Kumis is a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, which is obtained through alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation thanks to Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid rods and yeast. This foamy drink, which has a whitish color and a sour-sweet taste, is very popular among residents of many countries and republics.

Koumiss at home is traditionally prepared from mare's milk, but nowadays in the conditions of a modern metropolis you can use goat's or cow's milk, since mare's milk is very difficult to find. This article with photos will tell you how to make kumis step by step and also about what benefits and harms this product can have.

A set of useful properties of kumys

In this drink, beneficial properties prevail in huge quantities.

  • Our body absorbs it well, almost 100%.
  • The product contains iodine, iron, vitamins C, A, B, E, fats, copper, live lactic acid bacteria and antibiotic substances, which are excellent in the fight against dysentery, tubercle bacilli and typhoid fever.
  • Live koumiss bacteria have a positive effect on the gallbladder, stomach, and lead to an improvement in intestinal microflora. The product also has a wonderful effect on the heart and blood, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, reduces irritability and fatigue, and is used to treat stomach ulcers.
  • Kumis also has a very valuable property - it is great for people on a diet. If you drink a glass of this drink before meals, you will want to eat less. The product has a mild laxative effect, which has a good effect on bowel movements, and in this case you are not in danger of dehydration.

  • Kumis perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, helps our body absorb proteins and fats from various foods, protects against vitamin deficiency, and is invaluable for chronic bronchitis, anemia, and furunculosis.
  • In case of serious illness, kumiss will restore health and strength, protect against toxicosis and help keep the breasts beautiful and firm in expectant and nursing mothers.

From all of the above, it is clear why kumys is useful. But in large quantities it can cause harm to our body. If you abuse it, you can get flatulence, diarrhea, and increased gas formation. Koumiss is contraindicated for infants, and expectant mothers can only drink it in moderation. If you suffer from allergy attacks, it is best to avoid taking it.

Treatment with this drink should be carried out for three weeks, no less. As a result, you will become positive, cheerful, recharged with strength and energy.

Recipe with cow's milk

This therapeutic and dietary drink is an excellent hangover cure. It is easily digestible, has great nutritional value, and is rich in organic acids.

Required ingredients:

  • Glass of water;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • A liter of low-fat milk;
  • 3 large spoons of kefir;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar.

Cooking plan:

  1. Boil milk in a container, add sugar and water, cool to room temperature;
  2. Add kefir and leave for 10 hours (watch - if it sours earlier, you can leave for less time) at room temperature. If the room is warm, it will turn sour faster;
  3. Stir and strain the mixture (but you don’t have to strain if you don’t care about clots);
  4. We dilute the yeast in warm water with 0.5 small spoons of sugar, wait 5 minutes until it bubbles, and mix it into the mixture;
  5. Immediately pour into clean bottles (do not fill to the top, because the liquid “plays”) and close tightly with corks. Let the drink sit for a while, about 1.5-2 hours, and put it in the refrigerator. You can drink it when the homemade kumiss “calms down”;
  6. The more time passes, the higher the strength will be. In three days there will be 4 degrees of strength;
  7. Bottles must be opened very carefully, otherwise they may explode. When you put them in the refrigerator, carefully release the gas from the bottles.

Shubat - kumis made from camel milk

This is a traditional Kazakh drink made from camel milk, which has a high fat content (8%). It quickly deteriorates and after five days is unfit for food, so it is almost never exported. Shubat contains three times more vitamins D and C than cow's milk.

You will need the following products:

  • Skim milk powder – 8 g;
  • Raw camel milk – 0.5 l;
  • Leaven.

Everything must be fresh with a normal shelf life.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 125 g of camel milk with dry milk and mix thoroughly. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture;
  2. Next, add the starter and the remaining milk. Cover the container with a cloth and put it in a warm place for a day;
  3. Gently stir the mixture every 3.5 hours.

The product does not thicken too much, unlike cow's milk. To determine its readiness, take a close look at its structure. If a thin layer of clear liquid has formed at the bottom of the pan, you can begin to strain the drink using a sieve. Then close the shubat tightly, shake and cool. Consume only chilled, as a warm drink has a laxative effect on humans.

Camel kumiss is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, you should not drink it because it may cause stomach upset.

Option with goat milk

Goat kumis is a great thirst quencher and refresher in hot weather.

List of components:

  • Honey and granulated sugar - 50 g each;
  • Goat milk - liter;
  • Kefir – 50 ml;
  • Cold water – 200 ml;
  • Pressed yeast – 5 g.

Kumis recipe:

  1. Boil the milk in a saucepan over low heat and mix it with water, add honey, remove from the stove until completely cooled;
  2. Add kefir to this mass, close the lid and wrap it in a large warm cloth. Let's put it in a warm place for 5-6 hours;
  3. After the formation of sour milk from the liquid, beat it with a mixer or whisk, and strain the flakes formed in the process through gauze, previously folded in 4 layers;
  4. Pour the yeast with warm water and whisk until it becomes like thick sour cream. Add granulated sugar, then combine the whole mass with milk. This produces carbon dioxide and alcohol;
  5. We take clean bottles and pour the product, cap it tightly and let it sit for half an hour or 50 minutes. At this time, carbon dioxide appears in the dishes, the liquid “plays”, so do not fill the bottles completely;
  6. When fermentation begins in the dish, you need to place it in the refrigerator downwards or in a bowl of cold water. The drink is served chilled and opened carefully.

Recipe with mare's milk

To prepare this tasty drink, they take milk from a middle-aged mare that does not work hard.

Manufacturing instructions:

First you need to make your own starter:

  • Wheat flour – 2 tea cups;
  • Honey - a large spoon;
  • Millet – 2 tablespoons;
  • Brewer's yeast - a small spoon.

How to make kumiss from mare's milk:

  1. The starter mixture is poured with mare's milk and the result should be a thin mixture;
  2. Transfer it to a container and keep it warm until it sours;
  3. Take mare's milk (5 l) and pour it into a wide-necked container. Place the starter, previously tied in cheesecloth, on the bottom;
  4. We keep it warm, where the milk will begin to ferment and get a pleasant, sour taste, reminiscent of alcohol. This will take no more than a day;

We clean the finished mare's kumiss from fatty particles floating on its surface and pour it into bottles. We store it in the cold, because the drink spoils quickly and needs to be monitored.

Video: Homemade kumys recipe

This sweet and sour drink is not widely distributed today and you cannot buy it in the store. Meanwhile, everyone has heard about its benefits for the body.

According to the rules, kumiss is prepared from the milk of a mare, which must be three years old and foaled for the first time.

It is this product that has the maximum benefits.

General information

A mare over 5 years old is no longer capable of producing healthy milk.

This drink originated in the steppe regions of Mongolia and Kazakhstan more than 5,000 years ago.

Avicenna also wrote about the healing effects of kumis.

Kumis is classified as a fermented milk product (). For the drink to be healthy, the milk must ferment under the right conditions.

To do this, it is mixed with cold boiled water and placed in a special container containing leaven from previous fermentations. The longer the starter sits, the more useful the new portion of kumiss turns out.

The utensils used are often tubs with lids in which a hole is made for mixing the product.

There is another option - sealed wineskins, in which kumiss is mixed by periodically shaking, rolling or even hitting the skin.

Under such conditions, as a result of lactic and alcoholic fermentation, the product is as useful as possible.

You cannot buy natural live kumiss in regular stores and supermarkets., since no preservatives are used in production and therefore the drink is not stored for a long time.

What is sold under the guise of koumiss in stores is also, perhaps, a natural product, but does not have the beneficial properties of koumiss.

Benefits for the body

Koumiss is enriched with vitamins C, A, E, PP, B vitamins, and minerals.

Benefits of kumys for the body:

There is even a type of treatment called kumiss therapy. Nowadays, kumiss treatment is not as popular as it was 100-150 years ago.

In specialized kumiss clinics this drink is used to treat:

  • typhoid and anemia,
  • chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis,
  • dysentery,
  • intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis,
  • exhaustion.

Kumis is successfully used in the treatment of blood diseases, allergies, recovery after operations and injuries, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

And those who want to rejuvenate will benefit from kumiss treatment - kumiss is endowed with an antioxidant effect.

And externally it is used to treat:

  • boils,
  • purulent wounds,
  • improving the condition of problem skin ().

The advantage of hospitals is that the patient will be offered exclusively fresh live kumiss, prepared according to the rules.

Since making a drink involves some difficulties and features:

  • grazing of mares only in the steppe or forest-steppe zone,
  • difficulties with milking, impossibility of industrial bottling and storage,
    Only in kumiss clinics can you count on a useful and effective product.

The course of treatment lasts at least 2 weeks and is combined with climatotherapy, since most hospitals are located in steppe regions, which has an additional healing effect.

Koumiss clinics today are represented in:

There are also villages whose residents engage in private koumiss fishing. For example, in Bashkiria, in the valley of the river. Dems. The drink is also common in Yakutia and is considered sacred there.

Use for weight loss and weight gain

If you drink kumis immediately before meals, then due to the fermentation process and its nutritional value, it will give you a feeling of satiety.

As a result, less will be eaten at the table. In addition, kumiss (weak - 1 volume% alcohol) has a laxative effect, which will help cleanse the intestines in a timely manner, and its ability to improve metabolism will not allow fat to be deposited.

Important! Kumis is strong(3% alcohol by volume) and average(1.75% alcohol by volume), unlike weak alcohol, has a fixing effect.

On the other hand, a drink drunk 40 minutes before a meal stimulates the appetite, helping those who need it to gain weight. It increases the absorption of nutrients during food intake.

Koumiss itself is nutritious and is 95% digestible, so if consumed frequently (especially as part of kumis therapy), it helps to gain weight.

A.P. Chekhov, while undergoing kumiss treatment, wrote that he gained 8 pounds (more than 3.5 kg) in a week.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Koumiss is enriched with vitamins and microelements, which makes it possible to use it in skin and hair care. The condition of oily and acne-prone skin will improve if you wipe your face with kumiss twice a day.

Aging and tired skin will become fresher and smoother if you apply gauze bandages soaked in this product to your face and neck for 15 minutes.

Such masks are repeated every other day, and after completing 10 masks, they take a break for a month. The skin of the body will benefit from a massage with a hard mitten soaked in kumiss.

This procedure will cleanse the skin of dead particles and nourish it with beneficial substances.

By mixing kumiss with sea salt or coffee grounds you can get an excellent body scrub.

Your hair will be transformed and shine if you pamper it with a mask with kumiss.

To do this, add the following to a glass of product:

You can put a shower cap on top. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo.

This mask will relieve hair from brittleness and dryness, give it shine and a healthy appearance, and also prevent hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles.

Important! Mask with kumis and honey maybe lighten your hair a little and wash off the dye.

If you keep it for a long time and do it often, your hair will become noticeably lighter. Girls who dye their hair dark colors should take this into account.

For brunettes, a mask made from kumiss and a decoction of nettle and/or burdock root is more suitable. Have to take:

  • a decoction of herbs that contains nettle (medicinal properties are described in the article) and burdock root make the hair a little darker,
  • mix with kumiss in equal proportions,
  • distribute through hair.
    After 30-60 minutes, wash off.

You can simply smear your hair with kumis without adding any additional ingredients, wrap your head, and wash it off with shampoo after an hour.

If you have dry hair, you can sometimes wash your hair with kumis instead of shampoo.

And kumiss will benefit your nails. You need to slightly warm this product, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to it: sea buckthorn (), olive or any other - and put your hands in the bath with the prepared mixture for 15 minutes.

The result will be strong, smooth nails and soft hand skin.

In addition, kumiss whitens the skin, so if there are pigment spots on your hands, such baths will make them less pronounced and, over time, completely eliminate them.

Contraindications and caution

There are not many contraindications for the drink, but they must be taken into account.

  • If you have an allergy to dairy products (lactose intolerance) or an individual intolerance to kumiss, you will have to stop drinking the drink.
  • The acid contained in kumiss will be harmful for gastritis with high acidity and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
    The use of kumis should be postponed until the symptoms of exacerbation subside.
  • The alcohols contained in the drink are not beneficial for children and nursing mothers, but pregnant women are allowed to drink kumiss in moderate quantities during or after illness to restore strength.
  • You can buy kumiss only from trusted and reputable manufacturers, if there are any.
    If hygiene rules are violated, bacteria may enter the drink, which will lead to intestinal infections and other problems.

Compliance with the rules will help protect yourself from unwanted consequences and treatment with kumiss will be effective.

Kumis is precisely the product that will become a faithful ally of the body, heal diseases and prevent their further occurrence.

Kumis is a fermented milk health-improving low-alcohol drink prepared from mares' milk. “A drink of vivacity, fun and longevity” - this is how the Kyrgyz, Bashkirs, Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Mongols, etc. described kumiss. It has long been believed that kumiss improves health and is especially useful for weakened, exhausted people.

It was the favorite drink of many nomadic tribes, and was compared to white wine.

Koumiss contains from 0.5 to 2.5% alcohol, while long-fermented koumiss contains up to 10 and even 15%. Accordingly, koumiss can be weak - it is bottled earlier than a day after fermentation, medium - this is daily koumiss and old koumiss - a week or more of aging.
Despite the fact that traditionally kumiss is made from mare's milk, kumiss from cow's milk has become more widespread today. The technology for preparing kumis using cow's milk as a raw material was developed quite a long time ago.
If initially kumis from this type of raw material had an unattractive appearance and unpleasant taste, and after cooking it quickly separated, then in the process of long-term research the secret of the technology for preparing this type of kumiss was rediscovered. A positive result is achieved by dividing the process of preparing kumis into two stages. At the first stage, lactic acid fermentation occurs, which results in yogurt. Next, when yeast is added to yogurt, alcoholic fermentation occurs, during which cow kumiss ripens.
Properly prepared kumiss from cow's milk, when lightly shaken, acquires a homogeneous foaming consistency with a slightly burning, pleasant taste. Cow kumiss improves overall well-being, quenches thirst and tones.
During the ripening process of kumys, under the influence of yeast, ethyl alcohol and special enzymes are formed, which are distinguished by high bactericidal properties. They are capable of destroying typhoid bacillus, tuberculosis bacillus and brucellosis.

In details about the beneficial properties of kumiss Read below, and first, about the method of preparing kumiss from cow (goat) milk at home.

Making kumiss from cow (goat) milk at home

When making kumys you need to use sugar. But sugar can be replaced with honey - more benefits, two in one. Therefore, here is a recipe for kumys recommended by the “honey” site http://beehoney.com.ua/honey_kumys.html:

To prepare kumis at home, it is better to use skim milk, since fat interferes with the fermentation process.
To 1 liter of skim milk (skim or buttermilk) add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey (1 tablespoon of honey - 15 g), better than light varieties. If using sugar, then 3 teaspoons.
If you take whole milk, then to reduce the fat content it is diluted with boiled water (2 cups per 1 liter); Store-bought milk, of course, is not diluted.
The honey is thoroughly stirred, the resulting mixture is heated over high heat, brought to a boil, after which it is immediately removed from the heat and another 1 tbsp is added. a spoonful of honey, preheated to 60C, and cooled to room temperature, then fermented by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir, yogurt or sour cream.
Fermented honey milk is left in a warm place (near a stove or radiator) at a temperature of 28-30°C until it sours. Usually yogurt is ready in a day.
The resulting curdled milk is thoroughly stirred, then pressed through 4 layers of gauze. Hands must be washed thoroughly. Add another 2-3 tbsp to the strained yogurt. spoons of honey at a temperature of 45-50°C and add yeast for alcoholic fermentation.
Next you need to take 1-3 g of dry yeast or 3-5 g of pressed yeast, or 5-10 g of liquid. Yeast can be used for baking, beer, wine or champagne. Before adding them to curdled milk, they are “rejuvenated,” that is, pre-soaked in a small amount of warm water, slightly sweetened with honey, and kept in a warm place until intense fermentation begins. After a few minutes, the yeast begins to bubble and fill the glass.
Honey curdled milk is kept in an enamel or glass container at room temperature until vigorous fermentation begins. After this, the koumiss is transferred to the refrigerator for maturation. Carbon dioxide and alcohol accumulate in the drink, while all the beneficial substances contained in honey are preserved - enzymes, vitamins, microelements, biostimulants. Usually, after 8-12 hours of storage in the cold, kumys is ready for consumption. To improve the taste of the drink and increase its carbon dioxide content after adding honey, yeast and thorough stirring Koumiss should be poured into champagne bottles and sealed tightly with corks. The sealed bottles are kept at room temperature for 10-12 hours (before vigorous fermentation begins), after which they are placed in the refrigerator.
After 6-12 hours of storage in the cold, an effervescent, refreshing drink is obtained. Bottles can only be opened with chilled koumiss, otherwise a large release of the contents along with carbon dioxide is possible.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the onset of vigorous fermentation: sometimes it occurs after 20-30 minutes of storing kumys in a warm place. Immediately take such bottles out into the cold, otherwise they may burst under the influence of excess CO2 pressure.
Koumiss can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.
Properly prepared koumiss, when lightly shaken, turns into a homogeneous foam with a pleasant, slightly hot taste, tones well, quenches thirst, and improves well-being.

Comparison of mare and cow kumiss

Kumis from mare's milk as a remedy has proven itself perfectly. Its value as a dietary product and as a medicine has been proven by numerous observations by doctors of its effect on patients, as well as in experiments on animals. But there is no reason to disdain cow's milk kumis- This is also a useful therapeutic and dietary product that deserves the widest distribution.

Experts have proven that milk contains various proteins - casein, albumin and globulin, which differ from each other in amino acid composition and physicochemical properties. In the milk of different animals, the ratio between the amount of these proteins is not the same. From this point of view, cow's and mare's milk differ significantly.

In the mare's milk albumin predominates, which dissolves in water. It does not change when exposed to rennet and weak acids. Therefore, when mare's milk is fermented, loose, loose clots with small casein flakes are formed, which easily disintegrate under mechanical stress. This is why fermented mare's milk remains liquid.

Casein predominates in cow's milk, which does not dissolve in water, and when exposed to rennet and weak acids, it coagulates, forming dense clots. The production of cheese, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products is based on this property of casein. But in order to prepare liquid kumiss from cow's milk, you need to change this property.

In both kumis, casein is found in the form of tiny particles, which is of great importance for its dissolution by digestive juices and, consequently, for digestion. Kumis made from cow's milk is much easier to digest than fresh milk.

In terms of chemical composition, both types of kumiss are quite similar. The calorie content of both types of koumiss is the same (on average, 100 grams of koumiss contains 30-50 kcal). Because the lower amount of fat in cow kumiss is compensated to some extent by the large amount of carbohydrates.

Koumiss made from mare's milk contains significantly more vitamins C, but less vitamins B. Both types of koumiss have antibiotic properties. In some sanatoriums, vitamin C is added to cow's milk koumiss at the rate of 200 mg of vitamin per daily dose of koumiss.

Useful properties of kumiss

Popular rumors about kumis attracted the attention of doctors, and from the early 40s of the last century they began to write about it on the pages of medical journals. Many famous Russian, Soviet, German and French doctors promoted kumis as one of the most effective remedies for treating tuberculosis at that time.

The experience of doctors has confirmed the high medicinal benefits of this drink for a number of diseases, and especially for tuberculosis. When doctors first began to use kumiss treatment, its therapeutic effect was explained mainly by its “nourishing” properties, that is, by the fact that when treated with kumiss, the body receives a large amount of nutrients.

Currently, most doctors using treatment with kumis, they believe that it is valuable both as a food product and as a remedy with medicinal properties.

Contraindications for kumiss

For a number of diseases (inflammation of the kidneys, liver, obesity, gout and diabetes) regarding treatment with kumis, you must separately consult your doctor.

Indications of kumys

In case of exhaustion caused by overwork, poor nutrition (lack of proteins or vitamins in food), debilitating diseases, injury with large blood loss, and the like, it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of kumis per day in small doses during meals and in the intervals between meals.

Those who drink kumiss increase their appetite. Moving quickly from the stomach to the intestines, kumiss causes increased peristalsis, that is, contraction of the intestinal muscles, which promote the movement of food mass and undigested food debris. Kumiss is absorbed and absorbed in the body very quickly. As a result, body weight increases significantly and metabolism improves. In hot weather, drinking kumiss causes profuse sweating, and in cold weather it increases the secretion of urine, which helps remove harmful “toxins” from the body that impede metabolism.

What is useful in kumiss

The production of koumiss, as stated above, is based on the use of two types of fermentation - lactic acid and alcoholic, caused in milk by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. During alcoholic fermentation, yeast cells accumulate in kumiss in significant quantities, which gives the drink a special value.

Alcohol in kumiss

During alcoholic fermentation, as a result of the decomposition of milk sugar, a small amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide is formed, which is responsible for some of the features of kumys as a refreshing and medicinal drink. Carbon dioxide causes slight irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, dilation of blood vessels in the mucous membrane. Therefore, drinks containing carbon dioxide, including kumiss, are absorbed more quickly by the intestines. In addition, carbon dioxide improves digestion and enhances the secretion of digestive juices.

Kumis contains from 0.5 to 2.5% alcohol, which is also important for digestion. Studies have shown that alcohol in such a low concentration increases the production of juice by the gastric glands, while alcohol solutions with a strength of over 20% inhibit the secretion of gastric juice.

Lactic acid in kumiss

As a result of fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria, 0.5 to 1% lactic acid accumulates in koumiss, and acids in general and especially lactic acid play an important role in digestion.

It is known that to stimulate appetite, many try to eat or drink something sour. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov wrote about this instinctive desire for sourness. He pointed out the great importance of drinks with a sour taste, since “the acid reaction in the digestive canal excites the pancreas.”

Kumis has a sour taste mainly due to the presence of lactic acid. Observations of doctors have shown that kumiss gives good results not only with reduced, but also with increased secretion of gastric juice. This happens in cases where normal secretion is disrupted due to a disorder of the “vegetative” part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of the stomach. But if, to enhance the secretion of gastric juice and to increase its acidity, it is recommended to drink koumiss immediately before meals or half an hour before meals, then to reduce secretion you need to drink koumiss 1.5-2 hours before meals.

In koumiss, as in other products, lactic acid bacteria multiply, which enrich it with the products of their vital activity.

Yeast in kumys

Yeast has long been used in medicine for certain diseases, for example, furunculosis (a tendency to form pustules on the skin), exhaustion, purulent and non-healing wounds, as well as metabolic disorders. Caused by the fact that food contains insufficient amounts of proteins and B vitamins. Experiments have shown that yeast, especially fresh semi-liquid yeast, increases the production of digestive juice by the gastric glands.

When treating with liquid nutritional yeast, the patient is usually given 50-100 grams of yeast daily, consisting of a huge number of yeast cells. Approximately the same number of yeast cells are contained in 1-2 liters of kumiss. This gives us the right to say that treatment with kumis is at the same time treatment with yeast. Consequently, everything that is known about the beneficial effects of yeast can also be applied to kumys.

Composition and properties of kumys

Kumis contains valuable and easily digestible proteins. From 1 liter of mare's kumys, the body receives about 20 grams of protein, that is, approximately the same amount as is contained in 100 grams of beef of average fatness without bones. Even more protein (about 27 grams) is contained in 1 liter of cow's kumiss. This addition to regular food is certainly significant.
Vitamins in kumiss

Kumis– a white fermented milk drink that tends to foam. It is made from mare's milk (sometimes from goat's milk) using alcohol or lactic acid fermentation. Fresh milk is poured into an unusual container, which has a cylindrical shape with a tapering neck. There is a hole in the lid into which a whipping pole is inserted. Together with the starter, the milk is kept in this container for several days. Periodically, the liquid needs to be whisked for several hours.

Kumis is also called a “live” drink, since it cannot be stored and producing it in large quantities is a rather difficult undertaking. This product contains alcohol, the amount of which sometimes reaches up to 4.5 revolutions.

There is a certain classification of kumys depending on the ripening period:

  1. Weak - 1 turn. This drink is kept only for a day. This koumiss has practically no foam or strong acid, and in general it is very similar to milk. If it sits for a little while, it will delaminate almost immediately.
  2. Average – 1.75 turns. It only takes 2 days for this drink to mature. This kumiss has a persistent foam and distinct sourness. This product has a stable, uniform structure.
  3. Strong - 3 turns. This drink is aged for 3 days. The structure of such kumiss is liquid, the foam is unstable, and it tastes sour.

Selection and storage

You need to choose kumis like other fermented milk products. Since it cannot be stored for a long time, the product presented on store shelves is not real, it is just some kind of imitation of the above-mentioned fermented milk drink. Traditional kumis should be stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Useful properties of kumiss

The beneficial properties of kumiss are extensive, and all thanks to its rich composition. So, since kumiss contains substances with antibiotic activity and lactic acids, this drink is recommended for people with tuberculosis, as well as in the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Kumis helps improve the digestibility of food and the functioning of the digestive system as a whole. This drink contains a large number of fermented lactic bacteria, which help restore the beneficial microflora of the intestines and vagina.

The calorie content of kumiss is insignificant, which means it can be consumed during weight loss, as well as for obese people.

The above-mentioned fermented milk drink contains choline, which normalizes blood cholesterol levels, and it is also needed for the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the body. This drink also contains phosphorus, which takes an active part in protein synthesis and in the restoration of muscle and bone tissue. Thanks to the presence of potassium, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves. It also contains kumis and calcium, which strengthens bones, teeth and nails.

Use in cooking

Kumiss has not found too wide a use in cooking; it is most often consumed as an independent refreshing drink, which also has a slight intoxicating effect.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of kumiss are also used for cosmetic purposes. This drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair: it makes it thick, shiny, strong and voluminous. Masks based on this drink are also recommended for use by men who are starting to go bald.

Fermented milk drink can also be used for skin care. For example, to reduce its fat content, you need to wipe your face with kumis several times a day. In addition, fermented milk drink will help improve the condition of aging skin.

Making kumis at home

In order to enjoy delicious kumys, you can easily make it at home with your own hands. Of course, the drink you make yourself will not be real, but it will be very useful.

So, you need to take a liter of low-fat milk from a cow or goat, a glass of purified water, 3 teaspoons of sugar, it can be replaced with honey. In addition, you need to take a couple of tbsp. spoons of kefir, as well as about 5 g of yeast.

As for the technology for making kumys at home, it is as follows: combine milk with water, sugar and cool to about 20 degrees. Then we add kefir to the mixture, wrap the dishes in a blanket or towel and put them in a warm place, the temperature should be about 30 degrees, for about a few hours. When the milk becomes sour, it must be whipped to get rid of protein flakes; if this does not work, then it is better to strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Now it’s time to dilute the yeast with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add a pinch of sugar to it. Pour the resulting mixture into the whipped milk and mix thoroughly. Then pour the liquid into bottles, close tightly and leave for half an hour. There is no need to fill the liquid all the way to the neck, as the bottle may explode.

When you see gases forming in the bottles, the container should be placed in ice water or in the refrigerator. If you notice that the formation of gases has stopped, kumys is ready for use.

Don't rattle the bottles or they will explode like champagne.

Benefits and treatment

The benefits of kumis are widely used in traditional medicine recipes. It is recommended to drink this drink if you have vitamin deficiency, as well as if your body is exhausted.

Traditional healers call kumiss “a drink for heroes”, as it gives strength and energy, and it also has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system.

Kumis has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, so it is recommended to use it for ulcers, dysentery and typhoid.

Treatment with this drink is also aimed at improving blood quality, as it increases the hemoglobin content. In addition, it promotes the release of antibiotic substances, which help reduce the risk of occurrence, and are also used to treat tuberculosis and heart and vascular diseases.

Harm of kumiss and contraindications

Koumiss can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. You should stop drinking this drink if you have aggravated problems with the gastrointestinal tract. People with diseases of the digestive glands have contraindications to consuming kumis.

Everyone knows that fermented mare's milk is a unique and valuable product, because it contains a huge amount of microelements. If you show readers at least half of the list, it will take up most of the article, but we will list the most important things - fats, proteins, vitamins of all main groups, calcium, magnesium,. Thanks to this set, it is simply a panacea for problems with the digestive system; even dysentery can be dealt with by kumiss with a strong A rating!

Useful properties of kumiss

So, let's move on to the most interesting part, that is, we will answer the important question of how horse kumiss is useful for our body.

First of all, let’s say that kumiss is excellent for treating respiratory diseases, that is, the early stages of tuberculosis, anemia, it treats excellently.

The drink will help get rid of depression and nervous feelings. This is a really good sedative and no medications are needed.

We must not forget that the calcium it contains helps your teeth and hair to be healthy and strong! This is really very important for every person, because strong hair and healthy teeth are a sign of good health.

Restores intestinal microflora, which is simply great after serious illnesses. Kumis also helps get rid of static pain and bloating, which is also very good for your health and wallet, because you don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive medicines.

Kumis also helps the heart work like a clock, which will greatly help people who are predisposed to heart disease.

What are the benefits of goat kumis?

Many people forget that in addition to horse kumiss, there is also goat kumiss. It is in no way inferior in properties to horse milk, and in some places it even wins the battle for people’s tastes. For example, it remarkably helps restore immunity after a long illness, with vitamin deficiency and exhaustion, and quickly brings the level to normal. Goat kumiss also normalizes metabolism in the body.

It is the goat version of kumis that is widely used in cosmetology. The famous balm, which is used for hair growth and restoration, is made from goat kumiss.

How is kumiss useful for women?

Women all over the world, rejoice! With just one glass of kumiss you can feel full and satisfied, that is, you can easily follow your diet.

Remember also that kumiss does not contain many calories, so it is an ideal way to keep fit. Just take it before meals, then due to the activation of metabolic processes, some of the fat will definitely be absorbed.

Let's not forget about the cosmetic component. Hair balms made from kumys are very useful; they can be made according to different recipes, but the result will still be stunning.

During pregnancy, this product can also be drunk, but only under one condition: if the expectant mother has anemia. Remember this exception, it is important!

How is koumiss good for the liver?

Kumis will help the liver cleanse itself of various “wrong” things. substances. Remember that this product should not be used for inflammatory processes that may occur in the liver, remember this! This is a very strict rule that must be followed.

Is it healthy to drink kumiss?

The answer to this question is extremely simple! Yes, it’s definitely useful, but you just need to remember the contraindications that any product has. For example, if you are pregnant, have inflammation of the kidneys or liver, you should absolutely not drink it, but in all other cases, it is a wonderful product that will help get rid of “pharmacy addiction”!