Other names for the Six of Cups tarot card: Cups, Cups, Worms, Hearts, Fats, Heart, Hearts, Roses, Water, Cauldrons, Cauldrons

This map takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Such a detached and sentimental view of things can either clarify and brighten the picture of the world, or cloud and darken it. And, since the card is, in one way or another, connected with the past, if asked appropriately, it can point to some episodes or impressions of our childhood.

Work and business

The Six of Cups suggests that we perceive our work more romantically than pragmatically, and it is its ideal idea of ​​it that captivates us, and not the everyday routine. In creative professions this is even a plus, however, where accuracy and organization are required, this approach only hinders both us and those who work with us. If we are in danger of losing our jobs, orders, or retraining, then this card indicates a return to childhood desires, when we wanted to become this and that when we grow up. And, depending on how much of our childhood desires have come true, it personifies either sadness and hopelessness, or joy and a surge of new strength. If we are simply having difficulties at work or at work, then it may mean that we want to return to those times (or to that job) when we succeeded in everything.


We look back, most often to childhood, or indulge in “mind wandering,” as Buddhists say, that is, we often (and usually bitterly) think about something. The images that appear in this case can be embodied in poems, paintings and other works of art. But they can also cause a desire to escape from reality, and simply demonstrative tomfoolery. Here's how Philip Metman writes about it: “The one who tries to fulfill his childhood hopes in adulthood will never reach maturity. However, the one who suppresses them, preventing them from being realized or acquiring a new quality, immediately becomes an old man.”

Relationships and love

Here, this card most often means warmth and kindness, characteristic of the period of fairy-tale love. Sometimes - memories of such a period. It is in this area that the dreamy, sometimes sweetly sentimental side of this card is most strongly expressed, although there is poetry and genuine romance in it.

Inner meaning of the card

Your previous dissatisfaction with your current situation logically led to this card. The Six of Cups Tarot describes thoughts about past love and lost happiness. This is a map of memories and a look back at a time when you were as happy as a child can be. How these memories affect you is up to you. Do not indulge in painful thoughts about what you have lost.

If you use your memories to relearn happiness, to rekindle your childhood innocence, and most importantly, to remind yourself that you were happy, you can become happy again. In a particularly favorable scenario, the appearance of the Six of Cups tarot card indicates that someone or something will make you see the good in your life.

Combinations in tarot spreads


Nun: waiting, stopping

4 of Swords: delay, preparation

7 cups: prepayment, taxation, fine

The trial: an uncertain, problematic case


8 of Cups: reaching the final

Death: completion

Wheel of Happiness: fast movement, rapid development

Magician: activity, making plans




Sun in Scorpio

10°—20° Scorpio

Original title: Lord of Pleasure
The initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the card a hand is extended holding stems of lotuses or water lilies. Six flowers bend over the bowls, one over each; Water pours from the lotuses into the bowls, but the bowls are not filled to the brim.

Color of Tiphareth on the Queen's scale: yellow (golden)
Colors of the Sun on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber with streaks of red
Scorpio colors on four scales: greenish-blue; dull brown; very dark brown; mixture of bluish-gray indigo and brown
Formula: Six (Tiferet) + Cups (Beria) + Sun in Scorpio = PLEASURE.

At the stage of the Six of Cups - Pleasure, who dwells in the magnificent palace of Tiphareth, the solar sephira - the suit comes into balance again. The Four and Five of Cups became a thing of the past and were forgotten like a bad dream (after an overly hearty dinner and an extra glass of wine). As soon as we opened our eyes, a dizzying understanding overtook us: we found ourselves in the very card that is a direct reflection of the Ace of Cups. The sun is unimaginably happy in the sphere of Tiphareth and shines twice as warmly and pleasantly as usual, generously illuminating and warming Scorpio in his sensual and cheerful incarnation. If the Six of Cups appears first in a reading, it is difficult to resist the temptation to stop there and not guess further. This card is simply amazing. And Crowley is of the same opinion:

“The title of this card, “Pleasure,” should be understood in the highest sense: it implies well-being, ease, satisfaction and harmony of natural forces, which does not require the slightest effort or tension. The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fulfillment of desires, both natural and artificially caused, is alien to this card But here the implementation of the sexual Will is clearly presented: the governing sephira, the planet, the element, and the sign indicate this.”

The sea ripples with long, gentle waves, and the lotuses literally dance, weaving their stems into symmetrical patterns and arcs. Water flows again from the lotuses into the bowls, but does not fill them to the brim. Four of the six bowls are tilted and seem about to fall; but in fact they are pressed tightly to the stems by the very pressure of the water.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

One magical evening you will meet your chosen one, a perfect person who will justify all your hopes and fulfill all your dreams. Right? No! This fantasy, which poets and songwriters love to propagate, is rooted in the memory of the womb, where we were safe, where we were “one” with our mother; no wonder we want to return there so much throughout our lives. But to put it bluntly, this is a childhood dream. It's amazing how stubbornly we cling to this in the face of reality.

Straight position

No one, not your current partner, not some fairy-tale chosen one in the future has an obligation to bring you happiness on a platter - no one, even if they wanted it. True love comes not from trying to solve our problems by depending on another, but from developing our inner wealth and maturity. Then we will have so much love to give that we will naturally attract lovers to us.

Meaning of the card

This has been talked about constantly, in all centuries. All religious people said: “We come into this world alone, and we leave alone.” All community is an illusion. The very idea of ​​community arises from the fact that we are alone, and loneliness hurts. We want to drown our loneliness in relationships... That's why we are so involved in love. Try to understand. We usually think that we fall in love with a man or woman because he or she is beautiful. It is not true. The truth is just the opposite: you fell in love because you can't stand to be alone. You wanted to fall in love. You somehow wanted to escape from yourself. And there are people who don’t fall in love with women or men - then they fall in love with money. They start moving towards money or towards power, they become politicians. This is also done to avoid loneliness. If you look at a person, if you look deep into yourself, you will be surprised: the reason for all your activities is one. The reason is that you are afraid of loneliness. Everything else is just an excuse. The real reason is that you feel very lonely. (Osho)

When the Tarot card 6 of Cups appears, the meaning may or may not be positive. It all depends on what matters more to you - calm family happiness or business success. In addition, the 6 of Cups is a card for the return of people and events from the past.

In the article:

Tarot card 6 of Cups - meaning in layouts

The meaning of the Tarot card 6 of Cups is peace, comfort, a sense of security. Now you can give vent to feelings such as love and tenderness. There is no need to save your feelings or be ashamed of them. Your loved ones should know how you really feel about them. Let them know that you love them. The 6 of Cups Tarot card advises you to protect loved ones from negative emotions in your life, but do not forget to share joy with them.

In addition, the Six of Cups Tarot means some small happiness. The profit will be small, but it is a stable income without any risks. For novice businessmen or people who do not focus solely on the material side of success, the prediction is positive. It cannot be called bad for those who strive for family happiness first of all. However, for adventurous and enterprising people, the appearance of 6 Tarot Cups in a reading foreshadows stagnation, dissatisfaction, and a swamp.

The meaning of the 6 Tarot Cups also lies in pleasant memories of events from the past and old acquaintances. Probably, their time has not yet passed, and they will bring you happiness more than once. You'll likely hear from an old friend, receive a gift or inheritance, attend a class reunion or a family dinner. The time has come to appreciate the efforts of your loved ones that they directed to support you. The Six of Cups Tarot card may foretell the emergence of new opportunities for professional growth, a change of place of residence is possible.

The meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot changes if the card falls in upside down. In this case, there will not be even a small profit, but you will not lose anything, you will be left with what you have now. An inverted card suggests that you live in the past, not the present, and don’t even look into the future. Your life values ​​and ideas about life and morality are seriously outdated. This is what will cause failure. You think you deserve a reward, but the one who was more useful received it.

Inverted The Six of Cups suggests that your nostalgia will not bring anything good. Your memories hurt you, and your old standards of behavior do not correspond to modern realities. You are reluctant to try something new, ghosts from the past overcome you. In addition, an inverted card may indicate that you are afraid of being left without the care of your parents or mentor.

Six of Cups Tarot - meaning at the level of consciousness

The Six of Cups suggests that now is the most favorable period to reflect on the question of the lessons learned in life. How have they enriched you? What experience did you have? How has it affected your relationships with loved ones and your personal life? After receiving answers to these questions, be ready to move on and live in the present, looking forward to the future and only occasionally remembering the past.

The Six of Cups can also mean a desire to fall into nostalgia. Now you often look back, most likely remembering your childhood years. Buddhists call this state of mind wandering. There is no need to be afraid to return your thoughts to the past, where you felt good.

Your current state can give you inspiration. Creativity will help you express your mood and bring joy to other people. You may want to visit the place where you spent your childhood. There is no need to limit yourself to this opportunity, if it exists.

Tarot card 6 of Cups for fortune telling for work and affairs

You don't have a pragmatic approach to the work you do. You are captivated by the flair of romance that envelops your position. You don't pay attention to the daily routine that comes with it. Idealistic ideas about your chosen specialty captivate you. This can be called a plus if the work is related to creativity. This approach to more “mundane” professions can interfere with both the fortuneteller and his colleagues.

If you are facing trouble at work, and you are guessing at the situation, trying to find out more about the likelihood of losing your job, retraining or losing clients, then the card indicates childhood desires. What did you want to become as an adult? If your wishes come true, happiness and joy are promised. If you haven't fulfilled your childhood dream, you will feel hopeless and sad.

If no serious troubles are expected, but some difficulties are possible, the forecast will be slightly different. You simply wish you could go back to a time when your work situation was less stressful. Perhaps after changing your position, you began to miss your old responsibilities, which were easier for you.

There may be a situation in which you will need skills that have not been used for a long time. What you learned years ago will be useful again. Perhaps the new position will involve responsibilities that you have long lost the habit of.

6 of Cups Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 6 Cups of Tarot is love and warmth, which are usually characteristic at the very beginning of a relationship. If you have been married for a long time, the card may mean that you miss the period of courtship and dating. You lack romance. It’s not a fact that you will want to look for her on the side, because you can diversify your family life in other ways.

For single people, the relationship meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot is a card that brings hope. Romance, love, and an extremely romantic and pleasant period in your personal life await you. However, it is unknown what the future of this union will be. You will have the opportunity to restore the old connection.

In addition, the 6 of Cups symbolizes daydreaming, romanticism, and a penchant for poetry. Perhaps the romantic in you or your partner will awaken and want to return what was lost over the years of marriage. There is no need to resist this desire; there will be no harm from it.

Inverted The 6 of Cups foretells the appearance of a person from your past, but this relationship will have to be put to rest. You have long grown out of this connection; it no longer seems necessary or valuable to you. Your past relationship is still holding you back and you need to get rid of it. The past romance influences the one happening in the present.

What kind of people does the Six of Cups Tarot represent?

It is known that Tarot cards often do not reflect the emotions of the fortuneteller or a situation that relates to the future or present. Sometimes cards show people from your life - close or distant acquaintances, relatives, friends and colleagues.

The Six of Cups suggests that in front of you is a person connected with your past. Moreover, this person was or still is a relative of the fortuneteller. This could be a childhood friend or an old friend, or a former lover. In addition, the card can mean a child, but the fortuneteller’s children are not necessarily meant.

Upside down The Six of Cups indicates a person who has lived his life in vain, has lagged behind his environment in his development and lives only in the past. His past is lost and there is no return to it, but this man has not yet learned to look forward. In addition, the card may indicate that you are dealing with a dependent person. People like him are called mama's boys.

6 Tarot Cups - meaning in combination with other cards

It is known that knowledge of the interpretations of combinations of cards with each other can help make fortune telling more accurate. Sometimes combinations of Tarot cards with each other change the meaning of both cards within the same layout. But more often they add precision and specify the meaning of the card, which is the main, “leading” one.

Thus, the combination of 6 Cups speaks of long-standing misconceptions. Perhaps their roots come from childhood. If this card appears next to

The Six of Cups in the Tarot signifies love and understanding, which in most cases leads to marriage. Like any lasso, this card has both positive and negative meanings. The Six of Cups itself denotes a vector that goes into the past. It points to past events that are almost completely forgotten, people and habits that have disappeared from the social circle. But when planning, you should take into account the combination of the Six of Cups with other arcana.

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      General meaning of the card

      The lasso represents emotional uplift and a harmonious inner state. If the Six of Cups appears as the final card, this means that the individual will have a chance to make a long-forgotten dream come true. It can also symbolize events and people from the past who will somehow appear in the life of the fortuneteller and play an important role.

      • The main meaning of the card is an internal feeling of happiness in the near future. The person is ready for a new stage of life and decisive action. To do this, he can rely on the experience of the past, which can become the foundation for the embodiment of his main ideas.

        The appearance of a card symbolizes a special event or a meeting with old acquaintances in the near future. The vast majority of interpretations agree that the events predicted will lead to happy times in life, peace and love .

        Straight position

        The Six of Cups means that a wonderful mood and a balanced state return to the fortuneteller. The memories that have visited him recently quite often serve as a source of strength and inspiration.

        The state in which a person is can be compared to spring, sunlight and a light fresh breeze.

        The fortuneteller is filled with plans that he strives to implement, and his enthusiasm amazes those around him and forces them to act with him. A person manages to find like-minded people surrounded by him, which greatly increases his chances of winning. To solve current problems, he often turns to his own experience and listens to advice coming from close people.

        This behavior is wise, as it will help avoid many troubles. The solution to certain problems that will have to be faced in the near future will happen safely, and this period will remain in the past. If a person is in a slightly melancholy mood, then he will find the strength to get out of this state. The fortuneteller feels that it is necessary to stir up his own emotions, and this is a true feeling.

        Inverted position

        In this position, the 6 of Cups card does not have a pronounced negative connotation, but has some features:

        • At this moment, it is better for the fortuneteller not to be distracted by memories, but to focus on the current moment.
        • Dreams will not lead to the desired results, since there is a danger that a person will be drawn into such a state.

        The main motto of the card: “Live for today and take an active position.”

        Constantly avoiding analysis of one's own past has led to the fact that problems pile up on the questioner. They can be avoided if you look into it and understand the true reasons. You may have to dig deep - the lasso indicates the need to remember your childhood, and not only pleasant moments. The questioner is encouraged to face his own fears. This is probably a chance to get rid of them once and for all.

        Personal Description

        If the Six of Cups (of Cups) acts as a description of a personality, then it represents the fortuneteller as an innocent person who is devoid of internal problems.

        The card indicates that, upon becoming an adult, the fortuneteller has lost the ability to sincerely express his emotions. But the moment awaits him when he will be able to manifest them, returning to his inner “I”.

        If we are talking about a mature person, then he is inclined to indulge in nostalgic feelings for his youth. Sometimes the lasso indicates that for the fortuneteller his past plays a big role, since it was in it that he gained rich life experience. But sometimes a person gives in too much to a sentimental mood, which prevents him from living calmly in the present tense.

        Career and work

        The Six of Cups means successful conclusion of transactions, favorable cooperation. The person who received this card has remarkable creative abilities and hard work. He often chooses professions related to helping people:

        • medical or social worker;
        • psychologist;
        • teacher.

        In work, the fortuneteller is characterized as a responsible employee with a love of humanity.

        Finance and property

        The meaning of the Six of Cups in this case should be interpreted as follows: the period of lack of money will pass, new prospects will arise. They will increase the financial level of the fortuneteller. Moreover, an honest and stable income, a friendly team and reliable partners are predicted.

        The fall of this lasso is considered especially successful for a novice entrepreneur: he will avoid the red tape associated with documentation and will conclude profitable deals if he is active. If we talk about the housing situation, the Six of Cups is a sign of a qualitative breakthrough, which is expressed in the acquisition of new housing or the completion of repairs. The card often symbolizes family nest.

        Love and relationships

        The meaning of the Six of Cups lasso in this area is interpreted in two ways:

        • One has to do with playfulness and flirting.
        • The second symbolizes a serious relationship that has been tested by the trials of fate and time.

        Also, the loss of this lasso may indicate the appearance in life of a partner from the past with whom the fortuneteller had a love affair.

        The card may indicate the resumption of a couple's relationship after a certain stagnation. It also symbolizes quick happiness, sincere love and rekindled feelings. If the Six of Cups falls with the Two of Cups or Tens of Cups, then an amazing atmosphere will reign in the pair, imbued with warmth and harmony.

        Tarot readers associate the Six of Cups with the fulfillment of cherished love desires. To a greater extent, the card means a family hearth and people who strive for a quiet life. One of the brightest layouts is the “Oracle of Love”, where the fortuneteller should interpret the appearance of the Six of Cups as follows:

        • The state of affairs is that old love flares up with renewed vigor.
        • What the heart worries about is fear of suffering and repetitions of past mistakes.
        • The partner's attitude is a sentimental, warm relationship. Both strive to work for the benefit of the family.

        Oracle's advice: don't complicate your relationship. You should combine wisdom, reverent feelings and continue the path with your partner to a happy future - hand in hand.

        Health status

        The direct position of the card indicates a stable state of the individual. If ailments arise, they will be mild and short-lived.

        An inverted lasso symbolizes withering, old age and the leakage of vital energy.

        Sometimes old injuries associated with diseases of the skeletal system may remind themselves. A person is recommended to take therapeutic and preventive measures, a balanced diet and timely consultation with a doctor. This approach will help the fortuneteller maintain health.

        Combination with other arcana

        Professionals have identified the main meanings of the Six of Cups with the following Tarot cards:

        Card name Interpretation in combination with the 6 of Cups
        DevilMay indicate offenses that involve fraud and corruption
        StarA successful coincidence of circumstances in the life of a fortuneteller
        MoonThe greatest manifestation of love feelings
        Nine of WandsNegative attitudes from others and pessimism
        Five of SwordsUnforeseen circumstances and stagnation. Problems in raising children
        Seven of SwordsPlaying on other people's feelings
        Nine of CupsCompletion and satisfaction
        Ten of CupsStrength of spirit, inner harmony
        Five of PentaclesInfantility, desire to be away from society

        In all cases of combination with other cards, the Six of Cups also warns that one should not become fixated on a certain situation. It is much more productive to be able to rebuild in a psychological sense and imagine positive aspects in the pictures of the future.

After the losses of the Five of Cups, you move on to the Six and seek solace in the past or enjoy the care and support of friends in the present. This card speaks generally about the influence of the past on the present. You may be nostalgic for simpler, happier times, or you may be currently under the influence of a long-lived trauma. Sometimes memories of karmic knots tied in past lives are available. Sixes are generally considered the culmination of each suit and represent reciprocity or equal exchange - in this case, emotional energy. You can give gifts or do all sorts of romantic things.

Perhaps you are reminiscing about your childhood and youth or longing for the good old days. Or perhaps you are caring for someone or making peace after a quarrel. This card suggests sensual pleasures and happiness or care. and acceptance from others. You may be decorating your home - most likely in a traditional, classic or retro style. An alternative interpretation of the card from the Waite-Smith deck emphasizes that the guard with a spear, the enclosed courtyard, and the difference in height and age between the characters indicate either protection or intrigue. However, the Six of Cups can also have a more unpleasant meaning: in some cases, it speaks of violence experienced in childhood, which was subsequently repressed and forgotten. In this sense, it is similar to ceremonial family photographs, where everyone is smiling, but in fact they are hiding the terrifying truth.

Traditional meanings: the past, what happened before. Memories. Thoughts about past loves. Nostalgia. Withered, gone, disappeared. Old age, decrepitude, impotence, antiquity. Desire, desire. Indecisiveness in love. Wrong, bad choice. Injuries, mistakes. Dissatisfaction, lack of passion. Courtship. New acquaintances.

Reversed Six of Cups

Traditionally, the reversed Six of Cups is interpreted as a card of future events, but modern tarot readers clearly link it to the past. If you put these two versions together, it turns out that you are turning away from the past and focusing on the future - whether successful or not. Both interpretations emphasize the inability to live in the present. Being preoccupied with the past can lead to apathy and inertia. Caroline Myss, an excellent intuitive therapist, quite rightly points out the dangers of delving into one's own traumas: if you get too carried away by this process, you will find yourself unable to live in the here and now.

On the other hand, it could also be a revival card. In a psychotherapeutic aspect, you can let go of old emotional hold-ups and unconscious patterns of behavior. When you return to familiar places, you may find that everything is completely different from what you remembered. Idealized pictures of the past do not stand up to the harsh reality. You can free yourself from old obligations and relinquish responsibility. At the other end of the spectrum is a passion for new technologies, science fiction, or other futuristic projects. Also, the reversed Six of Cups can mean working with the inner child, but at the same time it suggests that it is time to grow up, live in the present - perhaps get rid of your childhood home and any family heirlooms in a literal or metaphorical sense words. You can change the interior to banish the memories. The need to rise above your roots, especially if shame is among your emotions, can be a good motivation for the future. In rare cases, the card may indicate a reunion with a lover or sweetheart from the past.

When you project the Six of Cups onto other people, they will appear in your eyes as either reactionary, or, conversely, ultra-progressive, and perhaps even those who refuse to grow.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this could be plant medicine - apparently because the card shows flowers. The card also suggests time travel to the past or future. A smell or taste can become a catalyst for inner vision or make you relive some past event. The courtyard serves as a reminder of the importance of working in a protected sacred space or temenos.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: future, future prospects. Soon, later. Something that will happen soon. The promise of better times. Revival, resurrection, renewal. New friends or new environment. Plans that may fail.

Tarot cards are the path to understanding the secret and unknown. This is a way to touch the secrets of fate and get an answer to an exciting question. Today anyone can use ancient fortune telling. It is enough to know how to interpret cards. But you need to understand not only the major arcana, but also the “deck of minor secrets.” For example, the Six of Tarot Cups, the meaning of which completely depends on the theme of the layout.

Suit of Cups Tarot

The entire Tarot deck is conditionally divided into two groups. The first includes trump cards, which are also called the major arcana. The second group includes small cards, divided into four suits. Just like in a playing deck, each suit consists of a number series and several court symbols.

Cards of any suit symbolize a person’s life path. Also, each of the four suits is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. So, for example, clubs are responsible for the intangible world, thoughts and aspirations of a person. And the suit of cups symbolizes feelings and desires, emotions and love.

If we draw a parallel with a playing deck, then the cups correspond to the suit of hearts. In the zodiac series they symbolize the triad of Water. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are sensitive and emotional, like the suit itself. She personifies intuition, temperament and belongs to the feminine principle.

All cup cards have their own interpretation. In any case, it concerns the emotional sphere, feelings and sensations. The Six of Cups of the Tarot has the most interesting interpretation, the meaning of which changes dramatically depending on the question asked by the querent.

Arcana Six of Cups

The card depicts a scene involving two children. The boy gives the girl a golden cup with flowers planted in it. The girl accepts the gift with surprise. Next to the guy there are five more such bowls, in which flowers also grow.

The children are in the garden near the old house. In some versions of the deck, an elderly couple, hugging each other, watches with affection behind the guys. The image on the map is quite symbolic.

The Six of Cups of the Tarot, whose meaning relates to thoughts and sensations, represents peace and tranquility. Children are safe in a comfortable home. They are where the manifestation of the most tender emotions is natural. The boy gives care and attention to the girl. The elderly couple in the background symbolizes peace and detachment from the hustle and bustle. They have already been through a lot, but they still love each other. The elderly watch the young characters who have yet to learn to express their feelings.

The Six of Cups encourages us to share our emotions. She appeals to people's feelings and insists that they cannot be saved. Say nice things, take care and show love. Cups standing at a distance symbolize energy that requires application, a supply of inspiration and tender feelings.

The card also represents little profit and no risk. Slow but steady progress is typical for people with a “homey” temperament.

Interpretation of the minor arcana

In any layout, all cards have two positions. Depending on whether the symbol appears in the correct or inverted orientation, Tarot answer will have different interpretations. The same rules apply to the Six of Cups, which can turn to either side towards the questioner.

Correct position

When correctly oriented, the Six of Cups has a positive meaning. She personifies peace and stability of the emotional sphere.

Meaning of the Six of Cups in the correct position:

In the correct position, the Six of Cups demonstrates harmony in a person’s inner world. He is generous and generous, and his thoughts are pure. The symbol represents wisdom and the ability to act in accordance with one’s feelings.

Following the Five, which acts as a map of adversity and troubles, the desired calm has come. Six symbolizes a favorable period when it is so useful to make plans for the future, dream and fulfill dreams.

The card embodies the calm that a person who has experienced a lot finds (in the Five). He has already learned to cope with emotions and control his experiences. Having gone through problems, he was reborn to a new life.

The cards next to each other are of great importance and will help clarify the Tarot answer. The magician who appears in the layout shows the opportunity to achieve what has long been desired. The Strength card indicates that the personality continues to improve and achieves success in this. Her peace is a sign of wisdom.

Incorrect position

A card received in an inverted position gives a radically different answer. The meaning of the symbol is somewhat distorted, although its interpretation remains more positive than negative.

Basic meanings of the reversed Six of Cups:

The reversed Six of Cups symbolizes the desire to escape from responsibility. A man is trying to burn his bridges behind him. Something happened for which he is not ready to take responsibility.

Such a symbol can also demonstrate fears associated with the past. Often they relate to childhood and phobias that extend into adulthood.

An inverted card speaks of a person’s desire to burst into the future, leaving behind the past. The experience and experience will remain in the past, but it is possible that this will lead to new problems.

The cards next to the lasso will help clarify such a vague interpretation. For example, the Five of Swords speaks of callousness as a result of stress. The person no longer listens to emotions. The Nine of Wands speaks of a reluctance to reckon with ideals and a challenge to society.

Six of Cups in Consciousness Analysis

The Six of Cups indicates a person who is lost in his past. He again and again returns his consciousness to the events he experienced, often ignoring the present day. The personality withdraws from reality, bitterly recalling the glory days of the past. She may also be tormented by the shock she experienced.

The card does not call for forgetting the past, but also requires a person to participate in the present. You cannot bury yourself in memory, otherwise today will be covered with the dust of indifference. Give your memories enough space, but do not elevate them to the rank of shrine. Otherwise, miss the bright things that today has in store for you.

Career, work and finance

It often happens that the Six of Cups falls in a professional scenario. At first glance, the emotional card has nothing to do with work, but Tarot is rarely wrong when looking at the very essence of the problem.

Correct Orientation

The Six of Cups represents peace, and in the matter of work, it symbolizes the pleasure of activity. The person is in his place, his work satisfies him, he is fully realized. Even if there is a creative crisis at the moment, the querent has every opportunity to overcome it. The boy holding out the cup urges you to seize the chance given by fate.

If the deck is asked for advice, then the Six of Cups encourages doing good deeds. Act according to your conscience, treat others with patience and you will be rewarded. Do not look for material gain in good deeds. She will come on her own, and where you least expect her. The Star standing nearby enhances this meaning of the card.

If the Emperor appears next to the card, the Tarot calls for more zeal in work. Pay attention to business.

Wrong orientation

The Reversed Six of Cups demonstrates a desire to throw away old rules and take the untrodden path. Conservatism is alien to you; you crave innovation and strive for novelty.

Such a card may also represent experiences about the past. Some negative experience left an imprint on you that you still cannot get rid of. You will not be lucky enough to forget about what happened soon.

In any case, the card calls on a person to wake up and take a sober look at the situation. The problem is not as significant as it seems at first glance. Let reason into your life and listen less to emotional outbursts. You feel too much and think too little.

Personal relationships and love

Often, in fortune telling for love, the querent gets the symbol of 6 Tarot cups. The meaning in relationships of this sign is most often positive, regardless of its position.

Correct card position

Very often, such a card symbolizes a random event that will evoke strong memories. This could be a meeting of an old friend, a former lover, or a new acquaintance that will give references to past relationships.

The card indicates karmic connections, where the acquaintance and relationship of two people is predetermined by fate itself. These are strong harmonious unions based on sexual and spiritual attraction. Relationships promise happiness for both partners. This meaning is enhanced by the lasso Judgment, as well as the Wheel of Fortune standing nearby. The Moon also has a positive influence, which indicates love that has gone through all the hardships.

The 6 of Cups reversed speaks of a truce achieved the hard way. The symbol can also represent a situation that is much more complicated than it seems.

An incorrect position indicates parting with something old. There may be a break in strong ties, loss of friends or a quarrel in a relationship. In any case, the card does not have a fundamentally negative interpretation. It only warns of possible problems.

Fortune telling about health

The card indicates possible health problems that you inherited. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, aortic disease, cannot be excluded. Tarot also warns about the need to protect the nervous system. Neuroses and insomnia are possible.

The symbol warns of possible relapses of diseases. Often the disease seems to be defeated, but over time it can remind itself. Be careful.

Combination with the Major Arcana

An analysis of the nearby symbols will help clarify the meaning of the resulting Six of Cups. Particularly important is the presence of the major arcana next to the card.

The 6 cups of the Tarot, the meaning of which is more positive, are not difficult to interpret. In interpreting the suit of cups, the questioner will need maximum intuition, because this suit concerns the sensual side of the personality.

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