In the winter and autumn season, the acute question arises of what salad to put on the table. Thrifty housewives prepare sauerkraut and pickle tomatoes and cucumbers, but sometimes you need to pamper your guests with other pickles. Then herring salad comes to the rescue. Over the course of its existence, this dish has received so many cooking methods that it is suitable for both lovers of traditional cuisine and gourmets.

How to choose the right herring

Experienced housewives prefer to buy whole fish so they can gut them themselves. This takes a lot of time, but then the meat will definitely be fresh and not frozen. Besides, There are a number of basic rules:

  • When purchasing, do not hesitate to try the fish with your fingers. If dents remain from pressing, they are trying to sell you a stale product.
  • Choose large carcasses if you want a dish with a bright taste.
  • Do not take herring with a cloudy skin covered with pigmentation, slimy areas or plaque.
  • An overly strong, thick smell is a sign that the meat is over-salted, perhaps in order to hide the consequences of improper storage.
  • The fins and tail of the fish must be intact, without mechanical damage.

You can buy herring already gutted and cut into pieces in plastic containers at the supermarket. In this case, the only thing you should pay attention to is the integrity of the packaging and expiration date.

Timeless classic

After purchasing the main ingredient, you can choose a recipe for preparing a dish. The most common is herring under a “fur coat”. To prepare a dish for six people you will need:

  • medium sized fish;
  • four potatoes of the “Gala” or “Impala” variety (you can choose a different variety, the main thing is that the root vegetables are not small);
  • two - three beets (it is advisable to use juicy, large vegetables);
  • onion head;
  • salt to taste;
  • olive mayonnaise.

Boil potatoes and beets, cut up the herring, remove the seeds from it and cut into small cubes. When the vegetables are cooked, leave them to cool, and at this time peel the onion, chop it and marinate it in vinegar - this will eliminate the bitterness and make the taste softer. If you don't like the strong smell, scald the onions with boiling water.

Grate the potatoes and beets on a fine grater or use a food processor. Each vegetable should be on a separate plate. Now that all the ingredients are ready, you can assemble the herring salad. Place a layer of potatoes on a dish, lightly salt, soak in mayonnaise, then add fish, brush with sauce again, cover with beets.

Repeat these steps until you have used all the ingredients.

It is advisable to make the top level beetroot. Cover the salad with mayonnaise and decorate with parsley.

Quick recipe

“Shuba” is a famous and tasty dish, but it takes time to prepare. If guests appear without warning, then you need to choose other salted herring salads. You can whip up, for example, a snack with peas. For it you will need:

  • packing of cut herring;
  • a can of green peas;
  • two large potatoes;
  • a head of onion of the “Globo” or “Greatful” variety (their root vegetables are of suitable size and sweet taste);
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil.

While the potatoes are cooking, make sure there are no large bones in the herring pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, place in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar to the water. This marinade will remove all bitterness. Time it for fifteen minutes. If the potatoes are already boiled, then peel them and cut them into large pieces and add salt.

Drain the onion marinade, place the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, add the peas, pour over the oil and stir. For taste, add chopped herbs.

Salad with a salty note

A thrifty housewife always has a jar of pickles in her refrigerator. With them you can make a salad of herring with potatoes and cucumbers. Take these vegetables in proportions 3:2 and complete them:

  • fish fillet;
  • carrots (2 pieces);
  • beets in the amount of two pieces;
  • a large head of onion;
  • eggs (2 pieces);
  • olive mayonnaise.

It is better not to add salt to this salad; herring along with cucumbers will do the job perfectly without additional seasonings. Boil the vegetables, in a separate pan bring the eggs until hard-boiled, during this time cut the fish into small pieces and chop the onion. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. When the potatoes, carrots and beets are cooked, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.

This salad is similar to “fur coat” in that laid out in layers. Divide the grated potatoes into two parts, pour one half into a salad bowl, brush with mayonnaise, add herring and onions, and soak in the sauce again. The next layer is carrot, then beetroot and finally egg. Cover with mayonnaise and add the other half of the potatoes, add the cucumbers and cover with the remaining beets.

Dress the salad with sauce and refrigerate until it soaks. Two to three hours will be enough.

Option for exotic lovers

Recipes with salted herring delight with their variety; if you want to try something new and without mayonnaise, this dish is for you. Prepare:

  • one fish;
  • bell pepper (the larger the better, it will add juiciness to the salad);
  • two - three potatoes;
  • two eggs;
  • a bunch of herbs and green onions;
  • 100 g hard cheese.
  • mustard and vegetable oil.

To make the salad spicier, add a teaspoon of black pepper to it. Boil eggs and potatoes. While they are boiling, prepare the dressing: grate the cheese on a fine grater, chop the herbs and onions. If you have a blender, use it, the effect will be the same. Pour vegetable oil into the mixture, stir and leave to develop flavor.

While the ingredients are cooking and cooling, prepare the fish. Cut it into cubes and place in a bowl, adding a spoonful of mustard. To make the taste more delicate, add oil. Stir well to distribute the seasoning.

Peel and coarsely chop the eggs and potatoes; do the same with the peppers. Add this mixture to the herring, stir and pour in the dressing. A delicious salad with a cheesy flavor and a hint of herring will be remembered by both you and your guests.

Scandinavian dish

This dish came to us from afar, but found favor with the Russian public. The salad, at first glance, seems very unusual, but it contains a lot of vitamins and is very easy to prepare. You will need:

  • lightly salted herring;
  • a third of a head of fresh cabbage;
  • two green apples;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • greenery.

For many, it will be an additional advantage that the salad does not use mayonnaise. Instead, you will need 200 g of sour cream, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and 5 g of mustard. Mix these ingredients together and your dressing is ready.

The remaining elements of the salad will also not cause you any trouble. Remove the bones from the herring and cut the fish into pieces. Chop the cabbage and apples into strips, add salt and lightly mash to release the juice. Coarsely chop the lettuce and greens. Mix everything in a salad bowl and add dressing.

Portioned salad in lavash

If you want to host a buffet of appetizers, this dish will be just the thing. It's easy to grab from a plate and eat on the go without fear of getting sauce on your hands. Take:

  • two sheets of Armenian lavash;
  • chicken eggs - four pieces;
  • two herrings;
  • two beets;
  • onion head;
  • a bunch of chives;
  • remoulade for dressing.

Grind the beets and herring. If you cut into large pieces, the lettuce will fall out of its “wrapper”. Also finely chop the onion, boil the eggs, cool and grate on a fine grater. These two ingredients are seasoned with remoulade and brought to a thick paste.

To prepare remoulade, take 200 g of mayonnaise, add olive oil, a clove of chopped garlic, chopped herbs and onions, and a teaspoon of mustard. Mix the dressing well until smooth. If you don't want to spend a lot of time preparing the remoulade, then simply add chopped parsley and a spoonful of wine vinegar to the mayonnaise.

Place pita bread on the table. If you have a rolling mat, use it. Generously spread a mixture of egg, onion and remoulade onto the pita bread, followed by beets, herring and lettuce. Roll everything into a roll and secure with chives at equal intervals. Leave the finished dish in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, then remove and cut into pieces.

Attention, TODAY only!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I learned how to cook this simple dish back in school. You could say that this is where my culinary journey began. I remember that in our home library there was a large cookbook, in which many recipes had photographs of ready-made dishes. I really liked the presentation of the appetizers - they were, in fact, complex cuts of vegetables, a prototype of modern carving techniques. I enjoyed studying the recipes, tried to prepare simple salads, and every time I did it better and better.
And when we took home economics and cooking classes during labor lessons, we brought food to class and immediately prepared our culinary “masterpieces.” Of course, these were simple dishes, but how nice it was to make them with your own hands and then treat them to our boys, who at that time were learning carpentry or plumbing.
This salad of herring with potatoes and onions is really so simple that it can be prepared by a culinary beginner, and consists of only a few ingredients: boiled potatoes in their skins, onions and lightly salted herring cut into slices. Oh, how delicious it is, let me tell you! And if you top the appetizer with delicious oil, such as pumpkin or sesame oil, and add spices to taste, you’ll get an excellent simple dish.
It is only important to buy a good herring, so that it is not very salty, has elastic flesh and an appetizing smell, because the taste of the entire dish depends on this. If desired, you can also add finely chopped parsley, dill and green onions. You can also prepare one similar to this one.

- potato tuber – 3-4 pcs.,
- lightly salted herring – 1 pc.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- salt - to taste,
- spices to taste,
- fresh greens (optional),
- vegetable oil - for dressing.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

First, boil the potato tubers directly in their skins. To do this, first select undamaged tubers of the same size and thoroughly wash them to remove sand and other contaminants. Then fill them with hot water, add salt (a little more than usual) and cook until tender, but do not overcook. Then drain the hot water and place the potatoes in cold water for a couple of minutes - this way the tubers cool faster and the skin is easier to remove.
Cut the peeled potatoes into strips or cubes.

Now let's deal with fish. We cut off the head and tail, be sure to cut the tummy and select the insides. Then we remove the backbone from the carcass and carefully, and most importantly, thoroughly, remove all the bones.
Cut the herring fillet into small slices.

Finely chop the peeled onion.

Finely chop the greens.

Season the herring salad with potatoes and onions with oil, add spices and mix. Salt to taste. But it is worth remembering that the herring is already quite salty. Try making this one again.

Bon appetit!

- a salad that you will never get tired of. Salad of salted herring with pickled onions, boiled potatoes and canned peas is prepared quickly and easily.

Be sure to add herring and potato salad to your cookbook for unexpected guests or just as a simple and delicious appetizer.

lightly salted fatty herring – 1 pc.
potatoes – 3 pcs.
onions – 2 pcs. medium size
canned peas - 250-300 gr.
vegetable oil

Salad with herring and potatoes, recipe:

Peel the onions and cut into half rings. Make the marinade: take 3 parts water to 1 part table vinegar, add ground black pepper, a pinch of sugar and salt and stir well. Pour the resulting marinade over the chopped onions and leave to marinate for about 1 hour to get rid of excess onion bitterness and pungency.

While the onions are marinating, boil the potatoes until tender, but so that they do not begin to boil. When cool, peel it and cut into cubes.

Also clean the herring, separate the fillets from the bones and cut into small slices.

Remove the onion from the marinade and leave it to drain. Mix all prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, adding canned peas. Season with a small amount of vegetable oil. If necessary, add salt and ground pepper to taste.

That’s it, the salad is ready, but it’s better to let it sit in the refrigerator for a while, so its taste will become more intense. Just before serving, stir again and lightly garnish with finely chopped dill, parsley or green onions.

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A classic Russian appetizer with strong alcohol for any occasion - potatoes with herring and onions, can be transformed beyond recognition if served as an original salad.
Such an appetizer can decorate your New Year's table without causing harm to your already damaged budget before the New Year :))

Salad ingredients

  • small potatoes 300 g,
  • lightly salted herring 1 piece,
  • 2 small red onions,
  • half a lemon,
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil,
  • a bunch of fresh herbs,
  • salt,
  • sugar to taste.

Salad recipe

  1. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender in salted water. Cooking time is about 15 minutes depending on the size of the potatoes. Drain the water, cool the potatoes, and peel them. It is better to cool directly in their skins, otherwise the potatoes may fall apart when cutting.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the onion into rings and place in a cup. Squeeze almost all the juice from a quarter of a lemon into a cup with onions, add a little salt, add a pinch of sugar and leave the onions to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Drain the marinade.
  3. We fillet the herring, cut the fillets into square slices of arbitrary size, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Cut the remaining lemon quarter into small slices.
  5. Cut the potatoes into round slices. Using a cookie cutter, cut out stars or any shapes from each plate, and use the remaining potatoes for some other salad.
  6. Combine all the chopped ingredients, season the salad with fresh herbs and vegetable oil, and gently loosen.

Herring salad with potatoes and onions is ready. Bon appetit!