Today I want to bring to your attention a very interesting way of cooking rice. Before you cook the rice, you will need to fry it. This technique will result in fluffy and delicious rice. This rice will be an excellent side dish. Try it!


To prepare pan-fried rice, you will need:

steamed rice - 1 cup;

cold water - 2 glasses;

salt - 1 tsp;

seasoning for pilaf - to taste (can be replaced with any other spices to taste, for example, turmeric, paprika, curry, and so on);

vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Glass - 250 ml.

Cooking steps

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it well. Add dry rice to hot oil and fry it over medium heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Salt the rice and add seasoning to the pilaf (or other spices to taste), stir and cook for another half a minute.

Pour cold water into the rice and bring to a boil.

Cook over medium heat without a lid for 15 minutes. During this time, the rice should absorb the water; there is no need to stir during cooking.

Delicious, fluffy rice, fried in a frying pan, ready. It must be served hot.

Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for cooking fluffy rice in a frying pan.

rice – 1 glass,

water or broth - 2 cups,

vegetable or olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,

salt, spices - to taste.

Rice– a very popular cereal in our kitchens, as rice is very healthy and has a delicate taste. Rice contains various vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Those who have not yet appreciated the taste of rice probably do not know how to cook it correctly. When prepared skillfully, it can be combined with vegetables, meat, fish, and sweet foods.

Many housewives are tormented by the question - how to cook fluffy rice? Everyone prepares it differently. Today we offer you a simple photo recipe for cooking fluffy rice in a frying pan.

– simple and . In this recipe, we used long grain rice as it is best suited for making fluffy rice.

It will turn out truly tasty and crumbly in a frying pan if you use our step-by-step recipe.

Cooking fluffy rice in a frying pan.

To cook fluffy rice in a frying pan, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills.

First you need to rinse the rice well. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear. Then drain all the water from the rice.

Next, heat a frying pan with vegetable or olive oil and add the washed rice. Fry the rice for about 5-7 minutes, until it becomes dry and the rice grains begin to stick to each other.

Then take water or broth, boil it and pour it into the pan with the rice. The broth can be used as meat, vegetable and fish. It all depends on what you serve the rice with.

Lightly salt the rice, season, stir and cover with a lid. Reduce heat and cook for about 15-20 minutes without opening the lid. The secret of this recipe is that the rice is steamed and therefore there is no need to open the lid and stir the rice.

To determine the readiness of the rice, you need to tilt the pan a little and see if liquid appears, it means the rice is not ready yet. When the fluffy rice is ready, remove the lid from the pan to allow steam to escape.

Lately, I’ve been cooking rice in a frying pan more and more often as a side dish. I want to make a reservation right away. Thin-walled pans are not suitable for cooking rice. Preferably a frying pan with a thick bottom, then the effect will be as if you were cooking rice in a cauldron. And rice and cauldron are so compatible concepts that we can say that these two words were born on the same day.

Cooking rice in a frying pan is very quick and easy. When preparing this dish, two conditions must be met - soaking the rice and frying it.

First of all, pour the rice into a bowl and completely fill it with very hot water, or even boiling water. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

Then we rinse it very thoroughly; if the water for your hands is hot, then add cold water. We don’t just drain the water, but use three hands to sort of scrape off the top layer of rice. The water becomes white and cloudy - this is the loss of starch, which sticks the rice together and turns it into porridge. We change the water several times, preferably until the water is clear, but if the water is slightly cloudy, it’s okay.

While we prepare the rice, place a thick-walled frying pan on the stove. Add vegetable oil and heat. Using a colander, strain out all the excess water from the rice and pour it into the heated oil. There is no need for water at all at this stage. Our task is to fry the washed rice in oil.

So, fry the rice, stirring it with a spatula, trying to coat every grain of rice with oil. When fried, the rice becomes slightly transparent and seems to stick together into small lumps. Stir constantly, making sure that the rice does not burn.

Add salt and stir.

When we see that all the rice has already been fried, it doesn’t take long - 3-4 minutes, fill it with water. Mix well with a spatula, break up lumps, and level.

Optionally, if you like colored rice, add turmeric. You can add pepper or other spices you like.

Stick washed, unpeeled garlic cloves into the rice.

When we see that the water has boiled, turn the heat to low (required!), close the lid and cook for 10-15 minutes without opening the lid. In general, cooking time depends on the type of rice. I had Kuban rice for pilaf.

Rice with garlic and turmeric in a frying pan is ready.

Bon appetit!

How do you prepare rice as a side dish? Perhaps you are cooking? Admit it honestly, it’s not always possible to cook delicious fluffy rice; you often end up with boiled rice “porridge” that you have to peel off the sides of the pan with a spoon. Things are even worse after the refrigerator: the hardened, shapeless mass no longer resembles rice at all. Are you familiar with this situation?

To cook rice in a frying pan you will need:

  • long grain rice – 300 g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 head
  • fresh champignons – 100 g
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • water – 600 ml
  • olive oil
  • salt and spices

Flaky rice as a side dish - recipe in a frying pan:

We prepare the vegetables as standard: grate the carrots, cut the onion into small cubes, and chop the garlic very finely with a knife.

Cut the champignons into small slices. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to add mushrooms to the dish, but this will make the rice very flavorful.

Fry the vegetables in olive oil until soft, without frying too much.

Then add the champignons and continue to fry until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.

Add rice and reduce heat.

Stir the rice with the chopped vegetables and mushrooms for a minute until the oil coats each grain of rice. It is important.

Pour in hot water (the ratio of water to rice is 2:1), salt and add spices, you can take black pepper, suneli hops and curry to get a yellowish tint. Be sure to taste and adjust.

That's almost all. Cover with a lid and keep the rice in the pan over low heat for about 15 minutes. During the process, we stir several times and control the remaining water, but, as a rule, there is no need to add anything.

Delicious, aromatic and crumbly rice in a frying pan is ready! This is a great side dish for any dish.

Bon appetit!

Rice occupies a central place in the kitchen; side dishes made from it are tasty and healthy. Most housewives today have rice cookers, but what to do if you only have a frying pan at hand? We will tell you in this article how to create a product that is crumbly and tasty.


The results are truly fantastic if the housewife has the patience to spend half an hour of her time. You can try the most accessible methods of cooking rice without fear or risk. Add the cereal to boiling water or, conversely, let it boil in water in a frying pan, then cover with a lid and let it brew. All this really works, just like with a regular saucepan.

Please note that the recipe is suitable for white rice. It should work with other grains, but the amount of water added may need to be adjusted.

You will need:

  • medium grain white rice;
  • non-stick frying pan (preferably use a 28 cm model to cook 1 to 2 cups of rice);
  • a tight-fitting lid for the frying pan, which should fit well so that the steam does not escape but remains inside, preferably glass.

Before cooking, you will need to rinse the rice well to prevent a cloudy sticky mass from appearing later. Place cereal and water in a frying pan, the amount of which should be 1.1 times greater. So if it's 1 cup of rice, use 1 cup and a little more water. For 2 cups, take 2.2 cups of water.

Ideally, you need to soak the cereal a little, about half an hour, but you can skip the preparation if the dish needs to be done in a big hurry.

Place the pan on the stove at maximum heat with the lid closed and bring to a boil. Mix well with a spoon or spatula from below to avoid burning. Place the lid tightly and reduce the flame to minimum.

If you are using an electric stove, the heat will not go down instantly, so you may need to remove the pan for a couple of minutes until the stove cools down.

Let the rice cook over low heat. Through the glass lid you can see that the water is quickly absorbed and starchy bubbles appear on the surface.

Once the bubbles stop forming, you can see the surface of the rice with steam holes. Once this happens, increase the heat to high for a minute or two, then turn off.

You can then add ready-made fried meat or dried fruits to the dish, it all depends on personal preferences and the purpose of the rice. Some people use seasonings and butter, as they add piquancy to the finished cereal.

Other recipes

The prepared cereal is placed in a hot frying pan with a small amount of olive oil. After five minutes, add the broth, wait until it boils over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. While the rice absorbs moisture, do not stir it or open the lid.

To assess the degree of readiness, you can simply tilt the pan - If moisture appears, it means the dish has not been completely steamed. If there is no broth, it’s time to taste the cereal, since it should be not only crumbly, but also soft. If you want to immediately create a ready-made dish with vegetables, then before pouring the rice into the frying pan, fry onions, carrots and any other ingredients to taste in a large amount of oil. Only after they have given juice, the cereal is poured in and the required amount of liquid is poured. Add spices, salt and cover with a lid. One of the benefits of this dish is that the rice will absorb the juices of the vegetables and become especially flavorful.

Brown rice will need to be soaked in water for several hours if you plan to cook it in a frying pan.

With the heat off, let the pan sit with the lid closed for 10 minutes. This is very important, otherwise you may end up with hard top grains.

If you use a regular frying pan without a non-stick surface, you may end up with sticky rice. Also, if the last temperature increase was too long, the bottom layer may have burned and turned out slightly brownish.