Real fruit marmalade is a rather rare occurrence on store shelves, where they sell mainly a jelly version of the delicacy based on juice, sugar and thickeners. But fruit marmalade, viscous, juicy, aromatic, is easy to make at home - for this you will need apples (the most accessible source of pectin, a natural thickener), sugar and a little patience. From experience, homemade apple marmalade turns out most beautifully in silicone muffin tins or simply laid out in an even rectangular layer on a baking sheet, although it can be laid out in any shape, including chocolate trays.

Hardening of marmalade: 3-4 days.

Total cooking time: 2-3 hours.

Quantity: 500-700 gr.


  • apples – 4 kg;
  • cane/regular sugar – 4 tbsp.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • fine cane/regular sugar for dusting.

How to make apple marmalade at home

Wash the apples (preferably green, sour or sweet and sour; carrion can be used), cut into small plates or cubes (as you prefer) along with the peel, simultaneously removing the core and rotten/wormy/spoiled areas of the fruit. Place the apple pieces in a bowl that you usually use for making jam, or in a saucepan with a tight bottom.

When about two-thirds of the apples have been processed, you can add water and place the container on low heat. Gradually cut the rest of the apples.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about an hour until the apples soften. Remove from heat, puree with a blender or grind through a not too fine sieve. In the second case, the marmalade will turn out more homogeneous, but this is not important (here the marmalade preparation is simply pureed).

Transfer the significantly reduced mass into a container of suitable size (it should also be resistant to burning). Add sugar - in classic recipes it is written that for 1 kg of apples you need to take 1 kg of sugar, but this is too much even for sour varieties. Sweet and sour apples were used here, and only 4 glasses were enough to get a nice sweet marmalade. So it’s better to put a little, and then try and add to your taste.

You need to cook the marmalade over very low heat for about an hour, constantly stirring the boiling mass. It should darken and come off the spoon poorly, become thick and a little viscous (you can compare it with the previous photo).

Place the boiled applesauce in molds or on a baking sheet lined with parchment, cover with gauze and leave to harden at room temperature or in the open air (but not in the direct sun) for 3-3.5 days.

Important: the room where the marmalade hardens should be warm and dry, the ideal place is in the kitchen near the stove or near a working radiator/heater.

Approximately in the middle of this period, the marmalade must be carefully removed from the molds and turned over, then dried, constantly turning over. If you dry the marmalade as a whole layer, then it needs to be cut into squares or rectangles. As you can see from the photo for the recipe, not all of the marmalade “survived” to the last stage - some of it was happily eaten in a semi-frozen state :)

Homemade marmalade is ready when it stops sticking to your fingers and no juice appears on the surface. Roll frozen apple marmalade in sugar or powdered sugar.

You can store homemade marmalade in a cool room until winter - the most convenient way is to put it in candy boxes, lined with parchment.

The historical homeland of marmalade is the Middle East; in order to preserve the fruits, they were boiled for a long time with a large amount of sugar. The marmalade was cooked until the jam became very thick.
The word itself comes from Portugal and literally means quince jam. There are several other interesting versions of the origin of this name, but I will not list them in the recipe.
To get thick fruit marmalade at home from different fruits, you need to add to them an equal amount of sugar by weight, plus an additional approximately 20-25% of sugar from the total weight of the fruit.
If you close jars of marmalade with parchment paper, then during storage the moisture will gradually evaporate and the marmalade will thicken even more.
It will take 90 minutes to prepare the marmalade. The ingredients listed above will make 2 liter jars.

- pears – 700 g;
- apples – 600 g;
- plums – 300 g;
- cranberries – 300 g;
- cinnamon – 2 sticks;
- anise – 4 stars;
- sugar – 2.5 kg.

Wash fresh cranberries, place them in boiling water, and boil for 2-3 minutes. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Cranberries can be replaced with lingonberries.

Add 200 ml of water, star anise and cinnamon sticks to the sugar. Place the syrup on the stove and heat to a boil. Then put cranberries in it and cook for 10 minutes.

Peel the apples, remove the core, and cut into thin slices. We also peel the pears and cut them into slices. Cut ripe yellow plums into four parts and remove the pit. To prevent chopped fruits from oxidizing in the air, they can be placed in a bowl with a vinegar solution (4 tablespoons of 6% apple cider vinegar per 2 liters of cold water).

When all the fruits are cut, drain the water and add them to the cranberries. Cook the marmalade for 45-60 minutes at a high boil, occasionally skimming off the foam.

The marmalade is ready when the apple and pear slices become transparent. It turns out no less tasty and we advise you to take note.

Place the fruit marmalade into clean and dry jars, and when it has cooled, cover the jars with several layers of parchment and tie tightly with rope.

During storage, moisture will evaporate and the marmalade will become very thick.

If you have a slow cooker, you can prepare apricot marmalade in just an hour and a half. But even if you don’t have this wonderful helper in the kitchen, you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure - cook the dessert in a regular enamel pan.

You can take any apricots - throw away any bruised, slightly damaged or wormy fruits. Wash the fruit, peel the seeds and cut into small pieces.

Place the apricots in a multicooker bowl or saucepan, add a glass of plain water and cook for 10-15 minutes until they are well softened.

If you have a blender, puree the apricots along with the water in which they were boiled. You can use a regular sieve, a meat grinder and even a grater.

The apricot marmalade will be smooth and clear if you remove the hard fibers and any remaining skin.

Transfer the puree back into the cooking vessel and bring to a boil.

After this, you can add sugar and juice from half a lemon. If there is no lemon, add a pinch of citric acid.

All that remains is to add the marmalade to the desired thickness - over medium heat it will take about 40 minutes.

To serve, cut the marmalade into small pieces, roll them in sugar and place on a plate.

If you have silicone molds for cookies and cupcakes, you can pour the marmalade into them and leave them for several hours to harden. Not only your children will definitely like this delicious marmalade - you can decorate any dessert with it or simply serve it with tea. Bon appetit!

Marmalade, in fact, is a little different from the delicacy that can be bought by weight or in beautiful boxes.

At best, it is prepared from juices, generously flavoring them with dyes, thickeners and other not very useful chemicals.

Natural marmalades are not like that at all; they are much tastier, although less beautiful to look at.

Making apple marmalade at home - general principles of preparation

Homemade apple marmalade recipes are simple. Even a very inexperienced cook can master making delicacies. Marmalade is made from apples, the pulp of which contains significant quantities of a substance called pectin. Which, in turn, with prolonged boiling turns into a gelling substance.

What apples are best to take? Sour apple varieties are considered the most suitable for making marmalade, since these fruits contain the most pectin.

Apples cut into slices or slices are baked in the oven or boiled in a pan on the stove until softened and pureed. The resulting apple mass is simmered for a long time over low heat, boiling until tender. The easiest way to check the readiness of marmalade is to drop a small amount of thickened applesauce onto a plate and tilt it slightly; if the drop has solidified well and does not float, then you can remove the marmalade from the heat.

The slightly cooled mass is poured into molds or evenly spread on a roasting pan and dried in the oven or in the air. After drying, the plastic apple marmalade is cut, and placed in molds, emptied and sprinkled or rolled in sugar.

To prevent apple marmalade prepared according to this recipe from melting at home, it is stored in glass containers covered with parchment in a cool place.

Recipe for apple marmalade at home in the oven


2 kg apples;

One kilogram of sugar;

Natural cinnamon stick.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit and thoroughly wipe each fruit to remove any remaining moisture. Cut the top off each apple and carefully cut out the seed pod.

2. Place the fruit on a baking sheet with the holes facing up and cover with the cut off tops.

3. Place the baking sheet on the top level of an oven preheated to 150 degrees and bake for two hours.

4. Place a metal sieve on a bowl and grind the baked apples through it.

5. Pour the pureed puree into a stainless steel pan and place on the stove set to medium heat. Bring to a boil and immediately add a cinnamon stick, add all the sugar and stir vigorously.

6. Boil the marmalade over the lowest heat for an hour and a half, stirring well every 10 minutes (more often).

7. After time has elapsed, check readiness. Place a drop of fruit mixture on a plate and leave. If it doesn’t spread after cooling, it’s ready, you can turn off the heat.

8. Line a large baking sheet or baking sheet with high sides with parchment so that it covers them too.

9. Pour the fruit puree, cooled to 60 degrees, onto parchment and level it onto a baking sheet. Choose a shape so that the apple mixture lies in a 3 cm layer.

10. Place the marmalade in a cool, dry place. When it hardens, cut it into small squares or diamonds and sprinkle with granulated sugar. You can cut out jelly beans using cookie cutters.

11. For long-term storage, transfer the treats into dry sterile jars and seal tightly with metal lids.

A simple recipe for apple marmalade at home


1.2 kg apples;

Half a kilo of granulated sugar;

A handful of roasted walnut kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed apples into slices. In order for the marmalade to be homogeneous, there should be no peel or hard partitions with seeds, so you need to remove them in advance. Do not throw away the peelings; tie them, crush them a little, in a gauze bag.

2. Place the apple pieces in an even layer in the pan, and place a gauze bag with peelings on top of them. Pour in water so that it covers the contents by one centimeter, and turn on high heat.

3. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the flame to low and continue cooking until the wedges are completely soft.

4. Remove the bag and cool the apple mixture slightly. Then grind it through a sieve or blend it into a homogeneous puree with a blender at moderate speed, place it back in the pan and put it on low heat, or best of all, on a flame divider.

5. Stirring frequently to prevent the apple mixture from burning, boil it until thickened, which will take up to 1.5 hours.

6. Apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the bottom and walls of a large baking sheet and place thickened applesauce in it, smooth and leave to harden.

7. Squeeze out figures from the frozen apple marmalade using molds or cut the layer into small squares.

8. Grind the cores of toasted walnuts in a coffee grinder. Roll the gummies well in nut crumbs and collect in a clean, dry jar.

9. Store in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.

Recipe for homemade apple marmalade using gelatin, without sugar


Instant gelatin – 30 g;

Two kilograms of Antonovka;

Half a glass of drinking water;

Multi-colored or white coconut flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Place the peeled apples on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for an hour.

2. After this, grind the softened apples through a sieve and simmer over low heat. Boil for about an hour and a half, trying to stir as often as possible, otherwise it will burn.

3. In a small bowl, fill the gelatin with running water and let it swell well. After about forty minutes, warm it up slightly by placing it in a water bath or in a microwave oven. The main thing is not to overheat, you need to achieve its complete dissolution.

4. Cool the thickened apple mass a little, add dissolved gelatin into it, stir.

5. Grease silicone molds for making candies with vegetable oil, pour thick puree into them and leave. After about a day, the marmalade will dry well.

6. Remove it from the molds and roll it on all sides in coconut flakes.

A quick recipe for apple marmalade at home in a slow cooker


One glass of white sugar;

One and a half kilograms of sour apples;

Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon or vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared apples without peel and seeds into centimeter cubes and place in a cooking bowl.

2. Start the multi-pot on the “Bake” option, setting the timer for 60 minutes.

3. After completing the program, puree the contents with a blender or grind on a sieve and place again in the bowl.

4. Add a mixture of cinnamon and sugar, stir and start the device again in the same mode, but not for an hour, but for only 40 minutes. Try every 5-10 minutes. Stir the applesauce so that it cooks more evenly.

5. Place the finished marmalade in a one and a half centimeter layer on an oiled baking sheet and wait until it cools. Cut into small pieces and serve.

Homemade apple marmalade recipe with spices


Small apples, any variety – 1 kg;

Half a glass of water;

Refined sugar – 0.5 tbsp;

Two carnation umbrellas;

Cinnamon stick;

Three anise seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Place a saucepan with water over moderate heat. Add spices, sugar and boil. To make it easier to remove spices from the syrup, collect them in a gauze or rag bag, which you place in water. Let the syrup simmer for two minutes and remove the bag from it.

2. Place medium-sized apple slices, without peels and seeds, into boiling syrup. After waiting for it to boil, reduce the heat and simmer the fruit in the spicy syrup until reduced in volume by half.

3. Blend the contents of the container with a blender until smooth and simmer over low heat.

4. Spread the thickened apple mass in an even layer on parchment lined in a roasting pan and dry in the oven at 160 degrees to the desired state. The thickness of the marmalade layer should not exceed 3 cm.

Homemade apple marmalade recipe with honey and nuts


A spoon of freshly grated ginger;

Two kilos of sour apples;

Two glasses of walnut cores, halved;

Liquid light honey.

Cooking method:

1. Place peeled apples and cut out centers in a small saucepan. Add a quarter cup of cold water and simmer over medium heat for about 40 minutes. The peel should soften well so that it can be easily crushed using a blender or pureed through a sieve. If after the specified time it remains hard, boil it some more.

2. Grind the softened apple peel through a fine-mesh sieve and mix with coarsely grated apples. Bring to a boil and continue cooking until the grated fruit begins to “spread”, that is, about a quarter of an hour.

3. Rub the boiled apples through the same sieve and place back on low heat. Add finely grated ginger and simmer for an hour. The finished marmalade mass will begin to move away from the walls of the container on its own.

4. Add honey to the slightly cooled marmalade at your discretion and stir well. Honey, if unavailable, can be replaced with brown sugar.

5. Line a baking sheet with parchment, apply a thin layer of refined sunflower oil on it and lay out the thick fruit mass. Level and place halves of nut kernels on the surface in neat rows, pressing lightly.

6. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and place a baking sheet with marmalade on the top level. Dry for several hours, then cut into pieces so that each contains a nut.

Apple marmalade at home - cooking tricks and useful tips

It is best to puree boiled or baked apples through a sieve. This way, the hard partitions remaining in the pieces will not accidentally get into the marmalade.

For preparation, use containers designed for cooking jam - thick-walled stainless steel containers.

It is more convenient to store a large amount of plastic marmalade in whole pieces, wrapping each layer with parchment.