characteristics will need its own complex.

  1. Vitamins to boost immunity in children.

In the first days of a child’s life, the immune system practically does not work; its protective functions are not able to cope with any, even minor infections. The health of the child depends on the health of the mother, on the composition of breast milk, which contains the necessary substances. If there is no milk, then several options are possible: constantly treat a sick baby or stimulate the immune system to fight infections.

Pediatricians have developed several recommendations that will help strengthen the child’s body. First of all, it is necessary to ensure a regular supply of vitamins from fresh vegetables and fruits. This will help to carry out a preventive effect on the cells of the whole body, reduces the risk of disease upon contact with a sick person, and supplies antioxidants. Almost all fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins for the immune system A, E, C. It is enough to regularly consume apricots, oranges, melons, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, bananas and the child will get sick much less often.

Your baby's diet must include kefir or yoghurt. They activate the intestines, help maintain normal microflora in the organ and increase the number of beneficial bacteria necessary to fight viruses.

The child's diet should include dishes made from lean meats and fish. They supply protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the proper development and functioning of all organs.

Children need to limit sweets and chocolate, as they have nothing healthy.

  1. Vitamins for a woman's immune system.

Statistics show that the peak decline in a woman’s protective function occurs between the ages of 20 and 30. This is explained by changes in hormonal levels, childbirth, and more frequent contact with sick people. Scientists have even developed a number of factors in which vitamin deficiency manifests itself in certain diseases.

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear with a lack of B vitamins;
  • frequent infectious and viral diseases are a deficiency of vitamins A, C, E;
  • hair problems, dry skin, rapid aging - lack of vitamins A and E;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis - a small amount of vitamins A, C, B, PP.

If some of the listed problems have been noticed, then it is necessary to select a vitamin complex that will contain a sufficient amount of vitamins. Today, pharmacies can offer a huge number of different complexes. In order to choose the right complex, you need to consult a doctor.

To stimulate the proper functioning of the female body, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive strengthening. Medications should be combined with natural ones. Don’t forget about regular exercise and conditioning your body.

You can drink herbal infusions of nettle, echinacea, and sea buckthorn. They act as antioxidants. To enrich yourself with vitamin C, you need to drink fruit drinks made from cranberries, strawberries, lingonberries, and currants. At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to take teas with honey in large quantities. Garlic and onions have an excellent antiviral effect. They can be eaten or used in inhalations.

Comprehensive strengthening of the female body is extremely important in the spring; almost every woman experiences symptoms of vitamin deficiency: loss of strength, drowsiness, brittle nails and hair.

Dried fruits are perfect for this; they not only stimulate the body to fight infection, but also restore heart function and stabilize blood pressure.

However, this system has its own characteristics, and one of them is the tendency to exhaustion. Poor nutrition, stress, previous surgeries, poor environment, drug abuse and poor heredity are not a complete list of factors that lead to a weakening of the body's defenses. And to correct the situation, the body requires vitamin therapy. But how can you choose the optimal remedy from the variety of vitamin complexes that will quickly and effectively strengthen the immune system? Let's look into this issue by finding out which vitamins are best for adults and children to take for immunity.

How to determine if your immune system is weakened

First of all, let’s define the category of people who need to think about vitamin therapy. The first sign of a weakened immune system is colds, which begin to overcome a person more and more often. This could be the flu, a persistent cough, or the appearance of herpes. All these are signals of weakening the body's defenses.

Among other signs indicating a weak immune system, he says:

  • constant fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia;
  • aching joints and muscles;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • signs of chronic diseases.

Vitamins designed to strengthen the immune system

According to doctors, our body requires 20 valuable minerals and 13 vitamins to maintain health. These are vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12), C, D, K, PP, as well as vitamins E and F. Most of them play a key role in strengthening the body’s immune defense, but special The so-called “antioxidant vitamins” – A, C and E – are important.

Medications to strengthen the immune system

1. Levamisole

This pale pink powder, which can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of tablets or an injection solution, is excellent in cases of serious weakening of the body's defenses. More often it is prescribed to people who are forced to recover from cancer (in particular, those who have undergone chemotherapy), people suffering from viral hepatitis or severe forms of herpes. You just need to remember that Levamisole is not prescribed in cases of renal or liver failure, acute leukemia or cerebral circulatory disorders.

2. Chimes

Of the drugs that model immunity, Curantil deserves special attention. These yellow tablets are recommended for use for influenza, ARVI and complicated pregnancy. True, this drug also has a number of contraindications, namely: heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe kidney disease and a high probability of bleeding.

3. Immunal

This herbal preparation contains all the antioxidant vitamins, and all because the basis of Immunal is echinacea juice, which perfectly cleanses the blood, increasing the level of leukocytes and enhancing the activity of phagocytes. It is not surprising that taking such a drug reliably protects against diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. The only contraindications to taking this drug are bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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Vitamins for immunity for adults

1. Centrum

This is the most famous multivitamin complex, which was one of the very first to appear on the pharmacological market. Having a very low cost, Centrum “from A to zinc” is not inferior in effectiveness to advertised expensive vitamin preparations. Most often it is used to eliminate vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, as well as during periods of physical and emotional fatigue. In addition, this complex perfectly strengthens the body of expectant mothers, and therefore is indicated for women both preparing for pregnancy and those already carrying a child. And to maintain immunity in women over 50 years old, we can recommend a course of Centrum “Silver” vitamins, which contains the antioxidant lutein, which is designed to strengthen vision.

2. Complivit

This is an inexpensive but powerful vitamin complex that contains all the necessary components to strengthen vitality in both young people and the elderly. It not only replenishes the deficiency of vital elements, but also increases physical and mental activity. In addition, it has been proven that daily intake of Complivit reduces the likelihood of viral infections by 30%.

Men can recommend Complivit “Anti-stress”, which helps people engaged in heavy physical labor, suffering from chronic fatigue and insomnia, and women should pay attention to Complivit “Shine” which, in addition to strengthening the defenses, preserves female beauty and is a kind of internal cosmetics for skin, nails and hair.

3. AlfaVit

This is the most popular vitamin preparation that is most often asked for in pharmacies. Is it any wonder this, because AlfaVita contains all the necessary components that increase immunity and solve many other problems with the body.

For the fair half of humanity, AlfaVit is available in several forms. These are AlfaVit “Mom’s Health” (promoting the normal course of pregnancy and strengthening the health of the expectant mother), AlfaVit “Cosmetic” (improving the appearance and tidying up a woman’s hair, skin and nails), as well as AlfaVit “Energy” (necessary for the fairer sex, engaged in heavy physical work).

4. Vitrum

To fill the body with strength and regain its former beauty, you need a truly powerful vitamin complex, such as Vitrum. In the Vitrum line of drugs you can find both a classic multivitamin complex that helps maintain the health and tone of the body, and restorative complexes, such as Vitrum “Antistress” or Vitrum “Antioxidant”. And the real energy tonic Vitrum “Performance” will help you regain vigor and energy for every day.

5. Multi-tabs

This multivitamin complex is famous for its wide range of vitamin products for adults and children. But two drugs deserve special attention.

Multi-tabs "Immuno Plus" is designed specifically for people with immune systems that are seriously weakened as a result of serious illnesses or past illnesses. In addition, this product contains folic and pantothenic acid, as well as lactobacilli, which restore the balance of microflora and increase local immunity.

Multi-tabs "Intensive". This complex was created for people who want to avoid spring vitamin deficiency, eliminate fatigue and reduce fatigue, and again feel the tone of the body and the joy of an active life. It is ideal for both women and men over 18 years of age. By the way, Multi-tabs “Intensive” is often recommended for people who are actively involved in the gym.

Vitamins for immunity for children

Children need more gentle vitamins, which also have components that promote development and growth.

1. Pikovit

For children over 1 year old, we can recommend the Pikovit vitamin complex, which has a vitamin composition that can provide most of the baby’s body’s nutritional needs. This complex not only increases the body's defenses, but also promotes the development of the baby. However, it has one noticeable drawback, namely, the low content of minerals necessary for the formation of the child’s skeleton and nervous system.

2. Vitrum “Baby”

This is a powerful vitamin complex that contains all 13 vitamins and 11 valuable minerals necessary for the baby’s health. The effectiveness of these vitamins on the immune system will please all parents without exception, and children from 2 to 5 years old will like vitamins in the form of animal figures that taste very pleasant. The only problem lies precisely in the form and taste, due to which a child can eat much more vitamins than necessary, causing an overdose.

3. AlfaVit “Kindergarten”

This is one of the most popular multivitamin complexes containing 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. This product is ideal for maintaining defenses and stimulating growth in children aged 3–7 years. Interestingly, in addition to the “standard” set of minerals, the AlfaVit complex contains iron, copper and iodine, which indicates a serious approach to maintaining children's health. As a result of taking vitamins, your baby’s fatigue decreases, activity and attentiveness increases. The only small drawback is that you have to take 3 tablets a day, all of different colors.

4. Supradin kids

This vitamin complex is presented as a gel, which perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves the health of children over 3 years old. In addition to the standard set of vitamins and microelements, Supradin contains lecithin, which supports the cardiovascular, nervous and other developing systems of the child. In addition, there are Omega-3 fatty acids involved in the psycho-emotional and intellectual development of the baby, and there is also calcium necessary for the development of the musculoskeletal system.

5. Solgar Omega-3

For children over 7 years old, the best vitamin complex is Solgar. In addition to an abundance of vitamins, it contains Omega-3 fatty acids - the same fish oil that all mothers of the Soviet Union fed their babies. According to experts, the Solgar complex is an ideal support for a young body in vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. It boosts immunity, supports the heart, strengthens bones and stimulates memory. At the same time, as the instructions indicate, Soglar Omega-3 vitamins can be taken without any risks to the child’s health.

Natural product or synthetic drug

When listing vitamin complexes that help strengthen the immune system, one cannot fail to mention medicinal plants, which are in no way inferior to pharmacological drugs in this component.

It has long been known that to strengthen the immune system and prevent infectious diseases, traditional medicine recommends drinking rosehip decoction or eating one clove of garlic every day. Ginger root is also famous for its ability to strengthen the immune system.

To stimulate the body's defenses, it is useful to drink teas and infusions of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • ginseng;
  • aloe;
  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • echinacea;
  • Eleutherococcus

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Vitamin mixtures to boost immunity

1. Berry and herbal collection

We take dried leaves of parsley, motherwort, currants and raspberries, add oat grains and hawthorn berries to them. Grind and grind the components taken in equal proportions, and then 1 tbsp. Pour the finished mixture with a liter of boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for 12 hours. The prepared infusion should be drunk throughout the day, consuming it between meals. Just two weeks of this therapy and your immunity will be in perfect order.

2. Aloe and honey mixture

We pass the fleshy aloe foliage through a meat grinder, and mix the resulting pulp in equal proportions with liquid honey. You need to take the finished product 1 tbsp. before meals up to three times a day, and store in the refrigerator. By the way, instead of aloe, you can use lemon, in the proportion of 2 lemons per 0.5 kg of honey.

3. Raspberry-pine syrup

To prepare the medicine, grind 1 kg of young pine cones or pine twigs, as well as 500 g of raspberry roots. Place both ingredients on the bottom of a 3-liter jar in layers, and pour a glass of boiling water on top. We send the jar to a dark place and leave it for a day, and after the allotted time we put it in a water bath for 6 hours.

Strain the resulting product, add 0.5 kg of honey and leave to infuse for another two days. Again, filter the immune-strengthening liquid and take it 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times a day for two months.

Folk remedies

Amazonian shamans, traditional Ayurveda doctors from India, and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners figured out thousands of years ago how to boost immunity and avoid side effects. Now we can use this ancient wisdom and make our immune system bulletproof.

Ashwagandha root (ashwagandha)

Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) is an adaptogenic plant that has been used for over 5,000 years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Ashwagandha is considered the Indian version of ginseng.

In Sanskrit, Ashwagandha means “smell of a horse,” implying that the herb imparts “the energy and strength of a stallion.” Traditionally, Ashwagandha has been used to restore the body and help strengthen the immune system after illness.

More than 200 studies have shown its healing benefits, the plant's ability to significantly increase the number of white blood cells. Ashwagandha contains many beneficial medicinal substances, including withanolides - steroidal lactones, alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids and various sugars.

The leaves and fruits of the plant have valuable medicinal properties. Studies (animal and cell culture) have shown that the plant's root has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects against highly virulent bacteria such as Salmonella.

According to research, Ashwagandha root increases the synthesis of nitric oxide, which in turn increases the antimicrobial power of macrophages, and thus increases the body's cell-mediated immune response.

The use of Ashwagandha includes some other health benefits: regulation of blood glucose levels, normalization of the endocrine, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Helps restore the production of thyroid hormones. Some studies support the fact that Ashwagandha may be effective in treating and preventing cancer.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

Cat's Claw, also known as Una de Gato, is a woody vine of the Amazon rainforest in South and Central America. The name comes from its curved spines, reminiscent of a cat's claws.

The inner bark and root of the plant have been traditionally used for over 2,000 years by local tribes to treat a wide range of ailments, including chronic inflammatory, bacterial and fungal infections, arthritis, dysentery, fever, stomach ulcers and various gastrointestinal problems, and even for birth control. .

Shamans from the Ashaninka, Aguaruna, Cashibo, Shipibo-Konibo and Yanesha tribes also use cat's claw to "strengthen the spiritual and mental aspects" of patients.

Mai Cointreau, an herbal healer and author of several books on alternative healing, states: “Cat's claw resets the immune system, regulates the production of white blood cells.” It acts as an adaptogen. For example, if the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) is too low, cat's claw stimulates the production of blood cells. Conversely, if the rate of new cell formation is too high, the root will begin to slow down this process.

Maya adds: “In laboratory studies, cat's claw increased the ability of white blood cells to find and eradicate foreign microorganisms. It also increases the body's production of T cells, helping to fight infection more effectively." T cells (cytotoxic) are involved in the destruction of cancer cells.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)

Traditional Chinese medicine has used Astragalus root as a Qi tonic (pronounced Chee or Hee) for more than 2,000 years. Western herbalists typically classify Qi tonics as adaptogens and immunomodulator-stimulants. Qi tonic significantly increases the body's energy levels and overall metabolic functions.

Although Chinese medicine has successfully used Astragalus therapeutically as an immune system tonic/booster for centuries, it was not used until 1981 in the West. It was only after studies by Hou and his colleagues, which demonstrated that the use of Astragalus significantly increases the production of interferon and leukocytes in the blood, that Europe, Japan and the United States took note.

Studies have shown that Astragalus increases the number of B-lymphocytes (provide humoral immunity) and the levels of T-lymphocytes, interleukins and antibody production. In addition, researchers at the University of Texas found that taking Astragalus improves the immune system's ability to detect bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells.

The American Cancer Society found that those who took Astragalus along with radiation and chemotherapy recovered faster from difficult procedures and lived longer. Indeed, after two weeks of using the plant, the number of white blood cells increases significantly.

Now you know exactly which vitamins are best for adults and children to take for immunity, which means you can always support your family’s health!