Not everyone knows that such an inconspicuous plant as annual wormwood (Absinthium extract) can be used as a remedy against cancer.

Description of wormwood, its characteristics and where it grows

Some of the annual wormwood (popular name is Chernobyl) with its beneficial properties is recognized even in official medicine. It was mentioned by ancient scientists (Avicenna, Xenophanes, Hippocrates). At the moment, more than 400 varieties of this plant are known (wormwood, perennial wormwood, tarragon wormwood - dragon grass and many others), which differ from each other in appearance and in their properties.

Wormwood belongs to the Asteraceae family (many other medicinal plants, for example, tansy, belong to this family), its flowering period occurs in July-August. In general, annual wormwood looks like an unremarkable herb with small inflorescences, which contains a unique medicinal composition against cancer.

Some of the wormwood species are classified as common weeds, while others are grown specifically for their unique composition. One of these unique plants of this family is annual wormwood.

The habitat of Artemisia annua (also called Chinese or sweet) is quite extensive. It grows almost throughout Russia, in Crimea. Not in Russia, this plant can be found on the territory of Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. This wormwood is found in Japan, Iran, North America, and some European countries.

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Composition of wormwood

The composition of wormwood annual is quite rich. There you can find:

Not only the leaves, but also its root have beneficial properties. It contains a lot of tannins and bitterness, which have a diuretic effect on the body. Almost everything in wormwood is useful: leaves, tops, roots, seeds. Wormwood is useful for menopause, gout, edema, and intestinal disorders. Traditional medicine uses a decoction of wormwood against cancer of the stomach, cervix, breast, rectum, and prostate.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing effect of this herbaceous plant is achieved due to the content of unique substances in its composition. Wormwood helps with digestive problems because, due to the bitterness it produces, it stimulates the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices. This ability of the herb tones the entire body as a whole. Capillin contained in wormwood destroys pathogens. Ulcers and purulent diseases on the skin are also cured.

Does wormwood help with any other diseases? Among the beneficial properties of wormwood, it can be noted that it calms the nerves and helps normalize sleep. Similar to the action of licorice root, wormwood reduces the negative effects of free radicals on the body.

In folk medicine, wormwood is often used as the main component of a medicinal preparation or in combination with others. For example, cancer treatment according to Dr. Clark’s method is carried out with an infusion of three components: wormwood itself, walnuts, and cloves.

Wormwood is used instead of naphthalene against moths and bedbugs (naphthalene itself has a detrimental effect on the human body).

In addition to its beneficial properties, wormwood has some contraindications for use. Like most medicines, wormwood is poisonous in large quantities. Signs of an overdose may include hallucinations, convulsions and mental disorders.

It is also prohibited to take wormwood for:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Various gastrointestinal diseases (if they occur in acute form);
  3. Nervous disorders;
  4. Anemia.

The Mystery of Wormwood

Today, scientists are struggling to obtain a special extract from wormwood that can defeat cancer. A similar extract for the treatment of cancer can be obtained from only one type of wormwood - artemisia annua (Artemisia annua). Annual wormwood differs from its counterparts not only in appearance, but also in its chemical composition. It is this wormwood that has medicinal properties that are harmful to cancer.

If you compare healthy and cancer-stricken cells of the body, you can see that the latter use large amounts of iron to weaken the body. Wormwood, reacting with iron, thus acts on cancer cells. And as a result of this reaction, oxygen is released, the tumor oxidizes and dies. At first glance, this is a fairly simple chemical reaction, but if it is scientifically confirmed, it will be a revolution in the treatment of oncology.

The effect that is destructive to cancer is achieved thanks to the content of a substance such as artesimin in the leaves. Together with iron, it practically destroys cancer. Along with cancer, wormwood treats leukemia and prostate adenoma. However, no side effects were found.

How wormwood was and is used

Glycosides also prevent the development of the inflammatory process, normalize metabolism, digestion, and normalize immunity. Wormwood (Artemisia annua) has been used for medicinal purposes in the East for a long time. There it was used as:

  • Febrifuge;
  • To eliminate symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders;
  • In the treatment of tuberculosis.

In 1972, a substance with unique capabilities was isolated - artemisinin. And if at first this ability of the plant was used exclusively for the treatment of malaria, now oncologists are interested in the mechanism of action of this substance. Research has confirmed that this substance not only kills malaria, but also treats cancer.

How does wormwood work against cancer?

As has been noted, a cancer tumor needs a large amount of iron to grow (unlike healthy cells), which they store. (extract from wormwood) is able to react with this iron. The result of this reaction is the destruction of the so-called peroxide bridge, which releases atomic oxygen, which oxidizes iron, and the cancer cell dies.

This is an approximate mechanism of the effect of artemisinin on cancerous tumors. And if clinical trials show positive results, then this substance will be classified, i.e. those that destroy only diseased cells, bypassing healthy ones.

Treatment with wormwood - myth or reality?

In our country, herbal treatment, and in this case wormwood, is perceived more as a means of traditional medicine. Whereas in the USA, traditional medicine scientists have been studying the beneficial properties of wormwood for a long time. The effect of wormwood on a cancerous tumor was called the “Trojan horse effect.” It’s just that wormwood produces an effect on cancer, however, not as significant as when combined with iron.

Statistics have confirmed that wormwood alone kills only 27% of cancer cells, and in the company of iron – 97-98%. And most importantly, it doesn’t take much time to kill cancer cells: only 15-16 hours. Wormwood is also supported by the fact that previously, medicines containing wormwood extract were successfully used in the treatment of malaria, a rather serious disease. Today, doctors include artemisinin and its semisynthetic analogues in treatment regimens for volunteers.


In addition to scientifically proven facts, there are other, not always confirmed versions or even completely myths. For example, it is often stated that simple tinctures of wormwood can be used for treatment. Or they confuse different plants of this family, often attributing medicinal properties to all its species. But most often, loud cries of indignation are heard that a panacea for cancer has been found, but this highly effective medicine from wormwood is being hidden.

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*Only upon receipt of information about the patient’s disease, a representative of the clinic will be able to calculate an accurate estimate for treatment.

How to take wormwood

There are quite a few ways to use wormwood to treat cancer. In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on wormwood: in raw or dry form, as a food additive, in the form of a tincture. In fact, the recipes for treating cancer are so varied that it is impossible and even dangerous to choose the dosage yourself. You should not resort to self-medication here. If you decide to resort to this method of traditional medicine, it is better to consult your doctor or herbalist before starting treatment. In any case, it is better to combine traditional medicine and herbal treatment by checking the compatibility of treatment methods.

It is also important what kind of wormwood will be used for treatment. For the treatment of oncology, it is better to use wormwood annual, since it contains much more alkaloids necessary for the optimal functioning of the body. Wormwood, for example, contains a lower dose of alkaloids.

Of course, it is not particularly necessary for a non-specialist to be able to distinguish bitter perennial wormwood from annual ones, but if a faster effect is needed, then it is necessary to use annual wormwood for treatment.

How to drink it? The recipe is quite simple: dry herb (1 teaspoon) is poured with boiling water, infused for 30-40 minutes, filtered and taken before meals 3-4 times a day.

There are pharmaceutical forms for producing wormwood annua. You can often buy it at the pharmacy in the form of crushed herbs, alcohol tinctures, tablets or capsules. Capsules (tablets) are more convenient to use for the treatment of cancer; in addition, in this case, their use ensures that the drug reaches the target accurately.

Non-alcoholic wormwood tincture (manufacturer: Sarandrea, water tincture) is often used after taking a course of chemotherapy. It is well suited for those who have problems with the liver and pancreas. But this drug is still considered a dietary supplement, so it cannot be considered as a panacea and you should not self-medicate.

Wormwood for lung cancer

If you decide to use traditional medicine methods in the fight against lung cancer, you need to understand that improper use and dosage can radically aggravate the disease.

It is when treating lung cancer that one must remember that wormwood is used here, not annual. You can take the medicinal plant as a tincture, extract or decoction.

The drug is taken according to a certain scheme, the course is 10 days. Then a break is taken and the course is repeated again. Ideally, you need to undergo 3 courses of treatment for 10 days each (a total of 30 days of treatment). To achieve the maximum positive effect, including breaks, it will take about 2 months.

What you need to know about wormwood

Pros and cons

Of course, I would like to hope that such a cure for cancer will finally be developed and begin to be used, but there are certain points that sow the seeds of doubt about this:

  1. Various studies have shown that the new drug has different effects on different types of tumors: for example, for leukemia, the effectiveness of the drug is much higher than for breast or liver cancer;
  2. With a high percentage of dead cancer cells (98%), there remains an insignificant percentage of survivors who can give impetus to the development of a new tumor. And the new tumor will most likely be resistant to the action of artemisinin.
  3. The experiments carried out on mice do not promise the absence of relapse of the disease (the life expectancy of animals is much shorter than that of humans); longer observations are needed.

Most people diagnosed with cancer try to get rid of the disease through chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other methods prescribed by doctors. Along with this, today it is widely used wormwood against cancer.

Based on reviews from seriously ill patients, this medicinal herb can not only stop the progression of the tumor, but also lead to complete healing. Whether this statement is true and what experienced oncologists think about this will be described below.

What kind of plant is this and what are its benefits?

Wormwood is one of the ancient plants that was used to treat many diseases. Today, grass is no less in demand. Tinctures, decoctions and baths based on wormwood can get rid of many diseases. The healing properties of the herb strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being. Some healers attribute powerful energy and even magical properties to wormwood.

Today, the plant is used to combat many diseases. This is due to the good composition and presence of active components. A therapeutic effect is observed due to the glycoside and essential oil. The first component has a positive effect on the digestive system and improves the flow of bile. Essential oils calm the central nervous system.

Wormwood helps cope with the following diseases and pathological processes:

  1. neuroses;
  2. viruses;
  3. malignant and benign formations;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. inflammatory processes in the urinary tract;
  6. cramps in the stomach;
  7. problems with the respiratory system;
  8. insomnia;
  9. atherosclerosis.

This is not the entire list where the plant is used. The use of wormwood has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and health. The plant eliminates inflammatory processes, fights tumors, viral and bacterial lesions of the body.

Does wormwood really help against cancer?

Wormwood for cancer really helps to cope with the disease, you just need to choose the right variety of plant. The annual bitter type of herb has good healing properties. The plant is based on an important component Artemisinin; it has a negative effect on cancer cells, contributing to their destruction. The destructive effect helps stop the spread of the disease. Artemisinin and derivatives of this component belong to the targeted action group. These are targeted agents that are not chemotherapy. There is an impressive difference between them. Chemotherapy drugs have a toxic effect on the entire body, negatively affecting not only cancer cells, but also healthy cells. As a result, a person needs to restore strength and health for a long time, especially if there were several courses.

Targeted drugs based on wormwood act in different ways. In most cases, they act directly on the cancer. The effect on the body is not so severe. The patient tolerates the effects of these groups of drugs more easily and does not require long-term recovery.

In laboratory conditions, the antitumor activity of Artemisinin increases significantly. Frequent trials with oncological tumors achieve positive results.

To summarize, it is worth emphasizing the fact that wormwood really helps to cope with tumor processes. This is due to the good composition and healing effect of the main component – ​​Artemisinin.

What cancers can be treated with wormwood?

The plant helps to cope with all types of malignant lesions of the body. There have been cases where the herb helped get rid of both problems with the respiratory system and urinary tract.

Wormwood extract has the same effect on cancer cells, regardless of location.


Despite the many positive properties, the plant cannot be used to treat oncology in all cases. It is necessary to understand that wormwood is poisonous. Improper use or exceeding the dose can cause poisoning of the body. In this case, the appearance of hallucinations, seizures and mental problems is possible.

Main contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • psychiatric disorders.

Improper use of the plant entails a high probability of developing negative consequences!

Is it possible to use wormwood yourself for cancer at home?

It is impossible to obtain a high-quality and effective remedy from wormwood of your own production. Even if the plant was chosen correctly. There is no need to follow the advice of “herbalists” or pay attention to recipes from the Internet. This is due to a number of objective reasons. The healing properties of the prepared recipe depend on the content of Artemisinin. If its quantity is minimal, there will be no positive effect. When there is too much of a component, serious complications may develop. In some cases, this can be hazardous to health. The grass is toxic and can cause serious harm to health!

The use of pharmaceutical products significantly reduces the risk of adverse effects. Industrial processing allows the extract of the main component to be purified from excess hazardous substances, resulting in a concentrate that is part of the drug. It is completely safe, and its healing properties are not lost. From this point of view cancer treatment with wormwood possible only with the use of pharmacological drugs.

It is difficult to independently calculate the permissible dose; this issue should be dealt with by an experienced doctor. Semi-synthetic drugs are much more effective; they are created in optimal climatic and environmental conditions. For the purpose of safety and achieving an optimal therapeutic effect, it is necessary to use ready-made preparations based on wormwood.

Artemisia based cancer cures

The most popular preparations based on wormwood herb extract are:

  1. “Artemisinin”;
  2. “Artesunate”;
  3. "Artemether".

These drugs are effective and of high quality, but difficult to obtain. It is almost impossible to find them in the CIS countries; there are no other analogues. The drug manufacturers are China and Vietnam.

Use wormwood against cancer It is quite possible, but only in the form of pharmacological drugs. It is not recommended to prepare tinctures and decoctions on your own; it is dangerous to your health!

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Not long ago, medical scientists came to a sensational conclusion: the medicinal plant wormwood kills 97% of cancer cells in just 15 hours!

Cancer is a serious illness, but if it is detected in time and treated in a comprehensive manner: pharmacology - treatment with modern medications, traditional medicine methods, medical procedures - chemotherapy, radiation therapy, then it is possible to defeat this terrible disease. Oncological diseases are treatable and this is a proven fact!

Artemisia annua against cancer

Wormwood has long been known as a cure for cancer. In general, it is a herbaceous medicinal plant from the Asteraceae family. It is dark green in color, and during flowering it is generally a bare plant. The flowering period is July - August.

Now scientists are busy obtaining a special chemical extract from the herb wormwood that can defeat cancer.

If we compare sick cells of the body infected with cancer inflammation and healthy cells, the former use a large amount of iron for their vital functions, thereby weakening the body. Wormwood acts on cancer cells due to its ability to react with iron.

As a result of this reaction, oxygen is released, the cancer cells are oxidized and simply die. A fairly simple chemical operation, but if scientists finally confirm its effect, it will be the greatest revolution in the field of cancer treatment.

Treatment of cancer with wormwood

If in our country this herb is perceived as a remedy from the field of alternative, folk medicine, then abroad things are a little different.

For a long time in Washington, USA, scientists conducted research on wormwood and its properties. The Trojan horse effect is the name given to the effect of wormwood on cancer cells in the body. After all, the herb wormwood itself produces an effect against cancer, but not as significant as when combined with other active ingredients.

Based on the statistics cited by scientists, simply wormwood kills only 27% of cancer cells, but if iron is added to wormwood, the effectiveness increases significantly and reaches 97-98%. Moreover, it is no longer necessary to spend a long time on cell necrosis; the maximum effect is achieved after 15-16 hours.

It is a known fact that previously, medicines with wormwood extract were successfully used in the treatment of such a serious disease as malaria.

How to take wormwood annua for cancer

There are actually quite a few methods of using the plant to combat the disease. Some recommend taking wormwood herb in dry form as a food additive, some recommend preparing a tincture, and some generally recommend consuming the plant itself in its raw form.

Recipes for treating cancer with wormwood are so multifaceted and varied that choosing the right type of treatment and dosage yourself is quite difficult and dangerous. You should not resort to self-medication.

First of all, before starting any treatment using traditional medicine, you need to consult with your doctor or contact a herbalist so that an individual treatment program can be correctly selected and drawn up.

An important fact is that for the treatment of oncology it is better to use wormwood annual, because it contains more alkaloids necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Wormwood contains a slightly lower dose of alkaloids.

Among the people, it is customary not to distinguish the plant, but to use whatever one comes across, but if you still want a faster effect, then it is worth using annual wormwood for the tincture.

How to take it correctly? Wormwood for cancer, the recipe is simple:

  • one spoon (teaspoon) of dry herb, pour boiling water over it;
  • leave for 30-40 minutes,
  • then strain;
  • drink 3-4 times a day before meals.

Wormwood for lung cancer

Treatment of lung cancer with wormwood is quite multifaceted and everyone can choose for themselves a convenient method of using wormwood (by the way, only wormwood is used for the treatment of lung cancer, but not annual). The medicinal plant for lung cancer can be taken in the form of:

  • Tinctures;
  • Hoods;
  • Decoction.

If the decision to use traditional medicine is finally made, you need to understand all the consequences of incorrect use or dosage, because you can radically worsen the situation.

How to take wormwood for lung cancer

This remedy is taken according to the following scheme:

  • The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Then, of course, you need to take a break and repeat the course.
  • Ideally, you need to complete 3 courses of 10 days each (a total of 30 days of treatment).

With all the breaks, it will take about 2 months to achieve the maximum possible effect.

The tincture of wormwood against cancer has such a strong effect, therefore, since scientists from Washington discovered its properties, the development of an effective “miracle pill” for the treatment of cancer, the main component of which is wormwood, is in full swing.

Very important! We remind you! Before seriously considering the issue of wormwood against cancer, how to take it, consult with your doctor, because we are all human, and perhaps you have an individual intolerance to such a plant. Get a consultation, take allergy tests and then you can safely start treatment. Self-medication can be dangerous to health.

Wormwood is a plant that has been used in ancient times to treat various diseases. It was used to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the functions of the pancreas and many other pathologies.

Not long ago, scientists found that this plant has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, and preparations based on the substances that make up wormwood can lead to recovery.

Wormwood is a wild plant herbaceous or shrub type. This plant is characterized by deeply dissected multiple foliage, arranged alternately, and a large number of small inflorescences.

The appearance of the plant is distinguished by the delicacy of the leaves and a variety of color shades. The height of wormwood can reach up to 1.5 m. This plant is unpretentious, is not afraid of drought and frost, and therefore grows on almost all continents, having only a slight modification. It is most common in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Transcaucasia.

Only on the territory of Russia there are up to 180 types of wormwood. Of all the species, only a few are used as medicinal products, since they contain more useful components than other types. The most popular in medicine is wormwood. bitter, annual and citvar.

Infusions, decoctions or powders are most often prepared from wormwood and bittersweet. Wormwood annua is used to prepare powders and capsules that have been used effectively to treat malaria.

The main difference between wormwood is its pronounced bitter taste, which is explained by the presence of alkaloids, absinthiine and essential oils in the plant.

Even more information about the plant in this video:

Pharmacological properties

Wormwood is characterized by wide beneficial properties due to its active substances: choline, various types of alkaloids, betaine, absinthiin, artemisinin and essential oils.

The main anticancer effect belongs only to artemisinin. Its development as a drug for malaria was carried out by the Chinese pharmacologist Tu Youyou. At the same time, its negative effect on cancer cells was noticed.

Further study of artemisinin revealed its unique structure, in which there was peroxide bridge. This compound is characterized by high activity, which produces high atomic oxygen, possessing oxidative properties.

A cancer cell contains a large number gland, without which her life cannot continue. Artemisinin, entering the body, releases oxygen, which oxidizes iron in pathological cells and leads to their death.

Artemisinin has a targeted effect and is able to destroy cancer cells without causing harm to health, which is typical for standard chemotherapy. To enhance anti-cancer activity, it is saturated with iron ions. Thanks to this component, the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of cancer tumors, amounted to 98%.

The drug is a concentrated form of artemisinin, purified from foreign substances. It is produced in the form of capsules or tablets, which allow you to accurately calculate the dosage, individually for each patient.

A study of the drug conducted on mice showed that drugs based on this drug are effective against cancer stomach and pancreas, liver, spleen. A positive effect of the drug was also noted in brain glioma and leukemia.

Scientists' opinion

According to leading specialists at the Russian Central Scientific Oncology Center, artemisinin isolated from wormwood actually promotes the oxidation of iron and the death of cancer cells.

Therefore, this method of treating cancer considered promising. But some scientists are of the opinion that such a remedy can only act as a complementary therapy, since cancer cells constantly mutate, quickly adapting to the administered drugs. This mutation results in active metastasis in the future.


Artemisinin differs from other antitumor substances in its speed. The destruction of cells has already begun 15 hours after administration. Naturally, immediately after the action of the drug, the patient will not feel any relief.

The positive results that can be felt occur as the pathological cancer cells are destroyed and depend on the size of the tumor. For small tumors, improvement is predicted will arrive no earlier than in a month. During this time, the patient should gradually:

  • restore general state;
  • improve iron levels in the blood;
  • decline manifestation of symptoms.


For the treatment of malignant tumors only annual wormwood (Artemisia Annua). It contains the maximum amount of artemisinin. This type of wormwood grows only in the territory China and Vietnam. In Eastern medicine, it was used to treat various diseases and even to relieve tuberculosis.

In order to prepare a high-quality product, it is necessary to collect the plant only in May or early June. It is during this period that wormwood contains the highest concentration of medicinal components. Harvesting only leaves and stems plants.

Leaves need to be plucked before flowering begins, leaving petioles on the stem. Harvesting of stems is carried out at the beginning of the period flowering. They are cut off together with the tops, not reaching the end part. When collecting grass, it should be taken into account that the yield of the plant after drying will be only 25% of the total mass collected volume.

For drying, choose a dry room with good ventilation. The most preferable option would be rooms without natural light.

Two methods can be used:

  1. Hanging plants collected in small bunches located at a certain interval from each other. The bunches should be small so that the plant does not start to rot.
  2. Unfolding leaves and stems on a plane. For this, it is advisable to use a wooden surface. The plant is placed directly on it, or on previously laid paper or fabric. Wormwood must be placed in a thin, even layer. The thinner it is, the faster the grass will dry.

Dried wormwood is allowed store up to 2 years. But it should be borne in mind that the longer the plant sits, the less beneficial properties it retains. Therefore, the optimal storage period would be 1 year.

There are several options for storing plants:

  • paper bags;
  • linen bags;
  • glass containers with stopper;
  • boxes;
  • metal cans with tight lids.

Store wormwood in a well-ventilated, dry place, separate from non-odorous herbs.

  1. Collect plants from areas located near the roadway, as well as within the city limits.
  2. Don't stop at plants damaged by pests or heavily soiled.
  3. For drying, the grass should not be laid out until it passes about 2 hours after collection.


There are many recipes where wormwood is the main ingredient. Each of them is aimed at solving specific problems. To prepare an infusion that is effective against malignant tumors, you need to take only two ingredients: wormwood and water.

teaspoon raw materials needed pour a glass of boiling water and then insist no less than 40 minutes. To get a therapeutic effect, you need to take an infusion 30 minutes before meals. For one application it is enough to use 1/3 cup. The therapeutic course is 10 days. After this you need to do break from 7 to 10 days. For treatment it is necessary conduct 2 to 3 such courses.

Also, this decoction is used as an external remedy. It is applied in the form of applications to the area where the tumor is located. In case of applying applications, there is no need to take a break.

Despite the fact that supporters of traditional medicine assure the safety of such a remedy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor or herbalist before use.

With regular treatment in compliance with the established deadlines, maximum positive effect you can only notice from him in 1.5–2 months.


This tool may not always be used. The following are contraindications to its use:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • taking medicines based on hemlock;
  • plant allergy
  • acute stomach diseases.

Preparations based on Artemisinin

Today, everyone can purchase not only wormwood in the form of dried raw materials, but also preparations based on artemisinin. They cannot be found on the shelves of our country, but can be ordered online from foreign sites. Such drugs include:

  • Artemisinin-M. This preparation, in addition to artemisinin, contains about a dozen different useful plants, including tansy, garlic, walnuts, etc. The product is presented in the form of enteric-coated tablets. Cost of the drug 950 rubles;
  • Artesunate. Available for sale in capsules and ampoules. The drug can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly. A pack of 150 capsules costs approx. 3500 rubles;
  • Artemisinin Best. It contains artemisinin enriched with iron. One package contains 90 capsules. You can purchase this product for 1400 rubles;
  • Artemether. Intended for injection use only. Mainly used to treat malaria, but also has antitumor effects. The cost of one package containing 6 ampoules is approx. 900 rubles.