What is simoron and how can it help in love affairs? Simoron is a technique for fulfilling desires. No magic, witchcraft or potions! Simoron rituals are based on a positive attitude towards the world and events in life.

Thanks to the rituals of this technique, you can find a way out of any difficult situation and solve the most overwhelming problems. Simoron also helps in relationships with men.

There are many rituals for love and marriage, which will allow you to attract the man of your dreams into your life as quickly as possible.

Important Terms

As mentioned above, the Simoron technique of attracting love is not magic in the direct sense of the word. You don't need any magical abilities.

All that is required of you is positive attitude and self-confidence.

Some simoron rituals are so absurd and ridiculous that you may get the impression that they will not bring any success. So, the more fun and funny the ritual, the better. After all, luck belongs to those who go through life with a smile!

On the new moon

On the new moon, it's time to take on new things and commit rituals for finding something new. If you want to attract a man, then buy two aster flowers from a flower shop and plant them in separate pots. One flower will represent you, the second – your future life partner.

It will be better if you call the man’s plant by some name. Do you already have a chosen one in mind? So give the aster his name! If you don’t like any of the men in your immediate circle, then name the flower with your favorite name.

Place the asters on the windowsill and water and care for them every day. Communicate with them, especially your groom's flower. If the plants bloom, it means love is very close.

Also on the new moon you can perform a ritual called "New life". If you have definitely decided to end your loneliness, then it’s time to say goodbye to your past life. You will need to devote almost the whole day to this ritual.

Start cleaning the house in the morning. Throw away all old and unnecessary things. Empty your photo albums all my ex-men. They have no place in your life now. Wash windows and floors, wipe dust everywhere. Create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Late in the evening, light a candle and say: “Happy new moon - to a new life. Farewell to the past, burn out with the candle.”

Leave the candle to burn out on the windowsill, and in the morning throw the candle in the trash. This is an effective ritual for attracting new people and events into life.

With slippers

The “Slipper Ritual” will help you attract your betrothed, and not just any one, but the one you want. Buy in store new men's slippers and bring them home. Imagine these are your loved one's slippers. Naturally, they will not stand idle in your home for a long time - soon they will find an owner. No wonder they say that a holy place is never empty.

It is important for slippers to show what kind of man you want to attract. If you wish, for him to be a hard worker, then take your slippers with you to work a couple of times.

If you want your betrothed interesting conversationalist, take your slippers to the theater or exhibition. Want to attract a rich man– put a coin or bill in the slipper.

Under no circumstances should you let guests or your household wear these slippers. It is recommended to store them either at the entrance, where all the other slippers are, or next to your bed.


For the ritual you will need cottage cheese and a teaspoon. Wait until Wednesday, Friday or Saturday (these are the most successful days for Simoron rituals), dress up in your the most beautiful dress and let your hair down.

Place the cottage cheese on a plate, take a spoon and say: “Love is around, love is inside, the love of the Universe enter the cottage cheese.”

After this, add pieces of fruit, berries or honey to the cottage cheese and, stirring this whole mass, say: “I will tell you the magic of the curd, I will bind you to love yourself.”

At the end of the ritual eat cottage cheese, savoring every spoonful. In the process, imagine how the universal love that you have enclosed in the cottage cheese passes inside you, how it warms you with its warmth. That's all! The love chakras have opened, and you are ready to conquer the entire male world.

Search for the betrothed

Can't find love for a long time? No problem! Try to simulate the search for your beau. Take glossy magazines and newspapers and cut out photos of all the actors and famous men you like. Ask one of your household members or friends to hide these clippings throughout the apartment.

After this it will start most interestinge. In the process of cleaning or doing your daily routine, you will find men hiding from you. This game ritual will hint to the Universe that it’s time for your betrothed to be found.

Paired items

Sometimes the Universe needs to prove that you are ready for a serious relationship and will let a man into your life without any problems. This ritual is especially suitable for those women who live alone in an apartment.

Create at home atmosphere of a man's presence. Buy him slippers, put a second pillow in the bed, get a second toothbrush, buy him a plate and a spoon.

There are a lot of options to create the appearance of a man’s presence in the house! Show your ingenuity and imagination, and the Universe will respond to your requests.

Dream painting

Draw on paper your future together with your beloved man. For the ritual you will need magazines, your photos, felt-tip pens, glue and a piece of whatman paper.

The task is to depict yourself, your companion and your married life with him on whatman paper. Cut out several photos of the same man from a magazine, then cut out your photo.

Also, cut out from magazines and newspapers what you would like to see in your family, and what represents love and marriage: rings, wedding dress, house outside the city, trip to the sea, car. Put it all together on whatman paper.

Hang your finished work in the bedroom. This is an excellent method for visualizing your desired future. Every day, look at your picture and imagine that you already have it all.

Letter to the Universe

A very effective Simoron ritual for those who know what kind of man they need. Take a piece of paper and a red pen and write letter to the universe.

Start with something like this: “Dear Universe! I (full name, date of birth) ask you to send me a man for a serious relationship. My demands..."

Next, you need to describe the person you want to see next to you. The more detailed your description is, the sooner the Universe will fulfill your desire. Describe his appearance, character, field of activity, etc. At the end, be sure to thank the Universe, put a number and signature.

Red panties

There are many effective rituals associated with red panties in simoron. Red color activates any energy, so wear panties of this color more often, especially on dates and important events where there will be a lot of men.

Another way to attract love using underwear is wearing red panties backwards. Let the situation in your life turn around.

Perhaps the most popular lingerie ritual is the “Panties on the Chandelier.” On the full moon, buy new red panties, wash them and throw them on the chandelier in the evening before going to bed with the words: “Panties on the chandelier, love in the house.” Let them hang there for a week to get the desired effect.


Do you want it faster? marry? Then take a piece of paper and write “Get Married” on it. Hang this piece of paper on the door and you will be happy to go out.

In order for the result to be satisfactory, it is also necessary on this piece of paper describe your married life: strong love, respect, mutual understanding, financial well-being, children, etc.

Remember that if you ask the Universe for something, then you need to specify your desire as precisely as possible, otherwise marriage will not turn out to be what you really wanted.

Balloon traveler

This ritual is best performed either on a waxing moon or on a full moon. Take red helium balloon without logos and inscriptions, and write on it with a felt-tip pen: “Contract for the supply of a loved one. We urgently need a man (then list all his character qualities).”

At the bottom, write the recipient's address: "Main Supplier of Husbands." Then sign and date it. Go out onto the balcony and launch this ball into the sky with positive thoughts. Follow him with your gaze, wave your hand after him. The universe will definitely receive your message.

Last name change

They say that the first and last name influence a person’s destiny. Whether this is so, you can see for yourself by changing your last name. To do this, you don’t have to go to the passport office, change it in your head, on your page in social networks, introduce yourself by your last name when meeting new people.

The surname must necessarily reflect your desire to become happy. Become, for example, Happy, Beloved, La Mur, Amore, etc. Use your imagination and you will succeed!

Red shoes

Red is the color of love and activity. And when this color is on a woman, then there are no longer any barriers or difficulties in front of her. On the waxing moon, go to a shoe store and buy yourself some boots. Preferably with high heels.

Having brought them into the house, try them on in front of the mirror and say: “My little man will come with a red heel.” Tap your left heel on the floor three times.

From now on, wear these shoes as often as possible, wear them on dates, going to the movies, theaters and other entertainment venues. Your magical red heel will not be left without male attention.

Call to Vovan

Vovan in simoron is cool businessman who makes any wish come true. Usually people turn to him to resolve money problems or to help find a way out of a difficult situation.

But why is the lack of love and male attention not a difficult situation? Call Vovan you need not by phone, but by a comb, remote control or any other thing that looks like a mobile phone. Remember that Vovan is talking "by hairdryer", so try to be on his wavelength with him.

Pretend to dial the number and wait for the dial tone, and then he finally answers. Say hello to him and tell him about your problem. Describe the situation in detail and ask for help. Moreover, ask for something specific.

For example, you’ve been waiting a week for a call from the man you like, so ask Vovan to hurry up your chosen one to dial your number. There is no point in bothering Vovan often. Call him no more than once a week.

Tatiana Kulinich

Simoron is a unique technique that will change your life for the better. It is suitable even for those who are used to doubting magic. After all, its action is based on simple psychological laws: what we think about, we attract into our lives. The more we pay attention to the positive and set ourselves up to achieve our goals, the more likely it is that all our dreams will come true. Simoron is not only effective psychological techniques, but also fun rituals that are a pleasure to perform. In our article we will look at the most popular practices among women - those that are focused on finding a partner and getting married.

Ritual “Oh, this wedding”

This magical ritual will help girls realize their most important dream: to receive a marriage proposal. It is suitable for single women without a partner, and for those who already have a young man who is in no hurry to talk about marriage. For this ritual you will need an envelope, a pen and a wedding invitation. Take a responsible approach to choosing these seemingly simple items. Buy the kind of invitation that you would like to send out to guests at your own wedding in the future. The envelope should also be festive, for example, decorated with hearts or flowers. And finally, the handle should also be beautiful, preferably red.

In the invitation we write the following words:

“Beloved (your name)! My heartiest congratulations! The one you have always been waiting for has appeared in your life, your soulmate. He (here we describe all the qualities and characteristics that we would like to see in our future husband, we try to write as specifically as possible). I invite you to your own wedding, which will take place (here we enter the approximate time period). This wedding will be the happiest event of your life!

With love,

Once you have finished filling out the invitation, you can meditate on it using a candle. This will speed up the fulfillment of your desire. Place a red candle on your invitation and gaze into its flame for a few minutes, imagining the wedding of your dreams. Then place the invitation in an envelope and write your name and address on it. After that, send it to yourself by mail. The ritual will begin when you find the invitation in your mailbox.

Ritual "Master's Slippers"

For this powerful and very fun ritual, you need to buy men's slippers. Try to choose ones that match the style of the man you want next to you. To do this, you can use the magic of flowers. For example, blue slippers will attract an intelligent, calm, reserved man to your home. Slippers are green - soft, homely, delicate. Brown house shoes are suitable for a real family man, a rich, economical, conservative man. It is best to buy slippers for ritual during the new moon. This is the best time for new beginnings; the energy of the waxing Moon will speed up the fulfillment of your desires.

After purchasing the slippers, you need to “charge” them with your energy. To do this, you must treat them as if they were your man. When you have dinner, place the slippers in front of you, take them with you when you watch TV or sit at the computer in the evenings. Feel free to take them with you to a cafe or to the cinema. You don’t have to put them next to you there; they can remain in your bag. This way you will attract a man into your life who will often delight you with appearances and pleasant surprises. Once you feel that the slippers are sufficiently charged with your energy, leave them in the hallway for three days. Strictly ensure that no one touches them, much less puts them on.

On the fourth day, the final part of the ritual must be performed. Wait until midnight, then get on all fours in the hallway. Put slippers on your hands so that their toes point not towards the front door, but into the room. Then tap your slippers on the floor three times and say the following words: “Dear betrothed, come to my house quickly, don’t get too dusty!” In your mind at this moment, try to imagine the man of your dreams in as much detail as possible: how he should look, what his character should be. Then put the slippers back in place and wait for your wish to come true. Still make sure that no one in your household wears slippers intended for your significant other. If the ritual does not work within a few months, it can be repeated. When a mysterious man appears in your life, do not forget to give him these slippers.

Ritual "Magic sign"

This ritual is suitable both for performing it alone and in the company of unmarried friends. In the latter case, it will be even more effective due to the concentration of energy on a common goal. For this ritual you will need a red sky lantern, symbolizing love. Before launching it, you can write a letter to your future soulmate and ask him to appear in your life as soon as possible. You can try attaching the letter to a flashlight before launching. Or, if that doesn’t work, simply burn and scatter the ashes, asking the wind to carry your message to your chosen one. By launching a sky lantern, ask the universe to make your potential lover see it and want to find you, his true love.

Ritual “Happiness at a Click”

The creators of this ritual suggest creatively using the expression “like a click” (“appeared like a snap of fingers,” etc.) to attract love into your life as soon as possible. To do this, you need to approach 10 men and ask permission to snap your fingers near them. During the click, you need to repeat to yourself “Mummer, appear.” It is important to choose for this ritual those men who are at least a little attractive to you. They can be either people you have known for a long time or strangers from the street. The last option is even better, suddenly after this cheerful request you will make an interesting acquaintance.

Ritual "Moon Flower"

This ritual must be performed on Friday evening during the waxing moon. Friday in astrology and esotericism is considered a day dedicated to the goddess Venus. Since ancient times, women have turned to her with requests for love. The moon is another magical symbol of femininity. The Young Moon is a young, virgin girl waiting for her maturity. Therefore, this period is most suitable for marriage rituals. And the first lunar quarter is considered the best time for making wishes and planning.

Before the ritual, buy a white flower that you associate with love. It could be a rose, an orchid, or even an ordinary chamomile growing near the house. You will also need a book that you consider to be your favorite. It is desirable that there is a place in it for happy love relationships. Wait until the young Moon rises above the horizon and place the flower under its rays. You can put it on the windowsill or even take it outside if you live in a private house. The flower should be left under the magical moon rays all night. In the morning, take it and put it in your favorite book. There he must remain for one lunar month, that is, 28 days. It is believed that during this time it will energize the happy love story described in the book. During these days, you must imagine your soulmate in the smallest detail. Dream about what he will be like, how you will spend time together.

After 28 days have passed, take the flower out of the book and carefully pick off all its petals. Take them in your right hand and go to the window. Open it and cast a spell while looking at the Moon: “Take, lunar spirit, these magical petals and give me true love!” Then describe the man you want to meet (it’s better to write this on a piece of paper in advance) and blow the petals towards the Moon. This technique should attract the right man into your life within a month.

Ritual “Ordering a husband”

For this fun, but very effective ritual, you will need a balloon and a pen. The ball should be red, pink or orange - the color that you personally most associate with happy love. It will be great if you can find a heart-shaped ball. On the balloon write “I want a husband (here describe the qualities you want to see in him). At the end of the message, write a comic address: To the main supplier of husbands. And don't forget to sign. Release the ball into the sky one evening during the waxing Moon, preferably on Friday.

Ritual “The most charming and attractive”

With the help of this ritual, you will significantly increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. It is perfect for shy girls who have complexes about their appearance or sensuality. In addition to its magical effect, it is also beneficial for health. All you need for it is good quality cocoa powder. Take two hundred to three hundred grams of powder and dilute it in a liter of warm water. Then pour this liquid into the bath with the words “I am the most charming and attractive!” To enhance the effect, you can also add rose petals to the bath. While you soak in the chocolate water, imagine yourself as a beautiful oriental queen who has a whole bunch of fans. By the way, many noble women of the past actually took chocolate baths.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://junona.pro

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Are you unrequitedly in love? Is your man still hesitant to propose? Are you ready to walk down the aisle, but are still not sure that you are loved selflessly and to the grave? From this article you can find out magical Simoron rituals for a man's love, using which you will find long-awaited happiness.

You shouldn’t get hung up on your prejudices, because this magic can hardly be called dangerous or black. This is more psycho-training than witchcraft. The attitude with which you start the task is very important. You must firmly understand what exactly you want and clearly imagine the man with whom you want to live a long life.

How to attract love?

To begin, purchase high-quality red shoes (preferably boots). You should definitely like these shoes. Don't save money! The more expensive and beautiful the boots, the better the groom you will get. Bring the shoes into the house, unpack them and talk to them as if they were a living person. Tell the boots that they are now a groomsmen's magnet and hang them in a prominent place. Preferably so that they can be seen from the street.

A very effective Simoron ritual with red panties. Funny and positive. It can be held in any month on the 11th. To do this, you need to buy elegant red panties. Throw them onto the chandelier (you only have three attempts, if it doesn’t work, then don’t try again this month). The panties will hang on the chandelier for exactly three days. Every time you look at them, you should imagine in detail the man of your dreams and your future with him. You should also voice these dreams at the moment when you throw your underwear over the chandelier, as well as stamp your foot three times and snap your fingers.

Rituals will be very effective if you fundamentally change your life and thinking. You must live as if your desire has already come true. For example, if you want to buy an apartment, don't think about it every five minutes. Choose things for your future home, consult with experts on repairs, find out the prices for building materials.

The same applies to issues of love. Buy slippers for your future man, a toothbrush, learn how to cook some signature dishes that your spouse will definitely love. You can model life yourself. Do you want your loved one to play sports? Buy exercise equipment and dumbbells for home, exercise yourself and imagine how your loved one does it. Do you like musicians? Buy a guitar, violin, synthesizer - it depends on your preferences. Imagine how he will play for you and compose songs. You can start learning to play a musical instrument yourself.

What are the Simoron rituals for the love of an ideal man?

The beauty of these magical rituals is that with the help of them you can not only become loved and desired, but also win the love of a particular man. To do this, you must think through to the smallest detail the image of the person with whom you want to spend your whole life. You can’t get by with general phrases like “to love my mother”, “not to hit”, “not to drink”. Imagine his appearance: height, build, hair and eye color, head shape, arms, legs, abs, biceps or lack thereof.

Then think through all the character traits that your chosen one should have. Imagine his habits: this is how he puts his foot when he sits, this is how he purses his lips when he thinks, this is how he looks when he jokes. Imagine his small but cute shortcomings: he forgets to wash his cup after himself or sniffles funny in his sleep.

Imagine how happy you are when you walk together, watch movies, cook dinner. How he happily rushes home from work, and you try to set a chic table and always look beautiful. Imagine the atmosphere that reigns in your home. If you have given yourself the right attitude, prepared yourself mentally and presented everything in the smallest detail, then you can proceed directly to the rituals.

Excellent working Simoron rituals

  1. Betrothed, find yourself
  2. Print out a photo of a celebrity who is most similar to your ideal lover (if there is no such thing in real life). You need to take a lot of photographs and post them everywhere you go. They should be in your organizers, in your desk, in your kitchen cabinets, under your pillow, at work. This Simoron ritual will hint to your destiny that your betrothed has long been found and will appear on the horizon.

  3. For every white horse there is a prince
  4. Buy any horse: it can be a toy, a poster, a book with a picture, a figurine. The love zone is located in the southwestern part of your apartment. This is where you place the horse you purchased. Then you can begin to attract the prince. After all, you already have a horse, and that’s half the battle. Now all that remains is to advertise. This can be done orally (for example, on the radio) or written (in a newspaper, on social networks, on bulletin boards in the city). The ad may be of a comic nature, but you and I will know that every joke contains only a grain of joke. “Attention, a white horse has been found. Prince Charming, respond!” - write, indicate your phone number and wait. The text can be absolutely anything, but in this spirit.

  5. Mishka's wedding
  6. For this ritual you will need two teddy bears. Boy and girl. Sew wedding suits for them (while thinking about all the details of your future wedding). Next, you need to play a fictitious wedding of two bear cubs, observing all the rituals and traditions. Think over the list and seating arrangement of guests, the bride price scenario, competitions and the wedding ceremony. Then the newlywed cubs must be planted in the shade of a home flowerpot (the flower must have a female name).

  7. Hugs of a loved one
  8. For this ritual you do not need to buy anything unusual. A blanket or blanket is enough. It would be good if it was a completely new thing. To carry out the ritual, you need to retire and tune in to a romantic mood. With your desire to love and be loved, you will charge the blanket with special energy. First, charge yourself with gentle soft energy (you should feel the warmth spreading throughout your whole body), then touch the blanket, transferring all your love to it. You will feel your fingertips begin to tingle, and a pleasant shiver rises throughout your arm. Throw a blanket over your shoulders and imagine that your loved one is hugging you. Perform this ritual every day and wait for your happiness. Some people need two weeks for this, while others take up to two or three months.

  9. Bouquet for the most desirable
  10. You can attract love into your life by sending yourself flowers or ordering them online. Absolutely no one should know that you are performing this ritual. It's good if flowers are brought to you at work. Do not answer questions about who the donor is. Order a postcard for your bouquet with the words you dream of hearing in your future life. This ritual will release positive energy that will fill your life and bring love into it.

  11. Flower of love – peony
  12. In Simoron rituals, this plant is credited with a special property; it is the peony that can attract love. You just can’t buy it or pick it from your own garden. It must be cut into someone else's flower bed, otherwise the magic will not work. Next, pour boiling water over the petals and let it brew. When the infusion has cooled to body temperature, you need to rinse your hair with it. The subtle aroma and love energy will attract your loved one into your life.

  13. Honeymoon
  14. If you already have a loved one, but your relationship with him has gone wrong and you feel like you are losing him, then do not despair. It is necessary to carry out a ritual to restore relationships. Draw on a piece of paper where you would like to go or go together, write down the dates, and smear the name of the month with honey. On the calendar, also spread the name of the month with a thick layer of honey.

  15. Male vibes
  16. To attract a man, wear typical masculine clothes. It could even be laces from men's shoes. Just remember that each item has its own purpose. Think over the image of your future chosen one. Depending on who you want to connect your life with, you will need to choose an item. If you are a strong, self-confident extreme sports enthusiast who craves adventure, then you can purchase and carry a biker glove with you. If you want a man to be very smart and well-read, then carry a case or men's glasses frame with you. If the most significant thing for you is your financial situation, then carry an expensive men's wallet with you. If you really want a man to be handsome and well-groomed, then buy a men's comb.

  17. Favorite to order
  18. Take a sheet of A4 format. On the one hand, describe in detail what your loved one should look like. Describe your appearance in great detail, character traits, behavioral characteristics, habits. If you are good at drawing, then draw an ideal man on the other side of the sheet. Fold the piece of paper into four parts and always carry it with you. Take it out and read it out loud several times a day.

All these magical techniques, rites, and rituals differ from the others in that here you have the opportunity to model your own future and create your own rules of the game. The realization that each of us can become a wizard inspires and energizes us. You are guaranteed a positive attitude and confidence that you are now able to move mountains. The most important thing is that Simoron rituals for a man’s love are very effective and do not require special material costs.

Not each of us quickly, and most importantly successfully, manages to meet a lover or beloved. A person with whom you can share joys and sorrows and live happily throughout your life is an essential component of a harmonious life.

Very often, in order to meet the right person, you need to let go of old relationships and tune in to new love. After all, it usually comes unexpectedly and unexpectedly, when a person least expects it.

Simoron for love is an opportunity to solve any personal problem. Whether you dream of meeting your lover, want to strengthen your relationship, get married successfully, or win back the love of a man, simoron can be used for a variety of purposes. The rituals to attract happiness and love are quite simple; even those who are far from magic can perform them.


Simoron is a school of psychotraining, whose exercises and rituals help to attract desired events into life. You can do rituals for any area of ​​life:

  1. personal happiness.
    Mutual love, family happiness, meeting a lover, returning a loved one home - various techniques allow you to achieve excellent results and make your desire come true.
  2. financial sector.
    If you dream of improving your financial situation and perform rituals to attract money, good luck and fortune, then soon everything will change in your life.
  3. health.
    The self-crossing technique is also effective in combating various diseases and can be used for disease prevention.

You can quickly and effectively fulfill your cherished desire using the simoron technique in any area of ​​life. It is enough to clearly formulate your desire and confidently move towards getting what you want.

Unique technique

Self-overtaking is a very relevant method of achieving your goal. Having made a wish, you need to think through in detail the route for fulfilling your plan with various excesses and in increased detail.

You need to think through the implementation in detail so that at the end of the ritual your imagination runs out. And at the very end, somoobgon involves focusing on an image, which will then need to be depicted on paper.

The resulting masterpiece can be either a few squiggles or a completely understandable object. This drawing will guide a person on the path to his goal. This technique is popular for making wishes come true. However, self-overtaking can also be used in the fight against uncertainty, problems and bad thoughts.

In order to get rid of bad thoughts regarding some event or incident, you need to develop the thought to a grandiose scale until the tension evaporates. Let's say, if you are very afraid of not meeting your love and being left alone throughout your life, then this idea needs to be developed by imagining the girl as old and lonely.

One of the main Simoron laws says: If you want to attract something into your life, start creating it yourself.

If you want an apartment, arrange your own temporary housing, as if it were your real home.
If you want to be given flowers and gifts, start pampering yourself.
If you want love, love yourself.
If you want a relationship, create the conditions for a partner to appear.

And as part of the “I want a partner and love” campaign, we offer you several simple Simoron rituals, specially created for this purpose and successfully tested in their own lives by thousands of women.

Tip #1.
Throw out of your home all things associated with other men. The male always smells the scent of another male.

Tip #2.
Buy new bedding with an intention like “I’m buying bed linen on which I will sleep with my beloved man” . Put your energy of joy here as if you were ALREADY sleeping with your beloved husband on this underwear!

Tip #3. .
An additional toothbrush in your glass is, of course, overkill (it will most likely scare away the lured man when he gets into your bathroom), but slippers bought specifically for your future partner are what you need.

Let them be stylish and beautiful, so that it is comfortable for him to walk in them, and let you be pleased to look at it and be happy.

Here are also a mug and a plate purchased especially for Him. Let his image, his energy settle in your home. And after this, at the right time, He himself will appear.

Tip #4.
Love can sneak up unnoticed!! It is important to always be ready to meet your future partner. You cannot allow disheveled hair, unkempt clothes and nails, etc. anywhere, even in a bakery.

Tip #5.
Do you want to get married? – hang a “Get Married” sign on the door and joyfully walk out the door! It is advisable to write down the characteristics of this “marriage” in advance: happiness, love, understanding, emotional balance, healthy, kind children, etc. Because the Universe always works according to the scheme: the clearer the request, the clearer the answer.

Tip #6.
And most importantly, let your eyes always shine and the smile never leave your face. Because a full-fledged man, capable of giving you happiness, will only come to your own state of happiness.

Because one of the basic laws of the Universe says: like attracts like. You become a magnet for happiness not when you wait for someone to make you happy, but when you share your happiness with others!

To do this, learn to accept yourself as you are. Learn to trust yourself. Learn to understand that happiness is possible only in one case - when you yourself can share it!