Deputies of the State Duma went on vacation, having finally adopted several laws with amendments to 171 Federal Laws. The most changes were made by bills 66697-7 and 50030-7. Our lawyer analyzed them and tried to explain in simple language what exactly has changed in alcohol legislation. Deferment of cash for individual entrepreneurs Let's start with bill 66697-7 (now called Federal Law No. 278-FZ of July 29, 2017). We have already written about the most important change. The priority of the law on cash register equipment over Law 171 is confirmed, which means that individual entrepreneurs on UTII or a patent selling beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead will receive a deferment for the implementation of online cash registers until July 1, 2018. There are no official explanations on this matter from the authorities yet, but you can read a detailed legal justification from our lawyer.

Federal Law No. 433-FZ dated December 28, 2017 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 433-FZ) amendments were made to Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 171-FZ), coming into force on July 1, 2018.

Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market

Review of the document Information from the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market dated March 26, 2018 “Labelling of alcoholic products with federal special and excise stamps from July 1, 2018” Federal Law dated December 28, 2017 No. 433-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 433-FZ) amendments were made to Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 171-FZ), coming into force on July 1, 2018.

Rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages 2018 law

No more alcoholic energy drinks The new law introduces a ban on the production (except for production for export purposes), as well as the circulation (except for export) of alcoholic products with an ethyl alcohol content of less than 15 percent of the volume of finished products containing tonic substances (components) according to the list established by the authorized The Government of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body. The change comes into force on 01/01/2018. Simply put, from January 1, 2018, the era of alcoholic energy drinks in Russia will end.

Cancellation of declarations for large brewers, wine and strong alcohol. The procedure for declaring the production and turnover of alcoholic beverages is changing: the obligation of organizations to declare only those volumes that are not taken into account in the Unified State Automated Information System is established.

The State Duma has made hundreds of changes to Federal Law 171, let’s figure out how to live with them - part 1

Individual entrepreneurs engaged in the retail sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, and mead are required to record and declare the volume of their retail sales. Organizations engaged in the production of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products using it, the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead, are required to record and declare the use of production facilities.

Agricultural producers are required to record and declare the production, storage and supply of wine, sparkling wine (champagne), as well as the volume of grapes used for the production of wine, sparkling wine (champagne).

Changes in the labeling of alcoholic products from July 1, 2018

The exception is duty-free stores.

  • At any military installations and adjacent territories.
  • Near sources of increased danger.
  • In any place where public events are held.
  • Non-stationary retail facilities (kiosks, etc.).

Despite existing proposals to limit the minimum age at which a person can purchase alcohol to 21, the previous limit of 18 remains in effect. Permissible time for the sale of alcohol in 2018 In 2018, the general rule for the territory of Russia remains unchanged, which limits the time for the sale of alcohol in containers - from 23:00 to 8:00 local time.
It is worth keeping in mind that this is a universal ban, and regional authorities have the right to expand this scope (but not narrow it).

Post navigation

Responsibility for failure to provide information to the Unified State Automated Information System is provided for in the article. From 2018, alcohol can be sold in schools and hospitals Alcohol can be LEGALLY sold in schools in Russia.
This is not fantasy. Businesses will be able to sell “intoxicating drinks” in educational and medical institutions from 2018. Life figured out what the conditions were. The day before, the association of entrepreneurs “Support of Russia” sent a letter to the regional divisions of the organization with explanations about the amendments adopted on July 3 to the law “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol...”.


According to federal law, producers of alcoholic beverages and entrepreneurs engaged in sales are required to use a special software server, EGAIS. Today, the system is only partially implemented - it monitors the sale of spirits and wine.

Sale of alcohol in 2018: new rules, permissible time for selling alcohol

  • Sale of alcohol from January 1, 2018
  • Law on the sale of alcohol in Russia in 2018
  • Rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages in 2018
  • Time for the sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018
  • Law on the sale of alcohol

Sale of alcohol from January 1, 2018 Time of sale of alcohol in Moscow and the Moscow region or until what time can you buy alcohol in a store? In the Moscow region, you cannot legally buy alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am the next day. Let us remind you that this ban does not apply to legal catering establishments. In this regard, during the Prohibition Law, the only way to drink “strong” drinks is to visit and order them in a restaurant, cafe or club.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Buryatia, there are about 1,300 licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages throughout the republic. Legal advice According to paragraph 3 of Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, the declaration of conformity and the certificate of conformity have equal legal force and are valid throughout the Russian Federation in relation to each unit of product put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation during the validity of the declaration of conformity. compliance or a certificate of conformity, during the service life of the product established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
A similar rule is contained in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 010/2011 - in relation to machinery and equipment released into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

The current rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages in Russia represent, in general, a finely tuned balance between the interests of producers and sellers of alcohol, the interests of consumers and an equally important third party that exists in this market - the interests of the state in the broadest sense. By state interests we must mean both the purely economic interest of making money for the treasury on the alcohol market, and a more important interest that affects the health of the Russian nation and other social problems related to alcohol.

New rules for the sale of alcohol, coming into force in 2018, how advertising on the Internet will be regulated, will the permissible time for the sale of alcohol change.

Law on alcoholic products from January 1, 2018

  • EGAIS for Retail
  • Business inspections in 2018
  • EGAIS program in 2018
  • Starting from the new year, sellers of alcohol and beer must submit information to EGAIS
  • The government has called for a ban on beer in 1.5-liter containers since 2018
  • EGAIS from January 1, 2018
  • Starting from the New Year, residents of Buryatia may not have enough alcohol
  • Legal consultations
  • New law on alcoholic beverages 2018
  • Municipal entitySurgut districtKhanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
  • From 2018, alcohol will be sold in schools and hospitals
  • All about EGAIS
  • News about EGAIS

EGAIS for Retail Federal Law No. 182-FZ dated June 29, 2015 amended Federal Law No. 171 in terms of connecting the wholesale and retail level, as well as producers of beer and beer drinks, to EGAIS.

Law on alcoholic products from January 1, 2018

This means that approximately every third bottle of alcohol on the shelf is counterfeit. In such a situation, control is, of course, necessary, but for entrepreneurs this is another stress.


Don't panic! We will tell you in detail and in detail everything you need to know about how EGAIS works in retail from January 1, 2018: how to connect, when to connect and what to do to connect. The government has advocated banning beer in 1.5-liter containers since 2018. The document was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“The amendments provide for the introduction from January 1, 2018 of a ban on the production and (or) circulation (except for retail sale) of alcoholic beverages in polymer consumer containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters, on the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in such containers - from July 1, 2018 ", the document says.

The government of the Russian Federation is taking quite tough and categorical measures to combat the spread of alcoholism. To achieve this, various measures are being taken and laws are being introduced that are designed to limit the circulation of alcohol-containing products.

The oldest but most effective policy is Federal Law No. 171, adopted in 1995.

According to its regulations, alcoholic beverages must be sold exclusively in stores licensed for sale. It is also intended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation.

This measure is caused by many different circumstances: the percentage of citizens dependent on alcohol is 47-50%, the birth rate of the non-drinking population has decreased, and the natural population has decreased. This law on the prohibition of alcohol has a set of rules and restrictions that every citizen of the Russian Federation should know.

During the entire existence of Federal Law 171, amendments and new provisions were made to it. Since the turnover of alcoholic beverages is growing exponentially (and this is due to high demand among the population), the government had to take strict measures regarding the distribution of alcohol.

What does the law say?

The main scope of this Federal Law No. 171 is to reduce the production of alcohol by persons who do not have permission to do so. As you can see, the number of underground shops that illegally produce alcohol increases several times every year. This is dangerous not only for the country’s economy, but also for the health of citizens.

Various chemical additives, low-quality alcohol and much more are mixed into these alcoholic products, which leads to direct poisoning, and in worst cases, death. Due to changes in the regulations of this law, measures to combat alcoholism have become significantly stricter.

Federal Law 171 also calls for limiting alcohol consumption to the standards established by the state.

There were two reasons for this:

  1. Protecting the interests of citizens. Over the past few years, cases of robbery, robbery, and violence by persons who were heavily intoxicated have become more frequent. In other words, this law includes not only a reduction in drinking in the country, but also protecting the safety of the non-drinking population.
  2. The number of people consuming alcohol has increased significantly. Based on the latest disappointing statistics, for the previous 2016, the number of people drinking alcohol in unlimited quantities increased by 12.3% throughout Russia. In other words, a tenth of the population became alcoholics.

Alcoholism has long been recognized as the apogee of the 21st century, because this disease is difficult to cure, much less eradicate.

Who circumvents the law

The federal law has a significant list of cases (exceptions) in which it is not valid or everything is carried out within the permissible norm.

So, what cases (individuals) circumvent this law:

  • individuals who produce alcoholic products not for sale;
  • any pharmaceutical products containing ethyl alcohol;
  • official organizations and enterprises that have received a state license to permit the production of alcohol. It is worth noting that the installations contain a monthly production rate, which should not be exceeded.
  • individuals distributing alcoholic products as a presentation to the market or as representative samples. This case relates to the field of marketing and international relations.

To summarize, it turns out that alcohol-containing products used for private purposes (with the exception of sales), contained in pharmacies and used as advertising products are the norm, which is allowed by Federal Law No. 171.

Sales and prices

This law also regulates the market value of alcohol-containing products. All price changes must occur exclusively at the request of the state. Independent increase in the cost of an alcohol-containing product for the purpose of profit is punishable by criminal liability with complete confiscation of unsold alcoholic products.

Each bottle of alcohol must meet government safety standards and be tested for acceptable consumption. On December 30, 2001, it was decided that a tax stamp attached to the cap or bottom of the bottle would serve as a guarantee of safe consumption by citizens, as well as a licensed product.

The presence of such a brand is a mandatory requirement for products present in commercial circulation, manufactured by private individuals, but with a license for production activities.

Thus, over the course of several years, the turnover of unlicensed products, which were potentially dangerous to the life of the person consumed, has decreased.

Unfortunately, during this time, the number of the country’s drinking population has increased, which indicates the need to introduce new bills and amendments to reduce the turnover of alcohol-containing products and protect as many citizens as possible from consuming it.

What powers does this law give to law enforcement agencies?

Federal Law No. 171 granted a wide range of powers to law enforcement agencies.

Guided by the regulations of this law, police officers have the right (or obligation) to perform the following actions:

  • in the absence of a license to sell alcohol, law enforcement officers are required to seize uncertified goods until the distributor receives a license (if he is an LLC or individual entrepreneur). If a private person was engaged in sales without a license, then he is prescribed a fine in the amount of double payment of the cost of all products with its subsequent confiscation;
  • all underground organizations producing alcohol illegally must be discovered and closed;
  • If a police officer sees a citizen drinking in the wrong place, he is obliged to pay attention to this, ask for documents and get rid of the alcohol. if a citizen resists, uses abusive language or is in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication, he must be detained and taken to the police station with subsequent transfer to a sobering-up center;
  • If illegally stored products are discovered, they must be seized by a police officer and delivered to the police station.

As can be seen from the above powers of law enforcement officials, the government is trying not only to reduce the number of underground enterprises and uncertified products, but also to protect Russian citizens from people suffering from alcoholism.

Repeated cases have been recorded when people, while heavily intoxicated, behaved inappropriately and showed acts of aggression towards non-drinking citizens. Such a person must be detained and taken to a sobering center.

Is criminal liability prescribed under this law?

The legislation of the Russian Federation has a wide range of penalties related to the sale, consumption and production of alcohol. Federal Law No. 171 contains a number of regulations, violation of which threatens to result in criminal or administrative liability of varying severity.

So, what actions are punishable under the alcohol law:

  1. financing of underground (illegal) production for the purpose of further marketing of products. This offense is punishable by administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of 500,000 rubles, followed by confiscation of the products produced;
  2. to the above article you can add the illegal supply of equipment necessary to produce alcohol in independent conditions;
  3. storage of alcohol in large quantities for the purpose of further sale. Punishable by administrative liability;
  4. production of alcohol-containing products that categorically do not comply with quality and safety standards for citizens. In this case, there is also criminal liability if the consumption of low-quality alcohol leads to serious consequences for the user;
  5. transportation of alcohol-containing products across the border for the purpose of further sale. Exceptions are cases where this fact was recorded and the appropriate permission was taken from the competent authorities.

Of the smaller offenses against the state, punishment follows:

  • drinking alcohol in public places;
  • being in a crowded place while intoxicated, displaying an act of aggression, violence, any form of inappropriate behavior;
  • purchase or sale of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age, which is strictly prohibited by Russian legislation;
  • sale of unlicensed products.

It is worth noting that over the past few years, the consumption level has dropped significantly. If previously teenagers aged 17 and older used to drink alcohol, recently this level has dropped to a sad 14-15 years.

According to experts, in 5-6 years, the number of drinkers in Russia will reach 60-62% of the total population of the country.

Alcoholic drinks that are prohibited for sale and consumption

There is a small list of alcohol-containing drinks prohibited for sale in any stores. As a rule, this is alcohol that does not have a brand, the permissible dosage is exceeded (over 45% per 0.5 liters) and alcohol that contains various chemical additives.

But it is worth remembering that alcohol in combination with various chemicals can lead to poisoning and intoxication.

As for high-proof drinks, the norm is 45% for a container with a volume of 0.5. As a rule, manufacturers of high-percentage products cannot guarantee that the use of such drinks will end successfully.

If we turn to medicine, pure ethyl alcohol can burn the entire mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract, cause burns to the oral cavity and cause stomach ulcers. Therefore, Federal Law No. 171 stated that the use (sale) of an alcohol-containing drink, the degree of which exceeds the permissible limit, is prohibited.

The only use of pure ethyl alcohol is alcohol compresses used in medicine. In other areas of life, these products are strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, on store shelves you can often find high-percentage products, the use of which can lead to very disastrous consequences.

The coming year 2019 will differ from 2018 with the entry into force of new “alcohol” laws and more severe penalties for violations in this regard.

Legislators are doing their best to demonstrate their concern for the future of the Russian nation. The State Duma adopted several hundred amendments to Law 171 Federal Law. Big “alcohol” changes await producers, distributors, and consumers.

The grace period provided to producers and distributors of alcoholic beverages begins on January 1, 2019. During this time, they will have to bring their business into compliance with the new amendments to the Law on the Production and Sale of Alcohol. The six-month deferment provides for the absence of sanctions for violation of updated legislation. The sanctions will take effect from July 1, 2019.

These changes will not go unnoticed by Russian buyers. According to the people's representatives, the new laws are aimed at combating the shadow production of alcoholic beverages and organizing a transparent system for monitoring production and sales. And, of course, to fight alcoholism, which has reached the scale of a national disaster.

What to expect in 2019

The changes will affect producers, retailers and buyers of alcoholic products. They will have to master a new format of business and alcohol consumption. The regulatory authorities will have more worries, because the law affected not only the real sector of business and life, but also the global network.

The following amendments and additions will come into effect from January 1, 2019:

  • It is prohibited to advertise the sale of alcohol on the Internet;
  • Strict registration of equipment producing alcohol has been introduced;
  • An individual is prohibited from transporting more than ten liters of unlabeled alcohol-containing products;
  • The EGAIS system will begin to operate, which will provide a new principle of control over the sale of alcohol;
  • The punishment for violating alcohol laws has become much more severe and includes not only huge fines.

Changes in the federal law are reflected accordingly in the Code of Administrative Violations (CAO). It is important to remember that these acts can be supplemented by local authorities in the regions of Russia.

In the article:

Online Liquor Law

Starting from January 1 of the coming year, it is prohibited to advertise the sale of alcoholic beverages on the Runet. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for violation of restrictions in the form of a fine:

  • Individual – three to five thousand rubles;
  • Officials – 25-40 thousand rubles;
  • Legal entity – 100-300 thousand rubles.

Law 149 Federal Law, as amended, provides for the blocking of Internet resources that place on their pages advertisements for the sale of alcohol-containing products and alcoholic beverages.

This measure is intended to limit the drinking of alcoholic beverages in Russia.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is developing a bill on the procedure for the online sale of alcohol, which will come into force on July 1, 2019. Currently, the sale of alcohol-containing products on the RuNet is officially prohibited. The agency believes that the ban is a fiction, since alcohol continues to be sold online. The bill provides for a control system for online sales of alcoholic beverages.

Remote sale of alcohol is possible only through the resource in the zone. Trading platforms located in another zone will be blocked.

On registration of alcohol-producing equipment

“Alcohol” amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for the responsibility of citizens for the possession and use of unregistered technical equipment with the help of which alcohol-containing drinks are produced.

From January 1, 2019, fines for illegal alcohol-producing equipment will also apply to individuals.

Failure to register will result in a fine and confiscation of the equipment:

  • Individual – three to five thousand rubles;
  • Officials – 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • Legal entity – 100-150 thousand rubles.

Fines are also being introduced for the use of pharmaceutical ethyl alcohol in the production of alcoholic beverages.

According to Article 14.17.2 of the Administrative Code, from January 1, 2019, the transportation of unlabeled alcohol by individuals is limited, regardless of the place of its production. Violation of the restriction entails penalties in the amount of three to five thousand rubles and confiscation of transported products.

The permissible volume of unlabeled alcohol transported by individuals across Russia is ten liters per person.

EGAIS - a new format for controlling the sale of alcohol

The successful completion of testing and implementation of the Unified State Automated System (USAIS) led to the legal transition to a global form of control over the circulation of alcoholic beverages. This will eliminate illegal alcohol from retail sales.

According to analysts, two thirds of the alcohol sold in Russia is produced illegally, which jeopardizes the health of citizens and leads to huge losses in the budget.

EGAIS will create a unified database of domestic and imported alcohol. To do this, each checkout must have a special scanner connected to the database via an Internet connection. The scanner reads data from the excise stamp. This information is reflected on the check.

A big advantage of EGAIS is that buyers will have access to information about the origin of each bottle of alcohol.

A bill on the introduction of a special GOST for brandy is also being discussed. This need is caused by the unprecedented turnover of illegal cognac. The corresponding amendment to Federal Law 171 will allow brandy to be classified as a separate category of alcoholic products. This will increase the availability of quality alcohol and facilitate the work of regulatory authorities.

Tougher penalties for violating the alcohol law in 2019

The Administrative and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation have received many new articles and amendments regarding the responsibility of Russians for violations of “alcohol” laws. Arrest, community service, and imprisonment were added to the disproportionate fines.

The Criminal Code was supplemented with two articles on “Illegal production of alcohol-containing products” and “Illegal sale of alcoholic products.”

The first article provides for a fine of two to three million rubles, or forced labor for one to three years, or imprisonment for up to three years. Collective violation of the law leads to a multiple increase in punishment:

  • A fine of three to four million rubles;
  • Forced labor – five years;
  • Imprisonment - five years.

The second article on illegal sale leads to a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles. Fake excise stamps will lead to deprivation of 300-500 thousand rubles, forced labor or imprisonment for up to eight years. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, since the severity of the punishment must be proportionate to the damage caused.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia expects changes in terms of collective responsibility for drugging teenagers and young people. According to sociologists, most teenagers try alcohol for the first time in the company of the older generation. Currently, responsibility for selling alcohol to minors rests only with representatives of the retail trade.

Soon, parents and guardians of schoolchildren who drink alcohol will be held administratively liable. In addition, the new bill contains a list of responsible persons. Compassionate citizens who succumbed to persuasion to buy alcohol and tobacco for a teenager ended up on this list. Legislators did not ignore sociable drinking buddies who offer a minor to “have a drink,” and who are also proposed to be held accountable.

The authorities remain unshakable regarding the previously introduced days of sobriety. In addition, regions are authorized to expand the anti-alcohol calendar. Currently, alcohol is not sold everywhere:

  • On the last day of school for schoolchildren;
  • During proms;
  • The first of June, when Children's Day is celebrated;
  • July 27, when young people celebrate their day;
  • On the first day of school for schoolchildren;
  • September 11 is All-Russian Day of Sobriety.

In the Ulyanovsk region, local authorities expanded the list, adding to it:

  • Weekend;
  • June 12 – celebration of Russia Day;
  • September 12 is a day dedicated to celebrating family.

Clause five of Article 18 of Law 171 Federal Law, which imposes a limitation on the time of sale of alcohol, remained unchanged. Given the extension of the law, we should expect in 2019 a widespread ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages after 11 p.m. The resumption of alcohol sales is permitted only from eight in the morning.

Many regions have made their own contribution to expanding the sober period of the day. Thus, in the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, alcohol sales begin only at 11.00. In Yakutia and the Tula region, the sale of alcohol is allowed from 14.00. In the Saratov, Astrakhan, and Kirov regions, alcohol sales begin at 10.00

Bills to change the current age restrictions have been repeatedly submitted to the State Duma for consideration. Experts refer to international practice in developed countries and disappointing statistics on alcohol consumption in Russia.

Thus, 99 out of a hundred high school students have experience of alcohol intoxication. Every day in Russia, a third of boys and a quarter of girls drink alcohol-containing drinks of various strengths. Only four percent of sixth-graders do not know the taste of alcohol.

Taking into account the successful experience of developed countries in the fight against alcoholism, the next bill proposes changing the age from 18 to 21 years. The main initiator of the bill is the Russian Ministry of Health. The bill is currently under consideration by the State Duma.

From January 1, 2019, the age limit for the sale of alcohol and tobacco remains at 18 years.

The procedure and rules for the sale of alcohol are constantly changing and supplemented.

The latest innovations have occurred since the beginning of January 2018.

The new rules are primarily aimed at combating suppliers and sellers of counterfeit alcohol products and protecting buyers.

How can you be sure that you bought quality alcohol? How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers? We will try to answer these and many other questions.

Law on the sale of alcohol

The procedure for the circulation of alcoholic products is regulated by No. 171-FZ “On the regulation of the circulation and production of epilogue alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.”

To control alcohol sales, a special EGAIS system has been operating for more than 10 years.. This abbreviation stands for Unified State Automated Information System.

The purpose of the Unified State Automated Information System is to exercise strict control over the circulation of alcoholic products. In practice, this means that entrepreneurs who sell alcohol at retail are obliged to provide information about themselves to the EGAIS system.

Moreover, every purchase of an alcoholic drink (even beer and low-alcohol drinks) can be accounted for. It turns out that even if an entrepreneur sold only 1 bottle of beer per day, this information necessarily passes through the automated system.

Rules for the supply of alcohol

Control by the EGAIS system is carried out already at the first stage - receiving an order from the manufacturer of alcoholic beverages.

To record the purchase of alcohol in an automated system, a commodity accounting program that supports EGAIS is installed on the company’s computer.

The data entered into the program and the amount of alcohol purchased must match exactly.

If a shortage is discovered when checking the order, the buyer can:

  • reject the supplier's invoice and agree to draw up a new one;
  • draw up a data discrepancy report.


It is necessary to act in the same way if the excise tax is found to be damaged or does not meet the requirements of the law. If the transfer of alcohol according to the invoice is carried out without any discrepancies, then all information about the completed deliveries is entered into the automated system.

In addition, all purchase information is also entered into the cash register program, which includes the following information:

  • each bottle must have a brand;
  • the stamp has a barcode;
  • the code, in turn, contains information about the manufacturer, its manufacturing license, and other information about the product.

Rules for trade in alcoholic beverages

After signing the invoice and placing the data in a specialized reporting program, the seller can offer alcoholic beverages for sale.

Before sales, all containers with alcohol are scanned so that they can later be displayed on sales receipts.

After the sale, the program issues a receipt with information about the point of sale and a barcode.

It is with this sequence of actions that data on all sales will be recorded in the EGIAS system. It doesn’t matter how many units of products the buyer purchased, he will receive a receipt in one copy.

If the product code cannot be scanned, this means that this alcoholic product was produced illegally, but it is possible that the problem is in the system, which can sometimes go wrong.

If the Internet is disconnected at the point of sale, the program will automatically save data about each scanned product. After the connection is restored, the system will be able to transfer information to the Unified State Register of Automated Information System (EGIAS) without outside help.

Who will be affected by the innovations?

The new rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages apply to all retail outlets:

  • the shops;
  • restaurants;
  • bars;
  • other establishments that sell alcohol.

If entrepreneurs are exclusively engaged in sales of beer, mead, cider, and various low-alcohol drinks, then they also do not fall into the category of exceptions and are required to provide information to the Unified State Register of Automation and Autonomy (EGIAS) system.

Sellers of low-alcohol drinks must send goods through the automated system from January 1 of this year. Owners of cafes and restaurants also undertake to record the purchase of alcoholic beverages. This means that all establishments where alcohol is sold must install a program that supports EGAIS.

True, for some entrepreneurs a temporary exemption from registration in the EGAIS system has been established.

  • retailers in Crimea;
  • in remote settlements where the population does not exceed 3 thousand inhabitants and there are problems with the Internet connection. The delay in implementing the program in this case is 1 year. However, this relief applies to the sale of alcohol; such entrepreneurs are not exempt from accounting for purchases;
  • factories and companies that produce low-alcohol drinks and beer in quantities of no more than 3 thousand deciliters;
  • Catering establishments that sell only beer and low-alcohol products are exempt from providing sales reports;
  • enterprises that produce wine and champagne based on their own grown grapes.

There are more and more online stores that sell alcohol. However, rules have not yet been adopted obliging online platforms to keep records of sales. In the near future, there are also plans to limit the time frame for selling alcohol online.

Sales accounting

All entrepreneurs who sell alcohol must keep a logbook where data on sales of alcoholic beverages and the characteristics of the product are entered. In particular, the following data is entered into the journal:

  • code, name and number of the product;
  • Date of sale;
  • data on the number of units of production and its displacement;
  • alcohol unit type code.

It is not necessary to enter data on the supply of goods into the journal, but a special form for maintaining such a document has been established. It is allowed to keep sales records in paper or electronic form. Based on sales accounting data, a tax return is filled out (filled out once a quarter).


Maintaining a sales journal and accounting through EGAIS must be done separately.

Responsibility for violating the rules of alcohol sales

If an entrepreneur decides to refuse to connect to the automated system, he will bear responsibility.

If the seller has not established a unified accounting system, then the sale of alcoholic beverages of any strength is prohibited. In this case, administrative liability arises for selling alcoholic beverages without the proper package of documents.

Legal entities are subject to a fine of up to a maximum of 20 thousand, and for citizens a fine of up to 15 thousand.

Responsibility also arises for those sellers who do not scan the goods when selling.

In case of serious violations of the new rules, the entrepreneur may even lose his license. Since the actions of the entrepreneur are regarded as carrying out illegal trade in alcohol.


For systemic violation of the law, the seller of alcohol can be held criminally liable and punished with a fine of 80 thousand or correctional labor for up to one year. The violator will also be prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages for up to 3 years.

Selling alcohol without a license

In addition to maintaining records in EGAIS, you will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol. To obtain a permit to sell alcohol, an entrepreneur must submit:

  • application for a license of the established form;
  • duty payment receipts;
  • constituent documentation;
  • certificate from the tax authority;
  • conclusion from the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • certificate of absence of debt from the Federal Tax Service;
  • Goskomstat codes;
  • lease agreement or ownership of commercial premises.

A trade license is issued for a different period: from 1 year to 5 years. After the expiration date, the permit can be renewed. But in order to renew the license, the application must be submitted two months before the expiration of the permit to sell alcohol.

The state duty for each type of alcohol license is 40 thousand rubles, and for wholesale sales you need to pay from 500 thousand rubles.

The law also has restrictions on when alcohol can be sold. Entrepreneurs are prohibited from dispensing alcoholic beverages from 23:00 to 08:00. An exception is established only for duty-free retail outlets and catering establishments. If necessary, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may separately establish rules on the places and conditions for the sale of alcohol.

The problem of alcoholism is extremely relevant for Russia. In order to depopulate alcohol and reduce the volume of its consumption in our country, legislative acts were approved regulating the sale of alcohol-containing products. Based on the current law, the documents of any organization whose specific activities are related to alcohol circulation specify the rules for the sale of alcohol.

From when and until when can you buy alcohol? Why do different regions have different opening hours for wine departments? What determines the timing of the ban on the sale of alcohol, and which area is the most strict in this regard? Let's look at the main restrictive rules that relate to the circulation of alcohol-containing products.

In Russia, the sale of alcohol at night is prohibited

The law banning the sale of alcohol is based on the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, introduced on November 22, 1995 (No. 171-FZ). Moreover, all alcoholic products without exception fall under the established regulations.

The definition of “alcohol-containing products” includes drinks in which the ethanol concentration is 0.5% or higher. That is, this includes cider, mead, low-alcohol cocktails, and beer.

A strict restriction on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18, that is, minors, was also established. As for the dispensing time for alcoholic beverages, this regime may vary depending on the established rules of local authorities.

On what days is the sale of alcohol prohibited?

It must be remembered that the current Law of the Russian Federation establishes a strict ban on the sale of alcohol on certain holidays. Days prohibiting the sale of alcohol are valid throughout Russia and are not subject to change.

Prohibitive measures on the sale of alcoholic beverages were introduced due to the steady increase in alcohol consumption

Local authorities can only add their own regional holidays to the list of “forbidden” days.

So, on what days is it prohibited to sell alcohol? Let us remind you that this rule is the same for all regions and regions:

  1. May 25: Last call day.
  2. June 1: Children's Day.
  3. June 12: Russia Day.
  4. June 27: Youth Day.
  5. September 1: Knowledge Day and first bell.
  6. September 11: International Temperance Day.

There are also dates that may change. These are the days of the last proms in schools. During these holidays, alcohol is prohibited from being sold in all supermarkets, shops, shops and other outlets selling alcohol.

Established alcohol dispensing times

According to the adopted government decree, it will not be possible to sell alcohol at night without breaking the law. This ban is established for a temporary period from 23 pm to 8 am. But the time frame may be adjusted depending on the opinion of regional authorities.

Moscow and Moscow region

In the capital, there is a time period established by the General Law prohibiting the sale of alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am. According to the resolution of the Moscow City Duma (the decree came into force on December 24, 2014), the time for the sale of alcohol-containing products in the Moscow region coincides with the restrictive framework in force in Moscow. These restrictions also apply to cities in the Moscow region.

The sales hours for alcohol vary in different regions of the Russian Federation; they are set by local authorities.

St. Petersburg and region

The northern capital of Russia turned out to be more strict regarding the sale of alcohol. Here you can buy it only from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. This resolution has been in effect since January 2014. The St. Petersburg region has softened only the morning hours and allowed alcohol to be sold not from 11, but from 9 o’clock in the morning. The evening ban begins the same as in St. Petersburg, from 22:00.

Regional laws

To determine after what time alcohol is not sold in the regions of our vast homeland, you need to have a general idea of ​​the time limiting the sale of alcohol in the largest regions of the Russian Federation. The following table will help with this.

Region/region of Russia Alcohol sales ban time
Altai region 21.00-09.00
Amurskaya 21.00-11.00
Arkhangelskaya 21.00-10.00
Astrakhan 21.00-10.00
Belgorodskaya 22.00-10.00
Vladimirskaya 21.00-09.00
Volgogradskaya 23.00-08.00
Vologda 23.00-08.00
Voronezh 23.00-08.00
Jewish Autonomous Region 22.00-11.00
Transbaikal region 20.00-11.00
Ivanovskaya 21.00-09.00
Irkutsk 21.00-09.00
Kaliningradskaya 22.00-0.00
Kaluzhskaya 22.00-10.00
Kemerovo 23.00-08.00

23.00-10.00 (weekdays)

22.00-17.00 (weekends)

Krasnodar region 22.00-11.00
Krasnoyarsk region 23.00-08.00
Kursk 23.00-08.00
Kurganskaya 23.00-08.00
Lipetskaya 21.00-09.00
Murmansk 21.00-11.00
Novosibirsk 22.00-09.00
Omsk 22.00-10.00
Orlovskaya 23.00-08.00
Orenburgskaya 22.00-10.00
Perm region 23.00-08.00
Pskovskaya 21.00-10.00
Primorsky Krai 22.00-09.00
Rostov 23.00-08.00
Saratovskaya 22.00-10.00
Samara 23.00-10.00
Sverdlovskaya 23.00-08.00
Smolenskaya 23.00-08.00
Stavropol region 22.00-10.00
Tverskaya 22.00-10.00
Tomsk 22.00-10.00
Tula 22.00-14.00
Tyumen 23.00-08.00

20.00-08.00 (weekdays)

Weekend sales prohibited

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug YuGRA (KhMAO) 20.00-08.00
Chelyabinsk 23.00-08.00
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 22.00-10.00
Yaroslavskaya 23.00-08.00
Bashkiria (Bashkortostan) 23.00-08.00
Karelia 23.00-08.00
Kabardino-Balkaria 22.00-10.00
Karachay-Cherkessia (KCR) 21.00-11.00
Komi 22.00-08.00
Crimea 23.00-08.00
Mari El 23.00-08.00
Mordovia 22.00-10.00
Sakha (Yakutia) 20.00-14.00
North Ossetia Alania 23.00-08.00
Tatarstan 22.00-10.00
Khakassia 23.00-08.00

(alcohol is only allowed to be sold here two hours a day)

Chuvashia 22.00-10.00
Udmurtia 22.00-10.00
Yakutia 22.00-14.00

There is a widespread myth among the people that for some large retail chains, supermarkets, and privately owned ones, the general law has not been written. Such as:

  • Auchan;
  • Dixie;
  • Ribbon;
  • Radezh;
  • OK;
  • Globe;
  • Magnet;
  • METRO;
  • Coin;
  • 7th Family;
  • Pyaterochka;
  • Crossroads;
  • SPAR (SPAR).

And in other large retailers, alcohol can be purchased around the clock. But this is simply an unjustified fabrication. Any trading company operating in the Russian Federation is obliged to strictly follow established federal requirements and local regulations.

The hours of alcohol sales do not depend on the size of the retail chain. All stores are subject to Russian laws.

Responsibility for breaking the law

But many entrepreneurs live by the principle that if there are rules, they can be broken. The law is strict and harsh towards such persons. For violating the adopted resolution on the dispensing time of alcoholic beverages even by a minute from the designated time frame, the following penalties are provided:

  1. For a trade organization: 50,000-100,000 rubles.
  2. For the head of an enterprise: 5,000-10,000 rubles.

This law also applies to trade through various Internet platforms. Although it is almost impossible to track how much alcohol was sold on the Internet. Therefore, the Russian Federation has completely banned the sale of alcohol in the virtual world.

Causes of alcoholism

If the fact of sale and operation of alcohol online sales is revealed, the owner of the IP address bears the penalty. He will have to pay a large fine of up to 1 million rubles. In the case of an official, the fine is up to 50,000 rubles.

Where can you buy alcohol at night?

But you can still buy the coveted alcohol at night. To do this you will have to go to a cafe, bar or restaurant. In such establishments, the sale of alcoholic beverages at night is permitted. True, with one caveat. You will have to drink alcohol while sitting civilly at the table of an entertainment establishment. They won't let you take it outside.

At night, you can also buy alcohol in Duty Free shops. These retail outlets are located at customs checkpoints and airports.

How are things in other countries?

Not only Russia is concerned about the growth of alcoholism and crimes occurring due to intoxication. A number of developed foreign countries have also introduced strict restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Which? Let's find out.

What conclusions do we have?

All the implemented strict temporary restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages are intended, if not to resolve, then at least to reduce the most acute problem - alcoholism. But are there any results? Statistics show that alcohol sales have not decreased, but the demand for alcohol has been redistributed.

Drink lovers are now simply purchasing the coveted liquid for future use during the daytime. Although narcologists talk about a decrease in the number of people seeking help as a result of alcohol abuse.

Time will tell whether such restrictive measures will have the expected effect. After all, the approved time frames are only a small part of the system of measures aimed at combating drunkenness.