There is a lot of talk about health these days. We spend even more money on it. We want to lead a healthy lifestyle, we are looking for ways to avoid any diseases and... we get sick more and more. Isn't this a paradox?

It follows from statistics that the health status of modern society is deteriorating from year to year. More and more people suffer from chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, cancer or depression. They all wreak great havoc on our bodies, minds and wallets.

Modern medicine is guided by the principle: “one disease, one pill.” Unfortunately, this is a very expensive solution and is often associated with side effects.

What should we do?

Health is one of the most important things in life. Without it, even the biggest successes will not matter. Therefore, we must take care of ourselves on an ongoing basis. Not only at the moment of the onset of the disease, but always. But in order to do this well you must know a few things about health. Perhaps this is generally known information, but for some reason many stubbornly ignore it. Therefore, it is worth updating this information in your memory and disseminating it whenever possible. Let's remember simple truths.

1. Prevention is better than cure

Most people go to the doctor to solve their health problems. They only do this when some diseases appear. Meanwhile, any doctor will tell you that prevention is easier and safer than treatment. All the health problems we have are much better solved by prevention than by expensive medications (which can quickly overcome diseases). Yes, indeed, most medications have side effects, and their regular use leads to health problems. They treat one disease by promoting the occurrence of another. The more “chemicals” there are in the body, the higher the likelihood of health problems.

2. Alternative medicine

We live in a world divided into two opposing camps. On the one hand, we have conventional medical care, on the other, alternative medicine. You can often hear unflattering reviews about the latter. Although experience shows that unconventional treatment is much more beneficial for the body than drugs produced by large pharmaceutical concerns. Fortunately, we don't have to choose between these two treatments - they can complement each other wonderfully. Provided that we use their benefits wisely. We can easily benefit from the traditions of ancient Chinese medicine, Ayurveda or herbal medicine. The principle is simple: we use those methods that we are confident will have an effect. Don't take unnecessary risks.

3. The best medicine is healthy food

Already in ancient times, the connection between food and health was known. An ordinary bowl of fruit contains more nutritional components than the best medicine on Earth. Of course, it is best to eat unprocessed, natural, non-GMO foods that are not poisoned by pesticides. If possible, eat home-grown fruits and vegetables - they will provide you with micronutrients that will keep your body and mind in balance. If, in addition, you have the conditions for your plants and raising animals, you are in a better position to stay healthy!

4. Contact with nature

Have you ever wondered why there are so many chronic diseases nowadays? One of the factors that increases the risk of problems is the development of life in unnatural conditions and dirty places (for example, in cities). Meanwhile, nature has a cleansing power, thanks to which a person lives longer and has better health.

5. The importance of rest

In our culture, everyone is in a hurry. They have a lot of responsibilities, goals, plans. We often work to the limit. In this race, sometimes there is not enough time for proper rest. People are even sleeping less and less. Rushing and lack of time for yourself contributes to depression and other illnesses. That's why rest is so important. Doctors even repeat that it is an integral part of any work. When planning your daily schedule, be sure to take adequate rest. And here we do not mean time spent in front of the TV or computer. We are talking about a complete separation from such things.

6. Preventing and mitigating stress

No matter how much you want to get rid of stress in your life, you will not succeed. The best thing to do is accept this fact and find some good ways to cope with stress. One of the most effective methods is to focus on the present. Instead of looking at the past and future, try paying close attention to what you are doing at the moment. Thanks to this, you will make fewer mistakes and complete tasks faster and more efficiently. This means there will be less to worry about. You can start meditating - you will see what a positive impact it will have on the quality of your life and harmony in your soul.

7. Good relationships with people are good for your health.

Positive relationships with people are an often overlooked factor affecting health. At first glance, this does not seem to be very related to the topic of health. Meanwhile, scientists have long discovered that ordinary hugs from a loved one lower blood pressure. This is just one example, but there are many more. It can be said that positive relationships with people (and animals) are often necessary for recovery from many diseases, especially chronic ones.

8. Some microbes are our friends

From a young age, we are trained to fight germs. Meanwhile, we forget that not all microbes are harmful to our body. Every day we encounter billions of living organisms that help us maintain the delicate balance of our gastrointestinal tract and immune system. When we don't let them do this (for example, we take antibiotics), we are more susceptible to allergies, dysbiosis, obesity and diabetes.

Currently, many parents bring their children to psychological centers with complaints not only about learning difficulties, but also about emotional problems, behavioral disorders in the family and school. As a result, children without pronounced cognitive impairments or diagnosed with a distinct neurological or psychiatric pathology are forced to change schools many times or even switch to home schooling.

Analyzing the complaints of parents who contacted our center, we can say that the behavioral disorders that are most often treated are increased anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity of children, and in very rare cases autistic children were encountered. There is some correlation between parental complaints and the age of children. But in all cases, these are forms of child behavior that do not allow him to adequately interact with society.

The main problems that parents complain about are the inability of children to organize and control their own behavior in order to effectively interact with others, i.e., ultimately, communication disorders that pose a real danger to personal health and the full development of children (Glozman, 2002 ).

The group is an ideal setting for children who need to develop social skills. The desire of children to be in the company of other children is natural; in adolescence, interpersonal communication becomes the child’s leading activity, but communication skills are not always sufficiently developed by adolescence, not to mention primary school age. And by presenting conditions for communication to such children, we can help them discover and overcome the obstacles blocking this natural process.

The forms of communication between children and each other also develop gradually, like all other personal qualities. It is only necessary, calls A. S. Spivakovskaya (1981), to give children the opportunity to play more, to participate more in collective activities with other children. Only the experience of collective relationships, the experience of subordination and leadership can instill in children the ability to be independent, to defend their own opinions, and will help in some cases to resist suggestion and suppression. It is self-doubt that most often underlies a child’s stubbornness and bad behavior. He, not knowing any more adequate ways, achieves recognition of his importance both in his own eyes and in the eyes of the surrounding children and adults.

It must be borne in mind that children’s relationships in games can be just as complex and contradictory, as changeable and unstable, as adult relationships with people in real life (Spivakovskaya, 1981). Since such skills are formed in a child only in a social environment and are a product of communication with adults and peers, effective correction of violations of social interaction is possible only in a group.

A potential advantage of group conditions is the possibility of obtaining feedback and support from other children. Feedback allows group members to monitor and correct their inappropriate behavior. The group is a kind of island of peace in which a child, with the help of a teacher and other group members, can analyze his own behavior and try out new forms and means. Significant feedback has an impact on the individual’s assessment of his attitudes and behavior, the formation of the self-concept, from a detailed multifaceted image of the “I”, reducing the gap between the real “I” and the ideal “I”, which is the primary and basic formative of competence in communication), acceptance of oneself and others improves, internal psychological problems are resolved (Glozman, 2002; Kovalev, Petrovskaya, Spivakovskaya, 1997; Kutter, 1998; Oaklander, 2000). In general, the communicative competence of participants increases. In the process of group interaction comes awareness and acceptance of the values ​​and needs of others. In a group, the child feels accepted and accepted, trusted and trusted, cared for and cared for, supported and helped. Others' reactions to you and yours to others in the group can facilitate the resolution of interpersonal conflicts outside the group. In a supportive and controlled environment, the child can learn new skills and experiment with different relationship styles. By observing the interactions taking place in the group, participants can identify themselves with others and use the established emotional connection when assessing their own feelings and behavior, develop the ability to record and make the subject of currently experienced emotions and social perception skills. A “resonance of states” is formed: the desire to speak out - the desire to listen; the desire to explain is the desire to understand” (Karpova, 1997, p. 124). Many authors have specifically developed play methods for developing the child’s emotional sphere (Minaeva, 2000; Volkova, Filippova, 2004).

The game helps to find solutions in conflict situations (“difficult conversation”, “failure again”, etc.) in an atmosphere of goodwill and humor. Children are hypersensitive to intonation, and play is an indispensable means of training non-verbal communication. Guessing and depicting various emotional states in group classes contributes to the formation of empathy and communicative competence.

Group members can explore and experiment with their interpersonal styles by establishing relationships with other members who provide feedback. Experience gained in specially organized groups helps solve problems that arise during interpersonal interaction. Hidden factors such as social pressure, partner manipulation, mutual influences that exist every day at school, in the company of friends, in family, are realized, become obvious in the psychocorrectional group and affect individual life attitudes and behavioral changes. As a result, affective experiences occurring in an artificially created environment can naturally be transferred to the outside world, contributing to the child’s personal growth and correction of his behavior.

It should be noted that the methods of active social learning or socio-psychological training, one of the forms of which is group correction of behavior in children, go back to the ideas of intensive communication by K. Rogers (1951), his principle “here and now”, that is, analysis directly occurring in a given group, the principle of partnership and equality of group members (joint perception and discussion of a common situation or problem seen and maximum consideration of the interests of all participants), awareness and emotional experience of the problems of each group member, the ability to put oneself in the position of another, to read the situation through his eyes etc. That is, in a group the focus is on direct experience and involvement in it.

Communication training groups are a kind of learning laboratory, where the group seeks to identify as many choices as possible when faced with life's difficulties and problems, and to find new strategies and types of behavior.

Group games effectively promote the development of positive qualities of interaction in a group (empathy, trust, etc.), as well as the development of deficit regulatory functions, such as attention, behavioral control, motor control (this is especially important for young children).

Family- unit of society. Why do so many marriages break up these days? It is difficult to answer this question; there are many reasons. Russia is going through a crisis in this regard; a crisis of the modern family has arrived. We are talking specifically about young families, and not about those who have been living together for decades. In this article we will look at the main causes of the crisis.


Loss of religiosity by society, separation of church and state. In times when the church was united with the state, marriage was a sacred matter. Parents, their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren got married - grace was sent. But then marriage became an ordinary civil matter. You cannot equate weddings with paintings. The divorce procedure has been greatly simplified, but in the church it is a complex matter. In Italy it was generally banned, canceled under pressure from Europe. Why doesn’t a wedding give grace, why do married marriages fall apart? Because serious preparation is needed for this sacrament. This includes: confession, reading literature about weddings, conversation with the priest so that the wedding takes place without sin.

Weakening state attention to the education of youth. There is little help for the family; the school does not offer courses to prepare for family life. Previously, educational institutions included the subject of family life ethics. There are no good TV shows dedicated to family, but there are series, hundreds of them.

On the contrary, the media is doing everything to destroy the family. Debauchery, numerous marriages, homosexuality are promoted, extramarital affairs are constantly shown, obscene jokes by comedians, obscenity in the press. Pure, real relationships are practically not shown, there are no songs of spiritual content. The results of this are as follows: AIDS cases have increased, sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise. Our country ranks first in the world in the number of abortions, first in the number of abandoned children, civil marriage has become the norm, and a huge number of families are breaking up.

Socio-economic reasons. This unemployment, impoverishment of the population, the high cost of raising a child. It is not poverty itself that is terrible, but poverty in comparison with others. There is a worldwide policy of population reduction, so a strong family is not needed. Strengthening the Russian family means strengthening Russia, but this is not beneficial to anyone in the world. The death of Russian families causes the joy of our enemies, but we ourselves are ready to have a hand in this.


Reasons for an unstable marriage:

1. Immature motives for getting married: inertia (everyone gets married - me too), that is, like everyone else; fear of being alone, not needed by anyone; the age has come.

2. Falling in love - increased hormonal levels, a special environment (holiday), imitation, youth, beauty, heyday, brightness, attractiveness.

3. The motive for flight is flight from family, from the province, from the country, from poverty.

4. Forced marriage.

5. Pathological marriage.

6.Openly selfish marriage.

7.Professional-friendly marriage.

8.Marriage out of a sense of duty.

9. Marriage due to long-term acquaintance (for example, she got out of the army).

Immature motives for marriage lead to immature relationships and family breakdown, but there are psychological mechanisms that help strengthen relationships:

- a community of interests, goals, needs, when the other person is an ally, a helper. For example, a woman begins to understand football,

- sincere attention to another person, interest in him, knowledge about him,

- sincere attention to relatives and good relations with them,

- deep decency, honesty in relationships and a mandatory sense of self-worth,

— overcoming some difficulties together and helping each other grow.

Draw conclusions, do not rush into marriage. And if you have already decided, then love, appreciate and respect each other.

If we are talking about practical skills that school gives, then the following will come in handy: arithmetic, to count change in a store; interest to know how much to repay for the loan; a minimum of geometry in order to calculate the area of ​​the walls for wallpaper. You need to know something about electricity from physics so that you don’t swim away in white slippers. From botany - methods of propagating plants if you have a garden. Writing in Russian correctly is also desirable.

An important skill is to correctly express your thoughts when writing, but at school they do not teach you how to write lawsuits in court or file a complaint with the labor commission if you were illegally fired. However, with the ability to express and logically connect your thoughts, you can handle these important matters on your own. It turns out that the school does not provide many practical skills, and if it does, it is not linked to practical application.

Classic literature is not of much interest to modern teenagers. Some landowners, the proletariat, duels... There are eternal values, but the structure of society and technology have changed dramatically.

Now the school has to compete with the Internet, devices, and it is losing. We need to teach in a new way so that gadgets fall on their faces at the sight of a modern teacher.

In fact, learning itself is a pleasure. Yes Yes! If you have motivation, curiosity, and the desire to solve a problem, this is a huge resource. When learning is the source, the question of benefit or non-benefit does not arise. At school, I died in history lessons - ideological dull texts, no field for fantasies and assumptions. But now I get great pleasure from watching historical documentaries, reading books (where information is presented in a format that interests me) and discussing historical topics. It turns out that the school only instilled disgust; what kind of knowledge can we talk about here?

The main goal of education is to teach you to think, and not to give 100% ready-made solutions. The question is that knowledge is not only stored in long-term memory, but can also be used in conjunction with other phenomena, often from other disciplines. To think means to be able to identify different factors, take into account their significance and generalize. But this is very brief.

If acquiring knowledge does not bring pleasure, it is not stored in long-term memory, and connections from isolated passages do not form, then yes, it can be argued that most of school knowledge is useless.

I, too, was among those who criticize the university and school for being useless and meaningless. Now this point of view sounds to me like from narrow-minded people who are not able to see connections between different parts of their lives.

If you work outside your specialty, this does not mean that you do not use the SKILLS acquired during your studies. If you went to the Math Olympiad and work as a driver, how can you be sure that the ability to quickly decide something and draw conclusions is pointless?

A clear example of the use of history is Sherlock Holmes, he drew conclusions based on the past. Geometry? Try to do home renovation without basic knowledge of this subject. Is knowledge of chemistry and physics, understanding of the structure of the world around us meaningless and useless? Is the ability to analyze texts, express thoughts in writing, and be able to accept different points of view through literature bad?

In addition, a huge influence comes from the fact that when studying somewhere you become attached to a place. And even if you don’t get anything at the educational institution itself, you develop by simply living where you study, without the opportunity to move.

Yes, the education system requires global reforms, but let’s remove the school and in 20 years everyone will forget about the existence of the country where it will be removed. Let's teach people only to count and write, and in the end we will get a state of primates, because there will be nothing to write and count and the skills will be useless.

The knowledge and skills acquired during your studies are not useless, if you say so, then “you just don’t know how to prepare them”


I think that the life of such people is boring, banal and uninteresting. If a person tries to somehow discover the world, find interesting work, hobbies, communicate on various topics, analyze, he has a need for certain knowledge, the foundations of which are laid at school. You can be critical of the way in which certain subjects were taught to you, but the very view that all this is supposedly unnecessary speaks only about the person himself and his inability to understand and appreciate knowledge.

I do not agree. Russian language is a 100% necessary and necessary subject. Foreign gives new perspectives and opportunities.

Ignorance of the history of one’s native country (and world history too) is very compromising for an adult.

Geography - horizons. If you are having an interview and cannot answer the questions: “how does the Caucasus differ from the Urals” or “name the capital of Poland,” then we can only sympathize with you.

Biology (botany can be ignored) gives a banal idea about your body. Those who skipped biology may well grow up to be a lover of urine therapy and a decoction of road leaves, or a madam “I use potatoes to protect myself,” which sometimes leads to sad consequences.

Ignorance of classical literature is also shameful for an adult. I think this is clear without explanation.

Physics in high school and chemistry are really ballast, but not for those who in the future are going to connect their lives with medicine or technical sciences.

There is no need to hold the school responsible for your entire life. school provides the basis: a basis for communication, socialization, the ability to ask questions and formulate thoughts. It is trite to count, write, read and know those who somehow influenced history and art. In short, this is the foundation, even if it is not always built correctly in schools, but still. Therefore, requiring a 9th grader to live in a large and complex world and write a doctoral dissertation on string theory is not worth it at all. Everything that is taught at school, at a minimum, broadens one’s horizons and somehow determines the inclinations that one wants or does not want to develop further.

In my opinion, the level of socialization that school provides is pure hell. Relationships in a regular school are built similar to those in prison. You cannot stand up, sit down, or go to the toilet without permission. Object to someone - too.

If socialization means the skills of lying, cunning and hypocrisy, then fuck such socialization.


Everyone became so gentle, as if they had never studied at school. I and everyone around me learned a lot of good and a lot of bad there, and we came out of there as normal people who know that not everything in the world is white and fluffy and you won’t always be treated with respect. The school gave us such knowledge, so I don’t see anything bad in it either. At least we weren't too surprised by the non-furry behavior in other places. For the rest, we learned to be friends, defend ourselves and not ourselves, fight back and much more. This is socialization.

Our school is still in many ways a continuation of the Soviet one, and this is not bad. However, this imposes certain features. The economy of the USSR was based on heavy industry, and the presence of a powerful layer of people capable of independently developing advanced technologies or at least passably copying the secrets of Western industry obtained by intelligence was critically important. To prepare competent workers, engineers, scientists, intensive courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and even drawing were necessary (I had them in the early 2000s, I wonder how many are left now). In universities, technical schools and vocational schools it was no longer possible to waste energy on explaining the basics, but to train a person specifically in their specialty.

At the same time, the school was largely focused on “high achievement sports”, on identifying gifted children, who could then be selected for special schools and further promoted to the scientific and technical elite of the country. By the way, the school Olympiad movement originated in the USSR, and then other countries began to join it. If you do not give a good load in physics or mathematics to all students without exception, then you will end up with equalization, and it will not be possible to identify talents. Naturally, for some this load will be prohibitive, but this was not a big problem for the Soviet education system - just as the beer bellies of compatriots are not a problem for Olympic sports.

At the same time, the social and human sciences were poorly developed, and teaching “practical skills” of life in Soviet society was simply impossible due to the discrepancy between reality and the rosy world of official propaganda. It’s already clear with foreign languages ​​- they taught grammar from textbooks, but there was no real opportunity to practice.

Compared to the Soviet period, a number of changes have occurred in our society. There has been a strong deindustrialization of the country, and now it is not at all considered shameful for a young man to have a non-engineering degree. There is nothing to say about vocational schools - enrollment there collapsed in the 90s, so businessmen are groaning from the lack or inadequate quality of workers.

The popularity of economic and legal specialties has grown - and at the same time our school has not mastered anything in the field of social sciences except for a strange hodgepodge called “social studies” / “civics”. Perhaps the situation is better now, but in my years the attitude of both students and teachers themselves towards these subjects was not very serious. In some years, for example, a textbook on civics was given out on September 1, but the subject itself was not actually on the schedule. It’s funny that it was more likely to discuss some social problems in literature lessons, since the compilers of Soviet curricula filled them with socially sensitive works (albeit from the 19th century), and in the 90s they generously added dissident literature to this cocktail.

In my opinion, the Soviet heritage in the teaching of exact sciences is the pride and heritage of the country, and it would be criminal to abandon it. Experience shows that those who were good at math in school usually do well at writing a resume and filling out tax returns. So this block should be touched last.

But it would be nice to optimize some things in the school education system, of course. For example, those same “life skills” at the level of “fixing a leaking faucet” could well be taught in labor/technology classes. Of course, foreign languages ​​are a must do (and they are important primarily for those same techies, since modern science is done in English). As for the social and humanitarian disciplines, I would not bother here, because... in the current situation, expanding their teaching will only lead to further politicization of the school.


Interethnic relations in Russia are currently very difficult. In society, there is an increase in xenophobia, migrant phobia, and, especially, anti-Caucasian sentiments, which are not unsuccessfully fueled from the outside. The collapse of the Soviet Union apparently taught us nothing, since twenty years later Russia itself, which had previously dealt with ethnic and regional separatism, is being engulfed in disintegration processes.
The unfavorable social situation in the Caucasus serves as a breeding ground for the development of religious extremism. The problem is aggravated by corruption and arbitrariness in the security forces. As a result, there are many who go into the forest for justice, mainly young people.
Young people in large cities and surrounding areas, especially in Central Russia, are becoming infected with the bacilli of nationalism and chauvinism. This process is fueled by the media and especially by politicians, who reduce the social and everyday problems and conflicts existing in our country to interethnic ones. They, using nationalist rhetoric, including deliberately, are trying to destroy our country, splitting the united multinational Russian people along ethnic lines.
Our organization, FLNKA, places one of the priorities of its activities on the harmonization of interethnic and interreligious relations in Russia. We pay great attention to working with young people, preventing extremism and patriotic education.
On April 29, 2011, a joint interregional conference of the Federal Lezgin National-Cultural Autonomy “The Role of Public Institutions in the Normalization of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations, Patriotic and Spiritual and Moral Education of Youth” was held in Tyumen with the Ministry of Regional Development. It adopted a final document with recommendations to public organizations and authorities of the Russian Federation.
It is impossible not to note the positive trends in the national policy of our country. The Strategy of the State National Policy of Russia for the period until 2025 was adopted. An action plan for its implementation is currently being developed. The role of national public organizations and their support is increasing. The creation of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Interethnic Relations can be considered a landmark event. As a member of this Council, I can say that this is a very effective mechanism for interaction between public organizations and the authorities. We had the opportunity to communicate with the President of Russia, touching on the most painful issues, and developing specific ways to resolve them.
FLNKA made many proposals to improve the efficiency of public organizations, the necessary changes in the legislation of our country, which will allow society and the authorities to jointly resolve pressing issues. Among the problems we have raised is the provision of tax breaks for business structures that provide support to national and cultural autonomies. NCAs, in our opinion, should be given a special status, which, by the way, is provided for in the relevant law on NCAs, but has not been implemented. For this purpose, a separate organizational and legal form of the same name must be created - NCA. Within its framework, autonomies will be able to work much more effectively than as public organizations, which they are now.
I hope that we will be able to overcome the split in society in the near future and form a united Russian nation, while not forgetting the needs and interests of each people of our country.

Arif Kerimov
President of the Federal Lezgin National-Cultural Autonomy