The square in front of the castle in Elsinore. On guard are Marcellus and Bernard, Danish officers. They are later joined by Horatio, the learned friend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He came to verify the story about the nightly appearance of a ghost similar to the Danish king who had recently died. Horatio is inclined to consider this a fantasy. Midnight. And a menacing ghost in full military garb appears. Horatio is shocked and tries to talk to him. Horatio, reflecting on what he saw, considers the appearance of the ghost a sign of “some kind of unrest for the state.” He decides to tell Prince Hamlet about the night vision, who interrupted his studies in Wittenberg due to the sudden death of his father. Hamlet's grief is aggravated by the fact that his mother soon after his father's death married his brother. She, “without wearing out the shoes in which she followed the coffin,” threw herself into the arms of an unworthy man, “a dense clot of meat.” Hamlet’s soul shuddered: “How tiresome, dull and unnecessary, / It seems to me, everything that is in the world! O abomination!

Horatio told Hamlet about the night ghost. Hamlet does not hesitate: “Hamlet’s spirit is in arms! Things are bad; / There's something here. It would be night soon! / Be patient, soul; evil will be revealed, / At least it will go from the eyes into the underground darkness.”

The ghost of Hamlet's father told about a terrible crime.

While the king was resting peacefully in the garden, his brother poured the deadly juice of henbane into his ear. “So in a dream, from a brotherly hand, I lost my life, my crown and my queen.” The ghost asks Hamlet to avenge him. "Bye Bye. And remember about me” - with these words the ghost leaves.

The world has turned upside down for Hamlet... He swears to avenge his father. He asks his friends to keep this meeting secret and not to be surprised at the strangeness of his behavior.

Meanwhile, the king's close nobleman Polonius sends his son Laertes to study in Paris. He gives his brotherly instructions to his sister Ophelia, and we learn about Hamlet’s feelings, from which Laertes warns Ophelia: “He is a citizen of his birth; / He does not cut his own piece, / Like others; The life and health of the entire state depend on his choice.”

His words are confirmed by his father, Polonius. He forbids her to spend time with Hamlet. Ophelia tells her father that Prince Hamlet came to her and he seemed out of his mind. Taking her hand, “he let out a sigh so mournful and deep, / As if his whole chest had broken and life was extinguished.” Polonius decides that Hamlet's strange behavior in recent days is due to the fact that he is "mad with love." He is going to tell the king about this.

The king, whose conscience is burdened with murder, is concerned about Hamlet's behavior. What lies behind it - madness? Or something else? He calls upon Rosencrantz and Guildestern, Hamlet's former friends, and asks them to find out his secret from the prince. For this he promises “the royal mercy.” Polonius arrives and suggests that Hamlet's madness is caused by love. To confirm his words, he shows Hamlet’s letter, which he took from Ophelia. Polonius promises to send his daughter to the gallery where Hamlet often walks in order to make sure of his feelings.

Rosencrantz and Guildesterne try unsuccessfully to find out the secret of Prince Hamlet. Hamlet understands that they were sent by the king.

Hamlet learns that actors have arrived, the capital's tragedians, whom he liked so much before, and an idea comes to his mind: to use the actors to make sure of the king's guilt. He agrees with the actors that they will play a play about the death of Priam, and he will insert two or three verses of his composition into it. The actors agree. Hamlet asks the first actor to read a soliloquy about the murder of Priam. The actor reads brilliantly. Hamlet is excited. Entrusting the actors to the care of Polonius, he reflects alone. He must know exactly about the crime: “The spectacle is a noose to lasso the king’s conscience.”

The king questions Rosencrantz and Guildestern about the success of their mission. They admit that they were unable to find out anything: “He does not allow himself to be questioned / And with the cunning of madness he slips away...”

They report to the king that traveling actors have arrived, and Hamlet invites the king and queen to the performance.

Hamlet walks alone and utters, reflecting, his famous soliloquy: “To be or not to be, that is the question...” Why do we hold on to life so much? In which “the mockery of the century, the oppression of the strong, the mockery of the proud.” And he answers his own question: “The fear of something after death - / An unknown land from where there is no return / For earthly wanderers” - confuses the will.

Polonius sends Ophelia to Hamlet. Hamlet quickly realizes that their conversation is being overheard and that Ophelia has come at the instigation of the king and father. And he plays the role of a madman, gives her advice to go to a monastery. The straightforward Ophelia is killed by Hamlet’s speeches: “Oh, what a proud mind is slain! Nobles, / Fighter, scientist - gaze, sword, tongue; / The color and hope of a joyful power, / An emboss of grace, a mirror of taste, / An exemplary example - fallen, fallen to the end! The king makes sure that love is not the cause of the prince’s upset. Hamlet asks Horatio to watch the king during the play. The show begins. Hamlet comments on it throughout the play. He accompanies the poisoning scene with the words: “He poisons him in the garden for the sake of his power. / His name is Gonzago Now you will see how the murderer wins the love of Gonzaga’s wife.”

During this scene, the king could not stand it. He got up. There was a commotion. Polonius demanded that the game be stopped. Everyone leaves. Hamlet and Horatio remain. They are convinced of the king's crime - he gave himself away completely.

Rosencrantz and Guildestern return. They explain how upset the king is and how perplexed the queen is about Hamlet's behavior. Hamlet takes the flute and invites Guildestern to play it. Guildesterne refuses: “I do not master this art.” Hamlet says with anger: “You see what a worthless thing you are making of me? You are ready to play me, it seems to you that you know my modes...”

Polonius calls Hamlet to his mother, the queen.

The king is tormented by fear and tormented by a bad conscience. “Oh, my sin is vile, it stinks to heaven!” But he has already committed a crime, “his chest is blacker than death.” He kneels down, trying to pray.

At this time, Hamlet passes - he goes to his mother’s chambers. But he does not want to kill the despicable king during prayer. “Back, my sword, find out the terrible girth.”

Polonius hides behind the carpet in the queen's chambers to overhear Hamlet's conversation with his mother.

Hamlet is full of indignation. The pain that torments his heart makes his tongue bold. The Queen gets scared and screams. Polonius finds himself behind the carpet, Hamlet, shouting “Rat, rat,” pierces him with his sword, thinking that it is the king. The Queen begs Hamlet for mercy: “You directed my eyes straight into my soul, / And in it I see so many black spots, / That nothing can remove them...”

A ghost appears... He demands to spare the queen.

The Queen does not see or hear the ghost; it seems to her that Hamlet is talking to the void. He looks like a madman.

The queen tells the king that in a fit of madness, Hamlet killed Polonius. "He's crying about what he did." The king decides to immediately send Hamlet to England, accompanied by Rosencrantz and Guildestern, who will be given a secret letter to the Briton about the death of Hamlet. He decides to bury Polonius secretly to avoid rumors.

Hamlet and his traitorous friends rush to the ship. They meet armed soldiers. Hamlet asks them whose army is and where it is going. It turns out that this is the Norwegian army, which is going to fight with Poland for a piece of land, which “for five ducats” it would be a pity to rent. Hamlet is amazed that people cannot “settle the dispute about this trifle.”

For him, this incident is a reason for deep reflections about what is tormenting him, and what is tormenting him is his own indecision. Prince Fortinbras, “for the sake of whim and absurd glory,” sends twenty thousand to death, “as if to bed,” since his honor is hurt. “So what about me,” Hamlet exclaims, “I, whose father is killed, / whose mother is in disgrace,” and I live, repeating “this must be done.” “Oh my thought, from now on you must be bloody, or dust will be your price.”

Having learned about the death of his father, Laertes secretly returns from Paris. Another misfortune awaits him: Ophelia, under the burden of grief - the death of her father at the hands of Hamlet - has gone crazy. Laertes seeks revenge. Armed, he breaks into the king's chambers. The king calls Hamlet the culprit of all Laertes' misfortunes. At this time, the messenger brings the king a letter in which Hamlet announces his return. The king is at a loss, he understands that something has happened. But then he hatches a new vile plan, in which he involves the hot-tempered, narrow-minded Laertes.

He proposes to arrange a duel between Laertes and Hamlet. And to ensure that the murder takes place, the end of Laertes’ sword should be smeared with deadly poison. Laertes agrees.

The Queen sadly reports the death of Ophelia. She “tried to hang her wreaths on the branches, the treacherous branch broke, she fell into a sobbing stream.”

Two gravediggers are digging a grave. And they make jokes.

Hamlet and Horatio appear. Hamlet talks about the vanity of all living things. “Alexander (Macedonian - E. Sh.) died, Alexander was buried, Alexander turns to dust; dust is earth; clay is made from earth; and why can’t they plug up a beer barrel with this clay into which he turned?”

The funeral procession is approaching. King, queen, Laertes, court. Ophelia is buried. Laertes jumps into the grave and asks to be buried with his sister; Hamlet cannot stand the false note. They grapple with Laertes. “I loved her; forty thousand brothers / with all the multitude of their love would not be equal to me,” - in these famous words of Hamlet there is a genuine, deep feeling.

The king separates them. He is not happy with the unpredictable fight. He reminds Laertes: “Be patient and remember yesterday; / We will move things to a quick end.”

Horatio and Hamlet are alone. Hamlet tells Horatio that he managed to read the king's letter. It contained a request to immediately execute Hamlet. Providence protected the prince, and, using his father’s signet, he replaced the letter in which he wrote: “The donors must be killed immediately.” And with this message, Rosencrantz and Guildestern sail towards their doom. The ship was attacked by robbers, Hamlet was captured and taken to Denmark. Now he is ready for revenge.

Osric, a close associate of the king, appears and reports that the king has bet that Hamlet will defeat Laertes in a duel. Hamlet agrees to the duel, but his heart is heavy and he anticipates a trap.

Before the duel, he asks for an apology from Laertes: “My act, which hurt your honor, nature, feeling, / - I declare this, - was insane.”

The king prepared another trap for loyalty - he placed a goblet of poisoned wine to give it to Hamlet when he was thirsty. Laertes wounds Hamlet, they exchange rapiers, Hamlet wounds Laertes. The Queen drinks poisoned wine for Hamlet's victory. The king was unable to stop her. The queen dies, but manages to say: “Oh, my Hamlet, drink! I was poisoned." Laertes confesses his betrayal to Hamlet: “The king, the king is guilty...”

Hamlet hits the king with a poisoned blade and dies himself. Horatio wants to drink the poisoned wine so he can follow the prince. But the dying Hamlet asks: “Breathe in the harsh world, so that my / Tell the story.” Horatio informs Fortinbras and the English ambassadors about the tragedy that has occurred.

Fortinbras gives the order: “Let Hamlet be raised to the platform like a warrior...”

Scene one. A room in Polonius's house. Polonius accompanies his close associate Reynaldo to Paris with money and a letter to his son. He teaches the young man the cunning science of learning the truth and gives various examples of how one could find out about Laertes’ true behavior: whether he likes to drink and go for walks, whether he wastes money in vain.

Polonius barely saw Reynaldo off, as the alarmed Ophelia enters him. She says that he came to her. His appearance was terrible. He appeared without a hat, “a sleeveless shirt in half, stockings up to his heels,” his look was terrible, he was trembling all over. Ophelia is frightened by the way Hamlet looked at her, how he silently took her hand and, letting go, left. Having learned that Ophelia, after a conversation with her father, stopped accepting Hamlet and did not read his letters, Polonius decided that the young man had gone crazy with passion and the best remedy was to tell the king about this:

  • “In other matters, modesty and silence are more harmful than frank confession.”

Scene two. The King tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that Hamlet has changed a lot. Therefore, he asks Hamlet’s former university friends to dispel the prince’s boredom, and at the same time carefully learn about the secret that is tormenting him. The queen promises the young men a royal reward for this service. Polonius enters. He reports on the safe return of the ambassadors from Norway and adds that he found out the reason for Hamlet’s strange behavior, which he agrees to talk about only after receiving the ambassadors. The ambassadors tell the king good news: the recruitment of mercenaries has been stopped. Having dismissed the ambassadors, the king returns to his conversation with Polonius. He reads Hamlet’s tender letter addressed to Ophelia to the king and queen. From this letter it becomes clear that Hamlet is in love. The king decides to check if this is so and agrees to Polonius’s offer to hide behind the curtain to witness the meeting of the prince and Ophelia. Hamlet enters reading a book. Polonius turns to him with questions about whether the young man is doing well and whether he recognizes Polonius. Hamlet replies that he knows him very well - he is a fishmonger. Polonius is surprised: “No, what are they, my lord!” Hamlet advises him: “Then it didn’t hurt you to be “just as honest.” Polonius doesn't understand.

The boys think that in such a mood Hamlet should rejoice at the actors they met along the way. The trumpets of the arriving comedians can be heard. The actors appear. Hamlet recognizes many of them. He reminds the actors of one of the forgotten passages, then another. Hamlet remembered the son of Achilles, Pyrrhus, who avenged the death of his father. Then Hamlet asks the actor to remember Hecuba, the wife of Priam, the king of Troy, and, listening to the text (“Terrible is the sight of a desecrated queen...”) cries. Hamlet orders the actors to be received properly and speaks to the first actor. He asks him to stage The Murder of Gonzago tomorrow evening, a play about the treacherous murder of the Duke of Urbana, Gonzago, who had poison poured into his ear. Hamlet also asks the actor to memorize a sixteen-line passage composed by the prince himself. Everyone is deleted. Hamlet is left alone.

  • "Only I. Finally!
  • What a slave and scoundrel I am!
  • Isn't it scary that this actor is passing by?
  • In fantasy, for composed feelings,
  • So I subordinated my consciousness to the dream,
  • That the blood is draining from his cheeks and eyes
  • Tears blur, voice fades
  • And the appearance of every fold says,
  • How does he live? And what for in the end?

Hamlet remembers that I had heard about the amazing power of theatrical performance. Having seen his crime performed by actors on stage, the criminal, sitting among the audience, “gives himself away without words, although he is silent.” Hamlet decides to give the actors a play where there will be a crime similar to what Claudius committed. He hopes that by observing his uncle, he can be convinced of his guilt. The prince still had doubts whether the spirit that came to him in the form of his father was the devil, taking on his “favorite image.”

Act three. Scene one. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern report to the king that Hamlet did not tell them the reasons for his melancholy. But they hope that the visiting actors will dispel the prince’s sadness. Having sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern away, the king informs Ger-Grude that now, “as if by chance,” a meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia will be arranged and he and Polonius will secretly spy on them. Hamlet enters.

  • Hamlet
  • To be or not to be, that is the question.
  • Is it worthy
  • Resign yourself to the blows of fate,
  • Or must we resist
  • And in mortal combat with a whole sea of ​​troubles
  • End them? Die. Forget yourself.
  • This is how plans die on a grand scale,
  • Those who promised success at first,
  • From long delays. Not happy!
  • Ophelia! O joy! Remember
  • My sins in my prayers, nymph.

Ophelia enters and asks Hamlet whether he is healthy, and receives an affirmative answer. Ophelia tries to return Hamlet's gifts. He replies that he never gave her anything in his life. Unexpectedly, he declares that he never loved Ophelia. To the girl’s exclamation: “I was even more deceived!” Hamlet says: “Go to the monastery. Why produce sinners? I myself am of tolerable morality. But I also have so much to reproach myself with that it would have been better if my mother had not given birth to me. I am very proud, vindictive, and proud. And I have more nasty things at my disposal than thoughts to think about these nasty things, fantasies to put them into flesh, and time to fulfill them... Don’t trust any of us. Go well to the monastery."

Ophelia is amazed:

  • “What a charm the mind has perished!
  • Their mirror... all shattered. Everything, everything..."

Ophelia remembers with bitterness how sweet Hamlet’s confessions seemed to her. Now in front of her is a poor madman. The king and Polonius return. The king became convinced that it was not love that caused the prince's madness. He decides to immediately send Hamlet to England to collect taxes not paid to Denmark.

Scene two. Hamlet is in the audience giving his final orders before the performance. He explains in detail to the actors what mistakes and extremes they should avoid, goes into all the subtleties of theatrical production, and gives the actors examples that they understand.

Enter Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet immediately sends those who entered to hurry the actors. Hamlet asks Horatio to carefully observe the king during the performance, so that he can then compare their observations. When the royal couple, Polonius, Ophelia and other members of the retinue appear, Hamlet again pretends to be sick. Before the performance, he speaks impudently to the king, refuses to sit next to his mother and settles down at Ophelia's feet, resting his head on her lap.

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Homework on the topic: Plot summary: William Shakespeare "Hamlet". Acts two and three.

Shakespeare's Hamlet - summary

Tragedy in 5 acts (Translation from English by Boris Pasternak)


Claudius, King of Denmark

Hamlet, son of the former and nephew of the current king

Polonius, Chamberlain of the Court

Horatio, Hamlet's friend

Laertes, son of Polonius

Voltimand, courtier

Cornelius, courtier

Rosencrantz, courtier

Guildenstern, courtier

Osric, courtier


Marcellus, officer

Bernardo, officer

Francisco, soldier

Reinaldo, servant of Polonius

Two men, gravediggers Fortinbras, Prince of Norway Captain

English ambassadors

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, Hamlet's mother Ophelia, daughter of Polonius Ghost of Hamlet's father

Act one Scene 1

Elsinore. The area in front of the castle. Midnight. Francisco at his post. Bernardo comes up to him and replaces him. Soon Horatio and Marcellus enter. The latter wonders if the Phantom, whom they had already seen twice together at night, appeared at night. According to Marcellus, “Horatio considers this all a play of the imagination and does not believe...” A few minutes later the Ghost actually enters, “with the posture of the spitting image of the deceased king” (i.e. Hamlet, the father of the current Danish prince, also Hamlet). Horatio tries to enter into a conversation with the Phantom, to find out why he took the form of the late monarch, but the Phantom, offended, leaves. Horatio believes, “this is a sign of turmoil threatening the state.” Marcellus wonders why Denmark has recently begun to actively arm itself, and why the guards at night have become tougher. Horatio explains that the reason for this lies in the actions of the Norwegian prince Fortinbras. He is “in excess of innate enthusiasm... in Norway he has recruited a detachment of thugs ready for battle in exchange for bread” and is moving towards the borders of Denmark. Fortinbras intends to challenge the result of the duel between the old king Hamlet and his father, as a result of which Hamlet, as the winner, was given the disputed lands. Bernardo blames old Hamlet for the fact that wars are falling on Denmark because of him. Horatio recalls that, just as before the decline of the Roman Empire, people were haunted by ominous omens, so now bad omens indicate the approach of terrible changes in Denmark. Horatio considers the appearance of the Phantom to be one of these signs. At this moment, the Ghost returns with the intention of saying something to those gathered, but the rooster crows - and the Ghost disappears. Horatio decides that it is necessary to inform about the appearance of the Ghost of Prince Hamlet.

Reception hall in the castle. Enter the king, queen, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, Voltimand, Cornelius, courtiers and retinue. - Claudius (the king) makes a speech from which it follows that no matter how deep his grief for his dead brother (old Hamlet), henceforth he should be more restrained. The king announces that, after consulting with the courtiers, he has taken his brother's widow, Queen Gertrude, as his wife. He further informs the audience that Prince Fortinbras is bothering the Danish crown, “demanding the return of his father’s lost regions, which the late King Hamlet rightfully got for himself.” Claudius announces that he is sending a letter to the Norwegian king (Fortinbras's uncle), in which he informs him of the plans of young Fortinbras. The fact is that the Norwegian king is already very old and does not have time to follow the plans of his warlike nephew. Claudius gives the letter to Voltimand and Cornelius and sends envoys to Norway. Laertes asks the king for permission to return to France, where he came from for the coronation ceremony of Claudius. Claudius, having secured the consent of Polonius (Laertes' father), gives his permission. The king is interested in the affairs of Prince Hamlet, the reason for his bad mood, gloominess, and reluctance to communicate with him and the queen. Hamlet cannot forget his father; he considers his mother’s marriage to Claudius a crime against the memory of the deceased, but does not speak about this directly. The Queen persuades her son to stop “looking for his father’s traces in the dust.” Hamlet objects that his soul cannot rest:

Neither the gloom of the cloak on me, nor the blackness of the dress, nor the hoarse intermittency of breathing, nor the tears in three streams, nor the thinness, nor other evidence of suffering can express my soul. These are the ways to appear, for these are only actions, and they are easy to play, but My grief is free from embellishment and does not put them on display.

The king invites the prince to “guard the sadness,” but not to establish himself in it. He assures Hamlet that he and the queen sincerely love him, and asks not to leave for Witenberg, where Hamlet wanted to continue his studies. The royal couple wants to see their son next to them. After Hamlet’s mother asks the same thing, the prince agrees to stay. Everyone except Hamlet leaves. Left alone, Hamlet pronounces a monologue in which he yearns for his father, involuntarily comparing him with Claudius:

Enter Horatio, Marcellus and Bernardo. Hamlet complains to them that “the funeral pie has gone from the funeral to the wedding table,” shares his longing for his father, and speaks of him as “a man in the full sense of the word.” Horatio tells the prince that the Ghost of his father is wandering around the castle. Hamlet decides to meet the Ghost at night and try to talk to him.

A room in Polonius's house. Laertes says goodbye to his sister (Ophelia), advises her not to take seriously the courtship of Prince Hamlet, not to forget that there is an abyss between them, that Hamlet has no control over his fate (he must marry a representative of the royal family, thereby strengthening relations with some country ).

Polonius enters. He hurries his son to the ship. An experienced and cunning courtier, he teaches him “worldly wisdom”:

Do not give publicity to cherished thoughts, Do not give way to incongruous ones. Be simple with people, but don’t be a friend. Chain your trusted and best friends with steel hoops, But don’t rub your hands until they calluses. Shake with people you meet. Try to beware of fights, but if you fight, get down to business in such a way that others will beware. Listen to everyone, but rarely talk to anyone. Endure their judgment and hide your judgments. Dress up in whatever your wallet allows, But don't dress up - richly, but without pretentiousness.

After listening to the instructions, Laertes leaves. Ophelia tells her father that Prince Hamlet declared his love to her “with courtesy.” Polonius shares the same point of view as his son. He advises his daughter not to take what Hamlet said at face value and under no circumstances to give in to the prince’s persuasion (so as not to remain a fool). According to Polonius, Hamlet’s “oaths are liars.”

The area in front of the castle. Enter Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus. The sounds of cannon shots can be heard. This is fired when the king raises a healthy cup at a feast. Hamlet speaks with disgust about the constant feasts of King Claudius, which covered the Danes with shame and earned them the nickname “drunkards and swine.”

The Phantom enters. Hamlet asks him why he took the form of his late father. The ghost beckons Hamlet. Hamlet follows him, although Horatio dissuades him. “I don’t value my life like a pin. Why is he dangerous for my soul when it is immortal, like him?” - Hamlet responds. Horatio fears that the Phantom will “turn into something that will deprive you of your sanity and push you into madness.”

However, Hamlet leaves after the Ghost. Horatio wonders what the Phantom's behavior could mean. Having found no answer, Marcellus decides that, apparently, “there is some kind of rot in the Danish state.” The friends decide to follow the prince and help him if necessary.

Enter the Ghost and Hamlet. The ghost announces:

I am the spirit of your dear father, condemned to wander for a certain period of time at night, and to burn in fire during the day, until my earthly curses burn out to the ground.

The Ghost calls on Hamlet to avenge his father's murder. He tells how Claudius, “an incestuous and adulterer,” poisoned the old king while he slept in the garden. Claudius poured poison into his brother's ear, and then announced to the Danes that the sleeping king had been bitten by a snake. Thus, the old king was “deprived of his crown, his life, his queen by the hand of his brother” and was sent to the Last Judgment without confession or repentance. The ghost begs Hamlet to avenge him, but not to offend his mother. She will be punished by God and her own conscience. The ghost leaves. Hamlet vows to do his will.

Enter Horatio and Marcellus. Hamlet asks his friends not to tell anyone about what happened and, no matter how Hamlet behaves in the future, not to reveal his secret. Horatio and Marcellus swear on the sword.

Act two Scene 1

Elsinore. A room in Polonius's house. Polonius sends Reynaldo after Laertes, asking him to keep an eye on his son and in a roundabout way to make inquiries about his behavior. At the same time, Polonius even allows Reynaldo to lie about Laertes whatever he wants, except stories that harm his son’s honor.

Reynaldo leaves. Ophelia appears. She says that Hamlet came to her. He was strangely, sloppily dressed, trembling all over, “as if released from under the earth to tell about the horrors of Gehenna.” Hamlet looked attentively at Ophelia for a long time, squeezed her hand, and then “shaked his hand, bowed three times and let out such a deep sigh, as if he had carried the remnant of his last breath into him,” after which he respectfully left. Polonius decides that this is “a clear explosion of love madness, in the frenzy of which sometimes they reach desperate decisions.” Polonius and Ophelia go to the king to notify him of Hamlet’s strange behavior, and also to offer an explanation for the prince’s gloom and absurd actions: passionate and unrequited love.

Room in the castle. Enter the King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and retinue. The king welcomes Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, shares with them, Hamlet’s peers “from school years,” his concerns about Hamlet’s behavior, and asks for secret surveillance to be established over him. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern agree and go to Hamlet's chambers.

Polonius appears. He came to explain to the king “the root of Hamlet’s nonsense.” At this time, ambassadors from Fortinbras return and talk about the successful completion of their mission. The Norwegian king gave his nephew, who was secretly planning a strike against Denmark from him, a “rout”, and then ordered him to “move the recruited soldiers on a campaign against Poland.” The Norwegians ask Claudius to allow their troops to pass through Danish territory “under the sure guarantee” that they will not conduct military operations against the Danes. The king thanks the ambassadors and invites them to a feast in the evening. When Voltimand and Cornelius leave, Polonius, without further ado (“brevity is the soul of the mind, and verbosity is the body and embellishment”), announces to the royal couple that Hamlet has “gone mad” from love for his daughter. As proof, Polonius presents the king with poems written by Hamlet's hand and his declaration of love to Ophelia. Polonius claims that, since he himself advised his daughter to be extremely careful and not to cross the “threshold of what is permitted,” the rejected Hamlet “fell into melancholy, lost Dopetite, lost sleep, then lost strength, and then from a mild disorder he fell into a severe one, in which he rages we are flying on the mountain.” The king and queen readily agree with this interpretation of Hamlet's strange behavior. Polonius, for greater persuasiveness, suggests sending Ophelia to Hamlet, and hiding behind the curtain and eavesdropping on what the prince will talk about with the girl. The king, queen and retinue leave. Hamlet appears reading a book. He feigns insanity, declares that Polonius is a fishmonger, and advises him to “be as honest,” which means “to be the only one out of ten thousand.” Hamlet advises Polonius not to allow his daughter to marry and have children. Polonius aside says that he was convinced that he was right (Hamlet went crazy because of Ophelia). To renew the conversation with the prince that had died out, Polonius asks what Hamlet is reading. He answers: “Words, words, words...” The book describes the shortcomings and weaknesses of old people. Hamlet understands that everything in it is true, but “he considers it shameless to publish it,” because all people will someday grow old. Polonius privately calls Hamlet’s “madness” “consistent in its own way.” He advises the prince to get away from the open air. Hamlet grins: “Where, to the grave?” Polonius cannot help but note the insightfulness of the prince’s answers and asks permission to leave. After Polonius leaves, Rosencranz and Guildenstern appear. Hamlet is glad to see them, he is interested in what is new in the world. Rosencrantz states: “Nothing, prince, except that there is a conscience in the world.” Hamlet states that this means the world will soon end and asks what brought his school friends to prison (“Denmark is a prison”). Rosencrantz disagrees with the prince. Then Hamlet says that “for you it is not a prison, for things in themselves are not good or bad, but only in our assessment. For me it is a prison." Rosencrantz believes that Hamlet's "lust for glory makes it a prison." The prince invites his friends to go to court. They call themselves his “faithful servants.” Hamlet begins to suspect something is wrong: “My servants have begun to keep too good an eye on me lately.” Hamlet realizes that the king and queen have sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to keep an eye on the prince. Hamlet asks his friends about this directly. They admit that Hamlet guessed the truth. Hamlet, in order not to put his friends in the position of traitors, himself names the reason that prompted the king to do this. “Recently, I don’t know why, I lost all my cheerfulness and habit of studying. I feel so uneasy that this flower garden of the universe, the earth, seems to me like a barren rock, and this immense tent of air with an impregnably ascended firmament, this, you see, royal vault, lined with a golden spark, "" in my opinion, is simply an accumulation stinking and “harmful fumes. What a miracle of nature man is!.. The beauty of the universe! The crown of all living things! And what is this quintessence of dust to me? Men don’t interest me, and neither do women.”

Rosencrantz tells Hamlet that he invited traveling actors to the castle. Hamlet promises the actors a warm welcome. He asks if actors are appreciated like in the old days. Rosenkrantz says traditional theater is criticized in the city. The fact is that children who sing with very high voices have become fashionable among viewers, and these singers are incredibly successful. Hamlet wonders what these children will do, “when their voices become coarse and they themselves become actors in ordinary theaters, whether they will not regret that their elders set them against their own future.” Rosenkrantz replies that tastes change all the time, and therefore the commercial success of a play also changes: “At one time they didn’t give anything for a play unless it dealt with a literary enemy.” Hamlet is not surprised. “For example, now my uncle is the Danish king, and the same ones who made faces at him during my father’s life give twenty, forty, fifty and a hundred ducats for his small images.”

The sounds of trumpets are heard. These are actors. Hamlet belatedly shakes hands with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, since “the concept of hospitality includes tact and social conventions.” The actors enter. Hamlet greets them with sincere joy, since he remembers almost everyone well from the plays they previously performed for him. He asks the actors to present him with a “sample of their art” in order to verify their skill - to read the text of Pyrrhus (the ancient Greek hero who took revenge on the Trojans for the death of his father). When the actor reaches the words “The sight of the desecrated queen is terrible...”, Hamlet’s face changes. He sends the actors away, asking Polonius to make them more comfortable. Hamlet asks the actors to perform the play “The Murder of Gonzago” tomorrow evening by the royal couple (the Duke of Urbana was killed by Gonzago, who poured poison into his ear).

Hamlet intends to write a piece of text himself, which the actors agree to memorize and present during the play. Everyone comes out. Hamlet is left alone, pronouncing a monologue about the actors and their fantastic gift of transformation. Hamlet imagines how the actor would make the audience weep if he had the same reason to mourn as Hamlet. The prince calls himself a coward because, knowing about the murder of his father, he has not yet lifted a finger to avenge him.

Hamlet decides to check the veracity of the Ghost's words. To do this, he, with the help of actors, will perform a performance in front of Claudius in which the events will exactly repeat the scene of his father’s poisoning in the garden. Hamlet decides to monitor Claudius's reaction: if the king gives himself away, the prince will take revenge, as the Ghost insisted. Otherwise, Hamlet will begin to believe that “that spirit was the devil.”

Act Three Scene 1

Elsinore. Room in the castle. Enter the King, Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The king laments that his childhood friends were unable to extract anything from Hamlet about the reasons for his “excitement.” He advises Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to encourage Hamlet's passion for the theater and entertain him in every possible way. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, followed by the queen, leave. Polonius tells Ophelia to walk with a book in her hands. “Reading will justify the seclusion of the place. We are all good: with a holy face and external piety, on occasion, we can sugar the devil himself.” The king aside notes that Polonius, without suspecting it, hit the mark: “After all, the whore’s cheeks, if you take off the rouge, are not as terrible as my deeds under the red words.” Polonius and the king are in hiding. Hamlet enters. He delivers a monologue:

To be or not to be, that is the question. Is it worthy

Should we resign ourselves to the blows of fate, or should we show resistance and end them in mortal combat with a whole sea of ​​troubles? Die. Forget yourself. And to know that by doing this you break the chain of heartache and thousands of deprivations inherent in the body. Isn't this the Desired Goal? Die. Lose yourself in sleep. Fall asleep... and dream? Here is the answer. What dreams will you dream in that mortal sleep, When the veil of earthly feelings is removed? Here's the explanation. This is what prolongs the life of our misfortunes for so many years. Otherwise, who would bear the humiliation of the century, The untruth of the oppressor, the nobles, Shyness, rejected feelings, Slow judgment and most of all, The ridicule of the unworthy at the worthy, When all ends are so easily tied up by the blow of a dagger? Who would agree to trudge groaning under the burden of life, if the unknown after death, the fear of a country from which no one ever returned, did not incline the will to put up better with a familiar evil, than to seek flight to the unfamiliar. So thought turns us all into cowards And our resolve withers like a flower In the sterility of a mental dead end. This is how plans on a grand scale, which initially promised success, perish from long delays.

Hamlet notices Ophelia, joyfully greets her, and asks her to remember him in her prayers. Ophelia says that she still has the prince's gifts, which she wants to return to him. Hamlet notes that Ophelia can hardly be considered a decent girl, because she is very beautiful, and beauty is incompatible with virtue. Hamlet advises her to go to a monastery - “why breed sinners?.. Be as pure as ice and pure as snow, you will not escape from vain... And if you absolutely need a husband, marry a fool. The smart ones know too much what monsters you make of them...” Hamlet leaves. Ophelia laments about “what charm the mind has lost... a combination of knowledge, eloquence and valor.”

The king and Polonius emerge from a secluded place from where they heard the conversation between Ophelia and Hamlet. Claudius is now sure that unhappy love has nothing to do with Hamlet’s state of mind: “there is no madness. He’s either nursing in the dark corners of his melancholy, hatching something more dangerous.” Claudius decides, for his own safety, to send Hamlet out of the country to England. Polonius supports the king: “Send him to England, or put him where you decide.” Claudius likes this idea: “So be it. Influential madmen are sent to prison.”

Hall in the castle. Hamlet gives the actors the last instructions before the performance - to speak “easily and without hesitation”, “not to cut the air... with your hands”, but to play with restraint and naturalness. According to Galet, the theater is “a mirror in front of nature, designed to show valor its true face and its true face - baseness.” The actors leave. Hamlet asks Horatio, his closest friend, to carefully observe Claudius throughout the play. Horatio agrees.

Enter the king, queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and guards with torches. The spectators take their seats. Hamlet asks permission to lay his head on Ophelia's lap. The prince says that for the sake of his beloved, he would even walk the wheel, because he needs to be happy - after all, his mother looks very joyful, although his father died only two hours ago. The show begins. The actors perform a pantomime - a summary of the subsequent play. First, the king and queen appear before the audience, who expresses their devotion to their husband. The king falls asleep, the queen leaves, and the poisoner sneaks up on the sleeping man and pours poison into his ear. The queen expresses despair with gestures, the “corpse” is carried away, and the poisoner wins the queen’s favor with gifts. The actors begin to introduce the play with words. As the action progresses, Hamlet inquires about his mother’s opinion, assuring her that she has nothing to do with the “most nasty tricks” of the heroes, since her conscience is clear. When the action reaches its climax (the main character pours poison into his rival's ear), Hamlet explains out loud that this is the Duke of Gonzago, who commits murder to seize the throne. At the same time, the king and queen get up and leave the hall, followed by their retinue. Horatio remains alone next to Hamlet. They agree that the Phantom was absolutely right. Gil: Denstern returns to announce to Hamlet that the king felt ill at the performance, and the queen considers Hamlet’s behavior provocative and asks her son to come up to her bedchamber. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern persistently wonder what the cause of Hamlet's grief is. He takes the flute from the musician and, handing it to Guildenstern, demands that he perform something. Guildenstern refuses because he has not studied and does not know how to play. Hamlet explains, “It is as easy as lying.” The Prince reproaches Guildenstern for the fact that, not knowing how to play the simplest musical instrument, he undertakes to play on the strings of Hamlet's soul. Hamlet goes to the queen, deciding to have a straight talk with her.

Room in the castle. Enter the King, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The king admits that he does not love Hamlet and “does not intend to indulge in madness.” He signs papers to be handed over to the English authorities. Claudius gives them to Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, who are tasked with escorting Hamlet to England. Left alone, Claudius remembers his atrocities and unsuccessfully tries to pray:

I have the seal of an ancient curse on me:

Murder of a brother. I'm burning with thirst

I'm eager with all my heart, but I can't pray.

There is no pardon for such guilt...

I have everything with me why I killed:

My crown, land and queen.

Why forgive someone who is stubborn in sin?

Hamlet enters. It seems to him that the opportune moment has come to stab the king, but the prince refuses this intention. There is no need for him to “send a murderer to heaven” (since Claudius will be killed during prayer, that is, with his sins forgiven) while his father was killed without repentance. Hamlet passes by and goes to the queen's bedroom.

The queen and Polonius enter, who persuades Gertrude to convince her son to “curb his antics.” Polonius himself hides behind the curtain and eavesdrops. The queen shames Hamlet for insulting his father (referring to Claudius), but Hamlet responds by also blaming his mother for insulting his father (referring to his real father). Hamlet speaks more and more decisively* calls his mother a hypocrite. The Queen is frightened, Polonius, standing behind the curtain, calls the guards. Hamlet shouts “Oh, so? Are there rats here? pierces the carpet and stabs Polonius. The Queen is horrified by the “unparalleled villainy.” Hamlet believes that his offense is no worse than the betrayal committed by his mother. Hamlet tells his mother everything that the Ghost told him. He accuses his mother of having done something “that deprives agreements and makes the rituals of the church an empty set of words.”

The Queen begs for mercy, at that moment the Phantom enters. Hamlet talks to him, he reproaches Hamlet for being too harsh towards his mother. The ghost is visible only to Hamlet, but it seems to the queen that her son is talking to emptiness, she decides that Hamlet is having a seizure. Hamlet explains to her that his mind is completely clear. The Queen agrees with her son in everything. Hamlet advises her to “part with her worse half in order to enjoy her better half”, not to go to Claudius at night, and to pretend that she has a conscience. Hamlet regrets the murder of Polonius he unwittingly committed; he is ready to answer for his crime. The Queen asks Hamlet what she should do now. He asks his mother not to reveal his secret to the king under any circumstances - “that Hamlet is not crazy at all, but is pretending for some purpose.” Hamlet tells his mother that he is being sent to England. “Two school friends, no better in loyalty than two vipers, are carrying a package and laying out my path to the set nets.” However, Hamlet has a plan to avoid succumbing to the king's tricks. He is confident that he will be able to outplay both his friends and Claudius.

Act Four

Elsinore. Room in the castle. The queen tells her husband her version of the murder of Polonius: Hamlet was delirious when he plunged his sword into the old man, he did not realize what he was doing. The king believes that he himself is “responsible for the murder” because he did not isolate Hamlet from society in time. Now there is nothing left but to “make amends for the crime ourselves.”

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are looking for Hamlet. He refuses to indicate the burial place of Polonius. Hamlet compares Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to sponges that absorb healthy juices, and the king squeezes them into his mouth as needed.

The king believes that Hamlet “cannot be dealt with harshly. The common people are attached to him.” Claudius plans to frame Hamlet's exile as an official assignment. Enter Hamlet and Guildenstern. Claudius announces to Hamlet that the prince must leave the country immediately. The king explains this by saying that Hamlet committed a murder that can only be hushed up if the prince disappears from Denmark. Hamlet submits. Left alone, Claudius repeats what he wrote in the order to the English:

Secretly I give Hamlet into your hands to be killed. Do it, England! With him I will melt like in the heat of a fever. Deliver me from this fire. As long as he is alive, there is no life for me.

Plain in Denmark. Fortinbras, the captain and the army on the march appear. Fortinbras sends messengers to the Danish king to notify him that the Norwegian army is crossing into Danish territory under the treaty. Enter Hamlet, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern. The captain informs Hamlet that the army is moving to seize a completely insignificant territory from Poland. Hamlet is amazed at how easily people go to die for the sake of dubious glory, and scolds himself for delaying revenge on Claudius.

Room in the castle. The Queen and Horatio enter. The latter tells the queen that Ophelia is obsessed with the death of her father. The girl sees deception everywhere. The Queen decides to talk to Ophelia so that her behavior does not give rise to rumors. Ophelia sings songs about Hamlet in a pilgrim's cloak, then about the deceased Polonius, then about a gullible girl deprived of her innocence by her lover, then about the need to notify Laertes about the death of her father.

Claudius, present at the scene of Ophelia's madness, says that trouble never comes alone - the death of Polonius, Hamlet's exile, Ophelia's illness. In addition, rumors spread that Polonius was buried “on the sly” for a reason. The most unpleasant thing is that Laertes came secretly from France, “lives by rumor and believes the talkers, and they buzzed all his ears about the death of his father.”

Laertes disarms the royal guards and breaks into the king's chambers to get an answer to all questions regarding the mysterious burial of Polonius. Claudius urges Laertes to calm down, because in an enraged state he will not be able to hear the truth that the king intends to tell him. Claudius brings his condolences to Laertes and praises his courage. Ophelia appears. The sight of his distraught sister completes Laertes’ despair. He is ready to take revenge on everyone for the grief that befell his home. Ophelia asks those gathered to sing along with her: “And you pick up: “Jump into the hole, jump from the bottom, break the spindles. Spin, spin, spinner, until it falls apart.” This is the key thief who took away the owner’s daughter.” Ophelia sorts through the herbs and distributes them to others: “Here is rosemary, it’s for remembrance: take it, my friend, and remember. And these are pansies: this is something to think about... Here are a few stems for me. It can also be called the Mother of God herb... I wanted to give you violets, but they all withered when my father died. They say he had an easy ending.” Ophelia hums, prays for her father and leaves. Laertes demands justice from the king. The king promises to sort everything out together with Laertes, “and the guilty one to the scaffold.”

Scene 6

Sailors come to Horatio from the ship on which Hamlet sailed to England. They bring a letter from the prince. From the letter it follows that the ship was attacked by pirates, Hamlet was captured, but the sea robbers treated him “prudently.” Before this, Hamlet, having seen through the king’s deception, secretly replaced his letter to the English, which was carried by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Now Hamlet is again in Denmark. In the substituted letter, Hamlet, on behalf of the king (he had his father’s royal seal with him), demands the execution of the givers, i.e. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

The king presents the story of Polonius to Laertes as the personal tyranny of Hamlet, who sows death everywhere and even tries to kill the king himself (however, Claudius has no evidence of this). Claudius did not punish Hamlet, since he spared the feelings of the Queen Mother. In addition, the common people are very attached to the prince:

It’s better not to tease this element, Otherwise the rising wind will return the arrows to me with the tip back.

Laertes decides to take revenge on Hamlet. The messenger brings the king a letter from the prince, who informs him that he is moving towards the palace. Claudius is amazed, but pulls himself together. He decides that he can get rid of Hamlet with the help of Laertes, using the latter's blind desire to avenge the death of his father. The king praises Laertes' extraordinary fencing abilities and hints that it would be good to arrange a sword fight between Laertes and Hamlet. At the same time, the king advises replacing one blunt rapier with a sharp (combat) one. Laertes, to enhance the effect, is going to smear the tip of the rapier with poison. In addition, to guarantee, the king promises to place cups in the hall and poison the wine intended for Hamlet. The queen appears and reports that Ophelia has drowned. All attempts by Claudius to put Laertes to rest are futile. Laertes is determined to take cruel revenge on Hamlet for the death of his loved ones.

Act five

Elsinore. Cemetery. Two gravediggers enter with shovels. The first gravedigger wonders “whether it is right to bury her (Ophelia) in a Christian way, if she arbitrarily sought eternal bliss.” The second gravedigger replies that the investigator who examined Ophelia’s body, as well as the king and queen, decided to bury the girl in a Christian manner. He believes that if Ophelia had not been “a noblewoman, she would not have seen a Christian burial.” Hamlet and Horatio enter and stop at a distance. The first burial grounder sings a song of light content (about love for girls). Hamlet is amazed “is this joker really not aware of the nature of his work, that he sings while digging a grave.” Horatio assures the prince that it is a matter of habit. A gravedigger throws skulls out of a grave. Hamlet wonders who they might have belonged to during their lifetime. He wonders where all the deeds, concerns, and achievements of people have disappeared, who during their lives tried so hard to be different from each other, and after death they look exactly the same and occupy the same amount of space in the ground. Hamlet asks the gravedigger whose grave this is. “Mine, sir,” he replies. Hamlet wonders whose skull the gravedigger pulled out of the ground. He answers that Yorick, the royal jester. Hamlet takes the skull in his hands and exclaims: “Poor Yorick!” The Prince played with Yorick a lot as a child. It is strange for him to see that his once dearly beloved friend has now turned into a pile of disgustingly smelling bones. Hamlet says that both the great commander Alexander the Great and Caesar go into the ground and become clay, from which they then make plugs for beer barrels.

Decayed by Caesar from the cold, they seal up the outside of the house. Before whom the whole world lay in dust, sticks out like a plug in the crack.

A procession enters, led by a priest, followed by the coffin, Laertes, his attendants, the king, queen and their retinue. Hamlet notices that the order of the funeral is distorted, that there is evidence that this is “a farewell to a suicide.” Hamlet realizes that Ophelia is in the coffin. Laertes jumps into the grave and asks to bury himself so as not to be separated from his sister. Hamlet approaches the pit and does the same. Laertes begins to beat the prince right in the grave. The queen asks to stop the fight. The prince is surprised by the wild hatred with which his recent friend Laertes treats him. They are separated, and the royal procession leaves with Laertes.

Hamlet explains to Horatio that he was displeased that Laertes "exhibited his sorrow so loudly" in the cemetery.

However, the prince is ashamed of the way he behaved towards Laertes. In Laertes' misfortune, Hamlet sees a similarity to his own troubles and wants to make peace with him.

Osric (a courtier) appears, a man without his own opinion, only assenting to Hamlet and agreeing with the prince’s completely contradictory judgments (Hamlet deliberately teases him). Osric tells Hamlet that the king is offering him and Laertes a sword fight, while Claudius bets Laertes that Hamlet will lose to Laertes, a recognized fencing master, in no more than three blows. Hamlet accepts the challenge, although he admits to Horatio that he is tormented by ominous premonitions. Despite Horatio's advice to refrain from the duel, Hamlet decides to "be above superstition."

Enter the king, queen, Laertes, Osric, retinue, servants with rapiers. The king joins hands with Hamlet and Laertes. Hamlet apologizes to Laertes for his behavior in the cemetery, assuring him that his madness is to blame. Hamlet explains that he made many tragic mistakes, but did not at all wish harm to either Laertes or Polonius and Ophelia. Laertes accepts the apology, but according to the laws of honor, he must fight Hamlet in a duel. The king orders wine to be served and cannons to be fired whenever Hamlet repels a blow. The king throws a pearl containing poison into the goblet. The fight begins. Hamlet is not inferior to Laertes, does not miss a beat. The king brings him a cup, but Hamlet refuses to drink for now. The king proudly tells the queen: “Our son is victorious.” The queen wipes her son's heated face with a handkerchief and drinks to his health from the cup intended by the king for Hamlet. Claudius shouts at Gertrude not to drink wine, but she does not listen to him. Laertes fights Hamlet, but his conscience torments him, because he fights with a poisoned rapier. Laertes wounds Hamlet. Then, in a fight, they exchange rapiers, and Hamlet wounds Laertes. The king orders them to be separated. The queen falls. The king tries to imagine that this is “a simple fainting spell at the sight of blood.” However, the queen manages to warn her son that the wine was poisoned and dies. Hamlet announces that there is treason in the palace and looks for the culprit. Laertes explains that both of them were wounded by a poisoned rapier and will soon die. And the king poured poison into the goblet to poison Hamlet. It's all the king's fault. Hamlet decides to use “poisoned steel for its intended purpose” and stabs the king, but he calls for the guards. Then Hamlet forces Claudius to finish the poisoned wine left unfinished by the queen. The king is dying. Laertes forgives Hamlet his and his father's blood and also dies. Faithful Horatio tries to commit suicide so as not to be separated from the prince (there is still some poison left in the goblet). A weakening Hamlet asks his friend not to do this. Horatio must tell his descendants the whole truth about Hamlet. Cannon fire can be heard in the distance. This is “Fortinbras salutes the English ambassadors, passing in victory from Poland.” Hamlet manages to tell Horatio that since the line of Danish kings is interrupted, let the Danes choose Prince Fortinbras. Hamlet dies.

Enter Fortinbras and the English ambassadors with drums, banners and retinue. Horatio tells Fortinbras the details of the tragedy that took place in Elsinore. Fortinbras believes that he “has bad fortune.” He is ready to accept the Danish throne, but first he orders the last military honors to be given to the worthy Prince Hamlet.

Below in the Similar topics block you can find links to summaries of other similar works.

Having finished translating the sonnets, I wanted to say goodbye to Shakespeare, then I decided not to leave the character, not to break the spiritual connection, and took up the translation of the tragedy “Hamlet”. I think it’s not in vain. Previous translators often translated formally, words, images, but lost their thoughts. Some places are just gobbledygook. Read Lozinsky, Pasternak. I confess, sometimes I cheated Shakespeare by translating what was written in prose into verse, replacing the white ones with rhymed ones. But not often. My credo: it is possible to improve, but not to worsen. Buy in online stores and read the book Fairy Tales. Fables, Sonnets and Hamlet, ultiatum to the president, Russian sonnets of the 21st century.

ACT 1 Scene1
Who's there?
First you tell us the password.
Long live the king!
They showed up right on time. I am impressed.
Yes, midnight is striking. Go to bed Francisco.
It’s freezing, I’m chilled, I feel uneasy.
Did no one bother you during your shift?
Everything was quiet. The mouse didn't sneak through.
Well, good night. Horace will meet,
Or Marcellus hurry them up.
I think I hear their footsteps.
Stand still! Answer who are you?
Sons of the Fatherland.
The king's vassals.
Good luck to you.
Farewell honest warrior.
Who replaced you?
Bernardo took up his post.
I'm leaving. Happy Stay!
Bernard is glad!
Has Horatio come?
I am for him, glad to provide a service.
Hello Horace, hello friend Marcellus!
That creature didn't appear at night?
Didn't see or hear anyone.
Horatio doesn't believe it, he says
That this is just a game of imagination,
No matter what I say, the answer is one thing:
I have no faith in the terrible vision.
So let him keep watch
He is the castle with us this night,
When he sees the vision himself, with his own eyes,
Then, if he dares, let him speak to him.
All this is nonsense, imagination, a dream.
There is no truth in our feet, let's sit down, friend Horace,
Otherwise you won't be able to stand on your feet.
From the horror we saw,
For the last two nights.
I agree, let's sit down, tell Bernardo.
Last night a bright star
Moved a little west of the polar,
Just where it is burning now,
The bell rang when Marcellus and I
A ghost enters
Freeze, be silent, the vision is coming!
In appearance, exactly like a deceased king.
Horatio, since you are strong in sciences,
Stop and talk to him.
Well, isn't he the king? Take a closer look Horace.
One on one, I am in fear and confusion.
Look, he's waiting to be spoken to.
Ask Horatio what he wants.
Who are you who came here in the night,
Having illegally appropriated a proud appearance,
In which the king of Denmark walked,
While he was alive, he is now buried.
I conjure the sky, speak!
Marcellus. It's gone and doesn't want to answer.
Bernardo. So, Horatio? Tremble and turn pale.
Now I hope there is no more doubt
That this is not a game of imagination.
What do you think about this?
God is my witness, now I believe you,
Like I only believe in my own eyes.
Marcellus. Well, doesn't he look like a king?

How similar you are to yourself.
In this armor I was at the duel
With the arrogant Norwegian king.
And he frowned just like then,
When he grabbed the Poles from the sleigh
And in anger he threw them onto the bare ice.
It all seems very strange to me.
He came twice at midnight,
Marching militantly in front of us.
I don't know what to think about this,
It seems to me that the ghost foreshadows
We're in for a lot of misfortune for the country.
Well, old man, sit down, let the one say
Who knows what the night vigils are for?
Is this how they exhaust our poor people?
Why are they pouring guns, importing equipment,
They build ships both day and night,
Without distinguishing weekends from weekdays.
Who can explain this clearly?
I'll try to explain everything, taking into account the rumors,
Which crawl from ear to ear:
The king, whose image appeared to us,
In a duel he fought with Fortenbras -
The envious Norwegian king
And he defeated him. According to the agreement,
Sealed, as usual, with a seal,
Victorious, Hamlet,
He received all the lands of Fortenbras.
Everything was in accordance with the law:
And our king staked part of his possessions,
Which would go to the Norwegian,
Be the winner in this fight.
But Hamlet distinguished himself in the duel,
Puffy Fortinbras, having lost everything,
Both life and the lands he captured.
He left his heirs without inheritance.
Now hot, young Fortinbras
Collected for bread and food
Thugs waiting for adventure
To show your courage to the world.
The government understands these plans,
Desire with an armed hand,
And by agreement force a return,
Lost by old Fortinbras.
The danger increases hour by hour,
Hence the rush, vanity, anxiety
Suddenly swept the country.
I think this is true.
It’s not for nothing that time after time during the hour of our watch
A prophetic image appears in armor,
So similar to our dead king
Which became the cause of these troubles.
This grain of sand stirs my soul.
Once upon a time in the glorious Roman state,
Just like that before Julius fell,
The graves were left without inhabitants,
Wandering at night, the dead screamed,
During the day the sun turned pale like a consumptive,
The stars flew with a fiery tail,
The dew on the leaves turned red like blood.
The star was sick due to the eclipse,
The one who pressed over the kingdom of Neptune,
It was as if the day of the Last Judgment was approaching.
Signs, like walkers,
They hastened to announce the future,
They warned us like a prologue
About the approach of future events.
Now earth and sky have told
To the country and citizens about the approach of evil
The Phantom returns.
But hush, look, it’s coming again!
I will boldly step in his way,
Even if he ruined me.
Stop the foggy vision!
(With his arms outstretched, he blocks the path of the Ghost (31).)
I ask you, try to raise your voice,
Make a sound, talk to me.
Ready to help accomplish a good deed,
May it benefit you
And if you are dedicated, tell me the secret
About the future misfortune of our fatherland,
So that we can prevent it.
Perhaps during your lifetime you hid in the ground
Treasures obtained by force,
Spirits often wander in their search.
The rooster crows
Talk about it. Stop, talk!
Stop him Marcellus!
Marcellus. Hit with a birdie?
Horatio. Hit him if he doesn't want to listen to us.
Bernardo. He is here!
Horatio. He is here.
The ghost leaves.
Gone! I think we were wrong
When they threatened the ghost with violence.
After all, he is invulnerable to us, like air,
Having struck, we laugh at ourselves.
He wanted to talk, but the rooster scared him away.
Horatio. He flinched when he heard his call.
Everyone says the morning trumpeter
With a dawn cry he wakes up the god of the day.
Frightened spirits disappear, hurry
Towards your borders and limits.
Now we have seen it all ourselves.
The spirit melted at the crow of the rooster.
Others claim Christmas
The birds don't stop talking all night long,
Therefore, spirits do not dare to wander,
Planets do not spoil our destiny with evil
Fairies do not send damage to people,
Evil witchcraft loses its power
So blessed, that holy time.
I heard this and partly believe it.
See the dawn in a scarlet cloak,
walks through the dew of a high mountain.
It's time to report after finishing the watch
About what we saw tonight, to the prince
I swear that this spirit is mute to us,
When you meet him, he will immediately talk to him
If you agree, we will inform the prince
About the ghost, is this our duty?
Let's do just that. Today
It's more convenient to see him in the morning. (Leaves.)

Pipes. Enter: Claudius, King of Denmark; Queen Gertrude, members of the Royal Council, Polonius and his son Laertes, Hamlet and others.
Keeping in my soul the sadness of my brother's death,
We cannot forget common sense,
Let grief cover the entire state,
Frown into one brow.
Having humbled nature, with wise sadness
We continued to remember ourselves.
In great sorrow we did not forget joy,
One eye shed a tear, the other laughed,
Burying with joy, crying at the wedding,
Heiress of a warlike country,
Before the death of my husband, who was our sister,
With your consent, we called you wife.
You did not interfere with this
For this we are grateful to you.
Now about the main thing: young Fortinbras,
Having gained strength, having decided that by the death of his brother,
The country is weakened, dismembered,
Rulers have no virtues,
And they can’t stand up for the people,
He started bothering us with messages.
They demand that those lands be returned to him.
Which our brother obtained legally.
That's why we write to the king
Norway, he is Fortinbras's uncle,
Now broken by illness, motionless,
And he doesn’t know about his nephew’s affairs,
Let the young man, as the eldest, bring some sense.
Since Fortinbras his troops
From the subjects of Norway he collected,
Let him call him to order,
He will disband the troops and end the unrest.
So we send you Cornelius,
And you, reliable, faithful Voltiman
To Norway with greetings to the king.
The limits of your new powers
Described in detailed articles.
Farewell, the speed of your actions
It will prove to us that you can handle your duty.
Cornelius and Voltimand.
We will prove in this and other matters,
That, while fulfilling our duty, we will forget fear.
Believe me, we have no doubt about this.
Farewell. We are looking forward to seeing you back.

Well, now tell me, Laertes,
Anything new? What is your request?
I would like to please you with a gift.
What do you want to ask me?
The mind serves the heart, and the hand serves the lips
No more willingly than I tell you:
To you and your father Laertes
There was no refusal of anything, and no.
What, Laertes, do you want from me?
O terrible lord of all Danes,
I gladly fulfilled my duty as a vassal,
Arriving at your coronation,
Now I want to return to France.
I beg your permission for this.
How did your father respond to requests?
It was difficult to obtain the seal of consent.
He forced her with a persistent request,
I ask you to allow him to leave.
Well, in good time, dispose of yourself,
Use life as you wish
To bring out the best of your virtues!
Well, now, nephew and my son
I'm more than a nephew, but not a son
King. Is there still no break in the clouds above you?
Hamlet. Not so, my lord: blinded by the bright sun (44).
Cast off the black color, like snow in the spring,
Look more kindly at the king.
You can’t spend your whole life looking down in pain,
Searching for my father's shadow in the dust.
There is only one destiny: born to die,
And let your soul go into eternity without fear.
Hamlet. Yes, madam, people know this.
But if you know that our world is cruel,
How special does your rock seem?
I wouldn't want to get into arguments with you -
It doesn't seem special, but it is!
And a dark cloak and black clothes,
And the wind of sighs and streams of tears,
And the sadness of the face, all the images of sadness,
All these garments of sorrow can be taken off,
A person can play all this,
There is a sadness in me that cannot be relieved.
A pleasant, commendable trait,
You have fulfilled your filial duty.
But, after all, everything has its time, and its turn:
Grandfather lost his father, father lost his father
Everyone paid off the debt of sadness through mourning
So it was and so it will be until the end.
Why, stubbornly, continue mourning,
Persistence unworthy of a man,
Sin before God, and sin before the fathers
You understand all this yourself,
What's the point of endlessly explaining?
That everyone must relieve their pain.
After all, the noble feeling of love,
There should be enough in the hearts for parents,
Respecting nature exclaim
From the very first death to the last:
Everything is correct, everything is as it should be!
Leave endless sadness
And think of us as a father.
Let the world know that you are closest to the throne,
That I love you like my own father.
Well, now about the studies,
The desire to return to Wittenberg,
This is contrary to our desire.
We ask you to be a comfort to the eyes,
Like our first nephew and our son.
Let your mother not waste her time,
For requests and pleas, stay with us,
Don't go to Wittenberg.
Hamlet. Ready to stay..
The answer is wonderful, it is full of love,
He smiles at the heart like the sun,
Let’s drain the healthy cup, friends,
Let the cloud cannon speak
Counting toasts, and the sky will respond
Obediently, repeating the thunder of the earth.
Pipes. Everyone except Hamlet leaves.
Oh, if only my earthly flesh
Melted, melted into dew!
Oh, if only the law had not prohibited
The Almighty sin of suicide for us.
How hackneyed, flat and ethereal
I see everything that is happening in the world!
The garden is not well-kept, the seed dies in the arable land,
Thick weeds filled the fields.
Two months have passed, no, there won’t be two,
How the valiant king left us,
And the mourning in the palace was replaced by a feast,
To get to this point, oh my God!
Yes, Apollo is compared to a satyr,
Not as funny as uncle and father.
My father and mother loved so reverently,
What kept the winds from touching my face!
Earth and sky! Should I really
Do I keep remembering this?
How passionately she clung, hung like a dodder,
Not getting enough, she wanted new caresses.
Left, didn’t last thirty days,
Oh, I don't want to think about it.
Impermanence is a name for women!
The shoes are not yet worn out,
In which, crying, she followed her husband’s body
And, behold, oh my God! Mindless beast
I would be more sad... I got married
For an uncle who resembles a father,
No more than I do on Hercules.
The salt of lying tears in her swollen eyes
Before she dried up, she got married again.
Oh, evil haste. How quickly
The mother climbed into the bed of incest,
This cannot lead to good.
Break, my heart, because my duty is to remain silent!
Enter Horatio, Marcellus and Bernardo.
Horatio. Hello, my lord!
Glad to see you... Horatio –
Or are my eyes lying to me?
Horatio. He is the prince, your servant forever!
Hamlet. And I am ready to be called by that name.
What brought you from Wittenberg?
Marcellus. I am yours, my lord.
Hamlet. I am very glad to see you. (to Bernardo)
Good afternoon sir
What brought you to us from Wittenberg?
My desire is to waste my life idly.
Your enemy wouldn't say that either.
Don't insult my ears with this lie,
From childhood we are not inclined to play dumb.
While business keeps you in Elsinore,
We will teach you how to drink very dashingly.
Came to bury the king.
Horatio, there's no need to joke like that,
You came to the queen's wedding.
You're right, my lord, it was all too fast.
Calculation, calculation. Leftovers after the funeral
They came in handy for tables at a wedding.
Soon I’m ready to see the enemy in paradise,
How to relive that difficult day again!
It seems to me that I see my father again!
Horatio. Where, my lord?
Hamlet. In my soul, my friend.
Horatio. I saw him in reality once.
He was a handsome, valiant king.
He was a man - there is no one like him.
Orphaned: me and the white light.
Horatio. I think I saw him last night.
Hamlet. Who and where did you see, my friend?
Horatio. My lord, I saw your father.
Hamlet. Did I hear right, have you seen your father?
Curb your ardor and your surprise,
Listen to me tell you about the miracle,
Two officers will confirm the story.
Hamlet. Don't hesitate, for God's sake continue.
It's been two nights now, these gentlemen,
Marcellus, Bernardo, standing guard,
In the deep desert of black midnight
They looked like your father
The posture and face look like a warrior,
Armed from head to toe,
Chasing a step, he passes them by,
At a distance of the length of his rod.
Trembling as if turned to jelly
They didn't dare talk to him.
When they secretly revealed their secret to me,
I stood guard with them on the third night,
To help solve this mystery.
I confirm their story word for word:
At the appointed hour, a vision came to us.
I saw the king, it is very similar to him,
How similar the two hands are to each other.
Hamlet. Where was it?
Marcellus. On the site where our post stood...
Hamlet. Have you talked to him?
I called out to him, but he didn’t respond.
Once, it seemed, he shook his head,
As if he was going to answer me,
But then the rooster crowed, at the first cry
The vision disappeared, dissolved.
This is all very strange.
Everything is as true as the fact that I live.
We considered it our duty to report this.
All this, gentlemen, confused me.
Do you stand guard together at night?
Together. Yes, like yesterday, all three.
Hamlet. Are you saying he's armed?
All three. Armed, my lord.
Hamlet. And really, from head to toe?
All three. No doubt about it, from head to toe.
Hamlet. So you didn't see the face?
Horatio. No, we saw him lift his visor up.
Hamlet. Was he frowning?
He was rather sad.
Hamlet. Blush or pale?
Extremely pale.
Hamlet. How did he look at you?
Without looking up.
Hamlet. I wish I had been there.
Horatio. Oh, you would be amazed.
Very possible, very possible.
How long did he stay by your side?
Horatio. They could count to one hundred without haste.
Marcellus and Bernardo.
No longer, longer.
Horatio. That time, no longer.
Hamlet. Was there any gray in the beard of the vision?
Your father had one like this
While he was alive, like a silver sable.
I will go on guard with you this night.
Perhaps the ghost will come again.
Horatio. I guarantee that he will come.
And if he appears in the guise of his father,
I'll talk to him and shut up
Neither hell nor people will force me.
And I will ask you to keep a secret,
How they kept it in their minds before,
Let the memory remember, and the tongue be silent.
And I will reward you for your love.
So, goodbye. Wait on the site
I'll come to you at twelve o'clock.
Everyone leaves except Hamlet.
My father's spirit is armed!
I suspect a sneaky intrigue.
Freeze your soul, be patient, night will come,
Spreading the earth, vile deeds
Will appear before our eyes.

Enter Laertes and Ophelia, his sister.

All my luggage is already on the ship.
Friends, goodbye. And you sister,
Please don't sleep, let's go with a fair wind
A letter to me with news about yourself.
Ophelia. Do you have any reason to doubt this?
And consider Hamlet's favor
Gallantry, play of hot blood,
A violet glorifying spring,
Beautiful, early ripening, fragrant,
But a quickly fading flower.
Minute entertainment, no more.
Ophelia. No more?
Consider it no more. Nature
Not only an increase in body size, muscles,
But also the development of the soul and brain.
Maybe he loves you now
Desire is clean from dirt stains.
But remember his high rank,
I have no control over myself since the day I was born,
Will not make a decision without advisers,
He won’t cut the tasty morsel himself.
The interests of the state dictate
Whose head he will be
Therefore, at least the words are sincere,
When he says he loves you
His freedom was limited by his rank,
The circle of influential Danes decides,
He does what others say.
Think about name and honor
Their gullibility will harm them
Don't open your ears to songs - oaths,
This is how you can lose honor and heart.
Keep your chastity
From hobbies, ardent harassment,
Run to the rear from the shots of desires,
Save yourself from slander and slander.
Damage is dangerous for the firstborn of spring,
The worm loves an unopened bud.
Be careful, fear protects
Inexperienced youth from temptations,
When she rebels and seeks death
Without outside instigation.
My brother, I will give these instructions
Guarding the heart, but also you yourself
Don't act like the wicked shepherd
Walking along the road of pleasures,
To others to heaven, offering a way
Thorny, full of pain and hardship.
Don't worry about it, it's not like that.
Father is coming. It's time, enough words.
Polonius enters (58).
Father's blessing is grace,
I'm lucky, I'll get a double.


You are here, Laertes! Hurry up to the ship!
The wind settled on the shoulders of the sails.
Take the blessing again,
And write down my words in memory:
Don’t talk about plans, measure seven times,
To then decisively cut it off.
Strengthen tried and tested friends to your soul
With chains and steel hoops,
But the first person you meet is not a callous on your hands,
Don't waste any time or effort on them.
Beware of interfering in a quarrel
But if you get in, then fight to the end,
So that your opponents are afraid of you.
Listen to everyone yourself, but answer not many,
Keep your judgments to yourself.
Buy clothes according to your wallet,
But without quirks, rich, but not lush.
They meet you by their clothes, you need taste,
In France, the nobility need it twice.
Don't borrow or lend,
When you lend, you often lose a friend,
And money with it. When you borrow
You lose your sense of thrift.
But here's the main thing: be faithful
Always and everywhere to yourself,
Then they will understand how night follows day,
So you follow your friend into fire and water...
Now goodbye. My blessing
What I said will help you mature.
Let me say goodbye with humility.
Time is running out, the servants are waiting, go.
Goodbye sister and remember what you said
I locked it in my heart, I give you the key.
Laertes. Farewell. (Leaves.)
Polonium. What, Ophelia, was he talking to you about? (60)
Ophelia. About Prince Hamlet.
For this he deserves praise.
They told me that you are too generous
They gave Prince Hamlet a date,
You have been seen alone more than once.
So I have to tell you
How to behave with him
To preserve your maiden honor.
What happened between you? Speak!
He talked to me about feelings many times.
Oh, feelings? Nonsense! Yes, you are still a girl!
You have no experience in such matters.
Do you believe his love vows?
Ophelia. I don't know what to think.
I will teach. You're still a child
Taking the words at face value,
They didn’t understand that there was no real one.
How the fake ones lack weight,
So there is no truth in false assurances.
This is where the pun comes from:
All promises in words are for fools.
Now I will summarize my advice:
Value yourself more in the future.
Ophelia. He was persistent, polite and courteous.
Polonium. Well, it would be better to say that he is truthful.
But keep going, keep going.
Ophelia. He assured the words with holy oaths.


Then consider them, my daughter, empty -
Snares for the birds when the blood burns
The soul is generous with vows about love!
Don't mistake flashes for fire
They contain much more light than heat,
They burn, instantly and to the ground.
From now on, be stingier on dates,
Don't agree to his pleas
Let him give the order to enter into negotiations.
Don't believe the oaths. In a wicked matter
They are dishonest intercessors.
Oaths and vows help them
Girls are quicker and easier to deceive.
And in conclusion, simply put,
I demand: don't waste your time,
Don't come close to the fatal line
Giving an extra reason for slander.
I order you not to meet with the prince.
Do you understand everything? Now go to your place!
Ophelia. I obey you, my lord. (Leaves.)

Enter Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus.
Hamlet. It's freezing. The wind pierced through.
Goatio. Yes, the wind is really harsh today.
Hamlet. What time is it now?
Horatio. Almost twelve.
Marcellus. It's already struck.
Really? I did not hear.
Know that the hour is near when the ghost comes.
Trumpets and cannon shots (65).
What does this mean, prince?
The king does not sleep, walks, drinks from a cup,
And the noisy dance swirls wildly,
when the king empties the cups,
And trumpets and timpani proclaim
About what a healthy toast says.
Is this a custom?
Yes, my friend, custom,
I was born here, but to violate it
More pleasant and useful than watching.
Both West and East blaspheme the Danes
All nations are condemned for drunkenness
And they dirty you with pig nicknames.
It stains glorious deeds,
And spoils the good opinion of us.
This often happens to people,
Thanks to the vicious spot,
Of which these people are not guilty, -
Well, for example, an ignorant birth,
After all, you can’t choose your origin,
An intolerable character trait
Which clouds our minds,
And just a bad habit
They will spoil a pleasant impression,
About manners, honor and intelligence.
Let their virtues be pure,
And the grace is so endless
How much can a person have -
One flaw, a small particle of evil
Capable of creating doubts.
Disgrace a person forever.
The Phantom enters.
Horatio. My lord, look, it seems to be coming!

I ask for your protection, angels!
Spirit of grace, or damned demon,
Do you bring the radiance of heaven, or hell,
The plan is cunning or full of mercy
I'll ask a question, I'll talk to you.
You are my father, the king of the Danes,
That's what I'll call you.
Oh answer, don't let me die
I may die from ignorance!
Inveterate in the church you were buried
Why did the remains tear the shroud?
And why did your crypt spew you out,
By opening your heavy arms?
What does a corpse clad in armor mean?
Why does he wander under the moon at night?
We are just dolls, puppeteer nature,
Soul and thought cannot comprehend,
Understand the reasons for your appearance.
Say why? Who are you? What should we do?
The ghost beckons Hamlet
Horatio. He wants to be alone with you.
Look how kindly he invites,
Follow you, but don't go with him.
Take your time, prince! Stay tuned.
Hamlet. Since he’s silent here, I’ll follow him.
Horatio. Stop, don't walk, prince.
I value life no more than a pin,
My soul is immortal, just like him.
What to be afraid of? I'm putting my life on the line!
What if he lures you into the abyss,
Or on a rock hanging over the sea,
And then it will take on such a terrible form,
Why will you lose your mind? This place
Capable of imagining
Your brain will explode from looking down at the sea,
When he hears how it roars from the abyss.
Hamlet. Calling again. Go, I'll follow you!
Marcellus. I won't let you in, my lord.
Hamlet. Hands off!
Horatio. Come to your senses, my prince, stay with us.
My destiny calls and informs
Character and muscles are the strength of a lion.
He is still calling, please let me in!
I swear that I will turn anyone into a ghost,
Who will stand in my way?
Go away! Go! I'm after you!
The Ghost and Hamlet leave.
He's excited
Marcellus. Let's follow him.
Horatio. Let's go to. Where will this all lead?
Marcellus. All is not well in the Danish state.
Horatio. May heaven protect him.
Marcellus. Let's follow Hamlet.
They leave.
Enter the Ghost and Hamlet (73).

Where are you taking me? Speak here.
Otherwise I won’t move a step.
Ghost. Listen to me.
Hamlet. I'm ready.
The time is coming when I will have to
Surrender yourself to the power of fire in hell.
Hamlet. Unhappy spirit!
I'm not waiting for pity, listen to what I'll open.
Hamlet. I'm listening, don't hesitate, speak.
Ghost. I hope that you will take revenge without delay,
When you find out.
Hamlet. What?

I'm a spirit, I'm your father's ghost
I am destined to wander in the darkness at night,
And during the day go to hell to suffer,
Burn in the fire until they burn out,
All the crimes committed by me,
All the vile things he did during his life.
If it weren't for the ban, I would reveal secrets
My dungeon and told the story,
Which would turn my soul upside down,
It froze the blood, and ripped it out of its orbits,
Made my eyes fly like stars
And every hair stands on end.
Like the quills of a porcupine in anger.
But I cannot divulge that
What eternity has hidden from ears of flesh.
But listen, listen! If you loved
Whenever the father...

Hamlet. Oh my God! God!
Then take revenge for the heinous murder,
Contrary to nature and mind.
Hamlet. Murder?
The most disgusting thing, like any murder,
But this is worse and more vile than anything.
Let me know quickly so that I'm on wings
Like quick thoughts, I flew to revenge.
I see that you are determined and brave,
But even if you were as sluggish as fat chaff,
Rotting idly on the banks of Lethe,
And even then I could not be indifferent,
Hearing my story about the crime.
When I died, they spread a rumor
That I fell asleep in the garden and was stung
A snake. All of Denmark was deceived
The most disgusting lie about the cause of death.
But know, my noble son, that the serpent
The one who stung me fatally in the garden,
Now he wears my crown proudly.
Oh, how perspicacious is my soul!
Is it really your uncle who is the killer?
Incest and adulterer,
Animal, lustful traitor
The deceit of the wicked mind,
Strengthened by unholy gifts,
Those who know how to seduce women,
He managed to persuade my wife to marry.
How the queen's virtue has fallen!
Forgetting love worthy of vows,
Which I gave her at the wedding,
I entered the path of sin with nothingness.
Offended by nature since birth
My brother could not equal me in anything,
Closing her eyes, she contacted him!
No matter how hard you try, voluptuousness cannot
Make virtue sin
And lust is in the arms of an angel,
Being fed up, one cannot be faithful.
But I feel the dawn breeze,
Well, I'll be brief, morning is coming:
When I was sleeping peacefully in my garden,
Half a day's rest was my habit,
Uncle took advantage of this hour,
Snuck in with the sap of the yew tree
And a terrible poison was poured into the porticoes of the ears,
Which is so hostile to our blood,
It’s as if mercury has spilled through the ducts,
Curling it like vinegar milk.
Instantly the blood turned into cottage cheese,
And the scabs on the body are like the bark of trees,
Covered with a disgusting crust.
So, sleeping, was deprived by the hand of his brother
I am life, queen and crown,
So he was sent to hell without preparation,
Without begging forgiveness for sins,
Without communion, not anointed with myrrh,
Oh horror, horror! Be strong, my son,
Punish the villain without hesitation
Don't let the Danish kings bed
Serve incest and fornication!
At the same time, do not stain your mind and soul -
Don’t wish your mother harm even in your thoughts,
Entrust her to the holy cares of heaven,
Let your conscience prick your chest and sting your heart.
Now goodbye, the firefly is fading,
The darkness is thinning, the moment of dawn is getting closer
Farewell, farewell, and remember me.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
O army of heaven! Earth and hell!
Who else should I invite? Ugh! Hush, heart!
Don’t make your muscles look old, keep your waist straight.
Yes, good ghost, my head is in confusion,
But it holds the memory of you.
Forget you? I'll quickly erase all my thoughts,
I will forget the sayings from the books,
Recorded by me since my birthday
I will cross out all the observations of life,
I'll hide your order in the depths of my brain,
One order not mixed with anything.
It will be so, I swear to you by heaven!
Oh, most treacherous of women!
Damn you, smiling scoundrel!
I will embed it in your memory: you can smile,
Remain a scoundrel with a smile.
This is possible in our Denmark.
I, uncle, captured you in memory,
Now there is only one motto: “Farewell, goodbye!”
And remember me!” I swear to you this.
Horatio and Marcellus (offstage):
"My lord! My lord!"
Enter Horatio and Marcellus.
Prince Hamlet!
Heaven help!
Let it be so
Illo, ho-ho, my lord!

Hamlet. Illo, ho-ho! Here, my good fellow!
Marcellus. Well, what do you tell us now, my lord?
Horatio. What new has happened to you, prince?
Hamlet. Oh, miracles!
Horatio. Oh, good prince, tell me without delay.
Hamlet. No, I can’t, share with others.
Horatio. I swear I won't say a word, my lord!
Marcellus. Me too, I’ll be dumb as a fish.
Hamlet. Well, what do you say about this now?
Could your heart think about this?
I hope you will remain silent?
Horatio. |
) We swear to heaven, prince.
Marcellus. |
There is no such scoundrel in Denmark,
Which would not be a rogue.
Horatio. You don't need a ghost to say this.
You are right here. So, without further ado,
I think we'll shake hands
And everyone will go their separate ways,
Everyone has a business and desires,
It's time for me, poor man, to go pray.
But it's a whirlwind of incoherent words, my lord.
I'm really sorry for offending you,
Believe me, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.
Horatio. We have no grudges, but you, my lord.
I swear to Patrick, there is resentment
The resentment, Horatio, is great.
And this ghost is an honest vision,
Let me assure you of this.
The desire to know our conversation,
Somehow you will calm down in your soul.
And lastly, good friends,
After all, you are friends, scientists, soldiers -
Please fulfill a small request.
Horatio. Will you explain what it is, my lord?
Don't talk about what happened last night.
Horatio. |
) We will shut our mouths, my lord.
Marcellus. |
Hamlet. I ask you to swear.
Horatio. I swear, my lord, I will be dumb as a fish.
Marcellus. I won't say a word, I swear.
Hamlet. Swear on the sword.
Marcellus. But we already swore, my lord.
Hamlet. Here is the sword, swear, on the sword.
Ghost (under stage) Swear!
And, here he is! Are you here? Do you agree with me?
You hear what he's saying:
Swear it.
Explain what to swear to.
To remain silent about what you saw here -
Swear on the sword.
Ghost (under the stage). Swear!
Hamlet. Hic et ubique?
Then we will move to another place.
Here, to me, place your hands on the sword,
Now swear on my sword
What will you never say about
What we heard and saw
Ghost (under the stage). Swear!
Well said, my old mole!
A passage dug underground so quickly?
Worthy sapper! And now friends
Let's go to another place again.
Horatio. Oh, day and night, this is all very strange!
Greet him as a stranger.
Horatio, there are things in heaven
Which philosophers never dreamed of.
You swore to me, swear again,
And may God's mercy protect you,
That, no matter how strange I behaved,
Whims, changing behavior,
Swear to me that in these moments you
You won’t say, folding your hands like this,
Shaking your head like this: “yes, yes, we know”
"we could, whenever we wanted"
“Oh, if only we could say”
“there are people, they just need permission”
And various hints from others
Show everyone that my secret is known,
And that you can open it;
And may God's grace help,
And God's mercy in difficult times
Don't do this - swear on the sword!
Ghost (offstage). Swear!
Troubled spirit, shut up, calm down!
So, friends, I entrust myself to you.
All that poor Hamlet can do
To prove your love and friendship,
Everything will be done if God wants.
Let's go to the castle together, don't forget
Always keep your finger on your lips.
The age is distorted, my sad lot,
It's my curse to straighten him out!
Now it's time, friends, let's go together.
They leave.
Enter Polonius and Reynaldo

Give him the letter and money to Reynaldo.
Reynaldo. I will do so upon arrival, my lord.
Act wisely, my Reynaldo
Before meeting, I made inquiries about him.
Reynaldo. My lord, that's what I was thinking of doing!
Excellent, damn it, well said.
Ask carefully first
Which Danes are in Paris?
Find out in a roundabout way
Who lives where, with whom is he friends, how much does he spend,
And to those who know the son, come
And pretend you don't know well
His. Say for example: "I know
His father, friends, and himself
It seems to me that I saw it somewhere by accident.
Do you understand me Reynaldo?


I understand you perfectly, my lord.
"And - you can add - I know poorly,
But if he is the one, then he is a fighter,
Gambler, reveler and lover of whores,
Make any false accusations,
But do not tarnish your honor with slander.
Tell me about the sins of dissolute, violent
Coming from a young, free life
Reynaldo. Well, for example, playing for money?
Polonium. Yes, and that he drinks wine and fences,
Pugnacious, loving, foul-mouthed,
All this can be said about him.
Reynaldo. My lord, but this will tarnish his honor.
Polonium. Take my word for it, not at all.
You can mitigate all charges.
Do not slander, accusing him of debauchery,
That's not what I meant at all
Tell me about mistakes carefully
How about the vices of too free a life,
About bright flashes of a fiery soul,
Spring unbridled blood,
Which is typical for anyone in their youth.
Reynaldo. But, my good lord...
Polonium. Do you want to know why to do all this?
Reynaldo. Yes, my lord, I would like to know everything.
Damn you, sir, I firmly believe
Which suggested a completely legal way.
Slightly tarnishing the honor of my son,
How dust dirty objects when finishing,
Listen carefully to that
Who are you talking to, I assure you,
That he will interrupt you with these words:
"my good sir" or "friend" or "gentleman"
A common address for the country...
Reynaldo. Great, I understand you, my lord.
Polonium. Then he will do this...
What did I want to say? I swear by the mass
Wanted to say. Where did you stop?
“He will interrupt you with the words friend, or
Gentleman, or something like that.”
"will interrupt the speech as follows"?
Hell yes! He will interrupt you with the words:
“I know a gentleman. I saw the other day
As you said, he was playing for money."
Or “I found him drinking wine there with friends,”
Ile “quarreled while playing tennis with a friend,”
Ile “saw entering a brothel”
Or something else like that.
Judge for yourself: the bait of lies
A wise man can easily catch the carp of truth.
We, the wise, let the ball go around,
By a crooked path we come straight to the goal.
So, following my advice
Get information about your son.
I hope you understand me?
Reynaldo. My lord, great.
Polonium. May God protect you. Good health to you.
Reynaldo. Milord, thank you!
Polonium. Observe their temperament on the sly.
Reynaldo. I will do everything, my lord.
Polonium. Let him not give up his studies in music.
Reynaldo. I'll tell you everything, my lord.
Polonium. Farewell.
Reynaldo leaves. Ophelia enters.
Ophelia, did something happen?
Ophelia. My lord, my lord! I was very scared!
Polonium. What, God have mercy?
My lord, when I was sewing in the upper room,
The prince appeared in an unbuttoned doublet,
Without a hat, as pale as his shirt,
Stockings came down, stained, without garters,
My knees were knocking against each other,
The look was so pitiful, as if he
I escaped from hell to tell
About horrors and torments in the underworld.
Polonium. Has he gone crazy from love for you?
Ophelia. My Lord, I don’t know, but I’m afraid so.
Polonium. What did he say?
First he took one hand by the wrist,
Looking into my eyes, he took a step back,
Holding your other hand above your eyes
As if I was going to draw,
I stood, looked and suddenly sighed, so heavily
As if his last breath was
Then he let go of my hand,
Without eyes, having found the way, he walked out the door
Their light is constantly directing towards
Hurry with me, we will find the king.
All this frenzy of love,
Which, raging, destroys itself,
Pushes you to do crazy things
This is how any
existing passion under the sky.
I am very sorry that this happened to the prince.
Perhaps you were too harsh?
No, my lord. But following the order,
These days I haven’t even taken letters,
And she didn’t accept him herself.
This made him mad. It's a pity.
It was in vain that I judged him so harshly.
I thought he was playing with you
What can ruin you is a joke.
It was in vain to suspect him so.
I swear to heaven, at my age,
In doubt we reach over the edge,
But in youth everyone is rarely careful.
Let's go to the king. We'll let you know everything.
After all, if we keep it all a secret,
The consequences may be sad,
Let's go quickly and talk about love.
They're leaving

Pipes. Enter the King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and retinue.

Hello, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
I really wanted to see you
Moreover, there is a need for your services,
That's why I called you so quickly.
Have you heard that Hamlet has become different?
Both internally and externally he has changed.
What influenced him so much?
Perhaps my father's death broke my brain,
I can't think of anything else.
You were close to him from an early age,
Please stay a while
Here in the palace, and entertain Hamlet.
If necessary, quietly find out
Doesn't something like that torment you?
What is completely unknown to us
And having become famous, he can help us
Find the right medicine for the prince.
He told us about you many times.
I am convinced that there are no other people
To which he was also disposed.
Please do us a favor,
Spend time having fun with him
And try to help us in trouble,
For this we will reward you royally.
You, both by virtue of royal power,
They could not ask, but order.
We, to both of you, give ourselves,
And at the same time, all our services.
Diligently awaiting orders,
We place them at your feet.
King. Thank you, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Thank you, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz.
Please, do not hesitate to visit your son,
Which changed so suddenly.
Go, you will now be escorted to the prince.
May heaven bless us
They will help him be useful!
Queen. Amen!
Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and several people from the retinue leave. Polonius enters.
Polonium. My good lord,
Ambassadors returned from Norway
With good news for us.
King. You have always been the father of good news.
Is this really so, my lord?
Believe that my soul and duty
They belong only to the king and God.
I don't think my brain is capable of
Hunt secrets like game,
But he was able to reveal the secret of the prince’s illness,
The source of Hamlet's madness has been found.
King. Oh, talk about it! I'm eager to hear.
I advise, my lord, to start with the ambassadors.
Let's save my report for dessert,
Empty, like fruit, it will complete our feast.
King. Then go and bring the ambassadors.
Polonius leaves.
He promised me, dear Gertrude
Tell us about our son's illness -
Discover the cause and source of troubles.
I will reveal them all to you until the end:
A hasty marriage with you and the death of your father.
King. We will see them after testing it.
Enter Polonius, Voltimand and Cornelius.
Hello my friends! Tell me, Voltimand,
What did they bring from the King of Norway?
His heartfelt response
To your written wishes.
After the first words, he sent an order
Nephew to interrupt the recruitment of troops,
Which, he believed, was against Poland,
In fact, the plan was against you.
His old age and illness
Were used to deceive
Regretting that, he sent orders,
Which Fortenbras obeyed
And before my uncle he made a vow
Do not raise weapons against you.
King of Norway sign of reconciliation
He was assigned an annual income
Three thousand crowns and ordered the soldiers,
They recruited them to send against Poland.
The letter asks you to let the troops through,
Those going to this enterprise,
Conditions of free passage
And the safety of residents at the same time
Set out in more detail in the letter.
We like it, the moment is convenient
For reflection, we will read the letter,
Then we will give the answer. Thank you
For your hard work. Now go
And take a break from the road at home,
And in the evening we will feast together.
Welcome home!
Voltimand and Cornelius leave.
Well, this matter ended happily.
My lord, lady, I could
Talk about royal power
About duty, about the fact that a day is a day,
Night is night, and time is time, which, in fact,
I would be wasting my day, my night, my time.
Hence, brevity is the soul of the mind,
Verbosity - body and embellishment,
So I will be very brief.
Your noble son is mad,
Which means he's gone crazy
Isn't he truly insane?
Whose head is left crazy?
But that's not what we're talking about.
More business, less decoration.
I swear, lady, the speech is artless.
After all, the truth is that he has gone crazy,
And it's really a pity, and it's a pity that it's true,
Stupid turn! I'll break up with him
Let the word be short, without embellishment.
Now let's try to find the reason
The effect, or more precisely, the defect,
Since our effect is clearly defective.
Having put everything together, let’s summarize:
I have a daughter, she is like my daughter -
I want a daughter while she is mine, who
Out of a sense of duty and obedience
She gave me this. Listen, judge.
"To the heavenly maiden, the idol of the soul,
To the most beautiful Ophelia" poems
Dry, too artless.
Most beautiful is a bad expression,
It sounds with a hint of vulgarity.
Well, now you’ll hear no better:
"To be worn on a white, virgin breast"
I won’t read it, continue in the same spirit.
Queen. Did you get all this from Hamlet?
Oh, lady, be patient a little,
I'll tell you everything exactly:
Don't believe that fire looks like a star,
Don't believe that the truth is not a lie,
Don't believe in the movement of the sun and rays,
Just don’t doubt my love.
Ophelia, don't consider it a sin
The fact that I have poor command of poetry.
Art poetic dimensions
I am not given the power to turn it into sighs,
But that shouldn't diminish your faith.
That I love you deeply and for a long time.
Yours forever, dearest, farewell.
Below I see the prince's signature: Hamlet.
All this, having proven his humility,
My daughter gave it to me, hiding her tears,
In addition, she talked about confessions,
In which the prince explained his love.
How did she accept his love?
Polonium. What can you say about me?
King. You are a truthful and respectable person.
I would be glad to be exactly like that.
But what would you decide if I
Watching hot love
I noticed her a lot earlier, after all.
What my daughter told me all about her,
What would you and the lady think?
When would I start passing notes?
Made my heart go blind, made it numb,
Looking at this feeling indifferently,
What do you think? But I'm down for it
I took it straight, I told her this:
“Our Hamlet is a prince, he is not your star”
And he ordered the door to be locked with a key,
Don't let him in, don't take gifts.
She listened to my advice
And Hamlet fell into depression, stopped eating,
I forgot about the dream, the prince’s mind became clouded,
He fell into madness, now it
Owns it and crushes us.
King. Do you think this is the only issue?
Queen. Perhaps, even very likely.
Has it ever happened otherwise?
Than what I said: Is this so?
King. I don't remember.
Then, my lord, take up the sword
And you can cut off my head
Unless it all turns out differently.
As long as my luck is true, my friend,
I will find the truth underground.
King. How can we look deeper into this matter?
He sometimes goes for four hours straight
Walking here in the front hall.

This is true.
At such a moment we will set up an ambush here,
And I will send my daughter to him.
We will hide behind Arr carpets
And we will observe this meeting;
And if he didn’t go crazy from love,
Then I won't be your helper,
Will I become a farmer, or will I take up
By delivery.
Let's do as you just said.
Well, let's try it.

Hamlet enters reading a book.
Queen. The prince with the book, poor thing, how sad.
Go away, I beg you, go away.
I'll get to it immediately
Please leave me alone.
The king and queen leave.

How are you, my good prince?
Hamlet. Thank God, good.
You know me, my lord, I hope?
Hamlet. Great, I know. You are a fishmonger.
Polonium. You are wrong, my lord!
Then I wish to be just as honest.
Polonium. Did you tell me honest?
Yes, sir. To be honest nowadays
The solution is one in ten thousand.
Polonium. What you said was very true, my lord.
With a beam, caressing a dead dog,
God the sun only multiplies the worms in her.
Do you have a daughter?
Polonium. Yes, my lord.
Don't let me go for a walk in the sun
Conception is not always blessed
Especially for your daughter.
Look at both, buddy.
Polonius (aside).
Here, again, I returned to my daughter.
However, out of madness, at first
He called me a fishmonger.
He's come a long way. Tell the truth
When I loved passionately in my youth -
I was in almost the same condition.
I'll talk to him again. My lord
What are you reading?
Hamlet. Words words words.
Tell me in more detail, what is their essence?
Hamlet. How deep they intend to dig,
They can be turned this way and that way.
I want to ask you about the content
what you are reading, my lord.
Everything is slander, the satirist claims,
That old people have gray beards,
In the wrinkles of the face, glue oozes from the eyes
Resin is flowing, the brain has left the mind,
My thighs are weak, I believe everything,
However, I think it’s indecent
Write about it. you would become old
Exactly the same as I am today,
If only they would retreat back like a cancer.
There is a system to this madness
Shouldn't you get away from the draft?
Hamlet. To the grave?
Polonius (aside).
But really, get out of the draft!
How correct his answers are sometimes!
Madness often takes aim,
Which common sense does not control.
Let him stay, I'll leave now
And I’ll arrange a meeting for him and his daughter.
Honorable Prince, I beg you
Give permission to leave urgently.
I can't give you anything, sir,
What would I be more willing to part with now:
Except my life, my life,
of my life.
Polonium. I wish you good health, my dear prince.
Hamlet. Oh, you annoying old fool!

Polonium. Are you looking for Prince Hamlet?
Here he is.
Rosencrantz. May God reward you, sir!
Polonius leaves.
Guildenstern. Honorable Prince!
Rosencrantz. Dear Prince!
Hamlet. Glad to see my friends in good health!
Well, how are you doing, Guildenstern?
Ah, Rosencrantz How are you both living?
Rosencrantz. We live like everyone else, not standing out at all.
We are happy just because we exist
We are not the top of Fortune's cap (120).
Hamlet. But not the soles of shoes, are they?
Rosencrantz. Neither this nor that, my dear milord.
So that means you are on the belt of fortune,
At the zenith of her favors you bloom.
Guildenstern. I swear we're regulars there.
Hamlet. Isn't it the secret parts of Fortune?
It's true; that she is a slut.
What's new?
Only one thing has changed, the world has become honest.
It turns out that the Last Day of Judgment is near.
But you were wrong, the news is not true.
Let me ask you in more detail.
What offense have you committed against fortune?
Why did you end up here in prison?
Guildenstern. To prison, my lord?
Hamlet. Yes, Denmark is a prison.
Rosencrantz. Then, my lord, the whole world is one prison.
Reliable - from cells, dungeons,
Among which Denmark is the worst.
Rosencrantz. We don't think so, my lord.
Then, for you, our world is not a prison.
There are neither good nor bad things
All these are our thoughts, moods,
I think Denmark is a prison.
The world cannot accommodate your ambition,
It's too small for such a soul
That's why it seems like a dungeon to you.
I'm even in a nutshell
I would consider him the ruler of the universe,
If only I didn't have bad dreams.
They are the basis of ambition -
After all, the essence of an ambitious man is his dreams.
Hamlet. But sleep itself is only a shadow.
Agree. My opinion: ambition
Created by the substance of air,
Only because it is only a shadow of a shadow.
Then only the beggars are real among us,
Monarchs and great heroes
Just shadows - the flesh of these beggars.
Shouldn't we all go to the courtyard?
I can no longer reason.
Rosencrantz. |
) We are ready to serve you every moment.
Guildenstern. |
I don't need this. Don't want
I will compare you with my servants
To be honest, they are lazy -
They serve me very poorly, I should kick them out.
Well, now, tell me in a friendly way,
What are you doing here, in Elsinore?
Well, there is only one goal - to see you, my lord.
The beggar's gratitude is poor.
And yet I thank you,
At least gratitude is worth less than a penny.
Have they sent for you? Or you
Did you come to me, friends, without coercion?
Are you with me now of your own free will?
Answer me honestly, don’t lie.
Guildenstern. What should we say, my lord?
Whatever you want, the main thing is to the point.
I see from your looks that they sent,
You don't have the skill to lie.
Did the king and queen call you?
Rosencrantz. Why, my lord?
This is what you should say.
But I conjure you with the rights of friendship,
And the eternal indestructibility of love,
And to everything that is even dearer to the heart -
Tell me frankly: Yes or no?
Rosencrantz (quietly to Guildenstern (124)). What shall we say?
Hamlet (aside).
Now you are in my sights. (Loud.)
If it's dear to you, don't hide anything.
Guildenstern. My lord, they have sent for us.

Do you want me to tell you why?
Having prevented the secret from being exposed,
Which you promised to keep
Both the king and the queen.
Lately I've lost my cheerfulness
I abandoned my usual activities,
It’s so hard for the soul that it’s barren
The earth began to seem to me,
And the dome of the sky is a majestic vault,
Decorated with golden lights,
It seems to me like a collection of vapors,
Evil and smelly.
How wonderfully created is man!
How noble in mind and heart.
How generously God has endowed him with talent,
And become worthy of admiration!
An angel in action, God in mind!
He is a model for all living things!
But for me his essence is vile dust,
Neither ladies nor men please
But, judging by your smiles, you are something
You want to say.
Rosencrantz. And there is no such desire in my thoughts.
Why did you smile?
When he said that the man
not happy.
The thought flashed that it would be meager
The reception that awaits the actors here.
We met them today on the way,
They want to offer you services.
The one who plays the king in the play
You will be a welcome guest with me.
Here the brave knight will use his sword,
Lovers will not love in vain,
A funny comedian will make the laughing ones laugh,
And a melancholic person will calm sadness.
Let's let the beauty pour out her feelings,
Until the blank verse limps.
Who are these actors?
Just the same ones that used to be
They brought you joy with their play,
The route is from the capital.
Why did you leave your favorite place?
There is more fame and income in the capital.
I think there is a ban on playing in the capital
It was the result of the latest trends.
But their reputation is still the same
What was it like in the capital? Any success?
Rosencrantz. No, far from it.
And what happened? Maybe they're rusty?
They are trying, diligent, as before,
But a brood of children appeared,
Young, noisy falcons,
Whose voices are both purer and more sonorous.
They get all the applause
They are in fashion today because
Old theaters are being attacked
Therefore those who walk with swords,
Avoid goose feathers for fear
Go there.
How, are these children? Who maintains them?
How are they paid? When the voice disappears
How will they practice their craft?
Aren't those doing evil today?
Who set them against the older actors?
They themselves will soon grow up.
In truth, everyone is guilty
Both old and new were noisy.
Playing actors off against each other
In our country they don’t consider it a sin,
It happened that the public did not pay them
Money until the actors beat the author.
Hamlet. Can't be?
Guildenstern. Oh, their heads have been washed more than once!
Hamlet. Well, do the young offend the old?
Yes, Prince, and including Hercules
Not surprising. As soon as uncle
The Danish throne sat on those who gave him
He made grimaces, they paid for a portrait
Twenty, thirty, fifty ducats.
Here, mysticism, there is room for thought,
It's time for philosophers to get busy!
Pipes behind the stage.
Guildenstern. The actors arrived.
Come in, glad to see you in Elsinore!
Let's get hands on, etiquette and sociality
They prevent you from showing cordiality.
Let me treat you like friends
Then I can be more kind to you,
Than with alien actors.
Welcome to me.
Uncle - father and aunt - mother made a mistake
What is it, dear prince?
I'm only crazy when there's a north-northwest.
When the south wind rules,
I can tell a falcon from a heron. (131).

Polonius enters.
Polonium. Greetings, gentlemen.
Listen, my dear Guildenstern,
Take a closer look at Rosenkratz.
So, in the interlocutor’s ear,
The big child that comes towards us
Not yet out of his swaddling clothes.
Perhaps he returned to them a second time,
It’s not for nothing that they say: he falls into childhood.
I predict: he will talk about the actors. (Loud.)
Sir, you are right, everything happened on Monday.
Polonium. My Lord, I am pleased to tell you the news.
My lord, I can tell you news.
When Roscius was an actor in Rome...
Polonium. The actors have arrived here, Prince.
Hamlet. Nonsense! Nonsense!
Polonium. Believe me it's true...
Hamlet. "And everyone rode on his own donkey... (133)"
The best actors in the world
To fulfill tragedies and
Comedies, history plays,
And pastoral plays, pastoral plays -
Comic, historical - pastoral,
Tragiko - historical, tragico -
Comic - historical - pastoral,
For plays with unity
And dramatic poems without rules.
For them Seneca is not too gloomy,
And Plautus is not too frivolous.
They have no equal in the world when it comes to reading.
Roles written by poets,
It’s the same in improvisation.
Hamlet. O Jephthah, judge of Israel (134),
What a treasure you had!
Polonium. What kind of treasure is this, my lord?
Hamlet. Beautiful, only daughter,
Which he loved more than life itself
Polonius (aside). Again about my daughter.
Hamlet. Am I wrong, my old Jephthah?
Since you call me Jephthah,
I really do have a daughter,
Which I love very much.
Hamlet. No, something else follows from this.
Polonium. So what follows, my lord?
Only God knows how it should be,
then, as you know -
Something happened for which he judges strictly.
One verse from this song
He'll tell you the rest. But here
My fun is coming
Enter the actors (138).
Welcome my friends
Welcome. Glad to see you
Healthy. And you, my old friend,
Since we parted
He decorated his face with a beard,
Now he has come to Denmark to see me
Should you hide your grins in your beard?
And you are here, lady, I swear that
Since I last saw you,
You have become closer to the sky on your heel.
Pray to God that your voice
I didn’t fake it like I was worthless
A gold coin for circulation.
And greetings to you, gentlemen. Now
It's time to get down to business. Well, show me
We need your skill, Well, for example,
Famous, passionate monologue.
First actor. Which one, my lord?
I remember once you read
Me a monologue from a play, for the crowd
It has not been performed anywhere yet.
And if it was fulfilled, then one day,
But the hat didn’t suit Senka -
The onlookers didn't like her.
From the experts, whose judgment I respect,
It was considered a quite worthy play:
With scenes, plot development,
Skillful, good poetry.
Ordinary people from the streets said,
That there are not enough spices, pungency,
The scope of feelings, spectacular exclamations.
And I would call that tongue healthy,
Pleasant, honest and beautiful.
I especially remember the monologue -
The story of Aeneas who fulfilled his duty,
When he spoke about the death of Priam.
If you remember, start with this line...
Oh, let me remember, keep your noise down...
“Fierce Pyrrhus, like a Hyrcanian beast.
Yes, that’s right, it started with Pyrrhus...
"Fierce Pyrrhus, whose black armor
And my thoughts resembled night,
When he lay inside the horse during the day,
Now I've painted over this blackness
It is in gloomy heraldic paint.
Walked scarlet from head to toe,
Spattered with hot blood: husbands
And the wives of their sons and daughters,
Burning in the fires of the blazing streets,
Illuminated with their cruel light,
The owners are mercilessly killed.
Burning with anger and fire,
Pyrrhus is looking for an old man - ancient Priam.
The blood has dried, covered the body with a crust,
Eyes like inflamed carbuncles"
Now continue.
By God, prince, it was an excellent read,
They skillfully showed a sense of proportion.

First actor.

“And then he finds: in vain he rushes into battle,
The sword is not subdued to the powerless hand,
Seeing the old man, Pyrrhus runs to Priam,
From the wind, in the anger of a raised hand
The old man fell, and then the palace wall
Bows his head to the foot,
And Pyrrha stuns when she falls.
Take a look! A sharp sword ready to fall
On Priam's head, white as snow,
It seemed to freeze in the air, and Pyrrhus,
As if forgetting about my goal,
Doesn't work, that's how it happens sometimes
In the calm before the storm: the calm of heaven,
The clouds are motionless, the winds are frozen,
The earth below became silent like death,
And suddenly a terrible thunder tears the sky to shreds;
So, after a break, Pyrrhus rushed
Priam to take revenge. And the hammers of the cyclops
They didn’t hit the armor so cruelly,
When they forged them for Mars,
How the sword fell on Priam Pyrrhus. Shame on you
Shame on you minx Fortune!
Oh Gods, take away her power,
Break the spokes, the rim and throw
From the top of the mountains her wheels go to hell!
Polonium. In my opinion this is all too long.
We'll send you to the barber with your beard.
Never mind, continue.
He likes jigs, jokes,
Everything else makes you sleepy.
Now let's move on to Hecuba.
First actor.
"How pitiful is the sight of the desecrated queen... (147)"
Hamlet. "The desecrated queen"?
Polonium. “The desecrated queen” is good.

First actor.

“She rushed about in the flames barefoot,
Threatening him with a stream of tears from his eyes,
There is no tiara on her head
A rag, frequent motherhood
Exhausted body, hidden in a blanket,
Which I grabbed in an hour of anxiety.
Anyone seeing her would denounce her
In the deceit of capricious Fortune,
But if the gods saw her,
When she saw Pyrrhus
Chopped her husband into small pieces,
Then her scream is a sudden explosion
I could moisten the eyes of heaven,
And evoke compassion from the gods."
He turned pale and had tears in his eyes!
Enough please.
Perhaps that's enough. Well, the rest
You'll tell me next time.
And you, my lord, don’t follow that,
So that the actors are received well?
Let them be treated better
They are the embodiment of our days,
I'd rather have a bad epitaph
After death, their review of me is still
In life.
Polonium. Everyone will receive what they deserve.
No, damn it, my dear, much better!
If you treat everyone according to their deserts,
Who can escape spanking? Accept them
According to your own concepts of honor.
Let the less merit each has,
The more generosity will be shown.
Now I ask you to escort them out.
Polonium. Let's go, gentlemen.
Hamlet. Friends, follow him.
I hope we will hear the play tomorrow (151).
Polonius and all the actors except the First leave.

That's it, my old friend. Could
Play "The Murder of Gonzago"? (152)

Play it tomorrow night
Can you do it on my signal?
Read us a monologue of poetry at twelve
Which one will I write for the play today?
First actor. Yes, my lord.
Great. Then follow that lord.
Be careful not to mock them.
The first actor leaves.
My friends, we'll say goodbye until evening.
Welcome! Elsinore welcomes guests.
Rosencrantz. And off we go, my lord!
Hamlet. Yes, gentlemen, you too go with God!

Well, finally I'm alone!
What a bastard I am, a low slave!
Monstrous! An actor in a dream of passion
I subjugated my soul to my imagination
So much so that his face fell,
The eyes are in tears, and the appearance has become insane,
Broken voice, feelings and soul
Everything was his imagination!
And all because of what! Because of Hecuba!
And what is Hecuba to him, what is he to Hecuba,
To cry so much for her! What would you do?
He, if he had the same reason,
The same reason for passion as mine?
The stage was flooded to the top with tears,
And I would tear my ears apart with a monologue,
He drove the guilty mad and terrified the innocent,
It would confuse the ears and eyes of the ignorant.
I'm deaf and stupid, as if made of metal,
I live fruitlessly in business, like a dreamer.
What excuse can I say!
I dare not defend the king's honor,
Whose life, possessions and wife
Kidnapped, so unbearably vile.
Is he really a coward? Tell anyone you want
That I'm a scoundrel? Hit in the face?
Grab my beard and blow it in my face?
Or pull your nose? Call him a liar
And drive this word into my liver?
Who wants to do this? Damn it,
I will swallow everything, endure all insults.
I don't have enough bile to understand
All the bitterness of oppression. Otherwise
Long ago, Nob fed it to the vultures.
Bloody and lascivious scoundrel!
A traitor ignorant of conscience,
O revenge! What an ass I am!
I am the son of a murdered, traitorous father,
We are pushed towards revenge by heaven and Gehenna,
Like a whore, I ease my heart with words,
I swear like a scrubber in the kitchen!
Ew, disgusting! Enough moaning, brain, let's get to work!
I heard that criminals sometimes
We were so shocked by the performance,
That they immediately confessed to the crimes.
Murder is not having a tongue,
He will speak, performing an earthly miracle.
I'll instruct the actors to play the play,
Where will I tell my uncle about my father’s death?
And I will watch the expression myself
His face, explore him,
Until I get to the weak points.
And if he trembles for even a century,
Then I will know what to do.
Maybe that ghost is the devil.
After all, the devil has the power to accept
Favorite appearance Maybe he's being cunning
And takes advantage of my weakness
To ruin and torment my soul.
I will find more reliable proof,
I'll catch the king's conscience with the play.
ACT 3 scene 1
Elsinore. Room in the castle.
Enter the king, queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, retinue.
Really, you're taking a roundabout route
You can't find out the reasons
The dangerous madness of the sufferer?
He feels mentally disturbed
But it doesn’t tell us what the reason is.
It cannot be researched
A madman withdraws into himself
What is happening to him is not recognized.
The cunning man is not inferior to us in the fight.
Did he receive you well?
Like friends.
He forced himself to be polite.
Didn't you offer him some fun?
We overtook the actors on the way,
He beamed when he found out about this.
The actors are already in the castle, I believe
The order to present has already been given.
Yes it's true. The prince ordered me
We'd like to invite you to a performance today.
He will be glad to see you and the queen.
I am heartily glad that he is not sad,
But keep watching him
And encourage the desire for entertainment.
We will do everything, my lord.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave.
Gerdruda, dear, leave us.
We sent for Hamlet secretly,
Let him meet Ophelia by chance.
Her father and I will stay close.
We will see legitimate spies
We, hiding, are all that will be here.
And having looked, we’ll try to understand,
Does love make you suffer like this?
Or maybe for the words and actions of the son,
Unfortunately for us, there is another reason.
I obey. I'm leaving, wishing
So that the beauty of Ophelia ball
The only cause of illness.
Beautiful Ophelia, I hope
Your virtues and virtues
In time they will restore the prince's sanity,
To his and your credit.
I'll be glad.
The queen leaves.
Ophelia, walk around here.
We, sir, will be by your side all the time.
Here is the Bible, walk, pray, read,
Attract the prince's attention to you.
Proven: by a pious face
We'll even make the devil happy.
King (aside)
What a blow to my conscience!
In my deeds, painted with words
More ugliness than a prostitute
On a brightly painted cheek.
Oh, burden of conscience, your burden is unbearable!
I hear him coming. My lord, hurry up.
The king and Polonius are hiding. Hamlet enters.
To live or not to live? - It's time to resolve the issue
Is it more honorable to surrender or to fight?
Should I endure the arrows of furious fate,
Or rebel and get even with life.
Kill yourself, hide underground,
Saving flesh from life's blows,
Who doesn't want this with all their heart?
Fall asleep and dream, but here's the problem:
Wouldn't the dreams be worse than life?
When will we break the chain of earthly suffering?
This thought keeps us on earth,
She is the reason for living too long.
Who would bear her scourges,
Ridicule, oppression, contempt,
The pain of rejected love for no reason,
Slow judgment, unrighteous persecution
Worthy from the damned scoundrels,
Would it be right to end everything with a simple dagger?
Well, who would, sweating and groaning,
Carry this burden around your neck all your life,
If not for the fear of an unknown country,
Where was there no return for mortals?
He suppressed the will of the weak in spirit,
To endure the oppression of life, again forcing,
We are accustomed to demolishing the known,
What we don't know yet is scary.
Doubts paint your cheeks white,
And procrastination turns you into a coward,
We change the plan, we go around,
Obstacles, dangers, temptations.
But I’ll shut up, my joy is here,
Beautiful Ophelia, oh nymph,
I know that my sins cannot be counted,
Mention them all in your prayers.
How did you live these days, my lord?
Thank you humbly: good.
My lord, I have gifts from you,
Which I have been wanting to return for a long time.
Please take them now.
I had nothing to do with it, I didn’t give any gifts.
You know perfectly well what you gave.
And with them inspired words,
The gifts from them were more valuable to me.
Now that the scent of words is lost,
Take them back. Rich gift
For noble souls it loses its value,
When the giver has lost love,
Please, my lord, take everything back.
Ha, ha, so are you honest?
My lord?
You say beautiful?
What does this mean prince.
Well, if you are beautiful and honest,
Then let honesty not be friends with beauty.
My dear prince, with whom beauty communicates,
If honesty does not suit her as a friend?
Yes, it doesn't fit. Beauty is more likely
Any honesty will turn into a pimp,
How honesty will ennoble beauty.
Don't think that the paradox said
The century has proven to us that this is true.
I loved you once.
You made me believe it.
It was in vain that you took my word for it,
No matter how much virtue you instill in us,
Sin cannot be eradicated from us. Didn't love you.
So, it means I was cruelly deceived.
Why do you want to give birth to sinners?
Become a nun. Everyone says I'm honest
But there is something to blame me for.
It would be better if my mother didn’t give birth to me:
I am very proud, envious and vain.
I don't have enough imagination and intelligence
Think about all the crimes in the world,
Which I have on hand.
Life is not enough to accomplish everything,
Why should such people smoke heaven in vain?
Everyone is a scoundrel, don't trust anyone.
Go your own way, become a nun.
Where is your father?
He's home, prince.
Lock it tight so he doesn't escape
Playing the fool in the family circle.
Oh, heaven help the prince!
Do you want to get married, in a wedding dress,
Remember this curse by me:
May you be more transparent than ice, pure as snow,
You will condemn vainness as if it were a sin.
Therefore, hurry to the monastery,
Spend quiet time with prayer.
But, if you still can’t bear to get married -
Find the fool, but don't touch the smart one,
He will understand everything you do to him.
And he will prepare an invoice for payment.
Don’t hesitate any longer, go to the monastery,
Don't put it off until tomorrow. Goodbye.
Hamlet leaves
Oh, woe! The noble mind is defeated!
He was a role model:
Smart, elegant, fashionable, educated,
He wielded a sword and sword like a warrior,
Rose and hope for the state
Now he has fallen so low and so quickly!
I'm the most unhappy of women
I recently drank nectar of sweet words,
The mind reigned like a bell sounded,
Was sweet for the soul and heart,
Now it is cracked, unbearable to the ear.
Oh, woe is me! The prince became completely different
Both mind and appearance are ruined by madness.
What I saw and what I see now!
Love? No - miss! The feelings in him are different.
Words are without connection, but there is no madness.
I'm afraid that Hamlet will be dangerous to us,
I want to warn you about the dangers:
Let Hamlet go to England for tribute,
Maybe the journey will kill
Everything that is so ingrained in the prince
Everything that weakens the brain,
That's why he became completely different,
What, dear friend, do you say about this?
Everything is correct, however, I think
The source of sadness is still in love.
Ophelia, no need to tell
What Prince Hamlet told you,
We heard everything ourselves. You are my lord,
Do whatever you want with it.
As you see fit, Queen Mother
Let him talk to him after the performance.
In private he will reveal the reason
Your sadness. I'll sit next to you
And I will hear their entire conversation.
If he is secretive, send him to England,
Or you can go to jail.
Let it be so! The question is not worth arguing:
The madness of the nobles requires supervision.

Right there. Hall in the castle.
Enter Hamlet and three actors.


Read the monologue as I read it:
Let the words dance
But don't open your mouth wide
And don’t waste the air with your hands,
Moderation, moderation in everything -
It will give smoothness to the flow, the storm.
The soul grieves when a healthy guy
Having put on a wig, passions are torn into rags,
To deafen the audience on the ground floor.
They understand only noise and pantomime.
This guy needs to be whipped
Because he wanted to outplay Herod,
Because he is in nothing, without knowing the limits,
Breaks and howls like a villain,
Under the cries of distraught people.
I ask you to avoid this.
First actor.
For this, Your Honor, I vouch for this.
Don't be timid, let common sense
Your action will agree with the word,
And a word with action. Learn from nature
The naturalness and meaning and purpose of the game,
In which virtue sees itself,
It’s like in a mirror, but it’s too much
For the laughter of the ignorant, you will upset the worthy,
Whose opinion is more valuable than the praises of the ignorant,
Filling the entire theater building.
I have seen and heard such actors
How the fools, praising them, extolled them,
When they puffed up and howled,
And they looked more like animals,
Than on the nature of people created.
First actor
We were glad to listen to the advice,
We hope we don't have this.
I take them at their word, Comedians, playing,
Let them only say what they wrote,
In the course of action, without interfering with antics,
For the praise and laughter of stupid philistines.
Do not encourage the vanity of fools.
I hope you understand everything - go ahead.
The actors leave; includes Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Well, my lord, does the king wish
Will you attend our performance?
And the queen is also impatient.
Then ask the actors to hurry up.
Polonius leaves.
Can you hurry them up?
Rosencrantz. |
) Let's hurry, hurry, my lord!
Guildenstern. |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave.
Where are you, Horatio?
Enter Horatio
I am here, my prince, always ready to serve.
You are the fairest of people
With whom I had to communicate in my life.
Horatio. Oh dear milord...
Don't think I'm flattering. What's the use
Flatter the poor? They have enough income
Shoe, clothe and feed yourself.
The tongue of a suck-up delights luxury,
Knees bend and flatter where profit awaits.
My soul has been its own master since then,
How I learned to distinguish people.
I noted you among others.
You endured your sufferings with steadfastness,
Thanked for joy and trouble,
Didn't bend, didn't break, for fortune
I did not serve as a violin or a flute,
Didn't sing the note she wanted.
You refused to be a slave to passions,
That's why I love you with all my heart,
But that's not what we're talking about. Today's performance
One of the scenes about the death of his father,
To help clear my doubts,
Watch your uncle carefully.
I'll stare into his face,
Then we'll discuss everything we see.
I agree to help you look for evidence,
But if he steals them anyway,
I will pay for everything that is lost.
They come here to watch the play,
I need to pretend to be carefree.
Take a seat.
Trumpets and timpani. Danish march. Enter the king, queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, retinue and guards carrying torches.
King. How is our nephew Hamlet doing?
Healthy. I eat like a chameleon.
I swallow air full of promises,
But this will not fatten the capon.
How can I connect with your answer?
The words you spoke are not mine.
Now they are not mine either (176). (Polonius.)
My lord, I heard that when we were studying
Were you successful on stage?
Yes, he performed and was not a bad actor.
Can you name your favorite role?
Polonium. Was Caesar. Brutus killed me.
It was brutal to kill him
such a capital calf.
Are the actors ready to watch?
Rosencrantz. Ready and waiting for your order.
Come here, my Hamlet, sit next to me.
Hamlet. There is a more attractive metal.
Polonium. You hear? Looks like I was right.
Hamlet. Madam, can I lie down on my knees?
Ophelia. No, good prince!
Hamlet. How about bowing your head?
Ophelia. Please, my dear prince, put it down.
Hamlet. Did you think he said something obscene to you?
Ophelia. I didn't think anything, my lord.
Hamlet. Lying between a girl's legs is fun.
Ophelia. What did you want to tell me?
Hamlet. Nothing for you personally.
Ophelia. You joked?
Hamlet. Who am I?
Ophelia. Yes you.
I am the incomparable jig writer.
Like others, I’m happy to have fun.
And the mother cannot hide her cheerful look,
But, after all, my father died only two hours ago.
Ophelia. Two times two months have passed.

So long? Then let the devil mourn
And my outfit will be decorated with sable.
O heaven! Isn't it forgotten?
Then the great one must build churches,
So that we remember about him for half a year.
Otherwise they will stop thinking about him,
As it is said about the horse in verse:
“Alas and ah! Alas and ah!
Bury the horse, forget the ashes!

Oboes are playing. The pantomime begins. The king and queen enter and treat each other lovingly: the queen hugs the king, he hugs her. She kneels down and expresses her feelings with gestures. He lifts her from his knees and leans his head on her shoulder, then lowers himself onto a bed of flowers. She, seeing that he fell asleep, leaves. Immediately a man enters, takes off his crown, kisses it, pours poison into the king's ears and leaves. The queen returns. She sees that the king is dead and expresses despair with gestures. The poisoner enters again with two or three extras and pretends to mourn with her. The dead body is carried away. The poisoner wins the queen's favor by giving her gifts. At first she seems to disagree, but finally accepts his love. The actors leave.
Ophelia. What does this mean, dear prince?
The tempting serpent, the seducer of Eve,
Whatever you call it, it’s a crime in the end.
The mutes retold the play to us.
Enter Prologue.

Let's learn everything from this scoundrel,
Actors can't keep secrets
From birth to death - talkers
Ophelia. Will he explain pantomime to us?
He will explain to you whatever you want,
If it doesn't hurt you to listen to shame
Ophelia. You are evil and disgusting, start the play.
I ask for leniency
For us and for the tragedy.
Hamlet. Instead of a prologue, an inscription on the ring?
Ophelia. Yes, briefly!
Hamlet. Like a woman's love.
Two actors enter: the king and the queen.
The king is on stage.

Already thirty times, closed a circle across the sky
Phoebus' team over sea and land,
And thirty dozen moons at the appointed hour
They delighted us with borrowed light,

Queen on stage.

May the sun and moon make us
Watch them no less than once,
Until the end of love comes,
But woe is me! The disease is in your blood.
I'm sad, you don't look like yourself,
I'm worried, but it's no good to worry you.
For a woman, love and fear are equal,
Either they don't exist or they are strong.
While you and I were moving towards a common goal,
You actually recognized my love.
Doubts give rise to oohs, aahs,
From trifles great fears grow,
And with them a woman’s love grows,
Where there is a lot of fear, there love blooms.
The king is on stage.
I swear that I will leave the world soon
The body weakens, the vigilance of the gaze fades,
And you will remain in honor and love...
Queen on stage.
Oh, stop the word on the fly,
I will die, but I will not betray you!
May I be damned when I forget you!
Only she will find a second husband,
Who will bring the first to death?
Cool down, cool down, cool down, cool down!
Your words are like wormwood.
Queen on stage.
It’s not love that attracts you to marry a second time,
And the benefit and base calculation.
In bed, the husband is killed again,
When they kiss the other without shame.
The king is on stage.
I believe that you are sincere now
But we don’t know our future:
Our decisions are changeable
Very often we don’t do them.
Intention is like unripe fruit
It is strongest when we give birth to it,
It will ripen, fall and disappear,
We forget our duty to ourselves.
While we're burning, we don't regret vows of love,
Let's forget them when the passions fade away,
Changes extremes: joy to sadness
Sadness for joy, happiness for misfortune.
Sometimes love commands fate,
Sometimes fate influences love,
We cannot resolve the issue: after all, everyone again,
Which of the two is stronger decides for itself.
The poor man is in luck - the enemy is in a hurry to make friends,
Friends leave, only the rich become poor,
Need knows how to expose a lie,
Poverty tests love and friend.
Let's finish where I started:
Not all their wishes come true,
They swear: The intensity of feelings will not cool down!
And the fervor passes, they forget about the vows.
Desires are not connected with fate,
Time destroys dreams and plans,
You swear to your husband to be a faithful wife,
Lo and behold, the oath dies along with the husband.
Queen on stage.
Let the earth leave without food,
And heaven without light and water!
Fate, overload with things to do,
Make me work day and night!
Without joy, lock me in prison,
May your heart never be happy
Lives in darkness without faith, without joy,
He expects neither happiness nor mercy.
Let failure follow me
When will someone else replace you!
Hamlet. Will she dare break her oath?
The king is on stage.
You can't take back such an oath.
Darling, leave me for a while;
Let sleep ease the burden of a hard life.
Queen on stage.
Let your brain sleep (the king falls asleep) and with it our troubles.
Now there is a topic for conversation.
Did you like the play, madam?
She cuts through the heart without a knife,
The lady promises too much.
Hamlet. She doesn't change her decisions!
Do you know all the contents of the play?
Will it offend our interests?
No, no, the actors are joking, they make us laugh.
A hint will not offend anyone.
King. What is the name of the play, open it?
Damn it, it’s embarrassing for me to talk,
The name is simple - Mousetrap.
She will tell you about the murder in Vienna,
King Gonzago, and wife Baptista.
An insidious story with meaning.
But for us, we are all pure in soul,
Let the sick person tremble and writhe,
Our scruff is intact.
Lucian enters.
That's Lucian

The king's nephew.
We have you instead of a choir?
I could also serve as an intermediary
Between you and your lover, but it's boring,
Being a viewer of comedies is not convenient.
How sharp you are, my lord, how sharp you are.
You would have to moan a lot,
To give dullness to my sting.
Ophelia. What a language! They've had enough!
And for husbands, life with their wives is not paradise.
Actor, killer, stop making faces,
Until he crawled out like a snake from his skin.
Quickly show us how black the world is -
"The Crow Caws for Vengeance"
The hand is strong, the plan is black, the poison is reliable,
Time's accomplice whispers: Good morning!
No one sees me, no one bothers me,
The sorcerer brewed a tincture to order
From the herbs three times cursed by Hecate,
I poured three poisons, cast spells for three nights,
Now rich in both evil and magic,
Poison will take revenge on those who interfered with me.
(Pours poison into the ear of the sleeping man.)
Hamlet. He poisoned him while stealing the crown.
It seems to me that this is about Verona,
It was written long ago and far away,
In the wonderful Italian language.
Now the killer will seduce
Change the widow's mourning for the wedding.
Ophelia. The king stands up.
Hamlet. Was he afraid of the fake lights?
Queen. What's wrong with you, should I help you, my lord?
Polonium. Enough, stop the show!
I need light. Fire I'm leaving!
All. Lights, lights, lights! (188)
Everyone leaves except Hamlet and Horatio.


“When a moose is wounded, it roars,
When healthy, he hits with his hoof.
Who sleeps soundly, who watches
This is what the world of the century stands on.”
Sir, is this recitation and the forest of feathers on the head -
and two Provençal roses on shoes with cutouts,
When fate becomes hostile to me
won’t they provide a solid share in the acting pack?
Horatio. Half share.
Hamlet. No, it's a whole pie.
"Take a good look Damon
To the royal throne.
There was a throne for Jupiter
Now “osyo tr.” reigns on it.
Horatio. They could have said it in rhyme.
Oh, good friend, I'll give you a thousand as pawn,
Because the ghost didn't lie about the poison.
What do you think?
The good prince agrees with you.
When did you start talking about poisoning?
Horatio. I will never forget the impression.
Hamlet. Ha ha! Hey music! Flutists!
"If the king doesn't like our performance,
The king has the right to interrupt him.”
Hey music!
Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Good prince, listen to me,
I just want to say a word to you.
Hamlet. At least a whole story.
Guildenstern. Great, our king...
Hamlet. Yes sir, what's wrong with him?
Guildenstern. He is upset and seriously ill.
Hamlet. What did you drink?
Guildenstern. No, I think from bile.
It’s wiser to tell the doctor about this,
After all, if I start his treatment
I'm afraid that the bile will spill out more.
My good prince, speak seriously,
Don't ignore the question.
Hamlet. I'm trying, sir. What else can you say?
The queen mother is extremely sad
Sent me with a message to you.
Hamlet. Come in, please.
No, good prince, courtesy has no place here.
If you wish, answer me sensibly,
Then I can carry out the order.
And if not, please give me the right
Leave without delay, finishing everything immediately.
Hamlet. Sir, I can't.
Guildenstern. What, my lord?
Give a sound answer, my mind is sick
At your service, or rather,
At the service of my good mother.
So get down to business
you say mother
She said:
What is your behavior at the performance?
She was plunged into sadness and amazement.
I am a marvelous son to amaze my mother so much.
Well, now I would like to know:
On the heels of this amazement,
What else can we expect from a mother?
Mother asks you to visit her before bed
To have a peaceful conversation between the two of us.
We will carry out the order without delay,
Be a mother, at least ten times over.
Do you still have business with me?
If you have a question, feel free to ask.
Rosencrantz. Once upon a time, my lord, you loved me.
And I still do. I swear by my hands
They steal and rob, see for yourself.
(Pointing to his hands
Share your problem with a friend,
Trust me, I am always ready to serve.
Hamlet. I'm not moving forward in my career.
Fear God prince! King of the whole country
You have been declared heir to the throne!
I heard, I heard, but what’s the matter,
If you spin finely, you will have to wait a long time.
The proverb has long since become moldy,
Therefore you should know it.
Enter the actors with pipes.

Pipes! Nice, can you give me one?
Two words to you in private: Why don’t you like it?
You always try to go to the rear,
Perhaps you want to drive me into a trap?
I beg your pardon, my lord, if I am too bold,
I wanted to prove my sincerity.
Hamlet. I don't really understand you,
Play the pipe, I'm listening.
Guildenstern. I don’t even dare take it in my hands.
Hamlet. Please, my lord.
Guildenstern. Sorry, I can't.
Hamlet. I am begging you.
Guildenstern. I don't know how to start.
But this is as easy as lying.
Here you need to close the holes,
Blow here and it will respond with a trill.
These are the valves
I don't know how to control them
So that the sounds of the pipes delight you,
God did not adapt either his hearing or his hands.
How low you put me!
You want to play me like a pipe,
Find out all the notes, find out all the secrets,
So that I, like a pipe, open my soul to you.
You are not able to make a flute speak,
How the hell did it occur to you?
That it’s easier to control me than a pipe?
Consider me at least a drum,
But you don’t have the talent to play me!
Polonius enters.
May God bless you, sir!
I do the queen's bidding
She wants to talk to you
And speak immediately, now.
Hamlet. That cloud looks like a camel!
Polonium. Indeed, he looks like a camel.
Now I see for sure - this is a weasel.
Polonium. There is no doubt, the back is like a weasel.
Hamlet. And yet, rather, like a whale?
Polonium. I agree, it looks a lot like a whale.
Hamlet. Then I'll go to my mother.
(Aside. They fool me tirelessly,
It's time to understand why, what does this mean?)
Be back soon.
Polonium. I'll say so. (Leaves.)
It's easy to say "now." Leave him alone.
Everyone leaves except Hamlet.

Now the time has come for witchcraft,
In the darkness the graves open their mouths,
Breath is foul and thick
He deprives people of power over him.
I can drink blood, do things like this,
That the world would tremble when it saw them,
Madness is inspired by evil thoughts,
The gods were replaced by a pagan idol.
Calm down! Mother is waiting. Soul of Nero
I will block my path with my chest!
Out of loyalty to the sacred law,
I will not draw my dagger for revenge.
Let my tongue and heart be hypocrites,
Having given free rein to evil, her tongue curses,
Burning, the heart cries from loss,
Spilling out rage into a menacing roar.
He tears my chest and doesn't let me breathe,
But I won’t raise my hand against my mother.

Enter the King, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
It's dangerous to indulge his madness,
Get ready to go, I'll sign the order,
He will go to England with you.
You can't do crazy things
Harmful to the interests of the state,
Threatening trouble for the queen and me.
We'll get ready for the journey. Pious
For your subjects is your fear,
Peace and food for thousands of citizens
Are now in your hands.
Everyone has a right and a reason
Protect yourself as best you can from adversity,
Especially the king, his death
The peoples will be drawn into the whirlpool,
Like a wheel rolling from a mountain top,
Everything is carried along with it into the abyss,
So the king decides the fate of the country.
When, hiding his sadness, he sighs,
In the country, like an echo, there is a nationwide groan.
Please, without delay, hit the road,
We can rest from worries,
When you take fear with you,
Shackled in reliable shackles.
Rosencrantz. | Guildenstern. ) We will hurry |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave. Polonius enters.

He will go to his mother now,
I'll hide behind the carpet to find out
What will Hamlet say about you?
And will his mother be partial to him?
My presence won't hurt
I guarantee that the mother will convince her son.
Farewell sir, I'm leaving,
I’ll tell you everything I hear.
I hope you don't go to bed
Until I come back to tell you everything.
King. Thank you, dear milord.
Polonius leaves.

In the era of online games and movies, few people read books. But vivid images will fade from memory in a few minutes, but classical literature, which has been read for centuries, is remembered forever. It is irrational to deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy the immortal creations of geniuses, because they not only provide answers to many questions that have not lost their urgency after hundreds of years. Such diamonds of world literature include “Hamlet,” a brief retelling of which awaits you below.

About Shakespeare. "Hamlet": history of creation

The genius of literature and theater was born in 1564, baptized on April 26. But the exact date of birth is not known. The biography of this amazing writer is overgrown with many myths and guesses. Perhaps this is due to the lack of accurate knowledge and its replacement with speculation.

It is known that little William grew up in a wealthy family. From a young age he attended school, but was unable to graduate due to financial difficulties. Soon there will be a move to London, where Shakespeare will create Hamlet. The retelling of the tragedy is intended to encourage schoolchildren, students, and people who love literature to read it in its entirety or go to the play of the same name.

The tragedy is based on a “vagrant” plot about the Danish prince Amleth, whose uncle killed his father in order to take over the state. Critics found the origins of the plot in the Danish chronicles of Saxo Grammar, dating back to approximately the 12th century. During the development of theatrical art, an unknown author creates a drama based on this plot, borrowing it from the French writer Francois de Bolfort. Most likely, it was in the theater that Shakespeare learned this plot and created the tragedy “Hamlet” (see a brief retelling below).

First act

A brief retelling of Hamlet by act will give an idea of ​​the plot of the tragedy.

The act begins with a conversation between two officers, Bernardo and Marcellus, about what they saw at night a ghost that looks very much like the late king. After the conversation, they actually see a ghost. The soldiers try to talk to him, but the spirit does not answer them.

Next, the reader sees the current king, Claudius, and Hamlet, the son of the deceased king. Claudius says that he took Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, as his wife. Upon learning of this, Hamlet is very upset. He remembers what a worthy owner of the royal throne his father was, and how his parents loved each other. Only a month has passed since his death, and his mother got married. The prince's friend, Horatio, tells him that he saw a ghost that closely resembled his father. Hamlet decides to go with a friend on night duty to see everything with his own eyes.

The brother of Hamlet's bride Ophelia, Laertes, leaves and says goodbye to his sister.

Hamlet sees a ghost on the duty station. This is the spirit of his dead father. He tells his son that he died not from a snake bite, but from the treachery of his brother, who took his throne. Claudius poured henbane juice into his brother's ears, which poisoned and killed him instantly. The father asks for revenge for his murder. Later, Hamlet gives a brief retelling of what he heard to his friend Horatio.

Second act

Polonius talking to his daughter Ophelia. She is scared because she saw Hamlet. He had a very strange appearance, and his behavior spoke of great confusion of spirit. The news of Hamlet's madness spreads throughout the kingdom. Polonius talks to Hamlet and notices that, despite the apparent madness, the prince's conversations are very logical and consistent.

His friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come to see Hamlet. They tell the prince that a very talented acting company has arrived in the city. Hamlet asks them to tell everyone that he has lost his mind. Polonius joins them and also reports on the actors.

Third act

Claudius asks Guildenstern if he knows the reason for Hamlet's madness.

Together with the queen and Polonius, they decide to arrange a meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia in order to understand whether he is going crazy because of love for her.

In this act, Hamlet pronounces his brilliant monologue “To be or not to be.” A retelling will not convey the full essence of the monologue; we recommend reading it yourself.

The prince negotiates something with the actors.

The show begins. Actors portray the king and queen. Hamlet asked to perform the play; a very brief retelling of recent events to the actors allowed them to show on the stage the circumstances of the fatal death of Hamlet's father. The king falls asleep in the garden, is poisoned, and the criminal gains the queen's trust. Claudius cannot stand such a spectacle and orders the performance to be stopped. They leave with the queen.

Guildenstern conveys to Hamlet his mother's request to talk to her.

Claudius tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that he wants to send the prince to England.

Polonius hides behind the curtains in Gertrude's room and waits for Hamlet. During their conversation, the spirit of his father appears to the prince and asks him not to horrify his mother with his behavior, but to focus on revenge.

Hamlet hits the heavy curtains with his sword and accidentally kills Polonius. He reveals to his mother a terrible secret about his father's death.

Act Four

The fourth act of the tragedy is full of tragic events. More and more, it seems to those around him, Prince Hamlet (a brief retelling of Act 4 will give a more accurate explanation of his actions).

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask Hamlet where Polonius' body is. The prince does not tell them, accusing the courtiers of only seeking the king's privileges and favor.

Ophelia is brought to the queen. The girl went crazy from the experience. Laertes returned secretly. He and a group of people supporting him defeated the guards and rushed to the castle.

Horatio is brought a letter from Hamlet, which says that the ship on which he sailed was captured by pirates. The prince is their prisoner.

The king tells Laertes, who seeks revenge for who is to blame for his death, hoping that Laertes will kill Hamlet.

The Queen is brought the news that Ophelia has died. She drowned in the river.

Fifth act

A conversation between two grave diggers is described. They consider Ophelia a suicide and condemn her.

At Ophelia's funeral, Laertes throws himself into a pit. Hamlet also jumps there, sincerely suffering from the death of his former lover.

Afterwards Laertes and Hamlet go to duel. They hurt each other. The Queen takes the cup intended for Hamlet from Claudius and drinks. The cup is poisoned, Gertrude dies. The weapon that Claudius prepared is also poisoned. Both Hamlet and Laertes are already feeling the effects of the poison. Hamlet kills Claudius with the same sword. Horatio reaches for the poisoned glass, but Hamlet asks him to stop so that all the secrets can be revealed and his name cleared. Fortinbras discovers the truth and orders Hamlet to be buried with honors.

Why read a summary of the story "Hamlet"?

This question often worries modern schoolchildren. Let's start by asking a question. It is not quite correctly defined, since “Hamlet” is not a story, its genre is tragedy.

Its main theme is the theme of revenge. It may seem irrelevant, but its essence is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, many subthemes are intertwined in Hamlet: loyalty, love, friendship, honor and duty. It is difficult to find a person who remains indifferent after reading the tragedy. Another reason to read this immortal work is Hamlet's monologue. “To be or not to be” has been said thousands of times, here are questions and answers that, after almost five centuries, have not lost their poignancy. Unfortunately, a brief retelling will not convey all the emotional coloring of the work. Shakespeare created Hamlet based on legends, but his tragedy outgrew its sources and became a world masterpiece.