Hello, friends!

Now the time has come to talk to us again about one rather amazing delicacy. It can truly be considered a royal treat, because it looks very cool, and it looks like an emerald. And what a taste, it’s simply fantastic. All these descriptions characterize gooseberry jam. Which I propose to cook today.

I won’t say that you need to have some kind of super abilities so that such preparations for the winter don’t upset you, but nevertheless, you can’t do without detailed descriptions. Because there are quite a lot of recipes. I suggest taking the best options from my collection. Feel free to choose any recipe you like and create for your health.

I would like to note that the cooking technology for gooseberry jam can be completely different. This may be an option that involves cooking the delicacy in several batches; there are recipes without cooking. And of course, various kinds of assorted dishes, where various fruits and other berries are added to the composition. For example, it could be red or black currants, raspberries, peaches, oranges, kiwi, etc. Therefore, the color will ultimately depend on many components; it can be from amber-golden to pale and bright light green.

But, for the majority, of course, everyone’s favorite color is emerald, and such jam is made without any additives or thickeners, such as gelatin or pectin. Although, if you wish, you can add more to make the consistency even thicker. As you might have guessed, only green ripe berries are taken.

Many people prefer to cook until dark; of course, only black or red gooseberries can give such a shade. And such a recipe is rightfully called imperial.

Well, friends, let’s start, as usual, according to tradition, with a classic recipe. Using this technology, the jam turns out to be jelly-like, but you can also make it a little liquid, depending on how much time you spend preparing it.

From the history. This delicacy appeared not so long ago during the time of Catherine the Great; until that moment in Russia, gooseberries were consumed exclusively raw and were not cooked.

Probably any housewife, even if she is just starting out or already an avid one, dreams that the process of preparing any culinary masterpiece is simple and affordable in time. The royal recipe says that such magnificent emerald gooseberry jam can be prepared in two different ways, the first, the most accessible, will be outlined right now. And the second one is a little more complicated, but it is more interesting - with cherry leaves, you will see further in the note.

I would like to note that this is exactly the dessert you will get from green berries; other varieties, such as red or black fruits, will not be suitable; they will also make a tasty treat, but they will not show the desired shade in the jar.

We will need:

  • green gooseberries - 2 kg
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 800 ml


1. Sort out the berries from debris and remove the tails using kitchen scissors or carefully tear them off with your hands. Yes, it's a lot of work, but as they say, it's worth it. It's actually fun to play with these balls, which always remind me of the shape of a watermelon.

Interesting! You are aware that gooseberries are related to kiwi. Can you imagine, that’s why it somehow reminded me of this fruit. Who would have thought.

After removing the dried perianth, rinse the berry under the tap. In principle, this procedure can be done at the beginning. Wash off all germs and bugs, as well as remove unnecessary sticks or twigs that accidentally got in.

2. Next, according to the plan, sterilize glass containers with a nominal value of 0.5 or 1 liter, do not take any more, this is not advisable. Nobody makes such preparations in 3 liter bottles. Besides, it's not convenient. Because it’s more convenient to store a small jar, and anyway, I took it out, ate it, and went back to the cellar for a new treat.

In a small deep container, preferably a thick-bottomed pan or an enamel basin, pour in drinking water and bring it to bubbles. Pour in lemon juice and green fruits, cook for about 15 minutes over low heat from the moment it boils. Stir frequently to prevent anything from sticking to the sides of the pan.

On a note! Lemon juice acts as a preservative and helps prevent the berries from turning sour and moldy. Plus, it will perfectly help fix the resulting color, which is no less important.

3. Next you have to add granulated sugar. Since the fruits are not very sour, the proportions of sugar will, as always, be the most common, that is, 1 to 1. Stir and cook in sugar syrup for another 10 minutes.

4. You will see that the jam will begin to acquire the consistency you need and, of course, the shade. You can cook a little longer, but do not forget to stir with a wooden spoon so that nothing sticks. And keep in mind that after cooling, the delicacy will become even thicker. So, don’t overcook it, 30-40 minutes at most.

While hot, pour the aromatic treat into clean, sterile jars, which you first wash with baking soda and then hold over steam. Or use another method that you know, such as in the oven or microwave.

The lids are also thoroughly boiled in water for 10-15 minutes, and then put them on the jars and roll them up as tightly as possible with a special key. Let cool completely to room temperature. And then take it to an insulated balcony, or somewhere cool. Good luck!

Gooseberry jam with orange and lemon - an awesome recipe without cooking

Who doesn’t like getting a jar of vitamins in the middle of winter? It is imperative to make such preparations, all because the jam is obtained using this cooking method alive, it is prepared in a cold way. Do you think this is how and how this is possible. Yes, just like with, you can quickly and easily make such preparations, that is, keep the berries fresh. And most importantly, they will not undergo heat treatment.

Honestly, this recipe should be one of the favorites in your cookbook. After all, it is or belongs to the category of healthy and wholesome food. Moreover, when there is a blizzard outside and colds are on the way, a couple of spoons of such a powerful “potion” will become your reliable assistant.

And all because, in addition to gooseberries, we will use fruits such as lemon and orange. You can get by with just one citrus fruit. But, if you combine these two ingredients at once, it will be absolutely great. Because charge your body with vitamin C for a long time, and this will indicate that your immunity is not afraid of any epidemics. So take care in advance, and in general, eating such food is a pleasure! So, what are you waiting for, go ahead and sing.

We will need:

  • gooseberries (any variety) – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • or you can take 2 oranges or 2 lemons


1. Ripe and juicy, preferably choose fleshy ones, wash in water. Then remove the black nose from each specimen. If this is not done right away, then specks will appear to float in the finished dish. The appearance will definitely be ruined.

2. Now place the prepared fruits for further work in a blender bowl or meat grinder compartment. Twist or grind into a homogeneous liquid mass. This is the unearthly beauty that came out.

3. Orange and lemon, or one ingredient, you don’t have to take two of them at once, pour boiling water over them and cut into pieces along with the peel. Pass the slices through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

4. Mix the citrus mixture with the berries and add granulated sugar to everything. Stir.

Wow! In this form, the berries can be frozen; for this, use special plastic containers or freezing bags for ice. The result is a treat in the form of pureed berries with sugar, rich in ascorbic acid.

5. Now leave on the table for 5-6 hours, during which time stir several times. Do this until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. If you want to speed up the process, heat the saucepan to 6 degrees, but not to a boil, and stir for 20 minutes, this way the sugar will dissolve almost immediately.

Take half-liter jars and roll them under a metal lid. To be safe, you can put a spoonful of sugar on top of the jam, and only then close the jar. Store in a cellar or, best of all, in the refrigerator, the main thing is to keep it out of direct sunlight. Happy discoveries, friends!

Five-minute gooseberry recipe - the simplest recipe

There is nothing better than making all sorts of goodies for your loved ones. And what exactly is the problem, because you can make such jam at home in literally 5 minutes. And today you can taste it while drinking tea, for example, spreading it on crispy bread. Or maybe fry a dozen, ah-ha, decide for yourself.

I like this recipe for its accessibility; I generally cook any berries this way. Moreover, I do not add any flavorings or preservatives, the water in the ingredients will do its job, it will help the mass turn into a jelly-like consistency. The one you will fall in love with the first time. I don’t know how to explain this, but it’s as if magic is happening, although no special actions are performed here.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 4 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.


3. By the way, before I forget, sterilize the jars, I like to keep them over steam. I used a container with holes that came with my multicooker. Boil the lids.

4. So, as soon as the berries boil, add granulated sugar and stir. Simmer on the fire for about 5-15 minutes, and then turn off and remove from the stove. Pack into glass bottles and secure with twist or nylon caps. Store in a cool, but frost-free place.

Cool! It is this cooking technology that gives a very cool consistency, resembles jelly in structure, and it also does not come out liquid. I recommend doing it!

Be sure to prepare or, using this method. You will be completely pleasantly shocked by this ruby ​​color.

Thick gooseberry jam for the winter with whole berries

Dear subscribers, I am sharing with you another original and wonderful option. I attribute it to recipes - everything is brilliantly simple. It turns out something like jam, but only better, because in confiture the berries are always ground, but here you are supposed to crush them, but only one part, and leave the other intact.

Plus, take red berries, because they perfectly hold the very desired shape of the ball. Plus, the zhelfix will act as a thickener, and for a piquancy, take and add cinnamon. It will turn out above all praise, read and remember faster.

On a note. From this amount of products you will get 3 full jars of 0.5 liters each.

We will need:

  • gooseberries - 1000 g
  • sugar - 1000 g
  • Zhelfix - sachet about 20 g
  • cinnamon optional - 2 tsp


1. Before you begin, please complete the following steps. Wash the gooseberries and remove the dry stem at the ends. This is easy to do with regular kitchen scissors. When you do this, be careful, those berries that are smaller or slightly crushed, put them in a separate bowl. Puree them using an electric immersion mixer.

2. Once the porridge-like mass is ready, add non-crushed fruits to it, I think you already understood everything yourself, how cool it will look in a jar, you can already notice the dense consistency. Place an iron bowl on the stove and set the heat to low.

3. Before the mixture boils, be careful and stir so that the puree does not burn to the walls of the dish. Meanwhile, mix sugar (2 tbsp) in a glass with a thickener in the form of gelfix.

4. And then mix with berry jam, but so that no clots form. Bring the mixture to active boiling. After that, add the remaining sand and cinnamon.

Wow! Can you imagine what a fabulous addition, cinnamon and gooseberries, that will make this dish even tastier, fantastically savory and beautiful!

5. Cook for 3 minutes after boiling. It turns out that as soon as the sugar grains dissolve, turn it off immediately. Take a glass container and pour this delicious treat into them. Cover with lids and seal tightly.

Please note that the dishes must be clean. Then turn the jars upside down and put them in a fur coat, let them cool and after 24 hours put them in the cellar for storage.

Royal or emerald gooseberry jam

Well, well, again we are on the threshold of the most popular recipe, which should not only please you, but also slightly upset you. The fact is that this dessert is eaten in 5 minutes, imagine, as soon as you open the jar, it’s already gone.

We will need:

  • green gooseberries - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 0.7 kg
  • cherry leaves
  • water - 50 ml
  • cherry tree leaves - twig


1. Make a detailed selection of green fruits. Even slightly unripe berries will do. Rinse them and trim the ends. Then take a sharp stick, something similar and reminiscent of a wooden toothpick. And pierce each element so that the gooseberries do not shrink during cooking, and also so that the fruits do not burst when the temperature reaches a high temperature.

2. While the gooseberry is enjoying the water treatments, in the meantime, make a sweet syrup. Combine sugar (350 g) and water in a saucepan and boil the liquid. Then pour it over the berries. And plus put a sprig of cherry on top, you can pick it off and throw in the leaves. Bring to a boil and cook for 6 minutes. Then cool and leave overnight.

3. In the morning, using a slotted spoon, remove the berries into another container, and add the remaining 350 g of granulated sugar into the syrup and boil for 5-6 minutes. Then add the boiled berries again and let it simmer for a couple of minutes until the liquid becomes clear. Cool to room temperature and then boil again for 15 minutes. This turns out to be 3 passes.

4. Pour the still hot delicacy into jars and cover with lids, sign the date of production and store in the refrigerator or pantry. Don't forget to leave it in a cup to taste the product. Bon appetit!

Recipe for green gooseberry jam through a meat grinder

This option is economical, all because it uses gelfix, so the proportions of sugar will be half as much. This is very cool because it is more useful. If you are chasing healthy eating, then choose this miracle without hesitation.

We will need:

  • gooseberries (can be frozen) - 0.5 kg
  • zhelfix - 0.5 sachet (read the instructions on the package)
  • sugar - 250 g


1. Take an unripe green gooseberry and wash it in running water. Grind in a meat grinder into a raw porridge. The color and taste resembles kiwi and banana jam.

2. Mix a bag of jellyfix with two tablespoons of sugar; half a pack is enough for half a kilo of berries. Stir and puree.

3. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir gently so that the gelfix dissolves, and the sugar will help it distribute more quickly throughout the mass. Wait for the jam to boil and voila, add the remaining 250 g of granulated sugar and cook after boiling for 3 minutes, skimming off the foam with a spoon.

The mixture will become a little runny and the jam will thicken when it cools completely.

4. Transfer the hot food into a container and eat for your health, or you can roll it into jars under an iron or nylon lid.

This jam has a sweet and slightly sour taste; on a spoon it looks like marmalade.

How to make royal jam with cherry leaves and gooseberries

This jam turns out like amber, its attractive appearance will smite anyone. What an aroma and taste! Super! You need to see this in reality and try it with a big spoon). This step-by-step video instruction will help you figure it out and avoid making mistakes during the cooking process.

Be sure to look carefully, and then begin the process of witchcraft.

Delicious gooseberry jam for the winter (royal recipe with walnuts)

I’ll say right away that this option is not easy, you will have to be patient and persevering. Although, if you take a minimum of ingredients, the time will fly by unnoticed and you won’t be the least bit tired of the work. After all, such activities should only bring joy. And the end result is delight.

And in general, the very name with walnut already implies that it is delicious. But none of the guests will even know that it is in this delicacy, all because it can be hidden inside the berries. See below for how to do this.

By the way, you can replace it with almonds, but I haven’t tried that.

We will need:

  • gooseberries – 1 kg
  • walnut – 110 g
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 500 ml
  • star anise - 1 pc.


1. Soak the gooseberries in a basin so that all specks and dirt are washed off. Shake in a colander to drain excess moisture into the sink. Then you will need to remove the dark, dry ponytails with scissors. But what lies ahead is painstaking work. You will need to carefully extract the pulp from each berry, being careful not to damage it.

Nothing difficult! To do this beautifully, you need to make a cut in each berry with a knife; if you cut it too short, it will not be convenient to squeeze out the core from the opposite side. In any case, get used to it.

2. Peel the hard shells of the walnuts and chop them into small pieces. In this case, only nucleoli are needed.

3. Now all that remains is to stuff each berry element, look how cute and tempting the fruits look.

4. Pour drinking water into the container in which you will cook and add sugar. Stir and boil to create a sweet syrup. You need to ensure that the grains all dissolve immediately. And only after that bring in the preparations. Leave it to marinate in this form for 10-12 hours, that is, it is better to do it overnight.

And then in the morning add star anise, this is optional and cook for 5-10 minutes after active bubbling. Let it cool to room temperature (that is, about 4 hours), then boil again and do this 3-4 times.

5. Next, as always, pour everything hot into sterile jars, screw on self-tightening iron lids and throw on a sheet or blanket so that the jam cools gradually. Store in a cool place and where it is dark.

And for the laziest, by the way, there is an option with nuts, but they are simply added to the cup, and not to each berry, and are also boiled in 3-4 batches for 5 minutes after boiling. Enjoy it for your health. It turns out delicious too!

Seedless gooseberry and currant jam

This dish is quite unusual and at the same time piquant: if you combine two berries at once, you can take red or black currants. The result is a duet that will please both a child and an adult.

Let such a wonder appear in your home right now, learn to surprise your beloved household members.

We will need:

  • black or red currants + gooseberries in any ratio - 300 g
  • granulated sugar - 300 g
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • mint sprig


1. Sort the fruits, inspect for moldy and rotten berries. Delete the ones you don't need. Rinse and tear off the “spout” of the gooseberry on both sides.

2. Then grind all the fruits in a deep blender cup, so the knives will also grind the seeds, and not a trace will remain of them. You can, if you approach the matter so fundamentally, grind this mass through a strainer and squeeze it out, then you probably won’t see any seeds.

3. After the puree is obtained, add granulated sugar immediately. If you have time, stir and let stand for 2 hours to release the juice.

Then place on the stove, add water and simmer until the grains are completely dissolved over medium heat. Then boil for another 5-10 minutes. Next, leave to stand for 5-6 hours, then repeat the procedure (bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes) and add a sprig of mint for an unexpected refreshing taste.

4. You will get jam that is ready for use. You can pour it into a vase and eat it, or roll it up in a jar for the winter under a metal lid using a seaming machine. Bon appetit!

How to make emerald jam in a slow cooker

Gooseberry jam, like absolutely any jam, can be prepared right at your dacha if you have a miracle thing called a multicooker on hand. Even if you have never met her before, rest assured that you will soon become friends.

In addition, the bowl is comfortable and deep, which is a huge plus. Take your favorite Polaris or Redmond multicooker and get creative.

We will need:

  • gooseberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • agar-agar - 1 tbsp, dilute it in 50 ml of water


1. Wash the fruits and tear off the tails. Place the berries in a bowl, add sugar and pour water, select the appropriate “Jam” mode, time - 2 hours. And click "Start".

2. After this time, the treat will be ready; stir once an hour with the spoon that came with the appliance. Then add a spoonful of agar-agar, which is diluted in some water. Stir the hot jam until the agar disperses evenly.

3. What a miracle happened! Just look. Thanks to agar, the jam will gel after cooling. Pour into jars and roll under the lid. The jam, as you can see, has not changed its color, this is due to the fact that in the slow cooker the food does not bubble or actively boil, but simmers at a temperature of 100 degrees.

You will get three half liter jars and 300 grams in a vase for tasting. Enjoy your tea!

Well, that's all for me. I am finishing writing this short post. I hope you will easily and without difficulty master this skill and make a lot of gooseberry jam and roll it into jars. So that later in the cold you can open and remember the wonderful moments of summer.

Share your impressions. Write comments, like and subscribe to the group in contact. Good luck everyone and have a happy day and weekend. Bye.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Good afternoon

Today's turn is gooseberry jam. The best, most delicious and simple recipes for preparing this beautiful emerald berry for the winter.

And if this jam is made in combination with citrus fruits, nuts, with the addition of fragrant cherry leaves, then it will live up to its name - royal and royal, emerald and malachite.

You can also make white jelly and marmalade from gooseberries, and gooseberries in their own juice are very tasty. If you are interested, write in the comments.

With whole fruits

In order to get a sweet dessert with whole berries, we select unripe and green ones so that they do not boil in the syrup. We will eat ripe gooseberries fresh, and freeze what remains for the winter or make jam or marmalade.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 1-2 tbsp.
  • vanillin - to taste


We wash the berries well and remove the stems. If they are small, we will cook them whole, but for large ones we will cut them and carefully remove the seeds through the cut.

We wash the berries again, put them in a saucepan, fill them with cold water and let them sit for 6-8 hours.

Then we drain the water, but do not pour it out, we will need it to prepare the syrup. Dry the berries in a colander.

Prepare the syrup. Dissolve sugar in two glasses of water and bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes and dip the berries into it. Leave until completely cool.

Bring the jam to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, cool and stand for 8 hours so that the syrup penetrates into the pulp of the fruit. And the strength of the syrup will increase gradually with each cooking.

The third time we cook for about 40 minutes, until the desired thickness, and to improve the taste we add a little vanillin.

After each cooking, place the pan of jam in a bowl of cold water to cool, otherwise it will lose its beautiful emerald color to brownish-brown. Under no circumstances should you cover it.

Pour the hot gooseberries into dry sterile jars and roll up the lids. Turn upside down until completely cooled.

Tsar's jam


  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • cherry leaves - 100 gr.
  • vodka - 50 gr.
  • water - 200 ml


Wash the gooseberries well and place them to dry on a clean linen towel. Also wash the cherry leaves. We cut off the “tails” and stems of the berries.

We arm ourselves with royal patience and make small cuts on each berry and very carefully remove the seeds, so as not to hole the berry right through.

Dry the walnut kernels in the oven and break them into small pieces that will fit inside the gooseberries.

Fill the berries with nuts.

Prepare the syrup. Pour water into a container, add half the sugar and cherry leaves.

Place the berries and nuts in the boiling syrup, cook for 5 minutes, then cool very quickly by placing the container in a bowl of cold water. Soak in syrup for at least 5 hours.

Then cook repeatedly in 2-3 batches for 5 minutes in boiling syrup, adding sugar, and leave for 5-6 hours after each batch. After each cooking, be sure to cool the jam quickly.

Let the finished delicacy stand for 5-6 hours, and then pack it cold into sterilized jars, cover with a circle of paper soaked in vodka and tie tightly with twine.

Store in the refrigerator.

Emerald gooseberry

We will prepare emerald or malachite jam using ancient technology, as my grandmother did. If you have enough patience and time, then you will put a real gooseberry emerald on the table with great pride.


  • gooseberries - 400 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 800 gr.
  • cherry leaves - 50 gr.
  • spinach leaves - 50 gr.
  • wine vinegar - 200 ml
  • water - 300 ml


Select unripe, green, smooth fruits. Sort through and remove stems, blades of grass and green bugs. Rinse well.

Remove the “tails” and “spouts” and remove the seeds.

Place in a clay pot, placing the berries with cherry leaves and spinach leaves, pour in wine vinegar, cover with a lid and place in a hot oven overnight.

Then take out the gooseberries and place them in cold water with ice, after an hour change the water and boil the berries in it once.

Drain the boiling water. Place the berries again in cold water with ice for 10-15 minutes. Then place the berries on a sieve. Sharp cooling helps preserve the color, which gives the emerald color to our jam.

When the water has drained, place the gooseberries on a towel, let dry and weigh.

Prepare syrup, boil, skim off foam. Pour the finished syrup over the berries and leave for 5 hours. In the next 2 stages, drain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour over the berries. Allow to stand until the berries are well saturated with syrup.

At the last stage, put the cooled jam on the stove, bring to a boil, and cook until the gooseberries become transparent. Constantly remove the foam, do not stir, but shake, so as not to damage the berries. You can put a piece of vanilla in the syrup.

We find out readiness with the help of a drop - drop syrup onto a dry saucer, if it does not spread, then our dessert is ready.

Pour the boiling mixture into prepared sterilized jars. Turn upside down, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

No cooking

Peel the gooseberries, rinse well and drain, discarding them in a colander.

Then add sugar to the berries and mix well using a blender.

Place in clean, dry jars. Keep refrigerated. It turned out to be an exceptionally delicious dessert.


The combination of gooseberries and citrus fruits is not only a “vitamin explosion”, but also protection against seasonal colds. I offer an interesting and simple recipe for gooseberries and oranges for the winter.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • large orange - 1 pc.
  • water - 200 ml


Rinse the gooseberries under running water, dry them on a linen towel, cut off the tails and stems.

Wash the orange, cut into pieces, and remove the seeds. You can also use orange zest or peel.

Place prepared gooseberries and sliced ​​orange into a large bowl. Grind everything using a blender until smooth.

Place the resulting mixture in a cooking container, add sugar and water, and stir. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to steep overnight.

After insisting, put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes.

We pre-sterilize jars and lids for preservation. Place the boiling jam into jars and seal. After cooling, you can take them to the cellar, we will enjoy an amazingly tasty and aromatic gooseberry dessert with an orange “note” all winter!

The best blanks

Gooseberry preparations for the winter surprise with the breadth of their range - from jams, compotes, jellies to hot sauces and seasonings for meat dishes. In addition, this berry perfectly retains its appearance, taste, and vitamin value when frozen. In winter, after defrosting, you can decorate your favorite cake with it or eat it as fresh, remembering the wonderful time of the end of summer.

Its unpretentious bushes grow in the yards of almost every rural resident of the northern province of Sweden, Norrbotten. Our yard is no exception. The end of August has arrived, and it's time to harvest the berries. Let me tell you how to prepare gooseberries for the winter, using recipes from Swedish housewives.


In my opinion, it is best to freeze it without adding sugar, “in its natural form,” using bags or small containers, because with repeated defrosting, the vitamin value of the berry is lost.

The collected berries should be cleared of debris and the “tails” and “spouts” removed from the dried flowers. Place the bags filled with berries in the freezer. Simply and easily! If only there was enough free space on the freezer shelves!

Swedish marmalade

This dessert is a clear favorite among other types of preservation of these delicious berries. To prepare it, gooseberries should be picked slightly unripe, since these are the berries that contain more pectin than fully ripe ones.

Therefore, when cooking, it is not necessary to use special sugar containing pectin; you can use regular sugar, without adding pectin separately during cooking. The finished marmalade has a fairly dense consistency and hardens.
You will need:

  • 1 kg of berries,
  • 50 g water (quarter cup),
  • 500 g sugar,
  • You can use flavorings such as lemon, lime, cinnamon.

How to make marmalade:

  • Peel the berries from the “tails” and “spouts”.
  • Place it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes until the berries are completely boiled.
  • Rub the resulting mass through a sieve or grind with a blender if you do not pay attention to the remaining seeds.
  • Add sugar and flavorings, bring the mixture to a boil, continue cooking at moderate heat for 30 minutes, stirring gently, skimming off any foam that forms.
  • A non-spreading drop indicates the degree of readiness.
  • Distribute the finished marmalade into disinfected jars and place in a cool place.

It can be used as a sweet filling for pancakes, cakes, and other baked goods. It is very tasty to have a cup of tea with it.

This summer I tried to supplement the classic marmalade recipe by using blueberries as an additive. By weight, it was half the weight of a gooseberry. The taste of marmalade has become softer, and the color has become richer.

Gooseberry marmalade according to the recipe given above can be cooked a little differently.

While making homemade wine from various berries, including gooseberries, I noticed that the mass obtained after pressing the berries through a mechanical juicer (I use the most primitive attachment for a meat grinder) is perfect for making marmalade.

What need to do:

  • Pass the berries through a meat grinder. It turns out to be a very thick mass.
  • Pour the “cake” with a small amount of hot water and squeeze.
  • Dissolve sugar in 100 g of the resulting solution, bring to a boil.
  • Add the berry mass, cook at moderate heat for 20 - 25 minutes, until thickened.


We will need:

  • 2.5 liters of berries,
  • 300 g water,
  • 700 g sugar.

How to make jam:

  • It is advisable to take berries that are not quite ripe. Clean it from tails and spouts.
  • Mix sugar with water, bring to a boil.
  • Add the berries, continue cooking at moderate heat, stirring regularly for 20-25 minutes, until the berries become soft and the jam itself thickens.

Gooseberry compotes, as a type of preservation for the winter, are not popular here.

Concluding the article, I would like to mention one more type of gooseberry preparation, I mean homemade wine from the berries. Gooseberries produce wine with a rich taste. Its color can easily be improved by adding blackcurrant or blueberry juice during production.

Autumn is a busy time for housewives trying to make a variety of tasty supplies. The reader can learn about winter preparations from serviceberry, tasty, juicy, very healthy berries growing on unpretentious shrubs by reading the article “Winter preparations from serviceberry, how to preserve a tasty berry.”

Winter bouquet of vitamins

All berries are tasty and healthy in their own way, and therefore I would like to eat them all year round. Gooseberry lovers know how to prepare not only compote, juice, jam and other traditional preparations from it, but also very unusual dishes. Perhaps only gooseberries are marinated, and adjika, sauces and seasonings are also prepared on its basis.

Whatever method of preparing gooseberries is chosen, you must first select and prepare the berries correctly. The fruits must be ripe, medium-sized, thin-skinned, fresh, whole, unbruised, and most importantly – unspoiled, without rot. For some recipes, crumpled, slightly damaged fruits may also work, but only for those in which they will need to be ground or crushed.

During the process, we sort the gooseberries according to their intended purpose for the upcoming processing in accordance with the selected recipes. We discard those completely unsuitable for anything. Gooseberry preparations for the winter are packaged in jars with nylon or disposable metal lids intended for sealing, or in bottles and jars with screw-on lids.

For different recipes, one method or another is more preferable. Jars and lids must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

If the finished gooseberry dish is packaged hot, after closing the jars are placed on the lid and the bottles are placed on their sides. Then the containers are well wrapped in a thick warm blanket or something similar.

When they have cooled down to room temperature, they are taken to a storage area that is cool and dark.

Freezing is the easiest and fastest way to prepare berries. But its main advantage is that it allows you to preserve the aroma, taste and appearance of frozen fruits, and most importantly, all the vitamins and beneficial microelements.

To freeze gooseberries, the prepared berries must be laid out in 1 layer on a clean flat stand (cutting board), and then placed on it in the freezer.

Then we turn on quick freezing and after an hour we remove the already frozen berries from the freezer and place them in prepared containers - plastic bags or plastic containers.

We tie the first ones, leaving a little free space inside, and close the second ones tightly. Then we return the packaged berries to the freezer.

You can do without quick freezing. Gooseberries are immediately packaged in the same container, but in portions - put as much as you need to eat or use for cooking at one time.

This is due to the fact that the berries cannot be re-frozen. Then the fruits in a container that is left open are placed in the freezer.

After a day, the berries in the container are closed - the bags are tied, the containers are closed with lids - and returned to the freezer.

For pickled gooseberries, not only ripe berries are suitable, but also slightly unripe ones. To make 1 liter of the finished product, take:

  • berries – 700 g;
  • allspice (peas) – 3 pcs;
  • cinnamon (ground) – 0.5 g;
  • black currant leaves - to taste;
  • cloves (buds) – 3 pcs.

To prepare the marinade: 300 ml water; 100 g sugar; 30 g vinegar 6%. We chop the prepared berries, each separately. Then we put spices on the bottom of the jar.

Pour gooseberries on top, shaking the container slightly so that the pickled berries then lie tightly.

After this, you need to prepare the marinade: mix all the ingredients for it, and then heat the resulting solution to a boil.

After cooking, pour the boiled marinade over the berries in the jar. Place the container with pickled gooseberries in a bowl of hot water and sterilize, covering with a lid, 10 minutes from the start of boiling. After this, roll up the pickled berries.

Gooseberry jam for the winter will turn out especially delicious if you make it with oranges. For this recipe you need to take:

  • berries – 1.5 kg;
  • oranges (medium) – 3 pcs;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

Cut the oranges into slices along with the skin. Then we pass them together with the prepared berries through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the resulting mass and mix.

Then put it on the stove and simmer for 20–25 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then pour the boiling jam into the jars and roll them up or close them with thick plastic lids.

This recipe makes 7 half-liter containers.

To prepare gooseberry compote for the winter, you can use the following simple recipe. For a 3-liter jar we take:

  • berries – 1 l;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • dried or fresh lemon balm - to taste.

We put the prepared berries in a jar, and add selected branches of lemon balm on top. Then pour boiling water into the container, close it with a lid and leave to stand for 5 minutes. Then carefully pour the water from the cans back into the pan and heat it. Pour sugar into a container with berries, and then, when it boils, pour the broth up to the neck. After this, we roll up the gooseberry compote for the winter.

Preserving a rich harvest

Many housewives are interested in how to properly prepare gooseberries for the winter: the recipes that will be given below will help preserve the harvest of this berry, which is not only tasty, but also rich in vitamins and nutrients for the entire winter season.

You can make not only jam from gooseberries, but also compotes, juices and jams. Its berries often become an ingredient in various sauces and seasonings. Gooseberries can be harvested for the winter without resorting to heat treatment - there are such recipes.

To ensure that the products obtained from berries do not spoil for a long time, you need to follow simple rules when preparing raw materials:

  • remove stems from fruits;
  • sort the berries by size and degree of ripeness, but you should get rid of overripe, wrinkled fruits (as for sorting raw materials by size, the reason is simple: small gooseberries cook faster than large ones);
  • remove gooseberries damaged by pests or rotting;
  • wash the fruits.

Without heat treatment

Those who want to preserve fresh gooseberries need to know that in this form they can last no more than two months (provided that the berries are stored at 0 0C and 90 percent relative humidity). You can extend the shelf life by placing fresh fruits in the freezer. It is better to keep them in the freezer in small containers. This will allow you to use the right amount of gooseberries without defrosting the rest of the raw materials.

Sugar should be added to the mixture in small portions, stirring constantly to achieve homogeneity. As an additional ingredient for gooseberries in sugar, you can use peeled and pitted oranges.

It is crushed at the same time as the berries.

Store the product in a dry basement or pantry, packaged in pre-washed and dried jars, which are best closed with tin lids. Containers with gooseberries in sugar can also be covered with nylon lids, but the shelf life of the product will be significantly reduced. However, if you store mashed berries on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, it will last at least 3-4 months.

Many people will like the “jam”, in which gooseberries are mixed with sugar and lemon. For preparation you will need:

  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of berries.

The berries are washed and removed from the stalks. Lemon is cut into small slices. The fruits are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar. The container with the resulting mass is left for 6-8 hours until the juice is released from it. Then it can be placed in sterilized jars. After seaming, they are placed in the refrigerator or cellar.

Another way to preserve the maximum beneficial properties of gooseberries during storage is to dry the fruits. In most recipes, it is recommended to dry gooseberries for the winter in the oven at a temperature of 90 0C. Place the berries on a baking sheet in one layer.

For drying, the ripest, equal-sized raw materials are selected. Dried gooseberries, similar in appearance to raisins, are stored in jars or cardboard boxes in dry rooms. It can be used in the preparation of various sauces, decoctions and infusions.


Recipes often recommend preparing gooseberries for the winter in the form of compotes. An extremely tasty drink is obtained if peppermint or lemon balm is added to it. The finished compote is poured into jars. After rolling, they are turned over. Cooled jars are stored in a dark place.

The cooking process itself looks like this. For compote, you need to choose ripe fruits that have not lost their elasticity. The berries must be the same size, otherwise the small ones will cook faster and burst while the large ones are ready. Before planting, the gooseberries need to be freed from the stalks, washed and placed in a colander to drain excess water.

The fruits are placed in sterilized containers, filling them approximately 1/3. The berries are covered with sprigs of mint or lemon balm. The jars are filled to the top with boiling water and covered with lids for 5-7 minutes. After this time, the water from the cans is poured into the pan. Place the container on the stove to boil the water again.

Meanwhile, add sugar to the jars (1/2 cup per 3 liters). Then boiling water is poured into them. The banks are rolling.

Another recipe for gooseberry compote for the winter is also not very complicated. The prepared fruits are pierced with a toothpick and placed in jars with a capacity of 0.5; 0.7 and 1 l.

Syrup is made from sugar and water (200-300 g per 1 l). Boiling liquid is poured into jars. After a few minutes, the syrup is poured into the pan. It is boiled for another 3-5 minutes. The liquid is again poured into the jars and covered with lids.

Liter containers are sterilized for 20 minutes, 0.5-liter containers for 15 minutes. After sterilization, the jars are sealed.

You can make gooseberry compote by adding orange to it. There is no need to peel it.

The washed citrus is cut into mugs, which are placed in sterilized jars filled 1/3 with berries; the containers are filled with cold water.

After a minute, it is poured into a saucepan, where sugar is added (100 g per liter jar of compote). Jars with fruits are filled with boiled syrup, the containers are rolled up and turned over until they cool.


A large number of recipes for preparing gooseberries for the winter are devoted to making jam. One of them uses only 3 ingredients:

  • sugar (1.5 kg);
  • gooseberries (1 kg);
  • water (0.4-0.5 l).

Syrup is made from water and 0.75 kg of sugar. It is poured over peeled, washed and pierced berries. Cover the container with a towel for 6-8 hours.

After this, the fruits are separated from the syrup, and 1/3 of the remaining sugar is poured into it. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. The gooseberries are again poured with syrup and left for 6-8 hours. A similar operation is repeated 2 more times.

Then the container with jam is placed on the stove and cooked over low heat. Sterilized jars are filled with prepared jam.

The following recipe for preparing gooseberries for the winter uses an orange. Jam is prepared from:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 oranges.

Washed gooseberries and oranges with peel (but without seeds) are passed through a meat grinder and mixed in a bowl with sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook, stirring, for another 15 minutes over low heat. The finished jam is placed in sterilized jars. They can be closed with either screw or nylon lids.

You can add black currants to gooseberry jam. Its composition will look like this:

  • gooseberries – 1kg;
  • currants – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • 2 oranges.

The process of making jam is no different from the method described above.

Collection of home recipes

Many housewives know how to prepare gooseberries for the winter. If you are not one of them, then in this article we will present you with several simple recipes. Using them, you will get very tasty compote, jam and preserves.


Gooseberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. You can make different desserts from it. But most often cooks prepare it for the winter. In the cold season, such a product turns out to be doubly useful, as it saturates the body with vitamins, preventing it from catching a cold.

In this section of the article we will tell you how to make emerald gooseberry jam yourself. For this we need the following components:

  • large green gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • any 40% proof vodka - 50 ml;
  • drinking water from the tap - 500 ml;
  • fresh cherry leaves - about 20 pcs.

Preparing the Components

Before preparing emerald gooseberry jam, you should purchase suitable berries. They should be green and firm.

The tails are cut off from the berries and then washed well in a colander. After this, a puncture is made in each gooseberry with a toothpick. This is necessary so that during heat treatment the product does not burst and remains intact.

After processing the gooseberries, sprinkle them with vodka and place them in the freezer for half an hour. Next, the berries are transferred to the refrigerator and kept in this form throughout the night.

As for fresh cherry leaves, they are thoroughly washed with running water and scalded with boiling water.

Heat treatment

Emerald gooseberry preparation for the winter will turn out tasty and beautiful only if it is properly heat treated. To do this, remove the berries from the refrigerator and place them in an enamel bowl. Fill the product with water and add cherry leaves, bring it to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After this, add sugar to it and mix thoroughly.

Having achieved complete dissolution of the sweet spice, the gooseberries are removed from the stove and left at room temperature for 5 hours. Over time, the heat treatment procedure is repeated (3 times in total).

Seaming process

Emerald gooseberry preparation for the winter is considered completely ready when all the berries become transparent and the syrup is very thick. In this form, the jam is laid out in sterilized jars and immediately sealed.

After all containers have cooled, they are removed to the cellar or underground. You can consume this delicacy after just a few days.

How to make gooseberry jam?

There are many ways to make tasty and thick jam from a berry such as gooseberry. Many housewives choose the option that requires heat treatment. However, it should be noted that this procedure deprives the berry of all vitamins and minerals. Therefore, we recommend making jam from fresh gooseberries. For this we will need the following products:

  • large ripe gooseberries (take only dark red berries) - 1 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

As you can see, the presented gooseberry preparation for the winter does not require the use of a large number of ingredients. It should also be noted that you won’t need much time to prepare this jam. This is due to the fact that the berries do not require heat treatment.

Ripe and large berries are peeled from the tails, and then placed in a colander and washed thoroughly. Next, it is distributed over cotton fabric and dried for half an hour.

After the gooseberries are processed, they begin to chop them. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or a blender with a deep bowl and knife attachments.

It is advisable to puree the berries at the highest speed. From time to time it is necessary to add fine granulated sugar to them.

After the described steps, you should get a sweet and liquid mass of dark red color. Mix it thoroughly with a large spoon and leave at room temperature for several hours. This is necessary so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in the juice of the berry.

How to store?

Homemade gooseberry recipes should be kept in your cookbook. After all, they allow you to make very tasty desserts, with which it is pleasant to drink hot tea in the cold season.

After the berries are crushed together with sugar, the mass is laid out in plastic containers with a lid and sent to the freezer. As soon as the dessert hardens, you can safely start eating it.

Ready-made fresh gooseberry jam has a thick consistency similar to ice cream. This delicacy can be stored in the freezer all winter. At the same time, the berry will not lose its properties and will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals during the cold season.

Making a delicious and sweet drink

Gooseberry compote is a very tasty and healthy drink that will serve as an excellent alternative to store-bought juice. It is done quite easily and does not require much time.

So, to prepare gooseberry compote yourself, you need to prepare the following products:

  • ripe red gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • drinking water – 6 l;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons per 3 liters of water;
  • citric acid - 1/3 small spoon per 3 liters of water.

Berry processing

To prepare a tasty and healthy compote, you need to use only ripe and sweet berries. The gooseberries are peeled from the stems, then placed in a colander and washed thoroughly in hot water. After this, the product is shaken vigorously and distributed into sterilized 3 liter jars.

To obtain a richer and more tasty compote, the berries should fill the containers ½ or 1/3 of the way.

Preparation of syrup and preservation of the drink

After the gooseberries have been processed and placed in jars, you should begin preparing the syrup. To do this, boil drinking water in a large saucepan, and then add granulated sugar and stir well.

As soon as the sweet spice has dissolved, the syrup is poured into jars. Covering the lids, leave the hot containers in this position for some time (10-20 minutes). Next, the slightly cooled syrup is poured back into the pan and boiled again. At the same time, citric acid is additionally added to it.

Having carried out these steps, the hot and slightly pink liquid is again poured into jars of berries. This time the compote is rolled up using boiled tin lids.

After turning all the jars over, they are covered with an old down jacket and left in this position for two days. After time, the compote is put away in a slightly cool and dark room.

The drink is stored in it throughout the winter. By the way, it is recommended to use it no earlier than after 1.5 months.

Gooseberries are rich in vitamins B, A, ascorbic acid, iron and other elements. Not all of them are able to withstand intensive heat treatment, which is why gooseberry jam prepared in the traditional way cannot compare with fresh berries in its beneficial properties. Modern housewives prefer to make gooseberry jam without cooking. Outwardly, it resembles jam, since without heat treatment it is impossible to prepare a delicacy from whole fruits for the winter that will not spoil for a long time. This does not make the dessert any less appetizing than the famous “royal” jam. In terms of benefits, it surpasses the food that our grandmothers cooked from gooseberries.

Cooking features

It’s even easier to prepare raw gooseberry jam than traditional one, but to get the expected result you need to know several subtleties:

  • To make jam without cooking, it is better to select slightly unripe fruits. Their bones are still soft and will not spoil the taste of the dessert. Unripe berries contain more pectin, due to which cold-prepared jam acquires a pleasant consistency, reminiscent of jam.
  • When preparing gooseberries for cooking, it is necessary to remove their “tails” and “stigmas”. The most convenient way to do this is with nail scissors.
  • The prepared gooseberries must be rinsed under running water and dried. If the fruits are wet, the preparation from them will have a more watery appearance and will spoil faster. Gooseberries will dry faster if you scatter them on a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • You should not choose aluminum utensils for making gooseberry jam. This material, coming into contact with acids, forms harmful substances.
  • Before putting cold jam into jars, you need to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved in the berry puree. To better preserve the dessert, after distributing it into jars, you can fill it with sugar. It will harden, forming a so-called “sugar plug”, which will protect the dessert from souring.
  • Gooseberry jam jars must be sterilized. Lids can be used either metal or plastic, but they must be boiled before use.
  • Gooseberry jam will be stored better if the main ingredient is supplemented with citrus fruits.

Gooseberry jam made without cooking can only be stored in the refrigerator. Some housewives risk keeping it at room temperature, but in the cold the dessert will not spoil for a longer time.

Classic recipe for gooseberry jam without cooking

Composition (per 2 l):

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the gooseberries, remove their “tails”. Wash the berries under running water. Dry by sprinkling on a towel.
  • Grind the dried berries through a meat grinder. If the fruits are ripe and soft, you can use a blender to grind them.
  • Mix the berry mass with sugar, leaving 100 g for sprinkling on the finished treat to create a “sugar jam”.
  • Cover the container with gooseberries with gauze and leave for 5–6 hours. Stir the berry mass periodically so that the sugar dissolves in it faster.
  • Sterilize the jars and boil the lids.
  • When the sugar has completely dissolved, spread the jam into the prepared jars and add a spoonful of sugar on top.
  • Close the jars tightly with the prepared lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, has a harmonious taste and stores well. Its color depends on the variety of gooseberries used to prepare the delicacy and the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Gooseberry jam with lemon without cooking

Composition (per 2 l):

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lemons. Cut into small pieces, remove seeds.
  • Grind the lemon slices through a meat grinder.
  • Prepare the gooseberries by washing and drying them.
  • Grind using a meat grinder.
  • Combine gooseberry puree with lemon mixture.
  • Add sugar and stir.
  • Leave at room temperature, stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Place the dessert in sterilized jars, seal and put in the refrigerator.

Thanks to the addition of lemon, gooseberry jam is better stored and acquires pleasant sour notes with a slight bitterness.

Gooseberry jam with oranges without cooking

Composition (for 2.5-2.75 l):

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Pour boiling water over the oranges, wash them well, and dry with a napkin.
  • Grate the zest from the oranges. Disassemble the pulp into slices and remove films.
  • Prepare the gooseberries: wash, dry, cut off the “tails”.
  • Grind the gooseberries and orange pulp using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Add sugar and orange zest to the berry-fruit mixture.
  • Place the jam in the refrigerator for 6–8 hours (or overnight).
  • By the next day, the sugar will completely dissolve.
  • Place the dessert in sterilized jars, roll up, put in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jam made with oranges without cooking is aromatic, has a pleasant color and stores well.

Gooseberry jam used to be called “royal”. Prepared cold, it is not inferior in taste to the traditional one and also deserves a similar title.

Step-by-step recipes for preparing delicious gooseberry jam through a meat grinder for the winter: options for amazing gooseberry jam with kiwi, oranges, lemon

2018-07-27 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


56 gr.

221 kcal.

Option 1: Gooseberry jam through a meat grinder for the winter

The duration of cooking the jam directly determines its thickness. Traditionally, the jam should not flow too freely from the spoon; if a lower density is enough for you, you don’t have to cook the mass for so long. As a rule, after a quarter of an hour of boiling, all microbes have already died in it and no further pasteurization is required. For greater reliability, keep the rolled jars under a blanket until they cool or sterilize them before rolling.


  • 1000 grams of sugar;
  • kilogram of ripe gooseberries, any color.

Step-by-step recipe for thick gooseberry jam through a meat grinder for the winter

We sort the gooseberries, leaving well-ripened berries without any external damage. Having torn off the tails, pour the gooseberries into a colander and rinse well. The berries should be left in a colander for some time to remove any remaining moisture.

We twist the gooseberries in a meat grinder, pour the resulting mass into a wide bowl in which we are going to prepare the jam. Stir all the sugar into the berry puree and move the bowl to the stove.

By setting the heat to lower than medium, stirring, slowly warming up. When the sugar has completely dissolved, turn up the heat and bring the berry mass to a boil. Next, boil the jam at a low simmer and be sure to stir frequently so that the sweet mass does not burn.

As soon as the jam begins to thicken, we do a test to see if it is ready. To do this, you need to take a little sweet mass and drop it on a saucer. A drop of jam should hold its shape; if it spreads, continue boiling.

Immediately pack the finished jam into sterile jars, seal it tightly with boiled lids and leave it upside down until completely cooled.

Option 2: Quick recipe for gooseberry jam through a meat grinder for the winter (with oranges)

By adding pectin, this jam can be easily thickened to any consistency and turned into jam or confiture. In our case, a pinch of powder thickener will allow us not to evaporate the precious juice and save a little time.


  • kilogram of gooseberries;
  • refined sugar - 1000 grams;
  • medium-sized ripe orange.

How to quickly prepare aromatic gooseberry jam using a meat grinder for the winter

It is convenient to preserve aromatic types of jam, not intended for use in baking or if you have a small family, in small containers. Jars of this size can be easily sterilized by heating in a microwave oven; in addition, this is one of the fastest ways. Wipe the containers washed in water with soda dissolved in it as much as possible, without leaving droplets of moisture, also make sure there are no cracks or broken pieces of glass, especially in the places where the lids are attached.

Set the microwave mode switch to the position corresponding to maximum power, warm the jars in it for four minutes, then give about the same amount of time to cool. We place the container on the table and cover it with a thick cloth ironed with a hot iron. Place the lids in boiling water for about five minutes, along with the sealing rings, if they are provided for in the design.

We quickly sort through the gooseberries, removing all overripe and bruised berries and selecting leaves and scraps of twigs. Then pour the gooseberries in a wide, voluminous bowl with cold water and rinse, scooping out several pieces at a time and inspecting them again, cutting off the too long tails with scissors. Place the oranges in a bowl of boiling water for a quarter of a minute, then replace it with cold water. Using a soft sponge, rinse, then wipe the fruit dry and cut into smaller pieces, along with the thick peel.

We pass the gooseberries through a meat grinder, add six hundred grams of sugar to them and put them on medium heat. As it heats up, start stirring, and when it boils, reduce the temperature. Place in the boiling mixture and mix in the remaining sugar and orange slices, slowly boil to the desired degree of thickness. We don’t turn off the fire, and, taking them out from under the towel one at a time, quickly fill the top with jam. We seal the container and, upside down, put it under the blanket. After cooling, put the jam in the pantry, returning it to its normal position.

Option 3: Emerald gooseberry jam through a meat grinder with mint and kiwi

You can increase the amount of kiwi in the jam, up to an equal ratio with gooseberries, but, on the contrary, you should not reduce it. If you want to get crystal clear, emerald-colored jam, then rub the puree through a sieve before adding sugar, leaving the berry skins and small black seeds on it.


  • three large kiwi fruits;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • gooseberries - eight hundred grams;
  • ten fresh mint leaves.

How to cook

Using scissors, cut the tails off the berries and wash the gooseberries in cool water. Dry the berries by scattering them on a clean towel. Thinly cut off the peel from the kiwi, and dissolve the pulp into small half-slices. Tear off the mint leaves from the sprig and rinse off any dust.

Grind the kiwi and gooseberries in a meat grinder, immediately pouring the puree into a bowl. Add sugar, let it sit for a short time, up to half an hour, then place it on the stove. We set the heating so that after boiling the mass barely noticeably boils, keep the temperature stable, otherwise if overheated, the sugar may begin to caramelize and the jam will darken.

Adjust the thickness at your discretion, just keep in mind that the longer the mass is cooked, the less of it remains. Correctly calculate the required amount of containers and sterilize them over steam, prepare the lids by boiling them. Be sure to stir the jam in the bowl and put the foam from the surface in a saucer. When the jam becomes thick enough, simmer in it for about ten minutes and remove the mint. Package the jam and seal it; until it cools, it is advisable to keep the jars under a blanket or terry towel, with the bottoms up.

Option 4: Fragrant gooseberry jam through a meat grinder with oranges


  • two large oranges;
  • kilo of sugar;
  • seven hundred grams of ripe red gooseberries (small).

Step by step recipe

Citrus fruits, for the purpose of long-term storage, are often coated with various compounds. This chemical is hardly useful and should be gotten rid of, even if we clean the fruits before use. Scald the oranges with boiling water and place in a bowl of running water, rub with a sponge and rinse again under the tap. Remove the peel completely; you can cut it down to the very segments with a knife, if that’s more convenient for you.

We separate the citrus slices and cut the film, remove it, trying to free the pulp from it as much as possible. We select from the segments and seeds, looking at the pulp against the light. We sort the gooseberries, put aside damaged, overripe or, on the contrary, greenish ones for compotes. We shorten the tails as much as possible and wash the gooseberries, dry them slightly.

Grind the citrus pulp first and set aside for a while. We place a wide sieve over a spacious basin and scroll the gooseberries directly into it. Next, we wipe the berry puree; along with the seeds, particles of the tails will remain in the sieve, which is why they did not need to be cut off completely. Also use the remaining mass in the sieve for compotes; there are quite a lot of pieces of skin in it.

Turn on medium heat under the container with the puree and pour the orange juice into it. Stir until it boils, then add sugar. As soon as large bubbles begin to float to the surface of the syrup, reduce the temperature, stirring, and bring the sugar until dissolved. Cook for about thirty minutes or a little longer. As soon as the jam begins to approach jam in thickness, pack it into sterile containers and roll up the lids.

Option 5: Gooseberry jam through a meat grinder with lemon

Can you imagine how sour the jam will be? And yet it’s worth preparing at least one serving! The jam is designed to be stored without airtight lids in the refrigerator, and its purpose is to replace lemon and sugar for tea. That's the whole secret! It’s worth a try, unlike lemon alone, the proposed mass is much more aromatic.


  • large, ripe gooseberries - one kilogram;
  • one and a half kilos of sugar;
  • two large lemons (fragrant).

How to cook

We use only ripe and firm gooseberries. Sort the berries and cut off the tails, rinse them by pouring them into a bowl of water, place them in a colander by the handful, and let the moisture drain.

Scald lemons in a bowl of boiling water, cool and coarsely chop one with peel, and pre-clean the other. Having selected the seeds, we send the citrus pieces into a meat grinder, followed by the gooseberries.

Add the sugar in the entire portion at once, mix and leave the mixture overnight. Then slowly heat until boiling, skim off the foam and boil for up to a quarter of an hour. Pour into a sterile container and roll up, store in the refrigerator. If you intend to store the jam in the pantry, you should cook it ten minutes longer, then sterilize it in jars for another quarter of an hour.

What is not made from this amazing berry, jam, which is called royal, jellies, compotes, adjika, sauces for meat dishes. Gooseberry preparations for the winter are very diverse. I want to present some recipes, simply because I grow this berry myself and love it very much.

Gooseberries for the winter, preparation

A large number of completely unusual and different gooseberry recipes require proper preparation of the berries. There are recipes for which you can use “unliquid”, slightly overripe or bruised berries. But most recipes require good appearance and ripeness, because not only the appearance of the final product depends on this, but also its shelf life. After all, most likely, spoiled berries will cause fermentation faster.

It’s good when gooseberries grow in your summer cottage, when you can come and pick them at any time. Here you need to make sure that the berries do not become overripe or become soft. Sometimes in extreme heat, in the sun, they “cake” quite quickly.

If you buy berries at the market, you should try to choose, if possible, berries of the same size and ripeness. Some simply mix several varieties, large-fruited and small-fruited. The time required for heat treatment varies; small ones will already be boiled, but large ones will still be intact.

It is difficult to collect gooseberries if you have varieties with thorns, but now more and more people are abandoning them. You need to sort through the gooseberries carefully and thoroughly. There are berries with a worm inside; if you look closely, you can see the entrance hole. When sorting the berries, you need to remove both the tails and inflorescences. I always use scissors for this, it’s quick and convenient.

What to cook from gooseberries for the winter

Many people know royal or royal gooseberry jam. The berries also make excellent compotes; they, like other berries, can be frozen.

Jellies, jams, marmalades do not remain “behind the scenes” for lovers of home-baked goods. Some people like original recipes, for example, pickled gooseberries. Many people also know recipes for meat sauces made from this amazing berry.

You can also add gooseberries as an addition to pickles, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even prepare delicious adjika from it. so the berry is practically irreplaceable and you don’t have to think long about how to prepare gooseberries for the winter.

Gooseberry compote for the winter

The recipe is great for its speed and simplicity. I personally like to drink it not only in winter, it’s very refreshing in summer, I add a little “zest” to it.

For it we will need to take:

  • Gooseberries, ripe berries
  • Sugar
  • Peppermint sprigs

How to cook gooseberry compote for the winter:

Everything is very simple and elementary. The main thing is to choose strong berries so that they don’t burst later and spoil the whole look, and fresh leaves of peppermint or lemon balm, why exactly that? I just have a lot of it growing.

At the very beginning, I soak the collected berries directly in a bucket and at the same time, armed with scissors, I cut off the unnecessary tails. I immediately throw the berries into a colander so that the excess water drains, we don’t need it...

I prepare jars in advance, mostly three-liter jars. I put a third of the berries in them. I pour boiling water over it and let it cool a little, it takes about 15 minutes. I pour the water into the pan and now I know how much I spend on the jar.

I rinse the mint under the tap, shake off the water, and place it on a sprig on a jar. I add sugar to the water; gooseberries are sweet berries, so three-quarters of a glass is enough for a three-liter jar. I let the syrup boil for a few minutes and pour it directly onto the berries, immediately close it and put the jars, lids down, under the blanket.

Gooseberries and oranges for the winter

These are real vitamins, sealed “alive” in jars. Everyone absolutely loves this dessert, it’s very tasty, not to mention the mass of benefits.

We will take:

  • A kilo of berries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • One medium sized orange

How we will prepare:

First, I prepare jars, small ones, I choose from baby puree, maybe a little more. I wash them with baking soda, then pour some more boiling water over them and fry them in the microwave. They must be sterile and dry.

I wash and sort gooseberries the same way as always; here we cannot miss overripe or bad berries. First, I also wash the orange with hot water and soda. Then I cut it together with the peel into pieces, only removing the seeds.

I put orange slices in a blender, along with berries and sugar, and grind everything. Then I stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. I pack it into jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter

Another vitamin treat that I always have in the refrigerator. Sometimes we dive into a jar and enjoy some seagull.

To execute the recipe we need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Half a liter of water

We free the berries from unnecessary stems, wash them and put them in a container where we will boil them. Pour water into it and set the temperature to medium so as not to wait for a long time for it to boil. Then we lower the temperature and let it boil for about fifteen minutes.

After the time has passed, pour in the sugar; do not turn up the heat, because we don’t want the jelly to boil. Sometimes I lift the pan over the stove to let it cool a little.

So we boil for about twenty minutes, you will begin to notice how a thick film appears on the walls, which means everything is ready. We immediately pour the jelly into glass containers, which we previously prepared and store in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Gooseberry compote with oranges for the winter

I also really liked this version of a soft drink. Orange gives the sourness-bitterness that the sweet berry lacks, and adds aroma.

For the compote we need to take:

  • Ripe gooseberries
  • Sugar
  • Orange

How to cook gooseberry compote with oranges:

There is nothing too complicated here either, the main thing is to prepare the jars, rinse the berries and orange well, since we will use it entirely, along with the peel.

We fill a jar with berries, I mean a three-liter jar, so that it is one third full. I also put half circles of orange there. I fill it with cold water and immediately pour it into a saucepan, we just measured out how much water is needed. Pour three hundred grams of sugar into a 1-liter jar and cook the syrup, which we immediately pour into the berries and roll up the lid. Let cool in a warm place, upside down.

Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter

The jam turns out very aromatic and tasty. We tried it once and now we cook it all the time for the winter.

We will take:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • A couple of medium sized oranges

How to make gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter:

We sort out the gooseberries and rinse them in water. I wash the oranges very well; we need them with the peel on. We grind everything with a blender, you can use a food processor or grind it through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a special cooking container and mix with sugar, cook at medium temperature until boiling, then reduce it and leave to cook for fifteen minutes.

The jam must be stirred all the time so that the sugar dissolves and it turns out homogeneous. We put the finished product into jars; you can close them with nylon or screw lids. Stores perfectly.

Currant and gooseberry jam for the winter

We will need:

  • Kilo of gooseberries
  • Half a kilo of black currants
  • A couple of oranges
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How to make this jam:

We sort and rinse all the berries, so you can mix them right away. Wash the oranges with the peel thoroughly, cut them into pieces, remove the seeds and grind them in a blender. Mix the orange puree with berries and sugar and cook at a not too high temperature for fifteen minutes. The foam must be removed. Pour the finished mixture into jars while hot and close.

Gooseberry jelly with orange

I’ll say right away that it’s a lot of fuss, but it’s worth a try. The jelly turns out very beautifully, we even decorate holiday cakes with it.

For this recipe you need:

  • One and a half kilos of berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar
  • Three oranges

How to cook gooseberry jelly:

For this recipe, I leave the berries with the tails, but we will remove them later anyway. I just rinse and dry. I wash the oranges, peel the peel and all the membranes, take out the seeds. I grind everything with a blender, everything together at once. Then I rub it in small portions through a sieve, you can cook it with the bones, my daughter just doesn’t like them.

The result is a berry-orange mass, which needs to be poured into a cooking container and mixed with sugar. The jelly is usually cooked for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Then it must be immediately divided into jars. It won't be that thick at first. Only when it cools down well.

Pickled gooseberries for the winter

Original, tasty, unusual. We marinate it often, it goes very well with meat dishes, so I recommend it.

For the recipe we will take:

  • 0.8 kg of berries, optional with light greens
  • Black currant leaves
  • Three carnations
  • Three allspice peas
  • On the tip of a cinnamon knife
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of table vinegar

How to pickle gooseberries:

The gooseberries need to be freed from the tails, washed, and put into a jar. The first time we pour boiling water for twenty minutes. Pour this water into a saucepan and boil it again to pour it again, five minutes is enough for the second time. Pour out the water again and add all the spices with sugar, cook the filling, add vinegar at the end. Pour over the berries and roll up immediately.

Gooseberry sauce for the winter

For it you will need to take:

  • Half a kilo of berries
  • Five tomatoes
  • A couple of sweet peppers
  • One hot chili
  • Large onion
  • Head of garlic
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Two spoons of vinegar
  • Spices and salt to taste

How to make gooseberry sauce:

We wash the berries and vegetables, and tear off the tails of the gooseberries. Cut large vegetables into pieces. We immediately put everything into a common bowl or other container. We begin to grind with a blender, you can scroll through a meat grinder twice. Immediately add oil, vinegar, salt and spices, stir well and pack into jars. It is better to take 0.33 and 0.5 liters. Then we put them in a pan with hot water and sterilize for ten minutes. Close with lids.

Gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter

We will need to take:

  • 0.4 kg berries
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Bunch of fresh basil
  • Spoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook:

Sort and rinse the berries, spread on a towel to dry. Peel the garlic, rinse the greens, dry and remove the stems. Grind everything twice in a meat grinder. Add oil and spices, stir. Divide the mixture into sterile jars and place in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry adjika for the winter, recipe

For this we will take:

  • A kilo of gooseberries, greenish ones are better
  • Three hundred grams of garlic
  • Five chili peppers
  • spoon of coriander
  • Spoon of salt

How to cook:

Wash the berries and tear off the tails, remove the seeds from the peppers, and peel the garlic. We pass everything through a meat grinder several times, add spices, stir and pack into sterile jars.