Scorpio, who was born in the year of the Ox, is a rather controversial zodiac sign. He can be unrestrained and hot-tempered, and sometimes becomes detached and self-absorbed. He is never the first to start a conflict, but still often quarrels with others. In general, such people have a difficult character. Stability is important to them, which they seek both in work and in relationships. They are faithful spouses and reliable partners.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Characteristics of a woman

A woman who was born in the year of the Ox (1985, 1997, 2009, 2021) and under the sign of Scorpio (October-November) has character traits such as authority and stubbornness. Characterized by activity and impulsiveness. She doesn’t like it when someone invades her personal space, and she smashes her rivals and enemies to smithereens. This is a female fighter who charges those around her with her energy.

A Scorpio woman is capable of achieving success in any area that interests her. He has special requirements for his partner, but they are fair. Has his own idea of ​​moral standards. Such a woman has a conservative character, so she does not tolerate any changes. This often leads to conflict with older children who consider her unprogressive.

The Scorpio-Ox woman cannot imagine her life without work. When she starts a family, she soon fades into the background, so such a marriage often ends in divorce. The representative of this element is a monogamous woman and worries for a long time when parting.

In her career, such a woman always achieves her goal and expects the same from her employees. Scorpio-Ox makes meticulous leaders, characterized by excessive severity. They go ahead in their work and perform the most impossible tasks.

Characteristics of a man

The decisive Ox and the unconventional Scorpio give rise to a complex character. Such a person is very emotional, but does not allow emotions to take over. He often experiences a certain event within himself, but never shows his feelings, even to those closest to him.

Characteristics of a Scorpio man-Bull: assertive, stubborn, cold-blooded. He does not like having his opinion imposed on him, and in his judgments he is firm and categorical. This is a versatile person who achieves success in any field. He can make a good career in the political or military sphere.

Such a man knows how to make good money, plans his budget wisely and creates profitable projects. Even if he does not reach heights in his career, he will still have money to live on. The main problem of a representative of such signs is the lack of flexibility. He doesn’t understand well how to live easily and freely.

A man strives to start a family, but he has been looking for a girl who would fit his high demands for a very long time. His chosen one should be an active and extraordinary person, capable of constantly surprising him. Living with such a guy is not easy, because he does not tolerate being contradicted. He finds fault with little things, does not hear his partner and does not take into account his opinion. In adulthood, Scorpio-Ox already knows how to take other people’s desires into account and respond adequately to criticism. This allows him to be less disappointed in love.

Compatibility with other signs

Both Scorpio-Oxen men and women will not date solely for fun. They approach the choice of their soul mate with all responsibility. Friendship is important to them and such people will not be friends with anyone for their own selfish purposes.

Scorpio-Ox compatibility according to the Eastern calendar:

Good compatibilityAverage compatibilityIncompatibility
  • Dragon - ideal relationship. The union turns out to be very strong.
  • Cat - compatible in love and friendship. Partners are able to make concessions.
  • The bull is an ideal union. They complement each other wonderfully and do not strive for leadership in relationships.
  • Rat - good compatibility in friendship and love. They understand each other almost perfectly
  • Snake is good compatibility in marriage. But the Snake loves freedom, and relationships may fall apart due to her betrayal.
  • Pig - relationships can develop harmoniously if partners put family first.
  • Rooster - their relationship can develop into marriage if they begin to give in to each other
  • Monkey - do not get along with each other, as they are opposite personalities.
  • Horse - such a marriage breaks up very quickly due to the strong characters of the partners. The Ox is often a despot and a tyrant in relationships.
  • Tiger - are absolutely incompatible, as they do not understand each other at all. Everyone is trying to impose their point of view.
  • Goat - difficult relationships. The Goat is very suspicious and capricious, therefore it is difficult in friendships and relationships.
  • Dog - such a union is usually unsuccessful due to the strong characters of the partners who are unable to yield to each other

Horoscope compatibility:

  • Virgo is a successful union. When opening a business together, great success is achieved.
  • Capricorn - have good compatibility. Despite their different temperaments, they create a strong union.
  • Cancer is ideal compatibility in friendship and love. Able to intuitively sense each other
  • Leo - compatible only in intimate terms. In everything else they have a different outlook on life.
  • Aries - high sexual activity can unite them, but friendship between them does not work out.
  • Taurus - they have a large supply of internal strength, which they waste on completely opposite goals, as a result of which marriages often break up.
  • Libras are compatible only in sex, but jealousy often destroys intimate relationships
  • Pisces - can create a fairly strong union, which after a while breaks up due to boredom in the relationship
  • Scorpio - two identical zodiac signs have poor compatibility. They compete a lot with each other and are selfish.
  • Sagittarius - compatible only in friendship. There are often conflicts in personal relationships
  • Gemini is an extremely unfortunate union. Scorpio needs stability in a relationship, and his partner finds this boring.
  • Aquarius - such a marriage is doomed. Unable to give in to each other and put up with the shortcomings of the chosen one

Talisman stones

For the Scorpio-Ox person, the talisman stone is the moonstone. Astrologers recommend it to strong and self-confident people who have a strong-willed character and go towards their goal, no matter what.

Scorpio-Ox is a purposeful leader, but cannot boast of such a quality as kindness. Moonstone compensates for this deficiency, makes a person more merciful and warns against rash decisions.

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Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

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It all started when I ordered my personal...

Horoscope for Scorpio born in the year of the Ox

If this person sets a goal for himself, then he will definitely achieve success. This is a unique personality; the Scorpio Ox combines self-confidence, determination, endurance, animal power and strength, intelligence and developed intuition.

Don't stand in his way. He is a fearless leader for whom only his own opinion matters. Your advice or recommendation may turn him against you. And as a rival, he is invincible. It is better to have a Scorpio Ox as a friend than as an enemy. Such a person hopes
on his own and does not need anyone's support. You should not think that Scorpio in such a combination of signs will scatter poison left and right. He is fair and will not offend a person in vain. An aggressive reaction is nothing more than self-defense.

In a love relationship, be it a man or a woman, the Scorpio Ox does not accept entertainment “just like that” or sporting interest. Love for him is an exquisite game, and such a person is looking for a strong “enemy.” If you decide to enter into a love game with him, be prepared that, most likely, it will be you who will beg for mercy. He enters into marriage reluctantly. But if such a person started a family. He will be devoted to her to the end and will do everything to ensure that there is prosperity and prosperity in the house.

Ox-Scorpio man

Such a man often “goes too far” in his harsh judgments, in his firmness and demandingness. If the Scorpio Ox man shows more flexibility and gentleness, then life will be easier for him. His personal life is rich and active; such a man is prone to frequent changes of partners. He has inflated demands on the choice of a woman. The Ox-Scorpio love relationship can be successful, or it can be very tense.

Ox–Scorpio woman

Such a woman, unlike a man of this combination of signs, has some gentleness and tact. But still, and she is inclined to harshly judge others, the Ox-Scorpio woman has a hard time withstanding any changes. She is influenced by stereotypes and some old dogmas. If the Scorpio Ox woman has made a decision, she will stand her ground until the end. But despite such steadfastness, she is very talented.

It is important for a woman of this combination of signs to be successful in any field, be it professional or
personal life. She is the head of the family, and a man who connects his life with such a woman must take this into account. But she will be a devoted and good wife. What is important to her is the well-being and happiness of her household.

This person is extremely purposeful, persistent and practical. A Scorpio-Ox man, whose characteristics reflect his essence, combines stubbornness, reliability and resistance to stress; we can say about him that he is a man with a core. Scorpio-Ox has a unique ability to see through people and find an approach to any person.

Thanks to his extraordinary intuition, Scorpio-Ox achieves success in any business. He knows how to manipulate people and achieve his goals at all costs. It may also happen that he will be harsh and rude to a person who interferes with the fulfillment of his desires. This person has unconditional leadership qualities; he is ready to move towards his goal and manipulate other people for this. There is no point in coming to him with advice; he himself is capable of developing the optimal strategy to achieve what he wants.

In relationships with others, Scorpio the Bull adheres to a polar point of view - either he dotes on a person, or he cannot stand him in spirit. However, he will not get involved in squabbles, blame someone or insult. In communication, he behaves with restraint and does not go beyond the bounds of decency. He is not capable of compromise, so he is often lonely, neglecting communication with the “unworthy.” At the same time, such a man is not used to relying on others; he does not expect help, but prefers to rely only on himself. But if he meets a person with whom he enjoys communicating, he often shows himself as a braggart and can overestimate his own abilities in order to arouse sympathy.

The Scorpio Ox, although attached to his home, loves to travel and visit different cities and countries. He is inquisitive, and everything new attracts him and arouses genuine interest. Thanks to this very quality, the Scorpio Ox knows a lot, is an intellectually developed person, and a good conversationalist. This man is a real fighter, ready to do anything to realize his own plans. Sometimes, when he gets infected with an idea, he forgets about everything and works fanatically on this project.

Close people sometimes painfully perceive the excessive stubbornness and harshness of the Scorpio Ox, but soon he shows his love in the most unexpected way, proving his caring through actions, not words. Everything is always serious with this man - he does not accept frivolity either in work or in love. If he shows interest in a woman, then he really likes her deeply. Scorpio Ox values ​​his companion, and dates a lady not for the sake of entertainment or curiosity, but is scrupulous in choosing a partner.

Finding a suitable match for the Scorpio Ox is not easy, because he is very demanding of women. However, having met such a girl, he will do anything to win her. Thanks to his high intelligence and natural charm, his chosen one will sooner or later succumb to his charms.

As a life partner, Scorpio Ox chooses a girl who would suit him in all respects. She must be not only attractive, but also interesting, smart, economical, because for him she is not only a lover, but also a friend, interlocutor, the mother of his children. He does not waste time on trifles, so he immediately makes a decision for himself - whether this person is suitable for him or not. Love at first sight happens to the Scorpio-Ox quite rarely, because he does not rush to the external gloss, but looks for something deep and hidden in the girl’s soul, and therefore first meticulously studies her character before allowing himself to fall in love. As in the professional sphere, in love, Scorpio-Ox calculates everything down to the smallest detail and only after making sure that there is no catch, he plunges headlong into the pool. If he realizes that he has made a mistake in his chosen one, he will tell her about it without delay, without choosing the right moment. This man is also sensitive to the cooling of feelings on the part of a woman, so he is rarely abandoned - his intuition tells him that something is wrong, and he manages to take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

In the intimate life of the Scorpio Ox, harmony usually reigns. This man is very sensual and passionate, cares about the comfort of his partner, and only then about himself. The sexual side of a relationship is very important to him, so he is looking for an equally sensual lover who is ready to fully give him pleasure. Scorpio-Ox loves experiments and innovations in bed, but within reason. He wants to please his partner, and therefore is ready for much.

As a rule, the wife becomes the best lover for the Scorpio Ox, because he thoroughly studies her preferences and characteristics. In family relationships, he prefers to take his usual leadership role, and if the chosen one submits, then their union will be long and strong. You can rely on this man - he is ready to do anything for the good of his family. Scorpio-Ox does not neglect paternal responsibilities, he becomes not only a mentor for his children, but also a good friend, but can be quite strict with them. The uncompromising Scorpio Ox sometimes goes too far, which can lead to conflicts with children, especially in adolescence, but later the offspring will appreciate the correctness of his position.

The extreme self-confidence of the Scorpio Ox can play a cruel joke on him and unsettle him for a long time. However, it is not in his nature to learn from his mistakes - having recovered, he is again ready to conquer the peaks, no matter what, because this is his essence.

Men born in the year of the Ox under the sign of Scorpio can fully call themselves representatives of the stronger sex, because they are hardy, purposeful, highly intelligent people. His partner risks finding unprecedented happiness if she can submit to him.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope, is an extremely emotional person, but he often manages to hide his storm of feelings under a calm mask.

The persistence and determination of the Ox, multiplied by the fiery fighting character of Scorpio, ultimately result in a mind-blowing mixture! There are no obstacles on the path of Scorpio-Ox, and if they exist, then one can only sympathize with them (the obstacles). As they say in the joke about the mother-in-law who fell into a pool with crocodiles: “your crocodiles, you save them.”

Indeed, it is extremely unprofitable to keep people like Scorpio-Ox as your enemies, but as a friend he is better than a golden prize cup! Scorpio-Ox will always help in everything; moreover, due to his character, he feels responsible for ensuring that the fate of his friends and relatives, with his participation, develops as happily as possible.

True, in order to become friends with Scorpio-Ox (or at least not to become one of his enemies), you need to try hard. According to the Eastern Zodiac horoscope, Scorpio-Ox has a hypertrophied sense of justice, responsibility, and conscientiousness. In order to earn his respect and become his friend, you must possess at least one of the above qualities, and to no less extent than that of the Scorpio-Ox himself!

Scorpio-Ox Love

Scorpio-Ox has a lot of energy, he is always in good shape, and on the love front this quality is one of his main destructive weapons. Indeed, the art of flirting or subtle love play is not for him - Scorpio-Ox is too straightforward for such acting. But the passions boiling in his soul are reflected in his eyes and find a response in the hearts of the opposite sex.

In all love questions, Scorpio-Ox will also expect specificity and directness from his chosen one: “yes” or “no,” “you like it or you don’t love it.” The chosen one of Scorpio-Ox himself will not have to guess about his intentions and feelings. If Scorpio-Ox meets with someone, wasting his precious time (which he could successfully spend on a lot of important things), it means that true love has already settled in his tender heart hidden under the iron armor!

Sexuality of Scorpio-Ox

Scorpio-Ox in bed is simply a gift of fate for those who love sex, and a test for those who are cold towards it! This person can not let his partner leave the bedroom for hours, combining the flows of the white sexual energy of the Ox and the black passion of Scorpio. It requires complete dedication from your other half - there can be no forbidden places on your body for it. Trust him, with Scorpio-Ox you will learn what true pleasure is.

Celebrities of the Scorpio sign born in the year of the Ox:

Aishwarya Rai, Indian actress.
Albert Camus, French writer.
Igor Butman, Russian saxaphonist.
Maya Plisetskaya, Soviet and Russian ballerina.
Meg Ryan, American actress.
Ciara, American singer.
Ulyana Lopatkina, Soviet and Russian ballerina.
Wayne Rooney, English football player.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Ox, is one of the most controversial signs in the zodiac. On the one hand, he is hot-tempered and unrestrained, and on the other, detached and self-absorbed. Scorpio-Ox is not the first to go into conflict, but quarrels themselves find him. In general, this is a sign with a difficult character, but a reliable partner and spouse. Above all, he values ​​​​stability and seeks it in relationships and in work. a determined person with clear life guidelines.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      Characteristics of a man

      The determination of the Ox, combined with the unconventionality of Scorpio, gives rise to a complex character. Everything that is emotional in the character of such a person comes from Scorpio. Emotionality can be deeply hidden inside - the essence of the Ox does not allow emotions to take over. Therefore, people of this sign can deeply experience some event, but not show their feelings even to close people.

      • People of this sign are leaders in life. They have a hard time with failures in their careers and personal lives, so they try to avoid failures. If Scorpio-Ox chooses a path in work, you can be sure that he will follow this path to the end. When it comes to personal life, the chosen one cannot hide from the powerful energy of the representative of this sign.

        Scorpio-Ox is used to getting his way, and when he doesn’t get what he wants, he falls into either the blues or embitterment.

        Scorpios born in the year of the Ox are less sociable than Scorpios born in another year. They are not so talkative, they weigh every word and do not try to please others. They win the sympathy of colleagues and acquaintances through their work, intelligence, and erudition, and not through games of participation and coquetry.

        Character of a woman

        Women of this sign are not inferior to men in stubbornness and authority. These are independent women, active and impulsive. They will not allow anyone to invade their territory; they will smash their ill-wishers and rivals to smithereens. These women are ready to charge others with their enthusiasm. By nature, these are female fighters.

        Most often, they achieve success in their favorite field. They are demanding of their partners, but fair. They live in accordance with their ideas about moral standards. They are interesting but rigid personalities. They do not tolerate any changes due to their conservative nature. On the one hand, this feature can be considered a plus, because they adhere to traditions: they raise children according to the rules, they adhere to order and respect in the family. But on the other hand, they are not ready for change. Because of this, they have disagreements with their grown-up children, who rightly consider their parents to be unprogressive and ossified.

        Women of this sign are very devoted to their family, but they lack gentleness and romance, which interferes with building relationships with their spouse and children.

        For them, “how right” comes first, and only then – “how good.”


        Scorpio-Oxen are workaholics. Thanks to perseverance, they achieve significant success in their careers. Even the inability to communicate with people does not prevent Scorpios from achieving significant heights. People of this sign are accustomed to solving assigned tasks and expecting the same from other employees. They make strict and meticulous bosses. In work they are ready to go ahead and perform seemingly impossible tasks.

        The Ox is ready to grind his rivals into powder. This sign will always look for a solution that will help it rise above its competitors. He achieves success in business, military affairs, politics and all areas where responsibility, determination and strategic skills are required.

        Rest and free time

        Scorpio Oxen love to spend time traveling. Passive rest is not for them. Because of their overflowing energy, they prefer to go to the mountains or ski than to lie on the beach or spend evenings in a hotel. But the sign is not inclined to extreme types of recreation due to an innate sense of self-preservation.

        Family Scorpio Oxen will never get into the thick of things and will not risk their lives because of a heightened sense of responsibility to loved ones.

        Where to go on vacation is up to Scorpio to decide for himself. He doesn't need other people's advice.

        If you need to finish something on the weekend, the Ox will have no problem taking work home or even coming to the office. At the same time, he will not suffer from lost hours of leisure, since he considers any achievement in work to be a personal victory, from which he receives true pleasure.

        Personal life

        People of this sign consider work to be the meaning of life. Without work, the active Scorpio-Ox does not see himself. A woman who wants to connect her life with a man of this sign will need to come to terms with the fact that she will always be in second place after her career. The same applies to Scorpio women: they are mostly careerists and find it difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex.

        Both women and men prefer long-term relationships. They can be monogamous: having found a suitable partner, they will not want to part with him, and if they break up, they will experience failure for a long time. The Scorpio essence will push the Ox to build insidious plans for revenge. The well-known phrase about the fact that from love to hate is one step, this is about Scorpio-Ox. People of this sign do not forget or forgive anything.. They do not tolerate disappointment, so the partner will need to make every effort to live up to the ideal.

        Intimate life

        Scorpio Ox chooses his own partner and begins a persistent offensive. If he does not receive reciprocity, he will be able to hide for a while and change tactics. She does not retreat from the object of desire, she studies the chosen one from all sides before taking decisive action.

        Since men and women of this sign are not inclined to short-term affairs, they start relationships for years. The chosen one is seen as a potential spouse even at the beginning of a romantic relationship.

        They are selective in sex, but not very inventive. They think more about themselves than about their partner. They are not prone to cheating, because they love their partner and consider going outside as degrading to their own dignity. If the Bull takes a mistress, he is going to connect his life with her and divorce his wife. They will not live for two families. They don’t start relationships for fun or out of boredom. In love, people seek stability first of all.

        Compatibility with other signs

        Due to her temper and difficult disposition, it is sometimes difficult for a woman of this sign to find a life partner. Although women with an attractive appearance enjoy the attention of fans, few will risk connecting their lives with her. Men admire the strength of character of the Scorpio-Ox, but for family life they are looking for someone simpler. And the women of this sign themselves do not strive to get married as soon as possible. They approach the issue of marriage thoroughly. They choose only serious men who are not inferior in strength of character, who are ready to earn good money and invest their energy in a common cause.

        Men are looking for a wife who would be a thrifty housewife who knows how to save money and create comfort at home. The spouse must be self-sufficient, interesting, serious and responsible. Only in such a tandem does the Scorpio-Ox man see himself happy.

        Good compatibility for the Ox:

        • with Rabbit;
        • Dragon;
        • Rat;
        • Snake;
        • Bull.

        Scorpio gets along:

        • with Libra;
        • Virgo;
        • Gemini;
        • Scorpio.

        They have reached mutual understanding with an attentive and wise partner who will predict the Scorpio Ox’s mood changes and smooth out rough edges.

        It is important to remember that this is only a characteristic of the sign, and in real life a person can differ significantly.