Interested parties are interested in what merits the title of honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation is awarded for and whether it carries benefits. Let's look at such questions in this article. Let's start with what laws govern the assignment of the title and what is its connection with the status of “Veteran of Labor”.

General provisions

Title "Honorary Worker" is an award badge that rewards education employees. This is an industry intangible award, the presence of which entitles you to certain privileges. It is awarded for many years of work, achievements and innovations in the educational industry.

Such an honorary title gives its owner the right to receive other worthy awards, including:

  • title "Honored Teacher";
  • title "Veteran of Labor".

The first of the above awards is awarded to teachers with 20 years of experience and personal contribution to the general education sector. The second title is guaranteed to applicants who have retired and received the additional “Golden Badge” award.

All conditions for conferring the title “Honorary Worker” are enshrined in the Regulations “On Distinctive Titles in the Field of Science and Education.” This set of rules is enshrined in government order No. 84 of October 6, 2004.

For what merits is the status “Honorary Worker” awarded?

The title “Honorary Worker of the General Educational Sphere” is awarded to teachers for a twelve-year period of continuous work and special achievements in their field.

Personal contribution – actions aimed at:

  • students receiving a better education;
  • revealing the potential and talent of students;
  • preparing winners of regional Olympiads for participation in competitions on a regional and global scale;
  • creation of original educational methods, scientific programs, feature articles and other materials.

Attention! Upon retirement, an honorary worker can obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” and receive all the privileges due to this category of citizens, provided that he has earned the “Golden Badge”.

Additional payments to honorary employees

It is worth noting that a teacher’s salary depends on many factors, including experience and position, category and level of qualifications. Industry honorary titles entitle applicants to an additional monetary bonus. Its size is determined at the regional level and approved by local acts of the educational institution.

Agreements establishing the amount of the premium:

  • collective agreement;
  • payment provisions;
  • employment contract.

Local authorities themselves determine the level of additional payments for award recipients; on average, the following percentages are established:

  • 10% for honorary employees;
  • 15-20% - to honored teachers;
  • 10%, educational staff can count on this level;
  • 10% other MO awards.

Other bonuses due to teachers are calculated based on the salary, taking into account the additional payment for the honorary title. Consequently, the base portion of a teacher's salary increases. In rural regions, the same calculation scheme applies, where all associated additional payments are calculated at the rate after the bonus for the title of honorary worker.

The “Honorary Worker” status does not give its holder any additional benefits at the level of the Russian Federation. But local authorities can independently establish other general privileges for teachers in their region. These could be additional vacation days, regional surcharges, discounts on utilities, and travel benefits.

An honorary worker and a labor veteran, what is the connection?

Having the status “Honorary Worker”, and in the future the mark “Golden Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” entitles the teacher to the title “Veteran of Labor”. It occurs when you reach retirement age. This possibility is guaranteed by Art. 7 Federal Law “On Veterans” (draft dated January 12, 1995). This bill also stipulates all types of benefits that are guaranteed to veterans. Consequently, honorary teachers can count on them in the future.

Attention! Honorary titles are awarded to teachers if they have higher education in the field of education.

Benefits for honorary retired teachers

So, the distinctions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation give applicants the right to other honorary statuses. Upon reaching retirement age, a holder of the title “Honorary Education Worker” can obtain the status “Veteran of Labor”. To do this, he needs to go to the social security department and submit the appropriate application. You need to confirm your eligibility with a package of approved documents.

Already having a “Veteran of Labor” certificate guarantees all its holders in Russia the right to such benefits as:

  • free travel on city transport;
  • the right to free services, including treatment in the healthcare industry;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • vacation at any time of year chosen by the veteran;
  • production/repair of dentures free of charge.

Above we have listed the benefits that all holders of honorary worker status can enjoy in the future. They operate throughout the country. But at the regional level, there are additional privileges for labor veterans; you need to clarify their list and terms of provision at the social security departments at your place of residence.

Reader questions

  • Question No. 1: Do I understand correctly that in order to receive the status of “Veteran of Labor” in retirement, the award badge “Honored Worker” is enough for me, or do I still need the title “Honored Teacher”? Answer: in 2018, to receive a Veteran of Labor if you have one only the “Honorary Worker” award will not work. Until the end of June 2016, such an opportunity actually existed, but from July 1, a different procedure began to apply. The right to veteran's pension benefits is assigned only to holders who need to receive the “Golden Insignia of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”
  • Question No. 2: Who approves the Golden Badge for teachers and does it give the right to additional benefits? Answer: Whether to award an applicant the title “Golden Badge” is decided by the regional governor, to whom the documents are sent for approval. This award sign does not provide any additional federal benefits. Regions themselves can establish privileges for its holders. But, this difference gives a person an important advantage - the opportunity to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” in retirement and receive all the benefits that this category of the population is entitled to.

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The state award system of the Russian Federation is the highest form of rewarding citizens for services to the Fatherland. Public sector workers such as military personnel, doctors, educators, cultural figures and teachers can apply for it.

Teachers are awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Federation for special services in the education and training of the younger generation. To receive this award, a specialist must meet a number of criteria. Let's look at them in more detail.

Who is entitled to the title?

The following categories of professionals can apply for the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation:

  • teachers and pedagogues of various educational institutions;
  • additional education teachers;
  • teachers in preschool institutions;
  • university professors.

One of the important grounds for awarding an award is the applicant’s higher education.

The title can be awarded to persons who have undeniable merits in such areas as:

  • pedagogical activities that guarantee a high level of knowledge among students;
  • work to reveal the inner potential, talents and abilities of students;
  • revealing the scientific potential of students;
  • training of winners of various educational Olympiads;
  • creation of original methods, introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process;
  • improvement and adaptation of the existing curriculum in accordance with the current picture of the day;
  • publication of textbooks and manuals in the specialized field;
  • training of new teaching staff.

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It is worth noting that the minimum experience for conferring the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is 20 years.

The basis for assigning an award is also the presence of other distinctions in the professional field. Such a sign could be a D. Ushinsky medal or an industry title.

After receiving the highest professional award, a professional receives access to a number of benefits and government subsidies. Some of them are relevant from the moment you accept the title, others become available only upon reaching retirement age.

What benefits are provided to an honored teacher?

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 1997, persons awarded the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” can apply for an increase in their basic salary. The exact amount of payments is determined at the regional level and can be accrued only if the teacher has at least 18 working hours per week.

The amount of additional payment should not be less than 15% of the teacher’s salary. Also, the assignment of a title is the basis for increasing the teacher’s labor category.


After retirement, persons with the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” also receive “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation.” The latter guarantees its owner receipt of government subsidies in the form of monthly cash payments or social benefits.

Social benefits include:

  • free travel on public transport upon presentation of a “Veteran of Labor” certificate;
  • free medical care in public clinics, including dental prosthetics;
  • reduction of housing and communal services tariffs by 50%;
  • in the period from September to May, reduction in fares for air and water transport by 50%;
  • for employed veterans, provision of vacations at a convenient period for them.

At the request of the applicant, the above benefits can be transferred to MDV (monthly cash payments). Cash grants will be paid to the pensioner on a general basis along with the basic pension.

How to apply

A teacher can be nominated for the title by himself or by his management. To do this, it is enough to provide a portfolio and a registration package of documents to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out management in the field of education and science.

After consideration of the application at the regional level, it will be forwarded to the Federal Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards.

Members of the Commission review the applicants’ portfolios, get acquainted with their biography and professional merits, and decide to award the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.” The list of awarded teachers is submitted to the President of the Russian Federation signed.

The Head of State issues decrees on the appointment of honorary titles to these persons.

What documents are needed

To complete an application for the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, you must prepare the following documents:

  • 2 photocopies of ID (name sheet and registration address);
  • 2 photocopies of the work book (all pages, including tabs with marks of distinction);
  • a double set of photocopies of documents confirming the presence of other award badges (for example, a copy of the certificate of the owner of the D. Ushinsky medal);
  • letters of recommendation from management;
  • photocopies of a diploma of higher professional education;
  • a double set of photocopies of documents confirming the availability of copyright teaching materials and other developments;
  • portfolio.

The portfolio is compiled in any form, but must contain the following information about the applicant:

  • biographical information (date, place of birth, etc.);
  • education data;
  • data on work activity;
  • information about professional activities (including work on teaching materials, collections, teaching aids, proprietary methods, etc.).

Depending on the basis on which a person is nominated for a state award, it is necessary to indicate a list of achievements that correspond to this basis. Let's look at them in more detail:



1 Providing education at a high level.
  • availability of the highest qualification category, the term of which does not expire in the year of application;
  • consistently high USE results among students;
  • Students have consistently high results in state literacy tests.
2 Identification of individual abilities of pupils, disclosure of their intellectual potential.
  • the presence among students of prize-winners of olympiads, festivals, exhibitions and other competitions, the education and preparation of which was carried out by the declared teacher;
  • the presence of students who take an active part in extracurricular specialized training
  • the presence of graduates who entered the university in a field related to the specialized training of the declared teacher;
  • the presence of graduates who have achieved professional qualifications in the teacher’s specialized subject.
3 Preparation of winners of school Olympiads at the regional and federal levels. presence of prize-winners among students over the current 5 years of work.
4 Scientific and methodological improvement of educational standards, updating of the educational process.
  • availability of original methods, programs, teaching aids;
  • availability of publications on specialized topics;
  • participation in the activities of methodological commissions.
5 Training and retraining of teachers.
  • experience mentoring beginning specialists;
  • membership in certification training commissions;
  • regular training of specialists (lectures, master classes, presentations);
  • having the title of laureate/winner of competitions in professional skills and training.

If a teacher has several grounds, his chances of receiving the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” increase.

This award cannot be received again. In case of committing illegal, criminal actions, the teacher is deprived of this title and corresponding benefits.

Grounds for assignment

The title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded to highly professional teachers and teachers of secondary schools, colleges, lyceums, gymnasiums, primary education institutions and institutes for training and advanced training of education workers for personal merit:

  • in pedagogical activities that ensure that students receive high-quality general education;
  • in identifying and developing the individual abilities of students and pupils, revealing their scientific and creative potential;
  • in preparing the winners of regional, all-Russian and international Olympiads;
  • in scientific, methodological and methodological improvement of the educational process and educational standards, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs and proprietary methods;
  • in the preparation and retraining of qualified teaching staff.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded, as a rule, no earlier than 20 years from the beginning of teaching activity and if the person nominated for the award has an industry award (badge of honor, industry honorary title or K. D. Ushinsky medal) from a federal body state authorities or state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Assignment procedure

History of the title

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was established on December 30, 1995 No. 1341 “On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of provisions on honorary titles and descriptions of the badge for honorary titles of the Russian Federation” to replace the previous “Honored Teacher of the School of the RSFSR”, which existed since 1940. The same decree approved the original Regulations on the honorary title, which stated:

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded to highly professional teachers, instructors, educators and other employees of preschool institutions, general education institutions of all types, institutions of additional (out-of-school) education, orphanages, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, institutions of higher pedagogical education, institutes of advanced education. qualifications of education workers, education management bodies, research institutes of the education system for merits in pedagogical and educational activities that ensure that students and pupils receive deep knowledge, develop and improve their creative potential, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs, proprietary methods, participation in scientific and methodological support of the educational process and working in their specialty for 15 years or more.

In its present form, the Regulations on the honorary title were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation.”

Chest sign

The badge has a uniform shape for honorary titles of the Russian Federation and is made of silver with a height of 40 mm and a width of 30 mm. It has the shape of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. The ends of the branches crossed at the bottom are tied with a bow. On the top of the wreath is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. On the front side, in the central part, a cartouche with the inscription - the name of the honorary title - is placed on the wreath.

On the reverse side there is a pin for attaching the badge to clothing. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest.

Transition period

In Russia, before the adoption of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341, legal acts were in force on the establishment of honorary titles of the RSFSR. After changing the name of the state from “Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” to “Russian Federation” (see Law of the RSFSR dated

Vasintseva Olga Ivanovna, English teacher of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of the English language.”

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2001 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 1303).

Olga Ivanovna is a creative teacher who knows how to think outside the box. Thanks to her high professionalism and creative energy, in 1990 partnerships were established with schools in England, Canada, and the USA. More than 20 times, teachers and students of our school visited these countries and hosted friends. Olga Ivanovna’s statement: “I give all of myself to the children without reserve!”

IN Asilieva Irina Viktorovna, mathematics teacher at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Gymnasium No. 4”, Veliky Novgorod. The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2010 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2010 No. 1315).

Irina Viktorovna is a happy person, she happily comes to school, happily meets colleagues, communicates with children, and experiences moments of happiness from the wide-open, surprised eyes of her students. She is a teacher of the 21st century, a teacher of the new century!

Veiko va Irina Yurie vna, Director of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 4”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2013 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2013 No. 491).

Irina Yurie vna is interested in everything new, she likes to work with young people, loves to read and travel. Irina Yurie has visited Europe, America, and Africa. The teacher's bright colorful stories captivate friends, colleagues and students on trips and hikes. Irina Yurie Vna is passionate about design, and on her initiative and with the support of her colleagues, the school grounds are being transformed into a wonderful flower garden. The hand driver always tries to stay in shape, goes in for walking and swimming.

Volkova Anna Vladimiro vna, senior teacher of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 85 “Bell” of a combined type.”

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 1998 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 1998 No. 1228).

Anna Vladimiro is a responsive, kind person who knows how to listen and, most importantly, hear people. She loves her job and is successful at it. Years of work in the field of education have not extinguished the fire of inspiration in the soul of a teacher. Anna Vladimirova is one of the organizers and coordinators of the All-Russian intellectual Olympiad "Wise with a Wreath". In June 2016, thanks to the creative initiative of Anna Vladimirovna, her personal direct participation, the kindergarten became a laureate of the All-Russian competition “Best Preschool Educational Organization - 2016”, organized by the Neva Educational Assembly.

Golubinskaya Lidiya Makaro vna, methodologist, mathematics teacher at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Gymnasium “Kvant”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2008 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2008 No. 501).

Lidia Makarovna has all the qualities of a professional teacher, she knows how to structure the process of mastering mathematics as student-oriented in the system of developmental education and work in the “zone of proximal development” of the student. The constant desire for self-education, the search for new technologies, forms of training, and knowledge of one’s subject contribute to the achievement of consistently high results. But the most important thing for Lydia Makarovna is to see children in their differences, to find what distinguishes them, what makes everyone themselves, one and only. “I teach everyone, I learn from everyone!” - these words have been a motto for many years with the teacher.

Zaitseva Nina Mikhailovna, deputy director, teacher of Russian language and literature of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 23”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2001 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 1303).

Nina Mikhailovna grew up in Valdai, a region with amazing nature. For her, the forest is a book of miracles and amazing natural discoveries, it is relaxation, healing of the soul, admiring forest finds. Her hobby is gardening. Nina Mikhailovna never ceases to admire the miracle of birth, when a wonderful plant grows from a small, inconspicuous seed. Carefully planting each flower in its own area, it enjoys the bouquet of aromas that every summer day gives. Just like the flowers she grew, Nina Mikhailovna rejoices every time she manages to help her students reveal their talents.

Ivanova Tamara Yakovlevna, Geography teacher at the municipal budgetary educational institution "Boarding Lyceum". The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 1998 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 1998 No. 1228).

Tamara Yakovlevna is a geographer whose globe turns under her feet: Antarctica, Europe, America. Traditions of Russian scouting and endless strings of routes covered at the head of the Lyceum Club of Scouts and Travelers “Ulitka”. Author of unique projects for the practical study of geography “My First Pole” and “Slovenian Around the World”, “To the Sources of the Volga” and “Crimean Holidays”. A professional with a capital P, an excellent example of a master teacher who does not stop in his development for a second and carries with him many generations of lyceum students.

Ivanovskaya Alevtina Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary School No. 23”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2010 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2010 No. 745).

Alevtina Nikolaevna loves to spend her holidays in the village of Trinity, located on the shores of Lake Ilmen. Together with her, the cat Yashka and the toy terrier Bonya enjoy nature. They never leave their owner's side. Alevtina Nikolaevna loves them very much, cares for them, talks to them as if they were friends. Mutual communication causes true pleasure. And in the evenings it’s nice to admire the sunset over the lake together. Communication with the magical nature of Priilmenye gives new impulses for the inspired flight of thought of the teacher-creator.

Ignatieva Maria Alekseevna, German language teacher at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 26 with in-depth study of chemistry and biology.”

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2010 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2010 No. 1171).

Maria Alekseevna is a bright, creative teacher who gives her whole soul to school, colleagues and children. Her students are successful and worthy people of our Motherland! Maria Alekseevna's favorite pastime is psychology and reading. Maria Alekseevna fully shares the opinion that a smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a wise person learns with the help of books.

Lebedeva Vera Sergeevna, Geography teacher of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 14”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2004 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2004 No. 1366).

Vera Sergeevna is a teacher with a capital T! Her life credo is expressed in the words: “Whoever strives for the secrets of life with every thought, he finds a spring in his soul.” Vera Sergeevna is a talented, constantly developing personality who cannot imagine her life without research and experimental activities. Vera Sergeevna, a teacher from God, has prepared a whole galaxy of prize-winners and winners of the regional stage of the subject Olympiad, silver and gold medalists.

Likhacheva Margarita Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature and municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 14”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2010 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2010 No. 609).

Margarita Vasilyevna has an impeccable reputation as a professional capable of solving the most complex pedagogical problems. Among her colleagues, the public of Veliky Novgorod, parents and students, she is known as a teacher of the highest class, an enthusiast and a hard worker. An energetic image, feminine intuition and beauty always help Margarita Vasilyevna improve the ways of implementing her many pedagogical plans.

Likhacheva M.V. She has raised more than one generation of young Novgorodians, revealing their talents, developing the ability to make friends, the ability to achieve their goals and defend their position.

Mikhailova Svetlana Vitalievna, teacher of Russian language and literature at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary School No. 10”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2004 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2004 No. 1366).

Svetlana Vitalievna is a third generation teacher, kind, sensitive and fair. A teacher who can find mutual understanding with every student. Svetlana Vitalievna cannot imagine her life without the world of children, without love for them. Her hobbies are books, theater, music, travel. Her home library contains more than 5,000 copies of books.

Nazarova Tatyana Anatolyevna, Physics teacher of the municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of the English language"

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2002 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2002 No. 380).

Tatyana Anatolyevna is a person passionate about her work, the initiator of the creation of the “Museum of School History” and the “Hall of Achievements of Students and Teachers”, the teacher is the author of the most interesting program “Stars Above Your Head”, she cannot imagine her life without students, physics and the museum of her native school.

Rymar Valentina Evgenievna, English teacher at the municipal educational institution "boarding lyceum". The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 1998 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 1998 No. 1228).

Valentina Evgenievna is a “teacher forever”, because work experience remains just a number, because the inspiration and desire to teach everyone “tospeak English” never ends. And not just speak, but communicate with native speakers, participate in international educational projects of the lyceum, win the annual regional student festival of foreign languages ​​"Friendship" and the linguistic competition "BritishBulldog". A true lady of the Lyceum: from a smile to a gesture, from a word to a deed, from work to a vocation.

Stepanenko Elena Alexandrovna, teacher of history and world artistic culture of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Boarding Lyceum". The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2016 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2016 No. 233).

Elena Alexandrovna is the perpetual motion machine of lyceum life, be it practical study of culture, local history work or volunteer activities. Constantly creating something new is her lifestyle. Therefore, the search for forgotten noble estates, recording the memories of war children, and eco-leadership are becoming the most valuable educational projects not only for the lyceum, but also for the Novgorod land. It is impossible to imagine the educational space of the lyceum without the Unified Excursion Day and the Kirikov Readings, which were invented and supervised by Elena Aleksandrovna Stepanenko for many years.

Tkach Elena Petrovna, biology teacher at the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary School No. 4”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 1999 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 1999 No. 1700).

Elena Petrovna devoted thirty-six years of her life to school, passing on all her knowledge and skills to her students. Her pedagogical principle in working with students: “A teacher is always standing nearby, looking forward.” In her free time, Elena Petrovna is engaged in floriculture. More than 60 types of flowers feel comfortable in her summer cottage.

Filippova Lidiya Vasilievna,h Head of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 14 “Fairy Tale”.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 1998 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 1998 No. 1228).

Lidia Vasilievna is a modern, proactive leader. He has been working as a manager for 35 years. Personal professional responsibility and creative thinking, initiative and focus on results allowed the leader to form a teaching team, from whose ranks highly qualified managers emerge. “Skazka” has been occupying a leading position among preschool educational organizations in Veliky Novgorod for a number of years.

Shanaeva Irina Lvovna, director of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of the English language.”

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was awarded in 2010 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2010 No. 1171)

Irina Lvovna is not only a creative, proactive leader, but also a person with an active civic position. Irina Lvovna believes that every person should and can influence the quality of life in our country; the development and prosperity of the Motherland depends on the activity of every citizen.

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original name

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation


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A country Type Who is it awarded to?

teachers and professors

Awarded by

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Reasons for the award

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Statistics Options

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Establishment date First award Last award

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Number of awards

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Senior Award

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Junior Award

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Honorary title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" is part of the state award system of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for assignment

The title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded to highly professional teachers and teachers of secondary schools, colleges, lyceums, gymnasiums, primary education institutions and institutes for training and advanced training of education workers for personal merit:

  • in pedagogical activities that ensure that students receive high-quality general education;
  • in identifying and developing the individual abilities of students and pupils, revealing their scientific and creative potential;
  • in preparing the winners of regional, all-Russian and international Olympiads;
  • in scientific, methodological and methodological improvement of the educational process and educational standards, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs and proprietary methods;
  • in the preparation and retraining of qualified teaching staff.

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded, as a rule, no earlier than 20 years from the beginning of teaching activities and if the person nominated for the award has an industry award (badge of honor, industry honorary title or K. D. Ushinsky medal) from the federal state authority or state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Assignment procedure

Honorary titles of the Russian Federation are awarded by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of submissions made to him based on the results of consideration of the application for an award and the proposal of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Awards.

History of the title

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” was established on December 30, 1995 No. 1341 “On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of provisions on honorary titles and descriptions of the badge for honorary titles of the Russian Federation” to replace the previous “Honored Teacher of the School of the RSFSR”, which existed since 1940. The same decree approved the original Regulations on the honorary title, which stated:

The honorary title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation” is awarded to highly professional teachers, instructors, educators and other employees of preschool institutions, general education institutions of all types, institutions of additional (out-of-school) education, orphanages, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, institutions of higher pedagogical education, institutes of advanced education. qualifications of education workers, education management bodies, research institutes of the education system for merits in pedagogical and educational activities that ensure that students and pupils receive deep knowledge, develop and improve their creative potential, in the creation of innovative teaching aids, programs, proprietary methods, participation in scientific and methodological support of the educational process and working in their specialty for 15 years or more.

In its present form, the Regulations on the honorary title were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation.”

Chest sign

The badge has a uniform shape for honorary titles of the Russian Federation and is made of silver with a height of 40 mm and a width of 30 mm. It has the shape of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. The ends of the branches crossed at the bottom are tied with a bow. On the top of the wreath is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. On the front side, in the central part, a cartouche with the inscription - the name of the honorary title - is placed on the wreath.

On the reverse side there is a pin for attaching the badge to clothing. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest.

Transition period

In Russia, before the adoption of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 No. 1341, legal acts were in force on the establishment of honorary titles of the RSFSR. After changing the name of the state from “Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” to “Russian Federation” (see RSFSR Law of December 25, 1991 No. 2094-I), in the names of all honorary titles the name “RSFSR” was replaced by the words “Russian Federation”, so Thus, from 1992 to 1996, the same type of honorary title of the RSFSR, which existed since 1940, was awarded, with the identical modern name “Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation.”

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  • . (Russian) (Retrieved June 28, 2012)

An excerpt characterizing the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

The door opened, and Karaffa stood on the threshold again. But now he seemed very unhappy about something. And I could roughly guess what... Caraffa was no longer confident in his victory. This worried him, since he only had this last chance left.
- So, what have you decided, Madonna?
I mustered all my courage not to show how my voice was trembling, and said quite calmly:
– I have already answered this question to you so many times, Holiness! What could have changed in such a short time?
There was a feeling of fainting, but, looking into Anna’s eyes shining with pride, all the bad things suddenly disappeared somewhere... How bright and beautiful my daughter was at that terrible moment!..
-Are you crazy, Madonna! Can you really just send your daughter to the basement?.. You know perfectly well what awaits her there! Come to your senses, Isidora!..
Suddenly, Anna came close to Karaffa and said in a clear, ringing voice:
– You are not a judge and not God!.. You are just a sinner! That is why the Ring of Sinners burns your dirty fingers!.. I think it is not by chance that you are wearing it... For you are the most vile of them! You won't scare me, Caraffa. And my mother will never submit to you!
Anna straightened up and... spat in Dad's face. Caraffa turned deathly pale. I've never seen anyone turn pale so quickly! His face literally turned ashen gray in a split second... and death flashed in his burning dark eyes. Still standing in a “tetanus” from Anna’s unexpected behavior, I suddenly understood everything - she was deliberately provoking Karaffa so as not to delay!.. In order to quickly decide something and not torment me. To go to her own death... My soul was wracked with pain - Anna reminded me of the girl Damiana... She decided her fate... and I couldn’t help. I couldn't intervene.
- Well, Isidora, I think you will greatly regret this. You are a bad mother. And I was right about women - they are all the offspring of the devil! Including my poor mother.
- Forgive me, your Holiness, but if your mother is the offspring of the Devil, then who then are you?.. After all, you are flesh of her flesh? – I asked, sincerely surprised by his delusional judgments.
- Oh, Isidora, I have long ago exterminated this in myself!.. And only when I saw you, my feeling for a woman awakened in me again. But now I see that I was wrong! You are just like everyone else! You are terrible!.. I hate you and people like you!
Caraffa looked crazy... I was afraid that this could end for us in something much worse than what was planned in the beginning. Suddenly, suddenly jumping up to me, Dad literally shouted: “Yes” or “no”?!.. I’m asking you for the last time, Isidora!..
What could I answer to this deranged man?.. Everything had already been said, and I could only remain silent, ignoring his question.
- I give you one week, Madonna. I hope that you will come to your senses and feel sorry for Anna. And myself... - and grabbing my daughter by the arm, Caraffa jumped out of the room.
I just now remembered that I need to breathe... Dad shocked me so much with his behavior that I couldn’t come to my senses and kept waiting for the door to open again. Anna mortally insulted him, and I was sure that, having recovered from the attack of anger, he would definitely remember this. My poor girl!.. Her fragile, pure life hung by a thread, which could easily break at the capricious will of Caraffa...
For some time I tried not to think about anything, giving my fevered brain at least some respite. It seemed that not only Caraffa, but along with him the entire world I knew had gone crazy... including my brave daughter. Well, our lives were extended another week... Could anything have been changed? In any case, at the moment there was not a single more or less normal thought in my tired, empty head. I stopped feeling anything, I stopped even being afraid. I think this is exactly how people who went to their death felt...
Could I change anything in just seven short days, if I failed to find the “key” to Caraffa for four long years?.. In my family, no one ever believed in chance... Therefore, hope that something will unexpectedly bring salvation - that would be the child’s wish. I knew that there was nowhere to wait for help. Father clearly could not help if he offered Anna to take her essence, in case of failure... Meteora also refused... We were alone with her, and we had to help ourselves only. Therefore, I had to think, trying not to lose hope until the last moment, that in this situation it was almost beyond my strength...
The air began to thicken in the room - North appeared. I just smiled at him, without feeling any excitement or joy, because I knew that he had not come to help.
– Greetings, North! What brings you again?.. – I asked calmly.
He looked at me in surprise, as if not understanding my calmness. He probably didn’t know that there is a limit to human suffering, which is very difficult to reach... But having reached even the worst, he becomes indifferent, since there is no strength left even to be afraid...
“I’m sorry I can’t help you, Isidora.” Is there anything I can do for you?
- No, North. Can not. But I will be glad if you stay with me... I am pleased to see you - I answered sadly and after a short pause, added: - We got one week... Then Caraffa, most likely, will take our short lives. Tell me, are they really worth so little?.. Are we really going to leave as easily as Magdalene left? Is there really no one who would cleanse our world, the North, of this inhumanity?..
– I didn’t come to you to answer old questions, my friend... But I must admit - you made me change my mind a lot, Isidora... You made me see again what I had been trying hard to forget for years. And I agree with you - we are wrong... Our truth is too “narrow” and inhumane. She strangles our hearts... And we become too cold to correctly judge what is happening. Magdalene was right when she said that our Faith is dead... Just as you are right, Isidora.
I stood there, dumbfounded, staring at him, unable to believe what I was hearing!.. Was this the same proud and always right North, which did not allow any, even the slightest criticism of its great Teachers and its beloved Meteora? !!
I didn’t take my eyes off him, trying to penetrate his pure, but tightly closed from everyone, soul... What changed his centuries-old opinion?!. What prompted you to look at the world more humanely?..
“I know, I surprised you,” Sever smiled sadly. “But even the fact that I opened up to you won’t change what’s happening.” I don't know how to destroy Karaffa. But our White Magus knows this. Do you want to go to him again, Isidora?